" -' fiJU? d.At fitter, 18. taii ' .VI UAIfcUrtOtf OKA I&OTJAlJC j TTWIW 13)00 A3 ti, Ih r 1 jltaaufort Uncial Jfe&s at-oljra Fnlchara Society Editor Mrs. William Fort and daughter, Carolyn, of Wake Forest, are vis-' iing Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Keel. Glenn jGaylor end Misses Aud rey and Melba.Gaylor, and Lucia Putnam of Ayden, visited James Steed on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. James Rumley sfent the weekend in Maxton. Captain and Mrs. Richard Wil liams, of Fort Jackson, S. C, have bien called here due to the death Mrs. Williams' grandfather. Mr. Ilerbert Parkin. Mrs. Alton Drumwriglit and chil en, of Norfolk, Va , are visiting r mother, Mrs. Addic Skarren, ' Moore street. Mrs. Ed Moore, of Brandvwine, Id- arrived Tuesday to visit rjneices, Misses Ada, Mildred nthel Whitehurst and her ne- hew, Kiehard Whitehurst. I Wev and Mrs. Theodore Baxter, w Bern, attended the Beauty ntest at Atlantic Beach Monday eninn. hM- nnA f .... IT 1 1 T 11 ''ii . aiiu 111 a. r'. n. uiauuuiy otored to New Bern Sunday to sit relatives. Miss Hildred Carraway and Dick itrker spent Sunday in Raleigh. Mrs. Dan Boyor. of Rolla, Mo., visiting her parents, Mr. and is. W. 1). Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carraway pent Tuesday in New Bern. Ray Wheatley, of Washington, C, is spending his vacation re. Misses Carolyn Modlin, June lussell, Esther Smith, and Sonny flllou motored to S:lcmbur Mon- lW to take Miss Jevelyn Smith to lneland College. Mrs. John Gordon pnd Mrs. Ge ld Hill spent the week end in lurham. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wi'iamson d two sons, of Ahoskie. are vlsit- ig Mrs. C. W. Scott, Mrs. T. D. litis and Cecil Harrell. Mrs. Wil- lamson is attending a training jburse for firechiefs in Durham ,it wili return here Friday and he entire family will leave for hoskie on Sunday. i More than 75 million people in Be United States obtain their Brinking water through public wafer-supply systems. So Proudly Ile'II Hail A imm mm 0M -FATHER'S DAY - JD1IE 20- i . mm, ft) , f-rCTw ''' ' r,f 'X : mmim4li mmffif $29-75 GIVE IT rAT HEE'S DAT - PAT 1X3 IT IATEH WELD OII'S 7 JEWELEBS, EC Carteret County's Cnly Credit Jeweler AUTHORIZED "KEEPSAKE" DEALER v 1l, GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRS Located In City Theatre Building VKENDEU. T. , , v... PkM B44-l Missionary Society Gives Molher-Daughler Banquet - The Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church of Beaufortl gave a Mother and Daughter bBtvH quet on Thursday evening. Ladies of the society served a delicious' dinner consisting of chicken salad, potato chips,. tomatoes, pickles, de viled eggs, crackers, iced tea with ice cream and cake from a lovely table decorated with ivy and other flowers. Each mother present was given a large gardenia corsage while the daughters wore similar smaller' ones. Mothers present with their daughters were, Mrs. Robert Her ring and daughter, Bobbie Jean, Mrs. Alex Lewis and Margaret Ann. 'Mrs. William Skarren and Cynthia, Mrs. Ivey Mason and Mary Fond, Mrs. Earl Mason and Sarah Frances, Mrs. Leslie Davis and Iris and Janet, Mrs. Prichard Lewis and Connie, Mrs. Gordon, Hardesty and Patsy, Mrs. George Lauhton and Ann Lou, Mrs. Wil liam Loftin'and Vera Lou, Mrs. Monroe Simpson, and Peggy Guth rie. Peegy Hamilton, Virginia Hill Julia Kelly, whose mothers were unable to attend. Moore-Gillikin Receplion Held at Civic Center ImmeHintpiv following t h e Moore-Gillikin wedding on Satur day evening a reception was given bv the bride's parents at the Civic Center. Mrs. Marguerite Hussev, o' Beaufort and Mr. Grover Munde" of Morehead City introduced guests to the receiving line which wos composed of members of the weddinc partv and the parents of the bride and bridegroom. Mrs. Ottis Jefferson presided at the punch bowl and was assisted in serving the refreshments by Mrs. Eva Rravaldo, Mrs. Gehrmanr Holland, Mrs. Roy Willis, all of Beaufort, Mrs. Ernest Nelson, of Gloucester and Mrs. Stacy Nelson of Aulander. Guests were invited to register in the bride's book by Mrs. Alfred Wallance, of Marshallberg. After the reception the couple left for a short wedding trip after which they will be at home in Ro chester, N. Y. For traveling the bride changed to a grey worsted sharkskin suit with pink and black accessories and the orchids from her bridal bouquet. There are 176 million, acres of national forests in this country. 