v-.- ( BJ'.u'Ul'lai'. ,- ai , CMTCBiw COUNTY NOTS-TOffiS, WORETOAtt CITT AVft BfiAlfFORT, N. C. tr.t 1 r NEWS of th First Baptist Ch To Observe Youth Day Sunday What might happen some Sun day IT no adilts showed up at church? The answer to this ques tion will be found next Sunday at the Beaufort First Baptist church in all services .(beginning with Sunday School), when Youth Day will be observed. indeed, this might be colled "Teen Age Day", since polio pre cautions caused its delay and col lege students have returned tc school, thus leaving the situation pretty much in the hands of high school youngsters. Sunday at both services (11:00 la.m. and 7:30 p.m.) everything, ex Icept occupying the pews, will be idone by the youth of the church itauiis win De conspicuous oy ineir absence from the choir, the con- bole, the ushering posts, and the 1 i:a iwl i ...in i liuipii. ine men anu women win ' warm the pews while the young people take over. At the evening worship the me- Uitations will be illustrated by fa mous works of religious art upop he screen, and the congregational kinging will also be from tne Screen. Members of the Training Union jwill celebrate the reopening of this work by a picnic supper and social hour at the hut on the hurch vard nt 5:30. This supper Ivill be nrovicled by the ladies of he W.M.S. The United Methodist Church Ocracoke the Rev. Charles J. Tilley, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 26 10 a.m. Church School for all ges 11 a.m. Service led bv the lymen 7:30 p.m. Sermon. "D;ivid, ilan After God's Own Heart" Portsmouth The Rev. Charles J Tilley Sunday, Sept. 2G 11 a.m. Sermon, "Passovers Ind Pentecosts," bv Rev. Mr. Til ley J 2 pm. A short business meet ling with members of the church. '1 Services at Portsmouth will iommemorate a homecoming in Honor of those who once lived on Portsmouth Island, the Rev. Mr. Tilley has announced. "We hope that in bringing'these People home again that old times will be reviewed," he remarked, land glad hearts rejoice that they Still have an old home to which ' o come." ""' 1 ' He continued, "Since the church s t dear spot to most of the ci izens, there is no better way to elebrate homecoming than in rayer and in thanksgiving in the ittle church which stands out ; bove all others on this unique I sland. "Members of the church are es pecially invited to be present. We ike to discuss ways and means of inging the church to par for i .inference recognition. Nothing vould revive the island more than begin with the church. "Let as many of the church iiembers come as will. All others re ihvited," he concluded. !um Catches Fire A fire at the city dump near the loot of 17th st. threatened small louses in the area at 1:55 yester- ay but was brought under con- 4ol in 30 minutes by the More- ead City fire department. Twen ty-three firemen reported to fight he blaze. Only the booster was ised. ii" toitiu nii auraoliiv ei 4 P Have a Coke 1 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. OF NEW BERN FRESH CAU6HT; DRESSED & , Call on today if I yon want informs- tion on fiahiaf boot for cWtororonor-Tf of JroMoo1 flak. tier I ' OTTIS is MOREHEAD CITY FISHMAIUCET CHURCHES urdtyBmuforL St. rail's Kplspa! Llkttrth , Reaiifort The Rev, William L. Martin, Rector Sunday, Sept. 88 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. , Morning Prayer 7:30 p.m. Young People's Set vice League