Stvage Font CASTESST COUNTY NEWS-TWES, UORESSAft OTt AJftt E2ACTC2T, N, C FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10. Ml F iHortljeab Clity facial efns lU J. Mkkitl Moras, 8ocltly Editer Phone M I7H i'i " ; Mrs. Charles S. Wallace, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., and Miss Bertha Tol ton, of New Pern, visited Mr. and (Mrs. Fred Royal last week. ' Miss Gabriel Brard returned re cently from a ten days' visit in -Washington, D. C. Mrs. Charles Canfield and son, Dick, left Sunday to visit her father in Sarasota, Fla. i Misses Madeline Royal, Lucille (Finer, Grace Beers and Lillian Frances Giddens spent last week end at Camp Joy Wood. Louis Giddens, of Soldsboro, visited his uncle, Dr. J. Frank Giddens on Sunday. Lester Sryrriii Initiated Into Phi Beta Kappa Lester Sryron. son of Mrs. lack Styrea of Morehead City, was one of 59 University of North Carolina students Initiated into Fhi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honor fraternity, Tuesday night. initiation ceremonies were held I in tht Carolina Inn at Chapel HiM Following the initiation the new member were entertained at a banquet at which Chancellor Ro bert B. House was the principal speaker. To make Phi Beta Kappa, a stu dent must average ne less than a B (90 to 95) on all subjects. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and1 MiSS Dorothy HatteM HaS son, John, spent Sunday in wii-j Bridge Club Wednesday uuiliaiuii. Mr. and Mrs. Gib Farrior are spending several days in Washing ton, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis and daughter, Freida, Miss Crosby Paige, Fred Nelson, and Bill Reid, of Camp Lcjeune, recently spent several days in Washington, D. C. Mrs. J. W. Jackson, Miss Doio- thv Roberts and Mrs. S. W. Thnmoson soent Wednesday in Wilmington. Mrs. Waller Htifham returned ast nient from Wilmington where khe has been visiting her mother, Mis. C. D. Koonce. mJAr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis spent uesday in Wilmington. lub To Meet At Rec Center The Literary and Art depart ment of the Woman's Club will eet Wednesday in the Carteret eereation center rather than the ivic Center. All members are rged to be present. The Wednesday evening club met with Miss Dorothy Harrell at her home on Seventh Street at 8 o'clock. Three progressions were played at two tables during which the hostess served cokes with nuts. High score prize, a bon bon dish, was won by Miss Coretta Thomp son and Mrs. Josiuh Bailey was consoled with note paper. Froien strawberry short cake was served as a dessert. Narcissi were used for decorations. Julna Young Celebrates Third Birthday Tuesday Little Julna Young celebrated her third birthday wrth a lovely party given by her aunt, Mrs. Ju lius Nelson, Sr., on Tuesday after noon at 4 o'clock. Eighteen little friends were pre sent and enjoyed ice cream and cake during the afternoon. Each was aiven a balloon and novelty hat for a favor. $6.50 lo S10.C0' Cutest gift idea in years is this sparkling Mallory Cift Package. As he unties the ribbon, the sides fall away to reveal a miniature hat complete with a handsome gift certificate we'll redeem any time for the Mallory of his choice la It's clever, practical, luts of fun end takes but a minute. Why not drop in for his this week?, IN MOREHEAD CITY IT'S LEARY'S GIFT HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN Arendell Street M 9816 Morehead City W.S.C.S. Has Annual Christmas Party Wesleyan Guild members were guests of the Woman's Society of Christian Service at their annual Christmas party held In the Civic center Monday evening. Mrs. Josiah Bailey, soloist, sang "Oh, Holy Night," and Mrs. G. H. Jackson, president, gave a splendid program on the characteristics of the Mother Mary. During the pro gram an offering was taken for the W. S. C. S.'s Christmas fund for shut-Ins. Mrs. Malcolm Collins and Mrs. it. T, Mills were in charge of de corations which were lovely poinsettias with ivy, pine and red candles beautifully arranged throughout the club rooms. Mrs. Robert Taylor presented honorary baby memberships to 12 children as love gifts from grand parents, aunts, and uncles. Christ mas carols were sung in unison by all. Mrs. Earl Piner was chairman of the refreshment committee and delicious angel food cake topped with whipped cream and cocoanut was served. Each