CARTETTET COUNTY NEWS TIMES, BEAUFORT AND MOREHEAD CITY, N. C T3 nntzs , . i , Chapter 21 V'V. TAHE sprawling house of Simeon Mannley was silent with the deep death-Jike stillness of mid night Presumably the occupants. were sleeping. '. Vince Bonnay, however, lay wondering if he were doomed to become a chronic insomniac He wad horribly aware of the troubled breathing issuing from Dr. Palmer's bed next to his and of teach create and whlsDer of the i.cld house as the damp weather vegan to affect it Nor couia ne forget the ugly significance of a telegram Johanson had received from the Honolulu police. "Regarding Julia Mannley" It said, "attended University here for two years, majored in Eng lish, Civics and Art Member of Liberal Arts Club, Musical So ciety, Captain of Women's Arch ery Team 1 and i- Women's Ajchery Team! That could mean everything or nothing and he had seen the sardonic glitter in Johanson's eyes as he read the words aloud. In fancy he penetrated the wall facing him and gazed down at the sleeping -girl in the next room. It wasn't hard to visualize Julia, her hair spread out in golden fan, her lips parted slightly in dreamless sleep. Was it innocent and dreamless though, or the harried hag-ridden nightmare of a clever murderess? He turned on his left side and a second later was watching the bedroom door swing silently in ward as the bulky figure of a man was briefly silhouetted then slipped toward his bed and bent over him. "Commander?" Bates struggled to hold down a husky whisper. . "Yes. What's the trouble?" ' "That Deveraux dame in the end room. She's up to something! She's comin" out of her room and J,I just saw the Chief and Miller neaam down tne beach with the dawgs. Whafll I do?" "Stay here. Keep an eye on the doctor. I'll follow her. Where's Warner?" "Downstairs somewhere." Vince donned his dressing fiown and stepped into the hall. Moon light, mist bedimmed. poured Chapter 22 Vince accosted Johan w HEN son on the sunlit terrace the next morning there was an un usual twikle in the Investigator's eyes. He was struggling with the .cumbersome bulk of a straw and canvas archery target "This is' Sophie's stand-In," he explained patting it cautiously, i "What are you planning now?" .Vince asked. ; "An archery exhibition to be i conducted from Hugh's bedroom window." ; "You don't think the murderer ; will be fool enough to give him self awayl" "Not at archery, but he may ' emotionally." i "Then you've discarded Hugh as the killer?" Vince felt relieved. . "Moro or less," Johanson ad . mitted. "When I caught him last night he let out a yip like a frightened child. After that be just babbled about his trpp bouae where ne a Deen hiding, ana asked for Sophi 1 felt it was just tnn dinned genuine to be ' 'n vet. Besides, look at this!" " From his pocket he extracted a gold signet ring and held it out on his spatulate palm. An elabo- rate D was set in the seal. "That letter could have stood 'for Dukane, Donovan or Deve ; rauz but after what you told me , about following Sonia last night there doesn't seem to De mucn . doubt I found it yesterday in liMannley's bedroom, ? "But all it proves is that she lost it there." i Johanson nodded, "Yes, but if ' she didn't connect it with some thing unpleasant in her mind why did she g hunting for it in the middle of the night?" "Afraid if you found it it would Incriminate her in th murder,' I suppose. Alter all she s a for eigner and in a rather precarious position. A monosyllabic srunt was i Johanson s answer to that theory. He crossed to a -wrouffht-iron bench and picked up a handful of .'arrows, -round these in the basement with some of the fur , niture -from Huffh'a room. Say Bonnay,- will you get a few meat SC3SD VIEW Those who visited at Mr. and 'Mrs. Franklin Lewis Sunday at Bogue Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burnes, Mrs, Bessie Pellitier and two sons, Mrs, I. Zarah Bell and Mrs. Min nie Sharp. t.x : Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Halt visited friends at Broad