auiort facial eius Carol's Fulchor, Society feditor y , Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cashwell and baby, of Clinton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geh rmann Holland recently. Mr. 'and Mrs. Nicholas Walker returned last Friday from Wilson where they attended the Shrine convention. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor re turned to their home on Long Island Friday after visiting his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Taylor. Mrs. Murray Thomas is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe Sebes, in Philadelphia. Mrs. Ed Totter is spending sev eral dtys in Jacksonville, N. C. Roy Clark, of Burlington, is spending several days at his cot tage on Live Oak Street. Mr. Ralph Daniels and sister, Miss Mildred Danjiels, spent Sat urday and Sunday attending a Sunday School convention in New Bern. Miss Verona Daniels has arrived home from Klon College to spend the holidays' with her parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Burton Daniels. Misses Mary and Kate White, of Greensboro, have been spending several days at the Inlet inn. Mr. Arthur Roecklein and Jim my Lombardo left Monday, night for their home in Brooklyn, N. Y., after visiting Miss Mildred Daniels for a few days. " Mr. Darrell Lupton, of the Cape Lookout Coast Guard Station and Lola, is visiting relatives on Len noxville Road. Dr. Tom Cheek of Smithfield and Mr. A. G. Elliott of Fuquay Springs left Wednesday after spending several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cheek. Mrs. James Davis Potter and daughters, Katherine and Frances left Wednesday for Charlotte to attend the wedding of Mrs. Pot ter's brother. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Safrlt, Sr.. left Tuesday to spend several days in South Carolina. Bob Garey, of State Colege. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doss. Mrs. J. S. Steed spent the week end in Greenville visiting her sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. George Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Potter, Clifford Lewis and Harvey Smith attended the Shrine convention in Wilson last week. Mrs. Sidney Waters left last week end for a three weeks' visit in Washington, N. C. Miss Bettie Lou Merrill will ar rive home this week end from Woman's College, Greensboro. Mr finrl M fl t? T rtnifhtnn nnA daughters, Anna Lou and Shelba i Jane, and Miss Hildred Carraway will leave Sunday to attend the graduation exercises at Woman's College, Greensboro. Ray Wheatley, of State College, will spend the week end here. Mrs. D. F. Merrill spent Wednes day with Mrs. N. T. Ennctt at her camp on Bogue Sound. Miss Lee Bonner, of Washington, will spend the week end with Miss Joyce Johnson. Miss Hildred Carraway, Mrs. Hugh Carraway, Mrs. John Chap lain, Jr., and Mrs. George Laugh ton shopped in New Bern on Sat urday. f Mr. and Mrs. Donald Williams left last week for Brooklyn, N. Y. to visit her parents for 10 days, and from there they will proceed to Memphis, Tenn., where Mr. Wil liams is stationed. Mrs. Richard Pearse and chil dren, Tommy and Mary and Mrs. David Jackson and daughter, Gin ny, of Durham, spent the weekend at fivers Island. , Mr: and Mrs". Harry Tyler and daughter, Charlotte, of Wake For est, will arrive this weekend to visit Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tyler. Mrs. J. G. Walters and daugh ter, Frances, -of LaGrange, spent the weekend with Mrs. Walters' sister, Mrs. L. C. Davis. Harry Tjavis, Billy . Davis and George Laughton, of Wake Forest, will arrive this weekend to spend the summer holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bateman and daughter, Sarah Jo," left Monday for a business trip to Florida. Charles Cheek Breaks Foot Charles Cheek fell and broke his foot while getting in boat and the foot was put in a cast on Wed nesday. ' . , ' Pbon. B-448-1 Surprise House Warming Given for Mrs. Basden ' Mrs. Julia Basden was honored with a surprise house warning at