FMDAV, WoTE5fl5Elt M, 1441 CARTERET COUNT? NEWS-TIMES, COKEHEAD CTTT AND BEAUFORT, N. C PAGE FIVB 3D j ' jieaufort foetal $efus 'i Hn. 'i. Michael Mora, Solely Editor Phone B4481 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parker spent .he weekend in Durham visitiM Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnes. ;Mrs. Hugh Cartway, Mrs. Wal ter Stewart, Mrs. John Chaplain, Jt., and Mrs. Dick Parker spent Monday in New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. James Whitehurst spent Monday in New Bern. Mrs. C. C. Nets, of Washing ton, N. C, and Mrs. Dave Nelson, o New Bern, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Merrill. lay to visit her son, William Blades Parkin, m Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Newman Lewis and sen are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Lewis. Mrs. Harold Humm and child ren left Wednesday to spend the holidays in Durham. ; HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. D. J. Hall, of Morehead City, was admitted Tuesday for an operation on Wednesday. ' Mrs. Gabriel D. Henderson, of Newport, was admitted for an Operation on Tuesday and her con dition is satisfactory. Mrs. Jake F. Long, -Jr., of Fort Macon, was admitted Tuesday for an operation. Mr. Harold Tippett, of More head City, was admitted Tuesday for treatment. NEWS of the CHURCHES Musician io Give Concert In Methodist Church Miss Bettie Lou Merrill, of Wom an's College, will arrive Friday to spend the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Merrill. 4 . Mrs. Harry Tyler and daughter, Charlotte, of Wake Forest, are vi siting Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Israel and children, and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bubanks, of McCain, spent Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bubanks, of Beaufort, rfd. Richard Whitehurst is spending the' Thanksgiving Holidays at home. Mrs. J. G. Walters and daueh ter, Frances, of LaGrange, are spending the holidays here. Bernice Jones, of State College, is spending the week end with his wife. Steven Yaiochak, of the U. S. Patterson, is receiving treatment in the hospital. Billy and Harry Davis, of Wake Forest, are spending the holidays here with Phil Mason as their guest. Mrs. Grady Willis and Mrs. Win nie Mason, of Atlantic, are visiting Mrs. L. C. Davis. Miss Elizabeth Willis, of Wom an's College, is home for the holidays. Miss Ethel, Mildred and Ada Whitehurst and Mrs. Julius Dun can are spending today in Raleigh. James Strickland has received his discharged from the Army and Is now at his home in Harkers Island. Mrs. W. D. Strickland is visiting in Benson. Mrs. J. S. Steed and Billy Craw ford motored to Greenville Wed nesday and were accompanied home by James Steed, of E.C.T.C., and Miss Audrey Gaylord, of Ayden. Mrs. Harold Humm and chil dren, Sandra and Roddie. are spending the Thanksgiving holi days in Durham with Mrs. A, E. Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rice and fa mily, of Havelock, spent Thanks giving with Mrs. Louie Bice. Glenn Willis, Jr., Larry Paul and George Laughton, Jr., of Wake Forest, are spending the holidays at home. rt. 1, was treatment. Arthur, of Beaufort, admitted Monday for Miss Hazel Edwards, of rt. 1, Morehead City, was admitted Tues day for treatment. Mrs. Waller Freeman, of More head City, was admitted Monday for treatment. Master Kendell Guthrie, of Hark er's Island, was admitted Tuesday for an operation on Wednesday. Mr. George Crouch, of the U. S. Patterson, has been discharged from the hospital. Mrs. Carlston Cashwell, of Clin ton, is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Gehrmann Holland. Mrs. George Eastman and son, Joe left Wednesday to spend the holidays in Raleigh. Miss Betty Hedrick is spending the week end at her home in Winston-Salem. Mrs. J, G. Evans and son, Billy, and Mrs. K. W. Loftin, of Kinston, were guests of Mrs. Horace Loftin last week end. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. May are spending the Thanksgiving holi days with Mr. May's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Mayr Davidson. Mrs. Hattie Parkin left yester Mrs. Jarvis Herring Has Bridge Club Tuesday Mrs. Jarvis Herring and Mrs. Charles Stanley were joint hostess es to their bridge club on Tuesday wening at the home of Mrs. Her ring. Club high, note papper, went to Mrs. John Willis, and second, high, a pottery vase, to Mrs. Ethan Davis. Mrs. George Nelson was con soled with hand cream while Mrs. Delores Clapsaddle, a guest, re ceived cigarettes. The hostesses served pumpkin pie with whipped cream and chel ates and coffee. urcie to Meet The Alma Potter circle of the Aran Street Methodist Church will Bieet Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. James Potter, HI. All members are urged to attend. Mrs. Virginia Warchin, of Beau fort, was discharged Wednesday following a major operation. T. L. Newberry, professional mu sician for a Raleigh music com pany, will give a concert on the new Hammond organ which has been installed in Franklin Metho dist church Sunday afternoon. The concert will begin at 3 oclock with Ralph Lewis, New Bern, and Mrs. Ruth Bailey, More head City, as vocalists. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade, of the More head City school music faculty, will also appear. Commented the Rev. W. D. Cavi ness, pastor, "Franklin Memorial Methodist church is one of the fastest growing churches in More head City. Steady improvement has been seen during the last sev eral years. The new electric organ will increase the beauty of the church services." United Methodist Church Ocraroke The Rev. C. J. Tilley, Minister Sunday, Nov. 28 10 a.m. Church School for all ages. 7 p.m. Evening Worship. Ser mon: "Sacrificial Abel and Mur derous Cain." Mr. Tilley will preach. Portsmouth Sunday, Nov. 28 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Ser mon: "How Sincere Is Our Thanks giving?" Mr. Tilley will preach. Monday, Nov. 29 7:30 p.m. Sub-District meeting MYF, Marshallberg. Wednesday, Nov. 39 7:30 p.m. Mid-Week Prayer service Friday, Dec. 1 7:30 p.m. Council meeting, New Bern district MYF. Camp Glenn Methodist Church Sunday, Nev. 28 10 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Louie Lewis will preach. Am Street Methadlst Church Beaufort The Rev. T. R. Jenkins, Minister Sunday, Nov. 28 9:45 a.m. Church School for the whole family 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Ser mon, Christian Gratitude. Special music by the senior choir. 6:30 p.m. Junior, Intermedi ate, and senior youth fellowships 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. Sermon, "Getting the Right Time." Inflatioa Hits Panhandling CHICAGO (AP) Inflation has raised its bubble head in the panhandling business. A middle aged, neat, dignified fellow work ing the loop now asks the folks for the loan of a dollar so he can eat. Mrs. Windell H. Nelson and in fant son, of Atlantic, were (lis charged Wednesday. Mrs. C. W. Pelletier and infant daughter, of Morehead City, were discharged Wednesday. STORK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Rice, of Morehead City, announce the birlh of a daughter, Rebecca Wavne, in the Morehead City Hospital on Nov. 22. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Weeks, of Stella, announce the birth of a son, Gerald Ray, in the Morehead City Hospital on Nov. 20. Sub-District MYF To Meet Monday Night The sub-district Methodist Youth Fellowship, including all Methodist young people in Carteret county will meet in Marshallberg Metho dist church at 7:30 Monday night. In charge of the program will be the Marshallberg MYF. New of ficers will be installed and Frank lin Memorial MYF will conduct the recreation. Methodist youth between the ages 12 and 23 are invited. First Methodist Church Morehead City The Rev. L. A. Tilley, Minister Sunday, Nov. 28 9:30 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Morning Worship: Think Thank! 