I jJHorefyeafc fflrtg foetal Ncfus (eat Roe Ms, Society Editor M 965-7 Mr. C. L. Ricks and son. Lee. from Pantego, N. C. and Mrs. Jimes McClure from Washington, N. C. spent Saturday and Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fulcher. Mr. and Mrs. ^fcter Sledge, of [ Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M Wells, of Raleigh, spent the week ' end at the Ben Roberts cottage on the 'beach. Mr. Carlos Cordova from Fayet teville spent the week t-nd with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delfidio Cordova. MP. and Mrs. Joseph Colenda, Mrs. Alvah Willis and Miss Edith Davis spent Saturday in New Bern. Mrs J. G. Bennett was confined to her home last week due to illness. Mrs W. L. Fulcher, who recent ly underwent an operation in the local hospital, came home Satur day an<* is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Cooper and laughter, Gail of Nashville, N. C., spent the weekend with the Har vey Hamiltons. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Daniels, of Miami. Fla., arrived here last Thursday. They brought Mrs. B F. Lane with them and she will visit her daughters, Mrs. Howard Wade and Mrs Charles Styron Mr and Mrs. Daniels left Sunday. Mr. Cooper Hamilton, a student at Duke Medical school, spent the Easter holidays with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hamil ton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Exum were called to Bennettsville. S. C. Sun day because of the illness of his ; father. Miss Wynette Garner of Green ville. spent the weekend at the G. E. Sanderson home. Miss Beulah Rasberry, of Kins ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hamilton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colenda, of Danville. Va., arc visiting Mrs. Gladys Colenda and Miss Ada Da vis. Mrs. G. Henry Jackson left Fri day to visit in Wilson, N. C. Mrs. D. J. Eure's mother. Mrs. Robert Gordy and Mrs. Herbert Gordy, both of Atlanta, Ga., left today. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie McWilliams, from Norfolk, Va., are visiting the Alvah Hamiltons, Sr. Mr. Frank Hatton was at Duke hospital for a check up last week. Mr. Walter C. Brandenburg was In Baltimore over the week-end. Spending the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Duffy Wade, was Mrs. W. C. Roberts from Newport News. The Frances Wade family from Zebulon visited Mrs Duffv Wade Sunday. Mrs. Alvah H-milton. Jr left Friday to spend several weeks at her home in New Iberia, La. Mf. Priestly Conyers from the tichmond Theological seminary sr^oke Sunday In the Webb Me morial Presbvterian church. He and Mrs Conyers were Sunday "uests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jos tyn. Mr and Mrs Rov Purifoy. having *~rnt the-1 week with his mother, "i c-llv Purifov returned to Mount Sunday. V'ee' "nd *uoits of Mr" ?nd Mrs ' ll?i "otftworth, were the Frank "-tterson's and son from Rocky Mount, Mr and Mrs. Mack Harris, and son, Danny, from Newport News. Reverend and Mrs. John Bunn visited their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Vinson, Jr. in Goldsboro Friday night. Mrs. John H. Burn recently (d> sited her mother, Mrs George W For Complete i FDR PROTECTION ? Certified ? Cold Storage sirs and - 119 Cjpning and Glazing 100 Pet. Tim ranee BS Eaatern Carolina'! Only Certified For Storage t 1 Finch anf her sister Mn. Henry Skinner in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Kelly White of West Palm Beach, Fla., was a recent viiitor at the John Bunns. She also visit ed 1 relatives in Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs a! H. McDonald and Sonny and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ! Trader, the latter from Havelock, | went to Southern Pines Sunday. Mrs Trader will remain at Pine Bluff for treatment for a few weeki. The