CARTERET COUNTY Astronomical Data 10c Sun Sets Tonight 6:13 p.m. Sun Rises Tomorrow 5:53 a.m. Moon Sets Tonight 4:54 a.m. Moon Rises Tomorrow 6:35 p.m. A Merger of THE BEAUFOBT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEAR NO. 36. EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1948 EIGHT PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY lZJ I J kj) Dr. Harold Iliimm, Beaufort, Returns from Newfoundland Beaufort PTA President Hakes Plans for M Commiliee Confers With Mrs. Paul Davenporl, PTA Disiricl Direcior Members of the reccntly-ap-pointed executive committee of Beaufort Parent-Teacher associa tion will meet at 7:30 Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Ralph Eudy, president, to present their committee plans for the coming year. Mrs. Eudy reports that in spite of the delay in opening school, plans have been made for a most active year. Members of the organization conferred Thursday with Mrs. Paul Davenport, PTA district director. Plans were male at that time for the district meeting to be held for the first time in many years at Beaufort High school Oct. 27. The ways and means committee met recently ana planned a proj ect for each month. Members of the PTA executive committee for 1948-49 are Mrs. Eudy, president, Mrs. B. F. Cope land, vice-president. Miss Shirley Johnson, secretary, Paul S. Jones, treasurer. Mrs. James Potter HI and Mrs. R. W. Safrit, co-chairman of the ways and means committee, Mrs-. George Eastman, membership, James Wheaftley, program, Mi-si F, R. Bell, hospitality. firs. Gehrmann Holland, room resentative, Mrs. Warren Altf pood, grounds, Mrs. John Brooks, historian, Mrs. John Haynes, mag azines, Mrs. Graydon Paul, recre ation, and Mrs. Blythe Noe, pub licity. Business Club Receives Charter Fifty members and guests of the Carteret Business and Professional Women's club witnessed the pre sentation of the club's charter to the president, Mrs. M. M. Ayscue, at a dinner meeting Tuesday night at the Jefferson restaurant. The presentation was made by the state president, Mrs. Kay Ship man, of High Point. The business session followed a turkey dinner. Mrs. Harold Samp son gave the address of welcome to which Mrs. Willie Johnson, pre sident of the Clinton club and sis ter of Mrs. Ayscue, responded. Guests included H. L. Joslyn, Carteret county superintendent of schools, Miss Lena Duncan, presi dent of the Beaufort Book club, Odell Merrill, representative of the Beaufort Chamber of Commerce, Miss Stella Price, editor of the Tar Heel Woman, official organ of North Carolina Business and Professional Women's clubs, and Mrs. Kathryn Walsh, Greenville, director of the 7th district, of which Carteret county is a part. Prior to presenting the charter to Mrs. Ayscue, Mrs. Shipman gave a short talk, "Our Rights Are Our Responsibilities," The meeting closed with group singing led by Miss Price. . Seven new members were ad mitted to the club, Mrs. Jesse De vonchik, Mrs. Helen Hatsell, Mrs. Bonnie Davant, Mrs. George Hen derson, Mrs. C. N. Stroud, Miss Irene Spence, and Mrs. Jean Smi ley. . Club members approved a re commendation by the board of di rectors that an iceless oxygen tent be purchased by -the club for Morehead City, hospital. The money will be raised during the coming yeah r Purchase price is between $800 and $800. The committee ia charge of Na tional Business - Women's week, Oct. 10-16, was appofnted by the president, Chairman will be Helen Hatsell, assisted by Miss Octavia Frazier, Mrs. D. F. Merrill, Mn. Harold Sampson, Mrs. Bonnie Da vant, Miss Madeline Royal, and Miss Ruth Peeling. ,v Appointed chairman of the in ternational relations committee was Mrs. George Henderson, chair man Of the educational and voca- See BUSINESS CLUB Page 7 Lab Director's Process of Extracting Gels From Sea weed Patented by Duke University C K. Howe, Jr., Elected Mayor Of Radford, Va. C. K. Howe, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Howe of Beaufort, was recently elected mayor of Radford, Va., it was learned today. The youngest mayor ever elect ed in Radford, Howe was gradua ted from the Beaufort high school and later attended the University of North Carolina. His record in Radford was the subject of a write-up in the Rad- C. IL Howe, Jr. ford News-Journal, recently. Fol lowing is an excerpt from that newspaper: "Mayor Howe was first elected to the city council in 1946. He has been in the Standard Oil business in Radford for a num ber of years. "He is a member o; the Cham ber of ' Commerce, Retail