CHURCHES --- THEIR ROLE IN CARTERET COUNTY I * Between a Rock and a Hard Place < STUDY FOR DECEMBER 4, 1949 | By Wm. Southern, Jr. Jeremiah was always between a rock and a hard place. He felt he had explicit directions from God to denounce the administration of his beloved Judah and, although he knew it was a dangerous thing to do he went at the job and did it adequately. So adequately did he do the job that he was arrested, 4 thrown into jail, tortured and told that he was no prophet, but a traitor to the country- The nation alist spirit was prevailing in Pal estine and it was the general belief that the Jews were the chosen people of God and that He would not permit, by miracle or other wise, His people to be defeated and His city to be destroyed. Jeremiah saw Babylon on one side and Egypt on the other, and r ;oned that little Judah did not h a chance. But he always in s I that Jerusalem would again I home of the faithful and tl ' the temple service and belief i I would return to a repentant r *<\. : h laid the scorn of words] vho differed and called j Use prophets. From the j own through the whole! # including- the priests, ? hoi ! that God \vouId ! ? K people to suffer Th ? king's counselors' in t hat way and when' i tbev w ere wrong, he w;is punished. Jeremiah ? 1 iem false prophets but i i- not that exactly. They X i .hat they said and the V J - , war. ted to believe the same tiiiiig^and so the prophets told the kit;}! what he wanted to hear. We prubahly would call it wishful thinking. There is one incident recorded yhich illustrates what I am trying to say. King Ahab once wanted to fight. He was mad but at the snne time cautious and asked his prophets, there were 400 of them, whether if he went into the fight he would win. They told him he would, to go ahead and win. But King Ahab had heard of a prophet named Micaiah, a man he did not like but had a lot of respect for him and so he called him in. Mica iah knew the score and did not want to tell the king he would not only lose the fight but be killed, but under pressure he did tell him. And so it turned otit. And thus one prophet discredited the 400. Those in' power like to be told that they are right and the one who tells them the bitter truth is liable to suffer for it. Men in high places are by human nature the same and these ancient stories of an ancient people present human nature as it was then, has been ever since and always will be. Those who stand near the thrones , of greatness today do not contra dict the mighty ones. They know that place and power do not come to those who differ too strongly with the one who holds that pow er. So there are false prophets near the thrones of today who tell the powerful ones what they want : to hear and never by any stress contradict or disagree. In this country a free press is free only when it does not fall into the category of false prophets. I think most of the editors of this day respect and guard the right' to say what they believe, but there arc always some who belong in the list of false prophets. They may believe what they say and if they di! they have a right to say it. But if the commentator deliberately prints what he knows to be untrue Hi at once becomes the worst en en v of the free press, much more i d rrous than the one who makes no claim except expediency. false prophet is often the r-, : j opular. The doctor may i !-? liciit to undergo that ser ic . r.ition, t;ikc bitter and un li medicine Perhaps the t (. . y even tell the patient ir i nit thitic he does not like ? S ij i".t tj'inrs he does like, fi ' (hi, k that when a diet >:?, . icned it is always to not ;i:;. we like best. Then ti . 1 Cook tries to tempt the r" etiu, offers delicious foods, r!r.: tii.s and cat this. Which oU- of these is the most popular? ilius it happens in politics and policies Those who promise Utop ia, that everybody shall be rich, that there is to be no more pain, and sickness will be abolished are always more popular than those who insist ?n certain principles of action which we do not like to take. In a republic like ours this kind of a thing might happen because men and women are selfish and everybody wants to have a good life at as little inconvenience as possible. We have learned to shun the patent medicine which promis es a cure for every ill the body heirs. Our common sense tells us that such a medicine has never yet been discovered. The false prophets of the world