1 PACE FOVK CARTERET COUNTY KEWS-TtMES, IfOfttSfcAft ctTt AJfo ft&At$G&fvtt. & FRIDAY, NOVEMBER , 1940 5! Al'l. Mlttaet Mora, Society Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Stihipson and daughter, Sharon, returned Monday night front a trip to Char lotte and Mount Airy. : Mr. ahd Mrs. George McNeill attended the Wake Forest-State game last Saturday. Robert McNeill spent the week end with the W. C. Carltons. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ilancoek, of Raleigh, spent the weekend here. i -Dr. ad Mrs. C. H. Strosheider, I of Goldsboro spent the weekend at their cottage here. Clyde Douglas and Vaden Fori ville, of Raleigh, were here for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Phelps and baby, of l.umnerton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hicks. Jack Johnson, of Wilmington, was the Weekend guest of D. G. Bell. , Mr. and Mrs. Karl Webb have returned to New York after spend ing the summer at their estate on Bogue Sound. i Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Taylor spent the weekend in Winston Salem visiting their daughter, Carolyn, who fc a senior at Salem College. Miss Jean Farrior, who is at tending Flora McDonald college at Red Springs, will spend the week end at home. 'Jack Stallings and Cecil Adams flew to Johnson City, Tenn., for the weekend and attended the Carolina-Tennessee football game at Knoxvillc on Saturday. e mrs. w. i... lJcrrieKson moiorea Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ga'iier are spending several days in Durham. Mrs. Frank Gralham and daugh- DOB UJ An Original $14.95 UNUSUAL button tteotment fhotdfhamest o) tnit slimming, trimming jackal with its neat contrast-piping end pencil writ ' ; Gitpmeh'titriped suiting toyon ! in oxford or ton a MARIE PHILLIPS "Wedged-io-Volua" i Ofigrnol...5izW"ftlS, THE DRESS SHOP WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE i HOREIIEAD CITY , Phone II 61S1 1 tet, Barbara, and Mrs. George Lewis left yesterday to Visit Mr. George Wyatt bewte, Hi Buffalo, N. Y., for a week. Miss Baltara Grantfeatn apeirt last Weekend ik Lottisturg. Mr. end Mrs. i. G. Bennett spent the weekend In Lbuisburg. Mrs. S. W, Thompson and Mrs. II. L. Joslyn spent Wednesday in New Bern. Mr. ahd Mrs. Roland McClatn roch, of Chapel Hill, are spending several days hefe. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor motor ed to Raleigh Tuesday to meet their daughter, Mrs. Alva Vah Nortwick ahd son, Bill who arriv ed from Jacksonville, Fla., to spehd some time here. Dr. Van Nortwick will join them later. Buddy Garner is visiting his grandparents in Newport. The Reverend L. A. Tilley left Wednesday to attend the Metho dist conference in Greenville. V. Parker had as his guest over the week end his army buddy during the war, Holt Elbey, of Charlotte. Mrs. Rogers Wins High Al Bridge Party Recently Mrs. Wnde Bell entertained members of her bridge club at her home on Arendell Street Wednes day evening. Bridge was played at two tables with Mrs. Raymond Rogers win ning Christmas cards for high score. Second high, hand cream, was won by Mrs. Dan Swindell. The hostess served cokes with nuts and candy. Mrs. Edgar Bell will entertain the club next week. As a rule, the air moves as wind from west to east in the United States. MM . Wt glvM ft raaalatiftfl far Mfctanfltft) tftttrttttttt ttftttt S. A. CHALK, Jr. MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY First Citieens Bank BIdg. Phone 836 Morehead City Editor I 1i . ... 1 Junior Woman's Club to Sponsor Bazaar The Junior Woman's Club heard an informal talk by Dr. John Mor ris on the education of the public Hi reference to cancer at their reg al!1 meeting Wednesday evening. Along with his discussion Dr. Mor ris presented a film on cancer. During the business session the Ways and Means committee made tentative plans for a bridge tour nament to be held in January. The Public Welfare committee tnhounced that it had made pro visions to feed one child. at the school luneti room throughout the school year. At the conclusion of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Walter Morris, Mrs. Lonnie Dill, Mrs. Frank