CHURCHES --- THEIR ROLE IN CARTERET COUNTY] SPIRITUAL ELECTION "For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath choaen thee to be a apeeial people unto Himself, ? above all people that are upon the face of the earth," Deuteron omy 7:6 "Blessed is the nation whose God la the Lord; and the people whom He hath cbosen for His own inheritance. *And He brought forth His people with Joy, and His chosen with gladness," Psalms i 33:12:105:43. "According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in Love," Ephesians 1:4. "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multi piled," First Peter 1:2. The caption of this homily should at least stimulate interest enough on the part of members of each branch of religion for its reading. Our Hebrew frienda immediately think o( a nation chos en of God, while representatives of certain branches of Christian ity think of their own boundaries, as they are denominated in so ciety. My purpoce is to make a contribution which should be con ducive to acceptance of the broader view at justified in both Old and New Testament Strictures. God's election involves much more than a nation, or a religion, although both are comprehended therein. Remember, God is omniscient, hence'He exercises per fect (fore) knowledge. Therefore, Spiritual Election is the pro duct of God's foreknowledge ? "Elect according to the foreknowl edge of God the Father, . . .. . " Election as relates to the nation, Israel, through Abraham is one of the high marks in Spiritual Election. God promised to make of Abraham a great nation, for him a great name and through him universal blessing. Genesis 12:1-3. But God did not choose Abraham, nor his posterity, because of human superiority, from a moral nor physical' standpoint, Romans 4:13. "For the promise, that he should be heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, bl|t through the righteousness of faith." Exercising perfect foresight, God saw Abraham a true be liever in His perfect scheme of irdemption for Jew and Gentile alike, typified through thf nation of which Abraham was the fath er, in its deliverance from bondage? not by works of man's hands, but by the "BLOOD OF THE lAmB." Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness," Genesis 15:6; Ro mans 4:3. Hence, God's choice of Abraham's line for the bring ing in of our Deliverer, even Jesus' Christ; "The Limb slain from the foundation of the world." Neither has God's election discriminated in favor of any par ticular brand of religion. Again, I say, God operates in the realm of His perfect foreknowledge in choosing the Seed of Abraham in the spiritual sense, as God implies in His act in changing the name of the great faith character from Abram to Abraham, Genesis 17:5. "Neither shall thy name any moreibe called Abram, but thy name shall be called Abraham, FOR A FATHER OF MANY NATIONS HAVE I MADE THEE." Now, let us hear Paul as he connects this great truth in portraying Abraham as the true father of all who will be true believers in. the Lord Jests Christ, whom God had in mind when Hie promised through -AtNtmi's seed to bring His blessing within reach of the entire guilty WrtTd, Romans 4:20-25. "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory td God; and being fully persuad ed that, what he had promised, hi was able to perform. And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was delivered for our offences, and raised again;for our Justification." So, our spiritual election is determined by personal decision, and our failure of God's election for us to eternal peace, happiness and reward is based on this decision?1 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved > J. R. Davidson Davis, Stacy, Settle Free Will Baptist Churches Coaunaioa Sunday In keeping with the policy of frequent reception of Holy Com munion, the Holy Name Society pf St. Egbert's Catholic church will receive Holy Communion at the 9 o'clock Mass Sunday. All the men of the parish are invited to join the Holy Name men at the # o'clock Mass whether they are members of the society or not. j Church Serves Dinners ' The Camp Glenn Methodist Church, to raise money for new SORT TAKE THUGS FOB BAMTED! You enjoy your home, year they afford yon. Bet doat take them too mack far granted, because fire could destroy them la a trice aad you'd have U pay a lot more for them today than you orig inally did to replace them. Mae certain, therefore, that your Fire lasaraaee is la line with enrreat values, le member, t? arrow's taaur. aace Just wea't pay today's loss. Fheae ? Write ? Call John L Cramp Iaavraaca 4 R*al EaUta HI AnbMI Htwt I PkoM M MSI Mmhrad City 1 church school rooms it it building, will serve barbecue and turkey dinners and suppers today and to morrow at Copeland's Edgewater restaurant, Just west of Morehead City. The pricc is $1 a plate and proceeds will go tp the build tog program.' The public is invited. First Christian Church Will Observe hiomecoming Sunday The debt on the newly-constructed First Christian church, Bridles st., Morehead City, was paid in full the last of October. The church was organized last fall by the Rev. C. W. Foster, pastor of the Broad Street Christian church, New Bern. Homecoming Day and dedication of the First Christian church ol Morchcad City will be observed this coming Sunday, Dec. 11. The dedication sermon will be preached by the Rev. W. C. Foster, pastor of the Broad Street Christian church of New Bern. It was through the efforts of Mr. Foster that the church in Morehead City was organized and the church building erected. Morning service will be held at 11 