I 1. JWDAY, JULY, , 1941 CABTEKET CO WW NEWS-TIMES, BEAUFORT AND MOREHtAD CITNX Miflf ffft VISITING NO RSE ; ifji CHAPTER 10 ' XJK'DRED took Randy's advice '..'. AJ. that next day and stayed home from the clinic. She felt she 8ad earned a day off. There were tany number of small matters, -long neglected, that she could ut tend to. Also she thought it would be a good time to attend to some ,, thing else that had beeh bothering , .her. She wanted to visit the Home Iwhere the little crippled boy, I Jimmy, had been placed, to make certain for herself that he was iwen ana nappy. B Hildred said, "I've been worried about Jimmy. I feel I am the one responsible for having him put in a boarding home and so I want to make certain he is all right. I want to pay an unexpected visit and see what I find." Hildred had said she was Eoine Ion this unscheduled visit in order to see what she could find. But nothing could have prepared her for the discovery she was to make. fEor there, parked in the crum TBling driveway was a familiar limousine. If it had not become so Vfamiliar of late she could not have credited her eyesight. "What on earth is Mr. Lurien doing here?" she asked Robin, who jumped down from behind the wheel to greet her with his friendly smile that made no secre any more of his adniirati"- and respect. "At least I suppose he is here," Hildred tacked on, nodding helplessly toward the Home. , '"That he sure is," Rotin re turned promptly. "As to what he I is up to, well, maybe you can find that out, Miss, rotter than me. I'd j say your guess is as good as mine." But even as he said that neither of them was left guessing. For out of the front door with its elabor ate, if somewhat dated, lace cur tains came Lucien leading a little ibpy. He was walking slowly, so ttyat his gait would match that of itlfce child's more halting one, due 19 a brace worn on one thin limb, ltis head was bent as if he were sicik'ne to the child in low, and CHAPTER 11 WANT you for tea Sunday afternoon," Lucien said, is- ig a statement of his wishes, in- d of asking an acceptance. "I int you and my mother to know h other, as 1 said before. Perhaps your mother will not as anxious to meet me, Hil d said quietly, employing her al honesty and directness. She a flash of dismay; she did not nt to know the Countess. She honed to continue Dostoone- nt of that day. You are mistaken." His tone s firm. "I have written Liz t is what all her most intimate nds call her as I do myself, in disrespect but in play all ut you and our friendship." ay be that was why sne was line sooner than planned! All thers, whether they were plain iz or or titled nobuity, were nfuch alike when it came to their talis. However, in spite of frank- rJs, ,Hildred did not quite feel! , m iajww .-. fShe will thing you.' a good in fluence, as I have told you you are." Lucien's tone was lighter now, his dark eyes almost teasing. "She may appear to be rather an imposing personage at first' But if you will just be yourself as you always are, my dear, I know that my mother will also like you very much." "Tllldred wished she could be as .certain" She wished she had some -lid excuse to get out of the Sun "hry tea, but since she had none, jKtife murmured again that she IXioped that would be the way it -"uld be. """Jimmy woke up just then and ,ftobin came over to say that he 9iad everything packed In the car jo that they could be getting back whenever Mr. Lucien wished. He added that the sky was darkening, not so much because it was near ing sundown but from clouds that might mean rain. Lucien agreed it would be wise for them to start So once more the three of them the little boy Sn the middle piled into the back of the big car, much like one happy little family, as Hildred found herself thinking, with some amusement at such a thought It CH DIANA! : VS C4UGMT SOME KXZtl J I'LL BE ANXIOUS Et& OWE OFF-SHORE AT COOT ISLAND "IO HEAR WITH THESE MET WHAT LUCK FLIES DEAN YOU'Re HAIMG I I r-i i XQJ GBAND! Itt MTTMBFlSH LOVELY STPfBTCHBS OF 1 MiSS SM2&TfORu ARTE EWT1WG UKE MAD THIS BEACH AND TME OWET L fMLSSS1 . ' 6BASOM. I CAN HARDLV A4O0N-UGMT NIGHTS... IT FJ5 to SI1TH U 1 WMTr- WILL B6 HfcVWENLVIl MEMBCK-TODAV- ''''' l I Us3 I"" B 1 1 IT'S A ftoCKAGC FROM 1 1 $V WWTES.