TTtSA?k WCBOEI 14, 194J CAftTEftET COUNTY STEWS-TIMES, MOREHEAD CtTT Atfft BEAUTORT, N. C PACE F1VB HI,. m'4 ilt,' ' 1 (. ' Hi PI Ik B Jeaufort' foetal Jfrfos Mr. J. Michael Morn, Society Editor Phone B418 Rev. T. R. Jenkins ion Discusses Relfc Tolson r Norcom Vows Spoken 'Aj(joJ n St P auts E FEBSONAU Ir. Harold Hurom, director of U. . Duke Marine laboratory, Fi ver's Island, recently returned from several week's stay in Bimini, the Florida Key, and Miami. Mr. Raymond Gakill and daugh ter, Norma, pent Saturday in New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parker spent Friday in Raleigh and Mount Olive. v Mr. and Mrs. Jack Humphrey, of Lucama, spent last weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. W. Humphrey, on Front Street. Miss Sue Murray Thomas, who teaches in Smlthfield, spent the weekend at home. Reverend and Mrs. M. 0. Alex ander, of Lakeview, S. C, former pastor of the First Baptist Church, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Davis during the past week. Mrs. J. H. Johnson returned yes terday from Long Island, N. Y., where she has been visiting her son, Kenneth for several months. Miss Nannie Potter returned piscopal Church The marriage of Miss Bessie Joyce Norcom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Norcom, of Beau fort, to Mr. Charles Keeler Tolson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Tolson, of Morehead City, was solemnized in St. Paul's Episcopal Church Friday at 7:30 o'clock. The Reverend William L. Martin offi ciated using the double ring cere mony. Banked palms with smilax and baskets of white gladioli were used in the church and added beauty to. the scene. Mrs. Joseph House, organist, ren- 1 dered a program of nuptial music prior to the ceremony and Mrs. John Brooks, soloist, sang "The Voice That Breather" o'er Eden" and "0 Perfect I ve. The bride, given in marriae bv her father, wore a gown of white satin fashioned with a loke of illusion outlined in Chantilly lac. The fitted bodice ended in a point at the waistline and the long fitted sleeves were edged in similar lace. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a headband of stephanotis I and she wore an heirloom gold necklace set in diamonds. She carried a prayer book covered with 1 white orchids and stephanotis and a shower of stephanotis. , Miss Florence Norcom was her sister's maid of honor. She wore a gown of yellow taffeta fashioned along lines similar to those of the bride's gown and wore matching ' ItturcIicaJi Olitu foetal rfais J. Michael Moran, Society Editor Phone M S781 PERSONALS Miss Clarkie Wade is' visiting Mrs. Harker in New Bern. Miss Dorothy Roberts attended an R. E. A. meeting in Raleigh Thursday. George Ball made a business trip to Raleigh Thursday. Mrs. I. E. Pittman, Mrs. Jack Styron and daughter, fcva Jane, visited relatives in Kenly over the weekend. . Members of the Beaufort Book club heard a talk on "Great Re ligions of the World" Thursday night following their dinner meet ing at the Inlet inn. The speaker was the Rev. T. R. Jenkins, minis ter at Ann Street Methodist church. Routine business was discussed and Mrs. D. F. Merrill gave a re port on the progress made by the Cemtery Restoration Association. Mrs. John Nelson, president of the county chapter of the NOrth Carolina Education Association, spoke on the need for better schools in the state. Storting the new year with a meeting on Thursday evening. Jan. 8, the club will hear Mr. and Mrs. B F? Copeland speak on "Winter Planting Shrubs and Bulbs." Five programs will follow, the hiohlicvVit Vwi i n i iU vrnl, ..7 when the sneaker will Hp Mrs Ini- r-. and Mrs Chalk, Jr lfa Flntnhar out Vine nf "f tin. and tamily are residim: with Mr for Carolina." "RnlPiPh' 'Mnn - chalk' Sr at hls home on Arendell nnH w iauf ki, "n 1' Street. Dr. and Mrs. Alva Van Nort wick and son, Bill, left lust week for their home in Jacksonville, Fia., after visiting relatives here and in Greenville. Mrs. Bette Swindell returned re cently after spending several months with her daughter mil sis ter in Washington, D. C. Major and Mrs C. P. Weiland and two sons have moved to Fred ericksburg, Va. Sunday from a visit with relatives ' gauntlets. Her headdress was made in Washington, D. C. of talisman roses and- she a,so Mr. Albert Clark Gaskill, of Chapel Hill, spent the weekend I with his mother, Mrs. Annie Gas kill. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Stern, of Washington, N. C, visited her neice, Mrs. J. F. Duncan, on Sun Mr. and Mrs. Van Potter have returned home after a trip to New "ork and Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Gibbs and Miss Josephine Morton will spend Friday visiting in Mount Olive. Mrs. Devonchik Entertains Bridge , Club Friday Mrs. Jessie Devonchik entertain ed her bridge club at her home on Live Oak Street Friday with Mrs. Charles Markey, Mrs. Cecil Petter son and Mrs. Percy Deyo as guests. During progressions the hostess s"rved cokes with mints and nuts. At the conclusion -of play, Mrs. Markey received a double deck of cards for high score and Mrs, Deyo received novelty ash trays for sec ond high. Refreshments were chocolate nut bread topped with whipped cream and. coffee. carried an arm bouquet of talis man roses. Bridesmaids were Misses Ann, Ellen, and Jean Norcom, sisters of the bride, and Miss Bessie Lang dale, a cousin of the bride. They wore gowns fashioned identical to the maid of honor's in aqua taffeta and carried arm bouquets of red roses with headbands of roses. Honorary bridesmaids were Miss Elizabeth Temple, Miss Amy Noe, Miss Annie Laurie Lindsay and Miss Edith Moore. The bride's mother wore a floor length gown of black moire taffeta with a purple orchid shoulder cor sage. Mrs. Tolson, the bridegroom's mother, wore a garnet gown trim med in sequins and a corsage of talisman roses. The bridegroom chose his father as bestman.,.' Ushers wers James Macy, John Lashley, George Phil lips, and Frank Hlnes, all of More head City. Following the wedding ' the bride's parents entertained- with reception at the parish house. The receiving line was composed of the wedding party and parents of the bride and groom. Refreshments of punch and cake were served by the honorary bridesmaids after the first slice of cake had been cut by the bridal couple. ' After the reception the couple left for a short wedding trip to Hundred." Mrs. Fletcher will speak on "The Preservation of Antiquities." At the February meeting Mrs. Ernest Davis, Beaufort, will speak on "The Land of Sunshine Ha waii." Miss Ruth Peeling, Beaufort, will review a current non-fiction book at the March meeting, on the 11th of that month and Mrs. N. Thomas Ennett is in charge of Ihe April 8th meeting when the theme will be "Flower Arrangements." The last meeting will be June 10 when Mrs. U. E. Swann, Beaufort will review a current novel. Officers of the elub are Miss Lena Duncan, president, Mrs. James D. Rtimley. vice-president, Mrs. G. W. Duncan. Sr., secretary, and Mrs. J. F. Duncan, treasurer. Members, of the program com mittee are Miss- Gladys Chadwlck, Mrs. Ennett, Mrs. T. R. Jenkins, and Mrs. Vera H. Stubbs. Three of the current year's meetings have already been held. In October the president spoke on "Travelogue the U. S. A." North Carolina Federated Women's club activities was the theme of the talk in November by Mrs. Darden fcure, Morehead City, Mr. Walter Freeman is ill at his home on Bridges Street. Mrs. Sally Whitley and son, Ray mond, spent Friday night in Wil mington. r Mr. and Mrs. Jark Lnzenhy, of Chapel Hill, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Sell ings. Mr. anil Mrs. Luther Hamilton, Jr., of Chapel Hill, spent several days rr-i-ently at Hog Island. Leroy Scott, of Washington, N. C, was a.visitor here this weekend. Mrs. Harry Webb returned to Richmond, Va., Sunday after spending several days with Mrs. C. S. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Watts Carr, of Dur ham, spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nelson, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Clvde Young visited Mrs. Nelson's mother, Mrs. Warren, in Ransomville Sunday. Mrs. Terry Mann, R. N., has join ed the Nurses staff of the More head City Hospital. j . j - . . ... i unannounced points, r or travelling i t I t hi tt the bride changed to a Suit of L- Leary UaSS XlaS lorest green gabardine with black Christmas Partv accessories and Wnr thp nrMH ny was a book snop 1V A, second shipment of TIME BIO FISHERMAN" by the author of "THE ROBE," just received. Are you debating what to give for Christmas? Why not give a nice Bible, an interesting book, er a subscription to some magazine , r...- Look ever our books and ask abort eur subscriptions. Re memberinformation and looking are free. Hrs. Iledgepelh ' Book Shop ARENDELL ST. MOREHEAD CITY accessories and wore the orchid 1 IT! o1 h.. I 1. They are now making their home 1 The L L Leary Sunday Scho1 at !800 TrendeirsSt ' " . C,tt" f th First BaptisL Ch"rc!l Mrs. Tolson is a graduate of the ?! Inursdav eveR.'n8 at 7 " dock Beaufort Hieh School and is now Ior ,nelr annual nr.simas party employed by the Carolina Tele phone and .Telegraph Company in Morehead City. A delicious three course turkey dinner was served the class by Mrs. Cordova's Home Economics class at the school. Dinner was served by candlelight and the rooms were and a Mr. Tolson attended Junior Pres Dyienan college for one year and , lovely with yaupon, cedar nurin Caroline aiate college in . lighted Christmas tree naieign J or tour years. Prior to her wedding the bride was shown many lovely courtesies by her friends. Mrs. Charles Case entertained with a buffet suooer and Miss Amy Noe, a shower. Mrs. Mrs. Qulncy Stimpson, president of the class, acted as toast master. Christmas carols were played and a recording of "The Littlest Angel' by Loretta Young was heard. Mem Sam Hollowsy, Mrs. Sam Adler and ,bers exchanged gifts and brought Mrs. -Edward Council also honored I Mrs. Tolson, with a lovely, mlscel , laneous shower at the Civie Center on Wednesday evening. Out of town guests here for the wedding included Miss Bertha Tol son of New Bern and W. J. Har desty of Harlowe. other gift for the Kennedy Home. Mrs. Ruth McRackan and Mrs. George McNeill, associate teachers, were remembered with gifts from others In the class. Twenty-five were present with Mrs. Alvah Hamilton, and Mrs. David Garner as 'guests. A Prism-Lite Diamond Gleams In Her Dreams No other diamond givea i the same radiance, the tame wondrous sparkle as a Prism-Lite! The Priam-Lite process scientifically eliminates every dull "dead" spot . . . adds undreamed-of lovliness, intensifies brilliance, makes the atone look larger, and minimises danger of chipping. Actually IN CREASES the diamonds VALUE WITH OUT INCREASING COSTI ANY PRISM LITE DEALER WILL ALLOW YOU FULL PURCHASt PRICE TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF A LARGER STONE IF DESIRED IN THE FUTURE! You Can't Give A Belter Gift EARLY JEWELERS ARENDELL ST.; , See Them At "Across From Western Union", . MOREHEAD CITY- Her Dream For A yenderful Christmas lie New NORGE Refrigerator W3 . - 1 bflll Belter than ever istheNewKSBGE See the Norge Sell-defroster with the on the door timer dock. It's an ideal Christmas gift one that, will last through out the years. - CITY APPLIMICE GOIIPAIIY Boy Caraillon C. L Chappell Terms H ' Desired Front St I BEAUFORT' R.A. Conclave Held In Davis Recently I The Royal Ambassador Conclave of the Atlantic Association vat. held recently in Davis. Morning session of Ihe meeting was conducted i.1 the church which was beautifully decorated in the I R. A. colors of blue and gold. The meeting was opened with a song "The King's Business," which i: me n. a. nymn. waicnwora a no All ! . ... Allegiance were given ana Hie Kev erend Lee A. Phillips, pastor o Ihe Marshallberg