Trcsruvjtrar If 1341 r Jfemfort 'orial Refits Caraty FalcW, SocI.ty Editor B-44-l (.5 Mrs. T. R. Jenkins and daugh ter, Jean, spent the week end in riymouth, N. C. . " Miss Margaret Ann Windley'and Miss Rosemary Besseiit left today to spend several days in 6reenr boro. Mrs. W. L. Bell and Miss Lottie Sanders will attend the wedding A of Miss Dorothy Green in Klnston on Wednesday. Miss Melba Wililams, of Norfolk Va.r is visiting Mrs. Billle King Taylor. Jimmy Rice, of Havelock, is spending this week visiting his i-k grandmother, Mrs. Louie Rice. Miss Margaret Ann Paul, of Nor folk, Va., spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Paul. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Oakley re turned home yesterday after spend ing the week end in Greensboro. STORK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. J.- Styron, of Rowe, announce the birth of , a daughter, Beverly June, in the Morehead City Hospital on May 25 - Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis, of Davis, announce the birth of ason, Daniel Gaylan, on May 26, in the Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wheatly, of Beaufort, announce the birth of son, David Aikin, in the Morehead City Hospital on May. 28. Mr. and lUrs. H. F. Perritt, of Sea Level, announce the birth of a son, Bill Floyd, on May 27, in the Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Davis, of Harkers Island, announce the birth of a daughter, Cnllie Ruth, on May 30, in the Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Munroe re turned Wednesday to New York City after spending several days with Mr. and Dr. Lawrence Rud der. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Turner, of irforehead City, announce the birth f a daughter, Catherine Elizabeth, In the Morehead Citv Hospital on Ma-30. OBITUARIES 1 Miss Theima Thomas Gillikin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Gijlikin of Marshallborg, whose engagement to William V. Moore, son of Mrs. Kaihryn Moore and the late William Moore of Rochester, N. Y., is announced by her parents. The wedding will take place on June 12. SOUTH WIND Lines from the Sea By Robert Morris A Recipe for Radio Hasli Comedians Waste Nary a Gag When Time Cols Scrip! Miss Susie Maxwell, of Greensboro, Mrs. Carrie Mintz and Mrs. Julia Southerland, of Mount Olive, re turned home Thursday after spend ing several days with. Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Thomas and daughter of Suffolk, Va., are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Thomas, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tyler and daughter are visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tyler. Mrs. Will Bell returned recent ly from a trip to Raleigh, Kinston and Dover. Among the guests at the Inlet inn over the weekend holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hobert, of New Bern. J Mrs. J. W. Humphrey spent last week end visiting relatives in Snow , Hill. J. D. Aman, of Greenville, spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. C. B. Morning, Sr. Mrs. James Davis Funeral services for Mrs. James Davis, 134 Turner Street, were held Sunday, May 30, at 2 p.m. from her home. Rev. T. R. Jenkins, pastor of the Ann Street Metho dist Church, officiated. Interment was made in the Ocean Cemetery. Phillip Ray Fulcher Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Stacy community church for Phillip Ray Fulcher, two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Cartie Fulcher, who drowned on May 28 The deceased's father is keeper of the Core Banks Rod and Gun Club. Survivors are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cartie Fulcher and one brother. lpon rediscovery of summer and the birth of Carteret's best news paper, I have suddenly realized an incumbent desire to return to wri ting. Writing, to me. hns always seem ed the most activating and vital method of stirring I nought or caus ing scrutiny, and after some very caretul thought myself. I have come to the conclusion that this is exactly what is wrong