j faufort Social JCiius I arolya Fulchr, Society Editor V Lt. and Mrs. Adam Metz and children spent the weekend in At lantic. ' ""Mr. William Fort motored here on Saturday and was accompanied bgck to Wake Forest orr Sunday by Mrs. Fort who has been spending some time here. Bobby Safrit is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Hdnry Faison, In Faison. Mrs. J. C. Carpenter has return ed to Gastonia after spending sev eral weeks with Mrs. R. W. Safrit, Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Osmundson, pf Detroit, Mich., were recent guests of Mr. and Mis. W. E. Udair. While here they attended he Adair-Pearson wedding in Jack sonville on Saturday. Mis. J. C. Neal, of Richmond, IVa., is visiting Mrs. Larry Moore. Mrs. Kenneth Burgwin, of Wil mington, is visiting Mrs. Robert boss. Mrs. Odell Merrill and Miss Jane Eafrit are visiting in Mount Gilead. Miss Louise Morse and Mr. Ro- jert Hess, of Washington, D. C, spent the week end with Misses Vliklred, Ada and Ethel White lurst. They were accompanied lome by Mrs. Ed Morse who has been visiting her nieces. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potter, Mrs. I ftOim Noe. Mrs. (Vtis Jprfer: n. ' pnd Misses Ada, Ethel and Mild red Whitehurst and Mrs. Gehr-. mann Holland attended an Eastern i Star meeting in Washington, N. C. pn Monday evening. Mrs. W. A. Neul. of New Bern, (spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. llex Norris. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Ritter. of Norfolk, Va.,. will arive this week fend to visit the C. S. Maxwells and Ihe Phil Thomas". Miss Addie Carrow Thomas will return home this week end from Norfolk, Va., where she has been spending several days. Mrs. Phil Thomas returned home Elonday from Norfolk, Va., where he attended the Neal-Coffer wed ding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stamley and Son, Bruce, and Miss Millie King prill spend the weekend with Mrs. EPhil Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wish am land son, Richie, of Atlantic Beach, iFM.. are the house guests of Mr. "and Mrs. Crip Jones. imlfr. Tom Carrow, of Philadel phia, Pa., is spending some time Were. T.HHo J.irlri Npl iinHm-went a nonsillectomy at Dr. Sidbury's Hos pital in Wilmington last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gaskill return ed home Saturday from Philadel phia, Pa., where Mr. Gaskill was I delegate to the Republican Con tention. Mr. Charles Newbern, of Golds- Iboro, was the week end guest of (Mr. and Mrs. James Mason, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis and (Miss Elizabeth Davis spent Monday Un Raleigh. Mrs. Wilinm Eads, of Cliff, Nev (Mexico, arrived Wednesday t( pend the summer with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Man on. Russell K. Wasson, chief engine (man, USN, husband of Mrs. R. K Iwasson of Route 1, Beaufort, ar rived Sunday in Newport, R. I. kboard the destroyer USS Johnston after a three-month cruise ir Northern European waters. Mrs. T. 0. Osmundson andf son Wilbur, left yesterday to return to Portsmouth, V., after visiting; Mr. land Mrs. W. E. Adair V B.'J. May, president-elect of Beaufort Rotary club, - returned yesterday from the Rotary conven er! at Wrightsville Beach. Jack Oakley will return tomor- ow from Wilmington. He left fcer Wednesday. Mist Caroline S. Sclater. of Richmond. Va.. neice of Mrs. N Ennett. will arrive Friday nn(f pdi1 .; b Mrs. ensett of Front St. laser Virginia Drew and Elea nor McCarthy, of Richmond, will motor down for a visit with Df. and Mrs. Ennett at their summer (ottage, Borden Lodge, on Bogue 5 ound near Swansboro. v , Claude Carrow and Thomas H. Carrow, of Philadelphia, are visit iiig their sister, Mrs. Lutie Jones. MM Battle Balle Greataaffl. of Richmond, a recent visitor of the Bnnetts, returned to her home Tnesday, ,U, ,, , Carol and Sara onea. daughters ol Mr: and Mrs, Bet Jones left fkmnm B-44B-) Sunday for Camp Traillee, th Girl Scout camp near Goldsborov Sara will return home next Sunday, while Carol will sta at eamp for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Roy Ha milton, Jr., were called to Nor folk Thursday to attend the fune ral of his grandmother, Mrs, W. D. Lupton. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mathias. of Currituck, N. C. and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Boley and two children, of Baltimore. Md.. were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rus sell. Mrs. Ed Davidson and son, Paul, returned home the first of this week from Wilmington where Paul had born a patient at Dr. Sidbury's hospital. Miss Lena Duncan will return this weekend from Murphy where she has been visiting Mrs. Case. Jack and Beth ' Roberts spent Tuesday and Wednesday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Eure. Mrs. Emma Mumford. Raleigh, who has been visiting Mrs. Bruce Edwards, was taken to the hospi tal, Morehead City, Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Doudera Rutherford, N. J are visiting Mrs Bruce Edwards. Mrs. Doudera is Mrs. Edward's sister. Morlon-Parnell 1 1 a quiet wedding ceremony at the home of the bridegroom's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Augustim finer. Jr., in New Bern, Miss F.lsii Mae I'arnoll, daughter of Mr. am Mrs. Alvin Virance Parnell o Washington, N C, became tlv 'iride of Joe Safller Morton, son o' Mrs. Carl Ihckburn Morton and the late "Mr. Morton, of Hailowe tn Saturday evening, June 2(i a 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Thomas W. Fry er of the First Baptist church, New Kern, using the double ring cere mony. The home was beautifully deco rated, using white gladioli, ever green and fern, carrying out the bridal motif of green and white. The bride who was given in mar. riagc by Augustine Piner, Jr., wore a street length dress of white silk poplin with the new torso and a tely dainty little bustle in the batk.HczJeil.otlllusion fell frorfi a teara of seed pearls. She car ried a white prayer book centered with white carnations. Hor only attendant was Miss Patricia Morton, sister of the bride groom, who wore a lovely dress of blue crepe, with white accessories, and carried an arm bouquet of roses and stephonotis. Bill Scofield of Hyatsvilie, Md., brother-in-law of the bridegroom. was nest man. The men all wore white carna tions. Mrs. Morton attended the Au rora High school and for the past two years she has been employed at Cherry Point. Mr. Morton left Beaufort High school to enlist in the Navy where he served three years with over seas service. Before his marriage he was n school at Cherry Point Marine Air Station. Immediately following the cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Piner, Jr., entertained the wedding party and close relatives. The two tiered wedding cake was cut by the bride and groom and then was served by Mrs. Robert McGregor who was assisted in serving ice cream and cake by Mrs. Augustine Piner, Jr. A moving picture was' made of he wedding ceremony and cake cutting. Because of recent be reavement in Mr. Morton's family inly members of his family were present. The bride's going away dress vas of printed blue and black crepe, with an off-of-face hat and vhite accessories. Her corsage vas of white carnation. After a short wedding trip Mr. md Mrs. Morton are residing at he noma of his mother. ' CC2ACCZE Miss Beatrice Williams arrived Saturday, June 26th to spend a week with her mother.. Mm. AnnU Williams. Miss Williams is employ ed at the Bell Telephone company n Philadelphia, Pa., Mrs. Virginia Eshma and two :hildren, of Philadelphia, are visit ing Mrs, Esbma's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave S. Williams for a few months. Mrs. Thurman Styron and daugh ter,. Betsy Carol, of Wilmington, Delaware, arrived Saturday to spend an Indefinatet period with Miss Elizabeth Myers. - Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrish, Jr. and two children, of Wilming ton, Del, and their cousin, Mrs. Annie Jane Garrish, of Philadel phia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gar rish's parents and relatives. .. i Miss Helena Luby and Miss Bee Bee To! son spent Friday in Hat teras, visiting Miss Luby son, Mr. Lonnie Burrua, Jr. ; ., ' iV ... Mr. and Mrs. ALGasklns and son, Stan arrived Saturday from Wil mington, DeL.They are visiting Mr. Gaskins'gs pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caskins. Mr, Gas kins will return Miss Geraldine Glenn Howard Beautiful in every detail was the afternoon weddin Saturday which united Miss. Geraldine Pearson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fane Wright Pearson, and Glenn How ard Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E, Adair, Sr. of Beaufort. The" Vows were said at 3:30 o'clock at the Jacksonville Baptist j Church with the Rev. L. Grady Burgess, pastor, using the single ring ceremony. Potted