JX r dj TUESDAY, ftECEMBE 1, IMS CARTERET -COTJNTT tCEWSTflOES, ttOItCHEAD CITY AND W5AVP0RT, N. C iAGE SEVEH cusnny foiiit iieus IE " . ". Is Accident Experience jyi uanug the mort.n of October .tin liHJ tiiere were Mil reported mi (JediS to CiViJlteu eitlp.ojoa Oi .ut .'A station! Ttiese uiciutU-'U Ut .ut f-T aid cases; 49 medical cases; and 2 ihlost time injuries. I1ie eswwaie. il DIRECT COST ot these accidents, (ic for this one month, was Wi iiliTtiis figure is based on a recent survey u.a jtnaiys.a cw.u..l-...u . .in the Navy Department. Warren L. Haines, O&R 3400 ' Division, sustained a sprain to his ' "'right knee wnen he stepped trom tne wing ot an F7F onto an 8-foot ' luuudr miiq me luuuti ujjoc, t.j .fug him to tail iO uh- uet. ii. "lust six Oavs in Ocobor and h.. )S 'Oit time is still continuing. William Brunjes, PW numbing l4c Heating, lost three days due it .fochemical burns in both eyes. While pumping caustic solution '"out ot a pit, tar. Brunjes anempi -Ified to prime the pump with the motor running. The pump picked "'up its own prime and some of the solution splashed into his eyes. Accidents can be prevented! Safety is free! Take care to get your share! ,' Public Works " Paul Roberts has returned from !j ,'a visit with his family in Kair ' niont, Minn . . . Heywood Guion j',.,nas been doing a luuu libtunji . . i Other recent vacationers include Henry Gaskins, James Chadwick, uW. J. Boyette, and Roy Penny. ' Gertie Gaskins is another cap ,,'pble seamstress who is coming out these days in frocks of her own creation, and very nice looking II too. Gene Tingle, a member of the Carteret-Craven REA Board of Di Trectors, -tttended a meeting of the ociganization in Morehead City re cently. mi According to the marriage li censes, Walter Jams and Norma Sarah Davis are middleaisling it. Good-bves were s:iid recently to Tludie Keiih, Sarah Moore and Ro bert Reynolds, Jr. Overhaul & Repair () Thanksgiving vacation must have iven people ideas. Helen Bell, J'rogressman, nnd TSgt. George jfribb were two who took the final step . . . "Speck" Tyson, Planning (Section, 'and Helen Bowman, of ,flew Bern, were another twosom? Ifl . . Wilda Melvin and John We Jherington, Power Plant division, took the final vows recently . . . L-James T. Guthrie and Alma Lois Gillikin are now Mr. and Mrs. . . . mmnd November 7 was the date the I marriage of Norma Jean Edwards and Charles Re., end pollui was ouiciiiiiicu. .m Congratulatibhs are extended cessories division, who never miss es while engaging is the art ot deer hunting, has kept Oils a iw ret, but 1 have the dope that hi shot a deer, head J, five timfc' and never made him change i course. Please, in the future, reft to John as "Dead-Eye John." A jioup from O&R f-tr to XSA' fornia to compare -working condi tions in the O&R department t El Toro, Alemeda and San Diego. The group included: Colonel Jack, Major Moran, Ca0t. Bui .s. u Tan?'ff. f t, Rl" Horn' sh-ty Ray Chugg, Frank Huber.Les Bern wtjcay, ueorge roy, Boss Bur roughs, Leo totersoa, wyd haM, Raymond Hopkins, and Earl TltUl. . . . also on d etched ditty are cetfi Hafrell and Keith Sawyer. They are visiting McDonald Aircraft Co.,' St. Louis, Mo. It's A Fact Hanging stockings for gifts on Christmas Eve is an outgrowth of a legend that St. Nicholas, u a surprise, dropped a purse filled with money down the chimney of; a poor family. The purse rolled off the hearth and into a nearby stocking thus starting the stocking-hanging tradition. Love thy neighbor. One Of (ho best things everyone can do at Christmas time is to be kind to everyone, especially the ones he hasn't felt so kindly toward lately. Then keep on being kind to them in the future. A girl is promptly kissed when she stanr under the mistletoe be cause the ancient Druids of Bri tain believed the mistletoe was given to the Goddess of Love to keep. Therefore, every womah passing under it must be kissed to show the mistletoe was a symbql of love. Be safe, not sorry. Keep you) tree outside until time to set It up; if you must put it near a ra diator, or other heating unit, turn off the heat, inspect tree lighf before putting them on the tree, sets with frayed cords or broken sockets are unsafe. If the needles near lights begin to turn brown, shift the light to another position. Turn off tree lights before every one leaves the