X13 30A1 FRIDAY. MAY 28, IMS CARTERET COUNTY NEWS TIMES. BEAUFORT AND MOREHEAD CITY, N. C PAGE SEVEN iwr ,ps7am,yaoiai Committees Note City s Expansion The membership and projects committees cf the Morehcad City Chamber of Comrrerce, meeting Jointly during the past several weeks, have noted that new busi nesses and businessmen in this ares equal and exceed the present membership in the Chamber of Commerce, Dr. John Morris, presi dent, revealed today. This indicate the rapid growth Morehead City is experiencing," he commented. At a special meeting of the board of directors Tuesday night the 1948-49 budget was approved and 25 wooden benches were or Verta Kr placement 01 the water- front. Ine benches will be used bv townspeople ar.d visitors r.nd win provide seating for sailboat racr jspectators. Members of the membership committee who will direct this year's membershio can naign are SA. B. Cooper, chairman, 1. K. Pitt- man, Lou Gore, H. 1'. Scripture, C. N. IJennett, W. C. Matthews, and W. C. Carlton. Members of (he projects com mittee are George Bull, chairman, A. K. (Jack) KobciiM, Warren Beck, Skinner Chalk. ,)r , S .m Ad ler, and I). G. Hell. Comprising the Chamber's ad visory con U'll are lony Seamon. Mr. Bell, .lolm Crump, George Sto- van, George K. Wallace, ami unice Goodwin. Preparing lor Coverage o! Primary Election illli It .v . J'.t - .,V'M' Memorial Day, Reminder of the Price Paid for 'One , Nation Indivisible 9 Reid-Kenney to Csntinne Contract Plumbing in July International Business Machines, such as this huge tabulator, will be used by the Associated Press tomorrcw in covering the North Carolina primary election. It will be the first time such machines have been used for this purpose In (be Carolines. Here II. V. Johnson, Sr. (left), head of IBM's tabu lating and statistical department at Charlotte, points out a phase of tabulating to AP Chief of Bureau Paul Hansell. AP Day Editor .Ralph Rowland (right) examines IBM cards used for the work. AP Photo Filling Stations Close In Tax Protest Uncle Billy Can Sleep Well Now amis tors MERRiMON By BILL SHARPE SALUDA, N. C. Uncle Billy Slorris can sleep well in his -friendship Church grave, because . his niece, Ida Owens, is keeping his precious fire going, the same fire laid by Uncle Billy's great grandfather in 1790 and never ex thguished to this day. He might make cn irritable whirl or two a bout his beloved dogs, but the fire is o.k. On a brisk M rch day, Mrs. Owens, now 72, had it leaping fire place high and she had nothing but harsh words for so:re fellow or other vvlio. on the radio, said the fire would die out. "Not as long as I live," she said, a) sentiment echoed by her hus Hanrl who is 78. "And I've heired this place to my! "baby boy WOni" -Mr' and Mrs- Gcor2e iery m)ll at Sptfffanburg, and he'll take over when we can't keep go- The fire which blazes so cheer-, ully in (he ancient log cabin hre An Green River road is a family I Tieirloom. After a century of tra dition that the "Morris fire never went out," it came to be a point cf family honor to keep it going. Uncle Billy, a bachelor, was its keeper for many years, dying at 84 a few years ago. Mrs. Owens tedded him in his illness a id in herited both cabin and fire. She has wrought many changes, while keening the fire intact. The century-old log cabin is now insu lated with packing board, tacked onto'the logs by her husband, Alex ander Hampton Owens. She W5s born h this cabin, but Uncle Billy since had let the chinks drop out ipmething terrible until it was as Sold as yo ucver saw. , . ...... i This filling station on a main highway through New Orleans wa closed Mondav, ajong with thous of others in Louisiana, in protest against the proposed two-cent tax increase on gasoline. Opera- Ibioughoiit the state lettered their filling sta lion windows with notice of the closing. (AP Photo). On May 13, 1865, two snrll forces, one in blue, the other irsy, met at a place called Pal net to Ranch in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, near Palo Alto. There a brief battle wes fought, and as the echo of the last shot fsded away the curtain dropped on he Civil War, a death struggle be ween two pieces of one nation. That w'fs the last battle of the var, according to the E ;cyclopedia Americana, and it took place mire than a month after Grant ;nd Lee -net at Appomattox. As the bugles f Palmetto Ranch sounded their nst clear call, a torn and wounded w nicked un its pen and ledg er for that final grim accouniins. The figures for both North and South have never been completed added, much is missing from the records. According to the Ameri cana, the latest figures of the ree- ii 'i.i oensinn oUice of the War Department placed the Union deud at "359,528 but of the estimated 2. 