palms and fern with standing baskets of white gladioli and candelabra with burn ing cathedral tapers decorated the church. A .program of piano music which preceded the ceremony included the numbers "Romance" by Ru benstein, "Meditation" from Ta bis, and "To A Wild Rose" bby McDowell. Mr. Guy Smith, soloist from Beaufort, sang "Because" and the traditional wedding marches were played. Mrs. Virginia Howe Hassell of Beaufort was pianist. The bride, who wore a formal afternoon pown of white organdv fashioned with a scalloped neck line and cap sleeves and full skirt, was given Th marriage by her fa ther. She wore a wreath of ste phonitis in her hnir and carried a white nravAr honk tnnneri with anftanific a rwl dwtti, nrAl with ... t i. . v. . .,,,.- .. 1 v i 1 1 .... i i v .i nun ottr- phonitis. Her only ornament was a string of pearls, a gift of the groom. Miss Henrietta Crist, of Jackson ville, the maid of honor, was dress ed in a pale yellow organdy off shoulder model with matching pie ture hat and mitts. She carried an old fashioned boiiuuet of daisies with a net fluting and streamers of green. Miss Jean Sabiston, of Jacksonville and Miss Joy Fen Broome, cousin of the bride, from Great Falls, S. C. were bride' naids and wore dresses of ice ;reen organdy fashioned along the ame lines as the maid of honor They, too, wore picture hats and arried bouquets of daisies with lutings of yellow. Little Miss Rose nary Adair, niece of the groom, vas flower girl and wore yellow rgandy with a picture hat and a ouquet of daisies. Dr. W. E. Adair. Jr.. of Erwin, served his brother as best man and whers were J. E. Adair of Beair ort and R. B. Adair of Raleigh, ilso brothers of the groom. Mrs. Pearson, mother of the 'wide, wore a gown of grey eyelet iter pink with pink and black ac-. essories, pnd an orchid corsage. ' Mrs. Adair, mother of the groom, was dressed in blue crepe with a to Wilmington within a few weeks. Mrs. Gaskins and son will wakei their home here. Mr. and Mrs. James Hart and son, of Richmond, Va., are visiting Mrs. Harts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jammie Styron. Miss Lydia F. Williams and Miss Maude Ellen Garrish returned home Saturday from Kaleigh, where they have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. Rudolph Waller. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Johnson and daughter, Eleanor from. Ra leigh, are spending a few weeks at the Wahab Hotel. Miss Betty Jane Allen, of West Virginia, is visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin O'Neal for a period of three weeks. Mrs. Hazel Beasley and daugh ter, Joan, of Portsmouth, Virginia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burrus, Mrs. Beasley's parents. Miss Mildred Garrish is visiting her sister in Goldsboro, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. and two children, of Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burrus. The class of the Willing Workers met at the home of Mrs. T. W. Howard, Thursday, June 14. for tkeir monthly meetmf. Mrs. Doris Garrish, president, opened the meeting by reading the . Bible. Eighteen members were nresent, with one visitor, Mrs. Virginia Austin. Refreshments served were soft drinks and candy. It is sche duled to meet at the church next mon'h. Dr. Charles J. Tilley held church services in Portsmouth, N. C. Sun day, June 27. Those from Ocraeoke were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahab and son, Harold, Mr. Stanley Wa hab, and Mr. and Mrs. Van Henry O'Neal aqd son, Ronnie Van. Mrs. Henry Ballance and daugh ter and Mrs. Elisha Ballance spent Friday and Saturday in Hatteras, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Johnny O'Neal. v ' Wedding . Bert Williams, Jr., BM 2C, USN, of Ocraeoke, N. C, and Miss Eloiee Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Reid, of Jacksonville TCI zmmm mmmi mmm fee CALL B 325S Bora D:23 Ecanly Shop . "We Need Yen1 Bead la Oflr Busmen" FRONT STREET Pearson Weds Adair Saturday corsage of pink astors.' Following the wedding, the bride's parents entertained with a reception at Pine Lodge. Guests were presented to a receiving line which included Mr. and Mrs. Pear son, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Adair, Sr. and members of the wedding party. The bride's table was covered with a cloth of imported Irish li nen and centered with an arrange ment of white gladioli and carna tions. A three tiered wedding cake and white tapers in silver candela bra completed the table appoint ments. After the first slice of cake j was cut by the bride and groom, the cake was servrd by Mrs. W. ; E. Adair, Jr., of Erwin, and Mrs. i C. R. Broome of Great Falls, S. C. Mrs. Harry Crist and Mrs. Pete Cole served punch and were as sisted by Miss Martha Nell West moreland and Mrs. Dick Tallman. Miss Martha Burton presided at the bride's book. Immediately following fhe reeep tion, the bride and ?rowm left for a trip to unannounced nnin's. Vo going "way. Mrs. Adair chose a summer cotton of blue with while accessories and wore gardenias from her wedding bouquet.