Creek last Thurs ; day. ;.. . - ! Mrs. Earl Lyle returned to her r)ome at McKinney, Va. Sunday i after spending a week here with her parents. ? , Mrs. Lester Hall visited a short ' while .Sunday with Mrs. Lorenzo Taylor who is still tick. , Mrs. J. B. Henderson .visited Miss Claudle Willis at Morehead City Hospital Sunday afternoon, ' Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hall visited a short while with Mr. and Mrs. Vannie Willis at Ward's Creek Sunday. : 1 . ' ' i , ; Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Taylor spent Sunday night with her pa rents,' Mr. and Mrs. James Willis at Broad Creek. v .; , Friends will be glad to. learn that little Terry Garner seems to show soma Improvement since Jast writing. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Henderson Visited his parents at Bogue Sunday.".'"""- t a , s Mrs. Lester .Hall and Mrs. Earl Lyes attended church at the Broad, HAUNTED HOLIDAY By Cameron Dockery through the leaded panes making cross-barred areas of light on the thick Chinese runner. A silver sandaled foot followed by a wisp of chiffon crept through one of these patterns. Vince took up the trail. 5 - He let Sonla stay well ahead of him. She drifted before him almost a vision but at the Junc tion of the stairs and entry to the pantry a third figure emerged from the shadows. The metal nose of a revolver sought and found the region of Vince s heart "What are you doing down here. Commander?" "Oh it's you, Warner." Vince's voice almost broke with relief. "I'm following Miss Deveraux she's planning something, it, may be a clue." "But I'm supposed to guard this floor!" Warner protested. "That's right ;ust don't let her see you. I'll accept the respon sibility if anything goes wrong." ' The gun was withdrawn reluc tantly and Vince continued down the lower hall. Johanson had taken over Mannley's bedroom for himself and Sonia had slipped into It The door yawned. She must have seen the investigator leaving the house to take such a chance, Vince decided. THE tiny circle of a flashlight was darting over the bed clothes then moved on to make a thorough circuit of the mold ing and baseboard near the floor. At ?ast it disappeared under the bed and went out completely. Vince heard a frustrated sigh then Sonia left Mannley's room and slipped past the forbidding Samurai armor into the vast vault of the living room and went to the window overlookinc. the terrace. Vince lost in admiration of the picture she made stumbled over a footstool and swore. "Who . . . who ees there?" Sr"n's voice trembled. "Vince Bonnay," he said quick ly then wondered if that would be so very reassuring. For all Sonia knew, unless she herself was guilty, he might very well be the murderer. "Why are you wandering around in the dark. Sonia?" "1 am not afraid of the dark or what the darkness holds," she skewers from the Chinese cook? I want this to be realistic." AFTER breakfast they all trooped up to Hugh's old bedroom, all but the servants their archery trials were to come later. Hugh peered at Vince in his odd gnome-like way. "Are we going to play a game? he asked. "Yes," the naval officer lied and suffered a twinge of conscience. "You were so good the other afternoon we all want you to show us how you do it" "Have you ever shot from this window before, Hugh?" Johan son pointed to the window that overlooked the flaestoned terrace. ""Yes, I have. Hugh eyes clouded, "but it wasn't very good." The others were watching Johanson speculatively as though he had taken leave of bis tenses. All but the two Porwrrans who seemed fascinated by Hugh they were unable to take their tyvA off him. ' "All right Hugh," Johanson handed him the bow and arrows, "You show us how it's done. The archery target is hist this side of the pool excavation." Realization of the meaning of this trial dawned on the others' faces then. Hugh frowned at them. "This Is bit only bow, so we must be careful I wanted to take in with me to Olapds but Sophie wouldn't let me." Thereby- signing her