800,000 men who wore the blue. It should be noted that 67,058 of this number died in action, 43.012 died of wounds received. Of the remainder, most died of disease. A fantastic proportion by present standards. ' 1 It is estimated that about 600. QOu men wore the gray of Robert E. Lee. However, the Kncycloped ia points out that CyjjfeJeiate rec ords """p I rjvlv deficient, having mostly been destroyed. The most cnmolete records svailable show that 134,451 men died fighting for e Smith nut the Alabama rolls, for example, are completely miss ing. Thus, at least half a million Americans lust their lives in that horrible debacle. The services of Memorial Day started in the -South to spread Northward, both sides seeking to honor their valiant dead. On May 5, 1868. General John A. Loga i, then commander of the G.A.R., is sued an order appointing May 30 of that year for Grand Army serv ices and the date stuck. A remind er of the price paid for "one Na tion indivisible." Tide Table Information on the tides at More head City and Beaufort is given in the wil d a'ld their own location, whether near the inlet or at head of the estuaries. below. The figures are approxi mately correct und are based on tables furnished by the Coast a id Geodetic Survey. Readers should aake some allu.vamv lor variations T?pirJ -d Kennv Plumbing Co, Morehend City, inform?d the Cat-, taret No"' T'mes todiy th?t be ginning July they will he permit ted to do contract plumbing in ac cordance with state law. ' At present they C3n continua other types of work as heretofore. I The position of the compa'y, as regards contract plumbing, was Tb trm "BliwtnrH" is snonosd brought to the attention of town to have become popularized during officials ?t the commissioners' the severe winter of 1880 81, meeting Friday afternoon. Henry I of Bin.: 'anil aided Fle mish wool weavers bv offering them religious s-;iicluarv in Worst-1 id from which the industry bur rowed its mime. HIGH Frid:-v. M 12:05 P.M. Satuid.y, 12-15 A M 12 54 P.M. Sumhiy, 1:02 A.M. 1:47 P.M. LOW 6 n-s A m 6:10 P.M. May 29 6 05 A M. 7:05 P.M. Mav Monday, May 1.54 A.M. 2.43 P.M. 30 7:39 A M 8:05 I'M. 8:29 A.M. 9:04 P.M. The oolachan fish is so fat and oily that when dried it con be used as n candle by putting a wick through it. in 10 Uncle Billy's fiddle it is a real - Italian fiddle, Mrs. Owens says has been preserved. The two dogs, greatly beloved of Uncle Billy, are ,,ione, but there sre two cats in ' their place. The St. Bernard died T)f-"lhe-something-like pneumonia," jjjjtfirce weeks after his master pass a ed away.' '.The other, "we'll just call him but he am t, a collie, was discovered to be an egg-sucker. "We misse'd the eggs and no ticed he didi't eat hearty, and just put 2 and 2 together." It nrde 4 and the egg-sucKing "ain't a col lie" was jgiven away. The 65 acres which went to Mrs. Owens with the cabin and fire are fanred as much as Mr. Owens' age will allow, which isn't a great deal But they are hardv mounUiin peo pie. snug in their packing-case vailed cabin and demanding littlr of theworld. Few tourists come to see the fire, which is all right with them. They feel a stroig if vagur attachment to it, and it really i no trouble. A lot of peonle ur here keep hot ashes on the Hearth all the time. "Don't say the fire will go out," said Owens. So Uncle Billy should rest all -right, joined now by one dog 'and likely to be visited by the shade of the other, since a suck-egg do? has short shrift in this country. The old fire roared famously as his niece, "Little Ida" he called her, kicked it today. Personally Conducted Jaywalking JOLIET, 111. (AP) Two Joliet patrolmen are shaming jay walkers into crossing streets at in tersections. When Laurence Rud- ( I dy or Michael Bolos sees a pedes trian crossing in the middle of a block, he blows his whistle and asks the pedestrian to go to a cor ner. If the person insists on Jay walking, the natrolmetl tnn fraffir gjjnd escort him across the street . The horse has been called the ' most important weapon (n the con quest of America. - Mrs. .Tohn Nelson returned home on Sunday after visiting her moth er in Bridgeton snd her sister in New Bern RFD. E. Carra- way and lUle n, Charles, of "npprOrir splrft tic wdcBSeifB with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Carraway. Mr. Gray Willis who is employ ed in New Bern spent the week en at home with his family. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lawrence (tended the meeting in Hrlowe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. "Pete" Becton and children of Beaufort spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Carra way. ivlr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams visit ed his brother at Harlowe Sunday ifternoon. Mrs. Emily Nelson snent Moi lay with Mrs. Florence Adams and Mis'; Njt- Carraway. Mrs. G. M. Carraway, Rufus prrawnv, Jim Stallinas, Jr.. 