" v" " " 'I " - .'. CARTERET COUNTY WATCH TUESDAY'S PAPER FC3 FCECEicT ELECTI3M BETQItnS A Merger ol THE BEAUFC3T NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEArL-NO. 6. BEAUFORT AND MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1948 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 10c Beaniorl Businessmen Form Chamber Of Commerce, Elect Advisdry Board 26 Win Diplomas At Beaufort High Col. George H. Cloud, Camp Lejeune, -Delivers Com mencement Address Seven boys and 19 girls were graduated from Beaufort high school in exercises Monday night in the school auditorium. Of these 26 graduates, eight had fouryear averages over 93. After the preliminary music by the school band and glee club and the invocation by the Rev. W. L. Martin, rector of St. Paul's church, the principal speaker of the eve ning was introduced by James H. Potter, III, member of the Beau fort school board of trustees. The speaker was Col. George H. Cloud, Commanding Officer of Supply, School Battalion, Camp Lejeune. Colonel Cloud, a Texan with 21 years' experience in the Marines, told the graduates that two major character traits were necessary for success in life, "one, the ability to get along with your fellow man; the other, assuming responsibility." The colonel then continued, "What you do not possess through natural ability, you must learn to cultivate." He stressed that these traits arc requisites for marriage. "You have served on your first ship. You are no longer children. After tonight, you will be mem bers of the adult class." Colonel Cloud then cited his Ma rine experience to emphasize what it meant to him to possess these characteristics. "Make sure you're prepared," he warned. He then closed his address with See GRADUATES Page 6 Coast Guardsmen, Beaufort, Receive Plaque for Heroism Ticket Sales Begin Tomorrow Tickets for the Miss Mbrehead City beauty contest at the Roda theatre Saturday night, June 12, will go on sale today in Beau fort and Morehead City. Reserved seat tickets will be $1.50 and gen eral admission $U- Tickets may be bought at the Morehead City drug store, S & W drug store, Morehead City, Roda Theatre, Atlantic Beach, and Joe House's drug store, Beaufort. Entrants in the contest to date are the following: Lois Chadwick, Hilma Chadwick, Betty Rasche, Lucy Willis, Wynn Hardiman, Ella Margaret Morris, Orilla, Hughes, Nellie Bell, Jean Farrior, Ellen Gould, Viola Styron, Louis Garner, and Lorene Turner. The contestants will rehearse Friday night at the civic center. The committee requests high heels. Pictures of the girls have been made and will be on display Br soon as iney are avauaoie. Beach Properties to Co On Sale Wednesday, June 16 The Idle Hour Amusement cen ter and. numerous residential and business lots at Atlantic Beach will again be offered for sale at auction Wednesday, June 16, at 2 ' o'clock, according to an announce ment by Walter 'and Gurley com pany, selling agents, Kinston. Other major- establishments, bath houses, concessions, and lots were sold at auction in April. ,. Tide Table HIGH LOW Friday, June 4 ' ' 8:28 A.M. . 11:38 A.M. 5:57 P.M. Saturday, June S . , 6:18 AM. , , 12:32 A.M. 6:45 P.M. 12:23, P.M. Sunday, Jvaa t;08 A.M. - - 1:W AM. . 7:30 P.M. , ' . ' 1:08 P.M. Monday, June 7 '. , 7:52 A.M.' ; , . 2:04 A.M. 8:16 P.M. ,X;. ' pj, - Tuesday, June I ' - 8:40 A.M. . ,i1A?, 0:01 P.M f I F.U. Twenty-six businessmen and ci tizens of Ueaufort met Wednesday, night at the American Legion hut on 'Turner st. to take initial steps in forming a new Chamber of Com merce. A nine-man board of direc tors was elected, and this group was charged with electing officers, laying the foundation for a set of by-laws, and planning major poli cies. The movement for a new cham ber was brought to a head the previous night at the weekly meet ing of Rotarians at the Inlet Inn, when Dr. W. L. Woodard, chair man of a committee to investigate local reaction to the new move ment, reported that local opinion was for the formation of a new chamber. Membership Prospective Dr. Woodard said, "There are prospects of 150 members, but 75 would be a good average. I'd ad vise not 'starting too strong, in order to avoid disappointments later on." He said also that the Rotary club had received many suggestions as to how to go about forming a new chamber, and that several sample sets of by-laws had been sent to him. Dr. Woodard then suggested Wednesday night's meeting. At this session in the legion hut Dr. Woodard was appointed tem porary chairman and a nominating committee was appointed and charged with suggesting a possible slate for the board of directors. Serving on the nominating com mittee were James Biggs, C. Z. Chappell, and Leslie Moore. Board Members Suggestions of the committee were unanimously accepted. The members of the board are Dr. Woodard, Graham