CARTERET tOl'NTt' KEVT 3f KAtTCSt; ZZZZZSXll-trmaLiS. oreljcab (Eity facial jNtfns Croly Falcbar, Society Editor Pkn M-S7M Leroy Scott of Washington spent Sunday here visiting friends. ' v Mr. and Mrs. Fred I. Sutton, Sr., ofhiKinston, spent the week end hqre. ...... T. and Mrs. W. M. Barwick and son Jimmy, spent the week end In. New Bern with Mr. Barwick's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman hafo moved from their home on 2$(i Evans Street to an apartment on Bridges street. ' ,,i) Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Collins end in Winston- and Mrs. the work spo'nt Salem attending the graduation' ex ercises of Salem College. paul Griffin, of Wake Forest, srjrnt the week end with his pa rAits, Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Griffin. ptev. and Mrs. J. C. Griffin, at tended a union meeting in Davis obj Saturday. Mrs. Rudolph Dowdy left Mon y to attend summer school at the University of Michigan. Miss Garyibel Windell spent the wfcck end in Rock Hill, S. C. where silo attended the graduating exer ciles of Winthrop College of which sne is a 1947 graduate. Misses Mildred, Kthel, and Ada Vthitohurst and Mrs. Julius Dun c?n spent Saturday shopping in N ?w Bern. , od Rl Richard Whitehurst has return- home after spending several dfys in Raleigh and Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wicker, of ichmond, Va. spent this week end with Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Walker. Ed Davidson has returned to Columbia, S. C, after spending the week end with Mrs. Davidson. Miss Mable Rich, formerly anford, Conn., has taken aiartmenl at the Inlet Inn. IMisi Kathcrinc Dear returned to rsey City, N. J., on Monday after spending the week end with her sifter, Mrs. Lockwood Phillips. IMiss Dorothy Sampson has ar rlVed home from Woman's College, Greensboro, to spend the summer Hldays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sampson. Mrs. Slimpson Entertains At Series of Parties Mrs. Quincy Stimpson entertain ed with a scries of bridge parties last week. . On Friday evening the guests were Mr. and Mr. Bill Chalk, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Exum, Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Lcary.'Captain and Mrs. John Piper and Mrs. Bill Flowers. High score for the ladies was won by Mrs. Bernard Leary, who received a string of white beads Men's high, a pay- of bird prints Was won by Mr. Leary, Mr. Ken neth Wagner received a novelty donkey for low. Refreshments were molded f-ream cheese pineapple salad with salted crackers and iced tea. On Saturday evening Mrs. Stimp son entertained Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Chalk, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Warren Beck, Dr. and Mrs. Sam Hatche, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price, Mr. and Mrs. ken Prest and Mrs. J. C. Brewin. High score prize for the ladies was won by Mrs. Price and high for men, by Dr. Hatcher. Low score went to Mrs. Hatcher. Similar prizes and refreshments were given at this party. Tuesday Bridge Club, Meets With Miss Thompson The Tuesday evening bridge club mel with Miss Corel t a Thomp son at her home on F.vnns Street at eight o'clock. Miss Thompson used floral ar rangemonts of larkspur, gladioli, fevor few and pansies to enhance the beauty of her home. Guests of the club were Mrs Lonnie Dill and Mrs. Harvey Jos lyn, Jr. Mrs. Robert Freeman won club high for the evening and second high went to Mrs. Arthur LaMon tagne. Mrs. Joslyn received a vase of lovely flowers for guest high. Refreshments were coca colas with nuts and candies. Mrs. Price Entertains With Dessert Bridge Mrs. Richard Price entertained with a dessert bridge party at home on Shepard street on Thurs day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. White gladioli were used to de corate the home. Upon arrival of the guests Mrs. Price served delicious frozen fruit delight. ' ffigh score prize, a porringer, Mr. and Mrs. James Macy and whs won by Mrs. Qumcy Stimpson Morehead Gitfy Hospital Scerie Of'Beil-Best Wedding Saturday The marriage