in Jeremiah's day, and in our day too. always have .1 following. Based on copyrighted outlines produced bv the International Council of Religious Education and j used by permission. LESSON TEXT? Jer. 23:16,21 32. (16) Thus saith the Lord df hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets (hat prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lofd. (21) I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: 1 have not spoken toithem, yet. they prophes ied. (22) But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words then they should have turned them from their evil way. and from the evil of their doings. ( 23 > Am 1 .i God at hand, saith the Lord, Id : not a God afar off? (24) Can apy hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not 1 fill heaven and earth? ! saith the Lord. (25) 1 have heard! what the prophets said, that proph- ; esy lies in my name, saying. I have , dreamed, I have dreamed. (26) | How long shall this be in the heart ' of the prophets that prophesy lies? ! yea. they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; (2) Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell ?very man to his neigh bour, as their fathers have forgot ten my name for Baal. (28) The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord. (29) Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? (30) Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets. , saith the Lord, that steal my words every one from his neighbour. (31) Behold, I am a gainst the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. (32) Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my pople to err by their lives, and by their light ness; yet I sent them not, nor com manded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith j the Lord. k UNCLE JED SAYS... Listen, Folks! A new man makes everything new. and an old man makes everything old. Isn't that true? Arc you old or new? I'm not talking about age. but about spirit. If you are a real Christian you're new. and you make every thing around you seem better. Don't you know people who make you feel mighty good every time you're around them? I do. But I know some people, too, who make me feel mighty bad nearly every time I'm around them. I'll bet life is mighty sour to them, too. If we want life to be new and interesting to us, then we'll have to get new inside first. We need millions of "new" peo ple today in our world, and then it would be a happy old world. Let's be new ourselves first, Folks, then help our neighbors be come new. Yours. Jed Church to Sell Barbecue Barbecue will be sold today and tomorrow at the Church of God parsonage. 207 S. 12th st. Proceeds will go to the church Bazaar Tomorrow The First Christian church will ; hold a bazaar tomorrow in down- i town Morehead City. Better Than Com Lifeker And Lots Cheaper! SEVEN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER FREEMAN MOTHftS, Distributor THE LITTLE COUNTRY CHURCH The rural chorch of today is keenly conscious of the health of its people. Years ago the country people regarded their health in almoaUthe same way as did their forefathers. Tcday they have all kinds of aids in keeping up with the advancements in health protection that modern science has made possible. Radios, news papers, farm magazines and othr agencies have kept the modern countryman abreast of present day health measures. Notwithstanding these facts, there is a great need for doctors in the rural sections of our nation. Most doctors of today feel that they must practice medicine in the city where they can be near a hospital. But there is great need for thousands of coun try doctors today. Many rural people live thirty or more miles from a doctor, and fifty and a hundred or more miles from a hos pital. In a recent survey it was found that scores of counties had only an average of 59 doctors per 100,000 population. In 1943 there were 81 counties with no doctor at all, and 161 others with less than 20 doctors per lOO.iJOO population. The Virginia Conference of the Methodist ''hurch has made a praiseworthy beginnm ',:tive to these i irfiimns, by encour aging young men to i el ; 1mm medical -a- i i ! 