Fxum, and Mrs. Ruth Langstaff. Costume Party Given By Mrs. Joe Smith Mrs. Joe Smith was hostess to the Floating Bridge Club on Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Guests were Mrs. A. II. James, Mrs. S. J. Kabon, Mrs. Gus Aspen burg, Mrs. John Johnson, Mis. Sadie Howland, Clyde Young, Wayne Cooper and Joe Smith. High score prize, talcum powder, was won by Mrs. James and second high, a salt and pepper rack, went to Clyde Young. Mrs. Mowland won a box of stationery for the best costume, as the members and guests came dressed for a tacky costume party. Upon arrival of her guests the hostess served iced gingerbread with coffee snd later peanuts, po tato sticks and cokes were enjoy ed. HOSPITAL NOTES Mr. Tucker Smith, of Marshall berg, is improving in the hospital. Mr. James D. Willis, of Beau fort, whs discharged from the has pital Thursday. Mr. Roseoe G. Willis, of Atlantic, is receiving treatment. Mrs. Pearl H. Parker, of More head City, underwent an operation Thursday. The Rev. Richard C. Goodchild, Of Pink Hill, father of Mrs. W. Y. Stewart, of Beaufort, underwent an operation Tuesday and is doing nicely. Mr. James Manning, of New Bern, rt., 4, was operated on Tues day and his condition is satisfac tory. , Mrs. Augusta Bailey Joyner, a graduate of the Lumberton Hos pital, has Joined the nursing staff of the Morehead City Hospital. In its original unbroken, un melted form, every snowflake has its structure and shape built i units vi six. tnese lane on an al most endless variation of design. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF TOILETRIES AND COSMETICS CELL'S K3I STC2E BEAUFORT MMai Atufet a wjny awraga ia aoert aad tills! AV fmndhf skelter to the aaMda your deer. Tatre Mal far wiatfewt, aorchat ad WfctaJaaWftMtiMt dut-of-Toton Orders SolicHtd tZZimtt I2TAL cr EEAurcm Jaaes G. Whiishcrst QfT Phone B 57M 111 Marsh Street BEAUFORT, N. C i2? Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. Robert Shaw Mrs. Robert Shaw entertained her bridge club at net apartment on Evans street Tuesday evening. Guests were Mrs. Jack Styron, Miss Frances Pittman, arid Mrs. Virgil Jenkins. The hostess used arrangements of chrysanthemums throughout her home for 'decorations. Club high was won by Miss Arm Mills and guest high, fish figur ines, went to Mrs. Styron. The hostess served cake iced m black and white with coffee and salted nuts. Mrs. M. B. Morey will entertain the club next week. Registered Nurses Meet At Fort Macon Hotel The monthly meeting of the Re gistered Nurses of Carteret County was held Wednesday evening at the Fort Macon dining room. Mrs Tressa Vickers, president, presided over the meeting. A report of the 46lli convention of the North Carolina State Nurtees which was held in Wilmington, was given by Miss Octavia Frazier. It was announced that Nov. 14 20 has been proclaimed as Nurse Progress Week by the Mr. Truman and Nov. 16 will be known as Lin da Richards Day. Miss Linda Richards was the first American nurse and finished her training in 1873. This will be the 75th, dia mond, jubilee of nursing in Ameri ca. Mrs. Ralph Wade rendered sev eral solos and was accompanied at the piano by Miss Joyce Willis. Mrs. A. H. James Has. Club Tuesday Evening Mrs. Alfonso James entertain ed members of the Tuesday eve ning bridge club at her home on Arehdell Street. Mrs. Lionel Smith was a guest for the evening. Three progressions of bridge were played with Mrs. Jimmy Ra bon winning a vase for high score. Second high, cards, went to Mrs. Robert Laughton. Mrs. Smith was also honored with a small gift. The hostess served chocolate po nies with hot coffee. Recent Guests At Jefferson Hotel Among the guests register ed at the Jefferson Hotel re cently were Commander Thomas L. Dean, of Charleston, S. C, George W. Wilkinson, Rocky Mount, "Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bal lenger, of Charlotte, Mr. Eugene Higgins, of Gerard, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Everettt, of Greensboro, Mr. R. S. Massey, of Durham and Mr. William Somers and party of Kinston. Marriage Announced Mrs. Louise Walters, of More- head City, has announced the mar