PAfcJS TWO CABTEltET CottNTY VETPS-TIMIS. HtnfttfhiAD Ctft AST BCAtTOST. K. C FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1948 r. Garleret County Hews-Times A Merger Of The Beaufort New (est. 1912) & The Twin City Timet (est. 1936 : VhaI About the Athletic Field Lease? L The proposal to construct a stadium and athletic field for J. I Beaufort has merit. The Beaufort Athletic association, which f . hopes to lease the property at Beaufort school on which the ball -i 4 diamond is now located, has a plan which, if carried to comple- i tion, c:n mean nothing but a splendid addition to Beaufort and 3 the county. ViCi'" The Beaufort school board of trustees has approved the lease which was submitted to the board of education Monday. If a stadium and athletic field are built, pupils of Beaufort school ty would" be entitled to use it for their athletic program, and natur "x S"y' 11,0 ')orrt' trustees sees in it a sports program for the school tf,j that would otherwise never be realized, at least for many, many years to come. 5jf We feel th:;t the board of education acted wisely in not sign 5? ing the contract several moments after it was first presented to them. However, their main reason for not signing it, namely, Xi. that it would bind their successors to an agreement which future ;.'?.: board members would not like, is a weak line of reasoning. jf a governing board did not plan for the future and enter ftf- into agreements that would affect citizens in years to come there wo'.ild be no paved streets, municipally-owned community centers, or prrjects that mean progress and improvements beneficial to the people. Under the lease, ns drawn up now, the Beaufort Athletic as sociation will pay to the Beaufort Graded school $500 rental per year and 5 per cent per year of the gross gate receipts over $10, 000, but this amount not to exceed $500. If the lease is signed and the proposed $30,000 stadium sug gested by the Athletic association not built, the school will still receive $500 annually and have ell the privileges of using the field which they now have. However, as long as the field is un- lnr hfivn in Ihn Allilclir .'lnpiut inn ihn .nHKnriiit inn nlnnp will hp f responsible for repairs or improvements there. The lease pro ps vides, however, that by agreement of the two parties, the school en spend money or make improvements it it wants. The Beaulort Athletic association, according to the contract, says that no "unlawful or offensive uses" of the property will be . ..... i;... 1 . .1 1 1- L Ill 1 ft made. II is nm supuiaicu, nuwever, which puny win ueieiiiinie what uses are "unlawful or offensive." I In agreements such as this there is usually a cbuse also, per- f haps not continually exercised, that the lessor has the right to audit the books of the lessee, f The Beaufort Athletic association has the right also to termi nate the agreement, if it so desires, if the property is destroyed "by fire or other casualty." In other words, if the large stadium is built and a year later it burns down, the lessees can immediate ly terminate the contract and the Beaufort school or board of edu cation would be responsible for clearing away the debris and re utfitting their athletic field. We think the Beaufort Athletic association's idea is a splen did one. We would be among the first to cheer and boost the athletic association's program. We do feel, however, that there re some buas in tha lease as presented ttf the board of education J end recommend that the county attorney thoroughly study it and f' advise the board as to what action should be taken. Ever See a Bank Walking? Beaufort Jaycees have undertaken a project which would be o worthy enterprise for any civic organization. It isn't obvious to the casual observer, but actually, the Beaufort Junior Chamber of Commerce is a Walking Blood Bank. Members are having their blood typed and RH factors record ed by the laboratory technician at the Morehcad City hospital. Whenever a patient needs a transfusion, the records of each Jay cee are looked up and the one that fills the bill is contacted and requested to donate blood. John Haynes was the first to be typed and nine days later gave some of his blood to a colored man. The project was initiated by J. O. Barbour, Jr., who combed practically all of eastern North Carolina recently to find a person who give blood to his little girl who was ill in James Walker hos pital, Wilmington. If the Jaycees would have done nothing else this year, this Walking Blood Bank project, in itself, would have gained for them highest commendation, 1 Evidently They Approve el 'Carteret' Our blood kind of boiled at first when we saw what looked like the Coast and Geodetic survey playing hob with our inlets, rivers, and channels