ACE FOUK CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES, IfOREflEAD CITY AND BEACTCST. K. C TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, lfttt iHorleah GItiy J. Michael Moran, Society Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Joyner, Nor folk, spent the weekend with Mrs. Joyner's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Adams, of Sea Level Road, Havelock, had as their Thanksgiving week end guest, Mrs. Adams' sister, Mrs. Alice Es chenback of White Plains, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mirabella and Infant son, left Sunday to make their home in Raleigh where Mr. Mirabella is attending State Col lege. : Mr. and Mrs. Neal Sabiston and ion, of Midway Park, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Cehis Whitehead and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bowcn, of Richmond, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whitehead over the weekend. Mrs. Clyde Willis and Mrs. W. L. Fulcher spent Friday in Cherry Point. Mrs. J. B. Mary and Miss Ruth Macy motored to Cherry Point and New Bern Friday. Floyd E. Lewis was a visitor in Norfolk, Va., recently. " Dr. and Mrs. John Morris and Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace at tended the Carolina-Virginia game in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend. Miss Carolyn Taylor left Friday to attend the Carolina-Virginia game over the weekend. Mr. George Ball was a business Visitor in Raleigh last week. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Eure and children, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Dr. Eurc's family in Eure. Duffy Lee Paul, of Louisburg College, spent the holidays at home. lister Slyrbn, of the University of North Carolina, spent the holi days at home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Day and Children, of MrClellanville, S. C, spent the week end here. Mrs. D. C. Sabiston, of Jackson ville, and daughter, Alma Marie, and Bobby Peacock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Jackson on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fussell of Williamston and daughter, Mcrlyn and son, FiUhugh, Jr., were Thanksgiving guests, of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson. Mrs. Frank Grantham and daughter, Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis , returned re cently from a trip to Buffalo. N. Y, foetal rfns Editor Phone M 5781 Mr. Jack Morgan and sons, Jack and Davey spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Lee Jones, of Snow Hill. Miss Bettie Joyner, of Farmville, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. A. H. Joyner. Mrs. Tom Jones, and daughter, Mary Frances, spent the weekend here, Mr. Jones motored down after them on Sunday and was ac companied by his mother, Mrs. He brew Jones, Mrs. Roy Wooten, Miss Ruby Jones and Mrs. Suggs, of Snow Hill. Mrs. Albert Lee and baby daugh ter are doing nicely in the More head City Hospital. Roberts' Entertain Club At Home Friday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts en tertained their bridge club Friday at their home on Arcndell Street. High score prize went to Mrs. Ruth McRackan and second high to Mrs. Ben Royal, a guest for the evening. Mrs. W. L. Derrickson was low. Refreshments were drinks and sandwiches. Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. S. A. Horton Mrs. S. A. Horton entertained her bridge club Friday at her home on Evans Street. Invited guests were Mrs. Jack Moye, of Greenville, Mrs. Gib Far rior, Mrs. Quincy Stimp6on and Mrs. Bob Williams. Club high was won by Mrs. Sam Guthrie and second high, went to Mrs. Bruce Willis. Mrs. Moye was high for guests. Pineapple ice box cake with cof fee was served at refreshhment lime. Floating Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. Aspenburg Mrs. G. A.' Aspenburg entertain ed the Floating Bridge club Wed nesday evening at her home with Mrs. John Phillips, Jr., as a guest. Chocolate covered cherries were awarded to Mrs. Oene Hessee for high score while Mrs. J. C. Smith received a bridge score set for sec ond high. During play assorted candies were served and at the conclusion everyone enjoyed fruit cake with coffee. Miss Spence Entertains Bridge Club Wednesday The Wednesday evening bridge club met with Miss Irene Spence at her home on Evans Street. During three progressions cokes Celebrate Gel