- Mrs. Adair is a "rnduate of thr Woman's College of the University of North Carolina and has been employed by the Department o' Public Welfare for the past year in Jacksonville Mr. Aduir. a recent fradnate ii Aeronautical Emrineerin" at Stair College, served as a Lieutenant ir the Armv air corps during World War II. The eoim'e will mike their home at Lnngley Field, Va., where Mr Adair wil be connected wilh 1 1i National Advisory Commission o' Aeronautics. The out of town quests who at tended the weddin" and reception were: Mrs. T. 0. Osmundson one' son, Wilbur, of Portsmou'h. Va Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Osmundson. ol Detroit, Mich ; f)r and Mrs. W F Ad lir. Jr.. and daughters. Rosf "v-ry -nd Ann. of Erwin- Mr. an' Mrs. H. D Wood. R B. Adair. Mrs Gaddy. Mr and Mrs. Oberdorfer and son, Richie, and Mr. George Armstrong of Raleigh: Mrs. Dcnisr Garris and Mr. Joe Massey. of Nor folk. Va: Mrs. M. S. Snow'den, Mrs. II. G. Loft in. Mrs. Sterling Ram sey, Mrs. John Brooks. Mrs. Cecil Brooks. Mrs. Eva Bravaldo. Mr. T H. McQunid. Mrs. J. E. Adair. Mis? Hildred Carraway, Miss Joyce Johnson, Dick Parker and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Adair, all of Beaufort. Beach, Florida, were married in Georgia June 16. Birth Congratulations, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Neal on tlje arrival of their eighth son. This, nine pound baby bov arrived Saturday morn ing. at 2:30. Soft Ball Coast Guard suffered nnothei defeat, Sunday. June 27. when the Island boys walked off with a score of 6 to 7. The Coast Guard has lost four games out of five that were played this season. Hey! Coast Guard, what about that motto of yours "Always Rough and Ready." Radio Production Pushed MOSCOW - (AP)) ) A now type of five-tube' home radio re ceiver with shortwave has been pat into production at a Riga fac tory. The USSR. "Pravda" report ed, is now in the midst of an in tense radiofication plin for the whole nation. More than 7.OU0J1OM "radio points'', including wired speakers and regida- lube receiv ers, are functioning in listeners' homes and millions :nore are plan ned In the next few years. Listen ers pay a small listeners tax. at id Louisville S 14 MRS. $37.79 DAILY SERVICE TO Raleigh-Dur. 1 12 nRS. 9 95 Cincinnati 5 HRS. 35.20 Point 2 HRS. 14.70 (Fares subject to Federal Transportation Tax Phone 5491, Beaufort Airport or your iravei Ageni VSXt LCC2 CI HAD, to uitzizvm mn tee m? LCC3 n CLOTHES, IS SHC3T AO WK3 - SWEPT. ' , GET YOVB HAIR CUT AND A PERMANENT WAVE TODAY Over" Jeffs BarWr Shop ' . , , ' ' " BEAUTOBT ' Motes-Ward The wedding of Miss Bettle Tho mas Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus W. Ward, and William James Motes, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Motes of Wester ley, Rhode Island, was solemnized Saturday evening, June 20; at 7:30 o'clock at the Marlowe Methodist church. Rev. J. M. Jolliff officiated with the double ring ceremony. The vows were spoken before a background of palms and ferns against which were baskets of white gladioli with white tapers in seven branch candelabra lighting the setting. Tapers also were burn ing in the windows. Before ihe ceremony. Mrs. Hay wood N. Harris, of Bachelor, ren dered a program of nuptial musip. She also accompanied Mrs. John Hardison in the rendition of "Be ciuse" by Gov Hardelot and 'Your Eyrs Have Told Me So" by Blan fuse. The tradional wedding marches of Loheimrin and M 'n delsshon were used f.ir 'he pro cessional and recessional. The "Ro sary" was played softly while the vows were said. Donald M.rrer. of Morehead Cily. acted as best man. Thomas Ivey Taylor and John Tuttle Ilard :sty were ushers. Mrs. Donfld Mercer w.'S m:.tron if honor. She wore a pink dress of summer sheer crepe with white accessories. She