LAST U.S. CAVALRY TROOP 'FEEDBOX CHATTER. Capt. Viktor Shanti, eom^ ,mjw^tr,vi?i?? his moynt/'Joektnipe^in f?qbW|v* EI J he U.S. Army's bow-legged brigade i? , making its last stand in Germany. On ,tfie outskirts of Schweinfurt, the 7766th Horse Troop, composed of 162 enlisted !men and five officers, still is doing its soldiering with live steeds. There are other horse units here and there, but this is the only troop. The 7766th was organized last 'August wf?sn most of the horse platoons abroad were gathered up and joined into 'onfc. Two of the 7766th's four platoons are jalways on border patrol near the U.S. ?occupation zone frontier areas. The troop lUses all German wehrmacht horses. Here .is the 7766th Horse Troop on duty. ,THE HORSEYJEJ^Mw of thd Syjmd and Third Platoon*, 7766th U.S. cavalry sit their mounts, preparatory to daily driH. ; {SET-UP. Sflt. John E. Cessna, directs gunners of the horse troop o? Schweinfurt, as they set up machine gun durlnjj drill. CLIMB DOWN, SOLDIER* Plotoon dismounts offer ?ill. In bockground is on old Gorman gorogo which now is a U.S. stoblo*