Aivin Wade family and the Wade Bell family were in Ra leigh Monday. About fifteen Hi-Y girls attend ed the Freewill Baptist church "unday morning as a group Reverend John Bunn had to be treated several times last week j for an ear infection and he is now much improved. Mrs L. A Wemple of Boon ville, N. Y., who has spent the win ter v ith her daughter and fsmily, Mr. and Mrs. Delfidio Cordova, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. L Wemple and daughter, Barbara, !,nd Miss Norma Olney, all of Hoonville, returned to New York Friday. Mr find Mrs. Tom Fulcher and daughter. Beverley, spent the <v?ek-r^d with his mother, Mrs. Tosenh Fulcher. Mr and Mrs. Joe Williams, Jr., o f Drvis spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert White - hurst of Beaufort were Sunday truest?? of Mr. and Mis. C. T. Whitehead of Crab Point. Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Taylor andj Mrs. Alice Hartell motored to Burgaw Sunday. Mrs. William Dye spent the weekend in Durham. Mr. R. B. Parnell, who works i:i Kinston, was home for the week end. Sunday guests of the Ralph Wades were Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Nappe of Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. James Macy, Jr., left Friday for Boston to be gone all week. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Marrinerj of Warsaw were weekend ?uests of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Leary. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Vick, Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Karrior and Mr. I and Mrs. Hugh Fanior spent Sun-| day in Wilson. Mrs. George Williams and Mm. Winslow Webb and daughter of i Greenville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams. Mrs. Wade Bell Entertains Bridge Club Tuesday Night Mrs. Wade Bell entertained members of her bridge club at hei home last Tuesday night. For Jiigh score Mrs. Bobby Bell received a double deck of cards. Mrs. Jessie Devonchik for second high score received novelty plates. Mrs. Raymond Rogers received a consolation prize of a salt and pep per set. The hostess served peanuts and i cokes during play and at the end, I reach shortcake Seizor* Go to Capital Twentv-five seniors, accompanied Mr M? Wa'dron Bailey and Mrs D. B W?bb. and thirteen commer p'a! students from the post gradu ate course, with their teacher. Miss He'en Martin, left today on a Paul Ricks sight-seeing tour to Wash ington D. C. They will be gone four dayg. ! Miss Roberts Honored By Phillip Balls Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ball enter tained about twenty-five guests at a buffet supper at their home Saturday night honoring bride elect Mflta Dorothy Koberts. The dining room table held an white floral arrangement of bay blossoms and baby breath. The table was covered with a lace cloth and white tapers in silver candelabra were tied with baby breath and fern. In the living room dutch iris and baby breath were used in decoration. The Balls presented the bride to-be a set of ehina. ! Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rhodes i Announce Engagement Mr. apd Mrs. G. nV. Rhodes of Newport announce the engage ment of their daughter, Ramona, to Robert Horace Brown of More head City, son of Mr. and Mfe. R. S. Brown of Enfield. The1 wedding will take place in the Newport Methodist church on June 11. High School Girls Attend FHA Rally Saturday The following girls and Mrs. Del fidio Cordova attended the Future Home Makers of America State rally in Raleigh Saturday: the MUses Shirley Ann Willis, Helen Guthrie, Marlene Kittrell, Jean Morton. Jane Howerton, Jean Da vis, and Laurah Mitchell. The first four girls were the chosen dele gates of the Morehead City group I Shirley Ann Willis modeled her grey rayon gabardine suit in the dress review. ? Mrs. Kerr Scott