RET COUNTY Astronomical Data Sun Sett Tonight g:j? pjn. Sun Rises Tomorrow 5:40 a.m. Moon Seta Tonight S:M pjn. Moon Rises Tomorrow 3:65 a.m. A Merger ol THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and T HE TWIM CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEAR NO. 31. SIX PAGES MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1948 SIX PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS CA MES 10c County Draft Board Chairman Requests Immediate Registration of Men, 18 - 26 Wiley Taylor, county draft board chairman, has requested that all men required to register in the 19 48 Selective Service act present themselves at one of the county draft board offices as early as pos sible regardless of age. Mr. Taylor added that after this week, offices in Atlantic and New port will be closed, after which all men must register at either the Beaufort or Morehead City office. It makes no difference, he said, at which of the four offices now open the men choose to register. Reporting on the first day of re gistration, Mr. Taylor said that about 35 men had registered in Beaufort by noontime and that a similar number signed up in More head City. At press time he had not received pny reports from either Atlantic or Newport. Mr. Taylor said the draft board needs additional help and anyone wishing to volunteer as a registrar will be welcomed. Heading the four county offices are Mrs. Ruby Holland, Beaufort; Jesse Staton, Morehead City; Mrs. Prudie M. Willis, Atlantic; and Leon A. Mann, Newport. v Air Parcel Post Begins Tomorrow The advent of speedier-nation-wide-worldwide air parcel post service tomorrow brings back to minds of old-timers the introduc tion of similar operations 35 years ago. It was in 1913, according to Postmaster Harold Webb of More head Cltyvfhat parcel post first Trade, its appearance in the United States. -r.CT The service at that time was established primarily to aid farm ers and villages located off the beaten paths, in expediting their products to market and, in turn, re ceiving goods from larger cities. However, mail order houses and other establishments were quick to realize its value. Transportation facilities in those days were slow and tedious. Motor driven vehicles were few and the roads which they traversed were frequently impassable. Also, trains were giving off more sparks and smoke than speed. There were no commercial planes in these days and only the foolhardy visioned the rapid approach of (his Air Age, remarked the postmaster. Then it took days to transport parcel post packages across the country. Some parcels were forced to go by virtually every movable conveyance before they reached their destination particularly to the more remote sectors. From that modest beginning, par cel post has grown to become an integral cog in the far-flung Ameri can postal operations, commented Mr. Webb. Its annual poundage, keeping step with the progress of transportation, has soared from a few million to billions of pounds of. assorted commodities. Still determined to employ the fastest means of transportation to move the mails, the Post Office de partment will add the link neces sary to give the United States the world's most highly specialized doorstep delivery service with the launching of the new nationwide worldwide air parcel post, said Postmaster Webb. Health Department Issues Immunization Report A statistical report on the im munization work of the county health department in June was re leased yesterday by the local health department, and the num ber who turned out for vaccinations was described by Dr. N. Thomas Ennett, health officer, as "not a verv good showing." The statistics drawn up were based on immunization work done outside of the. health office in va rious community clinics throughout the county. There were 30 clinics In all. A totnl of 238 persons were im munized against typhoid, 39 for diptheria, 30 for whooping cough, and three for small pox. -, Dr. Emett accounts for the small turnout by saying that people usually do not take advantage of vaccinations of this type unless there is an Imminent threat of di sease, such as an epidemic. V. There is also another possibility, Dr. Ennett added. Many persons may have been vaccinated private ly, i . Hurricane W. A. Ellison, Jr., Heads Institute Dr. R. E. Coker, Former Di rector, to Remain as. Ex ecutive Chairman With the resignation of Dr. R. E. Coker as director of the Insti tute of Fisheries Research, More head City, W. A. Ellison, Jr., of Boston and Belhaven, has taken over the guidance of the University of North Carolina research organ ization. Dr. Coker, who is vacation ing at Blowing Rock and will be away until mid-September, will con tinue as chairman of the executive committee which