own death warrant, Vince thought un easily. With experienced Angers Hugh braced the bow, drew back the string and released the arrow. It fell snort of the target by several yards. "I missedl" he exclaimed. "The target's too far, let m try it again." The results were the same and Hugh reached for another arrow but Vince put out a restraining arm, "Let someone else try it Hugh." Sonia's long fingers curved about the bow. She handled it gingerly as though it were some explosive weapon ready to back fire. Her arrow merely looped over the window ledge and fell to the flagstones below. Iris Dono van's attempt was equally poor. Creek Methodist church last Wed nesday night Mrs. Lina Garner celebrated her seventy-second birthday last week, Mrs. L. L. Hall attended a show er at the home of Mrs. Fred Can non Friday night. Miss Helen Taylor spent the weekend with Miss Dollie Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Garner visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Tay-J lor and Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Garner Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Garner and Mrs. Mollie Hall attended church St Holly Springs Sunday. Miss Margaret Hall, who taught at Deep Run, has come home 'to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hall. " Mrs. J. 11. Lewis visited Granny Gore who is very feeble last Tues day..' , Mrs. Una Garner scent Saturday with Mrs. Becky Hall. Announcement RL JAKES B. HAWES Announces the Removal of His Offices From Greenville, N. C. to Washington, N. C. , -BANK OF WASHINGTON BUILDING ' , . TelephMs) 1067. diseases cf Eye. Ear, Hose and Throat MM tP Hswsfeafvas laughed softly, "Whv would anv-1 one want to Deveraux?" keel me, Sonia "A maniac doesn't need a rea son." He quoted Johanson. "Non? Then I am glad you are here to protect me. Come closer -cherie." . A soft -hand reached for his. drew him forward. Vince felt his defenses crumbling. ''But you haven't answered me, Sonia? "Ah must you always be the watchdog? Very well, I tell you. I em standing by my weendow looking out eento the night when I see a shadow come around the wetng of the house. 1 theenk maybe eet ees Hugh. He ees so pitiful and lost, like a child and poleece weel terrify heem so I come down to admit heem." "Are you certain it was Hugh?" "Non, but it walked liked heem r.juched over like an animal." Her words trailed off vaguely but when next she spoke her voice had a determined timbre. "Veence, weel you help me?" He tried to conceal his surprise. "How? What do you mean?". "I mus' leave here. I haf nothing to do weeth thees mur der. I want to see my counsel about returning to my own coun tree now that war is over." "I'm afraid you overestimate my importance, my dear I am just as much involved in this case as anyone. We can only hope. . . . What was that?" Instinctively as Sonia gave a little frightened cry he clasped her to him. They both stared at the long window. The direction of the moonlight through the fog had made the glass opaque from their side; only a few feet away, beyond the panes a shadow had moved suddenly I Now as they watched ;n tense rigidity, a flashlight snnpped on almost blinding then. And then they saw the easily recognizable shadow of Hugh Mannley rise from his crouching position by the sill and swing about defen sively as a hand descended on his shoulder. He emitted a shud dering animal ' cry that sent shivers of fear coursing through their bodies. Then Johanson handed the bow to Julia. . . . Vince found a cigarette and lit it; it disgusted him to see that his x hand trembled slightly as Julia took the bow and aimed it competently. "Just to keep the record straight I should tell you that 1 used to captain the University women's archery team," she said Her words were to them all but the mocking glint in her eyes was for Vince alone." Her arrow fell even shorter than Hugh's had. "Mr. Dukane next," Johanson said tonelcssly but his jaw tightened. The islander picked up ihe bow. He was a big man and mus