church, gave Ih devotional. I. W. Davis, Jr., gav, the welcoming address ani Way i. King, the response. Business Wi. discussed with roll call of enure es, recognition of visitors and pn sentation of pastors. The mornin session was concluded with ;i talk "Boys and Missions," by Dr. .lohi II. Bunn, of Morehead City. Luncheon was tiicn served in th Davis school from attractively de corated tables. Gold candles wit. ' flowers and place cards which bon the R. A. shield were arra lget along the tables. The menu consist ed of chicki n salad, saltines, sand whiches, deviled rgiis, beets, cui cakes decorated in blue and goU icing and cokes. The afternoon session was con ducted in the Davis school and wa. opened with ihe souk, "Jesus Shal Reign." The Reverend A. S. Lamm divisional R. A. counselor, souk, on "R. A.'s Our Hope lir Ye: r: To Come." The meeting was Icon eluded with "God Be With You Tii We Meet Ayuin" and the benedit tion. Seven boys, Dr. John II. Bum Mrs. John Lashley and Mrs. l.oui; Nori'is attended from M'irehcai. Citv. American Home Club Has Chrisimas Party The American Home department of the Woman's Club held its an nual Christmas meeting on Wed nesday. with a lovely Christmas tree and greenery, Christmas carols were sung and Mrs. Sampsoi told Christmas s.ories and showed pictures to the youngsters as the program for the nfternoon. Santa Claus paid them a visit bringing a toy for each one. I A short business session was con- Mrs. Harold Sampson, acting ducted during which members chairman, presided over the meet- voted to donate a case of milk to ing which was a Christmas party the Christian Rural Overseas Pro- for children of the club members gram. They also decided to sponsor The club room w. s decunted Game, Night with other depart- monfs fit : thj, tk TVIa .JTI La v& uc uuu. a ma win ui? held in the Recreation Center dur ing the latter party of February. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. H. M. Eure, Mrs. L. A. Da, niels and Mrs. Ida Bell Willis. They served delicious cookies with fruit punch. The few cen:s eacli one of us spends for an item of food for the CROP box car means happiness and health for a hungry youngster overseas. Garden Club To Have Christmas Party The Garden and Civics depart ment of the Woman s Club wi meet tomorrow afternoon in tlu Civic Center at 3 o'clock for their annual Christmas party. Mrs. John Lashley will give ; talk on Christmas customs and she has asked members with uniisua decorations for mantles or doors to bring them for display. Hostesses will be Mrs. D. W Freshwater, Mrs. William Dye and Mrs. R. T. Willis, Jr. Members are also requested to bring their Christmas gifts for the hospital. . J. " ejveJ ...77 .. v -' T&te i Goodyear Tires and LifeGuard Safety iyyfll?-'''' Tubes make wonderful gifts great- ff fTXi jQ&rjr ly appreciated for their !afCty and &JcV'M jfSr ftW ' long faithful service. tjWrf'AS& Jf ,v Thii year simplify your shopping and lMxA l ill make sure of pleasing with a Gift &T:'f 'J W If Certificate ... for Goodyear Tires, f i g 1 LifeGuards or other merchandise we ft jC Ug!$i f ' it It takes but a minute to arrange for ibv1 tteH f 4j ''Jr a certificate in any amount vou wish. - ' , 1 I I r- . . ,JL. ' .J.. ' I I Supar-Cushlon m LlfeGuard li M iJ I m. PAULMOTOStO. I I I 1 M mm mm mm m mm AT'r -THEY SAY Opportunity Knocks But Once.." WE DON'T KNOW WHETHER IT'S TRUE OR NOT BUT We Do Know OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING NOW FOR SHOPPERS IN MOREHEAD CITY la) ! MS I III ! 4j S100 Has Already Been Awarded 600 in Csisli WILL DE AVmODED TO IIOREIIEAD CITY SHOPPERS BETWEEII IIOU AIID CIIRISTIIAS! $2H Will Be Awarded On Sniurday, December 18lh $(C3 Will Be Avardcd On Cbislnas Eve, December 24lh AWAECS Jf?ILL TAKE -PLACE AT 1:33 P. II lit ftt!?T CF TEE inIClPAL BUILDIK3 WATCH FC3 TEE FLACAES3 D i:r.iniAD CITY STCHES v n . ; ; c'Asiiron yoor shopped hi nonsnsAD cityi ' vwwwwwwurwwwwwwurwwwwuiiwwuwuru'wwwii