will formulate and define the policy of the insti tute. Other members of the board are Dr. Harden F. Taylor, assistant director, Roy Hampton and D. P. Costello. The survey of Inside shrimp now being made aims at determination of migration, growth rate, density of population, establishment of shrimp stations from Southport to Roanoke Island. These stations will be visited once every two weeks and an effort made to find out where shrimp are taken. Dr. Eugene Roelofs, of the insti tute, this week visited the Chowan river, Roanoke river and the head waters of the Albemarle looking for possible pollution that would affect shad, herring, and striped bass. Dr. Alfred Chestnut, of the research board, has just returned from one of his monthly runs from JUaufort across the mouth of the Neuse and Pamlico to Stumpy Point. Hydrographic stations across the mouth of the Neuse and Pamlico and up the Hyde county coast have alread been established. The plans are to go as far north as Croatan and Roanoke Sounds, and establish a series of stations on the sound side of the reef, all to be visited at least once a month. The purpose is to gather exact data on hydrography of sound wa ters, on the basis of which new studies on fish, Crustacea and mol luscs can be made. A completely-equipped trailer with outboard and skiff, thermo meters, water bottles, and nets, is being used in the survey, as well as the "Victory" (which has not yet been renamed), a 38-foot-beam, Chrysler-powered craft built in Connepticut and bought locally. The larger boat, which replaces the Reliance, draws but three feet of water and has been fitted fori scientific work with such items as deep-sea thermometers, collecting- water bottles, plankton nets, bot tom grabs, small oyster dredce. small fish trawl, two and a half foot rin8 net and ship-to-shore tele phone. Also of value for close in shore sampling are the three skiffs and outboard motors recently ac quired. Morehead City, Beaufort Suffer in Heat Wave Morehead City and Beaufort were not spared the heat wave which hit the eastern section of the country the past week. The maximum for the three-day period beginning Friday was 92 degrees, recorded on Saturday. Temperatures are as follows: , Maximum Minimum Friday 88 73 Saturday .............; 92 . 74 Sunday ... 88 . 73 Nutritionist Recommends Serving of Potatoes COLLEGE ' KTATfrtM L T.w- aualitv IntermMtiata TrUk aa nria puvuvvco are rolling to market in increasing quanuues mounting now which is exnected to resell nnfe akn Wid-August with the result that aw a ... potatoes are among tne month's ''best food buys," Miss Virginia Wilson,. Extension nutritionist at State college, said, today. Miss Wilson said an unusually abundant crop more than can be' absorbed by normal retail market outlets has resulted : from good 'weather, heavy fertilizing, increas ed irrigation,, better seed stock, and more intensive use of insecti cides and fungicides. -""Irish potatoes," Miss Wilson said, "are an ideal food for sum mer menus. They yield food en ergy and Important minerals, and vitamins, as well as a little pro tein." . Threatens Coastal Area Red and black hurricane warn ing flags flew from the waterfront tower in Morehead City yesterday as hourly reports came to this area on the storm traveling north north west from southeast of Wilming ton. v Winds reaching a velocity of ap proximately 65 miles per hour were to strike this section of the coast by mid-afternoon yesterday, but by 6 o'clock no chance was noticed in wind velocity. Only light breezes stirred. The sky, however, was overcast. State Highway Patrolmen from Wilmington to Elizabeth City were notified to serve, wilh their radio equipment, as communication ccn ters in areas where wires were ex pected to be blown down. Harvey Hamilton. Jr., Red Cross chairman for Morehead City, Gor don C. Willis, disaster chairman, and John E. Lashley. home service chairmen met yestedny with M. V. Hooper, highway patrolman, to con fer on the communications setup. A radio auto from Cherry Point will be sent here as a communica tions point, if necessary. Sixty cots have been set up in the municipal building, Morehead City, to handle any emergency cases. Atlanta Red Cross southeastern area headquarters, in a message to Mr. Hamilton at 3:45 yesterday afternoon said that the storm was traveling toward the Cape Hatteras area at the rate of approximately 14 miles an hour. Winds at the center of the hurricane were clock ed at 115 miles per hour, extend ing over an area of approximately 60 miles. Winds of velocity cover ed, an area of 140 miles. The cen ter of the storm was expected to pase.near Cap Hatteras, ,m - The Red Cross requested that all people in lowland areas and along the beaches be evacuated. Boatmen