W. Duncan, Hugh Hill, Alonio Willis, Harry Saunders, Horace Loftin, Halsey Paul, Paul Jones, and Lambert Morris. One of the first moves the newly formed chamber plans to take is See BUSINESSMEN Page 6 Two hundred sixty-seven person paid tribute to central North Caro lina Coast Guardsmen by attend' lag tbt banquet Monday night in Centenary Methodist church, New Bern. The banquet was sponsored by the New Bern Rotary club. ai tnat time Beaufort group, USCG, was presented with a large Georgia white marble plaque "from citizens of coastal North Carolina," in recognition of heroism in res cuing the crew of the motor ves sel Norfolk which went. aground off Fort Macon in March. Presentation of the plaque was made by Robert L. Pugh, superin tendent of schools in Craven county. Accepting it on behalf of the Coastguard was Commodore J. E. Whitbeck, commander of the fifth Coast Guard district, Norfolk. The massiveness of the plaque caused Commodore Whitbeck to re mark that in all his 38 years of service in the Coast Guard, that was the first time he was ever given something he couldn't handle. The plaque will be mount ed at the Fort Macon station. Warren Speaks In a splendid talk, Lindsay War ren, controller general of the cur rency, paid tribute to the Coast Guard. He was introduced by Gra ham A. Barden, congressman from the state's third district. W. F. Dowdy, New Bern, intro duced honored guests and George Arrington, also of New Bern, pre rented distinguished guests. Short talks were made by Chief Paul See PLAQUE Page 6 Inspection Lane Locates On- Uve Oak Street The inspection lane now onera ting at Beaufort is located on Live Oak street off Mulberry and will oe mere until noon Saturday. On Tuesday, June 8, the lane will move to Morehead City. Walter uuu, supervisor, says mat me site has not yet been decided.but It is hoped they can locate in front f tne former Kaiser-Frazer garage wnere me lane operated before. Because of rain Tuesday, onlv 43 cart went through the lane. Al so tne lack used took and a new one had to be located, which caur ed delay, Mr, Dai has requested that all motorists nuke a special effort to visit the Ian this month. Ccfort comlnf here Ian 13 was lotktH at BetbH, ri will po to "f : -rn sr.cr 1. i r- ' ad Markers Pound Helps The town dog pound has helped tremendously in cutting down the number of strays roving streets of Beaufort, William Hatsell, town clerk, reported this week. The pound, in back of the town hall, is pictured above. The pup behind the wire was housed there for five days. When no one claim ed him after that time, town po lice shot him. Day of execution was Saturday, election day. David Vann, one the town work crew, is official dog catcher and is paid $1 for every dog he brings in. In some cases it is believed that people give dogs to the catch er just to get rid of them, yet the pound has never been overcrowd ed. If owners miss their dog and then locate him at the pound, they may claim him by paying $1 for each day he has been boarded by the town. Seven Girls Enter Beauty Contest Seven contestants have already entered the contest sponsored by the Beaufort Junior Chamber of Commerce to select Miss Beaufort. The selection will be made June 14 at the Surf Club. The girls who have entered are Addie Carrow Thomas, Neva Al len, Esther Bell Fodrie, Betty Lou Merrill, Mary Ruth Nelson, Joyce Johnson, and Hildred Carraway. Other girls have also expressed in terest in the beauty contest, and the entry list will probably be swelled by the deadline hour, Odell Merrill, chairman said. The winner will compete in the Miss North Carolina contest, one of the 48 preliminaries to the Miss America contest. At the Surf club .the night Miss Beaufort is selected Jimmy Liv ingston's orchestra will furnish the music. All single girls between 18 and 25 who live in Beaufort are eligi ble to enter. Applications should be submitted to Mr. Merrill. Marine Summer Session Will Begin Monday Woman's college students of bio logy attending tne summer session at the college Marine laboratory, June 7 to July 16, will study living salt water specimens in their na tural .habitats. Under the guidance of Dr. A. D. Shaftesbury, professor of zoology at Woman's college, the students will collect specimens from the ocean and identify and study them. Students undertaking this work in biology are Virginia Auers, Fayet? teville; Patricia Fowler. Durham: Claire McCall, Charlotte; Rachel McCormick, Fayettevllle; Janice McFallt, . Greensboro; . Barbara Moore, Tsrboro, and one graduate, Miss Terry Nesslinger, Staten Is land, N. Y. Ct (Honor Scheduled The Boy Scout court of honor this month is scheduled for June 21) at the recreation center in More kead City. A number ul applica tions for second class and various it rit badges will be' handled that rr T I : I i ' - f. ( ti mwiMT--rMii Island Undertakes Solve Problem Photo by 4hc News-Times Today Concludes 3-Day Convention At Atlantic Beach Postmasters, Families Will Tour Marine Air Station The third and final day of the 12th annual state convention of postmasters got under way at 8 o'clock this morning at the Ocean King hotel, Atlantic Beach, with breakfast discussion groups for first, second, third and fourth class postmasters. In large part the element, play has not been the keynote of this convention of Tar Heel postmast er.s. Their opening session Wed nesday night was largely devoted to lectures on postoffice proce dures and all day yesterday they labored in class sessions. And this morning they will do the same thing winding up the business and discussion group sessions with election of officers at noontime. This afternoon the postmasters and members of their families, in all 132, wil be guests of Cherry Point Marine Base at luncheon. During the afternoon the Marines will put on a parade and airshow. Convention host, Harold W. Webb, Morehead City postmaster, welcomed the group at the Wed nesday evening session in the Surf Club and another warm wel6ome was extended by Morehead City's mayor, George W. Dill. After thanks by the North Carolina As sociation's president W. C. Or mond, Ayden postmaster, the talk turned to postal rates, consistency of the glue en stamps, the place of jet planes in postal delivery and what to do with customers Who won't be satisfied with a six-cent stamp when thev seem to want two three cent stamps This evening the convention banquet at the Ocean King will end the convention. Most of the visitors, however, have signified See CONVENTION Page 6 Tuttle's Grove Improves Church Property ' ' .i. "' One Saturday not long ago the congregation . at Tuttle's Grove Methodist church declared a work day. With tractor, ahovel, rake, and' boa they filled in a larizel oitcn almost a creek bed, in front of the church, located on highway wi several miles from Beaufort. L Driving the tractor was Kerney Merrill, Jr., pictured above. Itf the background are several women working on the cemetery plot . Men, women, aad children were Morehead Jaycees Request Repair Of City Docks Group Expresses Interest In Golf Course; James Webb Wins Prize More boatmen traveling up and down the Inland Waterway would stop at Morehead City, if there were docks available, Bernard Lcary reported last night to More head City Junior Chamber of Com merce members at their weekly meeting in the Fort Macon hotel. It was brought out by members that the three condemned city docks should be repaired for use by transients. No specific action was taken. Also discussed at Monday night's meeting was the need for freight pick up arid delivery from the At lantic and East Carolina railroad. Members decided to let the Cham ber of Commerce cope with the problem. The Junior Chamber agreed to throw their weight behind any per son or group of persons interested in building a golf course in this area. Beauty contest chairmen report ed that the pageant was proceed ing as planned and that there were now 12 girls entered. They arc Hilma Chadwick, Lois Chadwick, Ella Margaret Morris, Louise Gar ner, Viola Styron, Mary Sue Ten ney, Wynn Hardiman, Ellen Gould. Jeanc Farrior, Orilla Hughes, Lucy Willis, and Nellie Bell. The contestants rehearse for the pageant, Monday and Wrdftesday evenings at tne community center. The contest will be Saturday, June 12. James Webb won the $5 prize for chalking up the highest score at the Atlantic Beach Bowling tournament. Phillips' Boat Slides Down Ways The Captain James Hancock, shad boat built by the Phillips Brothers boatyard, Evans street, Morehead City, was launched at five minutes past four Tuesday af ternoon. The first attempt to launch it last weekend met with failure. The boat slid down the ways about 10 feet and stopped. Later a cable was attached to it and the U. H. Cozart, one of Phillips' other boats, tried to pull the Captain James into the water. The cable snap ped and it was realized she would have to be launched in the man ner to which boats arc accustomed. Numerous spectators gathered both Monday and Tuesday hoping to see the boat slide down the ways. Late Tuesday afternoon v See BOAT Page 6 Congregation if ;' i n t 1 Photo V th Newi-Tlmet tearing up sod and shoving about clods of earth, but noontime was picnic time. The womenfolk brought baskets of food and help ed turn a hard Job into fun, The congregation is working, otherwise, to raise a building fund. Women . make fancywork, then members of the congregation pay a small amount to have their names put jn a hat. The person whose name is drawn wins the See CHURCH Page's ' " ' Campaign for New School Contestants at the Polls Hm4 H10I0 hv (ho Nows-Tlmt's Hubert l iildicr, left, elected constable