caried an arm bou quet of white '.'tndioli. The bride entered with her fa ther who i'ave her in marriage. She wore a white suit of gabardine and icr hat was small wilh a veil She j carried a prayer honk wilh an or- ; chid on top. Her only ornament ! was a double string of pearls the ' gift of the groom. j The bride's mother wore a navy crepe dress with white accessories and her corsage was of pink roses. I Mrs. Clyde S. Taylor, aunt of the doom, wore a printed sheer crepe with white accessories, her corsage was of while carnations Mrs. Motes graduated from Beaufort High School with honors in 1945 and since then has been mployed at Cherry Point Marine Air Base. Mr. Motes attended schools of Westerliy. Rhode Island. He was n U. S. Navy for lour years and for the last year has been employ ed at Cherry Point Air Base. After a wedding trip to unan nounced points, Ihe coupl will be at home in one of Clyde S. Taylor's apartments. Before tobacco was discovered, men of the Orient were smoking ;picy substances, myrrh and frank license. Morehead City's Bicycle Shop ... E. J. W. BICYCLE SHOP carries a foil line of bi cycle parts and accessories and specializes in all typei of repair work. PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVICE Phono M 4302 2204 Arendell St. ELCCf HAIHLTON 3EKZTOS $29.75 np $52.25 up 524.75 up Bridal Sets BERLAND and KEEPSAKE $23.75 np HELD OIJ'S JEWELERS, CIC Carteret Coaaty'a Only Credit Jeweler Areadell Next 4o City Theatre MOREHEAD CITY t ELGIN) Cake Culling Given For Moles-Ward Wedding Parly Miss Bettie Thomas Ward and William James Motes, Jr. were honored at a cake cutting Friday evening, folowing their wedding re hearsal, given by Mr. end Mrs. Ru fus W. Ward, parents of the bride, at their home. Miss'Ward was presented a love ly cors' ge of Hardenias. A profusion of mixed summer flowers decorated the living room. An .-.rrancment of white bridal flowers were used in the dining room. The table covered with a lace cloth was centered with the three tiered wedding cake, topped with a miniaiiire bride and groom, flanked by white tapers in crystal hot dors, streamers from the wall were fastened at each corner of the table with a bunch of garden ias and ivy carrying out the bridal mot iff. Guests were greeted by Mrs. Carlton Taylor and directed to the dining room ny Mrs. Carlyle Taylor. Mrs Donald Mercer, ot More head City, served the wedding cake after the bridal couple had cut the first slice. Miss Delia Frances Taylor pre- SitjGRAPETTE GRAPETTE THIRSTY - NOT Sincere mm- II ere at tin's Prescrip tion Pharmacy, your in terests come first. Skilled, registered pharmacists give undiverted attention to your Doctor's direr tioiiH. Wc Ue only fresh, pure, potent drugx; check every compounding ptrp for accuracy, llring u vour next prescription ! GUTHRIE-JONES DRUG STORE WON'T ST. BEAITORT B-4981 QMtULlI Front Street mm V SSASilERIS . f'srJ.: j '11 V A. A 1 sided at the punch bowl. Assisting 'in serving were Mrs. Randolph j Hancock, of Mebane, Mrs. Vernon Tolson, Mrs. F.rvin C. McLawhorn ar.d Mrs. James L. Smith, Jr., of Bachelor. Lime ice punch, bridal cakes, nuts and green and white mints were served to epproximately 75 guests including the wedding party and fr'ends. It Flowed Like Water Lemonade flowed like waler at the Beaufort police station Wed nesday night, when the "club" at ihe Station mixed five gallons of the drink. I. N. Moore supplied the lemon and sugar, Cooch Chadwick the water am' Charlie Thomas pro vided the cups. Chief of Police Wil lis and Mr. Thomas served. r3hv J Take the plunge to good health with the vitamins snd topics lliat your doclcr prescribes. We stand ready to follow ycur doctor's instructions lo the letter. Day Phones Night B-323-1 B-913-1 B - BELL'S DRUG STORE Complete Drug Store Service t Front Street Beaufort FRAKX LEONARD, Ilgr. Phone B-5111 Attends Inauguration officer, yesterday attended the in Dr. N. Thomas Ennett, health an 'jura I ion of Dr. John W. R. Nor ton, state health officer, st Ral eigh. Dr. Norton succeeds Dr. Carl V. Reynolds. DANCERS WANTED! Tap and Ballet Classes meet t 9:38 Wednesday and Friday it Rt creation Center. Exrellent nstiuclion. Enroll now so as o be in next Dance Revue Kates $6 month, ( lass at Red) Theatre on Thursday and Sat unlay mornings. ROSE SCHOOL CF DANCE I 'f tr Springboard to Good Health Phone 397 - 1 Eesdsrt

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