house, 'or before the family retires for the night. . The family get-together tt Christmas dates back to Pope Telesphorius, who, in 137 A.D, ordered that members of a family be united for the day, in a reunion of solemn rejoicing and feasting. Let us all have a merry, merry, but a safe Christmas. SAT TEW to a I bert Jolly on his recent promotion I. . . and to Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Ribis on the birth of daughter, Mary Annette. . . . also to Edward Johnson and R.irxvt Davis, both si' Accessories division, who recently were awarded $10 by the Benefi cial Suggestion committee. We have been faying goodbye and hello to several employees lately. The "Good-byes" to: Hilka Kerner, one of the Timekeepers; Mary Jones, Bertha Saunders, and Henrietta Gaskins, from Power Plant division; Myrtle Layburn, from Accessories; Sarah Hodge and Emma Gaskill of Finish and Faiirc; Leonard Rawls, Willianri Pickard and Jesse Small. Good luck to all of you. . . .the "hellos" to: Basil Harman, Bettie Hodge, Nina Staten, Florence Smith and Alberta Jones. It is nice having you folks with us. Beldted Thanksgiving holiday news includes: Former employee Howard Shell was a visitor her? over the holiday. Howard is a stu dent at State College, Raleigh . . Virginia Lancaster, of Man Hour Unit, spent the holiday in New York City. . . .Jo Anne Ferguson Greensboro, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E Fergusono. Our comrade John Rosling, Ac. Round 'n About With Leap Year drawing close. J was talking to Bertha Brat chYoiltts'Records)ttf (ffhef El-1 dail fuggested that" it wV slitgutar Wat she hart never mar ried again. She replied: "Not at all. I have a dog that growls, a pir rot that swears, a fireplace that smokes, and a cat that stays out all night. Why should I want a husbamlf" Housing Project has a new em ployee. Hello George M. Willis. And Lula Walker is the newest member of the glamour section at the Dispensary. Not to be outdone, Motor Transport is introducing Monnie Fulcher, Jr., to one and ail and regret that they had to say good-bye. to George Thomas. Station Supply (USMC) "Betty and Richard Gray are building a home at Newport and plan to have it finished by Christ mas. We are sorry ta learn that Jll Swindell b HI. Our Chief Clerk reminds thai the Dispensary is Open 24 hoars per dav so those employes on night Shift should not delay in reporting accidents. To put off reporting an injury, even though tt -may be minor, is to risk infection or other complication. ' Don't forget to send your child to school tomorrow with a can oi food lor the CROP box ear. ; , ; -, CITY APPLIA1ICE -it-, i mm C2ZE YCTLL FO ALL TE2 CTTS YCUTE CrZI LC5 FC3 -cm rca evetstcdy Toyi-ol AU Kinds - Fct the Kiddies Beadihl Eledricsl Affiances' For The Homemaker . Teasiere WtJSa Irons Ilbors Uasy fttarr CUALITY FUZTITUZZ Pkenegrapli Beccrds ior lie Jive er Classics ' Enibosiasl Come In After the Santa Parade Tomorrow and '. See Our Beautiful GIfU CITY ATCZJADS CO. V ROT HAMILT$T - C. Z. CUAPPELL Defl. i The revival which if bejng conducted by Rev. Albert Tiylor f Rocky Mount. Everyone is invttod to attend. W all hope Us- Dave Ogtesby who continues quite sick, will soon be tetter. Mr, and Mrs. James Skinner and frfmuy spent Thanksgiving day with Hr, 3. i. Skinner and Mrs. I, W. Potter of Ernul. vlKri. PoUie Haskett spent the weekend with Mrs. Clarence Ma- Jtev. J. -Randal-Bennett, of jtttotf held, services at Mt. Pleasapt' church - Friday evening. Uri. Lester Hiskett and little qagflfer, wrenoa jovce oi tivo ipent Friday in the commu- yfth relatives. C- C.' .CuthreH rnd Mr. Cilthrell spent the weekend M(ih Mr. -and Mrs. Pres.ou uia hjitn. I Mr. and Mrs. John Chaplain spent a while Thursday 'with Mr. abd Mrs. J. T. Graham. Rev. .Ernest Douthit, of Have liqk, held services at Bay View BWhtbrt church Sunday. ;Jilrs. Billie G. Lewis and daugh tea Darlene spent Friday with Mm. J. F. Small and family. '' Uri. Kenneth Yohey and family I Bridgeten, spent Friday witl. Mrt. Hiott Foreman and Mrs. Dav OgWby, "Mr. and Mrs. Dk-k Conway an. family, , oi Beaufort, attended ChHSr services at Graham's cha pel Friday evening. MH Cyrus Lilly left Wednesday for Tftossiter, Pen.na. to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Mrjs. Walter Williams and family spent. Friday with Mrs. Albert Tivlor of Rocky Mount. Mr. Jesse Finer went to Kins ton Tuesday for treatment. We hope she-will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. James Skinner end family) Mr. J. T. Graham and Miss Pea. Small attended the sngin. convention at Morehead Cily Sun day afternoon. Mr. Hugh Oglesby Is on the sick list We wish for her a speedy re covery. Her? ' Ernest Douthit spent a while (8Unday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mason. Miss Pearl Bordeaux held her regular, appointment at Graham's chipej Sunday morning and eve ning. Mr'.