f AG2 TWO ; TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1948 CARTERET OJVVTY KEWS-TDIE3, BEAUFORT JkJFb ilQZZZlij) PTt. C- ; ' Carteret County IIcvs-Times A Kergtr Of The Beaufort Jew (est. 1112) ft The Twin City Times (est. 1936) EDITORIAL PAGE TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1948 The Fight ior Service Continues The Beaufort News, one of the two predecessors of Carteret County's oewspaper THE NEWS-TIMES, long fought for ade quate electric service and adequate telephone service. The fight was, of course, particularly close to The Beaufort News because - Beaufort and east Carteret county have always been treated as stepchildren by both Tide Water Power company and Carolina Telephone and Telegraph company. This fight, encouraged by thinking members of the public, was not waged because of an isolated instance of power or phone service failure occasioned by accident beyond human control, but against the continual day-by-day, night-by-night temporary fail ures which did Utile more, apparently, than stop the electric clock or cause the phone to work only on the fourth try. The Beaufort News, as does THE NEWS-TIMES under the same editorial direction, realized that all the little failures would some day add up to one big catastrophic failure. But a moribund Beaufort town government failed to pay heed and now the pres ent, efficient town government of Beaufort, which to a certain extent is god father to all of east Carteret county, is holding a pair of britches that could have been saved by that stitch in time. Last winter's extraordinary sleet storm found every weak spot in the physical facilities of both Tide Water Power company and Carolina Telephone and Telegraph company. And both com panies took some steps to correct the inadequacies. Over this past weekend another set of freak accidents over took both companies. Public wrath is not the solution to the situation now. Wrath should have been laid across the backs of the public utility com panies some years ago. A committee of calm citizens comprising residents of Beau , fort and all other communities of east Carteret county could fitly meet with executives of Tide Water Power company and Carolina Telephone and Telegraph company, go over the situation step by ' step and jointly decide what should be done now, what should be done next and what should be done in the following periods within ' the financial ability of both companies. No other power company is going to take over Tide Water Power company's problems nor is any other telephone company going to take over Carolina Telephone and Telegraph company's problems. And let us hope that there is no return to the political mess of municipal ownership. rood An Investment in Pence Four hundred thousand dollars is s lot of money and sixty million dollars is much moreyet it is as nothing compared with the value of healthy, bright-eyed children. North Carolina has been requested to raise $400,000 as its . share of our Country's $60,000,000 -fluoU ta' American Over , seas Atdsjted Ration Astsl fhllaVa; ritpipiip this state is being conducted by the 4&rJtfTJrflun Federation of Women's clubs. Other organisations, too, have incorporated this fuod-raising project into their year's program. Among these is the North Carolina Junior Chamber of Com merce. Beaufort Jaycees in March raised $73 as their part in the campaign. The drive, which bega in February, has not yet ended. Con tributions can be made now through the Morehead City or Beau fort Women's clubs. Checks ofr money orders should be made out to "AOA-United Nations Appeal for Children." Through Mrs. O. H. Johnson or Mrs. Robert Taylor, Morehead City, and Mrs. Graham Duncan, Beaufort, the money will be forwarded to Raleigh. . No concerted drive Is being made in the county. The Wom en's clubs are depending on the urgency of this appeal to prompt personal contributions. ; Two hundred thirty million children are (today the victims of war, starving as a result of the scorched earth policies which Mowed the enemy but made useless for many years vast agricul : tural areas of Europe and Asia. At present, aid is reaching only r;.7,5O0,000 of these 230,000,000. More funds are needed to take care of the remainder. Participating In the campaign are 26 relief agencies in this ' ountrjr, ail combining their efforts in this one drive. .;" Out of the bitterness, thwarted lives, and wreckage of war come warped personalities.' Our efforts now to bring health and -normality to youngsters is a type of insurance against monstrosi-' ties like WOer rising win. ' . The federal government encourages our aiding such causes .by allowing 15 per cent of personal income s charitable de duction, corporations arc allowed 5 per rent. Peace cannot become a reality when jbalf the world has and rhe other half has not. Hunger to fertile field in which hate :nd seeds, of avar grow. Helping to feed youngsters pyerseas may mean that 10 ot 19 yean hence our youngsters woa't have to fight. One U. S. 