I , - TtT53AT, AUGUST SI, 1M9 CABTSXXT CWNTT KXWS-TCI29, MGKEHXAB CITT AM) BEAUTCST, M ft , I. CLASSIFIED ADS r FOR SALE JtOW BOAT. Or will rent by week or month. See G. M. Paul, Front St. Ext., Beaufort. tf VSED RECAPPED TIRES for sale- Perfects guaranteed against Slow c-jts. Phone M 5491, Tire Service Co., 1300 Arendell St., I Morehead City. tf DRESSED FRYERS ' Orders accepted until Friday noon for delivery Friday afternoon FRESH COUNTRY EGGS DAILY also Fryers on foot at farm and Dressed Young Rabbit on order ROBERT L. SMITH West Beaufort Road Phone B 5168 A24-31 S7-14 , fi ROOM HOUSE, one acre land House completely wired. Running water. Located 5 miles east Swans Woro on Bogue Sound Road. See Harold Russell on premises. A31p H ROOM BUNGALOW at 312 Crav en St., Beaufort. Furniture also available. Lot 55 ft. front, 198 ft. depth. Excellent central location. Owner moving away. A31p CONVERT your old sewing ma chine into an electric model. Motor and parts $19.95 complete. City Appliance Co., Front St., Beau fort, tf COLLARD PLANTS for sale, now. Vincent Pigott. Buv 05p '41 OLDS. Good condition. Has passed inspection. $1,000. See J. C. Smith at Curve Inn or call M 1)281 alter 4 p.m. DH if You Are Planning To Buy A New Car In The Near Future, Buy Belore Seplember 20lh. Govern ment Orders Do Not Al ilow 24 Month Financing Alter This Date. BUY NOW! , GOOD USED CARS 2 1946 Plymouth ( 4 Door Sedans DICK PARKER MOTOR Co. 1302 Arendell St. Morehead City 39 FT. SHRIMP boat with Chrysler Crown engine, steel mast, hoisting rig, radio. Complete with, four trawls. This boat, the "Louise M" now working with fleet. Contact M. S. Murden, Ocracoke, N. C. A31 CHAIRS, tables, double beds. 60 gallon electric water heater, 9x18, plain type, rug, springs, mattress es. 400 Arendell St., Morehead City, Phone M 503-1. A31p OLD CARS WANTED We Buy and Sell Used Cars New and Used Parts ... For Sale j, at ! LOCKHART'S AUTO SERVICE Located 3 Miles West of " Morehead City on Route 70 A31p LADY'S BICYCLE in good condi Won. Phone M 818 2 or call at 910 1-2 Arendell St. It .JUST RECEIVED shipment of three conditioned pianos. Cash or terms. Phone New Bern 3740 "Rhodes Furniture Co., Bridgeton, C. S17 V , , . (fiAVE MONEY on back to school (Clothes. We are featuring McCall Patterns yard goods, covered buck lies and buttons. Mason's, Arendell , St.. Morehead City. tf 1 ii : ' : FISHERMEN I! We have waist boots in stock now! Famous BALL BAND and US brinds. All sizes. Play safe, get yours early. BEAUFORT DEPARTMENT STORE " Phone B 5021 S2 '46 FORD super deluxe 2-door se dan with radio, beater, defroster, spotlight Apply 122 Ann St., Beaufort. ' A31p EXPERT PIANO repairing on all makes. Philco car sets for immed iate installation. Matthis Radio 'Service Co., 1401 Bridges St., Morehead' City. tf FRYERS. Live battery raised fry ers. Call any time. James Patrick, pne-half mile' north of Davis Post Office on H'way 70. . S21p HOUSE- TRAILER on truck. Con vict Guy's Service Station, H'way 70 one and one-half miles north of Morehead City. Phone M 5182. : S14p MISCELLANEOUS FOR CORRECT TIME: M 8006. For correct Jtweiry, satisfactory watch repair, Early Jewelers, 812 Arendell St., Murehead City. tf DUPLICATE keys made to order We have the blanks and the ma chine Protect yourself by having an extra set of keys made to put in safe place. Western Auto As sociate Store, Beaufort, N.C. tf TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, calculators. Sales and service. Taff Office Equipment Co., 22 Craven St., New Bern. Phone 3133. tf LAWN MOWERS sharpened the factory way $1.50. Pick-up and de livery in Morehead- City and Beau fort. Dial B 3651, Western Auto Store, Beaufort. tf WE BUY :raD iron, steel, tin. au- t0 radiators, bodies, fenders, bat teries. Gn our prices first. Salt er's Iroi. 4 Metal Co., on More head City Highway. Phone New Bern 3910, or write P. O. Box 736, New Bern. tf ALL APPLIANCES repaired We pick up your lamp, iron or other iterrs, repair and then rctuin them. Phone Sound Appliance Co., M 8011. Your Frigidaire products dealer. tf FOR better time-keeping let us repair your watch. All work guar anteed. Jarvis Herring, Jeweler, Craven St., Beaufort, N. C. tf licensed' electrician for electric al installations and contracting Call City Appliance, Front St. Beaufort. Phone B 325 1. tf PLUMBING installations and re pair by an experienced plumber recently added to our services for you. City Appliance Co., Beaufort Phone B 3251. S 3 FOR RENT MAKE OLD FLOORS look like new. Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and dger. Low rates. Western Auto Store, Beaufort. Phone 3651. tf SUNSHINE COURT efficiency a- partments ready for occupancy Sept. 1 Reservations now being accepted. See G. M. Paul, owner, Front St. Ext., Beaufort. tf SEVEN ROOM bungalow furnish ed. Electric kjtchen. Apply 610 Ann St., v none a 330 0. J. v. caf frey. . S8 HELP WANTED WAITRESSES. Two white exper ienced waitresses wanted. Steady work day or night. Broadway Cafe. Phone M 4411. S3 Special iloiices , NOTICE Regular customers for fuel oil nd kerosene will receive deliver ies as usual till Aug. 31. Gulf Ser vice Station, Beaufort. After that date call Plant at M 5861. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Commissioner of Customs Treas ury Department, has issued an or der on August 17, 1948 authoriz ing that the name of the gas screw "SEA YARN" official number 253458. 'owned bv Ottis Purifov of Nvhich Beaufort, N. C. is the home Dort, to be changed to "DOL PHIN." OLIVE LONGEST, 41 A31 S3 7-10 Deputy Collector CARD OF THANKS Thanks is often said but to us now it doesn't satisfy. We want to say more to express our apprecia tion but words can not express our herats to thank every one for ev erything they did for our dad, D. W. Gillikin. even to look upon his face. May the Lord bless every one of you. Harvey Gillikin Hattie Gillikin Rumlev Gillikin Lina Gillikin Mary A. Gillikin Legal Notices EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Sam L. Leffers, de ceased, late of Carteret County N. C, this is to notify all persons haying claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed at Gloucester, N. C, on or be fore the 27th day of July, 1949, or (his notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment This 27th day of July, 1948. Mrs. Kate Leffers, Executrix. 6t Jul 27 A 3-10-17-2431 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of William E. Fodrie, deceased, lite of Carteret County, N. C, this is to notify all persona having claims against the said es tate to present tnem to the under- Mgnca at ueauiort, -IN. c on or before the 27th day of July. 1949, or this notice will be pled in bar 01 weir recovery. All persons In- debted to said estate will please make prompt payment This 27th day of July, 1948. Mrs. Violet F. Whitley, 6Uul27 A3 10-17 24 31 Executrix ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having quaUfied is administra trix of the estate of James Edward Holland, deceased, late of Carteret County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned at Smyrna, N. C, on or before the 27th day of July,1949, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 27th day of July, 1948. , Mrs. Ruby Holland, Administratrix 6t Jul 27 A 3-10-17-24-31 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the Estate of Rixie Hender son, deceased, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is tr notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed at 306 N. 14th Street, Morehead City, North Carolina, on or before the 3rd day of August, 1949, oi this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of July, 1948. LILLIAN FENNER, Administratrix of the Estate of Rixie Henderson. Harvey Hamilton, Jr. Att'y. 6t A 3 10-1,7-24-31 S7 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Mattie J. Styron, late oi Carteret County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home address, (Lenoxville) R.F.D., Beau fort, North Carolina, on or before the 3rd day of Aug., 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This, the 3rd day of Aug., 1948. JAMES W. WILLIS, Executor of the Estate of Mattie J. Styron, deceased Hamilton & McNeill, Attys. 