- Kilby Haskett was on the sick list last week. Rev. Albert Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams and family spent a while Thursday at Cherry Point. . Misses Christine and Lawton Mason spent Sunday pfternoon with Mrs. Alvin Howell. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Winberry and family moved back too their .old home Saturday. Miss Mildred Culpepper is on the sick list. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. Tull Williams, of Beaufort, was in the community Thursdnv Little Dale Gibble spent a few days in the community last week Mr. and Mrs. Willie Forest and family, of Newport, spent Thanks giving day with Mr. and M.S. Cal vin Currier. Mr. A. L. Winberry, who is working on a dredge baat, spe :i the weekend with his family. Mr. Joe Butry and brother spent a while Saturday evening in me community. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Gr.--.hair and daughter, Linda Sue, spent . while Thursday evening with Mrs G. C. Cuthrell. Mrs. Theodore Jo-'es'is on the sick list. We all hope she will soon be better. Mrs. Daisv Willis, Mr. Guy Allen Willis and M'-s. Emnm Willis in tended church services at Gra ham's chapel Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Triirle'h and family, of Cherry Point, have moved in the community. Mrs. Bill Mason and so" Billy snent Tuesdav with Mrs. Thomas Haskett and family. Mr. N. S. Conway spent a few days last week with Mr. and I.i; -. Kilby Haskett. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gibble and family, oi Hubert, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ma son. Mrs. Nannie Snnll and Mr. C. L Freeman and daughter. Sally Jo, oi Bridgeton, spent a while Thursday in the community. Mr. ana mis. Jesse uranam -n nounce the birth of a daughter. S-'turday in Morehead City hospi tal. Mrs. J. T. Gri'ham spenl a while S?tuldy evening wi'.h M:s. Tho mas Haskett. Mrs. N. S. Cinway and dangli ter spent a while Tuesday with Mr find Mrs. Kilby Haskett. Mr. find Mrs I, S. Tavlor and family, of Hubert, attended church services at Graham's cha pel Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robinson USCG, spent a while Tuesday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Small. re. l" ' ' "fif Jzecli Edncalion System ilne for Overhauling PRAGUE (AP) Czechoslo vakia's educational system is due for an overhauling so that students who get as far as the university will have something more than book knowledge. Any student ap plying for university admission has to pass a sort of intelligence "ac ceptanee committee" composed of one professor and two senior stu dents. The answers have to be right po litically, of course. And the an swers may, or may not, have been in books somewhere along the edu cational assembly line. It's the answers that are making the educational authoritiessce red. One student who applied to enter journalism school was asked "Who is Dmitrov?" He didn't know. "Well, what about Vishinsky? The answer: "Never heard the name." Then, the candidate an swered: "You see, I read books o.ily by Czech authors." One girl student who wanted to become a school teacher and re cited reams of Shakespeare to prove her literary ability, was turned down because, among other things, she insisted beer was made from grapes. One candidate for the medical college insisted that "The Marshall plan is an organization of the American Unitarian church which distributes Bibles and baby cloth ing in Germany ... or in western Europe." Eli bio tooy n a . it 4'. t.h rr-m i. .... j- JX! "i;ii. ii tit' F-V 11: 72 4- WUNTJKY 7T-W. . "v Gr.-uv Mi l ; j.v'tMo:; sic it t'.ij ii p.n . l.'O'.ll V J v.; ! sX. i PL A I Newsfeatures A television house is one of the newest developments in archi ll dure. This plan 2659 by Herman York, architect, 199S3 Keno Ave , Hotlhi 7, N. Y., Is designed with -a shaded alrove in the living room to accommodate trlevisii n set, ra.