Mer chants' association, American Le gion, Presbyterian church. Fire Department Life Saving Crew, past president of the Kiwanis club and director of First and Merchant's association." Bandmaster Explains New Band Program For Morehead School By Ralph Wade Bandmaster, Morehead City To the parents of Morehead City school pupils: Band instrumental training is available for your boy or girl There will be classes for beginners in addition to the regular band class. The child who learns to play an instrument learns discip line, cooperation with others, and a new way to a fuller, richer life. An instrument automatically places him in worthwhile school activities: it1 gives him something interesting, pleasurable and worth while to do during his leisure time.,. ; A musical aptitude test is to be given to the pupils, and recom mendation for more musical acti vity will be made to the parents of the boys and girls rating sufficient ly high in the test. This method of discovering talent is proving successful wherever it is used, since only the children who can recognize rhythm and pitch are encouraged to take up the study of an instrument. Grade S through 8 are to be tested. An arrangement has been made with a reliable music company to secure instruments under a special three months rental-trial plan. With this rental plant you have the privilege of returning the instru ment at any time after three months if the child does not "show proper progress on the instrument. A meeting of the parents and pupils interested will- be announ ced and held in the local school. It will be possible to confer with me, Mr.' Wsde, bandmaster, con fining the instruments best suit ed to your child and he will be glad; to explain the details of the vfM-trial plan if desired. There will be no charge for band instruc tion. . V-iX.yi Rotarians See Movie. - " "Freedom Rides oni Rubber," a tnovie, was shown to the Beaufort Rotary club by R. M. Williams at the weekly supper meeting Tues day .night at Inlet Inn. " -' . "f -1- Dr. Harold J. Humm, director of Puke University Marine lab oratory, Beaufort, returned Mon day night from Newfoundland where he spent a month investi gating seaweed resources of New foundland on behalf of the New foiindland government. It was recently announced by A. S. Brower, business manager and comptroller of Duke univer sity that Dr. Humm's process of extracting gels from certain At lantic coast seaweeds has been patented, opening up vast new commercial possibilities for use of the product. The gel extracted in Dr. Humm's process forms substances called agar of equal or greater strength than commercial gel now used. It is unique in that the strenf'h of the gel can be controlled by the concentration of the extractive and the amount of salt used. Gels ex tracted from other seaweeds have the same thickness but cannot be controlled. Dr. Humm played a prominent part in wartime research which led to the obtaining of sear from seaweed along the Carolina coast which was needed by medical lab oratories for bacteria cultures. The agar factory at Beaufort, for merly the Beaufort Chemical com pany, was said to be the largest in the world during the war. The patent concerns both ends of extracting and treating the gel as well es the products obtained from the gels. Dr. Humm's dis coveries make possible production of better quality at a cost favor able to the present costs of pro ducing it commercially, snd the product obtained is purer and stronger. Agar has important commercial value in a wide variety of fields. It fs used to thirken soups add ice cream; it is used in photography, medicine!, cosmetics, paints, and many other fields. 4 Miss Doris Leech Joins MCTI Staff Miss Doris Leech, of LaGrange, has joined the faculty of More head City Technical institute as English instructor. Director Paul Mitchell announced today. Miss Leech replaces Mrs. Rosalie Dow dy, of Morehead City, who has ac cepted a teaching position at Jack son. Miss. The fall term at MCTI will begin Tuesday, Sept. 21, the day follow ing registration. Twenty-eight ap plications have been received for the fall term. Instructors in addition to Miss Leech will be Julian Bell, wood working and drawing, J. I. Mason, mathematics and physics, John R. Jones, welding and machine shop courses, Reginald Willis, engines, and Mr. Mitchell, instruction in electricity. Miss Leech is a graduate of Woman's college, took graduate work at University of North Caro lina, and has taught at Ward Bel mont, a private