of Morehead ( ity town ship in the Democratic primary Saturday, will succeed Charlie Kiouse, imumhent, right, the first Monday in December. Mr. Krouse, who at first announced he would protest the election on the basis of irregularities al the polls in Morehead ( ity, stated today that no protest would be filed. Ho Pre-Paymeni of Penalties Allowed This Year on Excess Tobacco Acreage Driver Found Guilty On Charge Of Recklessness Shade Smith, of Morehead City was found guilty on a charge of reckless driving Tuesday .morning In recorder's court and was fined $50 plus court costs after the state failed to prove that he was intoxi cated. The original warrant chain ed Smith with drunken driving, but Judge L. R. Morris ordered that (he warrant be amended to read reckless driving. . The charge arose out of an no cident Smith had when he attempt ed to pass a car on the open road. In passing, his car got out of con trol and overturned several timer sending Smith to the hospital. Pe lice said that Smith was intoxica ted, and that beer bottles had been in the rear of his car and on the road near the crash. The defense contended that al though Smith had drunk two bottles of beer, he was pcrfectlv sober when driving, to which three witnesses agreed. Two other wit nesses testified thai they smellcd no liquor when they extricated Smith and his two passengers from the wreckage. One added, "What the officers probably smellcd w:is the radiator steaming over." Wheels Catch at Side The defendant and witnesses agreed that the immediate cause oi the accident was the fact that when Smith's car was passing the other vehicle, the left wheels of his car sank deep into the sand to the left of the road. In another case, Freddie Jon- kins was found guilty of a simple assault on complaint by David Boyd. Judgment was suspended and Jenkins was ordered to pay costs of court. Judge Morris ad vised the two friends to "get on good terms." Motor Vehicle Violations Other cases handled Tuesdav in eluded a number of motor vehicle violations. Aubery L. Roberson pleaded guilty to driving without license plates, and was ordered to Ray court costs. Alford C. Amies paid $10 and costs for speeding. D. L. Stallings and J. C. Byrd were ordered to pay costs for speeding. Jesse Eatherly pleaded guilty to driving without a license and for having improper brakes. He paid costs of court. Harry M. Jacobs. Jr., and Paul W.Bocthlinger both paid court costs for driving with out licenses. Alfcus George paid $10 plus costs lor reckless driving, as did Rufus L. Howard for speeding Lerdew W. Dickerson paid costs for driving with an improper li cense and Donald R. Dempster did likewise for having no license plate on his trailer. Counsel for Henry Dearman ask ed for a jury trial on a charge of drunken driving. Dearman was re leased in $200 bond. , Bonds forfeited were John T. Taylor, no license and failing to halt at a stop ta-SPil E. Eabrt: "MThelning Mearies, sr.? Hooks, spewing. f Y J A U. J. May, production marketing administrator, announced today that no provisions have been made during the 19484!) tobacco mar keting year for prepayment of penalties on the marketing of ex cess tobacco. This year the penally will be de ducted by warehousemen of deal ers when each lot of tobacco in excess of the acreage allotment is marketed. In previous marketing years, producers of tobacco were given the fhoice of having ghe penally deducted by warehousemen or pre paying the penalty on estimated acreage and making final settle ment after all tobacco had been marketed. This necessitated collection of additional penalties, or in some cases, refunds, "and made it diffi cull to determine eligibility for participation in the price support program of the flue-cured tobacco cooperative stabilization corpora tin, Mr. May explained. Measuring of tobacco acreage in the county started this week. It is hoped that it will be completed by the end of June, remarked Mr. May. Acreage this year is expect ed to be about 2,000, less than last year because there has been a 28 pe cent reduction in allotments. To assist in measuring tobacco five men are needed by Mr. May's office. Qualifications for employ ment are outlined in the classified advertising section of this issue of the News-Times. 18 Attend Class Of M Reunion Eighteen members of the class of 1928, Beaufort high school, at tended the 20-year class reunion Monday night at the Inlet Inn Three of the group's high school teachers also were present. 