141 V llr To Cilch-Ciker CA2Y E2AKS A tub i'"' 'if, bi G id ! 0 tv K HEARD A EJ.OOD CTJKDLBK SCREAM COME FROM THE CASTLE or the DUKE OF DOUBLOOU.. I ,,a lazier in i iGjt-n. p m y 1 wgstgn OAKY DOKS '" A C0UPLE OF CALLEBS 1 PE-ALLV 1 VOU 5HO)UMAVE' 1 WA3 WELL I CAMT PUT YOU H Cy HALT "'AMD I; N (OOMTKNW EDBEHIWDKWIWD-; OFT MOW- WHO 60E5 2 ( BESSIE, did you vlrW K-. hose's SiffiT. soaksbcacm.; W' I yep I I BUT LOWER THE DRAW- ) I I I'VE COT A BAD J NSCRAM, DOAKS-N hfZs J THE , BRIDGE THE DUKE OF 7-. HEADACHE AMD I- 1 CQMp ,j BESSE J U CjTSE OH, DIANA! OH, DIANA! Oil, DIANA! SCORCHY SMITH ZnitEATING NOISILY THROUGH TUB HOCK-HEWN HANGAt, SCORCHY PRAWS HUB CVIL REGENT AND HIS APBMAN, OOOO IN HOT PURSUIT.' THE RAJAH. THereiNcess anosykes, wrm THtiit mmEN of FUEL CANS, ENTER THE SECRET GSAGE TO DURGAS TEMPLE.. hf M CI SCORCH V MITIt NOT J YET.' SEE f SH-M-H ISCORCHY SMITH nlHl SHE CUT I YES. SHE II I WELL YOU I I 1 OH , BLESS YOUR MEARrl I i,cn iiAin uMincn m 1 nnn'-r UAMC x-i RnP DIDN'T MFAN To I jUoFFI' LOOK LtKE LAUGH AT MAKE U FEEL W L00K THE CWI.d'cAN'T I I WE COULD GIVE" "1 III I KNOW. WAIT I I THEPE, HOW'S SMUG! BUT I STAPT TO SCWOOL MtBACKWCUT fj ly.' ) A Mt-IUT . 1 1 THAT 3 DEF. REET. I I M CERTAiWLV CLAD THIS IWACDO HEADACHE IS CjT 1 ALL SETTLED r - f YET.' see X (sh-m-h. ( wiaScc " THIS IS TME FKST T(M W THAT SOME PROBLEM ISN'T STARING ME (W TME raCCj-- liMM? 15 A WAX tMR MR. SMITH PIVERTEO yfeJmm$i 10,1 7HAT ONSTER, ) 1 THE REGEMT ANP POOO SO K(TwlwPOPO' WE MUST V WE COULD REACH THE i wScVlS? 00 BACI TO HELP I I TEMPLE ANP CARRY OUT v, ' -w"s- VLmJ&.'-'.'h ' Ait f OHO.' 90 IT'S NO,V V BLOWS BARRED, y NOVJ I CAN STABT i ENJOVING LlfB -'"A AGAIM j- , And How! you SURE 'STARTED PLENT , A!?OUMD MEJJE" WHEN VOU I cor that UEW LOOK TRIMMED NO REST FOR THE WEARY ELME(?.I -I WAAJTTO CO OR THIS LIST OF TWJGS THE GIBLS SMPLV MUST HAVE FOR SCMOOL. The Regent Raves NUMB KNUCKLES OUGH-H.' MY KNUCKLESjl P0OOV BUILT LIKE A TANK ZJo rvi got only owe TOT LfcFT.'.'J FIRST ?rr .where j SMITUoQ IS THE 1 RAJAH V ifeSf . FEET T SNAKES.' Hrt PURABJF: V, HERE HE COMES : TiILUSTCn Sept. 10 Mr. Clyde Mason, Jr. and wife, of Atlantic, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wade on Labor day. They are to leaye for Newton where he attends school this week. Mr. Martin Brooks and wife are visiting Mrs. Brooks' parents this week. The Willis brothers arc having right many clams taken up where he has several thousand bushels put out to fill his orders for north ern markets through fall and win ter. Mr. Archie Wade and wife, a friend and wife of theirs, of Nor folk, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wade. Miss Patsy Ballou, of Morehead City Hospital, visited at the home of Mrs. Johnnie Wade Sunday and in the afternoon visited Mrs. Lydia Wade. Mr. Cullie Piner has improved and so he can get out some. He's been in right bad health for some little time. Mr. R. W. Piner is in right poor health. We all wish he could get better and so he can get out again. MARSHALLRERG Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, of Rochester, N. Y., were here the weekend of Sept. 5 with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Gillikin. Mr. Staten Moore has returned to Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Willard Bennett and son, Leon of Baltimore, Md., have re turned home after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Ira T. Willis, Mrs. Fred Baxter, Mrs Roy Brown were in New Bern recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis J. Bedsworth spent Monday, Sept.6, with their son, Ellis Jennings Bedsworth in Greenville. N. C. Mrs. Kenneth Herringer and children left Sunday, Sept. 5, for Japan where she will join her hus band who is stationed there with the U. S. Army. Miss Annie Moore Piner left Wednesday, Sept. 8, for Hender son, N. C, where she will be a member of the Henderson school faculty. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Willis and son are here visiting his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Willis. Mrs. Teen Piner, Capt. and Mrs. George Lewis visited Capt. and Mrs. Charles Piner Monday after noon, bept. b. Jimmy Jiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Piner, Dallas Neal Hill, son of Mrs. Jennie Hill, left Thursday, Sept. 9, to enter the Coast Guard at Wilmington, N. C. Mrs. Headen Willis and son, of Williston, N. C, spent Sunday, Sept. 5, here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waddell Daniels. Mrs. Homer Guthrie visited her parents in Beaufort Sundayf'Sept. 5. Dr. and Mrs. Guy R. Willis and children returned to their home in Durham, N. C. Monday, Sept. 6, after spending several weeks here with his mother, Mrs. Gertie Wil lis. ' Mr. and Mrs. Grayden Moore and daughter visited her mother, Mrs. Violet Whitley in Newport, Sunday, Sept. 5. Mrs. Lambert Guthrie is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Donhie Davis in Williston, N. C. Mr. Grant Lewis, of the U. S. G. S., Norfolk, Va., and Mr. Reu ben George were home for a long weekend. Miss Rita Moore has returned to Norfolk, Va., after spending sev eral days here with her nwther, Mrs. Lena Moore. Pvt. Virgil Lewis, of the U. S. M. C, Camp Lejeune, spent Labor Day weekend here with his wife, Mrs. Virgil Lewis and son. DICKIE DARE Ml Die cam or m SUCK MHOICKie AMD DM HAE8EEd iffOtEO OUT. EXCCPT TtVQ HftjEBEAHONHi mi Age l.ltKlA VltM AVMf OTHER BMOHEK SEARCHED rOR A jjORVjEljj IMJtR ROUTE TO ASA, (Km PIABLOS WAfTED IO i .in UAKtt IEIL, mRi tPl FiHISH TME STORiQjD PA810S get rmncM? 010 HE mO A SOUMMlCMTE TO ASIA ? HllRRi! HEWi-DAli Alt' ME ? r L Chapter 7 v i YEORGE, you are staying?" VI Cathy asked. There lust ain't anything I c'n do about it," he said. "Leastways, f r the present anyway. There's that scrap I had with Corbin. I gotta stay 'jround so he don't get smart and take it out on somebody else." "I see." "Then there are them infrest payments comin' up in a couple o' weeks. I can t walk out on them, c'n I?" "No, you can't" "So, there y'are. Somebody's ?;otta take care o' things, and r'm what I c'n see of it, I'm the on'y one to do it." She nodded understandingly. "S-ay, you been outta the house t'day?" "I . . . t don't think so." "Get your coat arid we'll go get us some air. It's a swell night out." She needed no further bidding. She caught up her basket, rose from her chair, flashed him a smile over her shoulder and went upstairs. When she returned, he was standing in the open door way, staring out into the night. They strolled past the house, turned in the direction of the corral. They heard the plunking of a banjo, then a man's voice was raised in song. Mechanically both Cathy and George stopped. The irong came drifting toward them, "I tWt think I've ever heard that before," Cathy said. "Name of it's Harriet," he said. "A girl taught it f me. Boy, and rnnlrt iftip sine it!" "They're singing it again," she said. Harr-ffet. oh. Harr-let . . . All the cowboys want to marry Harriet Chapter 8 IT was about three o'clock the afternoon when Gay, npvt booted and clad in a sweater and dungarees, emerged from the house. Cathy followed her to the door, eyed her critically. "Going riding?" Cathy asked. Thought you'd had enough of horses the other dayT" "That was the itiij dmy," Gay answered lightly. Gay strode briskly to the corral gate, opened it and stepped into the enclosure. There were a dozen horses idling close by . . . they turned and trotted off. A single horse . . . Gay noted that he was fully saddled . . . detached himself from the others and jogged for ward. He stopped in front of her, nudged her. Gay patted the ani mal's neck. She looked about her quickly . . . there was no one else in sight; she caught up the reins, gripped the saddle horn and swung herself up astride the horse, wheeled him arid rode out. She heard a voice yell; 'hey, 1iold On there!." "Where d'you think you're go ing with that horse, huh?" ne sputtered breathlessly. .He panted to a stop in front of her, looked up reddened and swallowed. "O-h, excuse me, Ma'm. Didn't know it was you. Reckon them pants o' yourn fooled me." "Oh!" Gay said and laughed. "Were you going to ride her?" "I was," the man answered. "But you go right ahead. Ma'm," he continued. "When you bring 'er back, all you hafta do is turn 'er loose in the corral. She'll be aw right there 'till I get around to tendin' to 'er." "Thank you." Gay wheeled the mare. "Oh. Ma'm!" " Gay reined in again, looked back over her shoulder. "Her name's Molly," the punch er added. "She handles plumb ecsy and you don't hafta ' e afraid o' her none." Gay nodded and jogged away. Presently they were in the open. Gay settled herself in the saddle, "M'SA'SAi THIS PIABLOS NU2 TH CRAHOCHLO Of A . CRfHf MEMBER Or COLIMBIS' " 60 OH'.'