todav. Pen. pie are too busy and aggressive to i be forever lost to posterity for the slop and think. . J theme has received its work out by Serious thinking has led me to A,len and company. . (Editor's Note; If you've ever wondered how a radio comedian puts his show together, here's an inside look Into broadcast ing studio at rehearsal time.) ' By Cynthia Lewry AP Newsfeatures Writer NEW YORK Fred Allen, th flat-voiced comedian with the as tringent wit, uses left-over gags the way a thrifty housewife makes a hash from he remains of the Sunday roast. "The script always run over time," the comedian explained af ter a rehearsal of his half hour radio show. "We have to cut it to fit, but we never throw, a way any thing we can possibly use. Of stuff that is purely topical. Take Noise Abatement week gags. You couldn't use those after Noise Abatement week has passed." But except for such humor, tiec' firmly onto the time element, al most everything cut .from one week's show is pretty apt to appear in a subsequent one. Take, for instnnce, the dialogue between Allen and his announcer Kenny Delmar, on a recent Sun day show. Delmar remarked that a chemist hajLpredicted whiskey of the future could be made of wood Then ensued some chatter, cli maxed by Allen's quip: "When n man picks up his cocktail he'll see a knothole in his martini," This bit, Allen explained, was salvaged from an earlier show. The sequence, however, was much long er in the rehearsal and contained cracks about people calling "tim ber" instead of "bottoms up," and about drinks really being on the house. Presumably these jokes will are the best gags and when music is more important." In the show under discussion, the guest star was Oracle Fields. When it' came time to bob the script, a couple of pages of lines between Allen and Miss , Fields were taken out but all of Miss Field's musical numbers remained intact. "In this case," Allen said, "we couldn't cut down on the music. But we could take out a whole sequence, or bob a line here and there." i One rule in writing shows is hard and fast: they are always too long, pot too short. The writers Would rather cut after a reiienisil than have to natch up and pull out a show with new material. Mr. and Mrs. Math Owens and daughter, Mary Lou, left Friday to visit Mrs. Owen's son and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Arhur Lennox, in Corpus Christi, Tex. Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Mayers, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mayers, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hunt and daughter, Maryland Wilbur Hunt, of Lex ington, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Morning, Sr. Little John Ratcliff, III, celebra ted his 9th birthday on Saturday, May 29. -J Mrs. W. L. House has returned home after spending a month in Louisburg. Pclham Jones has arrived home from Wake Forest to spend the summer holidays. Miss Janet Davis, of Newport . News, Va., arrived this week end to spend week With Miss Joyce Biggs. 1 .; - h Miea.a Alfod Sanffar anif Amv . i Noe returned Thursday from a tea 1 days' visit in New York City. Cecil Harrell returned Sunday from a business trip of two- weeks to St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Pear) Hall motored to Wil mington to take her daughter, Joyce, who will resume her work at the James Walker hospital s Thomas Wade, of Williston, left Monday to resume his work in Wil. liston. . C. r. Weeks C. F. Weeks, 71, "died at his home in the Mill Creek Township on Friday at 6 p.m. Funeral services were held Sat urday from the Mill Creek Bap tist Church by the Rev. Ernest Douehtv. Interment was made in the church cemetery. .He. is survived bv his wife nnd several nieces and nephews. Lather R. Bridges Dr. Luther B. Bridges, age 64, former pastor of the First Metho dist Church here, died of coronary thrombosis in the Emory Unlvcisi ty Hospital at Atlanta, Ga., on Thursday, May 27. He had been a patient in the hospital there for several weeks. The deceased was originally from