the home.jf Mm. James White hurst on M'&iicl'a'y "evening. Hostess es with Mrs. Whitehurst were Mrs. Edward Willis, Mrs. Roy Hamilton, Mrs. William, Hamilton and Mrs. Roy Eubanks. Approximately fifty friends call ed during the evening. Gifts received by Mis. Basden were a studio couch, Venetian blinds, drapes, a chair, three scat ter rugs, two end tables, coffee ta ble, three lamps, hangers for the drapes, ash trays, towel racks for the bathroom and dish towels and a contribution on an oil heater. These gifts came from the var ious organizations of which Mr. and Mrs. Basden were members: the Masonic Lodge. Rebekah Lodge, Odd Fellows, , Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ladies Auxiliary of the V.F.W., American Legion, and other individuals and were given with the idea of furnishing the liv ing room of the new home on Gor don street which has not been com pleted yet. Refreshments served were delic ious punch with cake and nuts. Mrs. Holland Entertains Bridge Club Tuesday Mrs. Gehrmann Holland enter tained her bridge club at her home on Ann Street, Tuesday. Special guests were Mrs. James Rumley, Mrs. Claud Wheatly and Mrs. W. L. Martin. High score was won by Mrs. L. W. Moore. The hostess served delicious blueberry pic a la mode with tea. V.F.W. Auxiliary Ladies Journey to Havelock Members of the local Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars journied to Havelock on Sunday afternoon where they instituted a new Auxiliary. Those attending from here were Mrs. Mae Keagle, installing offi cer, Mrs. Lucy Eubanks. Mrs. Ella Blake, Mrs. Julia Basden, Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Novella Dunn, Mrs. Carrie Styron and Mrs. Gla dys Swindell. Mrs. Merrill Entertains Couples at Bridge Mrs. D. F. Merrill entertained with two tables of bridge at her home on Monday evening. High score was won by Julian Hamilton and Mrs. Merrill at one table and Phil Thomas and Mrs. Stovall at the other. Refreshments were cold drinks with cookies. Alma Potter Circle To Meet The Alma Potter circle of the Ann Street Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Willinm Roy Ham ilton Monday afternoon, May 31, at 3 o'clock. Movies at Ann Street Church nn Street Church school will be held at 9:45 a.m. ami Youth Fel lowship at 7:15 p.m. A moving picture, "Prodigal Son" will be shown at 8 p.m. IID Clubs to Meet The Bettie Home Demonstration Club will meet Tuesday, June 1 with Mrs. Roland Walter nt 7:30 o'clock, and The HarloweCore Creek will meet June 3, with Mrs. Raymond Hall nt 2:00 o'clock. Masons Confer Degree The degree team and other mem bers of Franklin .Lodge, No. 109, were in Jacksonville Tuesday night to confer the third degree of Ma sonry ort several candidates. Mrs. Jerry Darling Enters HospitnJ Mrs. Jerry M. Darling, 105 Broad Street, entered St. Lukes Hospital Wednesday afternoon for an operation. She is expected to be there about ten days. Mr. Darling is employed as a fireman at Cherry Point. ' Entire Hew Slock LATEST STYLES -ol- Cottons Shantungs , Gilwon domes Ballerina ' Skirts Galore! ALL OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE i Delma's Dress Shop 2306 Bridges Si MOREHEAD CITY Debuianle Ball " 4 A .,! I 3 t&pf Miss Kliabelb (.rimes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Grimes of Raleigh who will head (he Girl's committee of the 1!VW Debutante Ball, sponsored by the Trrpsichoiean Club of Raleigh. TerpsichorearT Club to Present Debutantes Members of the Terpsichore-m Club of Raleigh will again preseir debutantes from all over the s'ato in their annual ball, to lie held in the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium on September 10. Josenh Blount Cheshire. Jr.. president of the club has announced. Chairman of the ball this year will be William J. Ward. Raleii-h insurance man and Miss Elizabeth Grimes will be chairman of the girl's committee. Plans for the ball and ill" com mittees of Mr. Ward and Miss Grimes will he announced later. Casual Club Holds "Tacky" Party