-WsWn fedby fc" I 1 1 . SJf ss ' ?5 r ".- KfTTV. $S spcnwng I Coo Island. Thfith tUdnt AA) - AfWIWw r ,. ; I Life but optn ike enciowrf iJf ' n VtT... OB06AH S INLET' botllt nd M whnt tM .ynd I M& ( 3. Z ' " - - - - - - encouraging words. ' Hildred wanted to run to meet them but she stood at if planted to the spot. She could not ever) open the gate, a service Robin performed for her. Only then did Lucien look up to see her. He did not seem surprised, or nonplussed.TIe gave her his slight smile, with a nod of greeting. He said, in a pe-fectly ordinary, matter-of-fact voice, 'Well, here We are." Hildred said, "So 1 see." And did. in part. The things she had told Lucien last evening at dinner must indeed have found under standing. She had not dreamed, however, hp had been interested to this extent. "I borrowed Jimmy for the afternoon," Lucien said. His dark eyes smiled into hers now, deeply, as she had found they could when he was the Lucien she liked, the man who was her friend. "We're going for adrive, into the coun try. We've a hamper packed with lunch. And we'd be very pleased if you would join us, wouldn't we, Jimmy?" UNTIL now the little boy had not raised his heac, or his eyes. Hildred saw, with a stab of real pain, that he had grown thin ner and whiter during his brief stay. "I don'i like it here," Jimmy re turned, but in such a iow mumble that it was difficult to distinguish the words. "I don't like it at all. I don't want to stay." "We'll see about that," Hildred said quickly. She saw the child was ready to burst into tears. Long pent-up tears of horribly re pressed emotion. "You mean maybe I won't have to stay?" The little fellow looked up at her now, his underlip quivering painfully. He had enor mous dark eyes and a thick crop of dark hair. "Maybe not all the time. We'll see about that, too," Hildred prom ised readily. Her own eyes were misty with tears. "Right now," she continu?d. straightening to her feet again, "you're going for was a thought she was to remem ber and dwell upon later, many times. I Lucien promised Jimmy that they would repeat this happy day soon and Hildred told the little boy that she was going to take him to her house often to spend the weekend. "So you must prom ise to be a good boy in between," she finished. "You must not stay off by yourself, away from the other children. You must try to cat all your food, clean up your plate every time, and you must promise me, please, Jimmy, that you will not cry any more." Jimy promised manfully, though tears already seemed close as they drew up once more before the Home. He said he did try, in fact,, as hard as he could. "The food sticks in my throat," he explained, his big eyes solemn and large in his peaked little face. "It Just won't go. down. The other kids, they mean all right, but hey don't like me, I guess. I don't cry much, except tr hn- 4ct& lk4'aa in iicfll'SSSands'ucMa tinf fSWtaitt not being allowed to go out the gate." "I know," Hildred said, her own eyes misty. She gathered him close to her for a minute, feeling his thin little ribs, the fierce pounding of his heart "But you must try even harder, and keep on trying and after awhile it will be all right, honestly it will." But she was not sure. For some chil dren, yes, but maybe not for Jimmy, ever. SHE said as much to Lucien, be fore the big car stopped the second time, at the apartment where she lived. "What Jimmy needs is someone all the time, she told him. "The security of lasting love." "I agree with you," Lucien said, his voice unexpectedly gentle. "I give you my promise as Jimmy did to try to do my part" Hildred thanked him -though of course she had meant things that even Lucien's generosity, and money, could not give. "I'm beginning to ace what it means, this being