TUESDAYS SLi j Bli 6.; J. Michael Moran, Society Editor Phone M 5781 Miss Caroline Willis left Mon day morning for Louisburg where she "will enter college. She was accompanied by her father, Mr. Ralph Willis. Mrs. Herbert Thornton, Sr., and Mary Arcndell. Jerry Norris left Sunday to visit his aunt, Mrs. Clarence Grady in Kinston, and from there he will continue on to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Harvey Hamilton, Sr., winner of n trip to Old Point Comfort, Va., for having written the most in surance during the past year, left Sunday morning ;or Old Point Comfort with his two sons, Har vey, Jr., and Cooper Hamilton. ' Mr. Bud Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cooper left Sunday to spend a week in Florida. Tommy Ballou is spending some time with relatives in McClellan ViUc, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. .lack Styron and fcaby daughter, Eva .Tnne, arrived home Sat unlay from Lake Charles, La. Miss Adolya Guthrie spent last week in Plymouth visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hampton and Tom Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Boyce and children, of Norfolk, Va., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Styron. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baugham, of Charleston, S. C, arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ball. Thursday Bridge Club Meets Willi Mrs. Unnie Dill The Thursday afternoon bridge club met with Mrs. Lonnie Dill at her home on Arendell Street. Guests were Mrs. AWah Hamil ton, Jr., Mrs. Bill Wilkens, Mrs. Bill Mereness and Mrs. Robert Mc Dougall. The hostess used arrangements of yellow and lavender dahlias and marigolds throughout the living room. High score prize, a bon bon dish, was won by Mrs .Walter Morris, and second high, a nest of pyrex mixing dishes went to Mrs. Ken neth Wagner. Mrs. Robert Me Covering the Waterfront By Aycock Brown , The stale ot Honda sets a cut of something like $189,000,000 per annum, out of its various gambling enterprises such as horse and dog tracks, so I have been told. Per haps my figure is a bit high, may be it is only $179,000,000 which the famed southern resort state gets as its average annual share of the big time pari-mutuel and other operations involving games or sports of ehaqce. This loads me to believe, having Dougall was consoled with a waste i occasionally come in contact with basket. Refreshments wore ice box le mon cake with nuts and during play cokes were enjoyed. The hostess also remembered Mrs. Alvah Hamilton, Jr., n recent bride, with a hand painted sand wich plate. . Floyd Jones, Herbert Phillips. Billy Oglesby, Dick Spears and Jerry Norris spent several days last week at the Matthews' camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Coleburn, of McClellanville, S. C, spent the week end hero. George Howard will leave this week to resume his studios at Campbell College. Mrs. W. L. Kulclier returned home Sunday evening -sifter spend ing several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Klmo Swindell at Swan Quarter. i Mrs. A. II. Joyner, Miss Holtio Joyner, Mrs. Kred Lewis and Mrs. Bill Cottingham attended a dis trict meeting of the Wesleyan Guild in Greenville on Sunday. Misses Sara and Bet tie Ballou returned home Saturday evening after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Coleburn in Mc Clellansvillc, S. C. ' Mrs. H. Torgersen, of Brooklvn. N. Y., who has been visiting Mrs. O. G. Sterlen for tho past few weeks,, returned to her home re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Buyer. of Havcloik, visited his parents in Galliix, Va., last week end. Gilbert W. Riggs, of the U. S. C. Cm., stationed at Groton, Conn., spent the Labor Day week end here with his mother, Mrs. Edward Riggs. Captain and Mrs. William Beds worth have returned to Norfolk, Va., after spending the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Carrie Beds-worth. Mr and Mrs. James Maey arriv ed home this week end from Nor folk, Va., where Mr. Macy has been undergoing observation at the Naval Hospital. He has returned for further examination while Mrs. Maey remains at home. Misses Betsy Thornton and Lois Simpson spent the week end with Miss Bebe Carroll in Laurinburg. Duffy Lee Paul left Monday morning to enter Louisburg College. Mrs. J. S. McLohon and daugh