Tage two CAKTIiRET COVNTT NEWS-TIMES, KtRKHfc)l. CITY AND kSATJFOiT. N. C TUESDAT, DECEMBER 7, 1948 Carlerel Couniy Hews-Times A Merger Of (!$ 71,6 Beaufort News (esL 1912) The Twln Clly T,mM (est- 1,36 jfiiufDlTORIAL PAGE Itrlfirt TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1948 Mdhtl ' Jj$7e ave Nol Known Hunger... "Pray send me something to eat, for you know that I am al- tiitw.ways hungry, so much that I cannot sleep." This was the prayer ' ''"of an llyear-cld German child in Zwickau in the Russian zone. Miwr , . , j. Fortunately, this child's prayer was answered because of a rftvpa':ticular church child-feeding program made possible jn that '""'"city End elsewhere by donations of American churches. But there are thm.s:nds of other small voices crying daily for food in Europe iuln without answer. To still these voices and to hrlp restore the desire to live to .oung.'itcrs who perhaps have never in all their lives had their um. hunger completely satisfied, churches in this country are spon soring the Christian Rural Overseas program, CROP, in Entire populations in some cities and provinces are desner- Pately in want. Now prisoners of war are returning from other countries end those from Russia are in filthy rags and so undcr ') fed that their health is permanently damaged. A Red Cross work- '; "Tr, seeing them leave a transport train, described them as "hu man wrecks, hollow-yed, hollow-checked, painfully trailing them selves along, covered with ulcers, still showing marks of a hurdly recovered attack of typhus, the living picture of sorrow and mis ery." ' Germany and other nations, still in the throes of war's after niath, are not sitting idle, begging and awaiting food from Amer- . ica. Through ellorts of I'rotesiant territorial churches Hilfswerk was horn in Germany in 1845. With headquarters at Stuttgart, Hilfswerk administers relief throughout the country. In 194(i, despite terrible poverty, and even when supplies from abroad started coming in. Germans contributed to the less fortunate in their nation more than the total amount sent in from Jtside. g. Church relief agencies in Sweden and Switzerland were the irst loreign supporters of Hilfswerk, and help later came from lAmerica, South America. liridin, Canada, and Australia. In contributing food to the CROP train we're not doling out from our horn of plenty to whining beggars who have no potential ity of ever pulling their share of the load in our world. We're working together with them, laying with hope, foundations for a future unmarred by war. Food for the CROP box car in this county is being collected now. Neglecting or forgetting to contribute means that other youngsters, like the German child in Zwickau, cry themselves to sleep and awake jgnin with tears on their clucks we can dry those tears. (Portions of the above were tjken from the Decem ber issue of Highroad). 1 Easiness Section Ready for Santa Beaufcrt Junior Women's club and all those who cooperated with them in decorating Front street deserve a red and green Mffeather in their cap. ' At the moment, colored' lights have net bcea. w laced along Jurner street but there will be-WCTtrtttrtrH'Mn- promised, as "ebon irs more electric cord and IwrWlifP ubtalued. The Junior Woman's club has beautified the colored strings of light by draping the cords with Spanish moss. As usual,, in projects of this type, perhaps the well-known "one or two" did the work, but the group as a whole initiated the project. The town looks pretty as a Christmas card and again we say, "Thanks." 1 In The Good Old Days THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Town commissioners met Mon day night find set the last Tuesday of the month as the date for hold ing a speciftl election on the ques tion of bonding a dredging opera tion for Taylor's Creek. Queen Street was opened to Front Street. While regretting the passing of the boardwalk, the pa per approved the progress and hoped someday to see Front Street extended down to Lennoxville. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The electric current In Beaufort had been discontinued during day time, making it particularly diffi cult at the newspaper office where Job and newspaper printing had to be done at night. Capt. Bonner Willis, aboard the Chas. S. Wallace III, brought in 105 toi of menhaden. TEN YEARS AGO There was a story on the front page of the paper about the trials and tribulations of the local Bolt ers. Not Only did they have slices, hooks and the rough to contend with, crows were stealing their balls. The lead editorial in the paper commented on the need of a wider and deeper harbor for Beaufort. FIVE YEARS AGO Mrs. Luther Hamilton, Mrs. C. 0. Holland and Mrs. Julia a Hamil ton were assisting in recruiting Carteret county women for the WAVES. Dr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Jones arrived in Beaufort. Dr. Jones was the new rector for St. Paul's Epis copal church. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Editor of THE NEWS-TIMES Beaufort, N. C. Dear Sir: This is a plea for help; a call for action on the part oi all Ocraco kers. The roads at Ocracoke have been anything for us to brag about, but during the past few years they have become nothing more than water holes. After the least bit of rain it becomes Impossible for the children to get to school without the aid of knee boots. We feel that this deplorable condition is the re sult of the extra duty imposed on the roads by the heavy Navy ve hicles during the war. During the past Democratic primaries we heard a lot about the improvement of rural roads. We feel there is a chance that Ocracoke might be included in Governor-elect Scott's program of "all weather roads." Many of you will say that we have heard promises but hove seen little action. It has been said that we should be content to stay out on this sand pit and lend color to the state. We believe the time for action is now) now is the time for us to speak up. We are not asking for too much when we plea for a small amount of sand and crushed rock for our roads. We invite all friends of the Island to join us in ouur campaign for better roads. Yours for better roads, Troy S. Williams CARTERET COUNTY KEWS-THIES Carteret County's Only Newspaper A Merger Of . HE BEAUFORT NEWS (Est. 1913) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Est.l9J8) Published Tuesdays and Fridays By THE CARTERET PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC Lock wood Phillips Publisher Eleanore Dear Phillips I Ruth Veckey Peeling, Executive Editor . - . Publishing Offices At ' . 807 Even Stroet, Morehead City, N. C . . - 120 Craven Street. Beaufort, N. C. . " ' ' Member Of Assoctated Frets greater Weeklies N. C. Press Association Entered as Second Claw Matter at Morehead City. N. C. .- . under Act of March 3, 1879 V l!!2?lTa.r7I? ta ntlt,rt welurtvely to we tor republication of lo w printed In this nempaoer, as well as all JIlP new dispatches, . luKiiti of republication otherwise Served. ' THE FORTV-NiriER HERE and t r r ft n r I W , : 2 LIEjIXIL A W th F. C. SALISBURY, Morehead City It the recommendations of the Coast and Geodetic Survey to change the names of several streams, inlets and islands in Car teret county is adopted some 25 nmnes will he changed. Some of the chrnges asked for are Widders Cut to Jump and Kun, Lookout Hight channel to Bardens inlet, Croat Marsh east of AlarshallbojctJji to Bells island, Carrot island (fearfe Beaufort to Cart island, Mulberry point to Cedar point, Hog Island ln:y to Cedar Island bay, Core beach to Portsmouth island, Wol fert creels to Tusk creek. Also the Survey rsk that the spelling of Marshallhtirs bp chano- to Marsh- allberg, "e" for an "u." , . jaa rifeempera Old timers who keep a weather eye out nd check the temperature from month to month and year to year clcim that the past month of November was