a county nurse." Lucien's eyes really smiled into hers as he held her hand, a while longer than necessary, in parting. "Are all of them like you, wanting 1VE MeVEB Be em WELL IF DtSAPPOKDED wrm OU'LL RtltW THE RSHIUG AT OOCTT ISLAND. VE ACABIM FOR US I'LL APPRECIATE IT.E.S. r Of COURSE X AM AN EXPERT UTU BOD ANP f "7 rvt-- l r - - ByKallll0cnHanU that drive with . Mr. Lanier." She flashed Lucien smile to show him how much she appreciated what he was doing, how truly wonderful she thought it was oj him. v v 'Yoij must come with us," Lucien said once more. "We shall be greatly disappointed ii you don't" So Hildred found herself belr.g assisted into the back seat by Rabin, with Jimmy tucked be tween her and Lucien. It was a wonderful picnic, not just because the big wicker ham per was packed so full of appetiz ing delicacies, but because tht company proved so congenial. Once out in the hills with the canopy of blue sky overhead Jimmy turned into a normal little boy. A rowdy little boy, full o! fun and pranks and laughter. Sc that soon Lucien and Hildred and even Robin who was included in all the merrymaking, were be having as if they had all been set suddenly free. Then, finally ex hausted, they stretched out to rest on a grassy knoll beneath a bip spreading oak hung with lacy Spanish moss.'' HUdred was too content to seek slumber; she rested her back against the trunk while Lucier. stretched put at her feet. A little apart. Jimmy slept soundly, his tumbled head pillowed on Robin's wide chest The end of a perfect day," Hil dred said, tand meant it 'The wonderful part though, Lucien, it that you would plan it, make it possible." She still could not eet over that; it was another side of this strange man of many moods. "Why hot J am human, if I am a Lanier, Lucien replied. "After you told me about Jimmy last night I suddenly got this in spiration though I confess I was not confident it would work out as well as it has. At least not until you popped up and joined us which is what actually has made it the perfect day it has turned out" to give so much love as well as service?" Hildred shook her head. "A good nurse" she was quoting Randy now "does rot let per sonalities, and sentiment, affect her. I don't mean she is not kind and humanitarian. But of course it is only sensible to realize you one person alone cannot do all you would like to do. I wish I could take all the Jimmies and other children I know to my heart and give them all my love. But I have to try not to; I have to fight against it But I believe, once more, in that middle road I think occasionally as with Jimmy I can make an exception and still be a good nurse, I hope!" "I think you can." His hand clasp tightened. "I think you are a very good nurse. I think you are a fine woman. I say that as the highest tribute a man can pay a woman and I mean it, Hildred." She saw that he did so that, Jmpulsivelyjhe .returned,, his ':Tr"&Zi: r oTLtme reached a full understanding of each other. Now we are indeed the friends we pledged ourselves to be." "I wish ..." Lucien began, then stopped as abruptly. "Never mind that now. Maybe someday I will tell you what I started to wish, if the time ever comes when such a wish could I- made possible." She could not imagine what he meant, but she felt the hot color spreading up into her face; she felt again an odd presentiment The time would come when she would kiow what Lucien had al most wished for. But now he raised her hand, as was his custom, to his lips in fare well. "Until Sunday, then," he said, his dark eyes smiling into hers, as if the bond betweeto them was in fact cemented. Well, maybe she could not have Randy, the man she loved, but it was a comfort a warm, sweet feeling inside her to know that she had the true friendship and liking of Lucien Lanier. It healed that other hurt a little. It would be something to cherish, if thai other love never came true. (To lie continued) l';KA,V.VCM' WAMl IT TH ' MJVSK OV "I IS TMKNtY-::tll.L:AvE It TV1E . O LONG