plate was decora ted with a miniature holly corsage. Floating Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. Julius Nelson Mrs. Julius Nelson, Sr. entertain ed the Floating Bridge Club at her home Wednesday. The home was decorated with lovely wild fall flowers and a light ed Christmas tree. Mrs. Wayne Cooper was an in vited nuest. High score prize, soap powder, was won by Mrs. Joe Smith while Mrs. Percy Deyo received a car ton of gum for second high. Mrs. G. A. Aspenburg won the consola tion prize, a towel and Mrs. Cooper also received a similar gift. Upon arrival of the guests the hostess served fruit jello with cookies and during play cokes, mints and peanuts were enjoyed. Mrs. Walter Davis Wins High At Bridge Club Mrs. Robert Seaman entertained her bridge club at her home Tues day evening at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Dick Weeks and Mrs. Frank Gran tham as guests. High score prize, a lace hand kerchief, was won by Mrs. Walter Davis and second high, a bracelet and earrings, went to Mrs. Her man Guthrie. Mrs. Clyde Willis was consoled with earrings. The hostess presented Mrs. Wal ter Davis with a lovely birthday cake and crystal in her pattern in honor of her. anniversary. , " Refreshments' Served by candle light were cake with Ice cream. The home was decorated with yaupon and other Christmas foliage. Miss Coretta Thompson Has Bridge Club Tuesday Miss Coretta Thompson enter tained at three tables of bridge at her home on Evans Street Tues day evening. Invited guests were Mrs. Rufus Sams, Mrs. Reginald Meyers ami Mrs. Marlon Mills. Refreshments of holiday cus tards with coffee and nuts were served and each table was decora ted with a Christmas centerpiece of yaupon, Christmas balls and lighted candles. During play cokes were enjoyed. Club high was won by Mrs. A. H. La Montagne and second high went to Miss Ann Mills. Mrs. Mey ers received a necklace and ear rings for guest high. The club will meet with Miss Ann Mills next week. Boats Make Good Catches la Nearby Waters Tuesday Fish factories were again ablaze with lights Tuesday night as the boats brought in big catches and the shad smog lay low over Beau fort and Morehead City. The G. W. Wallace factory on Monday lost a $3,500 seine and two purse boats. Search for it by plane failed to locate the valuable net. Filth Grade To Present Christmas Pageant To PTA Miss Betty Harker's fifth grade will present a Christmas pageant, "A Story of the Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Coming of Christ," at the monthly meeting of the Parent-Teachers association on Monday evening. The meeting will begin at 7:30 and a business session will also be conducted. CANP GLENN Dec. 8 -r- Miss Pauline Beach am and Mr. John Bell motored to Washington, N. C, Sunday, to visil relatives. Mrs. Roy Lewis, Roy, Jr., and sister, Sherril accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Pake motored to New Bern on a shopping excursion. Mr. Jimmie McElroy returned Monday from Asheville and brought with him his cousin, Mr Harold Sluder. Salt air does things to folks here! Mmes. Cicero Gfithric, Troy Mor riss, and Troy Morriss, Jr., shopped at Cherry Point Tuesday. Mmes. Russell Willis, Mel Mans field, Marvin Willis, John Eaton, and Miss Georgia Davis did gome shopping in Raleigh, Monday. Mr. Cal Whaley was in Reeds ville, Tuesday, on business. Mrs. Ed. Pone and granddaugh ter, Edna Ilardeson are visiting relatives in Savannah, Georgia un til Christmas. Mr. and Mis. Frank Gonsalves in company with the twin sisters. Miss. Ina and Ona Willis spent Monday in New Bern shopping. Mrs. J. C. Pake has made re servations to board the air liner this Saturday for a trip to Mem phis, Tenn., to join Mr. Pake who is stationed there at a Naval hos pital. They located living quarters and will set up house keeping. BAY VIEW Dec. 7 The death angel visit ed the community Thursday morn ing and took away one 6f the oldest people in the community, Mr. David F. Oglesby. He was born September 15, 1863 and died Dec ember 2. He is survived by two uons, B. F. Oglesby and W. H. Oglesby of this community and three daughters, Miss Clara Ogles by of New Bern, RFD, Mrs. Lula Howell and Mrs. Nora Foreman of Bridgeton, one brother, Mr. J. H. Oglesby of Bridgeton and one sister, Miss Sudie Oglesby of end eighteen grandchildren and twenlv-six great