Williston Methodist Church The Rev. II. L. Hiirrell, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 26 10 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Straits Methodist Church The Rev. II. L. JIarrell, Patfir Sunday, Sept. 76 10 a.m. Church School 7 p.m. Evening Worship Revival services begin at the Straits Methodist church Wednes day evening, Sept. 29, at 7:30. The Rev. C. M. Maness of Atlantic Will preach. Franklin Memorial Methodist Church Morehead City The Rev. W. I). Caviness, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 26 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all age groups 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Sermon by Chaplain Curtis, senior Protestant chaplain at Cherry Point Marine Corps Air station. Broad Creek Methodist Church Sunday, Sept. 2G 10 n.m. Sunday School 3 p.m. Afternoon worship, sermon bv the Rev. Mr. Caviness. Beginning Sunday night Rev. Mr. Caviness will conduct a series of revival services, through Friday, in Bridgeton Methodist church, Bridgeton. First Methodist Church Morehead Citv The Rev. Lester A. Tilley, Pastor. Sunday, Sept. 26 9:30 a.m. Church School for all ages 11 a.m. Morning Worship, "Our Common Task" 6:30 p.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship 7:30 cm. Evening Worship, "God's Names" Wednesday, Sept. 29 7:30 Mid-week Prayer Service Evangelistic Meetings to be Hem - A wriJe otnWartgetijtfc meeting are scheduled to begin at the Fret Will Baptist Church in Morehead City on the first Sunday night in October. Thev will continue for eight or ten days. Christian Church to Hold Services The First Christian Church of Morehead City will have services on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock ln.e new cnurcn aizziu Bridges. wm ue conuucieu oy me Reverend W. C. Foster. Negro Recovers From Leg Injury Received Tuesday William White, Negro, formerly of Florida, is recovering today in Morehead City hospital from in juries received Tuesday morning when a tree fell on him at South River. White was cutting the tree with another worker and the tree fell, hitting a log and -glancing off, breaking White's left leg. The men are workers for a pulpwood company. im itU'Uu OMUI j ...... DELIVERED Phone M-401-1 M-40M t DV, 2 KEGB0 news ;,'!.vjjV' ' dopes-Green Miss Gladys Green, daughter of Mf- and Mrs. Sam Green, and Gremfgette Copes, oh tf Mrs. Jiane idopes, ". were married Saturday night, Sept. 18, at Purvis Chapel iarspnage by the Rev. J. E. Aus tin. ' Witnesses were Mrs. Mildred ifuifotd. Mrs. Ethel McNeil, and Mrs. Allen Rto Anderson, the for mer Mary Dawson. . Mrs. Mary Rutn McCollflm from Beaufort is attending State Teach ers College at Elizabeth City. Allyne Henderson of Morehead City Is attending Livingston Col legf W . Artis McCabe and Aaron Martir tiave returned to A & T College rpm North River and Harlowe. ' Miss Thelma Godette of Harlowe nd Mr. John Dcugherly from tpnsfteld have returned to N. C. College. Mrs. Edna Davis and daughter Vicki LaVernc spent sometime here with her husband, Mr. Russet Davis and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Chadwick Jr., of Bisco and Pinehurst, spen Several days here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel t'hrdwiek, Sr. Mr. Chadwick is a teacher in the high school in Pinehurst. Mrs. Hazel Adams lock her niece Puletta who had been visiting her to Charlotte on Tuesday to Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Hawkins. Miss Gloria Pleasant Ins re turned from New York to resume her studies at the Queen Street High school and to spend the win ter with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams. Matthew Bailey Matthew Bailey, Beaufort na tive, died at the U. S. M-irinc hos pital on Ellis Island this week. Funeral services were held at Mt. Zlon church, Beaufor!, Wednesday afternoon. Charles Gillikin Recovers From Auto Accident Injury Charles Gillikin, Otway, is lotfny recovering from head i 'juries re reived Sunday afternoon at 4:33 when his car overturned within about a half mile of the east end of Harkers Island. Gillikin lost control of the car, a '39 Chevrolet sedan, when it ran off the road. The sedan wrs extensively damaged and is pro bably beyond repair, according to State Vatro E PickarcL who I: ' kj t lit The Atlantic is saltier in the region of the Sargasso Sea than in its Arctic areas. ' CALIFORNIA FANCY SWEET RED GRAPES, 2 lbs BREAKFAST STARTERS ORAUGE JUICE, 2 46-oz. cans NABISCO HONEY MAID Sugar Grahams. OLD VIRGINIA Apple Jelly. 24b. SWEET MIXED Lang's Pickles. 32 FOR SANDWICHES SWIFT'S Corned Beef 12-oz. can 49c A REAL MONEY SAVER Ilavy Beans, .1-lb. FOR SANDWltHES OLD VIRGINIA Apple Duller, 28-oz. jar 21c FOR ALL YOUR BAKING NEEDS C S Flour, plain, FULL BODIED FDR ICED COFFEE Coifce (Silver L&bel) 1-lb. pkg. 40c DURKEES SHREDbEb ' , 4-Oz. Pkg 19c Cccoanul Hoist, 4-oz. can . . .... 21c PCmEft MABKEtS BABY BEEF TENDER cnncit roast -y Lb. -71c ARMOUR STAR OR SWiFTS FQAIinS-l-Lb. , . GROUND FRESH DAILY G II 0 0 IT D DEEF Lb. 59c atOaslfi filYEB Chief and Mrs. Paul fieachem hd d'fifiMeV of NnrfOi V" spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Beam em. Mrs. Jim md d?uchters. of Otway, spent Friday here with her aughter, Mrs. Clarence Ipoek and family. Mr H. R. Beachem, of Charlotte spent the weekend here with par ePK Mr. end Mrs. Paul Beachem. Mrs. Mollie White, of New Bern nre visiting her son, Mr. S. A ieachem and family. Mrs. Essie Garner returnee 'ome Friday after spending b fe lays in Sonthpo-t with her famil Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garner anr jon, returned home Saturday fio' Southport. Tbe!"n Whitrhtrst. c Beaufort, spent the weekend hen with Mr. and Mrs. Riley Beachem Mr. and Mrs. Willi. m Fulche left Sunday for Durham to tak Mrs. Fulcher's father, Mr. Sai lones of New Bern, to Duke hospital aU' 3 k w itfjZ&tUHuW J World' largest Selling ELECTRIC FENCERS t t V.. inilM . iflWUi. -. m Come In and See These m tnwvnnim n ma ml uij. t. v mi Front & Craven Sts. J5 27c PICNICS, LUCY LOCKETT 1 - Ib. plrg ?lc jar 31c - 02. jar 29c cello . . .... .. 18c Mb. bag .... 21c FRUITS FIELD PEAL, 2 i 31c . U. S. NO. 1 PORTA RICAN SWEET POTATOES 2 lbs. 17c CeUo 59c Patrolmen Seek Raiidlto Four Carieret countv state hieh way patrolmen assisted Tuesday light in blocking roads leading from Columbia where bandns staged a A50 000 bank rubber Tues day. The patrolmen, Cpl. V. L. Spruill, M. V. Hooper W. J. Smith, Jr., and W. E. Pickard returned to me couniy weane"v auernodi. TJi ian .. inn a'ret Resufort w. HnspH tn t. - ,"! - Wednesday due to the illness of E. D. Martin, 412 Ann St. Mr. Martin has been seriously ill the past week. forehead Fire Department Jailed to Fire Twice Morehead City fire depart m?r. I was called twice Tuesday to pul out a fire