moved craft to inland waters and smaller boats were beached. Residents of this locality dis played no panic but all made any preparations possible. Severe storms in the past have claimed lives and have done extensive damage to property In the coast al area. Time Marches On M. S. Webb Helped Develop Morehead Among the men of fifty years ago who played an important part in the growth and development of Morehead City, the late M. S. Webb was one of the most active in both the civic and commercial activities of that period. For several years he was con nected with the firm of T. D. Webb Brothers who conducted a large mercantile business. About 1900, Mr. Webb withdrew from the firm, establishing a wholesale business which he conducted in a successful manner. Aside from his mercantile inter est, Mr. Webb was a large owner of real estate. At that time he owned the three-story brick build ing now owned and occupied by. Freeman's Brothers retail grocery. Mr. Webb's wholesale business was located in this building, also the Ocean Cafe. The second floor was arranged for offices while the top floor was used as a skating rink. "Among the other real estate holdings of Mr. Webb were some 25 small homes In the northern part of the town which he rented to colored tenants. Tide Table HIGH LOW Tuesday, Aug. 31 4:57 a.m. 11:11 am 5:28 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 1 5:57 a.m. . 12:09 a.m. 6:30 p.m. ; 12:15 p.m. , 1 Thursday, i Sept.' 2 . 6:56 a.m. ' 12:59 a.m. 7:23 p.m. y 1:12 p.m. ... Friday, Sept. J 7:50 a.m. . 1:48 a.m. 6:14 p.m. ,.., A:03 pm Eighth Polio Case Occurs at Williston A new case of polio in Car teret county, the eighth discov ered here during the current epi demic, was reported this week end when W. Preston Willis, Jr., 3-year-old white youngster from Williston, was diagnosed as a polio case Saturday. Dr. N. Thomas Ennett, county health officer, said that the Wil lis child received the quickest service rendered a polio victim thus far this year. The onset was on Saturday when Preston complained of bark pains during the night. A doctor was called and he was diagnosed as a polio rase and sent to James Walker Memorial hospital, Wilmington, the same day. Dr. Ennett said the home was quarantined Sunday. The health officer added that there was no known contact between the Wil lis child and any other polio vic tim. Tobacco Prices Continue Good During the second week of East ern North Carolina flue-cured to bacco sales, prices by gra'des were steady to higher in most cases than the first two days of the season. However, the United States and North Carolina Departments of Agriculture report a heavy influx of tips and lower quality primings fte the tnVkrta-t caused t considtit able increase in inferior offerings. This resulted In an average of only $47.77 per hundred for the 35,152,041 gross pounds marketed the week ending August 27. The average was $3.03 below that estab lished last week. For the first seven days of the season gross sales reached 50,615,035 averaging $48.69. In spite of the light volume sold early in the week, season sales were running heavier than the comparable period last season with the general average $5.31 higher. Comparative prices with the first two days show increases ranging from 25 cents to $5.00 per hundred. Most were $1.00 to $2.00. The gains were principally for lugs, prim ings, and lower leaf grades. Bet ter quality leaf and low orange cutters were slightly weaker with losses generally at $1.00. The proportion ot lugs sold de creased about one-half from last week. More leaf, primings, and nondescript appeared. More of ferings were of green and red col or as many tips were marketed. Common to good leaf, fair to fine lugs, low and fair primings, and nondescript made up the bulk of sales. Most markets ended the week with blocked sales. Heavy deliv eries are anticipated next week. THE SIDEWALK SKIPPER (Sidewalk Skipper appears this week In two parts, the first of which is below. Part II will ap pear in Friday's paper.) Rising Phoenix-like from the ashes of the old plant are the new buildings being erected at Judge Lambert Morris' plant out Len noxville way. Being built by day labor, the project is under the di rection of Oscar Noe, represents an investment of some $25,000 and employs 25 men. The scrap build ing will be repaired, the raw box building entirely rebuilt. Very little of the old machinery can be utilized but installation of new equipment will be completed shortly, when processing on a small scale will be started. Judge Morris hopes to gradually step up production to a normal rate and have things going full blast by late fall. Twenty million fish were taken to Beaufort Fisheries for process ing between the middle of July and the middle