CARTT'COWwCTil, lEAlfttfR AVD ttOllElffiAO Off; S. C H " : caufort facial Jfcfas ! 3erbl PuldtMP) Seltr Editor ' Phoae B.44S-1 i Mrs. J. H.1 Johtec. Mrt. W. L. Bell and Miss Loftb L-sndeTt spent Saturday at' the Bordoh' Ledge as the guests of Dr.' arid Mrs. U. T. Ennett. Miss Carolyn- Sclater, of Richmond, Va., is also a gtiest at the Lodge, Mrs. E. H. Potter is spending come time at Midway Par with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Ellington.' Mr. and Mrs. L. K: Nnhrt and three daughter, of JMytori, Ohio, are spending a month at aft apait . ment off the causewav. While hire they are visiting her mother. Mrs. J. H. Johnson and o!"ier relatives. Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Bizrell and children, Harry, Jr., and Lynn; of Charlotte, are sper.dln a week at tthe home of Miss Gladys. Chadwick. Miss Lillian Forman, of RbxbrrO, is spending some time here, Mr and Mrs. Calvin Jones and sons attended the Lost Colony at Manteo last week. T)r. and Mrs. Robert L. Kushner and sons, Bobbie and Spanky, of Danville, Va., have been the gtiests of Mayor and Mrs. L. W. Hassell for the past two weeks. They will return to their home in Virginia tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas spent the week end in Gibsonvi'lo visiting her brother, Ernest Guth rle. Miss Betty Himiley. Mrs. Julius Duncnn ;ind Mrs. W. A. Mace shop ped in Richmond, Va.. hist week. ' Ed Davidson, of Rutherford, N. J., is spending two weeks' vacation here with his wife. Mrs. John Jones and Miss Betsy Jones left Saturday to visit Mrs. Jones' niece, Mrs. H. L. Halboy, at Virginia Beach. They were joined in New Bern by Mrs. H. U. Justice and will attend the Middle Atlan tic Florist Convention at Old Point Comfort during their ten days' trip. Mi3s Nannie Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Van Potter shopped in New Bern Thursday. M: and Mrs. W. B. Norris Jr., f i Portsmouth, Va., spent lust week their parents, Mr and Mrs. Will Norris. Mrs. N. M. Scott, of Wilmington, ' spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs: Hugh Carraway. Miss Hildred Carraway and Dick Parker visited in Wilmington last Friday. L. D. Norris, Jr., ot N orf oik, Va. spent the week end with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Norris. Mrs. Billy Arringtotl and Mrs Joe Woolard shopped Friday in New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chlshotm; of Wilmington, spent the week end with Mrs. Robert Tillelt and Mr. Ed Martin. . Mr. and Mrs; Bermy Copeland will leave tomorrow for Detroit, Mich. With them will be Mrs. Grant eLonard aftd 1 her daughter, Joyce, of Detroit, who, along with Mr. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Tilghman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed die Six and Mr. I. D. Gillikin re cently spent some time here. Rev. and Mrs. M. O. Alexander and Mts. Alexander's sister, Miss Ida Blaek, of Lakeview, S. C, re turned to their home Thursday af ter spending few dqys with local friends. Rev. Alexander is a for mer pastor of the First Baptist church. fleese-Hurtley Mr. and Mrs James Douglas Rumlcy request the honour of your presence' at the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Anne i to Lieutenant Shirley Wayne Reese on Friday the sixteenth of July at five o'clock in the afternoon Ann Street Methodist Church BeaHl'ort, North Carolina No Invitations will be sent i 1 Carteret county but all friends of the family are cordially invited to attend the wedding and reception which will follow at the home of the bride's parents, on 118 Marsh street, immediately after the wedding. HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. W. H. Morga nand son, W. H., Jr., of Lakeview, S. C, are spending several days with Mrs. Morgan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. -Scott. Miss Joyce Hall, student nurse at James Walker Memorial hospital, Wilmington, is spending a few davs with her mother, Mrs. Pearl Hall. Mr. and Mrs. John Smithson, of Hblly Ridge, visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Rosi Bland, of New Bern, teturned Monday to her home aft er a week's visit in Beaufort as the guest of Mrs. M S. Snowden. Mrs. M. S. Snowden left Thurs day for an extended visit in Rich mond, Va., and Washington, D. C. with