facial Mra- tutawi WJUh. SocleVy Editor fe 44S-1 Mrs. den OgUab? ntunud hoeae Thursday from Raleigh wfcere 4he lad 1m*? visiting, (or the put two months. Mr. nd Mm. Gordon C. Willis spent the Weekend St Hog Inland as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Cihhs. Mrs. Needham Simpson of Oc racoke Is visiting Mr. and Mrs.' Stanley Davis for a few days. Mrs. Ethan Davis, and two children, Daine and Ethan, are visiting her lister and fcreflier- in law, Mr. and Mrs. Alien Colenda in Danrflle, V?. Stamey Davis, Ethan Davis. Robert Wallace, Earl Piner and Oharies Canfield spent the week end at the Lion Taiuet's club on Bogue Sound. Major General and Mr*. Tra T.< Wyche, who had been visiting his sis tm, Mrs. Murray Tolsen and Mrs. Needham Simpson at Ocra coke, stopped off to visit the Stamey Davis's in More head be fore continuing on to their home in Pinehurst. George Wesley Williams of Ra leigh, sen in-law of Mrs. Clem Of!es)>y, addressed the Morehead City Businessmen's association at their luncheon Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hamilton and Harvey Hamilton, Jr. wfcnt to Durham Saturday for the week end. They will return today with Cooper Hamilton, medical student at Duke, who will *pend the sim mer vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. Watts Carr of Durham are at their summtr cot tage at Sunset Drive. > Mrs. Francis Wade and children of Wendell and Zebulon arrived Thursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Duffy Wade. Mrs. Walter Morris and son, Walter, Jr. left Sunday for a week's visit to Mount Olive. Mr. and Mrs. S. A.' Chalk, Jr. spent the weekend in Asheville. Mrs. Darden Eure and son, Dor den, Jr. left Sunday for Wash ington, D. C. for a ten day vi?it there. Miss Louise Neevia of Washing ton, D. C. arrived Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Mc Neil. Mrs. Walter Morris and Mrs. Sam Hatcher spent Friday in New Barn. Mrs. Kenneth Wagner returned over the weekend from Mt. Airy where she had been visiting. Mrs. Warren Beck and children, and Miss Nancy Howell spent five days recently visiting Mrs. Beck and Miss Howell's mother at Troy. Mrs. Kenneth Wagner spent the past week at St. Airy. Mils Uia Wher left Stmday (or a week's visit to Cape Lookout. Fan* lit Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooper, and Ro bert McNeil, ton of Mr. and Mrs George McNeil, are attending pre camp at Camp Morehead for the neat two weeks. Mr. and Mts. L. S. S pence of Melbourne, Fla. are visiting Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Sperrce. Capt. and Mrs. D. H. McCracken I and children of Panama have arriv-t ed for a visit with Dr. Ml Mn. E. P. Spence. Mrs. Hilda Alderman of Eliza beth City apent the wwkehd with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moraa. Mrs. E. M. Spence of Goldsboro' is visiting Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Spence. Dr. John H. Bunn left yesterday for Baybsro to attend a revival these. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Galloway, Mr and Mra. Joe Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Strud Nash, all of Winston Salem spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Macy Faulkner and son, Macy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Buck Osburn and son, Buck, Jr., and Miss Lizzie Hancock, all of Oxford, and Miss IJaiy Elizabeth Perry of Henderson, spent several days last week visiting Dr. and Mrs. John H. Bunn. Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep of Eliza beth City arrived Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. George Dill ,Jr. Mrs. J. C. Woodland and Mrs. Edward Job and two children of Mt. Vernon, Ohio have taken Mrs. Mary Shockley's house for the sum mer. Mrs. William Davis returned to Falls Church, Va. Sunday after a two weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Woodland. Mrs. Mary Shockley has gone to Vicksburg, Miss, for a visit with her son, Woodland Shockley. Miss Tolsie Lee Keithley To Become Bride Friday Mr. and Mrs. Keithley Willis announce the engagement of their daughter, Tolsie Lee to Linster Lewis, son of Mrs. Louisa and the Mte Thomas Lewis of Morehead City. The wedding will take place June 17 at 8 p.m. in the Franklin Me morial Methodist church. No formal invitations are being issued in the county but all friends of the couple are cordially invited. Grade Mothera Give Picnic The Grade mothers of Mrs. John H. Bunn's 2nd grade, with Mrs. Walter Morris as chairman, enter tained Mrs. Bunn and her pupils at a picnic at Pivers Island last Thursday afternoon. ALL WOOL TOPPERS Di^lajred an this one rack, for quick fltepoeal, ire tappers that formerly aoM ai high n 9S3.00 .... Your choice while the; last $10 Choice of All Spring Huts $1.98 We're Open Daily Monday thru Saturday 9 a.m. to f$ p.m. THE DRESS SHOP AnaMl Btrnt at Ktffctk. Hw>.H City, PImm M-4511 ? ' ? ??