cular. He released the arrow with a reverberating twang that sang ir. their ears. It went beyond the target into the pooL The group stared at him with new interest and his face turned a dull angry red. Dr. Palmer,, trembling and ner vous was next. "This is ridicu lous!" he protested weakly and his arrow wavered and veered off into a flower bed. John Bissett took up the bow. He drew back the string slowly. Surely he could do better than that! He held his upper arm close to his body and let the arrow fly with a slight widening of his fin gers so that it went no further than Julia's. It was apparent that he wasn't trying and didn't care wm knew it "Archery isn't my forte," he said sullenly and handed the bow to the investigator. Johanson's thin silken brows went up slight, ly but he was silent To Vince's mind the test had been a failure and if Johanson had profited by it, he concealed bis reward well His face was expressionless. What were they left . with? Bud Donovan, a visibly sick, ner vous little man who swallowed with such apprehension as he took the bow that they all heard Lthe sound of his Adam's apple juggling in his too dry throat And then they all started at an other sound! It was Hugh's shrill cry of dismay as the bow string snapped in Donovan's hand! . (To be continued) MEMORIALS ' When selecting a. memorial yon want the BEST YOUR MONEY CAN BUY.-. Let me show yen the monuments and markers we have put up, then select what yon like. ; , See me before you buy; can deliver and erect in 4 weeks of less, i with no extra cost! C.L STAELEY Box J Morehead City, N. C. JfiM GIVES RELIEF , BAY VIEW - ' " - Quite a large number of the peo ple from this community attended the singing convention at More head City Sunday afternoon. Mrs. I. S. Taylor held services at Graham's chapel Sunday' morn ing and evening. Miss Bertha Mason spent Mon day night with Miss Shirley Har desfy, Mrs. Walter Willams spent Wed nesday with Mrs. Johnny Knox of Cherry Point. - Mr. C. L, Freeman, Miss Sally Jo Freeman and Mrs. Nannie Small spent a while Saturday In the community. We are all glad that Mrs. Lloyd Culpepper who has been quite sick, is much belter. We hope he will soon be well. Mr. and Mrs. Billie G. Lewis and little daughter, Darlene, of Morehead City, spent a while Sat urd.iy vih Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small and family. Several people from the com munity attended the music recital at Newport school Fridny evening. Miss Louise Jones spent Fridny night wilh Miss Pearl Small. I Meverai people irom trio com munity attended the dedication j service at Harlowe Sundiiy. j Mr. and Mrs. T.ester Hnskett, of I Ilavelock, spent the weekend wilh j their parents. ! Mr. Canady. of Hubert, spent Siind;iy in the community. Rev. J. Randal Bennett, of Rridgcton held services nt Mt. : I'leasnnt F. W. B. church Sunday I afternoon. Miss Norma I.ou Skinner spent Friday night with Miss Armenia Lilly. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Knox and little daughter of C'lienv Point spent a while Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carraway and sons, Thomas and Ernest spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dail. Mr. Dennis Lilly, Thad Lilly and Vernon Lilly spent a while Satur day exening with Mr. and Mrs. Cyi'tis i.illy. Mr. J. F. Small, Misses Pearl Small, Armenta Lillv, Louise Jones, Norma Lou Skinner and Lawton Mason, Mr. Willie Jones. Boydie Culpepper and Ardell Small attended the Baccalaureate sermon at Newport school Sunday morning. Mrs. Bessie Graham, Misses Lu la Haskett and Bettie Williams plan to leave Friday for Falcon to I attend n Sunday School meeting. Mrs. John Parker and Mrs. Cal Whaley, of Morehead City, spent a while Sunday in the community wilh relatives. I As late as the 1890s, persons who affected long fingernails were thought to use them as a shield .against doing any work. ATHLETES FOOT GERM KILL IT IN ONE HOUR. YOUR 35c RACK, A not pluMd. Th. f.rm inwi DEEP. LY. To kill it, you muil REACH It. Cl TE-OL