relatives. Rev. B. B. Slaughter, district su perintendent, delivered the sermon at the Ann Street M.?ihndist Church Sunday in the absence of the pastor, Rev. T. R. Jenkins. Capt. and Mrs. George Linr.e meier attended the Lost Colony at Manteo this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Humphrey re turned last week after spending two weeks in Durham. Mrs. J. W. Humphrey spent last week end in Snow Hill with her parents. Mrs. Edith Norris, of Raleigh, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Davis. .Misses Lefeth and Joanne Ben nett of Mullins, West Virginia, wllltirrive Monday for a visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Richards. ' Fiftoen different vitamins now are known, and scientists believe others exist in natural foods. Many buildings in modern Spain are decorated with ceramic tiles which .after 400 vears. still bear Arabic . quotations inscribed by baracen invaders of Southern Europe. Robert E. Mentlows, of Swans boro, is doing nicely following an operation. Mr. Elbert G. Weeks, of Swans boro, is recuperating following an operation. Mrs. Roy B. Hill was discharged from the hospital Friday. .Bride-Dec! ' )r M T "t f $ Miss Myrtle Ruth Davis, daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. Winfrey Davis, whose manage to Rev. Elwood Ri vers Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Orr of Rocky Mount, will be solemnized Saturday in the First Baptist Church. All. Guion Garner, of Beaufort, was discharged Saturday. 'M;ss Sandra Brown, of the At land? Beach Hotel, was dischaigcd Eytirday. Mr Harry Gnskill, of Beaufort ,vj- d.scharged Sunday. Mr. Ixiran II. Ballance. of Beau lord was discharged Sunday. Mrs. A. K. Barrus. cf Kinslon. was moved from the h pit;. to her summer home on Shep.ird Street following an appcndt'cloii y. Mrs. Lena P. Lumpkin, of More head City, was discharged Sunday Mrs. Thomas W. Wnlsnnr.t. and infnnt son, of New Bern, ltd 4, were discharged Sunday. STORK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Helms, Jr., announce the birth of a daughter, Cheryl Jean, in the Morehcad City Hospital on July 11. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Egan, of llavelock. announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Joy, on July 11, in the Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rudolph Dowty, of Marshallberg, announce the birth of a son. Claude, Jr.. on July 8, in the Morehead City Hos pital. Dr. and Mrs. Milton Blanchanl Morey, of Morehead City, announce the birth of a son. Milton, Jr.. in the Morehead Cilv Hospital on July 10. Mr. and Mrs. Iv P. Williams, of Wiliiston, announce the birth of a son, James Stevens, on July i). in the Morehead City Hospital. Mrs. Robert' Polk Given Farewell Parly Monday Mrs. Robert Polk was' honored with a "Farewell Party" giveff by Mrs. Rusty Dorrler last Monday evening at eight o'clock. The home was lovely with sum mer flowers and a Chinese table management. High score prize, a bud vase, was won by Mrs. Howard Rivers second high, a kitchen plaque, went to Miss Shirley -Johnson. The- hostess served apple pic a la mode wi-.n t cool d.'inl: at re freshment limt Mrs. Polk received many attrac tive gifts frvi hi r friendi LENNOXVILLE Mrs. Frank Mcintosh left Thurs day night for Kenton, Ohio to be with her-sister, Mrs. Richard Gar vin who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Baker Luptoh and children, of Suffolk, Va., arrived Saturday. Mr. Luptoit left' Sun day afternoon for Portsmouth, Va., where his ship is stationed.' Mrs. Luptoit and children' will be1 here fbr a two weeks vacation with Mr. Luptori's mother, Mrs. Sophia Lup ton and sister, Mrs. Charlie Fcrrler. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur tjoodwln, of Lola, visited relatives here Sun day and also visited their aunt, Mrs. Mattie Styron at Morehead City Hospital. GLOUCESTER Miss Lillian Frances, Hidden. Id N., began a two weeks' varat on yesterday. Master Calvin Fuller, Jr. va; ad mitted to the hospital Mond.iv. Mr. James J. Soarks, of Linkers Island, was admitted to the h spi tal Monday. Master Braxton Piner. son of Mr. Leland Pinter, of Davis, was admitted Monday for a tonsillectomy. OBITUARIES Mrs. Mae Barefoot, tray girl at the hospital, was admitted Thursday for treatment. Mrs. Victor T. Bellamah, of Beaufort, is doing nicely following an operation. Mrs. Nallie Perkins Mr. W. i:. Fodrie,. TO. died at 1 a.m. Julv !). after a long illness He was a retired farmer of New- ! port. Funeral services were conducted from the home Sunday at 3 p.m. by the Rev Jollilf, pastor of the j Methodist Church, with interment in the Cedar Grove cemelerv. He is survived by one brother, M. W. Fodrie, of Atianta. Ga.. one sister, Mrs. Rena S'yvon of Bran fort and one h: If hi' iher. A. N. Fodrie. of Be.iulori; two hilf-Fis tors, Mrs. Doicy Rice, of Morehead City and Mrs. Will Weeks of Balti more. Md. Mr. and Mrs. Veston Banks, of Raleigh, N. C, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Willis re cently. Mr. ad Mrs. Norwood Roberts and children, of Oriental, N. C, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chadwick. The Misses Laura and Elizabeth West, of Warsaw, N. C, are guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Laura Fulford and other relatives. Mrs'. Edwin Long; of Greens boro, N. C, spent awhile in our community Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin and child ren, of Charlotte, N. C, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chadwick. Mrs. Fannie Nelson is visiting her son, Mr. Edward Nelson and family in Beaufort. She is con fined to her room with a bad hip and leg. Miss Phyllis Lou Ordwein, of Hyattsville. Md., was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mis. Lester Pi gott. Mrs. Annie Tipton returned to Hyattsville, Md., Monday by plane. She spent several weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pigott and Mrs. Lillian Pigott. Mrs. HetWe Stead spent Monday evening at Atlantic beach. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Willis and daughter, Brenda, of Smyrna, N. GIFTS THAT KEEP ON GIVING BKACIf HOME CAMP FURNITURE & HARDWARE j C, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. "Kenneth Bates Sunday afternoon. Mr. Walter Stewart, Star route carrier for the post office depart ment, is on a month's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Willis and son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowe, Jr., and children, Terry, Winnie and John Bishop and Mrs. J. R. Sanders and daughter, Olivia, all of Morehead City, were guests of the Misses Lavina, Mary and Geor gia Whitehurst Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Prouse, of Charlotte, N. C, and Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Hayes, of Baltimore, Md., returned to their homes Tuesday after vacationing with Mrs. Lucille Piper at Sleepy Point. Miss Betty Poteat is visiting re latives in Norfolk. Va. Mrs. Polk Daniels, of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Chadwick and son, of Washington, I). C, Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Harris and child ren, of Griniesland, N. C, were re cent dinner guests of Miss Josie Pigott. Mrs. Edward Mclnturff and children, of Culpeper, Va., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Chadwick. Mrs. Kate Ix-ffers and daughter, Mrs. Nat Smith spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Lillian Pigott and Miss Maggie Pigott. Miss Helen Chadwick gave a pic nic and swimming party Monday Mr. James E. Dixon, of Harkers Island, is much improved following an operation. Master Gerald Fulcher, of More head City, was discharged from the hospital Monday. Mr. James E. Holland, of Smyr na, was admitted to the hospital WHIN YOU NEED AN EXTRA SUPPLY Of HOT WATER JUST PUSH THE 3oOSfer'$UttOl i Thir exclusive, seitidllohd! rase Feature It the drtmtert irrt provemunt in Hor Water SeiVtoV in yorll When heavy Wabdy loom, or weekend gueitt arrive, jutt path tHe BOOSTER BUTTON! in a few hour the tank' full of extra-hot water; Mix thw with cold water while utfaf and you get gallons more utabl hot water over and' above yoftr normal requh-eitient rett rw Mirie site heater. What a joy tb hWve all the hot watef yoa want, wHenyoti want it. Set; today, these rriarvekxft water Heater. Sl-i04tYf " iv H MOW hot water for extra needs: MORE hot water frora every tJnkful: MORE hot water at let coat. MO& yearfe of tervice longer life QUICK IV AMD EASKV INSTALUtt' Mt PtAC IN' YOUR HOMf . W E. Fodrie Mrs. Mattie E. Tei-kins, B3. of Newport, died et her home