6:30 p.m. Methodist Youth Fellowship 7:30 p.m. Worship: Hearsay or experience? St. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Nelson, of Atlantic, announce the birth of a son, Charles Dorn, on November 20, in the Morehead City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lydia Mae Pigott, of Gloucester, announce the birth nf ft Hnlltfhtnr T.vHin Mna An Mm, 21, in the Morehead "ray faospftaf VBic church W. Honcycutt , 7:30 p.m Paul's Episcopal Church Beaufort The Rev. W. L. Martin, Pastor Saturday, Nov. 27 10 a.m. Junior Confirmation class. Sunday, Nov. 23 7:30 a.m. Corporate commu nion for men 8:30 a.m. Breakfast for the men 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Prayer 7:30 p.m. Young People's Ser vice League 8 p.m. Adult confirmation class in the church. Tuesday, Nov. 30 7 p.m. Junior choir practice Wednesday, Dec. 1 7:30 p.m. Adult choir practice ...CAUSE SANTA GLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN!! . . . and it's sooner than you may realize. There are . . . 25 Shopping Days Till Christmas! fa -SAHTA SAYS DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY" BUY NOW! at DON'T STRAIN YOUR BUDGET! COME IN AND USE OUR LAY-A WAY PLAN NOW! EARLY JEWELERS "Across from Western Union" Areadell St. Morehead City GUTHRIE - JONES Gifis are now on dis play lor all members oi the family. Also Complete Stocks Oi CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS - CHRISTMAS TREE HOLDERS CHRISTMAS CARDS - CHRISTMAS SEALS AND WRAPPING PAPER A Small Deposit Will Keep Any Hem Until Christmas -At- GUTHRIE - JONES DRUG Front Street Beauiori Franklin Memorial Methodist Church Morehead Citv The Rev. W. I). Caviness, Pastor Sunday, Nov. 28 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor 6 p.m. intermediate MYF in Mr. and Mrs. A. of Atlantic, announce the birth of a son, Donald Wilson, in the More head City Hospital on Nov. 23. Evening Worship. Sermon by the pastor. Beginning Sunday the servicos will be broadcast. -..Designed io Hake Shopping Easier! err STAimRY For thaw who tor to mite. A Sift that fa always apiweriitel. Beau tifully wrapped. . C2c i aa PENS, PENCILS ud SETS $ia tottixa Fill All Your Knas Heeds At Dell's Drag Store KAY W00DIE He needs a genuine Kaywoodie Pipe to go with his slippers. $2.50 to $7.50 ALSO CHOICE TOBACCOS 1 CLiniSTMAS Gli Sps$ Sets . $1.25 to $6X9 Evening la Paris Sets $1.50 to $12.50 ferfisy Ssfc .. $125 to $7.53 Cely Sets .. $3X0 to $6.50 LSO COU TASSEL, CHERAMY, FRIENDSHIP GARDEN, MAX FACTOR, ft MANY OTHERS r UUrW 11 Spice Eds T.4 - ; $1.25 to $6X3 , Yardley Sets $2.25 to $7.50 FIRE CANDIES ALSO WILLIAMS, SEAFORTU, SADDLE CLUB, SPRUCE ft MANY OTHERS BELL'S DRUG STORE rncT stzht aMTB joWB rttfk M aaWfe Mttffc at . Ccrj&te Dreg Store Service BEAUFC3T DAY PHONES B 8231 or B 931 ' NIGHT PHONE B 3971 wk v. wk .Mrk dm ' " " astaafiiiiitostapiiy I HAS BEEII APPOINTED YOUn LOCAL DEALER FOB ALL Home Appliances Refrigcralors Ranges Water Dealers Automatic Sinks Dishwashers Garbage Disposal Units Tashers Ircncrs Automatic Washers Vacuum Cleaners Electric Dlankets Electric Irons Waffle Irons Food Ilixers Toasters Coifee Ilakers Complete Kitchens Home and Farm Freezers THESE APPLIANCES TODAY Oil DISPLAY HI DOT STOIIES. ACTUAL V70RRDIG MODELS C0I1PLETELY COiniECTED ni OUR BEAUFORT STORE. i w ar .. in u i"lrU(ll f v -1 T7n u n Inn rrn n -nn r K K PI 73 ICS i II W i'iJl 4 i')t, . ttii '.!' A ii a- i1! Iil'djf l.iu; -tf-