The Casual Club held a "tacky" party at the home of Mrs. Jack Oakley on Thursday evening. Twelve members received the folowing invitation: "Don't get dressed You're iust goin' to sit down and rest. No fancy hair dos, Wear your old comfortable shoes. Leave off your girdle, Leave off your'stays You need rest the way you work these days!" Each one came in comical attire and upon arrival Pollyanna gifts were exchanged. Then the menv bers participated in several con tests, and were served heavenly hash with nuts, and tea cakes. Miss Gloria F. Laughton To Graduate From WCUNC Among the graduates this Mon day at Woman's College, Greens boro, will be Miss Gloria Faye Laughton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Laughton. and Miss Bobbie Jean Duncan of Gastonia, formerly of Beaufort. Miss Laughton will retcive nn A. B. degree in chemistry. STORK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Zenophane Mason, of Harlowe, announce the birth of a son. Charles Farrington, in the Morehead Citv Hospital on May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Curwood Yarbo rough, of Morehead City, announce the birth of a daughter, Carolyn Fay, on Mav 25, in the Morehead City Hospital. Dora Dean Upstairs Over FRONT STREET , Chairman 5 ..tSy. ; No Eleven O'Clock Service I ai 2i. raui s murcn at. 1'aiil s i mircli will nave no eleven o'clock service this Sun day due to the baccalaureate ser mon at the Beaufort High school. Holy communion will be held at (i a.m. and 10 a.m. without music or sermon. Rev. T. R. Jenkins, pastor of the Ann Street Methodist Church will deliver the baccalaureate sermon and his topic will be "Happy Landings." HOSPITAL NOTES Mr. Wesley Willis, of Williston. was discharged from the hospital Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph E. ISaum was dis charged Wednesday. Mr. Edward W. Copeland, of Morehead City, was discharged from the hospital Wednesday. Mrs. John W. Duncan and infant son, of Beaufort, were discharged from the hospital Wednesday. Master Denner Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ilavwood Harris, of North Harlowe, was admitted to the hospital Thursday for a ton sis)ciny, Miss Jimmv E. Salter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Salter, en tered the hospital for a tonsilee tomy on Thursday. Mrs. Annie Hedgepeth, of More head City was admitted to the hos pital on Thursday for an operation. Mrs Thomas Davis, of Smyrna, is a patient in the hospital. Mrs. Richard Garner, of New port, was admitted to the hospital for treatment on Tuesday. Mr. Harvev Kilmon. of the U. S. Coast Guard in Portsmouth, Va., was admitted on Tuesday. Mrs. Essie H. Pridgen, of Swans boro, underwent an emergency operation on Tuesday. Baby Anthonv Willis, son of Mrs. Caroll Willis, of Davis, is a patient in the hospital.. Rfby William Duncan Wade, son of Mr. Carlton Wade, of Davis, is a patient in the hospital. FOR GRADUATION ... PERMANENT WAVE ... $5 np Be smart start your summer va cation with the right hair style. Yo .' , will love the short flattrrto; look it gives yon. Call us today for ap pointment at B 3256. We need your head in our -business. Beauty Shop Jeffs Barber Shop BEAUFORT OBITUARIES Funeral Riles Conducted for W. Cordon Webb Funeral rites were conducted at the First Methodist church Tues day afternoon at four o'clock for the late William Gordon Webb by the Rev. L. A. Tilley assisted by Dr. John H. Bunn. i Interment was made in the Bay View cemetery in the family plot. Active pallbearers were Billy Gaskins, Billy Mace, John Lashley, El Nelson. Henrv Holt, Munroe Gaskill, Robert Taylor and H. I. McGinnis. The Beaufort Hieh School Seni or Class of which Mr. Webb's daughter is member, attended the service in a bodv as did the Elks. The Methodist choir sang "Jesus Savin Pilot Me," and "Have Thine Own Wav Lord" during (hp church, and manv floral contributions at tested to the friendship and love people had for the dcrrnsed. A brief commital service was conducted at the