112 Mn. J. Miabael Moran, Society Misses Bettie Ixm Merrill and PpdCTv ITamiltwrn Mil Mi. miA Mm i -"iiiinuii m.w mil a i iu miai 4 Charles Hassell attended a dance at E.C.T.C. in Greenville Friday night. Miss Mary Lou Mason of Harlowe, and her guests, Pete Gems, of Chapel Hill and Ohio, spent sev eral days last -week with Miss Bat tle Lou Merrill. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Israel, of McCain, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. T Eubanks, of Beaufort, rfd. Miss Joyce Johnson recently at tended a house party at Nags Head. Miss Esther B. Fodrie recently made a trip to New York by plane. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Jarmnn had as their guests during the week .end her mother, Mrs. Dora Jones 'and brothers, Cecil and Clarence of Seven Springs; her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ledford i Summers and daughter, Patsy, Misses Juney Hardy and Rachel Rollins and Theron Jones, all of Seven Springs and Beauville. Miss Sarah Guthrie and Miss Mildred Simpson left Thurs day to "begin their freshman yeai rat Meredith college, Raleigh. David Hill, Ilendrix House and Bobby Stevens have recently re turned from a trip to Myrtle Beach, S. C, and Savannah, Ga. Mrs. L. W. Moore and Mrs. F. W. Heslep have returned from a visit with relatives i.i Richmond, Va. t Mrs. A. B. Stewart, who has a summer cottage here, is critically ill in Gallhager Hospital in Wash ington, D. C. Lindsay Hill lias been visiting friends in Elizabeth City and his brother, Lt. Robert Hill in Nor folk, Va. Mrs. Nell Lewis, who has been h confined to her home with a brok en toe, recently returned to her place of business on Front Street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tyler and daughter, Charlotte, who have been spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas, returned this "week to Wake Forest where Mr. Tyler is a student. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Staton have returned to Wake Forest after spending some time with her mother, Mrs. L. C. Davis. . Professor C. L. Hornaday has returned to Virginia after visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jones. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph House, Sr., and daughters, Elizabeth and Lu tricia, are vacationing in the western part of the state and New York. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Bell motored to KCCKy mount aunaay 10 unng their two daughters, Neva and Elizabeth Dome. Neva and Eliza beth 'have been visiting there for the past week. Miss Bessie Jones, of Richmond, Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jones. Mrs. L. W. Moore and children, Larry and Judith, returned Satur day from Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones mo tored to Loulsburg Monday to en ter their son, Howard, Jr., as a student at Louisburg College. 'School Daze, School Daze, Gcd Old Golden Rule Days... School "daze" is Tight . . all the loss tad commotion IS fUSI M tUVp IB Ml IM iwdbbUUI 4U4JIU U f- ' TEH for complete c& tor all your children. Corduroy slacks, Jackets, dungarees, in tact jus! : (V $L thonl everything lor school and play wear lor thev r kiddies. Come to today and make your selection. - a back -TO- sera. - FEATURE - "Jack Tar Top" a ccaiiasiion cf boxer style shorts and shirt in sizes S to t, priced alcsly j 53.S3 IIOOEn&AD Y0DTII CEIITEI1 liZ&StL Dial M 3226 rioreheadGly Editor Phone B4181 i Mr. Lockwood Phillips returned iiome Sunday after spending the week end at Ocracoke. Richard Rice, who has been vis iting his grandmother. Mrs. Louie Riee, returned to his home in Havelock Sunday. Johnny Willis left Sunday foi Campbell College where he will be a sophomore this year. Ben Keel and Bobby Austin wil' leave next week for William am Mary College where they will be enrolled as sophomores. HOSPITAL NOTES Mr. Joseph Taylor, of Chinco teague, Va., was discharged from the hospital Sunday. Mr. Leo Matthews, of Route 1. Beaufort, was admitted to the hos pital Monday. Mrs. Roland Farmer, of New port, Route 1, was admitted Mon day. Miss Nora Salter, of Sealevel, was admitted Sunday. Mrs. George Smith, of Atlantic Beach, was admitted Saturday. Mr. Norwood Gaskill. of Beau fort, is a patient in the hospital. Mr. F. J. Mason, of Newport. Route 2, is improving in the hos pital. Mrs. Bonnie Piner, of Beaufort, RFD, is doing nicely following an operation. Mrs. Marguerite Hussey, of Beaufort, is improving in the hos pital. STORK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Kilby Haskett, of Newport, announce the birth of a son, David Rae, in the Morehcad City Hospital on September 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Adams, of Newport, announce the birth of a son, Milton Garold, on September 7, in the Morthead City Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lewis, of Stacy, announce the birth of a son, Tommy Edward, in the Morehead City Hospital on September 8. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram D. Oillikin of Beaufort, announce the birth of a daughter, Cheryl Ann, on Sept ember B. in the Morehead Citv Hospitals Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Hooner of Beaufort, announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Elizabeth, in the Morehead City Hospital on September 2. Mr. and Mrs. Guy B. Dickinso.i, of Beaufort, announce the birth of a daughter, Amy Lee, on Septem ber 8, in the Morehead City Hos pital. Mrs. George J. Brooks, Jr., sail ed for Trieste Friday to join her husband, Lieutenant Brooks. She left from her home in Connecticut. Lieutenant Brooks went to Trieste in June. Small Fire Extinguished Morehead City firemen were called out yesterday afternoon at 4:40 p.m. to extinguish a small fire at the home of Mrs. Alvin Willis, 8th and Fisher streets. On fire were a sofa pillow and some up holstery, but the fire was quickly put out, causing very little dam age. It is not known what caused the flames, firemen said. . the easy way to avoid ef going hack-to-school al Kathryn Shipman lo Speak Al Business Club Meeting ' Mayor George W. Dill will give the welcoming address at the monthly, meeting of the Business and Professional Women's club which will be held tonight at the Jefferson Restaurant at 7 o'clock The dinner meeting will be open d with a blessing by Mr. H. L Joslyn followed by Mr. Dill's ad dress. Response to the address will be given by Mrs. Clem Johnson, president of the Clinton Cluub and Mrs. Kathryn Shipman, of High Point, president of the State Bu riness and Professional Women's Club will be principal speaker of the evening. She will present the iharter to Mrs. M. M. Ayscue, pre sident of the Carteret County Club. Other euests invited for the charter meeting include Mrs. Stel la Price, ol Winston-Salem, editoi sf the Tar Heel Wom in, ,md the iistrict director, Kathryn Walsh, nf Gr-een"ille. Representatives from Hertford. Edenton, Greenville, Ahoskir. Uo; noke Rapids, Nashville and Rocky Mount are also expected to be oresent. Haywood Counties Spray Urban, Rural Sections COLLEGE STATION, Raleigh A good example of rural-urban co operation for communilv better ment occurred in Haywood county recently when Wnynesville and ohrr t"vvns were spraved with 80, 000 gallons of 2 per cent DDT solu tion lor the control of flics and other insects, according to Wayne A. Corpcning, county agent for the State College Extension Service. Nine orchardmen of the area supplied large spraying outfits, to gether with operating crews, for the program, at no cost to the ur ban residents. The towns bought the DDT, and the Health Depart ment and local civic clubs co operated lo conduct the protect. II ."uhery. trees, hiuises. and outbuildings were sprayed. Chicken lots, lion nens, stables, garbage cans, and other likelv breeding places of insects received special attention. A policeman preceded each sprayi.ig unit to notifv home own ers that the sprayers wore on the way, so that desired precautions could be taken. In nil instances, home owners and other residents cooperuted fully in the nrogram. Urban citizens are now bein urged to spray the interiors of their homes, since the general spraying did not affect indoor areas. Also, a campaign to gei rural residents to snrav their pre mises is being conducted. County Agent Corpening, who helped coordinate the project, said it was just one example of how rural and urban residents are working together for the advance ment of the cbutgin a Uplines. Jf' - dL. sK .im pr.nung. You'll be ...hp,-. hhtf fJT ATli IifAA Yt ' v . 1 delighted with our good re- I 1 W'M W J , rv,V I K suits because we Use the fin- I j7)92 I WM 1 CfAWA "Bf f ,f est quaUty chemicals and pa- I lZU I MM4 4 J P' EUBANKS STUDIO LT I nl3X' " 1 i' Picture Headquarters For i lv ' " it I Carteret County Free Delivery! iff" .nmf '"""a i TURNER ST. BEAUFORT Viwi II I " Check Lane's J J PHONE YOUR ORDER I 11 I Superior Quality Feafvrei JUST DIAL J I t 1 f Only Pmiim-TnM lull, with 70 !sPo r V rUrsl Am-Ti,wc.d., y4i.hii.dci-r NEW BERN 4863 n.iaTf, w ( rV'jl Inclu.lv., Cornwi S, pK'W" y V. ?."lT,,Jl,,l' . -Ti9h.c.m. i orduiymaiu-usi coupon (J . :7) Vmwi imtay " J HEILIG-LEVINE, NEW BERN 1 fil -ij-. cmicny Traaiwl laHn-tmMMi, Hnd- j Please send me the LANE cedar Hope Jf nl5 ,B,wlor wbb.dfiniih j Chest at $49.95, plus ta total $51.45. I 'XL '"""""'"K w Arom- ME! M.th ihmmkm have checked the payment plan 1 prefer: IU A 1-Mi.ift ltf! Tl9.T pallcy I f I 'Wr' I I taMlk, RmmMwMl HgM dm CAKTEEEI COVKZnKZiZ-KZZSi UZMZZH Oft AM BEAlTGXTy & Onm'V 11111 ,n Havelock Mrt. Rath T. Elrhardmn, Vttltor Woinons Club Begins Crusade for Children The Crusade for Children, spon sored by the United Nations, Gov ernor R. Gregg Cherry, honorary chairman, North Carc::aa State Federation of Women's Clubs is now under way. Mrs. Frank Rus sell is chairman for the drive in the Cherry Point area. "We simplv cannot say no to a starving child. We cannot deny ,ood and medicine to children who are sick and hungry. That is the appeal made by the United Nations through this Crusade for Children which is being carried on in 45 countries of the world," I'xplains Mrs. Russell. "This Crusade is no: a drive, but an earnest appeal to those who have not experienced the gnawing pangs of hunger to save a child and thereby save the "future. " she continued. In Craven county the appeal will be promoted under the joint sponsorship of the junior and senior Women's clubs. The c( untv's quota is $4,180 and it is hoped that at least that many peo ple will give one dollnr to help a! starving chil l. Remittances will he accepted by Mrs. Frank Russell, 1G Arapahoe drive, Mrs. J. D. Dickens, 411 , Avon lane, Mrs. Robert Bull, 5 West Central drive, and Mrs. : James Deering. 8 N. Cherry drive. ' Hews Notes Mrs Alice-Merrill, Miss Eleanor Merrill, and Mr. Henry Mend, of Chapel Hill, recently spent several days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Smilh of Ocracoke drive. Mrs. G. E. Ilornsby, of Donal-j son. Georgia, is visiting her da ugh-! ters. Mrs Don Jenkins, of 8 S. ! Craven drive, and Mrs. W. K. Fer-1 guson, of 55 K. Central drive. Howard Shell, son of Mr. and i ! J jlfiiAfiUi&l CHEST spimMy II I Wfe II . . J- II I I I I I $1 DOWN-S1.25 Weekly We join hands with LANE to bring sensstional offer your chance of the decade to buy a genuine LANE Cedar Hope Chest ... just as advertised in LIFE and LOOK ... on these unbelievably easy terms! We can make this offer for only 6 days, before rigid new Federal credit controls take effect! So act NOW! Check LANE'S 11 superior-quality features YOURSELF TOMORROW! Order by MAIL! PHONE! Or SHOP TOMORROW! ) $1 DOIVM $1.25 Weekly lUnUed7fou0ntyf - lTjlLIQ- SO. FRONT Cherry Point 12 ft. Craven Dr., Ilwelock Cherry PoinI School Expected to Open Monday Lctest report is that Cherry Point school will open Monday, Sept. 20. Arthur W. Edwards, Jr., Of Ahoskie, is to be the prin cipal for the coming year. Mr. Edwards has splendid record and a fine year is anticipated under his leadership. He Is a graduate of High Point College, has attended summer schools, al INC in Chapel Hill, and is working on his master's al ECTC in Greenville. Mr. Edwards is married and has two children, aged 1 and 3. Three years prior to entering the Army he was physical edu cation director und instructor al Ahoskie. Since his discharge from the annefl forces he has been principal at the Eure Elementary school in Gates coun ty.. On Friday, Sept. 10, Mr. Ed wards brought his f;iinily to Hwvelork and moved into 1G N. Pinctn c drive. Mrs. T. S. Shell, of E. Central drive, goes soon to Raleigh where he is enrolled as a student at Slate college. Joanne Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ferguson, of E. Central drive, has left for Greensboro where she will Mlend Woman's college. Miss Ferguson was graduated this summer from Anderson college, in Anderson, S. C. Mr and Mrs. G. E. Conley and son. Eddie, spent the Labor Day weekend with her mother. Mrs. C. Monroe and her sister, Miss Flora Munroo of Elizabelhtown, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Twiddy and sons spent the past week-end in Elizabeth City, N. C. CASH 50-Day CHARGE n TIME PAYMENT ACCOUNT $1 down payment, plus $1.50 State tax (total $2.50). Balance payable $1.25 weekly or $5 monthly. Small account handling charge. you this Name : Addmt...: Complete Homo Furnishers ST. NEW BERN, N. C. We Deliver in Radius of 1M Miles Maurice Richardsons Give Honsewarming Shower On Friday evening, Sept. 10, a housewarming shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Richardson, 12 S. Craven drive. The guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd White, of Ocracoke drive, who will soon move into their new home on the New Bern highway aid Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith, also, of Ocracoke drive, who hope to move soon to their new home on the Morehcad City high way. The evening was spent in games and stunts and many beautiful eifts were received by the guests of honor. Refreshments of potato "hips, cokes, cakes, nuts and can dies were served from a beautiful buffet table covered with lace cloth and lighted by tapers in a brass candelabrum. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Morl.ind Tyson, Mr. and Mrs. Stu art Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Haskett, Mr. and Mrs. Walton Ed wards, Mr. and Mrs. James French, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cahoon, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burns. Mrs. Harrison, of Gastonia, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Her man Schoppaul, of 12 N. Craven drive. Donald Schoppaul, son of Mr and Mrs. Herman Schoppaul of 12 N. Craven Drive, has returned to military academy at Salemburg. Mr. M. E. Richardson, comman der of N. C. Amvets Post No. 1 Havelock attended the State de partment executive committee meeting which was held in Wilsor Sunday. The Slate Convention will lake place on October 2 n Mil 3 in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Sermons it nl family, who resided on S. Craven Drive, moved to their beautiful home which has recent ly been completed on the More- head highway. The North Carolina Division of Forestry and Parks plans to send $500,000 in the next few years for permanent improvements to the State Parks. The earliest historian probably was Herodotus. I f I I . I i I I City.... ..Statu ' New Customer Old Customer ' . i DIAL 4063 Community Chapel Board Meets at Stamps Home A meeting of the board of trust ees of Havelock Community chapel was held at the home of Mark Stamps on the Morehead City highway last Friday evening, Sept. 10. The church is expecting a revival and preaching mission to be held in the Chapel sometime during the month of October, Va rious benevolences of the church were discussed. It was decided that at regular intervals during the year there will be a showing of a religious motion picture at the chapel, lt will be remembered that a fine reception was given the motion picture shown last season and it is hoped that many people will enjoy the continuance of this type of program. NEGRO NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Randolph .Tnmes announce the birth of a son, Wil liam Henry, in the Morehead City Hospital on September 8. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ingram, of Beaufort, announce the birth of a daughter, Sharon, Marie, in the Morehead City Hospital on Sept ember 11. Oysters rank as I he most valu able product of American fisheries. Salmon comes second; menhaden third; cod, fourth, and halibut . fifth. WILEY H. TAYLOR, Jr. Announces The Opening Of His New Law Office PROFESSIONAL BUILDING (Former Potter Emergency Hospital) PHONE B 835-1 Hew Fall Patterns by EITGLISHTOmi Now's the time for you to come into our shop and select your new fall suits from our brand new, exclusive collection. Tweeds, worsteds, gabardines and many more ... in all new fall shade . . . favorite styles. All Immaculately tailored to fit you to a T, give you the appear ance you want. Easy on the budget too! We, satisfy ... not only in suit quality . . . but in price, too!, Come in today. GLOBE TAILORING DISPLAY Friday, Sept. 17 By The GLOBE TAILCMKS CO. LEARY'S STORE FOR MEN "MEN'S WEAR KNOWN EVERYWHERE" ArendeU a 11531$ Ilorehead CUy fACSfW; - I V I e More than 50 supervisory per-H sonnel of the state division of for- , estry and parks meteor their an- , nual three-day training program last week at Harkcrs lodge on Mar kers Island. Guests included William S. Ed-1 monds, executive director of the" North Carolina Forestry associa tion, J. B. Lattay and W. L. Brew er of the Kiegel Paper company', A. II. Gregg, Jr., Council Tool I company, John B. Fortin, district I ranger. United States Forest serv-' ice, John Fussell, Raleigh, and J. V. Brown, district forester for the International Paper company. The men went on several fish ing trips in addition to attending the races at Morehead City. The foresters came from Lenoir, Elizabeth City, Rocky Mount, New Bern, Rockingham, Fayotteville, Sylva, Whitcvifle. Raleigh. Kliza bethtown, Cary, Asheville, Pen rose, Morganton, Clayton, Durham, Walton, and Wananish. Tony Makes "The State" John Ilemmer, state photocianh er, recently took a picture of part of the interior of ToiTy Seamon's i ,'staurant, the Sanitary Fish mar ket. This picture will appear on the front cover of The State, Carl (ioerch's magazine, in the near fu tine. At narkers Loag ii - r J rl v

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