grandchildren. He was iaid to rest in the family cemetery near Newport. Rev. W. E. Anderson officiated at the grove. Rev. J. Albert Taylor returned to Elm City Monday after conduct ing a revival meeting at Graham's chapel. Jesse Small, U. 3. C. O., return cd to duty Thursday at Wilming ton after spending a while with his parents. Rev. Ernest Douchit will hold services at Bay View BapUsi church Sunday morning and eve ning. Mr. Owen Cottle spent the week end with his mother in New Bern. Rev. J. Randall Bennett, of Bridgeton, will hold services at Mt. Pleasant F. W. B. church Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Winfield Lewis is on the sick list. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Haskett and. daughter, of Havelock, spent Sun day in the communuity with rela tives. Miss Pearl Bordeaux will hold services at Graham's chapel Sun day morning and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Billie G. Lewis and daughter, Darlene, of Morehead City, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small. Mr. Charlie Freeman, of Bridge ton, spent a while la the commu nity Monday evening. Mrs. Jesse Graham and little daughter returned heme from Morehead City Hospital last week. Mrs. Carlos M. Armstrong and children, of Elizabeth City, and Mr. Jerry Hardesty and Sgt. Bennie Hardesty spent a while Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small and family. . Mr. Cyrus Lilly, Mr, T. L. Lilly, and Miss Armenta Lilly returned home from Rossiter, Penna., Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Levy Morris, of Vanceboro, attended church ser vices at Graham's chapel Saturday evening. Mr. Robert Lewis, of Broad Creek, is spending a few days with Mr. Winfield Lewis. Mrs. Floyd Winberry is visiting relatives in Morehead City. Mrs. Walter Trigleth and family spent a while Monday afternoon with Mrs. W. C. Williams. Mrs. J. F. Small and little Wm. Small spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Billie Lewis, of More head City. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Graham spent a while Saturday with Mrs. G. C. Cuthrell. Mrs. Helen Weeks spent a few days with Mrs. Lee Brown, of Wire Grass, last week. Mrs. Lee Brown and Mr. Lee Brown, Jr. spent a while Monday in the community. Mr. T. L. Lilly is spending the week with Mr. Cyrus Lilly. Miss Armenta Llllv soent a while Sunday with Miss Pearl! Small. I!is ftjisf Ass Uesys Chi KesSa; Krai Carrie B. Gillikln, home gent, has announced the home demonstration club meeting for the coming week. .-.. They are as follows: Pellet ier, 2:30. this afternoon In the church; Russe-U'i Creek, 70 Monday night with Mrs. B. T. Copeiaod; Cam Glenn, 1:30 Wednesday afternoon with Mr. Jhjiins Lewis. ' wmistoa, T:S0 Wednesday night with Mrs. John Wade; Merriroon, 2:30 Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Jim StaUings; Crab Point, 7:30 Thursday night with Mrs. Thomas Oglesby. Cedar Island, o'clock next Fri day afternoon' with Mrs. Maude Daniels; Atlantic, 3 o'clock next Friday afternoon with Mrs. Lam bert Morris; and Wildwood, 7:30 next Friday night with Mrs. Walter Whitley. letters To Santa Clans saiier ram, in. c. Dec. 6, 1948 Dear Santa: I'm seven years old, and would like very much for you to bring me a bicycle and electric train. I have three brothers and one sis ter, be nice to them.too. Also mom and dad. You will find a gift for you under the tree. Gene Perry Willis One adult in five today is engaged in producing, processing and distributing food; 150 years ago nine out of 10 were. R0UNBUP (Continued From rage Two) masse last week . . . and was pre vented from doing so by Gov. R. G. Cherry. . . . Beaufort, N. C. December I, 1948 Dear Santy: Here I am back again wishing for something else! However, be ing as you are so good you won t mind, will you? I am in the sixth grade at school. I am 12 years old and I won't ask for much. 1 want a bathrobe, slippers, basketball and goal, and a few books. Santa, please don't forget grand dad who is ill or mom, dad, and grand mother. I have tried to be good and not ask for too many things. See if you can get at least a few of these things. There will be a NO DOUBTS HERE A North Carolina morning daily ran this headline last week: "Scott Demand on Baise to Resign Still a Rumor." Could be. But Vance Baise receiv ed that letter from Kerr Scott asking