girls' school at Nashville, and at Salem academy and college, Winston-Salem. In addition to English, Miss Leech has also taught dramatics nd journalism. She is living 810 Evans street, Morehead City. Inspection Lane Operates Near School in Beanf orl Eighty-one motor vehicles had been checked through the inspec tion lane near Beaufort school by noon yesterday after the first four houors of operation. The lane was n-ii cheduled to open in Beaufort Tuesday. .1. O. Jones, supervisor, report ed that half of the automobiles pass the initial inspection, and about half have to come back la ter due mostly to minor deficien cies. "We haven't condemned any yet." he said. Headlights out of focus was the most common deficiency, he said Jones reouested that motorists be urged to bring driver's license and registration card, as the approved sticker cannot be given until these j hMfnwn.. ' , ,''" The Inspection lane will operate In Beaufort through noon to'mor row and will begin operation, ir Morehend City Tuesday at 8 a.m continuing through Thursday. ' - This will be the last opportunity for owners of motor vehicles of models through '36 and models '47 and '48 to stand inspection. MoreW Jaycees mfmtl I linn I if it IfiAirnn lnui lUJf L1CVCII Civic Group Observes Ladies Night Monday at Recre ation Center Morehead City Junior Chamber of Commerce, at' its regular Mon day night meeting, voted to help supported a proposed twin city high school football team in Morehead City high school team. The decision was made after Bill Flowers, chairman of the youth welfare committee, told members of the results of his con fcrcncc with county school offici als. Flowers said that the county officials did not believe the More head City high school had enough boys sufficiently interested in playing to comprise a successful team. Flowers had gone to the confer ence with a list of 31 names of boys who wanted to play football, but seven or eight of the boys on the list were declared ineligible right off the bat. Superintendent of County schools H. L. Joslyn gave Flowers two al ternatives if the Jaycees were set to push this move. He said that he would listen only to proposals for either a six-man football team or a twin city eleven-man team. After both possibilities were dis cussed at the Jaycees' meeting, the twin city proposal was adopted with the stipulation the Beau fort Jaycees be contacted to push the movement in Beaufort. The Jaycees said the team would h" eauipped and would practice this year, but would not become involved in a regular schedule until next year. Other committee reports given at the Monday night meeting were presented Jy Skinner, rtialkJjire prevention; Bernard L.vt. faSLiy making projccMT'and manager of, the softball "team; Josiah Bailey, governmental affairs; Bobby Bell, Chirstmas activities; and Walter Morris, beauty pageant. Chalk said that preparations were being made for a big cam paign during fire prevention week in early October. His committee is working on a project whereby the Jaycees will be able to tell fire extinguishers at low nrice with borne nrofit to the Jaycees. Committee chairman Leary told that plans for being formulated for a Jaycee-sponsored minstrel show to given some time this fall, built along the same lines as the suc cessful Beaufort show presented the year before last. He stated also that prospects were very good for a lighted ball park in Morehead City next year. The project was started too late to have been successful this sea son. The Monday night meeting was ladies night for the Jaycees, who met at the Carteret County Rec-i reation center. Fraud and Assault In Recorder's Court Charges and counter charges were heard in recorder s court Tuesday as state's witnesses took the stand first to accuse and later to defend themselves in two re lated cases. Harold Comerford, 17, New York City, who has been visiting friends in Beaufort this summer, was tried on charges that he fraudulently obtained $40 for n $20 check from Andrew L. Davis, proprietor of the Brordway Cafe in Morehead City, Davis testified as prosecuting wit ness against Comerford in this case. Davis was then the defendant in a case in which he was charged with assaulting a minor (Comer ford) by, "slapping him in the face with his hands." Comerford was heard as prosecuting witness on this charge. , In the fraud case, Comerford was bound over to superior court for another trial with bond set at $300. Davis was found guilty of the assault charge, fined $10 and i-.-'; n-;-.. i.