- k ? . "... ?; ' . * Patsy Bailou Honored AlPsTffcs ftecenlly Kill PiUy ballon, who will be married tku Friday evening to Mr. Tbetnaa Arlington Wad*. w?* ?feat ef lienor at two fUtMa last On Monday Mrs. Nick <Mantia and Mr*. Sana Styrea entertain ed at a card party and ahower at the Civic Canter to honor ber. Fiva tables of bridge and one table of. rummy played. Durmf the card play the fcoitemes served eokea and pt tha end af the eve ning ice Cream, nuts, mints and cake war? aarvad. High jtcore prize was won by Miss Anr.e Mills, who received a large shell ashtray, and second prize was won by Mrs. George Phillips. Mrs. Gordon Lain* won the rummy prize. Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Laing received shell ash trays similar to the one Miss Mills won. The guest of honor was present ed With a cOrAajfe of an aster and tftadiola by her "hostesses, and re ceived from them a silver dish. Wednesday evening Miss Chris tine Viclc entertained at the Civic center to honor Miss Bailou and Mrs. Gordon Laing, recent bride. Gladiolas and larkspur decora ted the room, and the guests of honor received corsages of carna tions and gladiolas. A frozen dessert was served be fore the two tables of bridge and one of rummy played. High score was won by Mrs. Marshall Ays cue, with Miss Frances Pittman receiving second high. Miss Ballou received a piece of silver in her pattern from her hos tess and Mrs. Laing was presented with a piece of china in her pat tern. Sewers May Use Machines Ai School This Week The home economics department of Mofehemd City High school will be open today, tomorrow, Thurs day and Friday afternoons this vreek from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for those desiring to use the sew ing machines. JMrs. Delfido Cor dova will give any instruction in making of garments which is de sired. This ig a service of the Voca tional Home Economics depart ment which is given every year, and anyone who is interested in doing some sewing is invited to come, Mrs. Cordova said. GAs Honor Leader At Surprise Parly On June 3 the G As of the First Baptist Church gave their leader, Mrs. Ina, a surprise birthday par ty. Nine members attended. The rooms were aecorated in the G A colors, green, white, pnd gold. Annette Guthrie, a play titled, "Stars in Th^ir Eyes." Refreshments consisted of ice cream, salted nuts, and cake. A cake was given by the members, with fifteen candles, for each member of the G As to show their appreciation of the services rendered by Mrs. Ina, She also received many lovely gifts. Hattie Dee Davis, Reporter. Spence's Have Reunion At Their Home Sunday Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Spence wej-e hosts at * family ? reunion picnic dinner Snnday afternoon at their home on Evans St. The reunion for the Hill-MitcheU family, Mrs. Spence's family, was attended by 60 members. Guests came from Snow Hill, U Grange, Goidiboro, Nags Head, fUleigti, Elisabeth City, Bennetts v?le, S. C. Detroit, Mich., Mel bourne, Fla. and Panama. India Plan* Conference NEW DELHI. India? (AP)? A seven-year plan for the coordi nated development of India's ma jor riwar valley projects will be diacusaod at a New Delhi confer ence. The Works, Mine* and Pow er Ministry ?ays' irrigation and electricity ministers of provinces and ftataa WfH attend. Purpose of tha aaven-year plan ft to avoid a scramble for financial aid, tech nical personnel and material. ? Wade? Ballon ?r. and Mr*. William Headen Ballou # request th* hffonr ?f your prsaence at the marriage of their uau%hter Patricia Ann to Mr. Thomas Arringi-on Wade Friday, the seventeenth of June at eight o'clock First Baptist Church, Honhetl CVy A reception immediately fol lowing the ceremony will be held at the bride's home, 510 Bridges St., Morehead City. No invitation* have been sent in the eoOTty, bet all friends are cordially invited. Hospital Notes Ben Alford of Morehead City was admitted Monday for an op eration. Clifton Lewis of Harkers Inland was admitted Tuesday for treat ment. Mrs. Hazel Sherwood of More head City was admitted Tuesday for an appendectomy. Ernest Anderson of Goldsboro was discharged Wednesday follow ing treatment. He fell from the Methodist church on March 29th and suffered a fractured back. Mrs. Vida Merrill Bennett of Morehead City was discharged Wednesday following an opera tion. Mrs. Lola Gray Cole of Beau fort was discharged Tuesday. Mrs. Kathleen Jenkins and in fant daughter of Morehead City were discharged Wednesday. Mrs. Sara Jarvis and