;CARTEJtET COtXlt NEWS-TIMES, BEAUFORT AND MOftEHBAD CTTY.k. tf TRlpAf , JUNE IS, 194S , II. Carolina Far Below Average In Work Stoppages. Commissioner Says j RALEIGH A comparison of dtya on strikes in North Carolina and the United States reveals that orth Carolina had onlv 09 ner ct of the nation's work stoppages year, Forrest II. Shuford, te Commissioner of Labor, an- niAnced today. This record in itself constitutes ribute to the intelligence and friotism of both workers and niftiagcment in North Carolina," SlAford commented. "It shows It our people hove been able -to list their differences through .tri crSgperation and teamwork." Sine Commissioner said that final ts Illations received by him from , tl Bureau of Labor Statistics shfw that the United States Inst year had 3.693 industrial work stoppages, compared with a total oi.35 in North Carolina. More 2.170,000 American workers e involved in work stoppages law year, he said, but onlv 15.- of these or 0.7 per cent of the 1 were North Carolinians Iqsness from work stoppages in nation amounted to 34,600,000 mtii-days, of which 523.910 days 5 per cent of the total repre- ed time lost in North Carolina stry. .ooking nt our labor relations rd another way," Shuford con ed, "we could diivde the na- tinlal total by 4R and get the avp- s numbpr of strikes, workers )lved, and davs lost for each sjie. On that basis. North Cnro- lirtl would havp had 77 strikes. We lially had less than half that iy. On the same basis, we Wld have had 45 207 workers in- voft'ed in strikes. We actually had lit one-third that manv workers gnwlvrd. Likewise, we would jh e had 720.733 dnvs of idle time !r tlting from work stoppages. Ai ually we lost far less time than tli in spite of the nation-wide ii phone strike which by itself la mnted for about 20 per cent of jo timo lost in North Carolina." : huford emphasized that such a n hod of comparison would not ? into account the fact that -th Carolina is the 12th most Highly industrialized State in the , 'nation. i BAT VIEW Ford in '43 ode Island Red Hen Lfeeps Pace With Inflation Probably the only chicken match ing her products with rising prices a Rhode Island red hen owned lw P. B. Beachein who lives east kill Beaufort on the North River i.-ad. The hen has been .laying eggs about 5 ounces average weight, 12 inches in girth and 8 38 idles in endwise circumference. I IThe outsized products are due, Mr. Beachem believes, to his mo- Mods of feeding. The "inflation- ijatching" hen nets layin? mash rtl o ociock in the morning and tlrn at 6 in the evening. It's the dash. Mr. Beachem savs. which is V'lsfonsible for the large eggs. j IThe Beachems have about 30 ins in their flock now. but intend increase the number very short- ',w Theatre to Open . I J. M. Kine, Roseboro, has begun V Jnptmint nf KM " : 1 1 . w vuauuvuuii ui dii uucn air ifit'airp highway 70, three miles west of rehead City on the Oaksmith iperty. Mr, Kime plans to open jt'e theatre about July 4. Rev. Douthit, of Havelock, held services at . Bay View Baptist church Sunday mornins and eve ning. - Mr. Ellery Hardesty still con tinues quite sick. We hope he will soon be better. Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Winberry, Mr. W. G. Winberry, Mrs. Charlie Garner and daughters and Miss .Tohnise Winberry spent Sunday at Kcllum where they attended Home Coming Day at the Baptist church. Mr. O, L. Skinner is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. James Skinner. Little Margaret Dawn Lilly had the misfortune of breaking her arm Wednesday. We hope she will soon be well. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gaskins, of Bridgeton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Hardesty. Mr. and "Mrs. Alex Graham, of near Beaufort, spent Friday in the community with relatives. Mrs. A. N. Bell and Mrs. Kuch Wiliams spent a while Sunday with Mrs. Nannie Small. Little Shelby Jean Mann hes broken her arm. We hope she will soon be better. Mr. Elmon Winberry snent Fri day night with Mr. A. L. Winberry of New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Freeman ', and daughters, I.yllis and Sally Jo j spent the weekend with Mrs. Nan I nic Small. Mr, George Newkirk, Mr. Elmon winberry, Mr. Ira Culpepper, Mr. Norman Culpepper and Mr. Tom my Lee Culpepper spent a while . ""v u.u. . .viiiii. in i.i-w h i ii. Misses I.yllis and Sally Jo Free man spent a while last week with Mrs. Nannie Small. Mrs. Ruth Burns and family, of Hubert, are spending a while with Mr. and Mis. Kilby Haskett. Mrs. Adnell I ocklcar is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Otis "Culpepper. Mrs Locklear was re cently married at St. Paul, N. C. Mr. Locklear is working in Chad burn where