1 Following dinner the reunited classmates went to Beaufort school to attend the graduation exercises of the class of 1048. the class of 1948. There the class was recognized by T. G. Leary, principal. Response to Mr. Leary's greeting was made by J. O. Barbour, member of the class of '28. In honor of the graduates of 20 years ago and this year's gradu ates the Beaufort high school glee club, under the direction of Mrs. Virginia Hassell. sang "You'll Ne ver Walk Alone." After commencement exercises, members Of the class of '28 attend ed a party at the American Le gion hut af the invitation of the class of '48 for whom the party was given. Before dinner was served at the Inlet inn, the group recalled by gone days and looked at pictures of the class taken in high school. At that time the school superin tendent was R. L. FriU, Jr., wh,o was unable to be at the reunion. but who requested that the record ing "After Graduation Day" be played at dinner. ' The class song to the tune. "Among My Souvenirs." with words written by Clyde Ramsey, was sung and Miss Susan Rumlcy road the class poem which she and ft&A Morrison Abbott, wrote. "-.& the programs, which also adU , J, i-. fxi as place cards at the din ; i . 6ee ATTEND REUNION Fg t As result of a meeting of the Harkers Island school board, Jay cees, and a large group of Harkers Island citizens Monday night at the school, the county board of educa tion and county commissioners will be consulted by Harkers Is land school board in regard to con structing new building. ' An address was given by Earl C. Davis, Luther Yeomans, and the Rev. Bowling, relative to the com plete support of all citizens of Markers Island in order to com plete and sec the new project through. Mr. Davis read a copy of a letter of approval which had passed the board of education anil instruct ing the Hon. IL S. Gibbs to pro pose a plan to legislature, where by bonds would be issued for the construction of a new building of the same type and construction as the one now in view for Atlantic. Rev. Bowling expressed his views th.it nothing could be ac complished without the political support of the people. Mr. Yeomans reported the school board's favor in the new undertaking. He made the state ment that a new roof would have to be constructed on the present building and explained its dilapi dated condition. Mr. Yeomans said thai under the present law, where" by no class room was to have more than thirty pupils, at least four more rooms were needed (not in cluding a gymnasium). Mr. Davis brought to mind the present conditions concerning sa nitation and other reasons why a new building was so badly needed. He said that without the complete support of the people nothing would be gained. lie stressed All three parties involved casW their votes to. pledge their sup port in the new project. It was carried unanimously. The school board was instructed to put the new project before the board of education and the county officials. Shuford Guthrie H.S.6ibbs Heads State ABC Group H. S. Gibbs, 2008 Shepard street, has been elected president of the North Carolina Association of ABC B,oards, according to a report from Ashevillc where an executive ses- ... if, viiv QAiuviauuii vvao 11C1U Tuesday. Mr. Gibbs, when contact ed this morning, said that he has not as yet been officially informed of his election. The stale association is compos ed of the county boards of 24 coun ties where liquor is sold, as well as the town 4BC boards of Char lotte and Asheville. ; Mr. Gibbs, Carteret county's rr presentative in the state legisla ture, has served on the county ABC board since 1939. He was secretary of the state association from 1941 until June 1947 and served as vice-president during the past year. His term of office. as president will begin July 1 and continue until June 30, 1949. ,.,, Mpmhern nf thx Pnrtnmt itminfv ABC board, appointed to serve fouryear terms by a composite " board of county officials, are Mr. Gibbs, chairman, George Huntley, Newport. Other officers of the state 'as sociation are D. R. Clark, Tarboro, vice-president; and J. L. Walstod, Nashville, secretary. v Sharkfishing Story Appears In Philadelphia Paper ' In the magazine section of the Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday, May 9, half of one page was devoted to a story on Cecil Nelson, shark fisherman of Morehead Citv. The story, written by Hilary Malcolm; told of the work of Mr. Nelson in Saudi Arabia, where he is now teaching the Arabians how to treat Red Sea Sharks to obtain their skin, fins, and meat. ' The most valuable part of the shark is the liver, rich in vitamin A. This vitamin was formerly sup- plied by cod, but the greater yield discovered in shurk livers has ' made shark fishing an extremely profitable industry. Three Youngsters Break , Into Beam's Market Three vounesterk. rhnrirpit witX ' I 1.1 n . . . ges street, Morehead City, and stealing chance from th cash rJ gister, appeared before Mayo George Dill in mayor's, court Tu ay. - 1 ' Mayor Dill referred the cas A,' H. James, clerk of sutf ' 7 court, who handles county J aeunaueacv cases T-

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