.t TAKE BACK ( mm I THOUGHT ABOUT HrsiORi! m is exam' "'HS DI0 6AlHBAClii6T MIKE COUMBtS BEFORE HHI- THE SHIP.. 6000 PIABLOS, Mi FATHER ML rURHiSH, THE MATERIAL FOR BARTER, I. W '-UH'-BITH'Mi, fflSUO!, NHERE AfiE M HE 6OlH'"-AI0 coo? I 'Cause Harriet's so handy with a lariat; But Harriet doesn't want to marry yet 'Cause she s havin' too much fun. "You shoulda heard Pat sing it," George said. "That was some thin' worth hearin'." fYou liked her a lot, didn't you?" "I sure did." "Was she . . . is she . . . young?" "Heck, yes," he said quickly. "Don't imagine she's a day more n eighteen, if she's even that old." "Do you know her very long?" "O-h-, sure! Know 'er ever since she was, we-11, since she was about eight, Id say. Shes Joe Carron'j t.:tcr." "Joe . . . Carson" "Uh-huh. He owns the show, y'kru. "I set M Y'know, I've up and quit the $how niore'n a dozen times, every doggoned time Joe and me had woras. ii ii waoii i n lieve me, Joe woulda never seen me again after the first time I quit." "You mean you stayed on be cause of her?" "She alius talked me outta quittin'." She pawed the ground with the toe of her shoe. He watched her for a moment . . . when she stopped, he looked at her ques tioningly. "S'matter?" he asked. "Cold?" "Y-es." she said a bit hesi tantly. "Besides, it's getting late and I think I better go inside. You don't mind, do you?" "None." he answered and his casualness made her bristle. "Good night," she said over her shoulder. "G'night," he answered. CfAY was In bed, reading, ' propped up with both of their pillows behind her back when Cathv entered their room. Gay looked up, smiled knowingly. tightened her grip on the reins, nudged Molly with her knees. The mare responded, broke into an easy-gaited cantor. They ' went downhill and the ranch dropped away behind them. There was no sign of George and Gay frowned when she thought of him. She wondered where he had gone, found herself scanning the range for sight of him. It was quite a bit later when Gay spied a distant gust of dust spiraling into the sky. "There's George now," she heard herself say. "That's the dust from his horse's hoofs." She experienced an inward glow of satisfaction at having overtaken him. The smile that appeared and hovered for a brief moment at the corners of her mouth reflected her satisfaction. He hadn't made much of a fuss over her . . . that was a new ex perience for her; ever since she could remember, everyone had made a great 'to do' about her, especially the nSen. With the years she- had tome to expeot' tneir -attentions and admiration as some thing due her. She knew she was pretty . . . hadn't she always been told that? GAY suddenly awoke to the real ization that the mare had halted. She flicked the reins again and the startled Molly dashed off again. But fifteen minutes' hard riding availed them nothing . . . the spiraling dust had disappeared and George was still unfound. She glanced skyward . . . there was a gathering of dark clouds directly above her. For a minute she de bated with herself whether to turn back or go on. Stubbornly she de cided to go on. Gay stood up in the stirrups. She scanned the range again. Southward, probably a mile away, was a small building. She won dered if George had gone there. There was a .sudden clap of thunder ... it rolled over the equally suddenly blackened range with the frightening and breath taking crash of massed cannon fire. The mare stiffened ... a sec ond peal of thunder made her HELL, KID. VCVU HECAU M Hwoei mr Mm expio&rs SEARCHED rOB WE HCX7WEW MSSA6E mr ?, A tihIEK POfTE TO Mi PERSOHAL JElVELS