. t' ft ! EMDA.Y, OCTOBER. 8, IMS ., CARTERET COUNTY NEW8TOtES, MOREHEAD CITt AND. BEAUFORT, N. C tage reyesl NLRB JContinued From Paw One) Price, extended his liand to ereet arker, the witness said, Parker Muck Price's band,,the,i grabbed Price by the shoulder and asked Jrim to come out on tha road. Price jtold Parker, the AFL man con tinued, that if he had anything'to bay he should say it there. At that noint. the witness rela ted, Parker said, "You have hurt me and we're giving you until 10 to clock to get out of the county." Early T. Taylor, one of the four pnen that the AFL charges was fired from- Madix because of al leged union activity, testified yes terday morning that Parker had said on the morning of July 31 that he iiad a mob of 30 men and was going to go out and tar and feather Grady Ward Price and that the sheriff was with- him. In reply to Parker's statement the night of Julv 31, Price testified that his brother, Grady Ward said, "I don't scare easily Ed, this is a free country ad I'm going to. be here at 10 o'clock." To this Parker replied, (he wit ness said, "I'm not finished with you. I'll see you later," Besides Lewis and Grady Price pressnt during this conversation, the AFL representative to'd the court that Donald Hunt, AFL re- ijresentative from, Richmond, Va., Was present, as well cs James Cvthrall and Early Taylor, Madix flmployeci, Mr,, and Mrs. Devere, ijasideaU of the irailer camp, and ijirs. Grady Ward Price, who faint est durin? the conversation be 1weenhei husband and Parker. ! The witness stated that on the 4ay following Parker's visit to the trailer camp ha filed charges against Madix and Southern Felt with Reed Johnson, Wins'on palem, representative of the fifth NLRB region and that on the bas s pf 'these charges the NLRB w; s conducting the hearing now in progress. ! : tinder cross examination the AFL representative revealed that his brother did not own the trailer in which he. Gradv Ward,-and his f&mily were living, but that he did own the auo which was tnirn'd. He denied that he told his broihei isjl ' t OU YOUR FAVORITE com When you buy a bag (or lerger) of . HBffl (fai fl I HUM -wt f Flour BELL'S DRUG STORE Is The Place For Fine ' rug Store Service BEAUFORT how to organize a union or that in: case any men wer fired they were to. ascertain the rec.sons foi their being fired. To. the defense counsel's que tions as to whether he,' Lewis Price, thought "Ed Parker wat drunk the night he accosted Gra dy Ward, Price replied that ht didn't know whether Parker war drunk or not. Grady Ward, however, during his testimony 'Wednesday, salt, that Parker probably was drinking Grady Ward, under oalh. to;d that he first started work with Ma dix July 5 an,: liten ;.'. July 11 and returned to. Plymouth, his home, because there was no p'ace to live here. Parker, he testitied told him that if he ever waniec to come brick, ho could, While it Plymouth, Price said, he Jocated t trailer, and with his family re turned to Morchead City and start ed to work a! Madit again July If On th" .-Hornnrn of Julv 28. I he continued, Glenn Rose', fired ! him, cursing and swearing, unci I aceiisl -g him of rrganizing labor, j Parker loo. Price said, told him tc. I gel opt. While 7"i!inj', for his check in Let us show you how our policy holders hav saved thousands of dollars through dividands raturr.; J SL A CHALK, JR. MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY 1st Citizens Bank MttR. Morehead City FILL IN THE COUPON. Itisgood for 1 5f on the purchase of a pound of yopr 'fatoritevforTeet'whefr yoa buy a 0-lb. baft (or larger) of Pills bury's Best Frou-at your grocer's regularprice. You'll gctthe best bak ing of your life with satin-smooth, tried-and-true Pillsbury's Best! 