grave by the Elks i with the choir rendering "In the Sweet By and By." Those attending the funeral from out of town were Mrs. Arnold Webb, of La Grange, Billv Mace of Beaufort and Jacksonville. Kla., Billy Gaskins of Morehead City and Jacksonville and Thomas Neal of I.auiinburg. Bellie r. Gaskill Mrs. Bettie Fulcher Gaskill, age 51, died et her home in Stacy on Tuesday, May 25. at 5 p.m. Funeral services were conducted from Ihe home in Slacv at 2 p.m. on Thursday. May 27 by the Rev. Griffin, pastor of the Free Will Baptist church of Morehead City. Interment was made in the com munity cemetery of Stacy. She is survived by her husband, William" Gaskill; one daughter, Mrs. Robie Salter and two sons, Curtis and Harry, all of Ihe home: two sisters, Mrs. Etta Gaskill of Stacy and Mrs. R. M. Willis of Southporl: one brother. Zebdee Fulcher of Morehead City and five grandchildren. Mrs. Sarah Ann Lewis Mrs. Sarah Ann Lewis, age 80, passed away at her homo oi. Shc pard Street on Monday, May 24. Funeral services were conducted from the home on Tus.lsy atter noon, May 25 at 5 o'clock with the Rev. L. A. Tilley assisted by Dr. John Bunn. Interment was made in the Bay View cemetery. Pall bearers were Charl's Nel- TIME TO GET INTO THE i SWIM i if 0n The Beaoh J''' ill ales Crealions yj By CATALINA I f and B,V-D ' 1-4- ,AT Two Names 1 V,Tr f v' 'SaT Remember i MpJl InBeach I u Y) Wcar- T LEARY'S "THE STORE FOB MEN" II SJIS son, Jr., Taylor Nelson, Julius Nel son, Jr., and Joseph Lewis. Mrs. Lewis was ihe daughter of Daniel Wade, of enstirn Carteret County and Carolina Midgctle Wade, of Dare County. She was a member of the Methodist church and had made her home here for the pas; 76 years. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charles Nelson of this, city and one son, Hugh Lewi?, also of this city; several g'andebiUi'"ii and great grandchildren. Mrs. Emma Jane Stewart Mrs. Emma Jane Stewart, ngo 71, died May 25 at her home in Beaufort. Funeral services were conducted from the home Wednesday. May 2d at 3:30 p.m. by the Rev. T. R. Jen kins. Interment was made In Ocean View cemetery. She is survived by her husband. Elmo; lwo..sisters, Mrs. C ('. Gutli lie. and Miss Mamie Willis, of Beaufort; two brothers. Clem and W. F. Willis and several nieces and nephews. James Tosto James Tosto. age 93. died at his home in Oriental on Monday, May 24. Funeral services were conduct ed from the Free Will Baplis1 church of Oriental bv the Rev. W E. Anderson, of Morehead City, May 25. Interment was made in the Ori ental cemetery. He is survived by his wife. Liz; four daughters, Mrs. Caroline i Pittman. of Oriental; Mrs. Nannie Jane Pittman of Merrimon, Mrs Geneva Mason, of Merrimon; Mrs Melvin Morris of Atlantic; two sons, Wessie Tosto of Oriental and James Tosto of Sea Level: 24 grand children and 50 great grand children. Mrs. James Davis Mrs. James Davrs. d.'i. wife of James Davis. Turner street, died yesterday at her home. She was found in bed shortly after noon. Mrs. Davis, who with her hus band, operated a boarding house, had been confined to her bed about three weeks. Death is be lieved to have been caused by n heart attack. Besides her husband, she is sur vive, by a son, Arthur, of More head City, two grandsons, a grand daughter, and one great grand daughter of Davis Shore; a sister, Mrs. Stella ('room, of Onslow county, and five brothers. Jake Smith, New York. John and Ralph Smith, both of New Bern, Grover OF THINGS, Look Sharp This Summer! Morehead Cily1 Smith, of Kinston, and Alton I Smith, of Virginia. Mrs. Davis was originally from Kinston. Funeral nrangements are incom plete. Sons Born Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wheatly, Jr.. announce the birth of a son in i the Morehead City Hospital on I 'May 26. Mr. and Mrs. John Woodard Duncan, ol Beaufort, have announ ced the birth of a son, John Wood ard, Jr., in the Morehead City Hospital on May 22. Luiher Gillikin Breaks Leg in Fall From Truck Luiher Gillikin, Li"p Oak s'reet volunteer