*40.1 Ifrs^WUlb fhomptoq of ^a son neu several days tier* hit wet* with tljelf mother. Mrs Bay 4?u*hter, I aj-*1" family on Are Mr. Boh Low* returned Sunday from Chapel mil. where ht at tended the Chamber of Commerce institute last week. Mr. and Mrs. i. H Sanders [ spent Sunday ft WrightsviUe Beach Mis( Joyce Bell la spending a few days in Beaufort with her grandmother, Mrs. H. W. Peterson Mr. Charles N. Bennett return ed last week from Lake Charles, Louisiana Miss Edna Williai?a and Dare I Fulcher visited last week in | Athens, Georgia. Mrs. Oibb Farrior and her daugh ters, Jean and Shirley, and Miss Barbara Willis went to Durham Friday and returned early this week. Mr and Mrs. Dersey Welch and Mr. and Mr>. Shaw Bonner o( Washington spent Sunday after noon here. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hogan of WilHamston were weekend visitors here. Mr. J?rry Willis, a graduate stu dent at Richmond Professional In stitute, spent the weekend here. Mr. Earl Sonnes of Harrisburg. Pa. and Richmond, was his houseguest. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Dixon, Jr. and daughter. Patricia Louise, of Alexandra, Minn., arrived Monday and are spending two weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dixon, Sr., on Bogue Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Dixop, it., spent the weekend with relatives at Spring Hope. Mr. and Mrs. P?t Taylor and fa mily, of Chocowinity, visited , friends , here Sunday. Mrs. Murray Tolson of Ocracoke returned to her home Saturday after visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. .Stamey Davis. Mr. Wesley Williams of Raleigh visited here over the weekend. On Monday he returned to Rpleigh with his wife and child who hyt been vlaitun here Mr. E. St?awy Pavu returned Friday tight (row Aahevilie and SwHtalton. AUea end Z*ke CoUada return ed to Panvilte, Virginia, Friday alter apenduig a couple oi days here. Mr Archie H Davit of Durham spent the weekend here. His wife an<J daughter, who are spending the sunuper here, returned with his to Durham lor ? week Mr. and Mra. Caul McKeaney o| Weat Nawtoo, Masa., are visit ing her aunt, Mrs. John Bell. Billy Kanto, Jr., of Norton. Va., is spending sometime with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Georca Snooks. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cantifld and son, Norqtau, spent Sunday in Swansboro. Miss Isabella White of Kinston ?Mat $ht weekend here. tin. Charles N. Bennett, Mrs. it Wyclt. and Mr Chtfles H. eU spent Monday afternoon in Ooldiboro. Miss Rowena Davis and Miss Anne Ruddock, who have been visiting Mrs. Ernest Dennis, Veft Sunday to return to Washington, D. C. Miss la?a Jordan of Cherry Point visited (tin Betsy Thornton over the weekend. Mrfc Robert McDougall apd son, | Donnie, of Philadelphia, arrived Sunday lor | visit with Mrs. Mc Doug ail's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ti I. Joslyn. Mrs George Coke of Scotland Neck arrived Saturday to spend a week wilh her son, Mr. A. T. Leary, and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mariner and family of Ooidsboro, spent Sunday here. Mrs. B- F. Royal left today tof Boston, Massachusetts, where she will visit Dr. and Mrs. Taylor Ver non and their children. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barnes and son, of Lexington, Virginia, are ?xp?cted to arrive here today or Wednesday for a visit with Dr. B. F. Royal. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. jfimaa and ANTIQUES W? announce the opening oi our An-, iique Shop, with a general line of furniture, glass, china, old prints, frames, etc. Cone in and look around. AUie Mcintosh 916 Arcndell Street, Morehead City ,WE have opened our Studio for por % traiture and general photography. We carry a complete line of fine frames and do custom franpipg to suit your taste. Sittings in our Studio or your home by appointment. HENRY H. TURNER ITVBLQ IIS ArvniMl Strwt C^r. N. C. daughters, Bonnie Dale and Anna Prances, ot Oxford have purchas ed the Cannady Hood cottage at 1%D6 She paid at., and will spend moat ft the summer here. Mr ?linn, a brother of Dr J. H. Bunn, is the prpsideitt of Chowan college. D* ?md 4r?. John H. Bunn spend the weekend in Henderson, where the Rev. John Thomas Bunn preached the ^omeegming sermon ?t the Norty Henderson Baptist Church, yfcpre he f*s a student pastor while a student at Wake Poreet. Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Tyner of 1 Washington, D. C., visited here last week with Mr. and Mrs. An drew Davis. Mrs. Tynner is the former Miss Kitty Bell of this city. Mrs George W. Dill, Jr and two children. Susan and George Leigh, returned Saturday to Eliza beth City with Mrs. Dill's mother, Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep, who had been visiting with them here. From Elisabeth City, they plan to go to Nag's Head to spend two weks. Beach Social Note: Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cre^rb and 1 Mrs. J. H. Baker and children of Snow Hill spent last weekend at the beach. Ur>. D. H. Scanlon and two children, of Durham, are spending about a month at the beach. 1 Mrs. C. L. Eason and children, of Farmville, are spending the sum I mer at their Atlantic Beach cot I tage. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Thomas of Conway, Pennsylvania, and Mr and Mrs. H M Thomas of Cherry ! Point left Sunday after spqpding a week at Atlantic Beach. Mr. .and Mrs. Paul Brown and son Hubert, of Atlanta, Georgia, spent last week at the J. R. Baker cottag? ct Atlantic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCall of Goldtsboro. and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Brown of Greenville spent the week end at the J. R. Baker cottage at the beach. Mr. an<J Mrs. Everett of Bethel are spending the summer at their I beach cottage. Mrs. Stoney Keith of Raleigh has arrived ty spend the summer at her cottage op Atlantic Beach. t i Mr. and Mr*-, Leon Russell and children, of Greenville, spent last week at the Kittrell cottage. Miss Mamie Ruth Tunstall and Miss Katie Tunstall of Greemrttje have arrived to spend the suraaer . at their cottage. ' Col. and Mrs. S. T. Wallis of Soutbcrf Pines spent the week end yith Mrs. W. A. Wright at Sea Shore Club. Dr. William B. Young of Rich mtyd spent t)\e week0nd at the lf??rs cq^age. ?t the Sea Shojre club for two yetts prr Mrs flobtrt H Wright and Mrs W. A. Wright of Pine hurst. Mr.. J.T.Br. y/t\ and Miss Sarah Brown spent two or three days last week at the Mitchiner cottage, vi siting Mrs. Brown's daughter, Mrs. G. L. Mitchiner. Mr. and Mrs. N(it c twiner and their tyo daughters, Patay and Joyce, are here to spend the summer at tbeijr beach cottage. Mrs. Tom tytefr* of Wilson, Miss $eth Hut son of Jtfchmond, and Miss Mary W. Parker of Wilson have arrived to spend the summer at Mrs. Mean' cottage. Vacationing in the Flower's cot tM? ft A)l?a<k Buch last week were Mrs. Douglas Baker and child ren, Mrs. J. E. Jones and daufh ? , " . J ? Mr. and Mrs. James Mason Entertain at Dinner, Party Hi. and Mrs. James .1 Mason entertained at a dinner part; at their home Thursday night Miltop Gttafop, Paul Pickett. E. W. Hug gles. C. G. Brennecke, Dean J. H Lamp*, V. R. Willard, and Allan B. Mclntyre, all of the State col leg* school of engineering. Mr. Mason is director of More head city Technical institute, a branch of North Carolina State college. Two Guests Attend Jorgensen Bridge Party Mrs. C. I. Jorgensen entertained her bridge club at ber home on Areodell street Thursday evening. Special quests for the evening were Mrs. Wieberg and Mrs. J. R. San ders. Mrs. Jessie Devonchik was club high scorer, and Mrs. Wieberg won guest high prize. Low scorer was Mrs. Dan Swindell. The hostess served cokes and candy during play. Refreshments were cake and cofee. Mrs. S. A. Horton Entertains Bridge Club Mrs. S. A. Horton entertained her bridge club Thursday evening. Special guest was Mrs. James B. Macy, Jr. Lovely arrangements of snapdra gons were placed throughout the house. The hostess served assort ed sandwiches and iced drinks. High scorer for the evening was Mrs. Gihb Farrlor and second high was Mrs. Horton. Miss Dorothy Priichard Honored at Shower Miss Dorothy Pritchard, who is to be raarriet^this evening to Mr. Earl Becton, was honored Friday evening at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. S. C. Hollo way. The hostesses were Mrs. Holloway, aunt of the bride-elect, and Mrs. James Wade and Mrs. Elvin Oglesby, who will attend Miss Pritchard as bridesmaids. The house was beautifully dec orated with arrangements of cut summer flowers. The hostesses presented Miss Pritchard a white corsage and a gift of china in her cnosen pattern. Guests played bridge and rum my. Table prizes were awarded to Miss Irene Spence, Mrs. Ken neth Canfield, and Mrs. John Ger lardi. The refreshments, which carried out the bridal color scheme of green and white, were individual cakes, ice cream, mints, and ginger ale. The guests showered Miss Prit chard with many lovely and use ful gifts. ter, Mrs. S. W. Pennington and daughter and Mrs. J. C. Langston, all of Kinston. Bride Announces Attendants for Wedding Mini Dorothy Pritchsrd, daugh ter of Mrs. B?rth? H. Pritchard, who will be married this eveniag ft eight o'clock ?t the Ftrst