'survey showed that among families with low income, 90 per cent had so denial cant In the previous two years compared with 40 to 60 per cent among ba ilies of high income. U. S. Steel production in 1947 was 60 per cent greater than la 1039. One V. $. aurvey asowed that U out of very 100 poor people visiting a dentist 1 a two year period were making their first visit compared with one out of 100 lor well i -do people. DETJtQJT (AP) The average new automobile has 29 lamp sock ets. ... . t m THINKING IT OVER W "CI lM MM.: r.i' tiH ' " ' "' ' '. "uim -r .mi m mm. : , "" - - : . v. ..: .... : . , . . -..- F. (a "'WW turn fV" vStv IV TELENT nil 'J-';.. . ..A 0 I 'I li I I 1 AW -.JW. view - -a.fww.-s, fc-i .iMV I 1 - a v. - -wwwnsMK M--nrxirmfm ..u-mtw uirrmmm- Thoughts for an open mind. . . The intellect Is an instrument by wliich man may grasp a problem and ift it to the plane of it's solution. The price paid for concentrated, efficient use of one's energies is t sacrifice of smaller desires ior the accomplishment of larger ones. - Gatheripg together the forms, of the energy that might be used for , trivial activities- and turning them into concentrating, unified ef forts along a single line of achievement in one's selected field is the only means of exerting one's powers for the work tbi rings results. In the long run, the little sacrifices turn out to be no sacrifices at all, since the values achieved are far greater than those lost. Unswerving, untiring, consistent effort along a single definite line, is the price always paid for genuine success. One who achieves greatly never regrets the earlier as more excellent re sults of his persistent drive toward the large goal. Each has to build for himself a philosophy of life by which he determines what it is that is most worth while. Jim Morrill plement. ' , .. . - Mr. OdellT success with hogs, according to Mr. Kelley, is due to several factors. He has a natural ability to handle hogs. Nature provides him with plenty of clear water, and the sows hsve access to a dense wooded area which pro vides good shelter' for farrowing, making it unnecessary for Mr. Odell to invest money In expensive houses.' The United States turned out 1,700 ocean-going ships in 1943. 3 MMcrairffr f- mm HERE and j THERE With F. C. SALISBURY, Morr head City t 'SI Whew. Summer came in like a hot plate last week. Our mind has been on the air of the mountains and not on gathering items for this column. If it lacks interest, blame it on the weather. ""While on the subject "o! wea ther, V note that the new storr warning tower on the waterfront has been completed and put in service. We welcome back the weather vane at the top of the signal pole. ' We never could wet a finger and hold it out in the wind to tell from which direction it was coming. A new feature on this tower is the placing of .three elec tric lights to be used as night warnings. The top and bottom lights show red with a white light in the center. The top red light is used singly for small craft warn ing, the red and white light in dicate a heavy storm or blow. -When the three lights show it in dicates a hurricane. The daytime warnings are given by the regular flag signals. Leroy Guthrie who lives next door to the tower had charge of the construction work and also has been appointed to set the storm signals. Carteret Countr 0My Newspaper A Merger Of . : ' THE BEAUFORT NEWS' (Bit.. 19(a) ao TWK TWltfCtTJ TIMES KEaAsW) PubUtlied TiMaCaya 4 fjMayi Bjr THE CARTERET PWUJSUWQ QOMPANT. INC. , . , . . ' Lockwood Phillip PyMlahcr Eimwt pmr PUIUm :::;-.:' r Pubiithine OffWt At " SOT Evan Street. MorehcaS City, N. C. " yr: W OO dx monthj: M.78 tre WooOi; UXtt am numtk. OuUlSt ' . , Member Ot Aasoeiated Freas - Greater tvaekUa ' N. C. . AudU Bvi-mm mt Oreutatlnni AnoMftloa . EaUuaS aa Bacone Claw Matlar at MorrtnaS City, N. C. aaf Aot K alarak , 7 .' K l aa Aaaortataa rran It aaWlad cluatvt to aat for rcpubllcattoa at lo- "" aaaFa vanaj SJSW umsiIUa ftm WSStQ mJ Af WHmWW i-tUlt at apubllcaiiii oUiarwia antia. . . . If your olfactory nerve has been working properly the past week you noted that the men haden boats which have been going out to meet the summer run of shad have met with suc cess. Boatmen state that they have had the best run for this time of the season in several years. Several of the boats have been able to make two hauls in one day on account of the near ness to shore of the fish. To factory owners this odoriferous