here in the county, If we called "Widdcrs Gut" Widder's Gut, OK. We Couldn't especially ee any improvement by changing the name to "Jump and Run." Unfc miliar with the navigable waters in the Hatteras area, we don't know whether navigators in this section will object to the proposed name-changes, doing away with the "Split" and "Out er Slue channel." We do know that if, fishermen have known these places and others by names such as "Widders Gut" etc. all their lives, the names aren't going to be changed overnight by an act of Congress. Actually, most of the revisions are merely corrections in name spelling. And the effort to establish one correct and authorita tive name for one stream or inlet is commendable. We would be interested in hearing the opinion of some of the fishermen. . The full story on these proposed changes ran on page tin Tuesday's issue of THE NEWS-TIMES. ; CAHTEBET COUNTY KEWS-TIMES St fi . viii ticwuci . ' " " A Merger Ot fE BEAUFORT NEWS (Ert. 1912) and THETWTN CITT TIMES (Est.lOm ' , . Published Tuesdays and Fridays By ' ' -.' - THE CARTERET PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC t - Loctcwood Phillips Publishers Eleanor Dear Phillips ; '' ' Rut" Leckey Peeling. Executive Editor . s . ; , -.J' 807 Evans Street, Morehmd City. N. C . I ' - 120 Craven Street. Beaufort, N. C. 1 " . . ' : Member Ot TT""" . - s . Associated Pmm Greater Weeklies N. c. Preu AMlatlon . AMd" Bureau ot qrwilations """I"01 ; ' entered u Second Class Matter at Morehcad CKy. N C. . - under Act ot March , 18T9 . - The AsKwlated press Is entitled meluslvely to use tor roublliinn t'iZ i Ml news printed In i thta newspaper., as well 'as allAP niirs dUMtctaf KltiU ot repubUcaUoa otherwise reserved. oupatcnes. FANCY C.7CU.IV0RK ' By Eula Nixon Greenwood WATCH FOR THEM One af ternoon last week a young man who appeared to be about 35 years old walked into a Raleigh drug store and asked the manager to cash a check in the amount of $47.!6 for him. The check was made out to Robert L. Tearson and was signed: "United States Public Health Service, Federal Security Agency, by Carl L. Kunstlinft it O. C." Then this gentleman went to a grocery store and had a check for $49.79 cashed. He then moved on to another firm and made off with $49.79 with the same ruse. He was accompanied on each visit by a lady who he said was his wife. They always made a few purcases before flashing the check. Prior to reaching Raleigh he cashed three similar checks in Durham using the name of Robert L. Belvin. The N. C. Merchants Associa tion, working in cooperation with the State and Federal Bureaus of Investigation, sent out over the State full information on the trick sters. However, on Saturday night the checkflashers were still at large. v "7 ..FAVORITE TIME Beports have also reached the Association within the past week that bogus five-,ten-, and twenty-dollar bills are being passed in several sec tions of the state and nation. Now. when the Christmas rush is in full swing, is the favorite time of the year for counterfeiters and check operators. They know the mer chants dont have time to check on the authenticity of the bills and checks which flow across their desks. Store employees, managers, and owners who are not on the alert between now and Christmas may regret :t. POTATO PROBLEM The North Carolina Irish potato particularly the highly perishable, early commercial variety grown in Eastern North Carolina has not been in good health for a number of years now. This also holds true for virtually all these June and July potatoes grown along the Southern Atlantic Seaboard. Had it not been for the assistance of Uncle Sam, many a grower would have lost his shirt years ago, and despite Federal helo some of the "lnnters have not fared too well. The only people who have consis tently done well with the early commercial potato are the fertili ser manufacturers. a Congressmen Graham Batden and Herbert Bonner have stood by the potato growers, and are now attempting to get a better support price for them. But it seems that when one problem is settled an other comes along. Now It begins to look as if a man who is thoroughly familiar with the annual potato mess might become chief of the Nation al Potato Council. He Is Harry II Hill Pay Yon To Visit Onr Store During Our CimiSTIIAS Lay-Away I rTi3 Yl iniitn (?3 n urn o ear w ata 0 i3 a WATCHES $17.50 ! $5C1G3 Elgin Hamilton Waltham Benrus Longines Wittnauer Accro MAK.tlS $25X9 to $2130.00 Geld or Platlnnm ROSE BLOSSOM KEEPSAKE COLUMBIA BERLAND We also carry Electric Razors, Baby Sheaffer and Parker Pens, Clocks, all nee can be paid weekly or monthly, day and compare. Compare Quality? JEWELRY $1X9 to $500.00 We now have a complete (election of beau tiful gifts for "Him" or "Her." Come