lilft Mr. and Mrs. William Parker Herrington celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary when they re ceived at an open house at their home recently. Mrs. P. A. Herringlon greeted the guests and presented them to the couple. Misses Barbara and Peggy Herrington, granddaughters, presided at the table, assisted by Mrs. W. P. Herrington, Jr., and Mrs. S. C. Herrington, of Norfolk. Mrs. J. N Lewis was at the regis ter. Approximately 200 guests called during the afternoon. Mrs. Herrington, the former Miss Sadie Gainer of Newport, and Mr. Herrington were wed in Newport in. 1898, moving to Rocky Mount in 1908. They have one daughter and five sons: Mrs. J. N. Lewis, of Washington, S. C. Herrington, United States Navy; C. C. Herring ton of Washington, P. A. Herring ton, Rocky Mount; W. P. Herring ton, Jr., Norfolk; and nine grand children. All members of the fami ly were here with the exception of S. C. Herrington, now in the Arctic with the Navy. Miscellaneous Shower Given For Carolyn Ballou Miss Carolyn Ballou, bride-elect of Friday, was honored at a mis cellaneous shower given last Wed nesday evening by Misses Janice Lewis, Geneva Bruton, Mrs. Roma Styron and Mrs. Colleen Odum Andre. The party was given in the Civic Center at 8 o'clock. " Several games of .bingo were played after which the hostesses served delicious decorated bridal cake with peanuts, mints and drinks. Miss Ballou opened her many gifts which were attractively ar ranged on a table covered in white and derorated in ivy with white tapers in silver candle sticks. The honoree received a corsage of white carnations and a butter isaJn her crystal from the nos- den Wedding NY Gaskins, has made it necessary for her to become hospitalized. To her many friends that will want to write, the address is Pine Bluffs Sanitorium, Salisbury, Md. Mrs. Glenn Guthrie, who is" ill, was paid a visit Friday by Mrs. K. S. Swinson and Ada Coleman. Mrs. Russel Willis, Duffy Wade, Marvin Willis, and Rudolph Dowdy went to New Bern Friday. Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred S. Willis and family spent Thanksgiving day at the home of her moth' r, Mrs. El bert Chadwick in Morehead. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Caferelli and daughter, Dianne, left for New York City, Thursday afternoon, be ing called for urgent work. Mrs. Julius Lewis left for Kin slon, Thursday afternoon for a prolonged stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Inez Ormond, to put in. those most essential first eoo-s ta her newest grand-daughter. Mrs. Walter Walton, of Golds boro. spent Thanksgiving and the - NOTICE To Automobile Owners and Bicycle Owners ht- LICENSE TAGS GO Oil SALE WEDNESDAY, DECEIIDER Isl APTOMOBIUE TAB SUP KCYCLE TACS 50c Bicycle owners must bring the serial number of yeur bicycle fraase with you when purchasing license tag. Frames not having serial numbers may be stamped at Walnwright Tire Co., 90S Arendell Street. . Harrison-Ballou Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Ballou request the honour of your ' presence at the marriage of their daughter Carolyn Arden ' to Mr. Donald Lee Harrison " Friday, the third of December at 7:30 o'clock in the evening Franklin Memorial Methodist Church Morehead City, North Carolina No invitations will be sent in the city but all friends are cordial ly Invited to attend. remainder of the week with Mr. Walton who is stationed here re building and repairing for the A and E C Railroad. The Home Demonstration Club meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Kenneth McCabe. The sub ject of discussion "Art of Staying Young." The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Julius Lewis. Mrs. Joe Briley, formerly Miss Edna Whaley, announce the addi tion, last Tuesday, to their family of a baby boy, Clifton Neal. Con gratulations! The Camp Glenn Ladles Aid met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Mattie Nichols. The attend ance was swelled and invigorated by the visiting ladies, Mesdames. Leah Ward, Ada Coleman, and Minnie Sharp. Next week's meet ing is to be at the home of Mrs. E. W. Copeland. Nov. 24 Mrs. Ada Coleman, of Taber City, N. C, paid a visit Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. K. Swin son. Mrs. Coleman is now at Bogue to stay for a period of three weeks with her sister, Mrs. L. H. Hum phrey. Dominic Caferelli, of the