TlSDAY, AUGUST il, 1MI ; CAftTZSET COWTTT NIW9-IIMES, MOMREAd'TT AND BEAtrntTNTc, f ac rrft 4 f'llMn. J. Michael Mann. Knrlol Editor Phwse M 4781 n Ma i and Mrs. G. A. Aspenburg, J Arthur attended the Lost Colony Freeport, ,L. e'tune here. I., are spending ev. J. B. Willis ami daughter, ! 'Meriam Willis, of Hamlet, spent the weekend at the Jefferson ft VIM avuttlgaiv ailU DUU VraiUl, 1 Durham, spent the weekend Are. at Manteo last week. irs. Beryl Lipscomb left Satur- Say for her home in Orlander, Fla., iter visiting her father, Paul eveland. iftlr. and Mrs. Bryan Arthur left aturday for Miami, Fla., after vi sing Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor. Mr. Louis Norris, Miss Madeline Royal and Floyd Lewis attended a Western Union meeting In Kins ton Thursday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Hnrvev Davis Harve Jr., Graham, and Jean Da vis, of Littleton and Miss Sue King of Essex were the euests of Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Tilley last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sampley, of Durham, spent the weekend with Mrs. Sampley's parents, Rev. and Mrs, L. A. Tilley. Registered Nurses to Meet The Registered Nurses Club of Mrs. I. E. Pittman and children, i Carteret County will hold its n and Elbert, returned home i mommy meeting weanesaay, tepi- tinday nifht after spending sev- rol days with her father in Kenly. Mrs. D. G. Bell and Mrs. C. ember 1. at 7 o'clock at the Fort Macon Hotel. All nurses are urged to be pre- B. i sent for the dutch dinner. Miscellaneous Shower Given for Mrs. Chas. Willis .i.Yr-.'' . , ,. :".im. Eddie Caddell, Misses Lorna Blaloclrand Edith Davis compli mented Mrs. Charles Willis, a re cent bride, with miscellaneous shower at the Civic Center on Thursday evening at eight o'clock. Approximately thirty five friends were- present for the occasion and njoyed games of bingo during the ye.ntng. ; 'Delicious refreshments of cokes with Individual block cakes and nuts and mints, were servd from a beautifully appointed table covered W.UU an.iinported cloth with a cen- Serpieoe 6f love birds flanked by ;reenery.'. White tapers in crystal tandlebolders were also placed on the table while wedding bells hung-l 6ver- the table with white stream- j ers flowing to the corners of the lahte V . - Mrs. Willis was given a lovely corsage of pink roses and silver in her chosen pattern by the hos tesses) as Well as many other attrac tive gifts from the others present. Mrs. Joe Hall, another recent bride, was also honored with a pink rose corsage and silver in her pattern. Floating Bridge Pub Meets With Mrs. Joe Smith Mrs. Joe Smith entertained Hie Floating Bridge Club at her home on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. At the conclusion or pay Mrs. W. A. Rowland, Jr., was declared high score winner and received a plastic ' a or On ard dress hangers Second hinh a set of ash trays and a relish dish, went to Mrs. Eloise Aspenburg and guest h?gh, also a relish dish, was won by Mrs. Clyde Young. Mrs. Gene Hessee n the deuce prize, salt and pepper shak ers. Refreshments were banana splits and during play the hostess served cokes with nuts and candy. Hamillon-YeutJer i I This Fall Well Take Care of Them All COIiniG or GR0VI1IG We're growing too. No wonder! With everything from Layette Shop to Teen Shoop on one Street Floor. ' With biggeMhrti ever tetecttoitft ofcod. clotfiei in,a.very price bracket all good values and all arranged so just one saleswoman can show you all you wish to see, And you can use our Lay-Away Plan! Miss Marguerita Yeutter. gnnd- ! dnchter of Mrs. Alfred Renaudet I of Now Iberia, La., became the ii-ide of Dr Alvati L. Hamilton, i Jr., of Morehead City, in an in