X13 IdtiH OftDIAMA!,, . ; - t r,, ' 0nb!imtle !LS1.REFEB" M,t J II IV CCWie TOTASt 1 1 MR; STRUTTER IS 1 1 LEAVE MERE I 1ISAVS MES BfcEM fFR6Tft 1 COMB OM ELMER BE SHARP BOWTl VtXJ OOT OP THIS VWTtUG OUTWDE 1 VYHV m HAWING AND HE'S LEADING A C0N6A LJ . , L..,,,., -Ml f ynu r .ga n j L i ! " - yvv;-'; appreciation oSSSSjuuSSm I ll I JlMBy, how are veu?l I om tme cohmAv es,iveI ... dean , i tus cmarm-I . I ! A CWJGA. UW TO JUKE! , I WMT 1& APOLOGUE TOK MEtfK BEEN IK) ANV INQ EftUGTER OF VOUR I BOX MOtiCI! I'VE SEEN J v (JEPHEW STEEClNIO VOU MGMT. SfW WHERE IVE A SWARP ttOUD ' ' " EVB-TVIq ' H 1 INTO THIS VacE KAD AWE FUM Wtki 'f " V OH, DIANA! DESIRED TRANSPORTATION 1 BUT xJ J..WEV6 ORDERED WE MAVE A I SSIfSSJL t CAME AS DIANAS I ' IM tfOMERV toea.THWS 1 A BIG SPREAD AT THE: TAXI W&lTIMa irJSji JSS AMD HOMER S - C J -WHT t 1 BLITZ .THRONE ROOM OUTSIDE, UPBEARET OUEST E.S. AND JSl r CAME IN "T1 i MK FRIZBY vou FWZIE? FWZlE'X I'LL GO HOVr 1 ( ' lbs fil , Mi(li vsM-Mmm UJMMmM, SCOBCHYSKITH Skv Simu I I. '"W V7 WH'LE 1 WAS PIVERTEP ll lfA9 A PILOT, VOU MIGHT TRV TO JT""1 CT NX I I W ftNfcSS-.jV 700 CHANCEP COURSE 'M BV PLYING IN A WIPE HALF ORCLE.'y I I v I I useatsnep By a ILVX.wVIaUN. -tt Ibut vou cannot alter the 1 1 . I ' -'EL&fe:-! f CS8S3 Lkclm " LW KJ( - N S HATE WE I I swlM1 h"H SHORT AND NEAT I - I S OKAY POP J A TXINPLY REFRAIN FROM SUCJ V UN FULL NAME IS JAR WARM AKLARlI vr SI i . - I W .VPU'RE WVINd L IMPERTINENCES AS 'POP..! IARWAJENPRACHAX5ATJIT KAMAPUR 'irtV I SIWTW 1 CORtHY 8WIT1 .. . - ' DEMAND AND SUPPLY ' WVnvwdL ll f..OR ARE WE UP HERE FORpl UTHAT UTTLE MATTE ill " ..PERHAPS VOU NOTTCEP THOSE! I (ft fJy HAS BEEN ARRANGEP. TEWPORARV FEEP LINES LEAPIHO ' f .V'JUSTAUTTUB I SO, VIHAT ABOUT FUa?gf0; aes . V. TO THE WINO TANKS i fx,r 'I''''.," '"4 OR d . VOU WITW0UT GOT tOlOW WHATbf- 7JLLL ,1 te pste jd : ; n r . v " iuui DICKIE DARE' l 0KAY P0AKS , - " , . a pitiful pun PICHE : r r. fiD SOMEBflOV B BUt I GUESS We 3 " B OKAY DOAKS DUKIH DAUB ' " ' HE'S OUR MIGHTY 1 AMD WE THOUCHT J ItWEU COME.' III.) 1 1 tfsMELU, IVE KEM 1 I- s, RULE(?--0Uf? ( L'SHSURC I'M HURRY HICHWFi5SJ CALLIHC YOU THESf) X ' ' WHO 15 THIS KMU AO. -BOWERPULj WERC rei&OLY TBi) VvtVEHiETTE(?3 ARC Tt?MV - - . sinia Smart & l 35 ;T roP JIH H ' LOOK' J Wj YWistSmS l HQ the " CARTERET C6m KEWSttMES, fiEAltTOftt AVD MOREHfiAD CITY, Havelock - Mr. Rulb T. Ricbardton, Editor Putlic Library Will S?cnsir Club Per Summer Readers, 6-15 Years Old The Cherry Point Public library will again sponsor a vacation read- ing club this summ?r. The club will begin June 14 and young peo ple from 8 to 15 years old are n questtd to register at the library between the hours of 2 pm. and p.m. and 7 p.m. and 8:30 p m Registration will close Friday, June 11. This is a splrndid opportunity for the ynnn? folks and it is hoped that a great many will take ad vantage of It. The library has books of all kinds to appeal to all boys and girls. Mr. James Bck will bp glad to help you choose books pf the type which vou en joy. Mrs. Rufus W. Daltoh of W. Salem has been Visiting for somr tlm with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Beck of 5 C Rodanthe Drive, At the recent meeting of th; Thursday Evening Bridq c'ub a' th home of Mrs. Huston Gober, of 5 Sunrise lane, a recording was made as the parly progressed. This proved to be very amusing as the m-mhers herd It ployed back. Those who enjoyed this entertain ment included Mrs. Charles Mc Colter, Mrs. George Fov Mrs. War ry Shadle, Mrs. M-.irphy CI If on Miss Susie Moore, Mrs. i.ee