riage of her daughter, Elsie Je- nette to Sergeant Fred D. Sprad ling. The wedding took place on Saturday, the twenty-third of Oct ober, in Morehead City. A cash register may have as many as 250 gears. Hi.A introduces a NEW x ; D Mis Baltoa Eftgatjfed Mr. and Mrs. E. V. BaHm, of Morehead City. armoauee the engagement of their daughter, Ca rolyn Arden, to Mr. Donald Lee Harrisdn, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Jf. Harrison, Of Rockmart, Ga. The wedding will be fcofeinnfoed on December 3rd. Local Ladies Attend Luncheon At Fat mvllle- Mrs. Arthur Joytoer entertained at her home in FarthVille last Wed nesday with a luncheon. Those at tending from here were Mrs. i. C. Taylor, Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mr. H. W. Thornton, Mrs. Dai-den Ewe, Mrs. W. L. Derriekson, Mrs. B. T. Royal, Mrs. J. W. Jackson, Mrs. George R. Wallace ahd Mr. Gvofge McNeill. omUAHIES Ma R. Jinneti Funeral services for John Jtt nett, 48, former resident Of Beau fort, and brotlieY of Mrs. M. A. Norfis, of Beaufort, were Conduct ed Saturday afternWWi at New Bern. Mr. Jinnett died suddenly at his residence in Washington, N. C. Thursday night, Oct. 28. At the time of bis death he was working as a linotype operator for the Mercury tnagarine tti Wash ington. The son of the late John R. and Sophronia Jinnett, of Car teret county, he is survived by Mrs. Norris; another sister, Mrs. W. A. Neal, New Bern, and a half brother, Dan Lewis, of fttrrtlngtttn. Mr. Jinnett Was a world war 2 veteran. The funeral service Was ebrtdutt ed by the Rev. W. C. Foster, pas tor of the Broad Street Christian church. New Bern. Interment was in Cedar Greve cemetery. STORK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Davis, of Davis, announce the birth of a daughter, Sherry Virginia, In the Morehead City Hospital on Oct ober 30. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Nelson, Of Atlantic, announce the birth of a son, Larry Sheldon, oh October 31, in thi Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Parker, Jr., of Morehead City, announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Eileen, in the Morehead City Hospital on Oct ober 26. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Salter, of Atlantic annnuHr thp hirth tit twin daughters, Linda Faye and Lila May, on October zt, in me Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fermoh W. Good win, of Cedar Island, announce the birth of a daughter, Dora Lee, the Morehead City hospital Oft Oc tober 31. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Baft, of Mansfield, announce the birth Of a son, Raymond Clyde, Jr., on Oc tober 31, in the Morehead City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Felts DiKon, of Salter Path, announce the birth of a daughter, Roseama, n Nov. 2, in the Morehead City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Boyd, of SAPLESS T Leauty Irfaisiere tht only stitctitJ cup itraplut traiMt'trf maJ$ NECS of the CHURCHES Ftafcklifc MehwrUl Methodist drareh MortfceaiClty the Rev. W. D. Caviness, Minister ftuaday, Nov. 7 :4b a.m. Sunday School, Wal ter Jjewis, superintendent There wH be no morning wor ship service at 11 o'clock. 1:t0 p.m. Evening Worship. Louis A. Lewfe will preach. The UaMed Methodist Church Ocraceke The ReV. C. J. Tilley, Minister Saaday, Nov. 7 10 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Theme:. "Great Writers as Inter prefers of Religion ahd the Bible." Members of MYF in charge. t p.m. Evening Worship. Theme: "Songs and Poetry" Mem bers Of the Young Adult Fellow ship bn charge. The Rev." C. J. Tilley is at Green ville attending the North Carolina Methodist conference. St. Part's Episcopal Church Beaufort The Rev. W. L. Martin, Rector SMday, Nov. 1 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9:45 a.tri. Church School 11 a.m. Canvassers in the VmUSTON Nov. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Seymore Davte.went to New Bern Monday on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Piner and two children came home last week from Portsmouth where they spent the summer. He has been employed there in the fishing. Quite a large crowd attended a Hallowe'en party given at the Smyrna High school building Fri day night. The children enjoyed it very much. Mrs. Ion Willis is spending some time in BeaWort With her daugh ter, Mrs. Cecil Peterson. Mr. -Gordon Wade returned from Portsmouth last week where he spent the summer. He was an ehgiher on one of Mr. Smith's boats. Havelpck, announce the birth of a son, Harvey Edward, Jr., on Nov. 2, in the Morehead City hospital. Mr. arid Mrs. Lonnie Pittman, of Morehead City, announce the birth af a Won, Lonnie Earl, on Nov. 2, in the Morehead City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde William Young, Jr., announce the birth of k i son,Clydc William, III, in ttfe Morehead City hospital on Nov. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roy Lin coln, of Morehead City, announce the birth XI a Sdh. Clinton Ernesf tn Nov. 2, in the Morehead City nospuai. . Mr. and Mrs, Dominic Ferhia, of Morehead City, announce the birth of a daughter, Anil Carmelle, in the Mrefcead City hbspital on Nov. a. - And Builds II Around Such Lovely Stales As These Bed room Suites We're Showing How . . . . tttu f3 its Style you want CI. iTL& ttaUCTT, IIAKCGANY - m Tex ma m fit, Tco. Come ia and loclt fcese Values over now. You'll still have time It tedicsrafo fer tie gala season , - ' -' ---'-' - - CITY AFHIQECE COIIPAIIY ROY HAMILTON C Z. CHAPPELL " ffMftCtRM R ' Beaufort every member canvass will meet at the parish house. 4 p.m. Evening Prayer and report on the canvass. Tuesday, Nov. 9 7:30 p.m. Junior' Choir prac tice Wednesday, Nov. 10 7:30 p.m. Adult choir practice Tonight at 7 o'clock there will be a Halloween party for church school children in the parish house. Ann Street Methodist Church Beaufort The Rev. T. R. Jenkins, Minisier Sunday, Nov. 7 9:45 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Morning Worship, sermon by Chaplain Curtis, Metho dist chaplain at Cherry Point. Rev. Mr. Jenkins will be in Greenville at the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist church. 6:30 p.m. Junior, Intermedi ate, and senior youth fellowships. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. The Senior Youfh Fellowship will be hi charge. Monday, Nov. 8 8 p.m. Wesleyan Service Guild will meet with Miss Ethel White hurst. Wednesday, Nov. 10 7:30 p.m. Prayer service at the church, N. F. Eure in charge. Mr. Martin Brooks and wife spent Monday evening in Beaufort. Miss Waneta Gillikin, of Bettie, Janet Wade. They both went to Beaufort to the show Saturday night. Mrs. Dollie Taylor and little daughter visited Mrs. Ruth Gibbs Monday afternoon. Mr. Corbin Gibbs has been spending a few weeks here with We are all glad to see Mr. Tra vis Willis came home again after in the hospital at Richmond, Va. He is well now. Mr. Martin Brooks is home on duty off for a few days. YOU CAN BUY A GOOD QUALITY INNERSPR1NG MATTRESS FOR ONLY $35 Minus $19.50 for your old mat. Comfort Innerspring Unit Guaranteed By Good Housekeeping Call or Write RESTWELL MATTRESS CO. 2104 Trent Blvd. 2889 New Bern Pickup & Deliver Anywhere - GRAPETTE GRAPETTE ..THHtstrta6i MHea- r VX1 ( Mt Mf & prince Joins Club GENEVA (AP) Eighteen year old Prince Baudoin, eldest son of King Leopold III of the" Belgians, was received as'a mem ber of the Swiss Alpine Club at a ceremony here recently. Prince Baudoin lives in exile with his father near Geneva. King Leopold is himself a member of the club, as was his father, the late King Albert, who was killed in a moun taineering accident in 1934. Moose are this continent's larg est game animal. Because their diet sometimes consists of hard wood shrubs and twigs, the Algon quins called them "wood eaters." BELL'S DRUG STORE BEAUFORT GIVES PROMPT ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS . PA0L obby-crafi BEAUFORT 613 BROAD ST. Made To Order CABINETS - SIGNS Lowe Bros. Paints Glamorize Your Legs With Our 1st Quality 51 Gauge 20 Benier SHEER IE'' Size 81-21o 10 1-2, in all the newest dark shades. pr. SPECIAL SmPUEllT hi Quality Newest Dark Shades Sizes 8 1-1 to 10 1-2 at SPECIilL Purchase 2gs Seamless NYLON STOCK 119 mm mi M i i i.ri-i ii. Itmt a. VI AmS j Jt -