V ntlBAT, NOTHtfBCP. 12, IMS CARTEKTT .COUNTY NETPS-TTWE5, CITY AXD BEAtTFORjC. & C f AGE TW& Wrs. J. Michael Moran, Society flr. D. F. Merrill and Mrs. Odell Ifletoill spent Tuesday in Wilming- ,no Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dickinson, Jr., Mrs. L. C. Dickinson, Sr.. and Mrs. &,liN. Lee spent Sunday in Rocky j'oward Jones, of Louisburg! Sptffit the weekend here with his 'ob Humphrey, of E.C.T.C., spent Monday here with his moth er.. , V Mrs. C. R. Wheatly, Mrs. Ed Da idson, and son, Paul, returned Wednesday from a week in Rich mond, Va. fiarles Murkey returned Mon- dPfrom a week's vacation in York. Pa. fiCn Anderson, of York, Pa., re cently spent several days with Mr. andfMrs. Charles Markey. rs. J. C. Keel is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rudolph Atkinson, i in Tapahannock, Va. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dear re turned to Jersey City, N. J., Wed nesdav after spending several Jays ! tiora vicitina thoir rlnncrhtar Mru f ....... ... .b ....... . , ....... Logwood Phillips. Mrs. Claud Wheatly and young son, Rob, spent yesterday in Wil mint.!n where Rob is being taken to see Dr. Sidbury. ' Lt Macon Snowden left Wednes daJ,Tor Norfolk, after a short visit wi ith his mother, wife and son. Gainer Bryan, Jr., who has been employed by the News-Times, will lm this afternoon for Augusta, GoAwhere he has accepted a posi tion); with the Augusta Chronicle. C. C. Croom of the State Board (of Health, malaria division, Visit ed the county health department Tuesday in the interest of DDT 6 FEET TALL? YQUTJL FIND FASCINATING NEWS AT THE BOTTOM C$ THIS AD - And- fXols of News-Worthy Items In Between f: SUITES FOR Living Room Bed Room Dinette OIL HEATERS ELECTRIC BLANKETS LINOLEUM RUGS INLAID LINOLEUM BABY FURNITURE END TABLES DRUM TABLES SCATTER RUGS HOME APPLIANCES IRONING BOARDS ODD CHAIRS SOFAS SOFA BEDS WINDOW SHADES CHROME BREAKFAST SUITES ASPHALT TILE OPEN STOCK FURNITURE FOR Bed Room Living Room ROLLAWAY BEDS "ELECTRIC HEATERS CLOTHES HAMPERS MANY, MANY OTHERS AT LAST! Sleep In Peace Something - NEW To' Carteret County For You! Springs & Mattresses To Fit Your Extra Length Bl vtFor Full Particulars See UELLIS FURinruoE i "At The Furniture Sign" 120NT ST. v BEAUFORT Editor Phone MU1 malaria control program for the next year. Dr. Harold umm left Wednes day for ' Mismi, Fui. Pram .there he will go to Bimini for several weeks, returning the first part of December. A recent visitor at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Humm, Piv er's Island, was Dr. Robert Lunz 01 t'liarleston, S. C Saller-McCleary Miss Margery McCleary, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McCleary, of Johnstown, Pa., became the bride of Clarence Salter, son of Mr, Charles Salter and the late Mrs. Rena Salter, of Beaufort, N. C. on October 15, 1948, at 11 a.m. The double ring ceremony took place in the Memorial Baptist church in Johnstown, Pa., with the Reverend Wilbur S. Sheriff officia ting. They are making their home at Bettie. Buffet Supper Given For Joyce Johnson Mrs. Dick Parker and Mrs. A. H. Jones, Jr., were joint hostesses at a buffet supper and kitchen show er honoring Mids Joyce Johnson, on Monday evening. The jarty was given at the home of Mrs. James' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Blake. A delicious supper consisting of chicken salad on lettuce, stuffed celery, pickles, olives, deviled eggs and hot coffee was served alter which several games of bqnanza were played. Miss Johnson received many use ful and attractive gifts from the twelve friends present. Bridal Luncheon To Be Given Mr and Mrs. Raymond Wheat ley, of Washington, N. C, will en tertain with a bridal luncheon for members of the Wheatley Johnson wedding party and out-of-guests at the Inlet Inn tomorrow. Twenty five guests are expected. Commander Snowden Arrives Here Commander Ernest Snowden