of Miss Ruth Mae Best, foster daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Charles Tolson of Morehead City, and James Walcott Bell, son of Mr and Mrs. Grady Bell of Morehead City, was 'solemnized In the. Nurse's reception room of the Morehead City hospital Saturday evening, May 20, at 6 30 o'clock. Rev.. R. T. Willis, Jr., officiated, using the double ring ceremony. Prior to the ceremony a pro gram of nuptial music was played and traditional wedding marches were used. ' A woodland background for the ceremony was produced by banks of palms. Standards of white gladioli and lilies were used with seven branched canueiaDras con taining lighted white tapers. Miss Wynn Harflman, of Kin- ston and Morehead City, was the bride's only attendant. She wore a street-lengtn dress oi tomato reel crepe trimmed with black lace. Her accessories were black and she carried an old fashioned nosegay. The bride, given in marriage by Dr. F. E. Hyde, wore a street length dress of aqua blue crepe fashioned with a sweetheart' neck line, three-quarter length sleeves anil an over-skirt of lace. Her ac cessories were white and she car ried a prayer book showered with white sweetpeas and ribbon stream ers. The groom chose Mr. Thompson Viek as his best man. Mrs. Bell is a graduate of the Oxford High school at Oxford, and has been employed by the More head City hospital as a .practical nurse lor two and one-half years. Mr. Bell is a graduate of the Morehead City High school and served as a member of the United States Navy for 18 months. Immediately following the cere mony members of the staff of the hospital entertained with a recep tion in honor of the bridal couple in the nurses' dining room. Glowing white candles with white hydrangea blossoms and greenery were placed in each of the wi idows. Refreshments were served from the long tsble which was covered with.a white linen cloth and centered' with a lovely arrangement of white sweetpeas and greenery flanked by white candles. The bridal couple pre sided over the tiered wedding cake at one end of the table while pine apple and lime punch was served from the opposite end. Miss Patsy Ballou presided over the guest book and goodbyes were said to Miss Christine Vick, super intendent of the hospitaj. 'To Each His Own' Composers Hake $40,000 Each, Write Other Songs By Gene Handaaker HOLLYWOOD Jay Livingston and Ray F.vans are slender, long faced young men in solemn, studi ous spectacles and' 'loud sport coats. Ray is a worrier, Jay a calm, carefree type. Together they make beautiful music. Their song, "To Each His Own," brought them $40, 000 apiece. Their lyrics to Victor Young's music helped make "Gold en 'Errings" a current favorite. Four years ago, Ray and J,Fay hadn't $30 between them. Ray, now 33, once wa a $t5-a-weck New York City accountant. He still looks like one. So, for that matter, does Jay, 32. Jay earned a like amount playing the piano, daytimes while, nights, they tried to write songs. They'd met in Jay's dance band Ray played clarinet and sax at the Univer sity of Pennsylvania. Afterward their band had toured the world, playing for dances on summer cruise ships. They advise other aspiring song writers to crash this tough game the way they did: Pester the art ists. Offer, them special material. They poured out their hearts writing clever letters to Broadway stage stars, got a nibble from Ol son and Johnson. Soon they were writing special songs for the come dians. O. J., coining here to make a movie, brought Ray and Jay along. But that movie had its own staff song writers. Ray and Jay, nearly broke, wrote two songs at $100 apiece for an obscure picture on another lot. One time caught the ear of Johnny Mercer. Ray and Jay hung around Mercer's favorite re freshment counter just to say hello. Stumped for a novelty tune one day, he called them in. He liked their stuff. His record com pany needed a tune for Betty Hut ton, which they supplied. From there it was a short hop to Para mount Pictures, where they now have an office, two littered desks, a typewritten a piano, and nice salaries. They have 10 tunes in forthcom ing films. They're most hopeful for "Buttons and Bows," a bouncy novelty on the give-me-city-life theme, which Bob Hope sings to Jane Russell while jogging along in a covered wagon in the picture, "The Paleface." something speetilieular" hap- nd, the way this semi-docu mentary trend Js going, the movie makers may be at the scene next morning. Last Dec. 30, producer Bryan Foy picked- up his paper and read that.12 men had escaped from the Colorado State Peniten tiary at Canon City. Before the last fugitive was recaptured three days later, he had a screenwriter at the prison.