infant son of Havelock were discharged Wed nesday. Mrs. Mary Lawrence and in fant daughter of Marshall berg have been discharged. Walter Mclntyre of Havelock was discharged Wednesday fol lowing a tonsillectomy. Mrs. Dorothy Merrill of Beau fort was discharged Tuesday fol lowing treatment. Mrs. Lottie Oglesby of More head City was discharged Tuesday following an operation. James Stewart of Newport was discharged Wednesday following treatment. Wisfi Virginia Salter of Beau fort was discharged Wednesday following an operation. Hardy G. Woolard of Beaufort was discharged Wednesday fol lowing an operation. Thomas P. Noe of Beaufort was admitted Wednesday for treat ment. Mrs. Minnie Bessant of Beau fort was admitted Sunday for an operation. - Sterling Dixon of Davis was ad mitted Friday for treatment. William Jackson Gardiner of Beaufort was admitted Sunday for treatment. Baby Cole, infant son of Mrs.^ La la Gray Cole of Beaufort was4 discharged Saturday. i Miss Donna Frances Hudnal,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hudnal of Beaufort was dis charged Sunday following an ap pendectomy. Mrs. Seth Gibbs of Beaufort; was discharged Sunday following treatment. Miss Wynne Hardman mi More head City was discharged Satur day following treatment. Mrs. Alma Lupton and infant daughter of Roe were discharged Saturday. Mr*. Sadie Ma* Lewi* and in fant ion of Harkan Island were discharged Saturday. Mils Gloria Gray Lewis of Har-j kers Island was discharged Friday following treatment. Mrs. Margaret Men-ill of Beau fort was discharged Saturday fal lowing treatment. Mrs. Millie Mason of Marehead City was discharged Thursday, Mrs. Mary Taylor and infant daughter of Sea Level were dis charged Sunday. ? _ William Arlington Taylor and Edgar Haywood Taylor of North Harlowe were discharged Friday following a tonsillectomy. Carroll Willis of Atlantic was discharged Saturday following I treatment. Mrsr^J. S. Steed of Beaufort was discharged Monday following treatment. ______ John Babine, of* Malta, Mass., a member of the Albatross, was discharged Monday following treatment. l#rs. Coleen Mann of Newport was discharged Monday. Mrs. Helen Lawrence and in fant daughter of Havelock were discharged Monday. Mrs. Amy Griggs and infant son of Newport were discharged Monday. William Claude G i 1 1 i k i n of Beaufort was transferred Monday to the Veternas hospital, Rich mond. Stork News Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bryant Buck, Jr. of Beaufort welcomed a daugh ter, Sandra Marie, on Thursday, June 9. Mr. and Mrs. James Daniel Lewis of Harkers Island welcomed a son, Mitchel Stephen, on Tues day, June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Davis Lup ton of Roe welcomed a daughter, Janie Lorraine, on Ttiursday, June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Clayton Mur phy of Beaufort welcomed a daughter, Marcia Anne, on Fri day, June 10. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hender son Riggs of Newport welcomed a son on Saturday, June 11. Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Eubanks of Newport welcomM a daughter, Brenda Jo, on Monday, June 18. Mr. and Mrs. Dalla# ' "fattttj)"1 Goodwin of Roe welcbitted' daughter, Mary Lee, on Monday, June 13. Mr. and Mrs. Huston Salter of Harkers Island welcomed a daugh ter, Karen Faye, on Friday, Jane 10. . i Beach Businessmen Start Pnnqfi?i Organisation Businessmen at Atlantic Beach have formed an advertising and promotion organiaatien designed , to carry out an extensive adver tising campaign lor the entire Carteret area, John Baker, presi dent of the organization, announc ed today. This campaign will include ex tensive advertising upstate, both in newspaper and by radio, Mr. Baker explained. Members of the board of di rectors are Mr. Baker, who was president of last year's Atlantic Beach Businessmen's corporation, A. B. Cooper, Bud Dixon, Roscoe Everette, and Stoney Keith. Earl Taylor, Beaufort RFD, has taken over management of the Ocean Vfew airways, Beaufort. It was formerly managed by Her man Reid. # Turkey, with an area of 2*6, 503 square miles, has only some 26,000 odd miles of roads of every You'll Have More Fun in Genuine JAITZER SWIM TOGS Methodists to Hold Sunday School Picnic Tomorrow Members of Morehaad City's Pint Methodist Sunday school will indulge in their annual tfat- too much fiesta tomorrow when they will hold their annual picnic at Atlantic Beach, C. B. Wade, su perintendent of the Sunday school announced today. Busses for those persons with out private transportation will leave the Methodist educational bailding at 3 p.m. and dinner will be served at 8:16 in order for those persons who hava to work in the afternoon to