entertained at a I tea at the governor's mansion in | the afternoon. The George McNeills Give Party for Couple-Elect Mr. and Mrs. George McNeill en tertained at a dinner and bridge party Friday nigiit honoring Miss Dorothy Roberts and Mr. George Ball. Spring flowers were used in deo orations. Ladies high score was won by Mrs. Robert Taylor, and men's high by Mr. A B Roberts. The McNeill's presented Miss Roberts and Mr. Ball silver in their chosen pattern. * Hospital Notes Mrs. I.arry Willis of Beaufort was admitted Wednesday. j Baby Caroline Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Davis of I Morehead City, was discharged j Saturday following an operation. George D. Wetherington of Ne?iport was admitted Thursday. , Mrs. Willie Fulcher, Morehead City, was discharged Saturday fol lowing an operation. Miss Doris Rose of Hnrker's Is land was admitted Thursday. Miss Iris Culpepper, Newport, was discharged Saturday following I treatment. David M Jones of Beaufort was I admitted Wednesday. Mrs. Cicero H.irdison of More head City was discharged Saturday j following an operation. Bahv I.uther Williams, son of Mr. : ->nd Mrs. Harvey Williams of New port, was discharged Saturday. Mrs. John Brewer of Morehead City was discharged Tuesday. Thunn-n M=son of Atlantic was discharged Tuesday following treat ment. Master Richard V. Clifton of H=velock was discharged Thursday following an operation. Mrs. J. S. McLohon of Morehead NOW! The Famons APEX WASHER Regularly Now Rednced A A .95 30 Pd *W* EASY .00 Ball-Roberts Mr. Arthur Banks Roberts, junior requests the honour of your presence at the marriage of his sister Dorothy to Mr. George Washington Ball on Saturday evening, April the thirtieth at half after seven o'clock Ann Street Methodist Church Beaufo Caroline A r*cepti< held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Jackson * at 8:30, immef^tely following the wedding ceremony. No formal invitations have been sent out in the county, but all friends are cordially invited to attend. ? April 19 ? Mr. and Mi-b. Abner Nash Miller and mother, Mrs. L. E. Miller, of High Point have re- J turned hom? a. er a weekend visit' with Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Chesson. Mr. W. F. Rowland of Burlington, father of Mrs. Shesaon and Mrs. Miller, who has been visiting here the past month with his daughter, accompanied them home. Mrs. Floyd Yeomans and Faye Nelson spent Tuesday in New Bern. The tentative date set for the | Junior-Senior banquet is April 29, but the place to have it has not been decided as yet. Mr. Steve Hubbard and Guy Mayhew of Nathalie, Va., visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Sutton several days last week. Mr. Robt. Oglesby and Mrs. Foster of North Wilkesboro have been here for the past week hav ing some work done on their sum mer cottage. Sunrise Service on Shell Point Easter morning was conducted by Rev. H. L. Harrell, who also pre sided at the eleven o'clock Easter service and program at the Meth odist church. The Free Grace church also had an Easter program along with ' their service Sunday morning. j The Church of Latter Day j I Saints had special music by the ' Young Girls choir with their Eas | ter service. All churches were well attended. A Stanley party was held at the home of Sirs. Ivey viaskill Friday I night at the conslusion of which i Mrs. Gaskill served fruit Jello. Moat of the summer cottagers were down for the Easter holidays. I City was discharged Wednesday following a minor operation. Mrs. E. F. Ernul of Havelock and infant son were discharged Friday. Mrs. C. L. Moore of Havelock was discharged Wednesday follow ing treatment. Thomas Gaskill of Roe was dis charged Friday following an opera tion. Mrs. Stevens Hunter and infant son of Newport were discharged Friday. Miss Annie Pollard of Newport was discharged Friday following an operation. Sharkers n K-ws from \izvLrt*MnKh?