ia aid check our prices today. , . BnTESTc:,T nn: For "EET' $12X5 to $103X9 rcrTEB" $8X5 to $509X3 Towb Sierliag Wallace Sterling Infcrnalional Sterling Holmes and Edwards Wm. Eogen and Sons Jewelry, Ladies' and Men's Luggage, Billfolds, on long easy terms. Pay only fl.t down,' bal No Interest or carrying charges! Come in to ' Compare Prices! Onr stock is now complete with beautiful Nationally Advertised, long lasting Ctrixlraas giis lor nil tie ones von love. Come in today and seel Compare prices! Compare gnalsiv! and then yon will know why so many people say SIIC? raXCTS, IT PAYS. Bemember $1X3 down is all yea need daring onr lay-away sale. Balance en easy terms next year! tm&f BBS CASTIZIT CCsTYl C."LY CZZZ71 JZT7ZLE3 ; EexJ To C2j Thzzin ; - Arynfsll g!rrtl Westcott, Dare county natlvo yt9 has been fruits and vegetables marketing head with the N. C. Agriculture department since 1940. Though he is from a county which is not what you would call 'An agricultural stronghold, Westcott is thoroughly familiar with the problems laced by Eastern North Carolina potato growers. . The Potato Council position would carry a salary of $15,000 per year, the principal hitch being that it would require Westcott to move to Washington, D. C, and he likes Raleigh particularly now that one of his old sidekicks, W. Kerr Scott, is going in as Govern or. Westcott has become one of the top men in agricultural marketing fn North Carolina, so keep an eye on him. tinue more facts, figures and advertisements than' you can shake a dogwood stick at Can you Imagine any business man of good sense turning down these ambiti-t ous women, whether the request be for an ad, a picture, a story about his firm, or even a Coca-Cola? The . Answer, of course, is a thousand iuIm no. Only the end of the ' world, then, or some such calamity, "an prevent this book's being of the world, then, or some such cala mity, can prevent this book's being a nuge success. It should also ren der a real service. COKRCH AGAIN Carl Coerch, that idea man, has done It again. This time it is a 64-page booklet called "Pitchin' Tar," which made its appearance on Tuesday, Dec ember 7, Just in time to hit the Christmas trade right on the nose. Retailing for one dollar, this latest Coerch opus tells you things you should know about North Carolina, such as: outstanding scenic attract ions, hunting add fishing, good places to eat, odd facts about N. O, educational progress, popula tion figures, the textile industry, odd names of towns and cities, etc. In lots of ten or more you can virtually get it wholesale 75 cents per copy. Coerch has been referred to as "Carolina Chatterer," aviator, general gadabouter, and what have you. Most of all, however, he seems to be an A-l salesman. NOTES Senator-Elect J. M Broughton caught everybody, al most, napping when he appointed John D. McConnell of Southern Pipes as . his 5,10,000 lirimir '; tive assistant . . . . Broughton wanted an ex-service man, ant. had previously offered the job to R. Mayne Albright and Hathaway Cross, both of whom preferred to hang out their new shingles here in Raleigh. j Bob Erwia's sage in The State f magazine has been discontinued. He wrote the Washington, D. C, column. . They say Erwin has a fine news service in the Nation's capital, with clients in all sections of the V. S. and even down in South America. The word is that the State High way Commission, miffed at some recent Scott statements, came within an inch of resigning en .See ROUNDUP Page- 4 : Smile a While :: Many ' a woman thinks she bought- a dress i for a ridiculous price, when in reality, she bought it for an absurd figure. " . THE HUCKSTERS And, fur thermore, Mrs. J. C. B. Ehringhaus and Mrs. Carl Coerch are now de veloping a sort of North Carolina business directory. It may not be called that, but it is going to con- I1Y B VERY BUSY K0W AKD DOEETT WANT TO BE DISTURBED It's a lot more disturbing, lady, to have a fire and net he insured. Let's take time now to talk about your Insurance protection. Call us today for detailed information. DIAL M 3631 JOIHI L CRUIIP INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 823 Arendell Street Merehead City Outstanding. . . Penney's Parade of Gift Values: lItl d J UVISHLY LACE-TRIMMED SU?S FOU ONLY Come Otrittmai tim we bend over backwards to give yon (9WCM2ieab" prices on our wonderful giftltems-iike these extmpecial slips! Ebbortjely lace trimmed rayon iatltu and crepes with super fine details found only infuueb' higher priced sUps, Pink, white, blue, and jnaiie. 3240. (And If It's Mick tCpt yov'r cftr wt have thtm. too ot the tan lew prlctll And, wt have royoi ertpe end uttlj CLpt ct bw ... 2tJ99 ; J.Ci. PENNEY CO,- i i'isft'-"""

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