'Mr. Peter Carraway and Tom Carra way were in Beaufort Saturday. Mrs. tmma ueecnem spent last week with Mrs. Rone Wallace at South River. Mrs. H. D. Carraway, Mrs. Oscar Pittrran and Mrs. Albert McNeil visited Mrs. J. M. Slallings on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McNeil rnd -hildren of Bepufort visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hervcy Car raway over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Fulcher 2nd little daughter of Morehead City snent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wallace. Rev. W, E. Anderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace Sunday. Mrs: Henry Carraway, Mrs. Guy Carraway, Luther, Rufus and Ed win Carraway, and Jim Stallings, Jr., attended church service at South River Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Felton and taby, Ganelle, of Beaufort RFD rent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Ctrraway. Vernon Carraway returned home with them. Mrs. Howard Walton and son, Phil, spent Monday with Mrs. Roy Carraway of Beaufort. Mr. Lou Carraway spent the weekend at Oriental. Mrs. G. M. Carraway and Mrs. H. L. Walton spent awhile Sunday fternoon with Mrs. P. F. Carra way."' j. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wallace vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stallings Sunday. Mrs. Mary Willis of Stacy passed through on the mail Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. Monnie Norman it South River. Mrs. Guy Carraway, Mrs. How ard Walton and son, Phil, visited Mrs. J. W. Adams and Miss Nita Carraway Tuesday. - , . WKAvi-'.-.tx . r f -gf Of the first three million men examined for the U.S. i World War II draft, 52.8 per cent were rejected because of defects; 16.5 per cent of all rejections for tooth defects, 11.7 per cent for eye do fects, 10.4 per cent for mental disorders, and 10 Per cent .. for heart trouble. Williston Nan Taken Into Custody by Officials The sheriff's deportment Tues day afternoon confined Travis Wil lis, of Wiljjston, to the county jail until admit tance can be gained for him at the State hospital for the mentally deranged rt Raleigh. Mr. Willis, who works at Cherry Point, was stricken while at work Monday. In 1908, one of the deterrents to automobile ownership was the thought that every owner would have to keep his car in a costly "automobile house" complete with repair facilities, drainage pit, washing apparatus and turn-table. RAISERS If Coccidiosis Strikes, Call or Wire Us For SULFAGUANIDINE FARMER'S Supply House f Front St. Phone 2742 NKW BERN, N. C. ef ! Temperature GOIIIG - UP! ...lime for your car's summer check-up. Drive nn today for a complete going-over. We're experts , at kecpinq cars in top flight condition and we ere reasonable, too. Give vourself a break! With the hot weather, here, it is essential that the cooling system of your car wcrks prcpsrly. Drive in today for prompt and ex pert repairs ol leaks, overheating, etc., in your radiator. YOU GET EXTBA SERVICE AT Sound Chevrolet Company, Inc. 1333 ArendcllSL PHONE M 5621 Morehead City ill ill 40 , (vjl) " QT" ' 910 PINT SOTMIEY RESERVE Blended Whiskey 86 Proof. The straight whiskies In lliii prod, net are 5 yean or more old.35 straight whiskey. 65 grain' neutral spirits. 10 straight whiskey 5 years old. 21 straight whiskey 6 years old. 4 straight whiskey 7 years old.. Schenley Distillers Corp, New York City' Notice To All Fishermen If you live, in Moreliead Cily or any other place along the coast when you are fishing in this vicinity, stop at our house. We are prepared to handle all catches re gardless of the amount. We have every convenience for your benefit including electric hoist for unload ing, gas and fuel on the dock, government tested scales, etc. AEOVE ALL WE GUARANTEE THAT K3 C:,T fcEATS US 01 CU3 PEICE ; Qelhaven Fish Gc Oyster : ' WECLESAI& & EETAUs . Office Phone N 5511 Betall Phsne M M6 Morehead City, II. C BABY CHICKS Up To One Week Old $15 per 100 LAYKG MAS3 STARTING AND CROWING MASH 25 Ul ltag...l...J.,........:..i...v$II 1C3 Lb. Bag $5.35 CRACKED CC3N Fine or Course 25 Lb. Lois $1.30 100 Lb. Lois $5.15 FARM AND FEED MILL "Direct From The Mill To You" Cartmret County Branch Wholesale RepreseaUUvf. I I H. R. (Ixiwkk, Jr. Ms;r. 4 Beaufort Branch A. T. tclth, Sr. TURNER ST. BEAUFORT ffltift ill Pi' 1 NEW &S ufmpemn TIRES BY GOObEAH $14.40 Switch to Super-Cushions for the smoothest ride you ever had on only 24 lbs. of air. plus Ut (!.'() Hi (replaces G.OO Ki) M FltONT ST. BKAlTOItT mm kotqs COMPANY 1 Guitt to- yiftyom TteecU AND YOUR P0CKETB00K Made of LOCAL grains plus tested and proven Purina supplements arid mixed according to Purina approved formulas, our Chowmix label is your guarantee of quality PLUS economy. Our Chowmix feeds are backed by years of research in poultry and livestock feeding. - WHOLESALE OR RETAIL VHITTY HILLING C0I1PAII7 (IN FRONT OF ORRINGER FICKLE CO.) 803 Pasteur St NEW BERN. N. C. BBIB1DIDIBB0IBBBI For A Limited Time Only! Tour Choice cf $25.00 Worth ol Raccrds WUh Any Admiral or Farnsworlh Console Radio-PjonogTaph VARIOUS MODELS AVAILABLE ON EASY TERMS CITY APPLIAIICS CGIIPiinV FRONT ST. Coy Ilanullsa - C Z. Cka;;eU B S251 BEAUFORT

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