Bronx, N. Y. City, arrived Tuesday join ing his wife, Evelyn and daughter, Dianne in their stay with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Don Copeland ar rived from Kentucky to spend the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Swinson. Mr. Stanley Lockhart and Mrs. Irene Faglie spent Monday in New Bern. It was the writer's mistake In misspelling the name previously; Uri. Faglie, I apologize. ,i , ; Mr. and Mrs, Manly Fulcher are with' his parents in Atlantic for the holiday. ' 5 Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Smith, of Gales Creek, paid a social visit: Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm: Willis. ! Mrs. Eunice Willis is enjoying the holiday in Williston with her. sister,, ' ' , Mrs. Fred Anthony and Mrs. Elman Oglesby spent Tuesday in New Bern shopping. j The Camp Glenn Methodist Church held preaching service sat 7 p.m. Thanksgiving. Mr. M. J. Lockhart is the new Sunday School superintendent re placing Mr. John Swinson who is serving in the army. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mansfield with sons, Doran Kilpatric and Melvin, Jr. and daughter, Kay plan to be in Raleigh to view the Christ mas parade.' In Kinston Tuesday were Mrs'Jj Fred Mills, Mrs. J. L. Baldwin,' Mrs. Lillian Mansfield shoDDine. Mr. M. J. Lockhart was in Wil mington Tuesday for business real sons. -ft Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Askew and baby; Mrs. Synthia Newberry and son, of New Bern, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mansfield, Sunday. r Mr. D. H. Mansfield, who has been working in Jacksonville; Florida, returned home recently and resumed his fuel oil distribu ting, h Mrs. Cicero Guthrie and da ugh; ters, Mrs. Leonard Lewis, Mrs. L, E. Moore, and Mrs. Troy Morns,'. Jr., were in New Bern Saturday shopping. Shopping, this time of the year' bestirs the thoughts towards gifts that will bring about the rapturd and ecstacies that belong to joy,- And joy Is the general idea for living. There be many directives to that place of pleasure. But! can anyone cite one to esxell, a toked gift, that fills a youngster's hung ering yearn and the beam that is the giver's? Last week the school lunch received fifteen dollars from one who attached to the gift-only that his name be withheld. Our thanks to you, Silent Giver. Eastern Star to Have Bazaar Tomorrow . Tomorrow afternoon beginning at ' one o'clock at the Masonic Temple the Morehead City chapter, Order of the Eastern Star will have their annual bazaar. There will be lovely handmade " articles, cakes. pies, cookies, candy and chicken salad and a delicious supper will he served from 6 to 8 p.m. in the dining hall of the building. Supper to take out will be sold from S to 9 p.m. ,! Tickets for the supper will be sold by members of the Eastern Star or may 'be obtained at the door. The public is cordially invited to attend the bazaar and supper. Corn sugars are made for food processors, leather tanners, rayon producers, caramel color burners, and bakers. Watch for our ad in Friday's paper. We have had so many requests to repeat our special Turkey Dinner that we are go ing to do so this coming Sunday. CAROLINA GRILL TURNER ST. Nothing like a stretcher case to stretch your savings to the limit. And doctor's tonics don't do bank accounts any, good. Our tonic is a health and accident policy 'tnat "c6verirv"you from heat to toe. Be prepared. Consult "with us today. DIAL M 3621 JOHN L. INSURANCE & 823 Arendell Street M.Y.F. Reorganizes At Willistpn Sunday, Nov. 21 ' ' ' Sunday night the Methodist Youth Fellowship of Williston met to elect new officers and chair men. Those elected were Clara Fay Wade, president; Jane Wade, vice-president and Kathryn Finer, secretary-treasurer. The committee chairmen are as follows: Betty Z. Willis, recrea tion and leisure; Edna Wade, com munity service; Bttina A. Masion, missions and world friendship; Jane Hill, worship and evangelism and publicity. 1 Mr. Guion Hill was appointed leader of the group and Mr. Ha rold aided greatly in improving the M.Y.F. Wednesday evening was chosen as the regular meeting time and choir practice will follow immedi ately afterwards. BEAUFORT I Feel A Little Run Down Doc, Maybe I Heed a Tonic. CRUMP REAL ESTATE Morehead City if. Mill (,(('1 '-1,1,1 t.b I i;T A Hill nbil r

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