formal ceremony on Saturday nwiin". Aumi'it ?1, at 11 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al vah Hamilton, parents of the eroom; with only members of the f.mily attending. The double ring ceremony was performed by the ! Reverend John H. Bunn. pastor of the Kirst Baptist Church. The bride and groom entered the living room together where the vows wore spoken before an improvised altar of pine and mag nolia flanked on either side by till baskets of white gladioli and fern and lighted by seven barnch can- i dolabrae. The bride wore in origin-l suit of mauve cashmere with an im I ported handmade Mouse and black I accessories and a corsage of or I chids.' Her only ornament was an ! heirloom diamond pendant from her maternal grandmother. Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon w:s su'ved in the dininu loom. The table was covered with a handmade lace cloth centered with a crystal bowif bridal white flowers and lighted tapers in silver candelabrae. Immediately afterwards the bride and groom left on their wed ding trip for unannounced points. On their return Dr. and Mi v Hamilton will bo at home at 304 South 15th street. dining room. There a crystal Iwwl of lime punch centered the lace covered table. It was surrounded with ivy and yellow- flowers and was flanked' by yellow tapers m crystal holders. Cake and mints further carried out the color scheme of yellow and green. As sisting in serving were Mrs. Bill Taylor of Bachelor, Mrs. Tommy Russell of Morehead City, Mrs. Jer ry Tenny of Morehead City, and Mrs. Gerald Woolard of Beaufort. Around 100 guests called during poured from the afternoon. Miss House has been compli mented with other parties during the past two weeks. On August 18 Mrs. Jesse Staton, Mrs. B. L. Jones, and Mrs. Wyon Lewis en tertained with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Leslie Davis of Live Oak Street. Follow ing appropriate games, lime punch and pink iced, cake were served from an attractive summery table covered with, a "shell pink cloth and lighted with green tapers. The gifts for the ho.oree were then brought in a white basket entwined with ivy. On Thursday, Mrs. Howard Jones and Miss Carrie Lee Jones gave a kitchen shower at the Jones home attended by twenty .guests from Beaufort and Marshallherg. Following several games of bingo, the bride-to be opened her gins. Cake, mints, nuts, and cold dri.iks were served. On Thursday evening the 26th. Mrs. Thomas Jones and Mrs. Alfred Wallcnce entertained with a mis cellaneous shower in M.irshallberg attended by som- fifty friends from Beaufort and Murshallberg. Again bingo was played e.fter which a wealth of ijifts was brought in a large basket attractively draped with white and decorated with greenery. Guests enjoyed the ho norees exclamations of apprecia tion es she opened each. They were then taken to the dining room where three tiered wedding cake and ice cream, mints and nuts were served from n lace covered table given added beauty by the arrange ments of white Pladioli and zinnias. Assisting the hostesses in serving were Mrs. Margaret Moore and Mrs. Giant Lewis both of Marshall-berg. and 1 introduced to the receiving line by Mr. and Mis. M. Leslie Da vis. The receiving fine was com posed of the hosts, parents of fie bridegroom, the bridal couple and members of the bridal party. The bridal cake, which was plac ed on a reflector on the cream linen and Quaker lace cloth cover ed table, was served by Mrs. Alice LaiioMfMv aunt of the bride, aft er the first slice had been cut by the bridal eouole. Punch was either end of the table by Mrs. Ottis Jefferson and Mrs. Earl Taylor. Lighted tapers in cryst 1 candelholders and mints and nuts in silevr compotes were also