CEAnJ START PWFASANbA FAST AMD MAiftF rr tLGMTV GOOD .. .. . . F? M!Y r SMYRNA Mr. and ' Mrs. W. L. Smith left Wednesday for Boston, Mass. to vi sit their daughter and husband, Mr, and Mrs. William Garvis. They were accompanied by their daugh er and franddaughter, Mrs. Vance Fulford and Betsy, of Beaufort. Mrs. Tom Davis many friends are glad to know she is able to be out again after her recent opera ifli ai the Morehead City Hospital. Mr. Robert Willis . is taking treatments at the Morehead City Hospital this week. Major Guion B. Simpson, of 3hio, arrived here Tu'ny '! ndefinite stay with his mother, Mrs. Irene Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Chadwick ind Mrs. H. Hancock snent Monday ifternoon visiting Mrs. Bessie Webb and Mrs. George Adams at Morehead Cily. Herbert Hancock and Bobby "'hndwick made a trip to Atlantic Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Chadwick snent a few hours at New Bern Monday visiting Mrs. Cecil Hancock. Mrs Hettic Stead, of Gloucester, attended prayer meeting at the Methodist church here Wednesday light. Mr. Milton Chadwick. of Straits inent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Chadwick. Mrs. Mifjcie Hancock was the week end guest of her son and Mrs. Charles Willis at Marsh. illberg. j Relatives of Captain ami Mrs. E. II. Heady, from Fnyettevillo, visit ed with them over the weekend. Reverend and Mrs. Ilolcomb vi sited friends here the week i nd. i Reverend Holcomh is ? former pastor of Smyrna Baptist church. Mrs. L. F. Taylor, Mrs. II. R. Chadwick, Misses Dorothy, and Alice Golden, Bill Golden and Miss Anita Willis attended the sub-district meeting of the Methodist Youth Fellowship at Core Creek community church. Friday night, j Mrs. Harry I.. Willis ;nd daugh ter are spending the week in New j Bern with relatives. Reverend Hnywuod Ilarrell fill ed his regular appointment at the 1 Methodist church here Sunday nifht. The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service met Thursday niyht of lust week at the church. Miss Carroll md brother, Mr. Russell Willis. Misses Tyre, two friends, all from Washington, N..C. ! visited Mrs. Herbert Hancock, July 4th. HARLOWE Mrs. Earl Webb Temple was in Beaufort Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Motes return cu muiMiay iioiii ueeun view ami V. Where they spent their ed Thursday from Oceun View and .honeymoon. Mrs. Pearl Olund, who has been with her sister, Mrs. William An drews in Washington, D. C, re turned Thursday. Miss Rhetta Martin of Smithfield and Paul Grady of Kenly were in the community Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scofield, Mrs. Ashby B. Morton and Mrs. William Noe spent Thursday in Wilming ton. Rev. J. M. Jolliff held services here Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service will meet Friday eve ning, July 9, with Mrs. Raymond Ball. Mrs. W. E. Moore, of New Bern, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. C. Williams. Miss Jessie Trowbridge, Home agent, of New Bern, passed through Thursday afternoon en route to Bachelor. Mrs. William Noe and children, Miss Catherine and Clyde, return ed to Beaufort Friday- afternoon. Mesdames Carlton Taylor, Will Conner, Clyde Taylor and Miss Eleanor Taylor attended the Har- Conspirators VSXJB COOT ISLAND landI R iXMje rr TVHB S'LOnq! - . SAI.KITTY!I 7" lowe Core Creek Home Demonstra - tion meeting Thursday afternoon at Core Creek. Mrs. , Emma Oglesby was in Beaufort Friday morning. . ' . Miss Martha Jones and Mrs Bee- Wednesday afternoon to vfclt Mrs. Clyde Taylor and Miss Eleanor Taylor. Clyde S. Taylor motored to Bay View recently to tike his wife and daughter, Miss Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ward, Misses Sue and Nellie Ward and Ethel Jarman to church services. Mrs. Ry Green, rf Raleigh, spent the week end with her pa-v rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby B. Mor ton. Mr nnH Mrs Anpnstinp Pinpr. Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Pirn r. Jr. and son, Mr. and Mrs Robert Mc - Mr onrl Mr ,!oe, William Finer, Miss Mary W. I'iner and Charles Piner, of New Bern, spent Sunday with Mrs. Carl H. Morton rnd family. Mr. and Mrs. Ashby li. Morton, Mrs. Ray Green, Mrs. W. C. Wil liams, W. Keeeh -nd Douuias Wil liams motored to Tom Haywood's Trailer Park Sunday to attend the reunion of the Conner family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scofield and daughter, I.inda. of Hyattsville, Maryland, returned home Monday, .-Gifts That Keep On Giving - FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT BEACHHOME CAMP BEACH CHAIRS & UMBRELLAS SURF CASTING RODS GE AUTOMATIC WASHER-DRYER-IRONER SUNBEAM & GE APPLIANCES REVEREWARE al HUNTLEY-PREST "Where Price and Quality Are Best" M 9S0-6 1309 Arendell Si. Morehead City arc fflno Friendly relations certainly go a long way toward making this a happier world. We feel particularly fortunate in having such friendly relations with vou! When service is good, you are Quick to tell us. When occasionally you do have trouble with service, ' you report it in a friendly, reasonable manner. Your understanding of our problems is much appreciated too. With such friendly relations, is it any wonder we're doing everything possible to give you the best aervice money can buy. . Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Company The Hew B. F. GOODRICH TIES W oily $1ID.S EASY WEEKLY TERMS The new Defiance gives safe, dependable I mileage for the grealeri i a lire al this low price. UAIIinniGIIT TIRE CO., inc. -V ; ' ' S. K. WA1NWBIGHT i Formerly al Wainwrlghfi Eseo Service 905 ARENDELL 8T, DIAL M 929-1 MOREHEAD CITY - - rH-Our ' July 5, after visiting Mrs. Carl H. Morton , and family. . I Miss Bertha D. Bell, of Bachelor, passed through Sunday enroute to i Croaten to spend the day with 'Mrs. Lina B, Conner. ( Mrs. Ashhv B. Morton returned 1o Raleigh with her daughter Mon- div and will v sit her while Mr. Green is away on a cruise with th" Navy reserve. Miss Patricia Morton returned home withMr. and Mrs. Bill Sco field on Monday. Jesse C. Tylor. of Winston Salem, spent the holidays with his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Temple. Clifton Taylor, of New Bern, was here for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. W. Everette Taylor I Were in Huulort satuni!':' iiiur j . 1 Mis.'V. i " V Ili.Kht C. Williams spent Sun in Vanreboro with Mrs. Burney L. Witherinton. MARSHALLBERG Mrs. Mennie Nelson sml daugh ter, Mr, an1 Mrs. Cecil Morris anil children, of Norfolk, Va., have re turned to their home after visit ing Mrs. Nelson's nieces, Mrs. Lu i ue I "V is. Miss Flsie Nelso l and Mrs. Xenophon Mason. Mis Hiariairetle Lewis has re M)ncd home after visiting her & FISHING TACKLE our relations Plus Tax valne ever built inlo Budget Plan" -if her and family, Mr. and Mr. Thomas Lewis of Newport News, miss Haddie Harris Neal return- cd home Sunday from nrooKiyn, 1 N. Y. where" she spent her vaca- tion with Capt. Clyde Harris andi family. ira Douglas Murphy, USM, is home on leave with his parents, , Mr. and Mrs. Iredell Murphy Mr. Hugh Roberts Chadwick is home visiting his mother, Mrs. Bessie Chadwick. Mrs Ruth Wooten and daugh ter, Ruth Esther, of Bosto.1, are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Ira T. Willis were in Wilmington one dry on bust ness. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Lewis and children, of Morehead City, spent some time here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Lewjs re cently. Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Mulky and children, of Mullen, Ga., have re turned home after visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Davis. Mrs Delnv s I.eis nnd bflhv ar rived home from the Morehead Ci ty Hospital Monday afternoon. Mrs. Grayden Moore and daugh ter are visiting her mother, Mrs. Violet Whitley at Newport, N. C. Miss Jean Mason, of Harlowe, U here visiting Mr. aid Mrs. Mike Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis and ehililren, of New Hern, N. C, were here for the weekend with his pa rents, Mr. and Mis. D. K. Lewis. Mrs. Herbert Hancock returned home Saturday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Piner. Mrs. Claud Brown and girls are ii' "im lier nareiits. Mr. and Mis. W'ianis at Ocraeoke. Mrs. L. B. Daniels arrived here Carolina Cities, Towns and Counties are using BBBR TAX REVENUE Last November, $1,784,821 in beer taxes (representing July, August and September collections) was distributed to Xortli Carolina municipalities and counties wherein beer is licensed to be sold. How is tnis money being used? The results of a recent survey hold great interest for the State'., taxpayers: MOTIC rTavtNUf FROM E Of BUR 7 TAX INCREASES. Other ING INCREASED EXPENSES and APPLICATION ON DEBT SERVICE. In some instances, EXTRA CITY AND RpRAL POLICEMEN are being employed from the funds, re sulting in improved law enforcement. Other uses include STREET foiV Iwl TW EXTENSION, 5W Imn MM Other constructive utiliiation COUNTY LIBRARY BUILDING, NEW FIRE STATION, COURTHOUSE EN LARGEMENT, PUR CHASE OF PROPER TY for county purpoccs. And so on an impres sive array of sorely need ed services and facilities made possible by th apportionment of beer ta:( revenue to towns, cities and counties licensing the sale of beer. (mm Division, U. S. Brewers. Foundation. You help us mightily when you give your patronage only to those beer retailers whose places of business reflect complete respect for North Carolina law and North Carolina civic and social standards. NORTH CAXOUfM DIVISION UNHID STATES BSTSEXS F0UATO m t. - i m .. . . . tn n a . ia. m . at.. ewv wm mwriefi jpuutaaej, Saturday from New York on her vacation, Rev. and Mrs. Parks Harrit and children are here visiting Mr. ind . Mrs. John D. Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Reeves and son, of Hope Mills, N. C, are here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Donza Lee Merrill, , of Baltimore, Md., are here visit in? her mother, Mrs. Jess (iilluiu. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wallace are Visiting his parents at Stratford, Conn. Mr. end Mrs. Kerr-o Guthrie, of Morehead City, and Mr. and Mrs. Fugrne (puck, of Fayetteville, N. C, spent the weekend here with their father Mr L. S wiirn . Mr and Mrs. Harold Davis and children, of Washington, D. C, and Mr. and Mrs. r.uuie L,uue, ... . , waf-hingto'. D. C, are here sp""din" lh"ir "K"ition. Mrs. Bertie G Divis. Mr. an Mrs. E. Snyder and children, of Baltimore, Md., ai.:..u iieie the weekend on their vacation. Chile Takes Immigrant Fam'.l es VIENNA (AP) Entire fa milies ot displaced persons from babies to prandnarents are being resettled In Chile. Thus far 2,407 displaced persons" have been ap proved for resettlement in Chile. Of this number, only 707 are work ers, the remaining 1,700 are de-n-nd"nts F-'mily groups of up to 11 persons have been among those selected. Th snln me is popular among the displaced persons, for Chile is Hi t tie new countries which takes dependents along with workers. Twenty-six municipalities and 28 counties report that the new beer revenue would enable them to RE DUCE TAXES, and three other counties said it would help in that direction. Thirty-four municipali ties and 34 counties indicated it would aid in PREVENTING welcome" uses included MEET IMPROVEMENTS, PUR 1 W ' f Pmttetmtm CHASE OF EQUIPMENT and SANITARY SEWERAGE SCHOOL BUILDINGS are be- ! i i cr-fmnr rvnpv IBw-rr 1 Piannea, oi. nuui, c-Arni-"fi'tvlA SES met, and county HEALTH AND WELFARE programs financed from beer tax revenue.. of these funds includes: itrntt jjatrnu m beer taxes as a basis for estimate, nearly $4, 000,000 of this "bonus" revenue it anticipated for North Carolina municipalities and counties this 1,4 w year money that will relieve the burden of hard-pressed taxpayers. Safeguarding these millions an objective of the Self-Regulation Program of the North Carolina piw xtmmm ty 'CD .CP " 'l r

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