at any druf .tor. A STRONG fungicide, mad. with 90 alcohol. It PENETRATES. R.acha Mar Garnu. Today at F. R. BELL DRUG STORE Arthritis Pain For quick, delightfully comforting ht!p for achea and palna of Rhewmtlam, Arthrltla, Naurltls, Lumbago, Bclatlaa, or dauralgla try Remind. Work, through tha blood. Writ dot usually start, alleviating pain so you can work, enjoy life and sleep mora comfortably. Oat Romlnd at druggist today. Quick, oom Dlata satlsf action or money back cuarantaad. Backachg For quick comforting kelp for Baa sens. BlMumstls Pains, Otttinf Up Mights, strong aloudy urine, Irritating passages. Leg Pains; circles under ayes, and swoUaa ankles, due to non-organic and nan-systemic Kidney and Bladder troubles, try Cytrex. Quick, complete satisfaction or money back guaranteed. Ask your druggist for Cyitex today. State.Treasurer mm mm VOTE FOR DONALD BOOIIE SIIERRILL DEMOCRATIC CAKDIDATE Tot ' I n. c. ccrmissicNEH or labor. who believes that out-of-state union bosses should not Interfere In the North Carolina Democratic Primary, and that a stale of ficial should not be wider ebligatlou to these arrogant men. I stand for Impartial, courteous and efficient service to the people of North Carolina. AimouncEiiEiiT v I announce my candidacy for Ihe of fice of Constable of Morehead Township subject to the velars' in the Democratic Pri mary Ilay 28ft. I respectfully solicit your support IIUDEnT L. FDLCISn RUSSELL'S CREEK The Free Will Baptist Sunday School and league convention will meet next Sunday at Davis. Mrs. Lee Garner was appointed Sunday to represent the Russell's Creek Sunday School and Miss Mattie Taylor to represent the Missionary Society. The Women's Home Demonstra tion, club will meet this week with Mrs. A. H. Tallman, Mrs. I. I. Fod rie has been called to the bedside of Mr. Ed. Fodrie and couldn't have her regular meeting. Mr. Colon Pake is spending a few, days here with his family be fore returning to the hospital for treatment. We all wish for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Herbert Jackson and Mrs. Bill Perry, of Raleigh, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Russell. Mr. Leon Fodrie had the mis fortune of breaking his foot last Tuesday while working on a lad der. The ladder gave and he jump ed with the result of a broken foot. We all hope he will soon be well aeain. Mr. Flynn Goldston, of Wake Forest, spent the week end in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morton and children of Morehead City spent Sunday here with his pa rents. Mrs. Leon Fodrie went to Wil mington Saturday to see Doctor Johnson, where she received treat ment. Mr. F J. Worthingtoir spent a while Sundav morning with Mr. J. L. Morton. Mrs. Arlio Fodrie spent last Thursday in Newport with her borlhcr. Before the Christian era, a glove was gfven to the purchaser of land, taking the place of title and deed to the property. Dr. J. O. Baxter Jr. THE EYE ONLY Front St. BEAUFORT - - - N. C. To The Voters Of The 7th Senatorial District I hereby announce my candidacy (or the North Carolina Stale Senate irom the 7th Senatorial District subject to the Democratic Primary on Saturday. May 29th. Carteret County has not iornlshed a representa tive in the State Senate since 1921. Your vole and support will be ap preciated. ElwoodR. Willis WILLISTCN The Rev, Haywood Harrcll filled his regular appointment, at the Williston church Sunday. Mr. Iredell Willis left Friday to go back on the freight boat at Nor folk. He has two weeks on the boat and one week at home. Mr. Travis Willis was taken with a .nervous breakdown Monday. He was at Cherry Point, been work ing there the past three years. We surely wish him to get tetter soon so he can get back to his work. Mr. Alex Tosto and wife, of New Bern, Lt. Johnnie Green, his wife and little son, Johnnie, of Cherry Point, and his parents from Mis souri spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wade. We heard Mrs. Edwin Piner's mother, of Sealevel, had a heart nttack Monday and was taken