cttractively arranged on the table. I Southern smilax palmcttas, and pine with gladioli and glowing Whie candles were used through out the hut and gave a festive air to the occasion. ! Miss Beltie Lou Merrill pr'esid ed over the bride's book and the ; honorary bridesmaids assisted in serving the refreshments. Following the reception the , bridal couple left for a wedding trip to unannounced points. For traveling the bride changed to a suit of green gaberdine with brown accessories and wore the orchid lifted from her bridal bouquet. Mrs. Paul is a graduate of the Beaufort High school and receiv ed her Bachelor of Science degree in June from the Woman's College if the University of North Caro lina. Mr. Paul is also a graduate. of the Beaufort High school and at tended Mars Hill Junior College for two years. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of North Carolina this spring. During World War II Mr. Paul served two years with the United States Navy with the rank of ensign. At present the couple are residing in Norfolk Va., where Mr. Paul is associated with the Western Auto Supply Co. Out oi low) guests here for the editing were Mr. and Mrs. Gray Jen Paul, Jr., Mrs. C. E. Everett !indmolher of the bride, of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones, of Oxford, Miss Nancy Hope, of Charlotte, Miss Alice Mc ilvaiy, of .lonesboro, Richard Smith, ( f Charlotte, Miss Margaret rvson, of Furmvillo, and Miss Eloise Jones, of Oxford. Among the many pre-nuptial courtesies shown the young cou ple was a luncheon given by Mrs. Paul, Sr., at the Inlet Inn on Sat urday for members of the wedding party and out-of-town guests. Englishman Terms Island Administration 'Rotten' SYDNEY r(AP) An outspok en Englishman says he is on his, way back to London to tell the Colonial Office that administration in the Solomon Islands "is rotten, impossible, and criminal." The critic is Coleman Porter, a former director of education for the is lands. He resigned this year. 1 The island authorities, Porter -ays, are more concerned with the dignity of their position, the life of ease, and their future pensions, rather than the betterment of the island people and the rehabilita tion of the area, Porter says, he had letters of complaint signed by missionaries, officials, planters, and business men to present to the I'ritlsh Government Co-nie Mack, 86 year-old owner and manager of the Philadelphia Athletics, hs participated in more than 10,000 baseball games as 4 player or manager. N Family Reunion Due to Polio The Tolson Family Reunion which is usuallv scheduled for the Sunday before Labor Day on Bogue Sound will not be held this year due to polio. BEAUFORT SOCIETY Miss Margaret House Feted at Several Parties' Mrs. William W. Arrington en tertained at a delightful tea Satur day afternoon from four to six ho noring Miss Margaret Fuller House whose marriage to Pelham Thomas Jones of Marshallherg will be so lemnized Saturday evening. Sept ember 4, at the Beaufort Baptist Church. The Arrington home was lovely with baskets of dahlias and zinnias used throughout. Guests were greeted by the hostess who was as sisted in receiving by the .bride to fce, her mother, Mrs. W. L. House, Mrs. Thomas Jones and Mrs. Al fred Wallence of Marshallherg, mother and sister of the groom, Mrs. C. J. Honeycutt of Durham, and Mrs. Jesse Staton of Wake Forest. Miss Carrie Lee Jones Invited guests to sign the Brides Book af ter which they were directed to the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis Honored on Anniversary Mrs. Hilda Bertram honored her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis, Marshallherg, with a loVely party celebrating their second wedding anniversary at the Bertram home in Marshall berg recently. Around 25 couples, friends of the young couple enjoyed an eve ning of bridge, bingo, and danc inc. Refreshments served were cake decorated in bridal white and pink with grape punch. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis cut the cake which was plac ed on lovely white lace cloth cov ered table centered with a bowl of pink and white gladioli and ivy. Glowing tapers threw a soft light throughout the house and attrac live arrangements of summer flowers were used for decoration:; i I 1 1 233 IliddU SL New Bern, N. C. I if- Infants' and Children's Apparel Shoes Gifts Unusual Toys Nursery Furniture itaCHT SMITH Acqnirt Attire I ' PL vie ppANtcXr;" YooooVocksvkcsTI FcanY tell wwat :f rve cotI V I'll stanp goabp V. , VJ?Kr' l THE COFFEE, , I THINK OUR ' ME LOOKS UKE UNTIL L- A WILD HERE.' -VOU GET OVER f WH.CQ V. Sie UNKNOWN PATIENT .HE'S SHAVEP.' I vfL HUNCH.' rTO THE PALACE ANP A- ER r-' 'rJjs pc weu., , wonper who he 1 ir petch the little I mmt ', t&aXCUVANDSyKES Jp ! JlKr NOW; - Y """yrr pbncess.' anpbbno I sueassFULLY Rescue ': 3' v rf f atmofnmnEa&tT'sJdr . tms unworn oeuGoee . VjcsL m If-' I r-' W AV vVCjl tJ 'BBSTSUiTSl Sfl V MqoMBramwTNff f3 LYf Y V VVJ7 - t --h v cwse&i of puhoa's yflfc5Vv n L'-" ii A --f9ry I tk. ft TBMn.WAT TNT HEIGHT JWSiyL V-M&v'A 'A. T Al S I, &k .atORCHt HTK ; ' ' ' KOUGU RETURN it-yr-BBlNQ THE PRINCESS MAKE ANWHT OF IbOWKWEP THI9 CAN OF GAS I LI Kmm2--iii' II I Ff .l BBFORgPOCOGeTSfaptJ IT WITH THE RUT f I flAM PU. HAMPV STUPF.'p f - - Vastly " I . ' i . t.'y.-:-'-.v iriv yyy- -v iu nil lti i tcH rm lk ticks ni ivrAi urau tti viwit tub at wlh t i k i s i w r . i itYMS. 0RUWSO EVIL'S IN THE, r'aVJT6BVlN AGMlJ fmj L'yV O 1 . ' I scoRcmr smiih . ' . " TcoNFUsioAND collatse f y - I TAKi IT. VOU P6UGGCPMV POOP 1 i SMALL iXKUTB VOU lk x ANOTHER CUP OF H i 1 Paol-Laaghton Wedding (Continued From Page 4) Georee Lauuhton, Jr., brother of the bride, 'jack Barnes, Albert Chappell, Milton Laughton. broth er of the bride, Dave Hill, Dick Parker and Clay Casey of Mount Olive. Little Miss Doris Phillips, of Morehead City, was flower girl. She wore a gown of white heavy brocaded satin with a head band of white roses and carried a satin covered basket of rose petals which she scattered in the bride's path. i Honorary bridesmaids were Misses Nancy Hope, Esther B. F'odrie, Alice McGilvary, Patsy Ruth Hill, Margaret Tyson, and Mrs. Brooks Lyles and Mrs. Gray den Paul, Jr. They wore floor length gowns of pastel. Mrs. Laughton, mother of the bride, wore a -dinner gown of bronze crepe decorated with rhinestones and she wore a shoulder corsage of cympidium. Mrs. Paul, the bridegroom's mother, a floor length model of green marquisette trimmed with sequins and a corsage of Johanna roses. Immediately after the ceremony the bride's parents entertained at the American Legion hut at a re ception for the members of the tridal party, out-of-town guests tnd friends. Guests were greeted $2.10 .pint $3.40 fifth Austin-Nichols I l rm '.J w i .airlabout ...YARDS AND YARDS OF WHIRLING SKIRT CLjAt td Slzt 7 fo 12 A dress to go straight to the heart of any young Miss! And her Morn will hail this outstanding value! She'll appreciate the sturdy wasbabUi percale that will stand many washings ... the wash-fast prints in clear, becoming colors. Really a dress you' can't afford to pass up! ROOMY SCHOOL BAG MATCHES EXACTLY! to- Tiny GlrU 9 to 6x 98 fpr th Set V What could be nicer than a gay plaid dresa with its very own matching school bag? In little girl shades of blue, rose or green. 4 to 6x. OTHER STYLES ... OAT PIAIDS IN ITUIDT WOVIN COTTON, PRICID at 3.98 4,98 5.90 w Fennets KZW N. c.

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