the warmest since 1931. This is substantiated by government reports. The month wrs also listed as one of the wet test in years. Up to the present time no frost has occurred in eith er Morehead City or Beaufort, while only slight frosts have occur- ed iajoutlying districts, rheJpw- ature recoraea ior me ewe towns for the month was 43 degrees. Fridav morning was ush ered in with a thunder storm. While on the subject of months, December brings a lot of woe as well :s demands on the pocket book. Warning is given to auto drivers whose names begin with F F, or G, and who have not their driver's test, that this month is the lrst for such. Also those who have not had their cars run through the inspection lane will be subject to arrest after January 1. Orders have gone out to all highway pa trolmen to issue citations to mo torists who h3ve not had their ve hicles inspected. The drain on the old pocketbook outside of the Christmas demands calls for your 1949 auto license, both state and city, your bike will have to carry a 50 rent tag and in the offing is that yearly bugbear, income tax. A warning to the maiden who did not got her man this year th:t this is the last month of Leap Year. Last cell until four years. Checking on the varioac south bound yachts that have stepped here on -their southern trek, we believe the Louvicourt, a 110 foot craft out of Toronto, Cana da, flying a British flag and a Royal Canadian Yacht Club pen nant, was about the most bean tHul yacht to pass tHroBgh her r this season. This craft tied up -at the City Hospital dork for sev eral days awaiting the arrival of Us The Harlcwe section furnished news this week in the way of an accident and a murder. Both oc curred just over the Carteret coun ty line which took a lot of worry off of county officials. . Nathan Prichard, negro, was . killed vheti PROTECT YOUR wim PONUAC SERVICE mm A Pmfict t Gnuml Mnen There's only one sure wsy to know that you're always giving your Pontiac the kind of care it deserves and that is by giving it regular, authorized Potttiac service by your Pootiac dealer. We know every inch of your Pontiac as only experts can. Our mechanics have been factory-trained to spot troubles accurately, to correct them with sure -handed skill. We use Pontiac factory Engineered Parts which tre txtttly the same as the original parts installed at the factory. ..- .. As a result, you get expert, authorited Pontiac service it a cost no higher often less than you would pay for ordinary work. If you are driving Pontiac, yon art driving one of the most dependable, one of the best performing cars, ever built To keep it that way, have It serviced regularly in the one place where it really belongs our authorized Pontiac service department. B 'fCTOIY-CMIMIIIW fHH All IMUT narri You can be sure that every Pontine Factory-Engineered Part Is txmetty the asm as that originally -built into your new car. NaturaUy it ass property, per forms properly, (ye you more miles of typical Ptrntia satisfaction. ICltriaa rtaatUl , . l:dsJC7 a team of horses that he had just unhooked from pulling logs sua-, deftly bucked, the chain, catching his fnkle, dragged Prichard thru the woods, killing him. faeob Har vey, iS, negro farmer, was stabbed to death in an argument with James Godett on Wednesday night. The argument started in a store and Godette followed Harvey to the home of Lucinda Godett where Harvey was stabbed three times hi the neck with an ice pick in the hands of Godette. William W. Tut en, age IS, a former resident of Kinstoa, hut who for some time had made till -home in Morehead City with his nephew, Ashton D. Burton, died at the City hospital on Friday, Burial was in Kinston. Tws tis ten survive, ene af Whom is Mrs. Myftle Dickinson of this city. Work of clearing the site for the erection of the new Sunday School See HERE AND .THESE Page I Fc;l A Lillle I Dun Don Dec, iiayce i iieea a ' Nothing like a stretcher case to stretch