Northampton County. He served as a minister of the Metho dist Church here for two years and during that time made many friends who will long remember him for, his untiring efforts in evangelistic work Funeral services were held at 2 p m, Saturday, May 29, in Atlanta, and the deceased was removed to Gainsville, Ga. for interment. Dr. and Mrs. Bridged had re cently completed their new home in Gainsville and had planned to live there permanently. He is survived by his wife, Aline, one son, Luther, Jr., and two grandchildren. . .Mrs. Woodard Entertains ' Thursday Bridge Club ran. w. ta, woooaru cnienainea members of the Thursday evening bridge club with a delicious sup per at ter heme on Ann street at 6:30 o'clock on May 27. Lovely arrangements of poppies were gracefully placed throughout the home. Upon arrival Mrs. Woodard serv , cv a ucuuuiu meat consisting oi ham, with salad, hot rolls, potatoes and iced tea with a dessert of ice cream and home made cake. Special guests were Mrs. James "Steed, Mrs. Jack Windley and Mrs. Julius Duncan. Four progressions of bridge Were . played at three tables with lira. James Rumley winning high, a novelty plate, went to Mrs. Ed ; Potter and Mrs. Steed Was consoled with as attractive tray. , Mrs. Lnla C. Rowland Mrs. tula Hattie Cox Howland, age 64, died Sunday morning at her home on Evans Street, after an ill ness of several months. She was the daughter of Mr. and and made her home there until her marriage in 1900 to I. D. How land at which time she moved to Morehead City. She Wat a memhpr nf ha 1hI order of Eastern Star, the Baptist church and the Woman's Society oi innsuan service of the First Baptist church. Funeral services were conducted from the First Baptist Church by the Rev. L. A. Tilley assisted-by Rev. R. T. Willis, Jr., on Monday afternoon at three o'clock. Pall bearers were nephews of the deceased, Dave Freeman, Char lie FreetaAn. Earl freeman W.l. iter Freeman, Will Howland, - Jr., na t, n, Bennett, jr. ; Wsde..,. .V: -i ' Interment was made in lh r View cemetery. Survivors are three sons, Perc? W Ralph H., Edward D.; two daughters, Mrs. Margaret H. Fow ler, of Chapel Hill and Mrs. Xnnie H. Swindell of Morehead City. fllam Club Off anher Under the direction of Dr. Ha rold Humm, Piver's Island, a Beau fort Stamp club is beinir The first meeting was held Friday aiiernaon on tne island. The next 'meeting, to which all stamn v. wwatr war lectors are invited, Dr. Humm said, will be at 7:30 Friday night, June ...v..- inai uiric is more man we perceive or comprehend in hum in nature and beauly. This seems very obvious until we examine these objects more closelv and find that there is an individual com prehension or perception in appre ciating simplicity. Not that this is necessarily the answer, but if peo ple would think of everything they say before they say it and consider the consequences and influence of me acts they perform, there might be less to reeret and more to be happy about in the minds of peo ple. What I propose to do is to set before the renders of Carteret County some of my thoughts and ideas about life. These ideas, while being the result of concen trated thought, are presented here with the intention' of invoking thought on thepart of the public of this newspaper. Many people have often asked m Why and while my usu al reason' is an overpowering con tagion in art which I feel to be indomitable, I can honestly say that my purpose in this venture is to try to awaken people to the vast horizon of understanding that comes from thought and, as men tioned before, an invincible nymph from the depths of appreciation that makes me want to let the whole world know of my Great Love. And besides, I like to write. WRITERS (Continued From Page Four) Linda sweeps in. Angry dia logue. Rex fiddles with, the fas tener, yanks It. R-r-ripl A cascade of pearls from Linda's shattered necklace, and Harrison holds the dress top in his hands. Linda flees, covering her bosom. The scene is right. Applause from the crew. The picture, in which Harrison plays