famher flats By M Law. ? GmwiI Manager, M*r?k?ad City CkaaUr of Commtm If there it one reel debt the American public owes to the Scott ish people it is the game of golf. It can be played by people of all ages and both genders. It is prob ably the most widely played game, requiring physical exertion, known to man. Quite a few sports attract more individuals from the specta tor angle, but none, if any, more active participants. The secret of its appeal and popularity is that almost anybody can find someone that they can beat at it. And inversely almost anybody can find someone who plays the game just a little better than they do. Regard less of the scoring range in which an indi vidual can get around nine or sighteen holes, the spirit of com petition is just as keen among the golfers ranging upwards of 100 as it is among those who feel it a disgrace to fall out of the seven ties. In fact it can be demon strated that it brings more real joy to the soul of an habitual 110 shooter to score a 99 than it does for the finished and polished pro fessional to win a major tourna ment. There are those, it is admitted, who contend that it seems pretty silly for an adult to chase a little wHite pill for five or eight miles scross a pasture just to put the thing in a hole in the ground every once in a while. Particularly so when these supposedly intelli gent adults let the game worry them till they have been known to curse, berate their friends and on at least one occasion to beat the caddy in the head with a put ter until he was dead. But thoee who take this dim view of the royal game are those who by their own admission have never played it. The main trouble with golf in Morehead City js that there is no place here* to play it. This condi tion will soon be corrected, it is hoped, by you through your Cham ber of Commerce. By option to lease and purchase, a highly suitable acreage for the construction of a top flight 18 hole course in now available. The entire area has been inspected by competent golf authorities who know what it takes to build ? championship layout. The site de cided upon has met with the un qualified endorsement of those who know and love the game as being admirably suited for the purpose and as having the poten tial to provide aa interesting and challenging an 18 hole as can be torn* along South Atlantic; Coast. Nothing less than this, we , believe, would be worth the time, effort and money required to build it. Present plans call for the fi nancing of the cost of construction by sale of stock in the Jumping Nrwifrom \ NEWPORT , April 25. ? Miss Lydis Willis and Hiss Vivian Hill of Cherry Point visited Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Edwards last Sunday. Mrs. BertM Bell is visiting Mr. and Mr*. James Bell in Fsyette ville. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lipscomb of Hopewell, Va., have been spend ing a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Zeb Mauney and her family. Miss Nellie Cannon, Mrs. Fred Simmons and Mrs Carroll Jones went to Raleigh Thursday. They returned home Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. W B. Allen and children, Margaret Anne and Bill Bonner, visited her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Salter, in Bettie Wednesday afternoon. Nick Allen waa a business visi tor in Raleigh Wednesday. Miss Rena Mae Hill of Atlantic visited Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Edwards * last Monday. Leon Mann, Jr., of Raleigh was lome over the weekend. Nathan Garner of State College visited his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Gar ner, over the weekend. Ed Howard of New Bern visit ed his. parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Heath and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hesth of Cove City visited relatives here Wed nesday on their way to the wed ding of Miss Julia Hill and David McCain. Mrs. Duffy Hesth, also of Cove City, came with them and remained to visit Mr. snd Mrs. Wslter Heath for a few days. Mr. snd Mrs. Lyman Mills snd children, Nicky snd Tim, of Green ville, arrived Saturday to visit Mrs. Mills' mother, Mrs. Ad? Allen. Mr Mitts and Nicky returned home Sunday snd Mrs. Mills left Sunday to accompany Mr. snd Mrs Nick AUen to Netth Wilkesboro to visit Mr. tod Mrs. J. D. Moore. They re turned Monday - The Woman's Society of Chris tina Service held its regular meet ing Thursday night with Mrs. Clai? eoce Martin of Qmop Lejeune as gMfct speaker Mrs. Martin spoke en the customs snd Hie of Hawaii, hiving recently returned from there. She did s dance in the na "Plaining what Um different gestures mesa) Fudge sundaes were served to Uoae present Run Golf Club. The cost of main tenance will be met by annua membership dues, as reasqMble a can be made consistent wiW oper ating coats, plua the usual green fees and other incidentals. The real value of this proposal