scent wafting across their path of smell spells gold dust. at this gathering. The district in cludes Carteret, Craven and Pam lico counties. The cast for the symphonic irama, "Blackboard," which will be presented on the two darkest nights in August at Camp More head, has beoij selected, and details-for the presenting of this pageant on the bluff at the camp ire. being worked out by the author a(nd producer, William C. Trotman. This entertainment will be presented free to the public and gives promise of be ing one of the best attractions to be presented during the sum mer season here. Construction work is underway for a new home being .built by A. T. Leary on lot at the corner of 20th and Evans streets. Ac cording to the estimate given in the building permit this structure will cost $20,000 or more.. Announcement has been made that the summer meeting of the State Board of Conservation and Development will be held on July 26-28 in this city. The first sailing races of the season promoted by the local boat men will take place .on Sunday, July 4 and races will be run eacji Sunday until Labor Day. About the same number of classes of boats as entered each year will compete for the regular prizes. Quite a colony of dog kennels have sprung up out on Route 24 near Camp Morehead to care for the dogs which will participate in the dog racing events to open this week. Here the various dogs are groomed and kept in racing con dition when called upon to enter the night races. New life is to be put into Holly Ridge and Topsail Island through the recent purchase by a corpora tion known as Xand Associates, Inc. This corporation has purchas ed a major portion of the improve ments; utilities and facilities at Camp Davis. The purchase price is given as $340,000. This organ ization will seek to develop the town of Holly Ridge and Topsail Beach, through use of the power and water systems of Camp Davis, and to bring new industry to the Onslow community through the use of some of the suitable build ings along the highway through the camp area. Jackie U Smiley who was drowned week ago Saturday, had for Ike past three ven held position at Cherry Point and was recently rfven the honor of leading man in aircraft mecha nics. The commanding general f iha V. 8. Marine Corps said he was the youngest man on the has to have auch an appoint- Application . blanks for one of the $100 Sears-Roebuck scholar ships lor farm boys who wish to take Agriculture at North Carolina State and who need financial aid, irav be obtained from the State College or the farm agent A large delegation of Masons from this city and Beaufort at tended the meeting of the Seventh District of Masons in New Bern en Wednesday night. Grand Mas ter of Masons, Dr. Maxwell E. Hoff man, of Ashevllle, and other pro minent Masons were in attend ance! Reports from the eight lodges in the district were given Story Of The Week It has been nearly' twenty-five years since youpon tea has been made and sold in this city. We doubt if one could find today a nound of this ancient beverage on the shelves of any store in East ern Carolina. At one time the late William Sadler had a small plant for the curing of this tea, located a short distance beyond the old Atlantic Hotel. He was sort of an authority on the cutting and curing of the leaves and twigs of the youpon. There is a period during the winter season when the leaves and twigs of this shrub are at their best, for curing and from which to secure the best aroma. It was not unusual to see Mr. Sadler coming into town during the winter months with a large bag of leaves and twigs of the youpon slung over his back. His raw material cost him nothing but the labor of cut ting and toting. His plant consisted of a large drying drum , turned by a motor over a low oil flame. When the tea had been properly dried it was run through a chopper, then bagged in one pound packages, and if we recall correctly, sold for 10 cents per pound. Mr. Sadler was rather an eccen tric character. He was always of the opinion that some one was putting a "trick" on him, causing his machines to break down, the tea not to cure right as well as most any other hinders nee that might develop in the making of bis product. Believing that a change of location would change his luck he moved his plant to Harkers Is land where he operated for a short time without better success than on the main land. ' The demand for youpon tea waned, his machinery wore out and the old man became a wandering object of pity. Later he was admit ted to the County Home where he remained a short time. Following an altercation with another mem ber of the home, who gave him a black eye, he left and took up his abode in pn old boat he owned Car Danger Spot Is Beside Driver NEW YORK The death seat in an auto is the front seat beside the driver, says Dr. Claire L. Straith, Detroit pla'stic surgeon, in the Journal of the American Medi cal Association. His name for this seat comes lrom a stream of wom en and girls going to Harper hos pital, Detroit, to have their faces repaired by plastic surgery. About 70 per cent of them hud been oc cupants of the death seat at the time of an auto crash. In those crashes one-third as many drivers were hurt. In one month's auto injurus in Detroit, ..II kinds, he viy-. 