your savtngs to the limit And doctor's tonics dont do bank accounts flriy food. Our tonic Is a health and accident tofley that coven yo from heat to toe. Be prepared. Consult wU c today. DIAL M 3621 J3 L 31711? INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 822 Areodeli Street Morehead City Town oi Ilorehead Diy, Ilorlh Carolina COIIDEIISED FUIMICIAL STAtEIIEIITS fiscal Year Ended Itme 39, 1148 ASSETS: Cssh on Hand and on Deposit . $ Uncollected Taxes Street Assessments Receivable ,- Notes Receivable Accounts Receivable Hospital Pstients Investments: U. S. Savings Bonds Hospital Fund $ 29,600.00 Mcrehead Development Company Lots 1,398.79 Marine Bank Assets 66.19 24,135.05 56,617.71 36,595.86 344.50 46,913.93 31,024.98 Inventories of Supplies Estimated 6,650.00 Fixed Properties $1,070,422.73 Total Assets - $1,272,794.76 LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND SURPLUS: Accounts Payable Trade Creditors 3,002.48 Notes and Mortgages Payable 838.30 Prepaid 1948 Taxes 23,828.20 Deferred Income Hospital Patients 265.00 Deposits Miscellaneous 2,743.8' Bonded Debt 6184S3 Interest Payable 55,847.23 Total Liabilities Reserves for Deferred Collections and Losses: Taxes Receivable $ 56,617.71 Accounts Receivable Hospital Patients 46,857.08 Notes Receivable 144.50 Total Liabilities and Reserves Surplus or Deficit: Deficit Surplus General Fund $ 77,799.21 $ Debt 'Service Fund 15,783.32 Hospital Fund ..:.....'. '..A'...... ... .J..... , 46,652.58 ' Pr Terminal Funds Per Town Records .... 2 698.17 Capital Fund 488,838.56 $ 724,978.69 103,619.29 828,597.98 $ 93.532.53 $ 537,M.S1 Net CoasoNdated Surplas 444,106.78 Total Liabilities, Reserves, aad Sawptas $1,272,704.76 CASH KECEIPTS AND DtBSURflCMENTS RECEIPTS: Taxes and Penalties Collected $ Street Assessments and Interest Collected State Donation Intangible and Beer and Wine Taxes Schedule "B", Auto and Dog Licenses Carteret County Board of Alcoholic Control ! Street Sentences and Cost Net r. '.. Parking Meters Cemetery fteVentie Rent ; - Building Permits Collection on Notes Receivable Collection en Marine . Bank Assets Sale of Cemetery Lots Sale of Old Fire Hose Truck Srle of Foreclosed Property Unclassified Hospital Kecerptis:, PatritB : '. Tax CoTftcTWhS ,.. County Board of AlcohoUe Cbrttrei State, federal and County Donations 'Contributions Miscellaneous 73,470.02 3,B31.07 3,654.40 7.428.71 7,341.84 2,627.00 3677.90 161.00 750.00 332.00 233.00 150.00 807.50 100.00 5.88 595.62 137,321.62 1,476.28 7,841.84 542 00 1,282.60 2,219.84 TW1 Rceeipta .. $ 255,559.62 CASH BALANCES JULY 1, 1947: Town Funds $ 29,895.85 tiospuai runo .......M....... 8,187.07 tour TrfSBUBSEMENTS: General Fttad .,..4.i ..;..:..L $ 73.533.85 Debt -8ertk Tmi :v.... 30,133.63 rax wuection aemvne to rort Terminal Tuhd 2.531:91 37,882 92 $ 293,442.54 Purchsae of U. S. , building Remittsnoe for Parking Meters .., Purchase of "Foreclosed Property Unclassified ..: : . Hospital Operating Expenses Total ftsfcavaeaweMti . CASH VALANCES fUNE M, 18: Towa Puutls .....;.:,i.:,;J ftospKal Vttnd .,.....:......... feta1 tedaaee luae 30, 1M8 3,550 JX) t4730 445.88 . 738.02 156,898.38 f 169,80741 I 22,692.88 1,442.17 Total - 24,135.15 f tBXUZM CfiRTincAYE :'. . . - Tietetr certify that we have made an audit of the financial lecerAs of the Town ol Mdrehead Ctty, 'North Carolina, far the Uses lyearBfed June 30, M4B- aawl have tile J aur report ttereon withUie townCotirailsaloiwrs , t yi furUiexoertify that we hdve preptred the albyndtns4 aaAelaents fremsw audit report; and that the above statements are in agreement wife uttr feooYt and Mm booka of account. ' ; " . '. Hil''," e,y n opWost,' the aWtre pre'aeiin, ."true statement ofi the nnamial condition of the Town of Morehead City, North Carolina, u Im ffl 1 198, -and a summary of Receipts and IMalmmmenta for year tnded same date. . -l:-" -if'T r Wlllaans VaU. ' By: rraafcT.WaTl, , Certified Public Accettntant. !