-iv-v Thlrty-evn eases were heard on Tuesday' docket 24 f which invovd hrffic law violations. Leonard Dean Herbert, a Cherry Point Marine, was found guilty of Hvin drunk, improper use of driver's .license, and with no driv tt't license of his own. He war sentenced to Sin months on thr w to issue If he remain; obef and on. good beKavior fo two years and pays $100 and costs Two abandonment and .noa si Establishment of Confronts Who owns the strip of water front land south of Front street, Beaufort, and east of Live Oak street to the town limits? Nobody knows. This startling fact came to light at the Beaufort town commissioners meeting Monday night in the town hall when John Parkin requested the commission er's permission to operate a fish market he has built on waterfront property between Live Oak and Gordon streets. It was the tentative opinion of J. F. Duncan, town attorney, that the property belongs to the town. William Hatsell, town clerk, re ported that property owners east Of Live Oak street pay taxes only on the land north of Front street. Parkin was directed by the com missioncrs to establish wonership of the land on which he has erect ed his building before applying for a fish market permit. The 65 Club, owned and opera ted in Beaufort by Boh Smith, was ordered closed until Smith secures a beer and wine license. The club was the scene of a shooting Sat urday night. The town board granted West ern Union Telegraph company per mission to place a pole at Front and Craven streets. On t ho pole will be placed a sign pointing to the location of the Western Union office on Craven street. It was reported that J. B. Moore, state jail inspector, recommended that a door bC placed at the rear of the town jail as a precaution in case of fire. Because only one bid has been received on the old town police car, the hoard gave the street superintendent, Clyde Peterson, permission to use it un til it definitely decided what shall be done with it. Because the wrlesian well in front of the Esso Service station. Front street, has stopped flowing, tb bomd quesrd that SimDar ling altemV. to fix it. If he suc ceeds, he Will be paid $1 for each hours work. The well flowed freely all dur ing the big trecze last winter, then "went dry." According to the financial state ment for August, read to the hoard by the attorney, receipts totaled $13,556.13. Disbursements totaled $11,167.93, and deposited to debt service was $1,029.62, leaving a balance Sept. 1 of $1,3!"8.58. Paid out for the administrative department was $513.71, fire de partment, $8,202.94, police depart ment. $784.78. street department $1,249.26, and other expenses, $427.24. Received from parking meters last month was $646.14. Paid out for the fire department was $6,503.44 for the rebuilding more than a year ago of one of the fire trucks. Hose and other sup plies cost $1,227.94. Total court receipts for the month of August were $3,319.15, ' A. H. James, clerk of superior court, reported to the county board Monday. Cases Contested Tuesday Horning port caseg were dismissed as mali- cious prosecution when the prose' cuting witnesses did not appear. In each instance the prosecuting wit ness was assessed court costs. Wil lie Wheeler and Melvin Hancock were the defendants. A case of non-support against Harry L. Bemis was continued. The prosecuting witness did not appear and was taxed with costs in a case involving Irvin Willis. It was charged that Willis used "loud, boisterous and profane lan guage on the highway, assault, did damage to the property in the Custody of the plaintiff and was otherwise disorderly. The warrant was withdrawn with payment of co3ts in a case charging that Wallace Willis, Jr., assaulted Mrs. Johnnie Willis, knocking her down. A case was continued in which Rosetta Davis, alias Rosctta Davis Edwards, was charged with assault on Eleanor Jphnson "with a dead ly weapon, M wit a knife or razor, inflicting bodily injuries." - Three individuals were cited for nubile ' drunkenness. These were WiUiam Paul Sewell, plea of guil ty, judgment suspended upon pay ment of $10 and costs; Harold D. Britt, case continued; and Alfonso Styron, plea ,01 guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of $10 and costs Three cases were continued in which ths charges were driving See COURT Page 7 . Beaufort Commissioners Junior Chamber Undertakes Two Projects, Extension of Town Limits, Zoning Law Beaufort Pays Last Tribute To IV at Funeral Wednesday N. W. (Pa) Taylor Charges Against Sheriff Dropped