3"2 passengers were hurt. OI these nearly 70 per cent were in the front seat beside the driver. Wilh better roads and higher speeds, the death seat injuries and deaths are becoming more numerous. But Dr. Straith says speed is not the only cause of injuries and deaths in the front seat. Other causes are khoBs, cranks, sharp ledges and dropdown ash receivers. Even at a speed of 20 miles an hour, a woman had her face badly mauled by gadgets when she 'fell forward. A flat, wide cushion patterned to cover the dash so that a lace will bump only a smooth, soft sur face, he says, would reduce facial injuries immensely. Windshields inflict many cuts, he says, and occasionally nearly decapitate the victim. He advo cate hinging windshields so that they would be forced outward by a blow just short of the glass-breaking force. Iladison County Farmer Owns 33 Sows and Gilts . COLLEGE STATION, Raleigh One of the largest herds of brood sows in the State is to be found on the farm of W. R. Odell of Hot Springs, Madison county, who has 33 sows and gilts at the present time, according to Jack Kelley, Ex tension animal husbandry special ist at State College. Mr. Odell has had unusual suc cess with his hogs. He keeps a complete record of all feed used and of the number of pigs mark eted per sow. His report shows that he marketed 7.6 pit's per sow during the spring of 1947, and in the fall of the same year he mark eted an average of 7.8 pigs per sow. This gives him a record of about 1.5 pigs per litter above the State average. The Madison producer uses a pasture of orchard grass, lespideza, end blue grass. He feeds a Wx ture of six parts corn meal and one part commercial protein sup- which was tied up in the inlet near the location of his former plant. It was from this location that the writer rescued him after a storm and high tide had flooded his boat. A room was found for him where he lived alone a few. years until the last "trick" was placed on him, passing without relatives or friends to grieve his going. U.S. BABY CHICKS SHEET ECCK -PUMP PIPS ROLLED TIN -V-CRITIP TIM CAULEY HATCHERY 114 Middle Sl. NEW BERN .Gifts That Keep On Giving - amonmmmnmmsmmi oBmvMsmasjsa V mmmmm msmwsjsjm aMsjmmenBmmmwaM GE AUTOMATIC WASHER & DRYER njRKITURE & EQUIPMENT F03 HOME & CAMP SURF CASTING RODS & FISHING TACKLES v- - ' -' BEACH CHAIRS & UMBRELLAS REVEREWARE HUNTLEY-PREST "Where Price and Quality Are Best" M 980-6 Morehead Ciiy New Gooking- CAmcrr insttagfiouse M Ranges ill "ii' n miM 'H V Final Notice To Ilercknls and Dcsifess Houses YOUn 1513 ADD 1919 PRIVILEGE LICENSES ME II07 DUE A Penally d ia Per Coil Will Be MJea Te mr Privileje liceia li Hot Paty if July 2, HIS PAT KOW - AVOID PENALTY JOIIII E. L ASHLEY CITY CLESX , Mcrehca J CUy NEW PORTABLE CONO.COOKII NEW COtOX $UFA UNITS NEW jTmt-TtmP0v8n Test, or broil in the tame tiwel ' .'. i .......larte Jn X e-- r OvenwmjAeteir-a v UokeduitQrncaiiy M il nf H '.;-i 4 ...! 'nil' : .it Mi " lit ) -,h nwtl ni lie .'i Mil )!' , llnl if 111! Ijli-Bi) Sai1" (Hlr' mi kii IT. I-I-I7I.I1 :'jlmA i-l it .ill In nil lilllnli t fil '' 'lHlll.it' I'.i 11 WI.JI Hi I'!. . 'II. M I .It M 1, You can cook a complete meal for SO people t one timet How's that for real cooking capacity? And with all the new Weatinghoute timeaaying eonwguencea you'll jcooIc more food or greater varietice in lew time, witfc lese work more leisure- at lower cost ! Here' big capacity cook-Jng-- big yahie in electric range. TIDE WATER IZeks! City V I POWER CO. J13U1 --.;.. : .-. . -, I , . i.rr j, i! Il .' II'. tr. M ill ' Hi) lr I :-M, I ' I Ml lid.-.. I- I 1 'IWi'i ,;: nn id i. .ill m'. - ! i. .1 I i.( Ili'H) ).". '...,11 II.. Ill .iiiv.'i-.' .IHll-ii II A I. IW.UI lining "t Vtt ' kmti' nj )' IIO IA " li.( ..I i.f.H lltllt l.-rl 1 duo liifv' i'lnilT t-riu-x! illniiii . V. HllVll M'n'ti ) nuiiii ;iii:-h: niiii fiinu? iilt'i Vjtt liK ililiij uni'ir I -tfH I'l.ll ! ' llll '. Iiili! ell lll'.lll ii r iij in t !lni Till " lull! . iniat 1 -irtt ?iiiii Lit lltlllll A wiriti riT It yd io-idl liBin ,nil n'lhg tA y.r.O ihsrn lllll) Uoi.l "'I' I iii'J t:-ifr ( -.(J (! (til niuf . bH Willi .n t i J S li

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