in a trash pile near thi eciion base. No damage to pro tpriy was done. The first call was 'nswcreii a bout 4 o'clock in the afternooi "d the second shortly after ! iclock at night. Water from th '(Ogallon booster tank was used Stove Catches Afire approximately $50 damage was if' wmt Fine Parmak Fencer ix & lu. - New Bern Q J QUALITY 1 FOOD STORES lxiiP ARMOUR STAR SMOKED lb. 61c 39c It Floats Ivory Soap, 2 Ige. cakes 37c Whiter Washes Oxytlol, lge. pkg 36c Pure and Mild Ivory Scap, 2 med cakes 23c Daz Does Everything Dnz Powder, lge. pkg. 36c Maje-(tic Brooms, each $1.35 Gold Seal Glass Wax, pi. can 69c Spotless Bleach, 2 at. bottle 27c Easy To, Apply Aerowax, qt. can 43c D P Vanilla Lemon Extracts, 1-2 oz. jar .... 15c Cleanser Sonbriie, 2 cans 15c Speedier Dishwashing Ivory Flakes, loe. pkg. 36c Soap Special le Sale Woodbury. 4 cakes 34c Safer For Silks Ivory Snow, Ige. pkg. 36c & VICETAB1ES HOME GROWN FRESH TENDER GREEN COLLARDS 1 Lb. 11c ! caused- at mrclottr Tue9ajr nrarn . ng when the oil stove in the I nome f Mr- d Mrs. Charles ! PhilHps. Highland Park, caught fre. The flames leaped up the curtains, but were extinguished by the time the fire company arrived, The siove'wos ruined. ,,! 1 Memrjors 01 ine wuimms ana ' Wall auditing firm, Raleigh, nre auditing books of Beaufort, Mrt e head City, and the county for the COFFEE and SAVE op to Ufa pound jg I 1 X .- . I,?S l)il rV ;4eT 8 O'CLOCK RED CIRCLE BOKAR Libby's CANNFO MEATS CORNED BEEF HASH -OZ. Can 35c VIENNA SAUSAGE . Size Cm 19c POTTED MEAT Vi Size Can 16c LUNCH TONGUE Vt Size Can 27c POTTKD MEAT H Size Can 10c ton Pine Flavor Peas Pnrd Dbg Food Mild American Cheese Blue Btreak Rice Plilnhurj Sn Sheen Cake Flour Ann Pa Grip am Tomatoes 2 HcimpBtyle Sandwich Refjiilor Pan MARVEL BREAD 1"4 Lb. ISc Loaf Bonum Green Hali CRAPES, 2 lbs. Yellow . 2 lbs. . TOMATOES, lb. Ecd ESiss POTATOES, S lbs. Green Tender These Prices Apply fiscal year 1947-48. Working1 on Beaufort's books is O. L. Terrell, on Mnrehead's L. R. Osborne, and on the county books Charles Woot-cn. Please Note! The Irvin Willis mentioned in 1 ft Friday's recorder's court-story :s not the Irvin Willis who resides at 2209 Bay St., Morehead City. -Ed. Smyrna PTA to Meet Smyrna Parent-Teacher associa '1.24 3 BAO 1111 l.n riil Caa- ITtll m V K W hi i m MRU! M nV mam SUPER RIGHT MEATS, ROAST, FRESH BEEF SifORT RIBS, II FRESH PORK FEET, I (WORRELL'S PRIDE SLICED BACON, lb. TIIICR WHITE tTii FAT BACK, lb Ocean Spray Crunberry Sauce lona Tomato Juice Ann Pan Salad Dressing A it P Crapefrult Sections ftrtnnvflplft flour Tot 1-th. Can r i rancaK.es Ann Pam Blended vup Ann Pan Gelatin Deaaerta Sparkle 3 m. Jane Parker Plain Or Marble POUND CAKE Nn. t Cam les, 5 lbs 37c Cabbage, lb. Large Stalk Celery, 2 for 25c to Stores in Ccacfarl G IIcrc!:::d tion will hold its first meeting of the yeflr at 7:30 Monday night in Smyrna school building. Mr. El mer Willis, president, has request ed everyone to attend. Tanker Leaves After dumping two and a half million gallons of fuel oil and gasoline hero, the Esso tanker Cumberland returned Wednesday lo Corpus Christi, Tex. The tanker docked at Port Terminal Tuesday night, having come from Baytown, Tex. m tQ0f im)H S '1.29 II 69c lfl-oc. Can No. a Cana No. t Can m-. p 1-n. Bot 13-oz. Cake 27c LUX TOILET SOAP I 21c Lvx FLAKES pk'. 35c LUX TOILET SOAP Bath Bart 29c R1NSO iffi 35c SWAN SOAP 21c SWAN SOAP 37c