be preeent. All Methodist families have been invited to attend with the only stipulation being that every family bring its own food. Committees for the picnic fol low: transportation, Bill Chalk and Bruce Goodwin ; lemonade, E. Stamey Davis; tables, John Lash ley and Charles Freeman; and baskets, Mrs. Walter Fremean, Mrs. Duffy Wade, Mrs. Russell Willis and Mrs. J. R. Herring. K*w? from l MY VIEW rtJl -v June 10 ? Hev Ernest Douthit of Havelock will hold his regular appointment at the Bay View Bap tist church Sunday morning and evening. Everyone is invited. Mr. and Mrs. John Chaplain and son, Jacky, spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Graham. Quite a few people from the community attended the music re cital at Newport Friday evening. Miss Pearl Bordeaux of New Bern will hold her appointment at Graham's chapel Sunday morn ing and evening. Everyone is in vited to attend. Jesse Small, USCG, spent a while during the weekend with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trigleth spent a while Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Trigleth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor spent a while Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Graham. Mrs. Polly Haskett, who has been spending a few days with Mrs. Clarence Mason, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Billie G. Lewis and daughter. Darlene, of Morehead City, spent a while Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small. Mr. 'Will Hardesty of Oyster Creek was in the community Mon day on business. Mr and Mrs. Charlie Pate of Bettie spent a while Monday after noon in the community. | Mrs. Kilby Haskett and little son, David Rty icluiiwl fauiuc Sun day from Hubert where she had been visiting her parent!, Mr. and Mr*. N. 8. Conway. . . Miss Arnwntk UUy spent Friday night and Saturday with Miss Jacky Smith of Newport. Mrs. T. L. Lilly and little ran are apendlng a lew day* at Vance boro with relatives. Miss Louise Jones is spending a' few days with Mrs. Cal Whaiey of Camp Glenn. Quite a large crowd attended the Baccalaureate sermon at Newport Sunday morning. There are two pupils who will graduate from Newport high school Thursday evening, Mr. Darrel Mann and Miss Liela HaAett. We congratulate them and wish tUem much success. Miss Jacky Smith of Newport spent Sunday night with Miss Ar menta LiHy. Rev. J. Randal Bennett of Bridgeton will hold his regular appointment ?t lit fWant * W.~ Baptist church Suuday afternoon. Xra. J. C. Skinner and Mr*. Per nel Hardesty ?pent 1 wUla Friday ?rHb Hit Jebn Ckaptaid an d MM. Earl Taylor. Mr. and Mrs Jesse Finer afrf family spent the weekend at Davis. ;I Mr. a. P. Small, Misa Pear) , Small and Grade Small spent * while Thursday evening at Rus sell's Creek Mr. Ward Lilly has gone to Wt? Veteran hospital for treatment. Wft,, hope lie will soon be well. ,nul Mrs. Edward Chadwick, Mjjs. , Bessie Graham and Mrs. Nf*) , Chadwick spent a while Monday Newport Iray Thomas Gtbble, USN and a friend spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Billie Mason. *"',T Miss Pearl SrnaH spent Tuesday1'' with Mrs. Bill ljewls. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family of 8Hverdale spent a while recent ly with Mr and Mrs. GiMord Can- i non. Itoni * ? ' ? ? mi.. . Club ?6 PROOF ? lr Century Club siiaigmt iourbon whiskey ' m, m i NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP., NfW YORK, N.Y. r p r f HEARING rKC CLINIC! revolutionary now way ?o lnw-4n the way people /> who have no impairment hear? BALANCED HIARINO ? " :v ? ? '?> hj\ COME IN? discover for yourself how Acoasticon has amazingly created not one or two, but 36 new and different Concteltatfon i U Hearing Aids -among which, there is one specifically designed n> for your kind of deafness? to give you BALANCED HEARING! ? ' ?? EXAMINATION WITHOUT OBLIGATION Hotel Fort Macon, Morehead City, N. C. FRI., JUNE 17. 19^9 - HOURS 10 AM to 7 PM ACOUSTICON WILMINGTON CO., Gideon L. Bateman BATTERIES FOB ALL MAKES OF REARING AIDS C3TT3 TRUCKS BUY THE TRUCK TO FIT YOUR NEEDS! nosgl >1 .if Merchants and manaiactnrers who art ?oetiay lho American customer demand in last, caurtaons delivery I,,, &? I, - ?" ' ? I' " iL? i.r .a service won emcieiti neuvery ? ? ? ? ill Kiim thai assures quick arrival from lha easterner's aa operational standpoint ai maanlactnrers jrho are potting addad ledgers. Tkorongkly proved in actaal ase, CMC tracks rate all the loataros to auke dak very tfaa very work easier, and delivery cost lower. Ask as ahead advaatafes a! QIC tracks to 61 the Mods MOBLEY BUCK CMC 1VUCKS BUICE AUTOMOBILES SALES ft SERVICE City? Pfcoae I7HI

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