ef August and catches ' have tapered off some from last- month, trbea everybody and his brother,, even te the shrimpers, were coming in loaded almost to the swamping point. . r Over la West Beaufort, the FJsh meal offices era still closed and Will b till, late- October or early :'" :' ' Harold Lennox, 26, Beaufort,. Dies Of Injuries Received in Auto Crash Two New Housing Projects Planned for Morehead City Building projects involving ex penditure of several hundreds of thousands of dollars are bqing planned for the weslern section of Morehead City, it was announced today. According to information from the Morehead City Chamber of Commerce a 51-unit housing proj ect is to be started next month on property adjacent to the 28th street and highway 70 intersection and another has already been start ed on properly just west of the Camp Glenn school. Miss Virginia NowoU, of the Newsom Nowell Realty company, Raleigh, was in Morehead City yes terday in regard to pirns for the 51-unit project for which approval has already been given by the FHA. F. C. Noyes, owner and manager of the Sea Level Development company, has started to clear land and lay out streets at the Camp Glenn property. Mr. Noyes, now of Sea Level, is a former resident of Florida where he was engaged in construction of housing proj ects. Mr. Noyes. plans to build 30 homes for sale. The homes in the Newsom-Nowell development will be for sale or rent. J. Jones Pays $10 On Assault Charge M- Julius Jones was found guilty yesterday afternoon In Morehead City police court on a charge of assaulting a minor and was fined $10 and costs of court. Jones was brought 1o court on the complaint of Mrs. Lois Guthrie, who charge that Jones hit her son, Jimmy. Jones claimed that Jim my and Jones' son, Billy, were in volved in a fight, and that he merely separted the two. . Jones admitted, however, than he ran from the scene when Mrs. Guthrie appeared and was unable to explain why he did so. Mrs. Guthrie said she wanted only to talk with Jones at the time. Mayor George W. Dill dismissed a charge against C. Yarborough for parking an oil tank truck in the town of Morehead. In dismissing the case, however, Mayor Dill serv ed notice that parking oil trucks in town is illegal and that the ordinance will be enforced. Walter Davis paid $20 and costs on a charge of public drunkenness and profanity. The case of Ed Fitzpatrick, charged with public drunkenness, was continued until next week. Demonstration Club to Meet Harlowe-Core Creek demonstra tion club will meet at 2 o'clock Thursday with Mrs. Emma Ogles by. November. The Delaware office of this company was closed several weeks ago. All the Davis boats are operating now, bringing in shrimp, a few flounders, mullets and mackerel. Shrimp are being taken in Pam lico Sound and bringing the fish erman 25 cents, mullet 15 cents and flounders 20. There has been only a short season on mackerel but they expect production to pick up the first of September, when their boats will "quit shrimping. go to fishing." Mullets, spots, and trout, they figure, will appear in quantity during the coming month. Dennie Glover, "out back," is selling his own fish and buying shrimp. He has dams for 80 cento quart, 60 cents a peck In the shell, flounder for 30, hog fish 20, shrimp 40, mullet 25, OeeraOers and spots for 15, and H getting his fish from Newport, the Neuse River, and outside. Carteret Fish Company is getting few shrimp," mostly from the Neuse River and Bogue Inlet, and its -proprietors look for bigger loads on the "Mildred" and "Rosa Lee: with the coming of cool north erly winds and fall weather. (To B Continued) County Commissioners To Meet Monday, Sept. 13 County commissioners will meet at 10 o'clock Monday mor ing, Sept. 13, rather than Mon day, Sept. 6, Irvin Davis, clerk to the board, announced today. The change in dates has been made because the 6th is Labor Day. The court house offices will be closed that day also. Merchants and places of busi ness have not as yet' made a de cision on hours they will observe Labor Day. Farm Executive Requests Increase In Memberships (Special to The News-Times NEW BERN Some 80 Farm Bureau leaders, including 26 wom en, from eight county organiza tions, including Carteret, in a dis trict meeting here recently were told by R. Flake Shaw, Greensboro, executive vice president of the North Carolina Farm bureau, that "we need membership more than ever this year if we are to hold on to the agricultural gains we have made," ' Shaw, who recently toured farm centers of Western Europe and Great Britain, pointed out that na tions overseas have had farm or ganizations for many years, and agricultural programs, too. He added that in England about 90 percent of the farmers are mem bers of