fireman, suffered a brok en leg Saturday afternoon when he slipped from a fire truck return ing from a Oueeii street brush fire, t Mr. Gillikin regularly is employ ed as a full-time fireman at Cherry Point. Top Hiis For Your Collection llrre are the latest (be most pupular records ready for you to add to your colleclitui! Look over the list be low and then come in and see .mil hear our coinnlele selection. Baxter's bt'ailiU.iiti'is for rciorded bits! I'm Looking Over A King Sie I'apa Baby Pare Nature Boy Deck of Cards Heartaches You Can't lie True, our eaf Dear Little While l ies . Haunted Heart Your Bed Wagon Auld Lang Syne Civilization Jealous Mickey Deep Purple Serenade of the Bells Those Things Money Can't Buy And The Angels Sing Donkey Serenade When The Angelns Is Hinging , Dedication The Dickey Bird Song Brazil Twilight Time Barnyard Boogie Moonlight Serenade BAXTER'S FRONT STREET mi r3n rnn rsn nn rn rrn t-n r.n i f t ir"n iiri ishiyhiaw toio ir AI frMH WIM (TOtti THIRI'S Cart Nome Trio TwO MMM Mck Mbk tiMIK. Soth Oil tni CotoaiM, wblty pvhmti s iHck. so : mm mmWt y, of Cora Non. Cirt Mum Crnrnt CeM or CltMrilafl f Irtior romovM malto-up rhorougH. ty. Cfioow Cold Croom for dry or normal iklrtj Qoonilng Croom for cily illn condlloni. Ctrt tftm tmty Prffm tm Ory Skh Oh oi. oodi Cold Croom, tkln" Croom, Nowlono Makp, Coco foardor and two uikoi tU froihonoN 200 ttftttt Ttttnn Cart Ktm few tinitt lie Rno and naturally rlrtfod k) ooomf to b. your ikln IhoHI CHngo nd dlnoi. SkadM for ovory Mploilari. tb tan Km BrfttCnmttmtm Warm, glowing colort lhat blotul 'ovoiily and naturally wM U ,tum. Twain boauiHut tkadoi. CM tl if MM k W' Your Pilronife Ii Ap precis ted' JOE HOUSE DRUG STORE "ASK YOUR DOCTOR" Day Phones 3331 9011 Night Phones3461-5861 " Nan's Drawers Serve As Identification STOCKHOLM (AP) The Roval Swedish Mail accents men's drawers as a satisfactory document of identification. Af least it did once. A young soldier went up to a Stockholm post office counter to get a registered letter, addressed to hm-sclf. "May I see your credentials?" ., the clerk asked. The -soldier had none. "You must have some mans of identification'., the clerk insisted. The soldier's face cleared. Bash fully he loosened his belt and pull-1 ed up his drawers. On their waist band, neatly embroidered in red by a loving mother, was his name and draft number. lie got his letter. The Emperor Charlemagne adop ted in 7!t!) the present-day calen dar, based on the birib ol Christ. Clovei Alvino Bey Julia Lee and the Clark Sisters King Cole Trio Tex Kilter Ted Weems Dick llaymes Dick llaymes Bing Crosby Andrews Sisters Guy Lombardo Danny Kaye Art Lund Blue Barron Bing Crosby Dick llaymes King Cole Trio Ziggle Elman Hal Mclntyre Yaughan Monroe Wayne King . Larry Clinton Paul Three Suns Louis Jordan Tex Benrke Jack Smith BEAUFORT i"u ir'i f ir-n it- 'n ( in BEAUTY ff Of AU a m siawai I ujiupU mi Win V 'tJ HE mm M .-. J..... u Ml !(' u - h.J Ma urn noma Nuunigtj imiMvp A mr ipoclal Mtl loclulot Hutktup to oW iliil'l your iHn a iwooHi, norwly Mill, Ojrtliwd wlrli ki rOUf itlodM, 4trw . 0l MA0TT IS YOUR f ORTOMI 1 . . , TUMP 1WIIH MM WWWKi i i 1 .i ii mil liHiul CotoflW for .llo-a.1 nooji. 135 ,.-, , iktuknd-d.o-h. ......:tM "m(; -ii.'it CMnrttiqiM lu Uwtf Iwooi. ton '.. . 130 3U rWlBoT W...I pom. I oomw. tOO j,! ; ,i .j. jU.l0tkttffMMll. tOOMH.... .L00 ."' 'M ttls OH iMolt iifli.g I ooo. ....... .UtO, ,,,;, tmm """" " i0 1,rH.i! ftwdoftd PolfoOM mA. Immm til ( Orth Suht aotorMNaor..A. ........ ...:U0 ' ' l U ' I . Ill I in TekvM pomoff pAfeojl fair. S oooHt ....... ....OOl ' ttlldPimflorolaarf....... ...... US fctrisyst CrtuwmttloaKoi.........:tt - Oseiiff tngrm hroSy dfcCosj;ali XOO' Hand Croow orf., l mini .lajinon 1.00. ' ei llMMhoOrfadaltoMi.. ... tog: Skl nmU.m1mmm.Mm .ltM y;;:-; Vefditog Irif ii 1 1 nfc inl OOi . I ll' - I 'f oootti. id 0 BEAUFORT. N. C li j ) - ....,-v . Mill I it' 1 iiA u:l,4 ;.t. :" A HI i nut

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