him to move out as chief engineer of the State Highway commission on January 6. Of that there is no doubt here in Raleigh. There is also no doubt that Charles Flack of the State Utilities com mission received a similar epistle. Flack is expected to set up law offices in Forest City in January or February. Baise will likely land a position with one of the State's big road contractors. SHOCKED Raleigh old heads appear to be greatly shocked at the manner in which Kerr Scott operates, expecting him to follow patterns used by Garner, Ehring haua, Hoey, Broughton, and Cher ry. They teem to have become ac customed to a certain similarity of action by -their Governors. Scott never follows the same old road maps. He knows he is un orthodox, enjoys being that way, and profits therefrom. The Greensboro Daily News re marked, with seme wisdom, last week as follows:" Many a Raleigh fetish is in for an overhauling." PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE OF FALL DRESSES Christmas budgeting need not be a problem . not when t . tTOT rniiM HttAn : . in l . 1 1 f 1 you snop ai int. imtx anur ... we nave a seieciea 101 01 cnoice Fall Dresses, in woolens and crepes that we are offering to the thrifty shoppers at a special Pre-Christmas Sale price V They are all the newest styles . . . Come in and see them you'll save! Originally $14.95 to $25-NOW-$0 THE DRESS SHOP WK APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Dial M433-1 1 1 ArwdeQ 8t MORJCBSAD CITY n i'i ' 0 . . Wbstindiouse gMffiffiW' gf AUTOMATIC WASHM with Exclusive WATER PER 1 lS Installs Anywhnre)! No Bolting! no vibration. HRES WHAT WE'LL PROVE 1 $av Woftn ExcltMiW Water Saver measures water to muTU load. All you do Is set the dm 2 Washs CUairar. Exclusive, gentle but thorough washing action washes garments cleaner, drains soiled water away from .. . not through the clothes. 3. Ends Washday Wot. Washes, triple " rinses, damp-dries, cleaoaitaetf, then akuta . off . . . automatical!! Hera's how to get PROOF! Phone us and make arrange ments to tee a load of your clothes washed thoroughly clean ... the easy, Laundromat way. It's free! Tp31 A cTr3TA fl A TYff ) ' JL i-y Lk :CiJ.l : j . coke and pie under the tree for you and some knitting needles for Mrs. Santa. . .;. Santa, please give all the child ren something that will make them happy and make their little hearts sing as they approach this Christ mas season. Your friend, Nancy Faye Mason Mewport Commissioners flan Laying of Tile Newport- commissioners at the meeting Wednesday night at the town hall discussed the street si tuation and made plans for laying a truckload of tiling recently pur chased by the town. One of the worst places where drainage is needed is in Front oi the old Baptist church, the board igieed. Three commissioners, Clarence Millis, David McCain, and Harold Wilton attended the meeting be sides the mayor, Aaron Craig. The session was postponed from the regular meeting night, Tues day, because several of the com missioners were out of town. The next meeting is scheduled for tlie first Tuesday In January, Jan. 4; mm mum Come In and TASTE her DELICIOUS PANCAKES! Today & Tomorrow AUNT JEMIMA will serve her delicious Pan cakes with Log Cabin Syrup, Swift's Brooklield Sausage, and Parkay, tree of charge. Be sure lo come to STROUD'S Former Kaiser-Frazer Building 18th & ARENDELL ST. MOREHEAD CITY YOU'LL BE DELIGHTED WITH OUR LOVELY SELECTION OF GIFT ITEMS GIFY f r A FOB HEB William's Sets $1.00 up Old Spice Shaving Sets $1.25 up Old Spice Lotion and Talcum OTHER GIFTS FOR HIM Traveling Kits Remington Electric Shavers FOR HER or HE1 JEWELITE COMB & BRUSH SETS ' By Prophylatic AMITY BILLFOLDS LOVELY NEW GIFT STATIONERY RON'SON LIGHTERS PARKER PEN & PENCIL SETS WATERMAN PEN 4 PENCIL SETS WATCHES i. .Gilts For Baby... FT By PANGBUKN WHITMAN GALES Lucien Lelong Sets ... $3.75 up Dorothy Gray Sets .... $1.50 Op Coty Sets $3.00 up! Chantilly by Houbgant $1.25 up Evening In Paris Sets $1.50 up! Max Factor Sets $100 up Dubarry Sets Colgate, Palmolive Shaving Sets Mennen's Sets $1.25 Mennen's Lotion and Talcum Gillette Raws Kay woodie Pipes $3.00 up I (many other kinds) Amity Pipe Tobacco Pouches $1X3 up YCUXL fc.d errs rc3 eyehyecdy JGS 'nODSS D30G STQ3E Day Phenea S3S1 Mil Night Phase S4S1 FRONT STREET BEAUFORT,

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