Roun tree, Mrs. Robert Bull. Mrs. F. W. Morris of W. Salem was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. H E. Beck "for the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holloway left on Wednesday, Mav 26th for I a Week's vacation. Lt. and Mrs. Thomas Nichols have been away for several days on a furlough which they sppnt Visit ing relatives in S. Carolina and Georgia. Bible School will begin Monday. June 14, in the Cherry Point "school building. Miss Ruh Wilder of Knighldale, N. C, has accepted the position of principal of the school. Miss Wilder will be here June 10 to meet wilh and nganize the fa culty. It is not necessary to enroll the children before the opening date. Enrollment will take place 111... first day; Children between the ages of 4 end 15 are eligible nnd the parents are urged to send them. The Havelock Community chapel sponsored an essay contest which closed on May 31. The subiect to 6e written upon was "Thing Need ing Most Imorovement In thfc Church." Entries were limited to 500 to 1000 words; entrants to the ages of 12 r.nd 20 years. Essays were submitted te Mrs. C. C. An derson or Gilbert Mister and will be judged in two age groups: 12 to 15 yeaTS and 15 to 20 years. Four winners will be chosen and they will be sent to Youth Camp with all expenses paid. This column will be proud to list the winners soon. Mrs. Rudolph Smith, of 10 N. Cherry drive, entertained the Friendly Sewing club on Wednes day, May 26. Present Were Mrs. W. H. rtoiloay, Mrs. H. B. Allfed, Mrs. Roy Heillf, Mrs. Hazel Jen DICKIE DARE H&'l zy ?OT: a y wii', DICKIE DARE WELL, A TBAIH ANYWAJf "V"" AT "" W awsr ' I " ""I I oriv, iMer, o this oiss V I misSLlcKnui' I .a ' 1 r. ( OHMKMPe, I DID 7WV &TT08EW Si PIOBkBli TUPH OlT Dl KIli DARE, , ,, ,. ' . WATCH rORYOUB CAfcofoSE r4iV ifKvi I'PoioazfrACMMi'ncneil I v (a i.v " irfVl tfMM ' ' ,--V .m. I . A ABOtTHOTnAVtll'ACmL ' V WyK' J :A I '-'V 55k l?'l lckMLruivtmif. .; j i WuM m)Ch rr-m I K t Cliezxy Point Apt. IF, Ocracoke Dr., Haeok kins, Mrs. R. G. Shell, Mis J. 0 Webb, Mrs. Frank Joily, M.S. John Tuttle and Mrs. G. E. Conley. Di- licious refrcshmen.s of ehieken si- lad iced tea, and wafers wi-re serv ed during the afternoon. VV. 0. and Mrs. William J. H?a rock are on leave in Newsport, N Y. visiting Mrs. Hraeoek's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. I.. B. Smi'h ard son, Bobby, spent the holidny weekend in Chapel Hill where they visited Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meiritt. Woman's Club See One-Act Playlet The ferry Point Woman's club held its regular moi ling Tued iyj evening at 8 o'clock at the Com , miuiily building. I After a short business session ; at which time the pres;dent wel-1 corned the large number of gnosis present, (he meeting was turned j over to Mrs. Chris Holloway, pro I gram chairman and head of the music and drama department: I The program consisted of n one ! acl play titled "Meeting to Music," which was a satire on Woman's ''lub meetings. Members of tin "lub in 'he cast were Mrs. Ruby Scott. Misses Helen Parker, Cyn thia Killingsworth, Kathleen Mul len, Mrs. M ibel Rountree, Mrs. De na Foy. Mrs. Claudia l.odrjo. Mrs. Sarah Bledsoe. Mrs. Frank Russell,' and Mrs. Maurice Richardson. Mrs. Holloway was accompanist and Mrs. Richardson directed the play. During a short intermission Mrs. S-treh Bledsoe and Miss Kathleen Mullen entertained with a ridicu lous dance and Miss Pat Scott with a humorous recitation. Th-i hostess committee, compes ed of Mrs. Robert Bull, Mrs. OI"nn Cleland