1 : 1 ' he rural areas. It is offering each year a ! i ' scholarship .. . medical school for use by any young i. o will promise >me a country doctor. Imagine the rc-i. inister ,i together tor the total wi-. .. ' ... I. Uarrell .. -??afe. ft 1 1 ^ yb^hkfaniftmTfi i Our faith in ? lui FRIDAY, D5 . ? i "In him who stren^i i- ns me I am able for anything." Hiiiippians 4:13. (Moffatl.) (Koul Pnilippians 4:413.) Professor Ruin- Jones once told of a young friend who wont to hi.s doctor fofr an examination. The doctor told hiin he had a baffling disease which would destroy not only his sight and hearing but might also destroy his memory. The young man left the doctor's officc feeling that thy. death ucn tence had been pronounced upon him. Then he prayed! As he pray ed, it seemed to him that he was enveloped by God's pervading love. There camc a sense of unut terable peace and the sure confi dence that God would give him the power to meet whatever might come. Like Paul, he had been init v?f Christ" wail you today, it may bi* a min< test vcquirin:1 patience, unde - laiuiin; . the readiness to help an 'her. Or it m ? be a major to illness descending like an a\ - bnehe, or the tragic passing ot a loved one. You, too. may be init iated into the secret oC trusting Christ. You. too, may be able to say, "In him u ho strengthens me I am able for anything." PRAYER | Eternal Christ, enter, we pray I Thee, into our lives, that we mty have victory over every hard thing. Teach us the secret of trust, that we may have all joy in believing. In Thy holy name we pray. Amen. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Christ is with those who trust Him in all the storms of life. 1 Lloyd E. Foster (New Jersey) Fannie Finch Bunn Circle Meets With Mrs. Beck The Fannie Finch Bunn circlc of the First Baptist Church met re cently with Mrs. Warren Beck on Bridges street. There were 19 pres ent. , Following a brief business meet ing presided over by Mrs. John H. Bunn, Mrs. J. 0. Fussell took charge of the program, Christ In Moslem Lands. She was assisted by Mrs. Ralph Wade and Dr. Bunn. During the social hour the group sang Christmas carols. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. E. W. Roelofs, served home-made cake and cookies, nuts and cokes. Young Adult Youth Group to Meet Tuesday The sub-district meeting of the Young Adult Fellowship will meet at Franklin Memorial Methodist church of Morehcad City Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m. Thomas McGinnis, the county welfare officer, will be the principal speaker. Plans for a Christmas party are under way. This meeting takes in all young adult Methodists in the county un der the age of 35. Each one at tending is asked to bring a present (about 25 cents) and an article for the White Christmas. The boys arc to bring a present for a boy and the girls bring a present for a girl. ( ^?*1. J Expert body and fender work in our well-equipped shop will have your' car back on the roafl a&ain quickly ... at a reasonable cost. Complete crash over hauling. LEE NOTOB SALES. Inc. J4M Bridges St. Morehead City Phone M 81% A MiMRiB or ONI OF TMf FOUR I All Gf ST WOlllf Dl All B OR CAN I Z ATlONS IN TMI WORLD CHURCH SERVICES (Announcements of Sunday and weekday church aervicea must be in THE NEWS-TIMES office, either in Beaufort or Morehead I City, by NOON WEDNESDAY? The Editor) FRANKLIN MEMORIAL CHl'Hl'H Morehead City W. D. CaviaeM, MlnUter Sunday. Dec. i 9:30 a.m. . Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Woinhlp. Holy Communion 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship. Sermon. Our Confusiun About God" by I Mr. Cavlness. New members will be received Into the church. Monday, Dec. 5 7:00 p.m. ? Intermediate MYF Wrdnmday , Dre. 1 7:00 p.m. - Choir practice Thursday. Dee. 8 7:30 p.m. - Bible study ('AMI* (iLKNN METHODIST <11 I RC II | \V. 1>. CaiineHH. Minlhtrr Suaday. Uec. 4 9:00 a.m. - Sunday School . 10:00 n.m. - Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor 6:00 p.m. - MYF WedncNday, Dee. 7 7:00 |> m. - WSCS SALT KR PATH MKTIIODIST < IH IU II | Louie Lewis, Aetlni; Minlhtrr SundH>. Dee. I 10:00 a. ii). - Sund.iy School , 11:00 a.m. - Morninir Worship. Sermon' by Louie Lr\v Is ttltOAD ( IliKK MKTIIODIST ( III M II Louie Lewis, Aitiiitf Minikler Sunday, i>. 10 oo a.m. S S.-!".o?r! >*? .i i hi|i. Si'riptfn idrcss. 1.1 .la- : FIRST lt.? I* riVT < II I 1U II lltu'lurk ( Serv ires in < Kerry Tlu-jtre) Sunday. Dec. ? 