lies not only in the entertainment and recreation of our own citizens but in the appeal and attraction this facility will provide to our visitors and friends. It has long been a well known fact that large numbers of poten tial customers of Morehead City and Atlantic Beach have taken their patronage elsewhere simply because they could not play golf here. Climatically, we are blessed by being able to play golf, facili ties being present, practically 12 months to the year. This can only mean that those who cruise back and forth on our waterways to and from Florida during the fall and winter will stop and partake of our hospitality ? and in so do ing leave us a few of their dollars. Dollars which they have been hoarding up till now to spend with people who have provided them with a place to play golf. It will mean also that those who travel the Ocean Highway during the fall and spring of the year can also be enticed to make the brief detour from New Bern and enjoy a few days of good golf en route to and from their destination. It will, in short, mean the consider able extension of our resort sea son on both ends of the presently acknowledged summer period. We in Carteret county are par ticularly smiled upon by Provi dence in that we have not only a natural port and commerce fa cility that needs only developing, but one of the finest resort areas to be found. The sun and the sea, fishing and hunting, as well as man made recreational facilities have long provided an important cog in our country's economy. It it our opinion that the provision of a first rate Golf Club will go a long way towards giving us a balanced pleasure pattern to at tract vkifvs for nearly the entire twelve months in the year. When it is realized that the travel and tourist industry ranks third only to tobacco and furni ture in the State of North Caro lina from the standpoint of income received ? even higher than our well known textile industry ? then the full impact of the importance of attracting our share of this business the year around is readily apparent. If gome doubts as to the value of this business exist in your mind, just talk to those who now cater to it, successfully. You will be hearing more and Hw?? MARSHALLBERC, April 20.? lfr. Ellis J. Beds worth of Greenville, N. C. spent Easter holidays here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bedsworth. Miss Maida Moore has returned home from Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Ikie Guthrie of Washington, N. C. spent the weekend here with his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Pellham Jones of Wake Forest, N. C. spent Easter holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ira T. Willis took their daughter, Caroline to Dr. Sid bury's hospital Wednesday. Miss Annie Moore Piner of Hen derson, N. C. arrived home Thurs day night for Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Pi.ier. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Armour and baby of Battle Creek, Mich, have returned there after spending sev eral weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Piner. Capt. and Mrs. Chas. Piner spent Friday at Kinston, N. C. Miss Alma Davis and Mr. Ellis J. Bedsworth visited relatives at Davis Saturday. Mrs. Wiley Willis and son ot Brunswick, Ga. are here, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith have returned to Miami, Fla after spend ing some time here with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Kathleen Gillikiii. Mr. Hedrick Moore and son. Bil ly were here for the weekend. Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Phillips and daughter, Audrey arc spending some time at Hyde county. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Willis of Wil liston spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Ira T. Willis. Mrs. Grayden Moore and giris returned home yesterday from Newport, N. C. where Mrs. Moore has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Violet Whitley. Mrs. Harry Fulcher and daugh ter of Atlantic, N. C. spent Easter weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. C. Lewis. Capt. Claud Davis of Cape Look out visited his mdther, Mrs. Dora more about the Jumping Run Golf Club. Please bear it in. mind and give us the benefit of your ideas and thoughts on the matter. We think it will be as great a stride forward for our community in the recreational field as the appropri ation of funds for Port Develop ment was for our commercial and industrial interests. Don't you agree? Davis Monday. Mr. and Mr*. John D, Willis ,and daughter of Morehead City spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willla. Mr. Grant Lewia and Mr. Ver non Lewia of U. S. C. G., Norfolk, Va. spent Easter weekend here with, their families. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Lewis. Mias Edith Lewis. Mrs. Ellis Bedsworth and Mr. Ellis J. Bedsworth at tended services at New Bern Sun day evening. Mr. James Norris Lewis of St. Augustine, Fla. arrived home last week on leave for 10 days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lewis. Mrs. Norvice Day and daughter of Beaufort. N. C. spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. Dora Davis Mrs. Leslie Golden and girls of Bettie visited Mrs. Golden s moth er, Mrs. Bertha Lewis Wednesday. Mr. Reuben George of Norfolk, Va. arrived home Friday night. Mrs. Herbert Hancock of Smyr na, N. C. spent Monday here with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Piner. New* from "DAVIS April 20. ? Miss Gloria Gray Wil lis of the nurses staff at Morehead hospital spent the weekend home with her mother. Eugene Pond, U. S. Navy at Nor folk, Va., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Pond. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Murphy visited their daughter, Mrs. John W. Smith of Atlantic over the weekend. Mrs. Wardie (Brother) Murphy and daughter, Deborah spent last week in Sealevel with her mother who is very ill. Mesdames Julian Ray and Cecil Ray Murphy of E. C. T. C. are spending the Easter holidays with their parents. Mr. Glen Willis, a student of Verree school of arts in Raleigh spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alger Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis took their daughter, Melba Ruth to New Bern Monday to Dr. Richardson for medical attention. Miss Lillian Frances Smith spent the week-end to Atlantic with Miss Linda Smith. Mrs. Hal Willis spent Monday in New Bern. Mr. Gray Dixon visited his grandmother in Salter Path over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton of Green ville spent the week-end with their parents. At/Z When things go wrong-and they will in ?pite of every precaution - that's when Tide Water service really geti into high gear. Your refrigerator geti out of whack . . . aome thing mysterious keep* your water heater from delivering hot water... your range it harboring some gremlins . . . you want your service connected or disconnected... a phone call will bring the Tide Water service man on the run. ? //v person Remember, Tide Water thoroughly be lieve* that you ihould get the best possible service at the lowest possible cost. All the things that Tide Water runs for you must run well. Hence the service men; the Home Service ladies, who teach you how to get the most out of new appliances: the Tide Water salesmen, who try to match your needs and your pocketboAk to appliances which will do the best' job for you. In the home-oft the farm-in industry-in commerce -wherever tide Water ' serves the public you will find a real spirit of helpfulness from the 420 folks who ~.i,. up the Tide Water family. And, if you care to investigate, you'll find thi? ?ervice still cornea to you at rates aa low or lower than any on the Atlantic coast TIDE WAiTER POWER COMPANY GOOD NEIGHBORS A T YOUR SER VICE ! It? ^ U nJi V April 2? ? Mr. Geo. pfxon, who has been visiting here, left for his home in Norfolk on last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs E. W. Lawrence and Mr. D. M. Salter visited friends st Bschelor on Sundsy sfteraoon. Mrs. J. C. Wallace, Mrs. J. M. S tailings and Mrs. Tharman Pitt man attended the Curb Market in Morehead City on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Carraway and Mrs. Emma Daniels sttended church at South River on Sunday. Mrs. Ben Rogers of Graham is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J. W. Adams and Miss Nita Carraway. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Carraway and children of Bachelor, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Emer and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carraway of Cherry Point spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Carraway. Miss Mary Olive Msrtin of North River spent the weekend here. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pittman, who have been very sick with measels, sre much better. Mr. W. B. Martin was in Beau fort on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Nelson and mother, Mrs. John Nelson, of Beaufort was over on- Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. North Gaskins of New Bern took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carraway on Sun day. Rev. and Mrs. Willie Stelley and children, Mr. and Mrs. William Pittman visited Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Carraway on Sunday after noon. Mrs. Gus Lancaster of North River demonstrated the Stanley products at a party on Friday night at Mrs. H. D. Carraway's. Quite a number attended. Mrs. Carraway served assorted cakes, nuts, mints, and iced drinks. Xmha OTWAY April 23.? Mrs. David Lewis and friend* of Beaufort visited Mis. Lewis's brother, Mr. John Law rence ana her i liter, Miss Arme fa Lawrence. Mrs. Delance Willis and daugh ter, Brona of North River visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Lewis Easter Sunday. Mrs, Howard Fulcher ana child ren of North River spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Lawrence. Mrs. Wilson Golden of BeUle spent Easter Sunday with her granddaughter, Mrs. Leoland Gil likin. Mr. and Mrs. Doity Gasldll of Stacy called to see her folks last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Lawrence and children of North River spent Easter with their folks and also attended the service here at the Disciple church. We are sorry to say Mrs. Linal Gillikin's children, Leta and Cecil and also Mrs. Lola Gillikin's child ren, Nadine and Eldridge are sick with measles. We hope for them t speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Borme Gillikin and daughter of Marshallberg call ed to see Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Lawrence Sunday. Mr. Lola Gillikin spent the Easter holidays with his wile and children and returned back to his work Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Taylor of Sea Level spent Sunday with her' pai-eot^, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Lawrence. Lewis, Mrs. Hardy Lawrence, Mrs. Beulah Dowty, Mrs. Manley Law rence, Mrs. Roland Lawrence, Mrs. C. T. Gillikin, Mrs. Douglas Pewis, Mrs. G. E. Gillikin and Miss Equila Lawrence called to ANNOUNCING TIE OPENING or offices fob the PRACTICE OF LAW GENE C. SMITH FRONT STBEET BEAUFORT 1 ?aa Mia* Arm* I* Lawrence Thurs day. Mr*. O. C. Lawrence, Mrs. Dalui The P.T.A. held its regular meet ing at the school house Thursday. The meeting was called to order at 2 o'clock. Collection was taken up lor the benefit o I the school house. The young people held their meeting Friday night at the Dis ciple church. They gave a program which everyone enjoyed. SUrk Shower Mrs. Sylvester uwrence, Jr. was given a shower by her friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Syl vester Lawrence, Sr. Friday night at 7:30. She thanked everyone for her gifts, after which refreshments were served to the guests. Mr. iames L. Lawrence, who is ill, was given a birthday party April 22; being his fifty-eight birth day. The candles on his cake were lit by his wife and also blown out by her and there were happy birth day sung by the group for him. He thanked everyone for his use ful gifts. After which there were cake, ice cream, candy and punch served to the guests. Everyone wishing for him ,# | speedy recovery at the departiof. At the Enter revival b4d pf Rev. Lollis of the Christian church " there were ten additions who were Mr. Corbin Lawrence, Mr. Brlnaon Lewis, Connie GiUikin, Er#? likin, Alex- Lewis, Hiss Me Piner, Miss Barber 1. Hanmft, Miss Jucnita Giilikin, Janet and Cecil Giilikin. They were baptized Sunday. Spanish Navj Gaiki Castle MADRID ? (AP)? -The Spanish j Navy has acquired one of the ' finest castles in Spain for its ar chives. The 16th century palace \ was given the Navy by the Mar- i quis of Santa Cruz. Situated in El Viso in southern Spain, it was the residence of th?i marquis' ancestor, Don Alvaro de Bazan, famous Spanish Admiral . who successfully fought the Turks in the naval battle of Lepanto, in 1571. It contains a valuable collection of 16th century paintings. Blended Whiskey. 86 Proof. ] lie str.ii 't ohiskeys in tins pioduct are 4 years or moie old 3' Stiainht Whiskey. 6S Grain Neutral Spirits. GOODERHAM A WORTS LIMITED - i - A i l l l N o I j ? MIDIUM-DUTY FANBL Modal 3S05? 137-toch Mm, Maximum G.V.W. 6700 *>. Aito ovofefcfa in tight -dvty Mod*! 3105? 116-tn* wMfcow, Maximum G.V.W. 4400 ft>. MEDIUM- DUTY PICKUP A4odW 9604-123 % -Mi wMboif, Maximum G.V.W. 5800 lb. Offer ikxMi orwhbb: 3004-137 indt Mm, Maximum G.V.W.' I 6/00 /b.; 3104 ? 116-mdi wMbow, Maximum G.V.W. 4600 16. TRANSPORTATION \ UNLIMITED! / There's a Chevrolet truck lor every job with ccpocMa* from 4,000 Jfc?. to 16,000 fbl. C.V.W.?from smart dottwry unit* to mi? heavy-duty > MKT-DUTY CANOfY RPRttS Mod*/ SJ07?116 - imdi dmlw, MejitaNMi C.V.W. 4600 Kx. Ate pi offuhf* hi Akrffuw Puty MedW 940/ ? 137 ? M vAnIm, MuIm C.V.W. 4700 fc America's Biggest Sellers . ? Greatest Servers , You 11 dure the reeord hifh retard that America hold* for these Advance-Design Chevrolet trucks. You'll thare it the instant you drive them. For then and there you'll discover the deep-down dor Able quality, the outstanding performance and the rugged reliability that make them America's favorite* . . . mora Chevrolet Truck * in iim than airy other make. Drive them and ice. Drive them and remember that only Chevrolet brings you this fullest measure of finest value together with the world's greatest economy. For Chevrolet trucks alone have 3-WAY THRIFT? the triple economy of low-ooat operation, low-coat up keep and the loweit list price* in the entire truck field! CHEVROLET TRUCKf ^undChevroJetjCompanyJ^nc.

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