to Morehead Hospital. We nil hope she will soon get well again. Mr. Cullie Piner is much im proved and so he can get out again. Mrs. Seymore Davis has improv ed considerable, but is still so she cannot get out. Mr. Thomas Wade has not been able to go back on his work as Dr. Way has not discharged his case yet. Mrs. Bessie Piner is feeling bet ter. Surely we all wish her to get Vole For ISAAC J. KELLUM 0! Onslow County Candidate for State Senate Nay 29th Primary Onslow County has not had representation in Stale Senate for 14 years. He helirves in a system of rotation that will per mit each county to elect senators in regular order. He knows first hand, the needs of the sehools, the farms, the business man. He Is the veterans' friend. He favors adeauate pay for (earners. State employees. Ex perienced in legislative duties member 19-11 House of Repre sentatives from Onstow County. Blended Whiskey 86.8 proof, 15 Mraiplil whiskies 7 years old, 1UX straight whiskies 6 years old, 10 whiskies 5 years old, 65 grain neutral spirits $340 V, QUART The Gibson Distilling Company, New York,N. Y. TO WHAT COUNTIES ARE FAVORED FIRST BY HIGHWAY COM MISSION? WHAT COUNTIES ARE FAVORED riRST BY OTHER STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES? THE ANSWER? THE COUNTIES WHICH SHOW, BY THEIR VOTE, THAT THE CITIZENS ARE TAKING AN ACTIVE INTEREST IN GOVERNMENT. North Carolina has the money to help Carteret and ether Counties build school buildings. North Carolina has the money, or can gel the money, to build good roads to every farm and fishing community in Carteret and oth er Counties. This Board does not care bow you vote, or for whom you vole. A good big vole will mean thai our people are alive and that our County will be recognized and will secure the things to which it is entitled. If you, Mr. and Mrs. Voter, DON'T CARE, slay at home on Elec tion Day. IF YOU DO CARE, and do Vole, you have an argument that cannot be answered except by a "Yes." Your Vote will be counted exactly as cast! Don't believe "knock ers" who say it will noL WE PLEDGE YOU that any evidence to the contrary will result in active prosecution! CARTERET COUNTY . BOARD OF ELECTIONS FRED R. SEELEY, Chairman TECIIAS C WADE, Secretary JAMES H. DAVIS, Republican Member Primary Saturday. Ilay 23ih well and so she can get out. Mr. Hugh T. Piner and his wife, and son, Kenneth, went to Rich mond last Friday to see Mrs. Pi ner's son, Ray Barber and family. Mrs. Piner will spend a few weeks with her son before returning home. Mr. Martin Brooks and wife came home Monday from the sta tion at Cape Lookout where he is employed. THey will be home a few days this week. Mr. Leslie Wade, of Morehead City, spent a few days last week here -with his mother, Mrs. Made laine, doing some work around the home for her before he leaves to go north fishing. Mrs. Cora Piner, 'Mrs. Vivian Wade and daughter, Jannet, was in Beaufort, Saturday, shopping. Mrs. Ion Willis spent Saturday in Beaufort with her daughter, Rubby. The ancient Chinese customarily offered a guest in the house a leather glove, indicating warm wel come. " O. H. JOHNSON, M. D. EYE, EAR. NOSE & THROAT SPECIALIST CLASSES FITTED Office Hours: Morehead City 9 AM to 5 PM Including Sundays nix $2' PINT VOTERS Polls Opon 6:30 A. 11. - 6:33 P. II: Parkiag Meter Cheats Blind Man BUTTE, Mont. (AP) Frank Ericson, blind news vendor, says, he's sick of competing with a park ing meter. The meter is located near Ericson's newstand and it has the advantage in that it never has to leave the spot for a sandwich or a snooze. Ericson says his ears have told him on more than one occasion that somene absent-mindedly took a paper, then dropped the nickel into the meter, instead of into the collection box. DR. E. F. MENIUS OPTOMETRIST 3rd Floor F.Iks Temple Rooms 307-8 9 & 10 NEW BERN, N. C. Vote For CHARLES H. JOHNSON For GOVERNOR "The most important activity oi the Slate Government is Ihe School System." Charles M. Johnson

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