Bap tist Church, Iforakead City, to Mr. Earl P. Becton, son of Hn. Lena Becton, will be attended Uiaa Ida Eaton as maul of honor. Bridesmaid* will be Mra. |?lvin Oglesby and Mrs. James Wade, cousins of the br^d*. Mr. Joe Pevonchik wUl serve the groom as best man, and ushers will be Mr. Bill Godwin and Mr. Thomas Eaton, The Bev. Lester A. Tillejr, pas tor of the First Methodist Church, Morehead City, will perform the ceremony. Wedding music will be present ed by Miss Joyce Willis, organist, and Miss Noma Jones, soloist. A reception will be held at the Webb Memorial Civic center im mediately following the ceremony. Well-Known Author Visits Here While Doing Research Dr. and Mrs. Frank Slaughter and children of Jacksonville, Fla. arrived Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Mundy Beaufor ,twho have returned from a two weeks visit to Natural Bridge, Va. Dr. Slaughter, brother in law o{ Mr. Mundy, is a well known writer, au thor of That None Shall Die and of In A Dark Garden. While visiting the Mundys, Dr. Slaughter will do research work in Wilmington for the sequel he is planning to his book, In A Dark Garden. Hospital Notes Little James Jackson Mitchell, Jr., continues quite ill in the hos pital. Mrs. Leo J. Kuper of Morehead City wps discharged Monday fol lowing a major operation. Little Mary Alice Beam, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Beam of Havelock, was discharged Satur day, following a tonsillectomy. Mrs. Joe t>. Mason and infant son of Atlantic were discharged Sunday. Little Dorothy Chadwick, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Chad wick of Gloucester, was discharged Saturday, following a tonsillecto my. Mrs. Bonner Whitehead waS POISON IW ??"IVY-DRY _| ? 4 ? ; ? Blend^'WKislSy.T 86 Proot'-^f 70% Grain NeutaiSpmSj t )r, \ " THB WIliEN f A| i: WtyiJiM wmm 1UM1I1 WW?MT ? *? mi i 1 1 i i i 1 1 i ; i i Something NEW in BREAD BAMBY'S HONEY SCOTCH Crushed Wheat BREAD SWEETENED ONLY WITH PURE HONEY WonderM hoaey-flavored bread. The emb ed whole whe?t keraela nn> teller nutrition and health. * treat to??ted. Lf?k for the brown and red plaid wrapper. HOT4& MWMG COMPANY Raleigh, N. C. L SAME PRICE AS W THE* " REGULAR BRANDS NOW AT YOUR g GROCERS discharged Sunday after a major operation. Mr. Joe Lemuel WilUi of At' lant^c was discharged Saturday. Mr E. p. Betijuac of the Mw? head City-Beaufort causeway was admitted Sunday jot medical treat ment. Mr. Sissy Out hi it Jr. at Hvk er'i Island was admitted for an operation. Mr. Stacy Murphy of Beaufort, who was admitted to the hospital Sunday, is quite ill. Mrs. G. M. Fuicher of Atlantic was sdmitted Sunday and discharg ed Monday. Mrs. J. V. MacElroy and. infant son were discharged Sunday. Mr. Thomas P. Noe of Beaufort was discharged from the hospital Friday. Little David Harvey Noe was discharged Friday after a tonsil lectomy. Mrs. Emmanuel Ross, of Rt. 1, Moreheatf City, was discharged Saturday after a major- operation. Mr. Martin Bufkenroad was dis charged Monday following a minor operation. Miss Eunice Hill of Atlantic was YW WUTC POLL A HOUSE ?OT or A HAT! While a magician ran pull a rabbit out of a bat, not even a super-duper magician can pull a house out of a hat these days! Everyone who has a houtt> should be extra careful therefore to keep the home Area from burning, and also to carry adequate Insurance la line with today's higher values. This agency will gladly check your property and ad vise you as to proper in surance. No obligation. Merely a friendly service on our part. Phone, write or call. John L. Crump Insurance & Real Estate 823 ArendeU Street More head City >. Phone M 3<21 admitted Honday for a minor ope ratic*. Mrs Itena Farr of Havelock wai admitted to tl\e hospital Saturday Mrs. Fred Guthrie of Newport underwent an emergency operation Saturday morning. ? Mr. Lloyd W Garner ol New port was discharged Tuesday. Siffk laws lir. and Mn A. W. M unlock o Morebeid City welcomed a son Clyde Dayid, on June 17 ?t thi Mqiefcead City hospital The Monroe Doctrine was an nounced by Preajdeat J?m?s (ion roe in fei* melange to Copgreaa ii 1828. I ?npP^Jpl^^WATCH FOR THEM ' EACH WEEK SPECIALLY PRICED FOR ONE DAY ONLY! I ! ! ? n Swansdown Tropical Worsfcj SUMMER I > SUITS , Regular $25 ft* $35 Values -Sizes 10 to 1*( rt Priced special i(fr this one day-evenl only! % OFF We're Open Daily Monday thru Saturday "? 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. the DRESS * ArendeH Street at Eighth, lUrphead City, Phone M-1531 ^ ' - -hi 1949 TAXES NAT BE PAID HOW AT ! DISCOUNT E.O. MOOSE ' " ? , \ Carteret Ceuly Tex Cellecitr

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