6t A 3-10-17-24 31 S7 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of 1 the Estate of Henry D. Goodwin, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this, is' to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home address, Morehead City, North Carolina, P, 0. Box No. 1, on or before the 3rd day of Aug ust, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This, the 3rd day of August, 1948 , BRUCE L. GOODWIN, Executor of the Estate of Henry D. Goodwin, deceased Hamilton & McNeill, Attys. 6t A 3-10-17-24-31 S7 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, CARTERET COUNTY ENTRY OF LAND, NUMBER 2419 To Irwin W. Davis, entry-taker of Carteret County: The undersigned claimants, be ing citizens of the state of North Carolina, hereby sets forth and shows that the following tract or parcel of land, to wit; Lying and being In- Beaufort Township, Carteret County, North Carolina, and more fully described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake lo cated on the breakwater adjacent to that body of water known as Bulkhead Channel, where said channel intersects with Bogue Channel, and running with the wa ter's edge of Bogue Channel in a West' and Northwestwardly direc tion to the Perry, Davis and Howe Torrens line; thence with said line North 1 degree East 2840 feet to an iron stake, which point is the center of Western Head Slough (now partially filled in); thence East to the high water mark of that body of water which was the eastern terminus of Western Head Slough; thence East. Southeast and South with said water's edge to an iron stake which is located at the high water mark of the said Bulk head Channel at the North end of the said Bulkhead Channel and the said breakwater, to the beginning: Containing by estimation sixty (00) acres, in vacant and unappro priated land belonging to the state of North Carolina and subject to entry, and the undersigned clai mants hereby make entry of, lays claim to, and prays for a grant for, said land. JOEL H. DAVIS, Claimant C. K. HOWE. Claimant This 5th day of August, 1948 Witness: Moris Willis 4t A 1017-24-31 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administrii trix of the estate of Stephen F, Harris, deceased, late of Carteret County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Beaufort N. C. on or Worn the 10th day of August, 1949, or this notice will be pled In bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make prompt payment. . This 10th day of August, 1948. HELENA HARRIS, Administratrix ' 6t A 10-17-24 31 S 7-14 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CARTERET COUNTY Colleen Block Smith,' Plaintiff vs. Richard Grant Smith, Defendant Notice of Service by Publication The Defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced ir. the Superior Court of Carterel County to obtain an absolute di vorce on statutory grounds toge ther with the custody of the twe children, and the said Defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before th' Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, at the Courthouse of saic County in Beaufort, North Caro Una, within twenty (20) days al ter the 31 day of Aug., 1948, am answer or demur to the Complain in said action, or the Plaintiff wil apply to the Court for the relie demanded in said Complaint. This 5th day of August, 1948. A. H. JAMES Clerk of the Superior Court 4t A 10 17 24-31 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of Ann Prideett, deceased, late of Carteret County, this is to no tify all persons having claims a gainst the said estate to present them to the undersigned at New port, N. C, on or before the 6th day of August, 1949, or this np tice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted said estate will please make prompt payment. This the 6th day of August, 1948. A. L. WILSON, Administrator. 