Cizz four CARTERET COUNTY NEWS TIMES, MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAlTORT, N, & FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1948 V i t r J. I VL 1 so Hi. J. Michael Moran, Society Editor Phone M 5781 ' Mr. John W illiams and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams spent the week en;l in Willinmston. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Garner spent several days in Raleigh this week. Mrs. Ella Marriner is visiting relatives in New Bern. Buddy Virk, who is attending E.C.T.C. at Greenville, spent the week end at home. Mrs. Earl Welih returned Sun day trom New York whore she went to take her mother, Mrs. MittleliurKcr, who spent the sum 'tner here. Mr. and Mrs. Hay Garrett, high way 70, left Tuesday for a two week vacation in IJrookfield, Mo., where they wili visit Mr. Garrett's mother and sister, Airs. Ida Gar rett and Miss Irene Gairett. Mrs. C. R. Hover of Galax, Va. spent two weeks visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and M:s. K. G. r-oytrr or ilavtTwk, and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Sterlen, of Moro head City. John H. Buck left last week for KecouRhtan, Va., where he will re ceive treatment at the Veterans hospital. Mrs. Victor Bryant will leave to day for Durham. She will be ac companied by Mrs. Van Strattori and her daughter, Mrs. Bryant, II, who have been visiting here. D. G. Bell returned home Sun day by plane from New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ball and Mrs. Louis Norris motored to New Bern Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. John Norris, and their guests, Dr, and Mrs. If. II. Bradshaw, and Dr. and Mrs. James A. Harrill, of Winston-Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace spent the weekend at Hog Island. there. She was accompanied by Mrs. Carlton Taylor who lives at Sarasota. Mrs. G. Henry Jackson left Mon day to spend several days in Rocky Mount. Miss Octavia Frazier left Tues day morning to attend the State Nurses' Association meeting be ing held in Wilmington this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willis and Odell Morton will attend the Carolina Wake Forest game Saturday. Mrs. John H. Buck left Monday for Naples, Fla., where she will join her three daughters, who live Madle Bell Bible Class t Meet The Madie Bell Bible Class of the First Methodist Church will hold its first fall meeting at the home of Mrs. W. P. Freeman to night at 7:30 p.m. All members are urged to attend. Registered Nurses Meet The Carteret County Registered Nurses held their regular monthly dinner meeting at the Jefferson restaurant Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. A short business dis cussion took place after which the meeting adjourned. PTA to Meet Monday The Morehead City Parent Teachers association will hold its monthly meeting in the school auditorium on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. All parents are urg ed to attend. (s JH . M i Hi i. J,. i ii ,E 1 i v7vi Your First Choice for Your New Coat ftp i.''- -- r j Winners in a National Poll . . Swinging Gabardine PEMNEY'S LOW PRICE All wool gabardine . . , popular for its warmth and sturdiness . . . in a good-looking coat with detachable hood; flange shoulder detail, A Penney BUY at this price! 1048. PEN NET'S LOW PRICE A1 real BUY . . , this all-around part wool gabardine with its curv ing back yoke detachable hood. Looks . .. practicality ; . comfort . . all at a low price! Good colors.8-18. AT F EMMY'S rruE SHOT Z7f Em Episcopal Auxiliary Resumes Meetings The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church resumed its activities Monday, Oct. 4. Sec tion A met with their president, Mrs. J. R. Morrill on Shepard street in Morehead City; Section B met at the Parish House on Ann street in Bcsufort with their presi dent. Mrs. Cecil Brooks. After the devotional part of the programs were read, much busi ness that had accumulated during the summer was discussed and dis pensed with; new Auxiliary man uals were distributed and dedicat ed for use during the coming year. The women of the church are looking forward to having the Car teret Business and Professional Women's club worship with them on Oct. 