- -"''.'. V; The writer lived eight days at the home of Warden Roy Best, combed the prison, quizzed In mates. Several suburban families terrorized by the cons re-enacted their experiences for him. The scenarist returned here and wrote his script. Eagle-Lion studio then flew a crew of 82, including 18 actors, to Canon City. The first night's shooting of prison exteriors was in 17-below-zero cold that snapped the film and numbed the cameramen's fingers to awkward thumbs. , Prison barbers gave the actors prison haircuts. The fugitives, now in solitary, were interviewed by the actors portraying them. Ac tor Jeff Corey told Werner Sch wartzmiller, leader of the break: "I'm sorry they couldn't get a pret tier guy than me to play you, but you're ppetty goony-iooking to be gin with." The convict laughed loudly and said, "You'll do me okay." Some 1.200 convicts played them selves for a day at $7.50 movie extra pay each. They were photo graphed marching into the cell blocks and retreating into their cells on orders of the fugitives. Members of the Canon City Little Theater played bit parts. The re captulred prisoners Were Rhot graphed Speaking a few lines from behind "bars for an epilogue to the picture. One says: "We'd have made it If it hadn't been for the snow." Another: "This'll be a les son to kids." The movie, "Canon City," is be ing completed here. Crane Wilbur, writer-director, says his most vivid memory from the excursion is of Mrs. Lawrence N. Oliver. She, a small farmwife, slipped a hammer under her apron and struck Sch wartzmiller with it. The blow en abled her husband and a prison guard hostage to overpowe rthe convict after he had held them at bay for four hours. ago, thinks be has found an equal ly pulse-stirring patr, . -a -Recently he lent Cathy and Far ley to RKO as ill-starred lovers in "Your Red Wagon." A director is now rehearsing '- them - for Sam's tentatively-, titled "Take Three Tenses" Later they'll go a-feudr in and a-lovin' in "Roseanna Mc Coy,", the story of the Hatfield nd the' McCoys. ' . t;' Cathy, a slim brunette, has the fragile quality of Teresa Wright, Farley with dark wavy hair, looks a little like Gregory Peck around his sensitive, moody mouth. Far ley likes horseback riding and ten- WORE MORE MORE MQRE MOR ns, Cathy doesn t. They ve been to a few night clubs together, but each has dates with other friends. When Farley calls on Cathy, it's to act out a scene from some mov ie. ; v-;:;-,.-, ;-: . When Cathy was five, her Negro nurse exclaimed, "Book at her roll those eyes) , Don't you know she's going to be a movie start" From Siluria, Cathy moved to Greens boro, Ala., and ..later Oklahoma City. After an agent got her a Goldwyn screen test, voice coaches worked a year, combing out her Southern accent ' A movie casting director saw Farley in a little-theater play while he was still attending North Hollywood High. He was in "North I let s pop am The screen's newest romantic team is a pair of shy 22-year-olds who, to the chagrin of studio spoksmen, show only a casual, pro fessional interest in each other afterhours. She is Cathy O'Don nell, a ' schoolteacher's daughter from Siluria, Ala. (pop. 200), who played haodless Harold Russell's sweetheart in "The Best Years of Our Lives." He is Farley Granger, an auto salesman's son from San Jose, Galif., whose screen career was interrupted by two war years as a Navy seaman first class. Producer Sam Goldwyn, who gave the world Vilma Banky and Ronald Caiman as screen lovers a quarter-century Iv iss Lily Macy have returned h ime after attending the gradua ti n exercises at Woman's College. T ley were accompanied by Miss Rlitn Macy who was a member of tie graduating class. Ralph Styron and Alan Leary h ive arrived from Louisburg to si end the summer holidays. Mrs. Bertha Stallings spent the Meek end visiting her son, Clyde, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Louis Norrls has returned nme after spending several days Cumberland, Md., witn ner ihughter, Mrs. Robert Himmlcr. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swindell nlotored to Washington, D. C. this vleek end and were accompanied lime bv his mother, Mrs. Bettc Swindell who has been spending slme time there with her daugh ter, -.. 'V... Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Woodcock, ahd eranddaughter. Mrs. Ann Wll lib and sons, Bobby and Jerry, and Mrs. Leah Lewis attended ,the homecoming in Ivanhoe Sunday. Miss Hattie Smithson has ac cfptea a position wun me mure ad City "hospital. I Mr. and Mrs. John Smithson of Hblly Ridge, spent the weekend fcre visiting relatives. Mrs. Helena Harris, of Marsh ahbers. Is visiting Miss Fannie lAvta and Mrs. -Sue Willis. and second high, note paper, by Mrs, Robert Freeman. Mrs. Ber nard Leary was consoled with two novelty ducks. Local Bays Join Army Ward Ballou and Fred Hughes were sworn in as members of the United States Army at Fort Bragg Wednesday, and have been sent to Fort Jackson, S. C. Son Born - - Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. J oil iff, of Morehead City, announce the birth of a son, Richard Palmer, Jr., in the Morehead City Hospital on Friday, May 28, at 12:35 p.m. At birth the baby weighed 8 and 12 lbs. Hancock-Mooney Announcement is made of the arriage of Miss Nancy Elaine ooney and Claude E. Hancock on Skturday, May 29, in Morehead Mrs. Hancock Is the daughter of Kirs. E. M. Dewey of Morehead City tahd Dr. John A. Mooney of Syra cuse, New York. . She is a graduate oi Ashley Hall lit Charleston, S. C and attended Lord-Avon -School of Art apd Dra ma in Baltimore, Md., and the Co- litmbia School of Broadcasting in t.lladelphia, Pa." Mr. Hancock is the son of Mr. d Mrs. DoU Hancock, of 1011 F'idges Street, Morehead City, He Is a graduate of the More farad City High School and served s H'eral years with the Armed For r s as a member of the United : tea Navy during World War II. ' present he Is a student at State ( yiege, in Raleigh. , frfce couple will be at home at l Tribes Street, Club Hers Make Water Tests COLLEGE STATION, Raleigh Safe drinking water has been one of the main concerns of Pamlico county , home, demonstration club members this spring, reports Miss Julia Dail, home demonstration agent for the State College Exten sion service. Since sanitation is one of the important problems in the county, the club members decided they would conduct a water-testing cam paign in all the communities which have home demonstration clubs. The goal for, the campaign is for every club member to have her fa' mily's water supply analyzed for purity. .; The chairman of the health com mittee in each of the clubs is work ing directly with the County Health Department in .ordering containers In which to collect the water samples. These samples are sent to the State Board of Health, Raleigh, for analysis. There are 273 club members in the county. It is estimated that 1 . . L I.L L . " wnen ine neaim cnairmen com' plete the work in their communi ties, approximately 350 family wa ter supplies will have been tested. Club women who have already received water analysis reports from the State Board of Health as sert that the campaign has proved to be most worth-while to them as inmviauais. Salter Child Cut Jeffrey Salter, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Salter, Front St., Beaufort, punched a two-Inch hole In his left leg yesterday mor ning wnue piaying witn a case knife in his home. He was treated by Dr. L. W. Moore. Two stitches were requlredto close the wound. -ANIIOUIICIHG- WELDON-S BIQBUDmTPLM Use Your Credit At Ho Extra Charge Terms As Low As $1.25 Weekly 0PEII iUI ACC0U1IT TODAY AT CARTERET COUIITY'S hi CREDIT JEWELERS! LAL.iS' It CENTS' WAUi.LS Nationally-advertised ladles' and gents' watches Elgin, Hamilton, Benrus, etc. Buy it now pay as you wear It! - . ' . $19.7i op PAY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY DIAK3X9 RE.'SS - Single rings and matched sets to enchant the eye and finger! : . $24.75 up Buy Now Pay As Yoo Wear 1 PEARLS By Marvella, Delta, and Alva. . - $7.95 np LADIES' BIRTHSTCNE RIXGS Make a beautiful birth stone one of ytur first pur chases. - ,-. ' $11.25 up' GENTS' BIRTCSTCIE EES Attractive stones la mas culine settings; Pay weekly or monthly! $1155 c? HELD OII'S , . JEVfELEHS, EX. , V CARTERET COUNTY'S FIBST CREDIT JEWELEX Next to City Theatre Guaranteed Wat ch Repairing ...... . . .... . - . . Star" and ''Purple Heart" before joining the Navy 'and recently had an important part in Alfred Hitch cock's ?Rope." ' Of Cathy's and Farley's romantic ' unattachment, studio representatives ' shrug and. say, "OH, well, look at other screen romantic teams. Colman and Ban ky, Astaire and Rogers they were'ot in love." . Well, 'Rex Harrison finally got the top of Linda Darnell's dress ripped off, but It was quite a wor ry for a lot of people. ".This is like going into battle. Everything has to work," Director Preston Sturges cried gleefully. Linda, beautiful as a well-rounded dish of peaches and cream, asks Rex. to zip up the back of her eve ning gown in a scene of "Unfaith fully Yours." The black lace gown and its flesh-colored chiffon slip cost $1,000, pretty little Bonnie Cashin reckons. She's the costume designer, and if Rex ruins the dress top on one take, she has three spares ready . The slide fastener is supposed to stick so that Rex furiously thoug haccidentally rips off the whole top. It's sewn on lightly with the thinnest thread. "It better work!" Sturges growls. Bonnie crosses her fingers. Rex pastes down the loose cor ner of his fake mustache. A hair dresser combs his hair. "Make that arc a hair hotter!" the Juicer ,i bawls, and now the cone m light beams focusin gon the actors Is perfect. Action! See WRITERS Page 5 ':: t - i.. , . i B I i . 4 ; 'J fF- J J if 1 $2.10 I' lc 1':'. pitif 'I" IVMIl $3.40 If I """J I s At Strtjkt WtMtrl h prafcri m S SmIi MmmnI Spirit M4 piMaa AustinrWichols ICO.hrg, fee I Morehead City PENNETS ANNUAL JUNE WHITE GOODS NATION WIDE SHEETS $2.19 Famous 81" x 99" Size. Famous Nation-Wide sheets have been scarce . . . but we've garnered some for this special January Event! They won't last long, though, so hurry t Made of fine, long fibre dbttonl Made to Penney's Own Rigid Speci fications! Laboratory Tested regularly to guarantee quality! Youll be pleased with these fine, mus lin sheets . . . famous for long wear, softness, lasting finish! , Peaco Sheets 81" x 108" 2.98 Penca Sheets 81" x 99" - 2.79 Penco Cases 45" x 36" - 63c o0j& iff Set a Beautiful Table! LACE Tabb Cloths 3.S3 For a richly elegant table there's nothing line a lace table cloth! These are in delicate and graceful designs approximate ly 72" X 90" in sizo. Sort Pastels or White! ECZXAIL SPREADS 4.53 Add beauty to your bedrooms with these durable, washable spreads. Stitched tufted dots on .sturdy sheeting. Natural color string fringe. Two sizes. Transparent, Waterproef TABLECLOTH COVERS 79c No worry about spoiling your cherished linens and table by spilling food! Transparent 34" X 54" seamless plastic 'is waterproof! Huge Terry Towels 2T m 4r fiatK Si$t 1 - J, 18" x 36" lze-.55 Thickly Tuftei . . ., or quick drying long wear! Colorful Patterns . . ( brightm every bathroom! Plenty to Choose from . ' buy yar PPfyl . A via . wnue ana Dine, toia. nink or red! Larae TERRY FACE TOWELS, ' 16 i t6T, lovely A colors! , Z5C TERRY WASH CLOTHS, i2wir,fin, -A qnalityf ,10C ' Make Dish Towels From Floar Squ-rcs 6 far 1X3 ' 30" x 30" good quality, bleached . flour squares. , Ideal for dish towels other practical kitchen uses) Bar. gain value buy 'era by the dosen now! , - j. c.-ir::T?; co. - -- -----isnSEiffl

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