and Mrs. J. J ChudeJ, served delightful refreshment of home-made cake rH coffee. Haw'i Pacific Island Trading Posfs Make Money HONOLULU (AP) The Navy's Prcific island trading posts reflde a half million dollars in its first five months enough to p9y back what the company borrowed to go into business Jan. 1. Offi cials of the corporation, the Island Trading Co., credit the record high price of copra. They deal with the Trust Territory of the Pacific, an area of 2.000.000 square miles in cluding the Marshalls, Carolines and Marianas. "Aettislly, the Island Trading Co. is a non-profit organization for rehabilitating island ecoiorry," ex plains its treasurer Comdr. Ken neth White. "Bu to operate suc cessfully, we have had to put the company on a sound financial ba sis. About half of the $500,000 made by the company can be con sidered a Navy subsidy in free shipping, salaries for Navy men . operating the business and assist ance in financing." I Teen Topics Ry lmaene Long Moreheid City High School . E.xr.ms pre finally err gnd the classes have all had picnics or par ties. So now a long vacation is ahead of us! The Seniors gave the Juniors a picnic Wednesday afternoon over at the beach and everyone really had Vs of fun (especially M. O'D and E. C.!!) The water was just right for swimming evrn, though the day was chil'y and cloudy. Oh. by the wny. they give us eats too; pota'o salad, potato chips, sand wishes, donu.'s, pepsis and cotasos. (II A R doesn't look half bad in t bathing suit eiiher and ain't she sweet!!) The 8th grade classes had their graduation exercises recently and thry gave a Very Impressive pro gram presided over by Jean Mor ton. Mr. Winded, principal, pre sented the diti'omas and also 'he American I.rgion Citizenship awards. These awards are given annually to the boy and girl whom their classmates vote as Ihe best citizens of the classes. This year the awards went to Doris Midgelt and Tommy Bennett and I'm quite sure 'heir classmates made a fine selection. Now 1 hit school's over maybe lots more Teen -Acers will take ad vantage of the $1 memberships to the Recreational Center. With these cards you may use the Cen ter dining ihe day and any night that something else is not going oh up there The Teen-Age Club still meets on Friday and Saturday nights but they are thinking of changing it to Tuesday and Satur day! I really believe that would be better as il would break the monotony of the week nights when there's nothing doing. Guess that's all so, be seeing you al fuc club. Migrants Begin To Settle Down Migration by North Carolina and other Southern states residents during the past seven years has made pioneers of covered wagon days seem like stav-nt-honv s, ac cording to recent government sta tistics on internal migration. Dur ing the war and postwar era more than 7.7800O nersons. or 21.5 net cent of the Southern states' 1940 population, changed residence. Most residence shifts resulted from wartime upheavals. pos:wor, job changes, demobilization)' 7and the housing shortage. Now that the first three factors no longer exist this section is in for a period of settling down, according to a Tile Coil noil of America renort on po- mlation trends, and their effect on mine building. Ohe result of the dron In vaga bonding Is nn increased demand for quality in home buMdM re novation, the report snys. People choosing permanent homes can't he satisfied with 1he crowded flimsy and often old fashioned quarters they had to settle for during the war years, it adds. Now they're demanding homes with such quality features as built-in furniture, extra tiled bathroorm and automatic heat control. Migration of residents of the Southern states was greatest with in euch state. About 12 per cent of migration was inside state W- ders. About 9.5 per cent was be twecn states. 