10 at the morning hour. Mr. Martin, rector, talked with both sections regarding plans he wished them to consider. He ask ed each auxiliary president to ap point a committee to meet with him to form a Family Committee which will keep in touch with and visit in homes where there are sickness, death, or need. He also asked their cooperation in cooking and serving a spaghetti supper to the young people on Youth Sun day, Oct. 17; committees were ap pointed from both sections and it is hoped that all the young people will be at the parish house on Youth Sunday evening to enjoy thn supper. Plans were made in both sec tions for a Corporate Communion on Oct. 24 at which time all the women in the church are asked to make their United Thank Offering. After the closing prayer by Mr. Martin a social hour was enjoyed at which time punch and cakes were served. Shower Compliments Miss Lois Chadwick Mesdames Bobby Bell, Fred S. Willis and Elbert Chadwfclt honor ed Miss Lois Chadwick, bride-elect, at a miscellaneous shower at the Webb Memorial eivk center on Tuesday evening. The room was decorated with pine and autumn leaves. Miss Chadwick upon arrival was presented a corsage and gift la her china pattern. Miss Betty ftatcbe presided at the bride's book. lira. Richard Whitehurst, soloist, sang and was accompanied by Mrs. Fred 9. Wil lis. Mrs. James R. Saunders won. the contest prize after which Miss Chadwick opened her gifts- of lin en, silver, crystal and china. Mrs. Jerry Willis, a recent bride, was remembered with crystal ia her chosen pattern. The color scheme of green and white was carried out in the re freshments of bridal cakes, ices, mints and nuts. Ministerial Aiaociati en to Meet The Coastal Ministerial associa tion will meet at 10 o'clock Mon day morning in the Webb Me moiial Civic center, Morehead City. All ministers, while and colored, are invited. Prices still soar, and the higher they soar, the sorer people get. Business Club to Hold Inspirational Breakfast Members of the Carteret Coun ty Business and Professional Wo men's Club will come together for an inspirational breakfast at the Jefferson restaurant on Sunday morning. This will be the formal opening of National Business Wo men's Week in Carteret county which is being observed all over the country from October 10-16. Immediately following the break fast the club members will attend morning services at the Episcopal church in Beaufort in a body. On Tuesday evening the elub will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Civic Center at 7:30 p.m. All members are urged to at tend these meetings. NEWS of the CHURCHES Notice of church services will be printed in this eehuu each Friday, This fefornatie most be in THE NEWS-TIMES office bo later than 9 p.m. Wednesday. Firs Methodist Chureh Morehead City The Rev. tester A. Tilley, Pastor Sunday, Oct ! 11 a.m. Morning Worship, "A Spiritual Check-Up." 6:30 p.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship. 1:80 ' p.m. Worship and relig ious film, "Queen Esther." Wednesday, Oct 13 ' 7:30 p.m. Mid-Week prayer service, "Great Prayers 6f the Bible,- Mrs; B. F. Royal. Thursday, Oct 14 7:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal. Franklin Memorial Methodist Morehead City The Rev. W. D. Cavlness, Pastor Sunday, Oct. IB 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m Morning Worship, ser mon by Louis Lewis. 7:30 p.m. Evening service, the ReV. B. B. Slaughter, New Bern district superintendent preaching. Service will be followed, by quar terly conference. Officials of the following Methodist churches should attend: Camp Glenn, Salter Path, Tuttle'S Grove, Broad Creek, Merrimon, and Franklin Memorial. St Paul's Episcopal Church Beaufort The Rev. W. L. Martin, Rector Sunday, Oct. 10 . 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon. 11 a.m. Nursery in parish house. There will be no YPSL meeting. Tuesday, Oct. 12 7:40 p.m. Junior Choir prac tice. Wednesday, Oct. 13 7:30 p.m. Adult choir practice. The number of horses and mules on U. S. farms declined from about 24 million in 1910 to about nine million in 1948. First Christian Church 2219 Bridges Street, Morehead City The Rev. W. C. Foster, Pastor Sunday, Oct. 1 9:30 Sunday School 3 p.m. Worship Service Merrimon Methodist Church Sunday, Oct 10 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship, ser mon, "Our Nobodies, God's Some bodies," by the Rev. W. D. Cavi ness, pastor. Holy Communion. Ann Street Methodist Church Beaufort The Rev. T. R. Jenkins, Pastor Sunday, Oct. 10 9:45 a.m. Church school for the whole family 11 a.m. Morning worship. Ser mon, "Of More Value Than a Sheep." 