HO, STAiHIE HOT" Mi rAMlli, ' THOUGH ROiAL, IS POOR, THE Jtlf5 Art Or UTILE ALVE,i oVT.JHc POOR I&HOkAMT SAIAGES Ml HEM KHON! n AT ASA, NEU" ""IT IKK lUOXOA, AW THROH VCW AASTREL I IT" TO THE SNMEf HE ( BilT aerOiS THE WGHTA1?) HOLD' HTH TALKOriaoy-rf A - I closed her book and put it down on the chair beside her. 11 "Back rather soon," she said. ' "Aren't you?" V "1 could shake him!" she" sal J , angrily. . . '. "He's a bit too big for that, don't you think?" "All he talked of was a girl" - Gay's eyebrows arched again. Indeed!" ' ; j "Her name is Pat," Cathy went on. "She's eighteen, she's divine! and quite the most beautiful thing he's ever seen." p 'That's the first time I ever heard of a man using that ap-j. proach. Gay commeniea. She sings line a inrusn, ana if it wasn't for her, he d hav quit the rodeo hes been witll long ago. She talked mm oui oi quitting. She yanked on her nigntgown. smoothed it down. n Gay returned Cathy's pillow to its proper place, adjusted her own. "Come on, angel," she said "Sleep's the thing you need. I the morning you'll feel bettej, for it." ;r) Cathy did not reply. She turnepj out the lamp light, climbed into bed. They lay in silence for il time. '" "Gay." " "Yes?" H "You lived in Texas. Did you ever hear anyone sing 'Harriet'?', "Oh, yes! I think it's rather cute." "I think it's silly!" Cathy re-J torted. She pulled up the cover's1 with a vengeance. "The very beautiful Patricia sang 'Harriet'', so divinely, it left Mister Akerfl enraptured." m Gay turned her back to Cathy stifled her laugh by burying her face in her pillow. " "I'm glad you find it so amus-! ing," Cathy said stiffly. She; turned on her side. "GOOD NIGHT!" ill seream with terror. She bolted" away so suddenly that Gay was nearly thrown. She dropped tha reins, never to regain them . . . frantically she threw herself for,Tl ward, clutched at the saddle horh and gripped it grimly with both hands. Now the rain burst upcW them. It pelted them unmercifully, with huge raindrops that seemed and sounded like drumming hail stones. Gay bowed her head In the blackness that obscured every thing, the plunging mare tripped' over a half-buried rock, fell to her knees, and Gay was hurled over Molly's head. Miraculously she landed on her hands arjdl knees and sprawled out on her face, breathless and stunned. Molly struggled to her feet whimpering. She hobbled over fdl Gay's side, whinnied, nudged net1' pleadingly. There was no response! from the prostrate Gay. The manto turned away reluctantly, looked back once or twice, then she; limped away into the enveloping darkness. Probably ten minutes later Gay stirred. She opened her eyes . . . she sobbed brokenlyl' hysterically, climbed to her feetyi panting for breath. She turnedd quickly, looked about her frantt "Molly!" she gasped. "Mollyr1 There was no answering whinny, no hoof beat to reassure her tha1 she was not alone . . . there was I nothing but the drenching downm pour and the swirling rain-laden, i'i winu uiui ictsneu ner ana siun her. She stumbled away blindl The wind whipped her wet hal about wildly. She tripped and fellyl scrambled to her feet, stumbleAa and fell again . . . she got up andn forced herself on. She walked and ' ran and plodded ahead, half blind ed by the rain and the windl'1 How she ever managed to reach the cabin, she never knew. She fell against the door, it yielded when she turned the knob and she12 felt inside. She struggled to heiM knees, twisted around and mannd aged to slam the door shut. Sh() sobbed again weakly and brokenj . ly, sagged and suddenly toppled ' over. in a limp heap. (To be continued) br Bui History Can Re Excilin AINol SMEgPAlHS! THERE It A SOUTHERH PASSAGE TdASA, My oKMUFIIHtll njlHU 17. BUT AHO Mil rHAHCe A WAGE THAT Mil 8e6 6010 SCWD MEASURE! ALAS, HO OHE! , I AH' THOUGHT f ( i naEini' Y CWTA' SQO0i?J OUT IN THE GOLD AG LOnG rA.r, u itni vOYAuJKd 'SO, THROUGH THE SJVASIOHOA MHA MARIE u CERVAHTES ISOLDE. THE SORRY LITTLE' EKPEOTlOH AT LAST SETS. SAL GOODBiE.i MARIE is jCD, GOODBiE, AHD BIE& CZe A MARIE u CBFtfAllTS in

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