the National Farmers uni on, the British equivalent of the American Farm Bureau federation, and that the annual dues there range from $5 to $150, depending on acreage. "When we consider that the Aik en bill amendment guaranteeing to bacco growers 90 percent of parity for their product only passed the 80th Congress on a 40 to 41 vote," Shaw said, "we can't help but rea lize how important Farm Bureau is to every farmer. Senator Aiken himself, sponsor of the long-range farm measure, said publicly that if it hadn't been for Farm Bureau the price support program would never have been put over in that session." The meeting, presided over by Larry Pate, New Bern, Craven County Farm bureau president, was one of five scheduled in ad vance of the state-wide Farm Bu reau Membership campaign to be gin the first week of September. the quota for the state drive is 80,000 members. Counties represented besides Carteret were Craven, Beaufort, Hyde, Pamlico, Onslow, Jones and Lenoir. Deaths from Tuberculosis Hit New Low in 1947 NEW YORK (AP) - Tuber culosis was given a setback in 19 47, with a new low for deaths in the United States. Provisional fi gures show 47,636 deaths, Miss Mary Dempsey, statisician of the National Tuberculosis association, writes in the NTA's Bulletin. This, she says, is the first time the country's TB death toll has been below 50,000. There were 50,911 deaths in 1946. Wrong ideas about tuberculosis are one reason the white plagu? hasn't been era dicated, says Dr. R. H. Runde, me dical director of the Peoria County (111.) Tuberculosis Sanatorium. ( One. false idea is that vou can't get TB unless someone in you: familj had it. Another, he v. riles, is that a change of climate is the most important thing in treatment. Still anoher is that one x-ray exam insion is good for a lifetime. Dr. Runde lists five other rea sons TB hasn't b?en licked: 1. Complacency on the part of the public; 2. Until recently, there weren't facilities for early diagno sis; 3. Many localises still lack fa cilities for treatment; 4. Thev is no generally accented method of immunization although BcG vac cine has been widely used abroad with encouraginz results; 5. Theie tnr bat been a pxifSc remedy. Funeral services will be held at 3:30 this afternoon in St. Paul's Episcopal church, Beaufort, for Ha rold Lennox, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. Math Owens, Beaufort, who died as a result of injuries received early Saturday morning when his automobile crashed, overturning several times at the western ap proach to Beaufort drawbridge. Lennox, who was alone at the time of the accident, was taken to Morehead City hospital where he died at 5 o'clock Saturday morn ing. The accident occurred at 2 a.m. Stale police reported that Len nox was being pursued for speed ing by Morehead City police and that he is believed to have been going at approximately 70 miles per hour. Slate Highway Patrol men M. V. Hooper and K. M. Fowl er were notified by Beaufort police to investigate the accident at 2:30 a.m. The patrolmen later discovered that the front wheels of Lennox's car, a 1939 four-door Chevrolet se dan, had a tendency to lock when the brakes were applied, this pro bably causing the accident. The vehicle is thought to have turned over lengthwise. The accident victim's death was caused by concussion of the brain and severe back and chest injuries. There will be no inquest. Mr. Lennox will be buried with full military rites, members of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars officiating. Inter termcnt will be in the Episcopal church cemetery. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Owens, his stepfather, Mr. Owens, a brother, Arthur, of Cor pus Christi, Tex., andli sister, Mary Lou, at home. Mr. Lennox worked with his fa ther at Owens grocery store, Turn er street. The store, closed yester day, will be closed today also. New Bern Girl Wins Beach Crown Miss Frances Hadnott, of New Bern, won the title, Miss Atlantic Beach of 1948 at the Show Case of Beautfes contest Friday night at the Surf club, Atlantic Beach. Runners-up were Miss Ella Mar garet Morris, of Morehead City, and Miss Sara Kirkpatrick, of Greenville. Miss Atlantic Beach was crown ed by Joe Lauriano, one-time hold cr of the Mr. America title, who feave a demonstration of muscle control. Miss Hadnott was pre sented with prizes donated by merchants of Beaufort, Morehead City, and Atlantic Beach. Two of the contestants, schedul ed to take part in the affair, did not appear. They were Miss Dor othy Davis of Lenoir, and Miss Treses Bowles, of Durham. Other contenders for the title were Miss' Jocelyn Stevens, Beau fort, Miss Janice Turnage, Ayden, Miss Sarah Tisdale, New Bern, Miss Marie Webb, Beaufort, Miss Ann