*i*" t BurliArdt*T,AA,f'?d **" ot ZS&c.*}" ?~y??ssra:;^ The Harkers |,|,nd iTjrtin5 i""uiie<i ? new Mr. 2*ic,n' 'Of thi, y?,r L?_?' M?'r Anne Willi. w.? Tueada on har 55th birthday Tu?d.y B1(Jt> Apr? , |t " P?rt)r given by her daughter Mm Darlen Willi.. Many &??? sented Mm Willi. ? pre her hi?h^' "fU ?'on* with Z^tM'y C,ke ??rt.'nin* 55 N?*w? from ) BAY VIEW ^rtstfs-ass the Bay View Baptist chureh Suft day evening:. Quite a large crowd ! whfrh *1^ *"Joyed th? Program ! Dpi! d,recte'' by M". Hubert I Mm. Nannie Small of Bridgeton 'Pending a few . , community with relatives. and'/amM*' Mr"' W C" *?"???* and family 3pe?t . w)liIe Sund afternoon an Moreheud City hos C i^ti"?,Mr- Williams nephew wiiu is a patient there Miss Pearl Bordi-aux will h,,l,l services at the Graham's (wl ninr v 5und*y m?rning and eve ST. Everyone is invited. P^lSSm^0rma ^ Skinner rearl Small spent the weekend at Utt W'th M'8- L^'' Hal M^V?"* Haskett .nd TOn , , Thomas Haskett and Miss Lula Haskett spent Thursday at Hubert with Mr. and Mrs. N s Conway. Rev. Ernest Douthlt will hold Iter ? I?lan ,servites 8t Har Mr. r f:u"d?y evening, e j ' ' Brown spent a whfl*? 'd the eommunity. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Lewi. .n^i daughter. Da, line, of Mo"eh^d C fcy spent Wednesday and Thin a. day with Mr. and Mrs j! p. SmalT u,"rs- Lester Haskett spent a Mr ?t'y in the <?">?nity Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Freeman and daughter, Lyllis. of Bridg" 55'^ Mrs. Gilford Cannon and son James, .pent Saturday Z" New sne^tS MW' |L' Tri*leth *nd family Cannon ' y W'th Mrs Gi"?rd mJtt' Let ,Brown of Wire Grass munity! Wh"e S?nd8y in the "m Rev. Ernest Doutr.it and par Faste ? H,,Ve,OCk '"ended Z U* Z pr"?m ?t Bay View Bap 'ist church Sunday evening. P P.S isa.'Hr; y nday as the grade mothers gave dren hUnt to *? chU Mr. and Mrs. Preston Graham and daughter spent a while Sun See Our Stock of Beauti ful New Spring and Summer Cottons. We Are Featuring Nationally Advertised Lines by ? -NELLY DON -ELLEN KAYE *? GEORGIANA -TRUDY HALL -CAROLE KING -BETTY BRIGGS -MARTHA MANNING -INTERNATIONAL -AND OTHERS COME IN TODAYI $8.98 to $19.95 WE APPRECIATE YOU* FATBONAGE The Dress.Shop M 453 1 AKENDELL ST. MOREHKAD CITY, N. C NEWs pi the CHURCHES (AmimumiIi tl Mnday a be la THE NEWS-TIMES WOcr. Citr, by NOON WeONESPAY^-1 Presbyterian Church Meets Mew Pastor Prieatly Coiyart, who will be graduated in May from Union Theological seminary, Richmond, Va., will assume the pastorate of Webb Memorial Presbyterian church July 1. ft He succeeds the Rev. J. y. Aitell who retired last Septem ber. Mr. Coayers, who preached here in March, also delivered the sermon at Sunday morning's service. Mr. Conyers is married and has a young daughter. The Rev. J. Albert Harris To Preach at FWB Church The Rev. J. Albert Harris, pas tor of the Pine Level F. W. B. church. Pine Level, will preach the sermon at the Free Will Baptist church in Morehead City tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The sermon will preceed the observance of the Lord's Supper, which is observed every quarter in the year. Mr. Harris is an accomplished musician and vocalist and is often called upon to direct the music at the various conventions and asso ciations throughout the state. ?? The public is cordially invited to hear Mr. Harris Wednesday eve ning, stated the Rev. J. C. Griffin, pastor of the Free Will Baptist church. Group Attends Convention Seven members of the Free Will Baptist Sunday School, Morehead City, attended the State Sunday School conven tion Thursday and Friday at Rich lands. They were Mrs. Herbert lieard, Mrs. Hazel Mason, Mrs. Rena Merrill, Mrs. Edith Schrader, Mrs. Mamie Bloodgood, J. R. Swan son, and the Rev. J. C. Griffin, act day evening with Mrs. G. C. Cuth- 1 rell of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lilly and I son spent the weekend at Vance- 1 borq. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Parks of Statesville spent a while recently in the community with relatives. Mrs. Helen Weeks is on the sick list. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams and family spent a while Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Freeman at Bridgeton. Mr. Bill White is on the sick 1 list. We hope he'll soon be better. ind weekday church services must either ia Beaufwt or Morehead rke Editor) ing pastor of the Free WiMbptiit chunk. Lenoir Couatlaw Visit Among the out-of-town visitors ?t the Free Will Baptist church, Morehead City, Sunday, were a large number from Jones county. fwr'm Pipils Prasaal Hcdtal Friday, tahvday Beaufort and Morehead City pupils of the Rose School of Danc ing presented their annual spring dance and revue during the week end. The Beaufort recital was in the school auditorium and the More head City recital was at the recrea tion center on Shepard street at 8 o'clock SatuMay night. Those tMHng part in the recitals were: Mattie Phillips, Doris Phillips, Sarah Joe Bateman, Lamar Bateman, Evelyn Harris, Gail Price, Ann Williams. Sandra Willis, Lynne Peterson, Judy Guth rie, David, Hammer, Annette Coo per, Barbara Downum. Jean Chad wick, Ann Spivey, Sally Morris, Nancy Longest, Elizabeth Leary, Terry Lowe, Bobbie McKacken, Ja nice Guthrie, Bunny Moore, Bitsy Brook-, Fan Ella Cooper, Connie Jorgenson, Jane Safrit, Sterling Chadwick, Joyce Chadwick, Shelba Jane Loughton. Pat Herring, Paul^ Jones, Ann Owens, Jean Wright, Molly Hopkins, Shirley Kay Piner, Diane Daniels, Kay Prjrtherch, Va leria Taylor, Francis Carrafay. Mary Eliiabetb Gardner, and Bob by Holt or. ? <+ Induction training station No. 339fS, Army reserve unit, will mtet at 8 o'clock tonight in the Webb Memorial civie center rather than this Friday night as announced in Friday's paper. Austin^N'chols GREAT OAK [tjBIl BLENDED ' WHISKEY j 11.90 pint | Code ! No. 292! I Tki Straight Whiskeys w this pred I Ml ifl I run or aaie old; I 10% Straight Whisk ay, 70% Grain ? Neatrai Spirits, M% Straight Whts | key ? yaws eld, S % Straight Whiskey I 4 yaws aid, 5% Straight Whiskey J i years aid. 14 p?e?l I Austir^MicKols CCoHE Inc. ? m^Twm mm'wmwM Enjoy yourself at a delicious MAINE STATE LOBSTER DINNER $2 complete Wonderful shipment just arrived today. Take home a live Maine Lobster and fix it yourself . . . $1 a pound . . . lobsters running from 1 pound to 3 pounds. BROADWAY CAFE ARENDELL ST. PHONE M 4411 MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. New Jef* refill in th?t gold strip* package ,? New Toni Refill in t|CA Sold Strip* Package |JU Regular Toni Refill . . . . $1. Gives you J new luxury features ... a triple value! 1. You get new Toni Crtme Sum to give your ware a find luxury touch! A two-ounce bottle of this wonderful new Creme Rin?e juat perfected by Toni ! Makes your hair easy to set, keeps it from tangling . . . gives it delicate fragrance and gorgeous silken-sheen ! 2* You get Toni Creme Shampoo - regular one-ounce tube! Toni Creme Shampoo washes hair so exquisitely clean * that your Toni ware takes better . . . looks lovelier longer! That's beotaee Tonl Crewe Shampoo give* you "soft-water shampoo ing" even in hardest water 1 3. You get H more Toni Waving Lotion - the famous lotion that has given more than 43 million perfect permanent*. A mild came lotion . . - a* gentle it just iwrn your hair into baby-aoft wares and eurls! And now hen's H more ... to make doubly sure every curl is at its perfect best 9 0*1 Hi* new Ttfni 0*M Strip* laAU for rti* moil n??? I lulling wav* y?uv? *v*r hod I

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