1 - PAdE-SEVKf MABSIIALLBERu I Miss Edith Lewis spent the week end in New Bern, N. C. with he. brother and Mr. and Mrs. Ralpa Lewis. Mr. Rcginal Styron, of Davis, vi sited Mr. Ellis J. Bedsworth Sun day. Mrs. Gray den Moore, Mrs. Irvin Moore, Miss Maida Moore and Tr6f Moore were in Goldsboro Thurs day. Mrs. Mary Pintr returned hms Sunday afternoon from visiting Mrs. Ella Davis in Willis:on, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore . spent the weekend in New Best with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Colon Wilson iff sited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nelsrfl snd Mr. and Mrs. Norwood FuW chef and Beaufort Sunday afteH noon. if Mrs. Headen Willis and son of Williston visited Ivr parents, Mtf and Mrs. Waddell D-nie's "J The Wnm.m's Soci y of the Me thodist church had Mrs. Ulvssei Hill, Mrs. Harvey Davis. Mrs. He ry Russell and their presiden Mrs. J. K. Gillikin from the We leyn Service Gui'd, president. Mr H. G. Cu hrell. M's. Julian Browo, Mrs. Claud Brown, all these attend ed the zone meeting at Harlowe. J Mrs. Norvle Day spent Monday in Beaufort. N. C." Mr. and' Mrs. Alfred Wallace at tended the dance at Cherry Point Friday night. Mr. Andrew Davis has been transferred from Core Banks Const Guard to Fort Macon. , Mr. James Norris Lewis has re turned to Florida after spending fifteen days with his p." rents, Miy and Mrs. James C. Lewis. Mrs. Ira T. Willis and baby hay returned home from Dr. Sidbury's Hospital. Mrs. ('has. Ballance and Chas. Rallance, Jr.. of Hatteras. N C., are here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown. Dr. Guv R. Willis and daugh ter. Mrs. Gertie Willis nrrivd here, from Durham, N. C. Saturday night. Mr Kenneth Willis Mr. Mlldon Willis. Mrs. George Walker and Mr. Gray M. Davis has returned to New York after spending sev eral days h re with his parents, Mr. and M-s . Will Dn"is. M' Nenl Jones has left for Fef nnndlna, Fla, where he is work ing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Willis, of Wil liston. N C. and Mrs. Lenten Da vis, of Beaufort. N. C, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira T. Willis Sunday. Swiss Plan tfl Blast Hailstorms On! el Sky ' BERN. Switzerland (AP) 'The Swiss pgrictiltural department will undertake experlmeits in blas ting hiilstnrms out of the sky. The experlrttehts, the department an nounces, are planned where tobac co plantations have been subject to season ?1 damage by hailstorms. In the fruit-growing areas of western Switzerland, for some years rockpts and Shells have been shot into hail clouds ii an effort to break them up before they look ed their load nn vinevards and or chards, The ground defenses have been made mostly by small com munities, and local authorities have not been able to agree to tHe efficacy of their methods. For me thing, the vineyards and or chards to be protected were scat tered, sometimes separated fay mountains, and it was Impossible accurately to measure the results. The Magadiho plain, frequently Visited by hailstorms, and the to bacco fields there, highly suscep tible to hail damage, are expected to be a better proving ground. Something Alool i , m,r.,i ii i in i f ' 1 1 1 1 ia- ' - ? f " '.f U; r i ii v v m ii' HMmH" m i i A-r a