t 0" 1 HAKLOWE A. B. Morton, Jr. and Billie Ball left Thursday to spend several days tat White Lake. ti, Mrs. William Noe and children. Catherine and Clyde, who have been visiting Mrs. Carl H. Morton and family, returned to their home in Beaufort Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Scofield and , .daughter, Linda Ann, of Green ..Belt, Maryland, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Carl H. Morton and i. children. Miss Patricia Morton, i who has been visiting the Scofields, returned home with them. Philip Taylor, Douglas Williams, ; Johnnie Olund and Terry Wither ington attended tobacco sales Fri day at Greenville. Mrs. Ashby B. Morton spent Fri day afternoon in Beaufort. Mrs. Pearl Olund and Philip Tay lor visited Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher 'Taylor Friday evening at Bachelor. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Witherington, of Vanceboro, were here Friday afternoon. Beverly and Terry Wi 'therington, who have been visiting here returned home with thcii parents. Miss Annie L. Morton, of Beau fort, visited here Friday. Miss Morton were enroute home from Greenville. j Mr. and Mrs. J Artis Taylor, of j Bachelor, visited in the commu nity Saturday evening. Glen Ilardcsty, of State College, j L : .1 : i. I VIMIt'U I11S pai t'lKS Mill INK lilt" weekend. Mrs. Rupert Ilardcsty and son. J. T. motored to Gnldtwo Sr" day to see Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dyers and family. Pete Gcrns, of Chapel Hill, vi sited Miss Mary Lou Mason during the weekend. Mr. aiH, Mrs. Ashby B. Morton, Mr. mid Mrs. A. P. Adams and Mrs. Lottie V. Adams were in Beaufort Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Davis and Mrs. Em ma Oglesby visited Mrs. Clara Pel letier Tuesday afternoon at the Morehead Ci'v Hospital. Mrs. Pearl ulund and Philip Tay lor were in Beaufort Saturday morning and returned by Newport where Mrs. Olund visited Mis. Stanley C. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Cheek and children, of Norfolk, Va., came Sat urday morning to be with their sisters in the death of their mother. Mr. and Mis. Lionel N. Conner and Mrs. Vernon Tolson were in Newport Sunday afternoon. Mr. end Mrs. William Ingram nd children, Bobbie, Billie and Bettie, of Kenansville. came Satur day afternoon to attend Mrs. In gram's mother's funeral services. Paul Cheek arrived Sunday morning in response to call to come for his mother's funeral ser vices. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Ball, Miss Lena Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby B. Morton motored to Newport Sun day evening to attend the show. Mrs. Harry Davis and Mrs. Emma Oglesby motored to Havelock Wed nesday afternoon to visit Mrs. Roy Butner and Mrs. Richard Rice. Mrs. Zeb Oakley, of Mebane and Mrs. Charles Cheek of Yanceyville were here Monday for funeral ser vices for their sister, Mrs. W. T. Check. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Everette, of Greenville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Adams Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Everette were enroute to Beaufort to attend the Paul-Laughton wedding Satur day evening. Miss Laughton is Mrs. Everette's granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Adams were in Newport Sunday evening to see Dr. Manly Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Adams also visited Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Adams in Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith, Jr., of Bachelor, passed through Saturday evening enroute to Beau fort to attend the Paul-Laughton wedding. Mrs. Carlton J. Taylor. Mrs. Ci cero W. Tavlor, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ives, Misses Faye, Shirley and Etta Taylor motored to Beaulort Saturday evening for the Paul Laughton wedding. Rev. and Mrs. B. B. Slaughter, Mrs. William Valelais. Mrs. John E. Taylor, and Mrs. Thomas Lee Taylor, of New Bern, Mrs. Ashton H. Tallman and Mrs. Springle of near Beaufort, Mrs. S. C. Mann of Newport. Miss Bertha D. Bell, Mrs. John Smith, J. I. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Taylor, of Bachelor, were here Monday afternoon for funeral services for Mrs. W. T. Cheek. Mrs. Jim H. Dickinson, of Core Creek, attended funeral services Monday afternoon for Mrs. W. T. Cheek. , Mrs. Carlton Taylor was in More head City Sunday to be with her daughter, Mrs. Roland Small, at the Morehead Hospital. ' Carlton Anthony Small and brother, of Core Creek, are visit ing their Prandnarents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton J. Taylor, WULISTON , Rev. Thomas Harrell filled his regular appointment at Williston Sunday night. The little sn of Mr. Preston Willis was stricken with polio Fri day night. , He was rushed to Wil mington Saturday. The last re ports, he seemed to be some bet ter. We sure hope he will soon be better so he can come home. Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Matthews and children of Beaufort spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John nie Wade. Mrs. Edwin Piner of Sealevel is spending a few days with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Leslie Piner. - Mr. Charles Piner motored to Portsmouth last week and took Mrs. Gordon Wade and children home. The hurricane did not come in on us as we all looked for. We are very thankful to know it turn ed another course. Mr. Elmer Willis' little girl, Beverly, was sick Sunday. The doctor was called to her. It was nothing serious, though we all think of oolio at th firs when our children do not feel well. The weather is so much more comfortable today than the past week. We sure appreciate it, as it sure has been terrible weather. BAY VIEW Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Conway and daughter, Gcraldinc, of Hubert, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kilhy Haskett. Mr. and Mrs. Bill White, Mrs. Owen Cottle and Mr. and Mrs. El lory Ilardcsty attended services at the Church of God at Morehead City Saturday evening. Mrs. Walter Williams and Misses Betty Williams and Leila Haskett spent a while Friday evening with Mrs. Jamos Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Freeman and daiichter, Lyllis and Sally Jo of Bridgeton spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Nannie Small Mrs. James Skinner ret"rnoH home from Morehead City Hospi tal Wednesday. We arc all wishing for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. I. S. Taylor held services at Graham's chapel Sunday morn ing and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kdsel Bell and son, Tommy and Mis. Pearl Bell and family, of Harlowe, spent a while Sunday wilh Mrs. Nannie Small. Mrs. Bessie Graham returned home from Wilmington Sunday, "here she had been visiting rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis and daughter, of Morehead City, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Small. Mrs. Owen Cottle spent Tuesday with Mrs. Thomas Haskett. Misses Betty Williams and Leila Haskett spent Sunday afternoon wilh Mrs. Ellcry Ilardcsty and Mrs. Owen Cottle. Prayer service was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Skin ner Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lancaster and family, of North River, spent a while Monday evening in the com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams ind sons. Kellv and Joseph and Mrs. Nannie Small spent a vhile Saturday with Miss Blanche Saun ders and Mrs. Harry Saunders, of Beaufort. Mr. Lonnie Howard, of Newport, spent a while Monday evening in the eommunuitv on business. Mrs. Leola Wheeler is spending a while at Detroit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haskett and son. Donald and Mrs. Pollv Haskett spent a while Sunday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Has kett of Havelock. Mrs. John Chaplain and Miss Mary Sue Lynch spent a while Sun day afternoon with Mrs. James Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Graham. Mrs. Bill Mison spent a while Sunday with Mrs. Owen Cottle. Mrs. Cal Whaley spent a while Sunday with Mrs. Willie Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown and Mr. Lee Brown, Jr., of Wire Grass, spent a while Sunday with rela tives. Mrs. Ira Culpepper returned home from Morehead City Hospital last week. We all wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams, Misses Betty Williams and Leila Haskett attended services at the Church of God, Morehead City Sat urday evening. Mrs. Polly Haskett returned home Suunday after spending a while with Mrs. Claunce Mason and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis and Mrs. J. F. Small spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Haskett of Havelock. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams spent a while Saturday with Mrs. George Norris of Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garner and family and Mr. O. L. Skinner, of Lennoxville, spent a while Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Skinner. Mr. Grover Cuthrcll spent awhile mm tl oc $3.15 Fifths 86 Proof tWS tTBAMHI WHISKEYS M IMS MOCUC? am 4 riAM oa MOM 010. u m AWMT WHHKir, U NMITSAl tPMITt, MUS MOM MAM. 1 1 tarn una, mat, iusss -'. ..I . f Y Price a Pai u HQ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pres ton Graham. Miss Ella Ruth Taylor, of Hu bert, spent last week with Miss Alinda Sue Graham. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Taylor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Hardesty. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small and Miss Bertie Small and Ardell Small spent a while Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Haskett of Havelock. NEWPORT Mrs. Roland M. Garner and little son, Bobby, of Washington, D. C, arrived Aug. 20 for a Visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Bell. Mrs. Charles M. Garner and trip let daughters, June, Jean and Joan, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Garner in Washington, returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Mizelle are vacationing in the western part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gould, of Washington, D. C, are spending some time here with Mrs. Rprie Bell and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Edwards spent Sunday, Aug. 22. in Raleieh with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Montague. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mann, of Greensboro, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Asby Herringtonj and son. of Rocky Mount, are spending some time at the McCain camp on Bogue Sound. James Harold Hibbs, of the U. S. Army, recently spent several day hor with his mother, Mrs. P. A. Guthrie. I Lt. Edith Prescott, of the U. S. ' Navy, is spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Edna Prescott. I Mrs. Chester Meares entertain-1 ed the Friendship Sunday School class Thursday evening, Aug. 19, at her camp on Bogue Sound. Mrs. Stanley Mann, who is spending sev-: eral days with Mrs. Meares, assist ed, and the guests reported a very i pleasant evening. Rev, and Mrs. C. T. Rogers, of Rose Hill, spent Thursday, Aug. 19, 1 here with the Ira Garners. i Mrs. Glenwood Garner is spend-' ing some time in Florida with friends. Mrs. J. S. Neal left Sunday, Aug. 22, to return to her home in Nor folk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lipscomb have returned to their home in Hopewell, Va. i Mrs. G. D. Henderson is visiting friends in Hopewell, Va. Miss Hazel Bass has left to re turn to Jacksonville, Fla. where she teaches in the city schools. Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Daisy Bell Is seriously ill in the Morehead City Hospital. NORTH RIVER Mr. and Mrs. John Seymour, of Kinston, spent the weekend iiece visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Beachem and son, Paul left Thursday for their home in Charlotte, after spending a few days here with parents, Mr and Mrs. Paul Beach em. Mrs. G. D. Merrill and daughter, Fay and son, Clark, of Wire Grass, spent Tuesday here at the home of H. W. Merrill. Mrs. Graden Barker and son, of Oriental, spent a few days here with parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Beachem. Miss Alice Hill left Friday for Bridgeton to spend a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Joe Hill and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garner, of Southport, spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. Essie Garner. Mr. and Mrs. William Fulcher and daughter, Ann Light and mother, Mrs. Polly Fulcher all spent Sunday afternoon in New Bern to visit Mrs. Fulcher's father, Mr. Sam Jones in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Taylor and children, of near Beaufort, spent "Prwmutv "Olympics" of Woodcraft To Woodmen, the Uniform Rank is one of the most Important units of the local Woodmen Camp. Its colorful drills and floor work are indispensable to Woodmen rites and interest ing features of social and public programs. Attention of all Woodmen, therefore was cen tered on the National Encampment . . . the "Olympics" of the Uniform Rank . . . at Hot Springs. Ark August 29 to September 4. that determined the national champion degree teams in military drill and floor work. The Uniform Rank l another of tht "extras" enjoyed , br Woodmen oona with their tat: sound Woodmen Iff Insurance protection. Ask (he focal Woodmen representative to explain how you can enjoy these bonolis of Woodcraft. WOODMEN of the WORLD Life Insurance Society : OMAHA. NEBRASKA - ALTCM B. YIQt Did. Rep. Box 621. Phone 11-943 1 nonhead City, N. C . , Sunday here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Riley Beachem. Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Pate and daughter, of Goldsboro, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Pate's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Willis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carrie Merrill, of Wire Grass, spent a while here Sunday at the home of H. W. Mer rill with Mr. Merrill's mother, Mrs. Sid Merrill who is sick. Mrs. Byri Small, of Core Creek, are here with' her mother, Mrs. Sid Merrill who is sick. Mr. 'Joe Hill and daughters, of Bridgeton, spent a while here Sun day with her sister, Mrs. G. D. Hill and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sol Simpson and son, of Raleigh, spent the week end here with his father, Mr. T. J. Simpson. SMYRNA Mrs. J. M. Kirman, of Aurora, spent Wednesday night here with li"r daughter, Mrs. Hugh Willis. Mrs. Kirman was enroute to Ocra coke to spend some time with her brother, Mr. Dan Garrish. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Simpson, of Beaufort, were geusts of Mrs. Irene Simpson, Sunday. Mt H4'tie Mead and sister, Mr .1 B. Davis left Thursday to visit their sister, Mrs. Dan Pigott at Charleston. South Carolina. Mrs. Maggie Hancock spent Tuesday Wednesday and Thurs day at Atlantic with Mrs. Prudie Willis. Mrs. Mattie Thompson, of Au 101 a, visited relatives here last week. Mr. Robert Pigott, who is very ill, was taken back to the More i.ed Citv Hospital last week. Mrs. Charles Willis, Mrs. Lida Davis and grandchildren, Bobby and Sandra Davis and Gail Willis, of Marshallberg, visited relatives here Friday. Several folks from Smyrna at tended the Sanderson-Davis wed ding at the Straits church Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams, Jr., of Morehead City, spent a few hours here Sunday with Mrs. Adams' parents. ivnss Annie Moore Piner, of Mar shallberg, visited her grandmother here Saturday. Miss Annie will leave Thursday for Henderson, N. C. at which place she will teach school this term. Miss Elise Willis attended a wedding anniversary at Marshall berg Saturday night. RUSSELL'S CREEK Rev. W. E. Anderso nof More head City will fill his regular ap pointment at the Free Will Bap tist 'Church Sunday morning Sep tember 5 at 11 o'clock. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Merrill mo tored to Charleston, S. C, to visit their son, Mr. Clyde Merrill, who Is on the sick list. We all wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Fodrie and family have moved in with Mrs. I. T. Fodrie. Mrs. Charles Morton and chil dren are spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morton. Mrs. Colon Pake spent last week end in Asheville visiting her hus band. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Fodrie and little son moved last week to Camp Glenn. The recreational meeting which was scheduled to have met last Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Copeland has been postpon ed until later due to the polio epi demic. Mrs. Robert Russell spent a while last week with Mrs. Will McCabe of the causeway. Mr. and Mrs. Orrie T. Rhue have moved in the community and are occupying Mr. G. Austin's house. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morton spent a while Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Cormack of Morehead City. In ArHm" Research on Dcller Ilonsing for Low Income Groups Under Way in Sou Ih BIRMINGHAM, Ala. Better housing for low-income families is the object of a research project now under way at Southern Re search institute, which is described in the institute's summer bulletin just issued. . Sponsored by the institute itself, the project aims at the design of a basic dwelling unit, combining all essential features of a home, that can be built at minimum cost, with practically all construction done without skilled labor. While still in an experimental stage, en gineers at Southern Research insti tute have worked out designs for a home which estimates show can be built of home-made blocks for a total cost including plumbing, USE COAL And Gel the Most and Most Satisfying Heat For Your Home Let us solve your Winter heating problems by filling your bins now with choice Coals from our present large stocks. " Your orders will receive our prompt attention. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS CARTERET ICE AND COAL COMPANY Phone M 3701 "Since Talk of thelown! WMt tldtrotl tlr mnllMt IfsUieGroftfierl At last you can see the revolutionary NEW '49 Ford. It's at our showrooms right now, and you'll see it has the "look of the year"! The inside will thrill you, tool Lots wider seats! Big "Picture Windows" all round. 19 cubic feet of usable luggage space. Two new engines . . . V-8 and Six. Up to 10 greater gas economy. New Overdrive, optional at extra cost. 59 more rigid "Lifeguard" Body. New "Hydra Coil" Front Springs. New "Mid Ship" Ride. Come in and see the new Ford right now. We want to show you why it's "The Car of the Year." Place Your ii - il LOFTIN MOTOR CO. YOUR CARTEDET COUIITY FORD CRAVEN STEEET bathroom and electric pump of ap proximately $900. The plan includes two nine-by-twelve foot bedrooms, a nine-by-fourteen foot living room, a small bathroom, and a combination kit chen and' dining space. It is hoped that the project may result in lifting living standards of families in rural areas, who are now occu pying dwellings that fail to meet minimum standards of shelter, sa nitation and durability. The first sample house is being built in Tuskegee because the Tus kegee institute there has already shown interest in low-cost housing. R. C. Johnson, institute plant en gineer in charge of the project, goes to Tuskegee regularly to in spect progress of the first house. 1898" Morehead City f twfrm cwf. is the Order NOW - with Your Friendly Ford Dealer j Phono Boiniorf 3714 A dose check is being kept on all expenses ' and on the amount of man hours involved in the con struction.' .: . i . . From these figures the Institute plans to make a comprehensive re port to' Its trustees on the history of this house and its poijible wide spread use in the South. It is hoped by the institute that philan thropic sponsors may eventually be found to disseminate information mm mm 1 I I High Quality-Thai's Our v Line of All Foodstuffs FINEST GRADE "A" MEATS FROZEN FOODS 11 Freeman Bros. 1 Dial M-575I M-5761 tmM iff raf '49 FORD at row kkd diaibcs among the Southern rural popula tion on how to build the low-cost houses now being investigated. The New York Rangers of the National Hockey League suffered only two shutouts last season as compared with five the campaign before. .. Several species of snakes kill and eat other snakes. l 3 I 0 SI ) DEALER UWIVI Wdl, II. If R 1

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