nr rived Wednesday night to spend a week with his mother, Mrs. M. S Snowden before reporting to Cor pus Christi, Tex. Commander Snowden recently arrived in the States after ' spending two years in Argentina' instructing for the Argentine Government. Care and feeding of your Buek engine our specialty It takes a well-balanced diet of gasoline and air to feed your Quick -engine o it purrs like a kitten yet delivers Fireball power for quick get aways and smooth driving. We specialize in keeping the "food" your Bulck travel on p to it dietary requirement. By inspecting fuel pump, keep ing your carburetor free of dirt and gums. And by serv icing niters the Buick way. Everything we do i done the Buick way with Buick factory-engineered part. There's no better way to keep your Buick always a Buick always at its best. I,:03LEY Buick Cczany Bridge ft 18th St.' MOREHEAD CITY - Business and Professional Glub Schedule Christmas Party Dec. 14 Members of the Carteret Busi ness t 'and ' Professional Women's club will meet fur their Christmas patty Tuesday evening, Dec. 14, it was announced at the November meeting Tuesdry night in the edu cational building of Ann Street Methodist church, Beaufort. Among those who will serve on the Christmas party committee are Mrs. 'George Henderson, Mrs. Mar Ian Ryan, Mrs.' Jessie Devonchik, Mrs. D. F. Merrill, Miss buoy Whitehufst, and Mrs. Valeria Law is. . In charge of the Christmas char ity project are Mrs. . Roma N6e, tteaufort, and Miss Marie Willis, Morehead City. The club voted in favor of re districting, a project undertaken by the slate organization, and it was agreed that gifts would be ex changed among members of the club at the Christmas party. Miss Octavia Frazier, vice-presi- Linen Shower Given For Bride - Elect Miss Joyce Johnson, bride-elect of tomorrow, was given a linen shower by Mrs. Pearl McQuaid and Mrs. Holden Ballon on Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. McQuaid. Bridge was ' played at three tables with Miss Johnson, winning high score, Miss Betty Hedrick, second high, and Miss Shirley Johnson, third high. The hostess served fruit jello with whipped cream and toll house cookies prior to the bridge g: me and cokes were enjoyed during play. The hostesses remembered Miss Johnson with a lovely linen lunch eon set, and she received m:my other gifts of linen. Tri-Hi-Y Club Meeis At Home of Iris Davis The regular business meeting of the Tri-Hi-Y was held on Monday evening at the home of Iris Davis, with president Mary Fond Mason in charge. In addition to the regular busi ness, the formation of a new Tri-Hi-Y was discussed for next year, also the collection of food to make up Thanksgiving baskets to be given by the club. At the previous meeting, the name of the club was changed from the Hi-Y to the Tri.Hi Y. The officers for the year are, in addition to Mary Fond Mason, Neva Bell, vice president, Margaret Ann Windley, secretary, Mary Da vis, treasurer. Miss Betty Hedrick is supervisor. May Jo Ipork, Reporter Lovely Tea Given For Miss Joyce Johnson Miss Joyce Johnson, bride-elect of tomorrow, was guest of honor at a lovely tea given by Mrs. E. H. Potter, Miss .Lottie Sanders and Miss Lena Duncan on Wednesday afternoon from3:30 to 5. The tea was given at the home of Mrs. Pot ter on Marsh street. Guests were greeted at the door by Miss Sanders and Miss Duncan snd introduced to the bride-elect and her mother. Miss Johnson wore a lovely corsage of white chrysanthemums and Mrs. Johnson wore maroon chrysanthemums. The house was lovely through out with various arrangements of white chrysanthemums. In the dining room Mrs. James Wheatley, Mrs. Dick Parker and Mrs. Gray Hassell presided over the tea table which was covered with a white lace cloth and flanked with glow ing white tapers in silver candle sticks. Tea was poured from anj antique silver service and served with open face sandwiches and nuts. The hostesses remembered Miss Johnson with crystal in her pat tern. Approximately 40 friends called during the afternoon. STORK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Avery, of Havelock, announce the birth of a daughter, Beverly Lynn, in the Morehead City Hospital on Nov. 5. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Justice, of Havelock, announce the birth of a- daughter, Jendy Joel, on Nov. 6, in the Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Crowe, of Morehead City, announce the .birth of twin sons, Donald Hurst and Ronald Hurst, on Nov. 3, In the Morehead City Hospital. ' Mr. and Mrs. George D. Phillips, of Morehead City, announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Louise in the Morehead City Hospital on Nov. 7. Mr. and Mr. T. R. Turner, of Morehead City, announce the birth of daughter, Marie Joy, in the Morehead City Hospital on Nov. 7. Mr. and Mrs.M. W. Smith, of Salter Path, announce the birth of daughter, Sylvia sane, on Nov. 0, in the Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and Mn. E. E. Weeks, of Bogue, announce the birth of a on, Joseph Lloyd, in the Morehead .lent, announced that nurses would observe Nurse Progress Week Xov. 14 to 20, hkI Mrs. M. M. Ays jue, president, requested members .0 purchase memberships to the North Cirolina Symphony as soon as possible. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Forwood Clark, Philadelphia, and Pegsy Metz, Beaufort. Three new members, Mrs. Helen JlalKell, Mrs. Devonchik, and Miss Violet Howard, were initiated. During the recre:tton program, Mrs. fclsie Hunt won a contest which required naming of the li lies of songs. The room ws decorated with red autumn leaves and chrysanthe mums. On the menu was baked ham. green beans, yams, x tomato salad, coffee, and pie. In charge bf the program w;s Miss Huzil Noe, assisted by Miss rnecia Wiley, end Miss Mildred VVhltchuist. HOSPITAL NOTES Mr. Glenn Rose, of Morehead City, was discharged from the hos pital Thursday after being treated for a spider bite. Mr. Lonnie A. Daniels, of More head City, is doing nicely follow ing an operation. Mr. Lundy Gillikin, Jr., of Beau fort, was admitted Monday for treatment. Mrs. Mildred Leister, of Hove-' lock, was admitted Wednesday fori an operation on Thursday. Mr. James G. Mitchell, of More head City, was admitted Tuesday. Mr. Kenneth Moore, of Salter Path, was admitted Monday. Mrs. John C. Rig?s of Swans boro, was admitted Tuesday. Mrs. Quinton Salter, of Newport, was admitted Wednesday. Mr. Tucker Smith, of Marshall berg, is much improved. ' Mrs. William O. White, of Beau fort, underwent n tonsillectomy Wednesday. Mr. Alexander Wilson, of New port, was admitted Tuesday. PTA (Continued From Page One) project of the grade mothers is purchase of song books for the school. James Wheatley, program chair man, announced that Mrs. Charles Hassell and the music department of the school will have charge of the December meeting. Mrs. George Eastman, member ship chairman, announced that 291 members had joined the PTA, and that the first room having 100 per cent membership would receive a prize. Mrs. Grayden Ppul, Teen-Age Canteen chairman, announced that improvements in the way of a stove, electrical outlets, a juke box and coke box have been made in the Scout building but they need tables, lamps and chairs. One hundred sixteen dollars and twenty-five cents has been spent on the building, and $108 has been col lected from donations. The canteen has repaid the PTA the money loaned. Mrs. Margaret Hopkins, leader of the canteen for December an nounced that there will be a Sadie Hawkins dnnre tomorrow night. and that the high school freshmen will be in cnarge ot me nexi Sat urday night dance. Plans for the last dance of the month have not been made yet. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. R. M. Williams, in charge of the program on health. . The fourth graders entertained with a health play and songs, after which Dr. N. T. Ennett, county health officer spoke briefly on health for the school child, and Dr. W. L. Woodard gave a short talk on dental tare for children. Attendance prizes were won by Miss Lessie Arrington's fourth grade, Miss Davis's fifth and Mr. McQuaid's eleventh grades. HONOR BOLL (Continued From Page One) Whitehurst, Patricia Willis, Inez! Woodard. Eighth grade: Gordon Davis, Pntsv Recton. Marearet Bryant. Faye Merrill, Andy Mason, Corinne Scurlock. - Ninth grade: Joyce Norris, Eliza-, beth House, Faye - Taylor, Shell Smith. , v Tenth grade: Jane Basden, Eli zabeth Bell, Peggy, Piver, Carol Willis. . Eleventh grade: Neva Dail Wil lis, Connie Dudley, Jean Hopkins, Helen Paul, Betty Lou Pittman. Twelfth grade: Neva Bell, Betsy Jones. Marv Fond Mason. Julia Simpson, Margaret Ann 1 Windley, Charles Davis, Dowd Davis, ana Colon Wilson. , WHERE QUALITY IS PERMANENT y cox's cnUd stciie BEAUFORT NEWS CF the CHURCHES United Methodist Church ' Ocracoke The Rev. C. J. Tdley, Pastor Sunday, Nov. 14 10 a.m. Church School for all ages 11 a.m. Morning worship. Ser mon: "Some Good Signs God Still Exists." 7 p.m. Evening Worship. Ser mon, "God, the Beginning unJ Adam." tree Will Baptist Church Morehead City The Rev. J. C. GriffinK Pastor Sunday, Nov. 14 9:30 am Sunday School. 11 a.m. Worship with sermon, "The More Excellent Way." - 6:31) p.m. l.eaue service. 7:30 p.m Worship with ser mon, "Three Great Discoveries." Mitiiday, Nov. 15 7:30 p.m. L AS. meets with Mrs. J. C. Griffin at the par.-mn- Tuesday, Nov. 16 2:30 p ni. Woman's auxiliary at .he cliiirL'h. I 'M) pm. Class No. 7 of the Sunday school meets with Mr. and Mis. Jul .i Fulcher, 2207 Homes urive. From Hollywood Gregory Feck Idolizes Bui Dcubis If He'll Ever Play Abraham Lincoln By Gene Handsaker HOLLYWOOD You won'l catch Gregory Peck playing Abra ham Lincoln, even though the Ci vil War President is his idol. And even if, with a beard, Greg looks an awful lot like Abe. "Sure, I'm tall a'd skinny and grow a benrd," Peck admitted, "but I don't think that's enough qualification. I think I'm too fond of him to play him realistically. And there's nothing more horrible than idealizing some character out of history. "Besides, there's no element of surprise left. Lincoln's been done. Unless" and here the brown Jeck eyes brightened speculatively "unless there could be a story about the strain and tension of h s home life. It's only been hinted at." With which Greg, in his home grown beard, went back to playing Russian novelist Dostoyevsky in "The Great Sinner" but looking more like Lincoln. . . . Hey! yells Diana Lynn. Who put out that malarkey on the radio about her broken arm not healing properly so she may not play the piano again? (She busted it in the bathtub.) It's healing perfectly, she told me, and she'll even thump the ivories in her current picture. Her co-star in "Bitter Victory" is Robert Cummings, who must We Wish To Announce THAT OPAL LEVIS Is Now With Us and Will Be Happy To Serve All Her Old Friends Dora Dean Beauty Shop FRONT ST. BEAUFORT PHONE 3265 WE NEED YOUR HEAD IN OUR BUSINESS Santa's Got IS OPEN Crand news for every boy and girl and for every Mom and Dad! Because PENKEY'S is the sir re vlici? jpn save all Ways come to PEN lLY'S 2sd llxr for toys of every description dolfc, wajens bicycles, trains, games, and gosh, even Sanla Clans would get "jjooped out" trying to mention everything! For jinn, frolic and excite raent at Chrislmas-lime, come to PEKKEY'S TQY LA1IDK3V7. 11 IZZZUL ST. 2nd Floor KEW E3, H. C. Wednesday, Nov. 17 Regular prayer meeting. Ann Street Methodist Church Beaufort The Rev. T. R. Jenkins, Minister Sunday, Nov. 14 9:45 a.m. Church school for whole family 11 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youih Fellowship (Junior, Intermediate, Senior) 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Wednesday, Nov. 17 7:30 p.m. Prayer service. St. Paul's Episcopal Church Beaufort The Rev. W. L. Martin, Rector Sunday, Nov, 14 8 a.m. Holy Communion 9:30 a.m. - Chin ch School 11 a.m. ljoly Commit non and sermon. Nursery for little children. 