Willis, Morehead City, Miss Morris and Miss Kirkpatrick. Judges were Mrs. David Merrill and Lockwood Phillips, Beaufort, A. B. Clark, Atlantic Beach, Grov er Munden and Mrs., Robert G. Lowe, Morehead City, and Gordon Venables, York, Pa. Baptist Union Meeting To Be Held in Morehead The next seesion of the Carteret County Free , "Will Baptist Union of churches will be held Oct. 30 in Morehead City Free Will Bap tist church, the Rev. J. C. Griffin, pastor, haa announced. Bible study will be conducted here tomorrow evening in connec tion with the mid-week prayer ser vice. All attending have been re quested to bring their Bibles. The second chapter of Romans will be studied, verse by verse. The Adult league will meet Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. B. L. West, Camp Glenn. Phone Service Restored . To Atlantic Beach Area Telephone service to Atlantic Beach was restored at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon after an Inter ruption in service of about 29 hours. - A 101 pair cable across the channel was cut by the dredge working there. According to tele phone company linemen,' the cable was not marked on the chart which was in the hands of the dredge boat captain. Law Repealed On Limitation Of Boat Length Oyster Dealers Appear Be fore Committee; Salter Path Dispute Settled The commercial fisheries com mittee repealed Friday the law li miting the length of power boats used in taking oysters to 32 feet. Now there is no limit whatever. Capt. George Clark, of Belhaven, pointed out that the width of some 32 foot boats make it possible for these to carry more than a 45-foot boat, which under the former law oyster dealers were not allowed to use. He remarked further that ther Is already a limit on the size of dredge, a more vital factor in con trolling the number of oysters taken than the carrying capacity of the boat. Dredges are limited to 100 pounds. There were complaints also that all dealers are not cooperating in the state's oyster shell program. It was reported that Hodges Broth ers, of Belhaven, did not turn over to the state their share of shells and it was further stated that this concern is preparing to sell its oys ters in Virginia, thus depriving the state of tax revenue. The matter was referred to the executive committee for action. The dealers heard from Dr. A. F. Chestnut who explained what the tnf is ilnina In inrrvasa nvitur production in North Carolina. The dealers were urged to create sen timent for the program in their various localities so that wide spread cooperation will result. Oyster season this year wilt open Oct. 1 and close March 1. ; Following a visit of the com mercial fisheries committee to Sal ter Path Thursday afternoon,. It was reported that the fishermen there decided to settle the dispute over the fisheries among them selves. This dispute was brought before the fisheries committee Thursday morning at a meeting in the board room of the commercial fisheries building at the section base. , Civil Service Exams To Be Given to Fill Guard Positions at USMCAS Civil service examinations for the positions of guard, CPC-4 and guard, CPC-5 in the federal gov ernment are now open at the Vf f. Marine Corps Air station, Cherry Point, it was stated today by Wil liam E. Ward, recorder, Board Of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Cherry Point. The examinations are being held to fill positions at the air station. The basic entrance salary for CPC 4 is $2,350 per. annum and $2,573. 52 per annum for CPC-5. Applica tions must be received by the Re corder. Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Gate No. 1, U. S. Ma rine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N. C, not later than Sept ember 7, 1948, in order to be Con sidered in the examination. No written test Is required. Ap plicants will be rated on the basil of their training and experience it described in their applications. ' Complete information and appli cation blanks may be obtained at the local post-office or from the Recorder, Board of U. S. Civil Ser vice Examiners, at the air station: PvL Larry G. Willis i Graduates from MP School: Pvt. Larry G. Willis formerly .of y 205 S. 13th St., Morehead City, was one of 26 men who was graduated from the United States Army Ca ribbean's Military Police school, at Ft. Amador, Canal Zone, Saturday; Aug. 21, 1948. . . f Diplomas were presented by Lt, Col. James W. Totten, provost mar-. shal of the United States Army. Caribbean, after an address by Ma).- v Virgil P. Foster, provost marshal! of ihe Atlantic sector, United: States Armv Caribbean. V -!: Pvt. Willis is presently on duty with the 549th Military Police Com pany at Ft. Amador, C Z, : T- . I. i. ,

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