a-symnhony conductor, marks his inevitable Hollywood introduc tion to slapstick comedy. ' In his native Britain he was known prin cipally for smart drawing-room stuff. Hitherto in Hollywood he has played a Siamese king, a sea captain's ghost, and a Mississippi river gambler. In the current epic he has set a room afire, been sprayed with a fire hose, pretend ed to-slit Linda's throat (all in good fun, kids), and fallen thru a cane-bottomcd chair. n an. Joyj slapstick,, he says. I wonder. Orthopedic Clinic Today tDr. Hugh Thompson is holding the regular orthopedic clinic, be ginning 12 today in the New Bern Heaun center. Allen's rehearsal ran over al most five minules in that instance, and 'plenty of material was chopped from the script before it went on the air. Most of it will show up on late programs. One gag which hit the cutting room floor and undoubtedly will be heard on the air sometime soon, opened the talk between Allen and the character Titus Moody. Allen told him he looked sour. "You'd have a sour look to if you dropped your teeth in the vinegar,' barrel, replied Titus Moody, "my mouth tastes like my tongue's been dilled." That was deleted in the inter ests of time, but only temporarily. Mrs. Nussbaum, another Allen character, was temporarily depriv ed of a couple of lines. They are timely, so it wouldn't be surprising if they showed up next week. The deleted lines ran like this: J Utti Nussbaum: "By me, in the toodjif am a rustic." i Allen: "Really?" Mrs. N.: "I could be Nature Boy's sister, Nature Girl." The reference to the popular song, coupled with Mrs. Nuss baum's accent, drew a smile from the pianist a reaction carefully noted by Allen. "Allen spends about 60 hours a week getting that half-hour pro gram together," one of his aides said. "Fred 'and his three writers start working on the script more than a week in advance. They read newspapers from all over and get around. They start with a rough sketch. By the Thursday be fore the show, it's finished and usually it runs minutes overtime." Allen couldn't explain exactly how the job of molding the script to the 30-minute time allotment was accomplished. "That's a comedian's business," he said. MYou have to know which Chimney Rock Gets Elevator By E. Carl Sink CHIMNEY ROCK, N. C. All the Santa Clauses in the world can practice their Christmas chimney maneuvers this year in the biggest chimney in America and do it easily, with the aid of a spank new, easy-gliding elevator. A substantial number of the be nevolent gentlemen will do their chimney scaling practising this spring and summer in various dir guises as fathers, husbands, uncles, grandads, who with their kin, will be just plain tourists and sight seers visiting this unusual granite monolith which rises abruptly from the shores of Lake Lure. Heretofore, they have had to make the ascent the hard way up some 800 steps, a job so laborious that the Chimney Rock owners decided it would be good business as well as merciful to put in the elevator. 200 Foot Shaft Cut The formiable job of cutting an elevator shaft 200 feet through so lid rock has been completed, and the vehicle itself will be installed rr WS INUM0 A6AUKT WT IE MAD NOT INCU)0tDiriNDD COTIWM riWuM.WHICl T.WtD HAVE GIVEN HIM PMTtCTlON AOAINSTAM HfftOSTOtyt, tXfiLOSKHI.SMOXt, CHECK MX WUCIES P0H COMPLETE MOTCCTION Dial H-3S2-1 John L. Crump INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 823 Arendell St. Morehead City 4 Entire Hew Stock LATEST STYLES -Cottons , Shantungs Gibson Clonses Eallsrina Skirts Galore! ALL OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE BsInaV Dress Shop ' 2301 Bridges St. ' MOREHEAD CITY r.i RODA THEATRE ATLANTIC BEACH o Admission: 20c & 40c Children Under 42 Aucompaaied by Parents FREE At AH Times (Laiiil Niwi) (Beginning Sunday, May 23, theatre pens at 3:00 P. M. Instead M 1:00 P. M.: Saturday ............' Continuous Shows From 3:00 P. M. Other Days :....:.,-...,,.