6t A17-24-31 S7-14 21 NOTICE oF dissoTuTIONOF MOREHEAD CITY GROCERY COMPANY, A PARTNERSHIP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership of ALEC ROBERTS AND LEO H. HARVEY, as partners conducting the busi ness of retail selling of groceries, meats, and paints under the firm name and style of MOREHEAD CITY GROCERY COMPANY, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. ALEC ROBERTS will continue to conduct the business, but only under the sole ownership, man agement, and control of himself, the said ALEC ROBERTS. ALEC ROBERTS will collect all debts' owing to the firm and pay all debts due by the firm. This 1st day of July, 1948. ALEC ROBERTS, L. H. HARVEY, Formerly doing business as MOREHEAD CITY GROCERY CO. 3t A 24 31 S7 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mart H. Lewis, de ceased, late of Carteret County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign ed at Beaufort, N. C, on or before the 24th day of August, 1949, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make prompt payment. This 24th day of August, 1948. McKINLEY LEWIS, Executor 6t A 24-31 S7-14 21 28 GLOUCESTER Miss Ethel Eubanks spent a few days with her cousin, Marie Can non at South River. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stewart and grandsons, Jackie and Morgan, of Washington, D. C. and Beaufort, were guests of Miss Maggie Pigott and Mrs. Lester Pigott Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chadwick were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pigott. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Whitehurst, of Baltimore, Md., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chadwick. Mrs. S.- W. Dixon and son, Lacy are visiting relatives at Burlington,, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whitehurst and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe White hurst of Morehead City spent Sun day here with the Whitehurst fa mily. Mrs. Hazel Chadwick, of Smyrna, spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Bert Mears. . w.tv: .Mrs. Bill Pigott returned Satur day from Morehead City when she spent several weeks with her sis tor Mr. and Mrs. Tasman Pigott re turned to their home here Wednes day after their place of business at North River burned. 5 . Mr. and Mrs. Steve Chadwick, of Miami, Fla., were visitors of Miss es Maggie Pigott and Josie Pigott Wednesday. . Mrs. Fannie Nelson returned home Saturday after spending sev eral' weeks in Beaufort with Mr, I and Mrs. Edward Nelson. - : Mrs. Ennett Piper returned home Tuesday from Macon, Ga. Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Davis, of Henderson, N. C, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ri chardson. Miss Sarah Meadows, . of New Bern, is, visiting her mother. Mrs. Wade Meadows at their cottage on I bieepy creek. Ilavelcclt - Hn, Bath T. BickrdMa, EJIt.r Havelock, Cherry Point Prepare for Hurricane August 30 All information on hand indicates the probability of a hurricaft passing over this area ome time Monday night or Tues lay morning. Tenants living in the New Project will be eavcuated if inds become dangerously strong md provided safe refuge on the Air Station, according to information from the housing office. Tenants who can should stay with friends on Manteo drive or the Old Pro ject or in some city farther inland, authorities stated today. Instructions have been sent to ill tenants to tie down or store n the house all lawn furniture and ''ore possessions that migiit cause damage if carried away by strong winds. Tenants lacking wire" were told to obtain it at the housing of fice where a watch will be main tained until the storm is over or this area is no longer threatened. Tenants planning to remain in quar ters during the storm were request ed to store emergency water in tubs and to supply themselves with emergency lights such as flash lights or lanterns. The power will probably go off soon after the storm begins and, as it may be off for several hours, a two days sup ply of pre-cooked food should be ply of pre-cooked food should be U ll L I DR. E. F. MENIUS f Front St. OPTOMETRIST 3rd Floor Elks Temple T BEAUFORT N. C. Rooms 307-8 9 & 10 NEW BERN. N. C. Lj.j.j.j.ji-.j.i.i.j..LXj.jt.ji.4.4i I . OAKY DCAKS , A Jolt from The Blue I ! T WAIT MISTER I I BUT VOL! CAM TIGHlJ I I G-SEE.THAUKS ) I I "BZUZZ I I rmiLCXl'T WITH AUV WEAPW?a BUT I MAVEUT I gV J3k' i4 MWDFKUSVWWTfHj JSf fVCW --xC m mm. mm .Jis tfmm. """"""i nut-1 l -xrv mim a M r tt i v . 