6:30 p.m. Junior League, In termediate Youth Fellowship, Seni or Yomi Fellowship. Senior Youth Fellowship 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Sermon, "Your Are Like ;i Watch" Wednesday, Oct. 13 7 u0 p.m. Prayer Service Thursday, Oct. 14 7 30 p.m. Senior Choir Friday. Oct. 15 4:30 p.m. Sunshine Choir Rehearsal ' The United Methodist Church Ocracoke The Rev. C. J. Tilley, Paster Sunday, Oct, 10 10 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon, "Our Tasks as Christian Stewards." 7:30 p.m. Evenin.-' Worship. Sermon, "Solomon, King Who Close Wisdom. Free Will Revival Interest in the revival meeting which is in progress at the Free Will Baptist church, Morehead City, is increasing each day, the pastor reports. The meeting is scheduled to run through next week. YOU CAN BUY A GOOD QUALITY 1NNERSPR1NG MATTRESS FOR ONLY $35 Minus $10.50 for your old mat. Comfort Innerspring Unit Guaranteed By Good Housekeeping Call or Write RESTWELL MATTRESS CO. 2104 Trent Blvd. 2889 New Bern Pickup & Deliver Anywhere 6:30 p.m. hcarsal Junior Choir Re- The Methodist Church Straits Charge The Rev. II. L. Harrell, Pastor Sunday, Oct. 10 10 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Morning worship, ser mon by the pastor 7. p.m. Closing service of re vival, the Rev. C. M. Mitchell preaching. JOHN STATOII INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE LOCATED IN THE TAYLOR BUILDING NEXT TO MARGARET'S BEAUTY SHOP For Insurance Thai Protects JOHN STAT0N B 4356 ll D A TOU II De AS Pretty As A' Picture ...When you dress up in SACONY'S new fall clothes Tailored With Precision Workmanship of Beautiful Fulura to Fit You Perfectly, to Add to the Charm of You! SUITS, DRESSES, SKIRTS v BLOUSES, JACKETS To Wear for Dress, Parlies, Dances, Sports, And, Oh, Just Every Occasion! And all by SACONY. Many are en sembles that you can adapt to many dif ferent affairs. Stop in and see our variety of colors, designs, and sizes. We've got something you'll like! Nationally Advertised In GLAMOUR, CHARM, MADEMOISELLE And Other Leading Ladies' Magazines. t FEATURED AT . THE DRESS SHOP WE APPRECIATE YOUt PATRONAGE DlalMtSll AmttfSt MOREHEAD CITY tlary H. Brock, I1D. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HER OFFICE Room 208, Mohn Building PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE Office Hours By Appointment New Bern, N. C. Dial 4620 Don't discard that old pair of shoes! Bring them in and let us rebuild them like new our charges are reasonable. CITY SHOE SHOP Arendell St. Cor. 8th MOREHEAD CITY SPECIAL Wt Are Giving A Very Special Creme De Hint PERMANENT WAVE For Only $3.50 Make Your Appointment Now Dora Dean Beauty Shop WE NEED YOUR HEAD IN OUR BUSINESS Open Wednesday Afternoons FRONT ST. BEAUFORT ' PHONE 9265 Ton Are Cordially Invited To The FOIUIAL 0PE1IIIIG ol the Robert L. Rose Motor Company CEXBBY POINT HAVELOCK P. O. K33TH CAROLINA FRIDAY ft OCTOBER 1948 BOB ROSE President A Hew 1949 Ford Sedan Will Be Sold Tonighi, Oci. 8lh At $1C3 DEL0U The List Price 4 CERE ARE THE RULES: L No hcw or used tar dealer en draw. t The person whose nana U draw must be 21 years 61 S. Th brer Will dot he allowed to resell or trade this ear for a period of 12 booths. -' V Everyone interested ,bt buying aust register before 1 p.m. t VVi ,' I I l.rm ttll UllllMiri till. ; dzz crz-n:3 alltotzi am aims Many I Wrinkle- proof ties i I y - Sporto iMultichrome motifs i Pattern from the world of the top qual- Ity'Bouny'Brandrlnkle. Proof Fabric No feat of the knot s!ipping...and wrinkles 'hang out overnfght if 2i? 1st Morehead City It's LEAHY'S STC2E rC3 !3H " -;. "Men's Wear Known Everywhere" Arendell St Phenet M 9816 MOREHEAD CITY 1 i ml " 1 ii 1)1 w .A I IT M III u I, Hi' nil ili II I VI 1 1. .ilil.M IS f 1:

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