'Su Do!te uour Best with Pillsbums Besf You Are Cordially Invited To The FORMAL OPENING Bokri L. Rcse Icier Company CHERRY POINT II AVELOCK P. 0. NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY 8 OCTOBER 19 IS ROB ROSE President A Hew 1943 FdffSadaii Will Be Sold tonight, Od. 8lh Al $110 BELOW The List Pries HEBE ABC THE EUIES: No new or used car dealer can draw. 2. The person whose name is drawn must be ZL years of age or older. 3. The buyer will not be allowed to resell or trade thit car for a period of 12 months, 4. Everyone Interested in buying must register before 7 p.m. the office of the plant, the wit ness stated. W. C. Carlton, purchos ing agent for Madix told him that there had never been any unions n rartwt eo'inty and there were never going to be. U'der cross pxamina'.ion. Brooks, attorney for Mndix and Southern Felt, charged that Gr.-dy Ward, having' worked for the North Ca rolina Pulp comnanv at Plymouth, was .a member of (he Sulfide end Pupermill Workers union before coming to the local plant, I The defense counsel attempted 'o prove while Early T. Taylor was on the stand yesterd. y that Tay'or was fired because of in "ompetenee, Trylor having been ' drunk on the Job. To qucst'nns .). 'cmpting to establish that Taylor his a criminal rpeord, general counsel for the NUtB repeatedly nnd firmly objected. ! Tre defense counsel also at tempted to establish that Tny'or isd comnanv tiiti" to h;md ovt . union cards and get them slenod. I Taylor, who has beci rehed sin-e he was fired on the same day is Grady Wr.rd Price, said lh;;t he '""imc t member of the Carteret Felt -nd Roofin" Tmnloyees' rs soeiation after returning to work. J:mts Cuthrell Beaufort, w s called to 'he s'and ypsierd.iy after noon. Culhrell testified tint he, Ion, was fired the uflcrnonn of 1 July 21) but that he was later re hired. At Ihe time he was find l'.' rker itid Rise annroaehed him and asked him. whit he knew about the union cards hpi if hord ed cu t Culhrell rela'ed lie told them the witness continued, that he didn't know much alvut il bid that be was in favor of ort'aniv d labor. II ws then Cu'brell said, that he ws told to leave. Culhrell testified Hint h a member of the Roofing and Kelt Mill Employees' association h.iv inM si'.'ned the re"ulalions and by laws. A meeting of this asyieia lion, the wilnoss s;iid, was called rigNS INK NOTEBOOKS WRITING PADS BELL'S DRUG STORE BEAUFORT PAUL obby-craf! BE A l 'FORT CI 3 BROAD ST. S Made To Order CABINETS - SIGNS I M TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCtft fSA r'Sw'rfJ co"'tK0- nti(le tou to porchtw one pound of coffc IT I i "'ftV-H'a (nrbra4)livinof t?r.whnyoubiv10-lh.b(rrlrr) lilliiJt II VHii r"W m unricnca riour jrour (racer a rcitulu retail pric. iiM'A" i ONtY ONI COUPON TO A CUSTOMS Date. XJf 5 ymt . ; J, Town Sm. ftK. FOOD MERCHANT: Pilljburr Mills, Inc.. will W yon lit in S j ( "3v!,(e cash for thii coupon provided you and the customer have complied ' 1 . wiUi the terou of thia offer. ftSiS nUWORT MtUf , Im., MtntwaaMlli, Mlnatiola 'Msti tjQHi . CoorffValalyoViyifrwedoHof pu6feolion.Coiivouof couponlJOo onacm. iM3t I ' -' 'j' MOW I'll mtfL. I5MT HURRY M BUTTHEWIWO-J -Z M ..yf HAWC.IT ekVtt7ZZmm. rStolJXnuEuatrL .Z-aepstumic. . -w U-H Joutme I .ct Lffl h wi3 teS5 EIaM:y DOAKS ' -.v - - : ' : . . v IMPOBTAN ' I I SMzMMk ' J AW EF WE DOW'T LOOW IT T JTi LITTLE MORE i , . l&t&mSBm& I picupdoubioow J THAI?'5k sure F.x3iSto the left, Sl(? I tm'i MMOK I LIGHT 50OM WE .JJSlSi) cSeOM SfSM' OrH I OfF SHORE rou TUMit-rcii. ' , , mg Vrfw "m'i -fjPSkvWA f 1 II. soc ship r t w ' 0 mmn 1 ' ' ' ,v ' - ' '. "t ' ' ' ' 8 . LOCATION UNDESIRABLE 1 ' sakf i &!m vPS. ' WftM&k&EM "J5, .tCfC& TOOtV :SnCL5E?THI5 II iranoimRio APPLE f I t075 7(1 Quart $F0 Pint V to tnoor id I SB M II Ira I FUEL OIL DILL 39 LQER MOT SVB, HOWE WUMB Phone 3132 "Aayone thould know when bill are too hifh. but we didn't. Nat until we accepted h Ftp offer of. a Fuel Conferva tion Survey o our nome. from tha Williams Oil-O-. Matic dealer. "Factory-trained aaperU checked and analyzed our houae and our hat in( ayitera with scientific instrument. They found the trouble. "We followed their recommenda tions. Now we are more comfortable, losing ten neat- and not watting oil. We are saving money we didn't know we had been throwing away. - bv Stormy Rivers, a mechanic al the plant, on Aug. 3. At this meet ing, Cuthrell continued, Rivers told the men assembled that they were going to organize Iheir own union and if any employee who h;id been there 30 days wuJtod. to remain, he had better join. Rivers further announced,, the witness stated, that there would be a !$2'emry lee mid trmt Brewin oresident of the corporation, slid he would lend them tfie money. To this testimony, Hamilton, counsel for the Employees assojit; tioi, continually objected, but the examiner overruled Hamilton's ob jections. After the hearing ends, Exami ner Eadie ' will study the minutes and make a decision as to whether Midix corporation hos violated federal lubor laws. Nothing is opened more by mis take thun the mouth. . FRESH CAU6HT . The harbor at Tutuila Island, American Samoa, has been called the best and most beautiful in tho South Seas. DRESSED & DELIVERED Phone M-401-1 M -402-1 Cnll on ue today if you want informa tion on fishing boats for charter sir an dtir of dreetad. fiah., OTTIS' MOREHEAD GITY FISH MARKET V SALES & SERVICE, Inc. LICENSED PLUMBING ft HEATING ' CONTRACTORS Cor. Crave ft Pollock St. t.r -NEW BERN ' -Ehoae 3122 4&i AJ V Look at thai typical valuott SALAD DRESSING GRAPE JAM Serve grind-tasting meals with Ana Page) Foods . . . they're real "honey.values", too, because they're made in AaVft own modern Ann Page food factories and brought Anted j to you. This eliminate maov unnecessary in between expenses and yon share the sawing. Buzx in touayl ANN (VJ PAGE FOODS Ann Page Ann Paee (TD A 1 DCDBV"" p j I nrtTi uunn i i Preserves SPARKLE Gelatin Dtrt 20c MACARONI a I9c OLIVES tvi? 49c MUSTARD .. Ann Passe .lur 15c KETCHUP Fancy Tomato But 20c 18-Ot Cana 23c 15H Oz. Cans EVAP. MILK ... . 3 Tall Cana Large Bunch Carrots 18c Tokay Grapes, 2 lbs. 23c Yellow Onioniv2k..Jc Idaho Russet Potatoes, 5 lbs. 29c Creen Tender Creen Beans, 2 lbs 25c e, lb. 4c Apples, 5 lbs. Jc Nnslard; Greens, lb.. 10c Cabbae Values Everyday at A&F Kne flavor f ''' '"r lona Peas . . . 10c Campbells' Tomato Soup 2 21c A4P Cream Style Corn . . . A&P Oraen and White Asparagus . . . No. a Cana Sunnlfleld Sclf-Rlslng 19c 40c tit 78c No. a Can Flour Washburn' Pea Beans . . California Large Dried Prunes Pucker' Label Orange Juice . A4tP Fancy Bartlett Pears . Southern Style- Vanilla Wafers 25c 2Lb. Pkg. 1-Lb. Pliofilm Pkg. No. 3 Cao No. 2V Can 33c 20 c 11c 40c MORREL PRIDE SKGniED HAI1S, lh 65c MOKREL PEIDE 1 SLICED DACOIl lb. ............ G9c SMALL SIZE SIIOIDED PICIIICS; lb. 55c CEUCK ROAST (Bdneln) lb. SK03T RIBS OF BELT, lb. Dressed and Drawn FRYERS, lb. Dressed and Drawn ; HEKS, lb. 73c 43c 66c 58c PERK GRANULATE!! 80AP Lg. Pkft 35c Ijte. Pkg. DUZ 35 c SPICAlfD , SPAN 2-"47c rvost SNOW 35c DREFT "32c PAO SOAP 2 6a'18c fieU-Rldng PILLSBURY FLOUR 10-Ib. fia 92c MUd SUld liU0W 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 40c 0 3 & $JS SNOWDRIFT Si $1.19 SWIFT JEWEL ST 32t CRISCO. $1.19 ffablsoo Cracker PREMIUM. 25c Rom Styl) Baud with Rtg. Pav MARVEL DREAD

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