Case Against Madix Defen dants Docketed For Ply mouth Court Charges have been withdrawn against C. Gehrmann Holland, sheriff of Carteret county, who was named last month as a defendant in a $50,000 civil suit by a former employee of Madix Roofing cor poration. This employee, Gradv Ward Price, now living at Plymouth charged that Sheriff Holland with officials of the Madix plant, caus ed him to flee Carteret county in order to protect himself and his family. A temporary restraining order against the sheriff and Madix men was dissolved Sept. 3 at a hearing in Nashville, by Judge Walter J. Bone. The restraining order was ijs""d to prevent the sheriff and Madix officials from repeating the ac tions Price alleged in his com plaint. The civil suit against C. C. Brew in, president of Madix Asphalt Roofing corporation, W. C. Carl ton, purchasing director of Madix, and Glenn Rose and Ed Parker, nlant superintendents, is scheduled for trial at Plymouth in Washing ton .county during the October term of superior court which be gins Oct. 25. The plaintiff is asking $25,000 in compensatory damages and $25. 000 punitive damages. He charges that the Madix officials for whom he worked asked him to leave the latter part of July after he circu lated union cards of the1 Interna tional Brotherhood of Pulp, Sul phite, and Paper Mill Workers, an AFL affiliate. When Mr. Price did not move with his wife and child from Car teret county, he alleges that his employers threatened and intimi dated him, damaged his trailer and burned his car. Negro Woman Arrested In New Bern Turned Over lo Beaufort Police Evangeline Debrix, Negro worn an from Beaufort, was arrested at the home of her mother in New Bern by New Bern police Tuesday afternoon. She was charged with threatening Alberta Fair, Beau fort, with a deadly weapon, a flare gun. The accused was turned over to the Beaufort police department where she was bound over to county court on $500 bond and placed in the county jail. Chief L. B. Willis stated that no arrest has been made on the shooting and wounding of two Ne groes at Bob Smith's 65 club last Saturday night. A flare gun was the weapon used. In the shooting, Joohn McQuinn, 28, was wounded in the right arm, and Estelle Chadwick suffered back injuries. 1 Land Oivnershin Beaufort paid solemn tribute to its oldest native Wednesday at 5 p. in when funeral services were held l'ir Nelson Whitfnrd (Pa) Taylor, !)2, in St. Paul's Episcopal church. The Rev. William I,. Mar tin, rector, conducted the service and intermert followed in St. Paul's cemetery. The vestry of St. Paul's were honorary pall bearers, and the grandsons and grandsons-in law. '!i,,,v wolp Allen O'Brvan, Nelson W. Taylor III, Clifford Fleet. Dave Mosicr. Dave Winegar and Wiley Taylor, Jr., Ninety-two years of fruitful liv ing and 67 1-2 years of happy mar ried life were ended when "Pa" died quietly at his home on Ann st Beaufort, Monday night at 8:15. His physician. Pr. Laurie Moore, had pronounced "nothing organic ally wrong" with him one week be fore his 92nd birthday. Those at his bedside said his mind was clear one hour before death, due to old age, claimed him. "Pa" Taylor operated the only wholesale grocery store this side of New Bern for 25-30 years, and it was said of him that "anyone who needed anything got it wheth er they had the money to pay or not." People from Beaufort to Cedar Island thought of him as their benefactor. His son recalled that h refused lo sell a barrel of flour which cott him 4 for more than $4.25, allow ing himself only 25 cents for profit and overhead deductions. Twenty five cents profit was all lie asked on a pair of shoes. He was in the mercantile busi ness from the age of 0, when he began helping in his father's store, until he retired at 70. Shortly after 1888, Mr. Taylor partitioned off one of his store buildings and started the first bank that Carteret county ever had. It was called the Bank of Beaufort. "Pa" was the banker. The bank moved after one year to the building now occupied by Rumley's Feed Store on Front street, and "Pa" was president. He later formed and was president of the Beaufort Banking and Trust co.. the predecessor of the First Citizens Bank and Trust co. He started out as a merchant, operating his father's old store at the present location of Davis Bros. After the big fire in 1888, he built two brick buildings across the street, forming the Beaufort Groc ery co. in one and a general store in the other. One of these build ings is now occupied by