1 ' i II ..... , MOREHEAD CITT Miss Carraway Engaged , 'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Carraway announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Hildred to Mr. Richard B. Parker, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Parker of Mount Olive. The wedding, will take place in the early fall. k HOSPITAL NOTES i Mr. John E. Nelson, Jr., of Atlan tic," is in. the hospital for treat ment. ' Miss Gertrude Willis, of Atlan tic, is much improved following an operation. Mrs. Alton L. DeBlanc, of New port, plant to join the nursing staff of the hospital on Monday. ' Master George Garland Purifoy, Jr,, of Morehead City was admitted to the hospital Thursday for a ton sillectomy. Mrs. Bonnie Devant,' of Beau fort, was admitted to the hospital for! treatment Tuesday. Mra. Roy Eubanks, of Beaufort, Underwent an operation in the hos pital yesterday. Mr. James L. Lawrence, of Beau fort, was admitted to the hospital for treatment Monday.' Master James A. Murphey, son of ,ttr. and Mrs. Leslie Murphey, of Greensboro, underwent an emergency operation Tuesday night. Miss Lucille Guthrie, of Beau fort, has resigned from the Nurs ing Staff of the Hospital. Miss Etta Willis, of Atlantic, ac cepted a position as an aid at the hospital on Wednesday. Master John Walker Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. U. Hill, of Marshall berg, was admitted to the hospital forfa tonsillectomy on Thursday. . Little Miss Sallie Bett Willis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Willis, of Morehead City, was admitted to the hospital Thursday for a tonsilectomy. Mr. William Smith, of Atlnntic, was admitted to the hospital Thurs day morning. t Miss Lynette Scarborough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scarborough, was admitted to the hospital for a tonsillectomy Thurs day. Mrs. Albert Styron, of Oeracoke, was discharged from the hospital Wednesday.) . . MdL H. D. Paul, of Beaufort, was discharged from the hospital Wed-" nesday. Mrs. M. 8. Davis, of Newport, was discharged from the hospital Wednesday. Mrs. Stanley Salter, of Morehead City, was discharged from the hos-pit.-o" Wednesday. Mrs Augustus Lawrence, of Beaufort, was admitted to the hos- BR ASSURE . f J $150 Virginia DaWs Celebrates Eleventh Birthday Miss Virginia Davit wat honored with a delightful beach party on Thursday, June 10, from 4 to p.m. - Approximately 25 young friends were present to celebrate her Uth birthday with an afternoon .of swimming and games. Maishmallows and water melons were enjoyed by all. M.Y.F. To Sponsor Supper Tonight The Methodist Youth Fellowship of the Aan Street Methodist Church will sponsor .a supper in the new church recreation build ing on Friday evening from 6 to 8 om. Mrs. Blythe Noe, Mrs. R. W. Sa frit and Mrs. Ben Jones are chair man of the committee and have planned a delicious menu of ham, string beans, cheese potatoes, beets, with iced tea and lemon pie. Admission (or adults will be f 1. 00 and for children under 12, 65 cents. This supper is being given to raise money for the M. Y.U. Entertains Bridge Club Mrs. Charles Cheek Mrs. Charles Cheek entertained members of the Tuesday afternoon bridge club at her home at 2:30 o'clock. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. J. S. Steed and Mrs. Jame; Portpr. III. High score prize for the after noon went to Mrs. Steed. The hostess served a delicious salad course with iced tea. Demonstration Clubs Meeting Next Week Merrlmon Club 2:30 Mondav af ' ternoon with Mrs. Jesse Adams. Wiiegrass Clab7:30 Monday night with Mrs. Let Gaskins. Russell Creek Club 7:30 Tues day night, June 22, with Mrs. George Russell. Demonstration" for all clubs will be "Understanding Teen-Agers." Son Born Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G. Moore are the proud parents of a babv bov Leslie Gulun. Jr., born Wed-1 nesday morning, June 16, in tin Morehetd City hospital. At birth the youngster weighed 7 lbs. and 12 oss. pita! i r treatment Wednesday, i Mrs Guy M, Styron, of Beaul fort, was discharged Wednesday. r'ffi1&''"Toeph Burns of 'Al.ston';! Mi n., vi no ij visiting Her Uaugni; tor, Mrs Maurice Richardson, of Havelbck, was discharged Wednes day. , Baby Linda Joyce Springle, of Beaufort, was admitted to the hos pital for treatment Wednesday. Mrs. Lenzie Wells, of Beaufort, was admitted to the hospital Wed1, ! nesday for a minor operation. TOE VOGUE Frank Leonard, llt. B 8111 ' FRONT STREET . ' SEAtWO&t jement Announced I the engagement, of. Mist Jessie Lee Babb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Babb, of Beaufort, for merly ef Portsnu-utu, fi. C, to Robert Dominique, son of Mrs. Mary Dominique and the late Mr. Eugene Derai iique, of Norwood, Otuo.'is announced by her parents. The wedding will take place August 2. STORX NEWS Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Brittner, of Morehead City, announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Louise, in the Morehead City Hospital on June 14. Mr. nd Mrs. J. L. Boyd, of More- head City, announce the birth of w thnrles Edward,, in the Morehead City Hospital on Jutfe ' Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hancock, of Beaufort, rt. 1, announce the birth of a son, Tvony Harold, on June 15 in the Morehead City Hospital. OBITUARIES Mrs. Annie Parson Mrs. Annie Parson, 78, died at the home of Mr. Frank Mason in Merrimon on' Monday, June 14. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. W. D. Caviness, pastor if the Franklin Memorial Metho dist Church of Morehead City, on Tuesday, June 15. Interment was made in the family cemetery at Merrimon. Herbert V. Parkin Herbert Vernon Parkin died at lis home in Beaufort Tuesday) uie IS He was the son of the late Thom as Edmund Parkin and Sarah Jane Whitehurst P.arkin, and a life-long resident of Beaufort. r'uner2l services will be con Jucted at the graveside today but ;re incomplete at this time pend- MID S E A s o j Biictilnl Cold-Tilled ; Expansion Bracelels - . Beast Shaped Emblem ' only $192 ; All Tax Included i v Values to $18.00 WBIIE $232 Tax Included Values to $13.50 ASK IXCHT STCZET ing the arrival of a ton, Herbert, Jr., from Deleware, and a grand son, Herbert, III, from Texas. The deceased is survived by his wife, Mary Smith Parkin, four children, Thomas Edmund Parkin, Herbert Vemon Parkin, Mrs. Jar vis Scott, and Mrs. George J. Brooks; two brothers, James Par kin of Swansboro.' Harry Parkins of Beaufort, eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Carl U. Morton Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon for Carl H. Morton at his 'home by Rev. J. M. Jolliff. Burial was at the North llarlowe Buptist church cemetery. , Relatives attending the services were Mr. and Mrs. GleaoweOd F-npinvn r.d son, of Greensboro, Mrs. C. B. Staples of Tampa,, Flori da, Miss Joyce Morton and Ralph Lupton of Raleigh. Miss Annie L. Morton, Mrs. William Noe and daughter of Beaufort, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Miller of Hyattsville, Mary land, Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Pi ner. Mr. and Mrs, Augustine Pincr, Jr. and son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor nnd daughter, Miss Mary Plner of New Bern. Mrs. Joe Mer rill, Mr. and Mrs. H. Merrill of North Rivi'r, Mrs. Byrd Small of Core Cr-ek. Survivors are his wife, one son Joe S. Morton; three daughters, Mrs. Billie Scofietd of Hyattsville, Maryland, Miss Patritia and Eli zabeth Morton of the home; three sisters. Mrs. Clara M. Lupton of Raleigh, Mrs. G. M. Freeman of Greensboro and Mrs. C. B. Staples of Tampa, Fla. Rebecca Mason Engaged Mrs. James Wallace Mison an nounces thp forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Rebecca, to Frank Harold Jordan, of San Francisco, California. The wedding will take place in mid-summer. Camels can drink 12 or 15 gal lons of water in half an hour. kilw iwvii inrM irinrihi -ni Birthsfone Clusters AU Stones Pronged 10 K Gold Shank only $7.38 All Tax Included Values to $15.00 GEIITS' EXPAIISIOII WATCH T 0 S E E 0 UR Fron $1 BAXTEl Eastern Carolina's 11 Ccnples Get Divorces During Superior Court Term Eleven divorcees were granted by Judge Henry L. Stevens in su perior court. North Carolina law states that all plaintiffs in divorce cases must be residents of the state for six months and that the parties be separated at least two years. Joseph Zenger, and F. X. Credle won divorces from their respective mates, Amanda F. Zenger and Grace D. Credle. Annie Earle Willis Jones was awarded a divorce from Richard D Jones and was given custody of their child, Raymond. . James D. Morton won his suit shaving sets and many other gifts to make Father s Day a happy Day Phones Night B-323-1 B-913-1 B - BELL'S DRUG STORE Complete Drtig Store Service Front Street Beaufort t v 0 SED WATCH E S 0.00 Up Largest Jewelers for divorce from Amanda Mae Mor- tin. V will ?et custody of their oldest eliild. Marsha Lnuise, 4 12, while the defendant was awarded Daniel O'Neal, 30 months. ftthaf. Hivnroae 0rrntpH were tO Maggie Mary Wiliams from Til mon Williams and Agnes P. Cama ra from James Camara. - Eleanor WiHspeak Rulism George E. Rulison, Glenn W. Clo land vs. Paul E. Cleland, Jr., Re vada K. Lew's Gray vs. Oscar L. I Gray, and R. xie P. Simpson vs. -I Leon E. Simpson, Marwet Salte? Simpson vs. Charles si. Simpson. In this case Mrs. Simpson was granted custody of their child, . b.irbara Jean, 4. FATHER'S DAY GIFTS Wo are well slock ed to supply Fath er with his favor ite tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. We also have billfolds. one. Phone 397 - 1 1 s A L E Lapel Pins Unique Designs CARIK&S TO MATCH $492 Tax Included While They Lost Values to $25X9 B Ik II DS YELLOW $492 Vilulo$lTJI EZACFQT Z2 v. t '