they will make their home. Miss Geraldine Conway spent last week with Mrs. Kilby Haskett. Several peonle from the com munity attended services at the prison camp Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Lee Hardesty. of Ovster Crpek. sppnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Ellery Hardesty. j Mr. and Mrs. Lester Haskett, of Havelock, spent Saturday in thp community with relatives. Mr. J. F. Small and Mrs. W. C. Williams soent a while Monday evening with Mrs. Carl Morton of Harlowa, ,f .. '"Mrs. J! T. ' Smalf, ' Miss Pearl Small. Ardell'Small and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Small and family spent Sun dny in Smithfield with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Knox and little daughter, of Cherry Point, spent Saturdav with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams. Mrs. J. F. Small went to Dr. Mason Sunday evening for treat ment. We -hope she will soon be well. Mrs. I. S. Taylor held her re gular appointment nt Graham's Chapel Sunday morning and eve ning. Mr. and Mrs! Billie G. Lewis and daughter, Darlene, and Miss Pearl Small spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Small. Miss Pearl Small spent Saturday $ i W- 'ft ja K V. : ' .2 1 4 l The revolutionary new Ford four -door sedan for 1949 is lower, wider, roomier and provides r-i..-ljr 25 per cent more visibility. NORTH RIVER sou I spent Friday in New Bern, with I friends. ' ' I Mr. John Sevmour and sons of fcev. T. B. Jenkins will fill his Kinston spent the weekend here appointment here Sunday. Eveiy visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smith. one invited to attend. Miss Fay Collins attended the Ars. Clarence Ipock and child-1 ren spent a few days at Otway this week, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hill. Miss Ann Jones, of New IWn. is here, visiting her sister, Mrs. William Fulcher. Mrs. James Garner and daugh ter of Soul hoort. are vjsiiing rela tives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Logan Whitehurst and children, of Beaufort, spent n while here Friday night visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wade. Mr. H. R. Beachem. of Charlotte, spent thcweckend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B, Beach cm. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Pratt spent a few davs in Nirfolk, Va. and Raleigh with relatives. Misses Gladvs Cox and Pat Tho mas spent Thursday at Cherry Point. Mrs. Clarence Beachem. of Charleston. S. C. are visiting the Paul Beachem's. Miss Bronna Willis has returned hr,m,- after spending thp week at Otway with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Louis. .Mr. G. D. Hill spent Friday af teroon in New Bern, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mitchell wedding of Miss Evelyn Boyd in Rocky Mount. Saturday. The Home Demonstration club held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday night with Mrs. Bil- ,.vtro'v 1 JUIV - AM of fhese( and more when you ask for a rapefte ! Bo remember, there's only one Grapeffe . Ask for it by name: "A GRAPETTE, tlv night with Mrs. Lester Haskett of Havelock. Mr. A. L. Winberry, who has been working in New Bern, spent the weekend with his family. THIRSTY 91 NOT 1 1 , Call oa today if I you want informa- ( tioa oa fuUnc boot f for ckartor or aa a.fT- dar of droMl flak Til ' fd?r I " U '' J ' yt ffm is Bin i mm ir, 1 i iBB-SfcaaJJCawy It I II eoceu aiieuv II I : - 1 (CUT AROUND DOTTED LINE 1 I ! When At Atlantic Beach Don't Forget To Slop At ATLAIITIC BEACH GROCERY i for GROCERIES - FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS Grade "A" Market y "At Prices Yon Can Afford to Pay" JXTFRA ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD TIRE ON A Veo B. F. Goodrich Silvertown ly Smith. Ten meYnberi .were pre sent. The meeting wai called to order by the 'president, Mrs. Paul Beachem. The leuon was given by Mrs. W. J. Dail in the absence of Mrs. Gillikln. The hostess served delicioun refreshments. The meet ing adjourned to meet with Mrs. R. P. Gooding in July. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Warren and of Morehead City, spent a while here Sunday with parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Warren. I Mrs. JamesWhite, of Cove City, spent Sunday here with grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beachem. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beachem nd Mrs. Ada Simpson, of Bettie, all spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Beachem. I Dr. and Mrs. Erlckson and SSgt. Howard Bland, of Camp Le jeune, were guests of Lottie Col lins Saturday. Mrs. Mick Hunnins and Miss Martha Jones, of Beaufort, spent Sunday afternoon here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beachem and fa mily, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Garner and children, of Lola,7 spent Sunday here with mother, Mrs. Essie Gar ner. Mrs. Tom Gilgo and children and Mrs. Graden Barker and child ren, all of Oriental, spent Sunday here with parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Beachem. Mr. P. B. Beachem returned home Friday from Vandamere after being called there on ac count of his sister's illness, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garner left Sunday for Southport where Mr. Gurner is employed. Mrs. W. J. Dail ' and daughter. Miss Mary Sue. Neva Willis and Mrs. Howard Cox ' and Mrs. Paul Beachem all attended the district meeting of the Home Demonstra tion) ion club in New Bern, on Thursday. ' ' - HOI 3DA1 face FW; Typhoid Clinic Alfdodancs Tocr Doctor Repsrts ; f According to the county health department, attendance at the ty phoid clinics in virious sections of the county has been very disap-, pointing. Dr N. Thomas Enmtt called attention to the fact that when a person does not eom-' p'ete the course of vaccinations in these county-wide clinics, vaccina- tlon mny be completed et the ; health department in Beaufort cny Tuesday afternoon or Saturday irorning. Another notice from the health department s'ates that stitecoun ty school dentist. Dr. A. D. Under wid is now working at Harkers' Island school building and will vi sit Cedar Island, South River, and Salter Path before completiiii' the county program July 2. LIMITED SUPPLY OF FAMOUS ONSLOW COUNTY HAMS Also TEXACO GAS & OILS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK PHONE 4097 TA abow allowance Is over mi abova our regular trade la affowance. Just clip this covpon and bring H in. You tint an extra $4.00 on Ml set of fires. LlMTED Ofm- tHDS JULY 3rd Play safe, too, by acting promptly on this offer for new B.F.Goodrich Silvertown tires. Tougher cords, and more of them, give more strength to the tire body for extra safety. Double shock-absorber breaker strips cushion and distribute sudden shocks and blows for extra protection against severe bruises and blowouts. 1.50 Down 1.25 a Week PoU .00-l Wlvartawa Oa four Car Very B. F. Goodrich Tin Carrt$ A V LIFETIME GUARANTEE I DRESSED & DELIVERED , Phone MOM md FOR A REAL LOW PRICED TIRE 95 B U y S A GENUINE 6.00-16 0. F. Goodrich DEFIANCE TIRE The new Defiance givee 1 dependable, safe mileage for PAY IOC hftl'l?! the greatest value ever built ONLY 1 "V 1 f II into ft tire at this low price. 1.23 PER WEEK ' WAIIIVniGIIT TIRE COIIPAIIY, IIIC. Arendell Slreel S. L UAnnTIlIOT Morehead City --'-Vi. 7 &rW-i mat: jam- r 11 17 1 (m P-M f . air m ' Many now Save up to 12 a Pound!' by changing to AA CoHot trm i coffees of comporaed qwtoy Hot o(T the barbecuc'or iceJ to tingliiiK irlinM AaF i.a tastes belter. Thai's because Lel in llw Hao eoU4 laa j buy, then Cuslom Ground jusl rinhl for I he a Vi' aai Compare the lluvor, compare the price of ASP 4 iilfr a iiti rmtr you're now using. You'll unJerstanJ uhy il' AmctM' UtiMtla, trf niillions of pounds' ' I 43? I 45M GREEN KMOKKD SKINNJII MOKREI. rmuK ft Mi a Butter Beans, lb. 23c m Hams (small) lb 69c Lettuce, 2 for 23c P Watermelons, lb. 5c NEW WHITE OR RED Potatoes, 10 lbs. 49c Celery, lge. stalk 15c FIRM RIPE Tomatoes, lb. 23c FLORIDA Oranges, 2 doz. 55c YELLOW Squash, lb. 5c CROWDER OR Black Eye Peas, lb. 10c 1 Sliced Bacon, lb. 73c FRESH COUNTRY Sausage, lb.. ......59c SHORT RIBS Beef, lb 45c GENUINE Smithfield Hams, lb. 89c Smoked Picnics, lb. 55c SLICED DRIED Beef, 1-4 lb. pkg. 37c DRESSED & DRAWN ITaMaAUA lis lCAk ITyCIb, 10. DM hi -1 n 3 PERSONAL Ivory Soap 2 Bar 15c Ivory Soap fa Bars 21c Rinso 35c Lga. Pkg Lux Flakes , Pkg. 35c aBaBBaBBaaBaaBBBaBaaaMaBaBBMBaBMi Swan Soap l atai Can 21c Swan Soap 2 Bf. 37c WOODBURY FACIAL Soap I Cake for 1c when You Buy I Cakes at Regular Price. lona TOMATO JUICE . . 3 27c California Large Dried PRUNES 2 29c Anguus or Reclpa MARSIIMALLOWS . . . 19c lona flnt Flavor PEAS 3 S-'Se AAP or While Houee . APPLE SAUCE . . . 2 Si 27c BALL OR KERR MASON FRUIT JARS Sell HUlna rioui Rad Bond ...... Xb Sunnyfleia BrU-BHIng Flour 'S.'J 79e Simple Simon Pie Crust m 15c Nablrrn Wtferf Vonillo 'ftf- 31c Marlon! Salt 2 S"S 18e a win - Jwl J; 37e Pint 71 Dozen w Dot. U OaL -! IE Doz. llalll JarCappkrc Ccrto t 23c Jar Rings 1&Z 5c Ann Page Salcd DRESSItIG . . . Rich and Flavorful NECTAR TEA . Packers Label Standard Pack TOMATOES . . Ann Page Gelatin Dessert SPARKLE ... . Home Style Sandwich Regular Pan Pt Jar 35c 29c 2 &? 27c 3 20c -Lb. Pkg. MARVEL BREAD . m- Lb. 10c - - - - . . "OTTIS MOREHEAD CITY FISH MARKET Loaf Ilorchccd City and Dcanforl -I 7 jSJJ j ID)