tor. Maxine, anil Mrs. Vernon Paul spent Fridav in New Born. Miss Dorothy Sampson Entertains for Three Mr. and Mrs. .lack Lazenby, of Chapel Hill, visited her mother, Mrs. Bertha Slallings Inst week. "' Mr. and Mrs. David Murray have returned to Raleigh after spend ing the summer at their .cottage On Shaekloford Avenue. "v Coffee Hour Compliments Mrs. Alvah Hamilton, Jr. Mrs. Luther Hamilton, Mrs. Lu ther Hamilton, Jr., and Mrs. I,aw rence Viekers entertained at a cof fee hour Thursday morning at the home of Mrs. Luther Hamilton honoring Mrs. Alvah Hamilton, Jr., recent bride. Guests were grteted at the door by Mrs. Viekers and introduced to the honorec and Mrs. A. L. Hamil ton, Sr. Mrs. Luther Hamilton. Jr., invited guests into the dining room. The table was covered with an imported linen cloth centered with a silver bowl of mixed fall flowers. Mrs. Luther Hamilton poured cof fee and Mrs. Harvey Hamilton served the bride's salad with ham biscuits, sandwiches, and cakes. She was assisted bv Misses Edith Loig and Doris Grantham. The hostesses presented the honoree with a corsage and a gift of silver. Approximately sixty guests call ed during the morning. Buffet Supper Given For Recent Bride Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freeman spent the weekend In Buurlington where they attended Mrs. Free man's family reunion, the Hatch's on Sunday. Lt. and Mrs. Frank Gruntham plan to visit his mother, Mrs. J. S. Grantham, in Goldsboro, this week. Lt. Frank Grantham arrived home last week from Frying Pan Shoals to spend several weeks. Miss Ruth Maey will leave today for Kinson, where she will be a member of the school faculty there for this year. Mrs. Herbert Thornton, Jr., and children, left Thursday for her home in Atlanta, Gn., where they will spend two months. They were accompanied to Wilmington by Miss Dorothy Sampson honored Mrs. Coolidge Merrill and Mrs. Grayden Willis with a kitchen shower and Mrs. George Phillips, with a stork shower, st the Re creation Center on Friday evening at eight o'clock. Bingo was played with many at tractive prizes being won by the guests. Upon their arrival the honorees were given lovely corsages of roses. The. center table in the club roomfcwaa' llevered with a white cloth with pink crepe paper fluted around the edge. A miniature stork hung above the table with streamers of pink and white crepe paper flowing to the corners of the room. The gifts for Mrs. Phil lips were placed upon this table. Gifts for the two recent brides were placed upon e. lace cloth covered table decorated in green and white with green tapters in silver candle sticks. During the evening the hostess served delicious marble ice cream with homemade lemon cake. The honorees expressed their appreciation for the many lovely gifts received. Miss Viola Styron, Miss More head City of 1948, reported today that she was unable to attend the Reidsville Harvest festival over the weekend. Better Laundering At a Savings CALL OUR REPRESENTATIVE, MR. BARRY WEST, AND LET CHI YG3 THE SAV INGS POSSIBLE WITH ONE OF 052 SERVICES. ll Family Finish Wearing apparel 25c lb. Hat work . 10c lb. 4 Rough dried .. 10c lb. Wearing apparel, washed, starched and dried. Flat work finished. 1 Thrifty 9c lb. Wearing apparel damp. Flat work finished. 'IDaiapVash ...clb. Mrs. Pelham Jones, a recent bride, was honored at n buffet sup per given bv Mrs. Douglas Hufham on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Twelve friends of the honoree enjoyed a delicious supper consist ing of ham with tomato aspic on lettuce, potato chips, pickles, lime pio and coffee. The home was attractively de corated with dahlias and zinias. Mrs. Jones was given a lovely Corsage of carnations and china in her pattern by the hostess. some illegal gambling operations within the limits of North Caro lina, (and one operation that is legal namely, Carolina Racing Association's pari-mutuel operated dog track at Moreherd City) that our great outstanding and moral state has been missing the boat on a revenue that it could other wise be getting. By otherwise, I mean if those who are going to have slot machines, lotteries pwnchbo-.'rds. etcetera, are going to continue operating. And they will never fear, oven if thcr; arc occasional intermissions. The references to illegal gamb ling on the Carteret Coast by Jack Riley in tho News and