last night. July 9. Funeral services were conducted from the home at 4 o'clock Sat urday, July 10, by the Rev. J. M. Jolliff, from the Methodist church. Interment followed "in the Cedar Grove cemetery. She is survived by one son, S. A. Perkins, and one granddaugh ter, Mrs. M. B. Morey, of Morehead City. Stay Tinted to- TIDEWATER TOPICS Etery Tiies, & Wed-StaHon WHBL Thursday. Mr. David II. Lewis, of Beaufort, is receiving treatment in the hos pital. Zeke Colenda, of Morehead City, was discharged Friday. FOLDING CHAIRS & UMBRELLAS SURF CASTING RODS & FISHING TACKLE SUNBEAM & GE APPLIANCES AUTOMATIC WASHERS, DRYERS, & IRONERS ZENITH RADIOS j: HUNTLEY-PREST j j - "Where Quality and Jrlee Are Rlgtat j 1309 Arendell St. M 9J06 Morehead City j Mrs. Leslie Muse, of New Bern Rt. 4, was discharged Friday. Master Earl Taylor, of Newport, was discharged Friday. Mr. Charles Stewart, Jr., of Beau fort, was discharged Saturday. IS IS High Oaatiiy-TEat's OUr Line cf ill! Fccildfs HERE AND THERE (Continued From Page Two) to feed the peote, swift-flowing streams to water the lands that feed the people and forests full of game to add to their vegetable menu. And the creeks and the ocean were filled with fish, all manner of fish-to be had for the taking. It was thus that by fishing, by farming and hunting, that those forest settlers made a comfortable living from the fields and the fo rest and the streams of Carteret county. Word spread, as word 'will now and as word did even then, about j the Carteret paradise where the very land itself flowed with milk and honey, and soon this section became one of the most thickly populated in North Carolina Came the Revolutionary War. Carteret citizens were startled from their ideal existence of farm ing and hunting and fishing to an swer the call to arms. And many from their ranks became heroes of first rank during the struggle with England. Monuments still stand in the cemeteries of the county to attest the bravery of some of this county's citizens. Thsre' is the monument' hr tmF Beaufort cemetery erected to Ad miral Otway Burns who' captained privateer during the struggle. Oh tt large marble block is mounted:- nnon from his ship, the "Snap draion." And there is the grave of fte British redcoat who was. buriei standing up, packs and all . to carry his gun through the ages, Came the Civil War. Carteret once more came to the fore, its numerous natural harbors furnish ed hideouts for ships of the South. Then it was that Emiline Pigott, the -Mata Harl of the Confederacy, ' started her rise to fame in the profession of espionage. Carteret county still retains those assets which made it a pa radise for early settlers. And add ed to those assets now" are beaches, bustling business, and modern highways which made it easily ac cessible. Fishing is a mere lucra tive profession here than ever be fore, the soil is fertile and game still abounds. for her cousin's, the Misses Laura and Elizabeth West of Warshaw, N. C. Mr. Dollie Moore, of Charlotte, N. ('., was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Chadwick, Sr. -Booirs- roR ALL THE FAMILY Mrs. Hedgepelh's Book and Bible Shop Arendell Street MOREHEAD CITY FIKI5T G2A2"' f SATS' FROZEN" FtuiJs ros. Dial IIS7SI-C-37S1 0 I Hi v BRASSIERES J i ' Patented Strapless Hi-Low Witchery in IUx urlous satin with lace frame. Sizes 32-36. $5X3 FfimsE consET shof 1103 Arendell St. M' 9711 Motehead City Ttomofisfraftw 5. V filly AotomaiTcvViic'ijr f mi 1 1 I .75 Easy Terns ''And' Cm Irf the clouds with foyl ImdglW, oil you de-Is pof'lrt clothes and seoft the dial ond fortfWItl In less than a half-hoof dbthei cdma out deaner, wh1ter...spun dry, somv ready for Ironing immediately. That's for me . . . that new Frlgldaire FuHy Automatle Washer. They're beln made now, and I'm getting my order In early." Fills and empties automatically. Washes 8 lbs. of clothes In ls than a half-hour) cleoner, whiter; Gives 2 deep rlnsel with 'live--Wafer" action; Self-balancing needs no bolt ing down. SeM-cleanlng. I Can be hand-controlled for spa " claliobl. SOUND APPLIANCE COMPANY yean CAETznrr crnvw tmmncx sales a sovice: czalci ) I! 1 HI I. If. . ,;i s I 1 out i: uu.iriui 1Zt Arendell Street1 ' Morehead Cly Phone II 3451

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