0.45 - Sunday Srhonl 11:00 a.m. - Morning v > ? iiln 0.30 p.m - Baptist Tialniiii; Union at church hut, highway 70 7:30 p m. . Evening Woiihip at church hut i' ednrftday, Drc. 7 7:30 p.m. - Prayer meeting FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Morrhrad City Dr. J*ki H. Buon, I'a.tor Suaday. Dec. 4 9:30 a.m - Sunday School 11:00 am. - Morning Worship. Ordlna- I tlon of Deacons. A message to dea cons by the Rev. R T. Willis. Jr. 6:30 p m. ? Training Union 7:30 p!m. - Evening Worship. Young People will present missionary program beginning Week of Pray er for Foreign Mission. Women of the Missionary Society will meet every evening through Thursday and an all-day meeting Friday. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Beaufort Winfrey Davis. Pastor Sanday, Dee. 4 9 15 a m. - Sunday School 1100 a.m. Worship. Sermon subject. Christian Growth" 6:30 p.m. - Baptist Training Union 7 30 P.m. - Worship. Church confer ence. Wednesday, Dec. 7 7:30 pm. - Prayer mooting 8 : lfi p.m. - Choir rehearsal Thursday, Dec. ft 7:00 p.m. - Young People s auxiliaries meet ST. FAUI/S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Beaufort W. I Martin. K?-rtor 8. do .i m - lloiv Communion School and Junior j irch ! > i uiiminion and sei> ;i. .it the i?a. i*h house [it Or. Wo home of Au\ll \\ :.V. Ml V1(. ,i-nlng Worship 7 ou |. ni. - Youth Fellowship Wediicsd.iy . Dee. 7 7:30 p. hi Cholc. rvhearsal i.V, PORT 4 III K< II Ol I IIKIST .1 I i??- M tie* on Nine Mile Koad) Sunday, lie*-. ? 10 .Mass 4 .00 p.m. Child; .'ii - In'! ii. m." - Mi lla\eltHk' Tufwlny, I??t. 7 :.{() a.m. C\? dl1?Ml I V, l? it, 7 ; K> .i.iit, - k 1 ? ? ?? 8:00 p.m. - llo!> N.ui.' * ' Thursday, l)fr. 8 6:15 .. m. - <*t?nf? s>i us 6: .TO a m - Holy Ma s 7:15 a m - C-.ii'W 1:00 p.m. - ' "M Idi'i : - !, ? llarkers Inland 7:. TO p.m. p Discussion i ;.i!?, llavclork Friday, ?er. 'J 7:. TO a.m. - Confessions 7:45 a.m. - Holy Mass 7:45 p.m. - Choir reheat sal Sat unlay, Dec. 10 7:30 a.m. - Confessions 7:45 a.m. - Holy Mass 7:00 p.m. - Confession!* FBKK WILL BAPTIST flURCII I Stacy J. R. Davidson, Pastor Saturday, Pff. 3 7 00 p.m. - Preaching Sunday, Deo. i 10:00 a.m. ."Sunday School 11 00 a m. - Morn I nx Worship 6:00 p.m. - Free. Will Baptist League j 7:00 p.m. - Preaching Wednesday, Dee. 7 7:00 p.m. - Prayer meeting FBKK WILL BAPTIST CIICBCH Km I-ovcl J. R. Davidson, Pastor Sunday, Der. I 2:00 p.m. - Sunday School FRKK WILL BAPTIST CHI' RCII Davis J. B. Davidson, Pastor Sunday, IW. I 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 6:00 p.m. - Free Will Baptist league Thursday, Dw. H 7:00 p.m. - Prayer me?tlng Balaam EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the 7th of a series of studies (rem the Old Testament. The text Is condensed from selections by Houston Harte for the new book, "In Our Image." Illustration by Guy Rowe, flso from the book. And the children of Israel pitch ed in the plains of Moab. And Bal ak king of the Moabites sent mes sengers unto Balaam to call him, saying. Behold, there is a people come out from Egypt: they cover (he face of the earth, and abide m ! ' ooie now there l h': that I ? ' of the land: licmr thou bless (I. til id lie whom thou fur.v. t is cursed. > 'Vl.ti'n said unto them, ?'i"h? and I will * .1 :;un as the Lord ! i .lv unto me. And God camo unto Balaam and said, Thou shall not go. thou shalt not curse t < far they are blessed. A i i ? ? ? ? iii the morning, .in 1 .ml unto tin* princes of Balak, the l.ord refuseth to give me leave to mo with you And they went un to H.-l; k ? Balak sent yet again primes, more, and more honor able. And they eame to Balaam, ami said. Thus saith Balak, I will promote thee unto very great in i; ;i' and I v% ill do whatso ever thou sayest, come, I pray thee, curse me this people. And Balaam said unto the servants of Balak: Tarry ye also here this ni1 hi, that I may know what the l.ord will say. And God came un to Balaam, and said, go with them; bui yet Ike word which I (continued on page two) WIZARD JUKI m ?M) MMMtk (mm r** 9 '211-95 Ntw 8-cu. ft beauty th?t itoroi 42 lbs of frozen food., , 18 qt . full-width criipcr. err, .. .iii wiih Jure :r i . ? t ?????' ^ _ WIZARD AUTOMATIC IRON! Guaranteed 5 years Hen Control dial, m am beveled loleolatfj / nM 1000-watt itiii I cllJ Betax? fee cat Standard Rur:? Prsce! New Wizard GAS RANGE HJ.S5 ( Terms More value for your money in thf new.' divided top range with built-in fluoreacei.f I r ,p and tfmer; full 40 , l'pc. top, roomy porcelain oven insulted with FibergUc* RoberUhaw oven control. Fully guaranteed! jmo-7 Available In cluster fop with Incandescent lamp, inmm^ Home Owned and Operated by CALVIN JONES Front Street Beaufort B 3851