the Beau fort Hardware co., the other by Jeff's barber shop. In addition to his Beaufort mer cantile interests, he owned the oyster factory, shipped clams and mullets and was president of the Armstrong Grocery co. in New Bern. He formed the first mail See 'PA' TAYLOR Page 5 Hurricane or Not, li Made News Elsewhere Evidence of some of the not too accurate stories distributed during the recent hurricane scare here was . received recently by Jesse Smith of Morehead City. News paper clippings were sent him by friends in Philadelphia, and Me chanic Falls, Maine., Excerpts from these stories ap pear below: ; ' "At Atlantic Beach between 800 and 1,000 vacationers left hurried ly when the Coast Guard made a cottage-to-cottage appeal for eva cuation. About 200 tourists re mained to see what would happen "Red Cross head John Lashley urged the visitors to gather in schools or other safe buildings. . . . "Mayor George-Dill said sum mer residents at Morehead Beach were also virtually all gone home. The two resort hotels stayed open but only a few guests remained." In a recent release from the State News bureau such items as these were deplored. Fact of the matter is, the release said, the boys from the big news services were sent here for a story, and if there wasn't a story, they were going to make one any way 1 i The institution of a zoning ordi nance in Beaufort and an attempt to press the issue on extension of town limits were adopted as projects by the Beaufort Jaycees at their regular bi weekly meeting at the Inlet Inn Monday night. C. R. Whcatly, Jr., Jaycec presi dent, appointed committees to stu dy the proposals, make recommen dations to the club and present plans for convincing the public. Earlier, the 22 members present heard a speech by James W. Pow ell of the State Bureau of Investi gation. Raleigh, on the subject of scientific aids in crime detcctiono work. Powell was introduced by George Canady, special agent for the bureau in this area. Named on the town zoning edu cational committee to nlan publi city for the project were Jimmie Wallace, chairman, James Potter, and Rufus Sewell. Appointed to the research com mittee to study the matter and make recommendations to the club were Charles Hassell, chairman, Bob Stevens and Gerald Woolard. A commit tec to study limits ex tension was appointed, as follows: Odell Merrill, chairman, James Wheatley and Henry Hatsell. Leslie Davis, Jr., sports commit tee chairman, called upon Jaycees to support local efforts to develop a high school football team. Un animous sentiment for a team was expressed by club members, and it was decided to invite T. G. Leary, Beaufort principal, and Coach T. II McQuaid to the next Jaycce meeting to discuss ways and means. J During the evening's discussion a town zoning ordinance was des cribed as an ordinance designed See JAYCEES Page 8 Farm Official Stresses Need Of Price Support State Commissioner of Agricul ture D. S. Coltrane voiced full sup port of the government's price sup port program at the meeting of the county farm bureau in the court house Wednesday night which launched the farm bureau's mem bership drive here. Mr, Coltrane was introduced by Raymond Ball, president of the Carteret County Farm bureau. The meeting was opened with reading . Truck growers of the county will meet at 8 o'clock Monday night In the court house for an important meeting, Raymond Ball, Farm Bureau president, an nounced today. He requested that all attend. of the scripture and prayer 'by the Rev. T. R. Jenkins, pastor of Ann Street Methodist church, Beaufort. ' ' Mr. Coltrane gave a brief review of farm prices and production in the past 30 years. Farmers ex panded production during both world wars, but the depression ex pected to follow this world war' as it did after the first world war has not yet occurred, he remarked. ' The brak in the commodity market Feb. 5 of this year was thought to be the beginning of a slump, ". . . but the farmers were not fearful," remarked the com missioner, because they knew they would still get a fair price for their products through the price support program. Mr. Coltrane pointed out that See FARM OFFICIAL Page 7 Tide Table HIGH LOW Friday, Sept 17 8 36 AM 1:SW AM 7:48 PM 1:49 PM Saturday, Sept. 18 ' fw 8:12 AM 2:08 AM 8:22 PM 2:26 PM Sunday, Sept. 19 8:43 AM 2:42 AM 8:36 PM 3:01 PM Monday, Sept 29 ), Y . 9:18 AM 3:10 AM 9:30 PM v . , r 3:37 PM Tuesday, Sept. tl , , . 9:52 AM 3.38 AM 10:03 PM - 4:13 PM

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