Observer recently which was the other side of a most excellently written story cbout the legalized pari-mutuel operated dog track at Morehoad City, was not startling news to anyone who has visited any resort, anywhere in North Carolina, or I mit'ht modify this statement by saying, any coastal resort. The last time I was in the mountains uns when all s'rangers wore con sidered as revenue officers until they could prove they wore not. So f won't speak for the mountain resorts. ' I will speak for just about every place I stop to buy black coffee. coca-colas, gasoline, French fried pig skins and Peter Paul Mounds. Most of tho places have some sort Willis-Blalock Vows To Be Solemnized Announcement has been made of the forthcoming marriage of Miss Lorna Doone Blalock. (laugh ter of Mr. Bunn 15. Blalock of Durham, to Mr. Jerry James Wil lis, son of Mr. and Mr. James Michael Willis, of Morehoad City. The ceremony will take place in the First Methodist church of Morehead City, on Sunday, Sep tember 26, at five o'clock in the afternoon. No invitations are being sent but all friends are cordially invit ed to attend. of contraption along the 100-mile coastal beat I cover, that a person can take a chance on. Take Nags Head for instance On the day that Riley story uras published (actually It Was 8 o' clock the next morning), I stopped; at a restaurant on the beach to get a cup of coffee, feather ana and a party of friends ihad been out night -clubbing -and what needed at the moment to fceep me awake at the -wheel n our way' home was benzedrine or black cof4 fee. I was taking the latter and. listening to the juke box render' t. Louis Blues on a pipe organ when some person who knew me remarked: "How do they get by with It down in Carteret County? You go there every week and ought to be in the know," he said. "What do you mead?" I asked sleepily. "All that stuff about slot ma-, chines and gambling things, I read about in the paper today," he said. As he talked, this person reach ed across the counter towards the cashier to pay his check. As he did so, he almost knocked s fancy looking punch board off the count erone of these punchboards that costs a quarter to play Bnd pays off up to $25.00 in cash if you are lucky enough to hit the right num ber. "I guess that's your answer," I replied, as he replaced the pundh board to its nook beside a jar of Nabs. Carteret County is not the only wicked place, if that is what some are calling a resort area which gets a splash of publicity as the result of things illegal to gamble on or with, that an alert feature writer sees with his own eyes with out making a confidential investi gation. Some of the restaurants I visit along the North Carolina coast have so many punchboards on dis play that it becomes extremely dif ficult at times to maneuver a ham sandwich and cup of coffee from the same counter with them. And that, brother, is not in Car teret County. That's why 1 say, if Florida is getting those many millions out of her big time gambling enter prises, why doesn't North Carolina start cashing in on the punch boards and other devices illegal which flourish everywhere, so it seems to me, with very few inter missions. Legalized 'operation of gambling devices which are going to be operated anyway, could pro vide some important money for improving roads, insane asylums, parks, bridges and many other things in North Carolina. 0TT7AY v Rev. Lollis filled his regular ap pointment at the Desciple church Sunday and Sunday night. ' w. S. S. Weaver, o! Wilsorr, was in the community Thursday orf bu siness. A ' Mr. Bedford C. Dowty, who XtJ employed At Norfolk, spent Labor day with his mother and brother, Mrs. Betrtah t,. Dowty and Roy G. tOwt, - Miss June Cloodgood, of More head City, visited Mrs. B. L. Dow ty Suhday. Mr. Vincent flillikin, of Norfolk, attended the funeral of his cou sin, Tfc. James B. Lawrence. . Mrs. D. O. Lawrence and daugh ter, Geraldine, who have been spending the summer at Hankers Island motored back home Friday to enter her 'daughter in school at Fayetteville. Mr. LeRoy Gillikin and Mr. O. C. Lawrence,- Jr., left for Ra leigh Monday where they will at tend Kings Business college. Hoy G. Dowty will leave for Nor folk Sunday where he will be em ployed. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gillikin, of Norfolk, "visited Mrs. Gillikin's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lawrtner on Labor 'day. Elder Zena Rhue, of Winston Salem, Elder Bill Brown, of Jack sonville, Elder Hilton, and Elder Obryon held services at the school house last Saturday. There were a large corwd in attendance and lunch was served picnic style. Mr. Elbert Gillikin, of Norfolk, arrived Thursday to attend the funeral of his nephew, Pfc. James B, Lawrence. " Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hancock called to see Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lawrence Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Whitford B. Gilli kin. Mr. Preston Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gillikin and Mr. and .Mrs. S. W. Lawrence attended P. B. service at Hadnot's Creek Sunday. Mrs. Bonnie Piner was carried to Morehoad City hospital Thurs day to undergo an operation. Ever, one hopes her a specdy recovery. The three greatest commercial fishing grounds in f he world, are near the coasts of northwestern Europe, northeastern North Ameri ca and northeastern Asia. The French language grew from the colloquial Latin of Caesar's legions combined with Celtic, Ger manic ?nd Galfic words. It was not called "French" until the 11th Century, when it took its name from the small kingdom of France around Paris and Orleans. "Tin" cans actually are about 09 per cent steel. : . . with d.p.ndabL protection and s.rvice S. A. CHALK, JR. MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY First-Citizens Bank Bldg. IK 8362 Morehead City YOU want the VERY BEST! a a a allMail F; YOU WANT THE NtW! UK ZIPPER DRESS MS All FlGURtS 3.95and4.95 ASSURES YOU PERFECT APPEARANCE Veu'H wtar it all day long 'cauta h'l w NEAT and PRETTY. Seautiful matching Daley atrip and natchtd cellar art detail that Hotter your fact and figure. GIVES YOU PERFECT EASE Whhk into It hi (iffy with lu long (rant tip I You'll lava H become- a ZIP dating never gapi. (member tee - NO IUTTONS NO TIE1 FITS AND FEELS SO GOOD fa becoming t. y.ur figure with 'a diamond tartd . . Unlet your walit . . . wide (wing klrt ilimi down ye or klpe, WASH IN k WINK ...DKY IN AJIMY ...YOU'll IOVETHI i WAV IT WASHES AND WEARS I iWoriJtd-fine Qtoity Cotton VA fail s?mr. . I fffljsmk : tt y-iw WWW I r LZZS V YV i Ill i iSTV .Bfi Snrh.se le than 1 W III 7' 1 lJ JHIRSTY at NOTj 1 V Sauj 1 A GRAWETTE, jtUau GIVE YOUR CHILD THE VERY .BEST! Dancing develops poise, gracefulness, and personality. Com bined wilh the singing and acting this school gives, it puts your child well out in front and prepares it for self-confidence as an adult. Miss Hose is a member of the Dance Masters of America, having passed its rigid examination in tap, ballet, and ballroom. This year local dance pupils will study straight thru the winter and present in early May (before the rush of other activities) a beautiful formal recital. t Registration Saturday, Sept. 18 or first Sat. after school starts. At old U.S.O. in Morehead 10 a.m. and Legion Hut Beau fort 2 p.m. for old and new pupils. Classes same day. ROSE SCHOOL OF DANCE - NEW BERN SAVINGS FOR YOU! STOCKS TO CHOOSE FaOMI CROWDS or THtm IMOMMI Anniversary STARTS THURSDAY 9:00 A. II. WATTLE CHECK CHEIIILE SPREADS Anniversary Priced $3.77 This all-over wflffle ehenille spread Is mighty hard to find at such a price but this is AN ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! It s easy-to-care-for and the soft, luxurious chenille tufts spring right back into shape after washing. In seven decorative colors! , - - - - i WOMEN'S RAYON SATIN Lace Trimmed Slips $2.98 51 GUAGE "GAYMODE" Ilylon Hose $1.49 CHILDREN'S COTTON PASTEL Ankle is..... ...29c BOY'S COTTON FLANNEL Plaid Shirts $1.79 MEN'S BROADCLOTH Pajamas $3.00 I -A A J -A M i f llf.Balelloai oj 11.1 k J i -aw . m m m i m -L'Mm W T BT m HkiLire. m a-i iuu-ivii.r:Kiv m.m:hii aj.eilnilLg GIRL'S WASHABLE SCHOOL Dresses... W X 90" FINE LACE Table Cloths . . .... $2.98 $3.98 NEW FALL PATTERNS Rondo" Percale, yd. 49c CUSHION DOT LEONARD'S Tailored Curtains; pr. $2.98 THICK, THIRSTY TERRY Hash Cloths..... ..... 13c 4t til ' If! jlll iM Will il'J .I'l 1 M .ll The Largest Laundry ia.This Area Is U ' Your Service By titling II S167 CITY LAUNDRY ' 'THE SCFTWATEB LAUI.T3Y" SAM ABLER, Manager J. C. PEffiEY CO. Hew Bern Ihrehead City Phone $$41 i

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