3r v wrmr i rr m n ' - irqy?i u mi i ftn ivn i '?in E g 0N OAKY DOAKS , THE SEARCH IS ON T "hFI I WOW, WHAT A MEADACHE.Vl I ( AWD I'M C0WWA HMD OUT J I I I5WT I'M &IW RIGHT HOUE T UHO HIT HIM WITH THAT 7? 'y im"lCM EOME ASPIRIUJ . .r .r .... WSU 1IIHE ttJK A Dill, : II a "Me 1 Ihm Aftmrr Iham I I . i il . 1 - . ..U I i . ltacc,WMYU. HCT .Nurc; i f V" ft ( I ( WILL iUU fWHOEWFB HIT THAT X I rL,v" ) J.". ,T- f t7Jr-C 'AwdTwawta nf. y ' J VJ ' VI BrXt Uyd THAU him jdv. I'A r 7 YT k i VI AVVJan u., rr?is&h' i..s-.im.; DICKIE DARE The Scientific ApnroacE TUC M cvVrc HPStT OVtff TU OFFICPS BSf AZTl COUFKS'-W&J ABO1 TODA1 off on sort? J He . I Am uaaeAiOBK Meet s CAeeD OH tJh-J L-l I HO BQ BBAH mntATi THHt, me -BRAlHED J H Mart M&APCtf w titiCLcAe Pfi'scs, atomic por T vT ,T r w smakk urnona t svff'I ; inn tue ticiMFP Ur-2 PM..Jf7t lOCwilKDE tT- krl P-iJ L "AO Hi MD'A OB OJHB? fai II 1 Vh OK OuHl I 1 IMfO I Yf T Ulciiic UAKU , , . ' WANT TO WAGER? I " ' ' V i . ' " ' . f l I ' II J ' I .. , 1 1 g .: 1 .. II jvf eOT TO Get O I A McAmwf-' rcfrw fvoron i i w v cw itu vw m . r-'r 'V I THE BALL '-F0P6ET ifti 1 ,, .3 HZILIVG I I THIS MKlllDES Mini Ov7f" f I MNOKEJHfiliA SCHOOLTA UlCKt CPATV eKPEDmOi Vk 1 I .At CKlOTfOKlmX I 1HME8 mEHia-. gEVQilD J I 1 KlDBlIT I CAHJ SEEM TO S t-PivatS MO I HKXKtU Jf I ,,,7,",." f wti Hmi I oiriM'-Mtii. ft i 6ET A BAMG OUT OF THIS THIS IMG OVT TO&ETHEP, tJ I . TO DEVOTE (WW SQ MfrPOMEO" 1 WnteAeatMnto'. h-A tfK'TDEsee7jp'J W- h-WAs s ' v.nu ., .v.',',., . : ; .., - . If E,r 111 1 I'll I flUI lUItU Tf UnomrrLH I fi'-i'- - I f 6E1 SCAT llpl.-KUT I I I IDPA HOT TUH' TH'COPi M DQg A tfM?!. . tPOS ; a I Tf'p rn'mve a I - uici COULM'T teu th' I I a juupen 74' . fSSS . I I' 1 -ninar cjnc an ::., 1 M I TH' M& AGAiH-Peot'Li I Vn - . POl 'fAAKTit-K. V 1 I j nkntSamif. S I , N AHA' THAU K rv I X f WfTlfU- I I Cherry Point M S, CiTea Dr., TaTlock on hand, a release from the hous ing office states. ' , A sound truck has been used in advising tenants of the situation at often as necessary. It is Very Im portant that everybody be fully prepared for a hurricane and that they keep cool and not become alarmed over this situation, author ities declared. Chaplain and Mrs. Richard Cleaves and children are spending some time in South Casco, Maine. David Wayne of 5 N. Plnetree Drive is critically ill in the Vet- v r.nrnc fc VlUbkf when cold miseries shib ; FAST RELIEF Dr. J. O. Baxter Jr. ? THE EYE ONLY iu n n ? Mil. IK ME JCJMEBBETH GUY , HOME'A A U 3 VJ-JONft MC?J eran's hosiptal In Fayetteville, N.C. 1; Herbert Gray, ir., left recently for Asheville where he wUI join bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gray and his brother, Eddie. They Will visit relatives in Maryville, Tennessee, after which he will re turn to Mars HiU college where he is ' a member of the sophomore class. Mr. and Mrs. Gray and Ed die will then return to their home on N. Cherry Drive. , 0. H. JOKSOM. II D. EYE, EAR, NOSE THROAT SPECIALIST 7 GLASSES FITTED . ... Office Hours: Morehead City 9 AM to S PM Including Sundays BIGGS SHOE SHOP Beaufort AGEIIT WANTED To sell heating equipment in Carteret County. You sell we will install and service. Liberal commission on all sales. Come in, write or call SALES & SERVICE, Inc. Licensed Healing & Plumbing Contractors Cor. Craven & Pollock Sts. New Bern 3132 Birds are the best flyers in the animal kingdom.' WWW :f: 86 Proof mi STRAIGHT WHISKEYS IN THIS WtODUCT Alt 4 YEARS OR MORE OLD. iS STRAIGHT WHISKEY, M NEUTRAL WRIT, 9MTIUID MOM ORAM. ,J MMEIMI I mm LMHTQ, KNU, UMB Cr. , Retail r 1 Pr,e Rj$3.1S '-" II Fifth i i!. 11 f

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