-, 7:M and 9:90 P. M. BUSES LEAVE MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT SO . MItyUTES BEFORE EACH SHOW TUESDAY ..: WEDNESDAY ''11 abk or zoa'no" TYRONE POWER - LINDA DARNELL Also Wednesday "TREASURE CHEST NIGHT Contents of Treasure Chest: CASH 145., 3 Electrical Appliances TT ,WHO IS THE RnODA CHOSf TT THURSDAY - FRIDAY "BLACK NABCfSSUS" with ' DEBORRAH KERR . DAVID FARRAR SATURDAY "PBIDE Or TURF" "with. . , GUY KIBBEE , JED PROUTY - DOROTHY MOORE Also Talent Show Presented by Wieners of Carteret County Talent Show Recently Promoted by Morehead City Lions Club. 1 1 SUNDAY , MONDAY DOCTOR TAKES A WITE with RAY M1LLAND LORETTA YOUNQ TELEPHONE NipifKH 417-3 1 1 shortly. First the contractors drill ed a three-inch hole, down which was dropped blasting powder for explosion at successive levels. Old Rumbling Bald across the road, which has on occasions yielded up some mysterious noises, stopped rumbling in green envy at the man-made belchings, which, after a menth, widened the aperture to a 4-foot "pilot" shaft. Workmen, operating from a buc ket let down from the top, bored and blasted another month until the hole v,as big enough foi the elevator. This perpendicular shaft is reached at its base by a 196 foot horizontal shaft also cut through the native rock. And rock it was; the contractor said the job didn't yield so much as a spoonful of dirt. Tha new contraction will in no way mar the rugged beauty of the mountain. The shaft has an incon slcuous entrance, then rises 200 feet to a spot about 200 feet from the famous chimney itself. From here, there is only one relatively short staircase to climb to the sum mit. No Gold Struck While the work was going on. there was, some speculation that the excavators would find some valuable mineral, maybe gold. But all they got for their trouble was a lot of very fine stone which is being laid on the road, and a Very fine hole in the mountain. DeSoto, some hundreds of years ago, came this way and had somewhat the Same disappointing experience. The world-famous rock mountain is on the eastern rim of the Blue Ridges, and with adjacent Rumb ling Bald and other mountains, thfows up a spectacular barrier against the lowlands, which, how ever, is easily negotiated by Hic kory Nut Gorge and Hickory Nut G.ip to the north. -The area, with nearby Lake Lure, has been well developed aritTi contains hotels, Inns, motor courts, children's summer camps, and many recreational facilities, Inclu ding golf and water sports. Russian Invents Hand For the Handicapped .i 'in-' MOSCOW (AP) A Russian has invented an artificial hand"" that a blind man could not tell'11 wasn't real when he shook it. The hand was invented by Victor Kono nov who lost an arm in military"' service. The announcement said'1' the Kononov hand can use a ham-"' mer, saw, chisel, wrench or axe. It can also be used in driving an , automobile, writing and picking up ... anything a human hand can raise. Illl Hundreds of persons are sn id to be using the Kononov hand includ ing N. A. Nikitin, the famous cir cus horse trainer. whip in this hand. He carries his 3EZ It's Beautiful Under the Sun EVEBYTHING LOOKS SO WONDER FUL ON YOU . . . YOUR BRIEF BATH. ING SUIT. YOUR SUN DRESSES SO FRESH AND CRISP, Y0UB DUNGA REES SO CASUAL AND STURDY. SE LECT YOUR SUMMER-SUN WARD BOBE HEBE. YOU'LL ADOBE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF HANDSOME NEW COTTONS. Those Wonderful Lastex 2-Piece BATH SUITS Sizes 32 up. 8.95 Other Jersey and Coilon Percals Ai $8.95 Up. n in M Illustration Not Exact COTTON PLAYSUITS Wonderful, washable notions . . cool 'and eolorfuL 3-piece sanforized cotton , striped play suit. $195 Others $7.95 up. Assorted sizes. Shorts and Peddle Pushers In cottons and rayons. Assorted colors. $1.98 io $3.95 Wonderful Cotton SUII SUIT Sizes 12 to 18 $2.98 to $4.95 Knii SPORT SHIRTS In. Stripes and Solids. 97c to $2.48 Cannon BEACH TOWELS Slightly Irregular. $1-98 DATIiniG CAPS ' 79c lo $1.29 BEACH COATS rry cloth, cotton prints and cotton le! With and without hoods. $5.95 lo $12.95 Belk The Horn 01 Bitter Values" l'ew eeh:i, II. C

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