-lio, record player and home nvrvie scrcfn. The house rovers an area of 1,285 square feet. The architect says he is convinced from experience that television be comes a mw cenli'r in a home, sujierccd.nu the fireplace. He be lieves that new homes should be I'laimi d lor lclcv;s'on even in areas not yet covered by video. Fireman, Save My Goldfish BRIDLINGTON, England- (AP) It looked like curtains for Sam my the goldfish. The hot sun shining though his glass bowl at Miss M King's house set the win dow drapes afire. Pretty so :m the whole room was blazing. But Sam my wasn't broiled. Firemen res cued him and saved the house. e's as perky as ever now. Prague Diops Tito Name PRAGUE (AP) Another monument to Marshall Tito has dis appeared here. The name of Marshall Tito . College has been changed to The College of Jan Comenius, the noted Bohemian scholar. Recently the name of Marshall Tito was removed from a heavy industry factory near Pra gue and its prewar company name of Kolben Danek was restored. "Frattinlty in Ai'llon" Building for Defense We don't want war, but we must build our Nation's defence with equipment and men trained ior military service. With safe, sound life insurance protection. Woodmen likewise are building their defense against unexpected disability and expected old age. together with security for their families. Meanwhile, they also are enjoying Woodcraft's fraternal and social activities. You, too. should build your future defense. Ask your local Woodmen representative to help you select the type of Woodmen cer tificate that will best meet your future needs. WOODMEN of the WORLD Life Insurance Society OMAHA. NEBRASKA ALTON B. VICK, Disi. Rep. Eox 621, Phone M-940 1 Morehead Ctly, N. C. f- fi w' f j) J ZJi $910 PINT $Q40 . RE SERVE -BUellOiltliey K Proof. The Kriighl whiskies in thliprod MI U yar r m-MJ5 Mraight whiskey. 65 grain eatrd spirits. )0rtrai(ht whiskey 5 yert old. 21 Mniglit whJtkty yean old. 4 straight whiskey 7 years old. $cket&ey DistiHcrs Corp , New York City tssilsisaeKssssjsiisiewitiss i--'. '' i fc BlaaalBe im mtw km Mctaos. H la wis to Btstoet : ' ": ' -S - W ktraabBMl tmd. tt Ik aaata Uaaa. iMaUd sat IttaUaaa' sntaar sHanMag baale auhHtal M wits ataaakstHr. aa4r aaaUafaUlnr V& low coal. BarsrLUc CssM-ote Masoary ssstttai (It yfln aH of enaa adfaotavat atd sasnr awca aeh aa fca aalahr. alanaisalaty aaaaeoaiaaa. sm Aaam-Ut' 'IsIsSbsTbIssI tSsfeBeeeHf WI SMttt ' , ,, aM aiaautiaai VharVa a ataVaraaeai aa Caaarctattock aaaVa tmH m aWnla Umaca la aH (arttUT .. cUpamUnq apaa saw atfcat llaa ttock ac a BeU la bolh a. Ilara-Use ClaaoHIa Utmaf aata en) Msda aat a saaiAlM OmI auMada tka oaauaaa aaaa . sa aaar aHaaWra ataaaUaa lhal afcakaa Ska vularlal Into afuVtahtlt aaoMae Mack, traa fcaaa ate halaa at odas a Dara-I.lt Better (Mierete alta. Ut as tor y reajulra- VkB faa bartld MaMJUy fas- teat aaeata, I'LL TAKE MY HAT OFF DAY "aV'Vf , a a a tO tllC Q vho though! this one! YESSIH, IT'S THE BRIGHTEST IDEA YET FOR A REALLY BAKG-UP, SUCCESSFUL CHRIST MAS GIFT. ORE THAT SHOWS A WC1TLD OF THOUGHTFUL NESS FOR SUCH A LITTLE COST. y iwsm, .v t - IT'S A CHRISTMAS GIFT TO TIIE CARTERET COUIITY ' '' . ':"' ' '''.'..'.".'.''.'.'..- '.: mat ra SUBSCRIPTI01I ...tSTEaUetar .." aai aeaaaaiai tm '"SaaaMMawaM a.T. JWiaeeal 'f' aja aMaaoir ' . . ''eaaaj auwmajnwa) . . MANUFACTUEED BY i:e7 Can Cuiljhg TW Tnl II I "I I W I" "1 vv if T7 Tnl (m Here's gift thai wUl king new a id ccraplele greeting fuR of Christmas cheer, not once fcui 104 times during fhe coming y:ar. And yea can have ii for n Utile. Week aller week, into lite dome ol a friend or lovel cm, will come this little message ol your ihonghlfalness, will, all the news about las:inaiing Carleret County. So come in today, or phone us, and order your gill stdbscriptioss. II yon wish, we will write a personal letter la go along with your sukeriplion to join yon in wishing thai special someone a "Very Herry Christmas!" the CMTEnrr comm NEWS-TIMES PliicD Your Gill Subscription IIov7 ill Either ol Our Tvo Offices EEAUFCRT 129 Craven Street Phoao B4431 KCLXXAD CITY 811 Etsss Street ; Phono II 5731 ,-t.XX.,Xv,,:. EW BERN, N.C. Front St " B 8251 BeauTorr tsU ts!cr! ty C. XI. ETHTLET nf w tt- wm r I 1