7:30 p.m. Yl'SI. in parish house Tuesday, Nov. 16 7:30 p.m. Adult choir practice Section B of the Woman's auxi liary have completed plans for their turkey supper Friday night, Nov. 12. The supper will be served between 6 and 8 p.m. to those who have purchased tickets. want to be the richest actor in Hollywood. It's his fifth picture in a year. He wound up playing a French Revolutionist in -"Reign ol Terror" the oilier (lay, then flew a print of it to New York in his own plane. Then on to Toronto for a nremicre. In 10 days in the two cities he talked to 107 news paper and magazine interviewers, did 26 radio shows and appeared on one television program. Ques tion asked him oflenest was: Why do you want to make so many pic tures? Answer: "I have a company of my own. I want to build up enough money for it so it can make another picture." Solving the domestic proMcm the hard way: Virginia Mayo hired Mrs. Custer Chavez as cook and her hnsband as handyman while on location with "Colorado Terri tory" at Gallun, N. M. Virginia's husband, Michael O'Shea, flew nnd drove over to bring thorn and their two-year-old son here . . . Some WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF TOILETRIES AND COSMETICS BELL'S DRUG STORE Good-New Lions Club Eye Clinic Opens This Meriting The Moreheaii City Lions club eye clinic will begin at 9 this morning, in the local health de partment offices in cooperation with the county welfare depart ment, State Blind commission, and the county health department. Dr J.' B. Hawes, Washington, N. C, prominent eye specialist of the state, will conduct the clinic nnd Mrs. Louise Carter Bullock, repre sentative of the Stale Blind com mission, will supervise it. The clinic is for service to under privileged persons, especially school children. The patients arc selected by the health departmen nurses, but must be upproved by the local welfare department. The health oficer, Dr. N. T. En nett, commended the Morehead Ci ty Lions club for their fine work in conserving the eyesight of school , children who could not afford pri- vate treatment. He said he doubt ed if there were another piece of i welfare work being done in the county equal to that, being do ie by the Lions club. D. B. Webb is president of the organization. Forty-two per cent of American farms now have telephone service, the highest percentage in history. pun, eh. kid? Elois Jenssen is C. B. l)e Mille's executive assistant on "Samson and Delilah." Vic Mature calls her "head of the DcMille ition squad!" Whexererlcjo Daniel Green; 50 with me Complete your wardrobe from these beautiful new arrivals. The VOGUE FRANK LEONARD, Mgr. Front Street . Beaufort 7i tf jrs If vviiSo rr 7 Jm SI i Nrt; dl 'ViM N Tr '111 Smoke Without Fire Discovered at School The familiar adage, "Where there's smoke there's fife," may bi true, and all that, but officials at the Beaufort Negro school were relieved to find no fire afier ste iiiK smoke rising from the atlic Wednesday at 10:4!) a.m. Two fire trucks answered an alarm and went io tle school, but t'lor-vxii investigation of ine attic failed to uncover even a single spark of lire. It was be lieved that the smoke came from the school chimney. School children, who had form ed orderly lines outside the build ing under the supervision of their teacher, were permitted to re turn to their work at 11:10. Water is essential lor all life processes. fmart as a whip . . . our su prr'Jy tailoied collection of "Townsuilers." In the latest winter - in to spring fabrics; warm new shades. From $24.95 Fox-Downum C01IPAMY FRONT ST. BEAUFORT few te City Hospital on Nov. 8. :