o'clock, conducted by the pas tor, the Rev. C. F. Outlaw. At 3 o'clock the dedication service will take place. This new church was opened fof- public worship a year ago this past September. At that time the dedication was post poned until such time as the debt against the edifice was fully paid. Much credit is given the mem bers of the church and congrega tion for meeting the churches ob ligation and that proper dedication can be made of a debt-free build ing. The public is cordially invtcd to attend the services Sunday. Pic. William Smiih Serves With Eighth Army, Japan WITH THE EIGHTH ARMY IN NARA, JAPAN ? Pvt. First Class WillUm Smith, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith, 408 N. 10th St., Morehead City, participated in the record firing of the .30 calibcr carbine at the firing range of the 35th Infantry's Regiment. Entering the Army at Morehead City April 2, 1946, he was sent to Fort Meade for his basic training Arriving in the 159th Field Artil lery battalion he was assigned to B Battery. The 159th Field Artillery Bat talion is located at Camp Ireland, Nara, Japan, and is commanded by Lt. Col. Walter J. Preston. Ministers to Meet The Coastal Ministerial associa tion will meet at 10 o'clock Mon day morning in Webb Memorial Civic ccntcr. All Methodist pas tors arc especially urged to be present for a special meeting, an nounced the Rev. W. D. Cavincss, pastor of Franklin Memorial Meth odist church. The Havclock Methodist choir will give a Christmas cantata. "The Child of Bethlehem" at 11 o'clock Sunday morning in Core Creek Methodist church. The pub lic is invited. wainiiititiHvvKitvvici ST. TAIL'S KPIMOPAL CHVICU Beaufort W. L. Martin, Rector Kundny, Dec. 11 7:00 a m. - Holy Communion 9:30 am. - Sunday School and Junior church 11:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer and ?er mon 7 00 p.m. - YPSL, Parish House Wednewday, Dec. If 6:30 n.nv - Junior choir practice and Men's club supper, parish house 7:30 p.m. - Adult choir practice Tliuntday, Dec. 15 10:00 a.m. - Holy Communion Friday. Dec. 16 5.00 p.m. - The Litany Saturday, Dec. 17 10:00 a.m. - Last Junior confirmation class SALTKK PATH NKTHODIMT CHVICU Louie Lewi*, Avaiatant Pastor Sunday, Dec. 11 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m. - Evening Worship. Sermon by Mr. Lewis CORK C-KKKK MKTHODINT < IH K( II Louie l^ewU, Pastor Sunday. Dec. II 10 00 a.m - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship A Fine Piano -- Precious Joy for Tears to Come! A piano in your home . . . is a priceless combination of musical joy, education and fine culture. This Yule ? five a worthy gift! Give a piano! KELSON'S MUSIC HOUSE Phoac B-847-S IH TURNER ST. BEAUFORT, N. C. CHURCH SERVICES (AnnouactmenU of Madajr and weekday church aerviceo must be la THE NEW8- TIMES alflcc, either in Beaufort or Morebead City, by NOON WEDNESDAY. ? Tbe Editor) MKBBIMON MKTHODI8T CHl'BCM , Ual? Utrb, PwUr Saaday, D*. IV 10:00 a.m. ? Sunday School 7:30 p.m. ? Evening Worship FRANKLIN HHOIIU METHODIST | ImLSl Mi W. D. CiilM. Mlmirt?r Suaday. D?. II t , 9.30 a.m. - Sunday School 11 O0 a m. - Morning Worship. Sermon. "I Believe In the Divinity of Jesus" by the pastor 7:30 p.m. - Union service In high school auditorium Maaday, Dm. IS 6 00 p.m. ? Intermediate MYF 7:00 p.m. ? Senior MYF 7 30 p.m. - WSCS Taeaday. DM. 13 7.30 p.m. - Younr Adult Fellowship Wodntaday, Dae. 14 1 7:00 p.m. - Choir practice Tharsday. Dee. II 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study CAMP OI.ENN METHODIST CHIBCH H. D. Cavlaeaa. Mlalster Saaday, Dee. II 0:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a m. ? Morning Worship. Sermon by Louie l^euli 6:00 p.m. - MYF Wedaeaday, Dw. 14 7:00 p.m. - WSCS FIBST BAPTIST (HtlWH Beaafart Winfrey Davis. Past a r Sunday, D?*. 11 9:43 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship. Sermon, "Seeing the Invisible" 6:30 p.m. - Baptist Training Union 7:30 p.m. - Worship. Sermon. "Like aa a Father" Weda#aday, Dee. 14 7:30 p.m. - Mid-week service 8:15 p.m. - Choir rehearsal Thursday, Dae. 1ft 7:00 p.m. - Meeting of the young people's auxiliaries ANN HTBEKT METHODIST (Hl'BCH Beaafart T. B. Jeaklas, Minister Saaday. Dee. II 9:45 a.m. ? Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Woryhlp. Sermon "The Great Expectation". Spec ial mu?!c by senior choir 6:30 p.m. - Youth Fellowship 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship. Sermon. "That They Might Have Life" Special music by Junior and Sun shine choirs Wednesday. Dec. 14 7:30 p.m. - Prayer service PBKK WILL BAPTIST' CHl'CBH Davis J B. Davidaaa, Pastor : Sunday. Dee. 11 10 00 a.m - Sunday School I li ooa.m. ? Preaching 6:00 p.m. - Free Will Baptist league 7.00 p.m. - Preaching I Tharaday, Dee. IS 7:00 p.m. - Prayer meeting FIPST CHRISTIAN ('KIRCH Moreliead City Cecil F. Outlaw, Minister K?*Ur, Dec II 10:00 A.m. ? Bible School 11:00 a.m. - Sermon. "The Scriptural i Church" 12:30 p.m. - Dinner of the Ground 2 30 p.m. - Dedication service 3 00 p.m. - Dedication sermon by the I Rev. W. C. Foster. New Bern I Dedication prayer by the Rev J. W. Loll is. otway. 7:30 - Sermon. The Constrain ing Power of Love." Monday, Dec. IS , 9:30 - 10 a.m. - Radio message. Man- I hood Crowned In Christ" by Mr. j Outlaw. 7:30 p.m. - Sermon. "The I^ast Will and Testament of Christ" Tata day, Dec. IS 9 30-0 a.m. - Radio message. "The Art of Ustentng to God* . by Mr. Outlaw. FIRST MF.THODIKT CHURCH Morehead City L. A. Tllley, Minister Saaday. Dec. 11 9:30 ?.m. ? Sunday School 11:00 am. - Worship Sermon. 'Christ or (ho Early Conlurka" 8 30 pm. ? MMhodlit Vouth Fellowship 7 .10 p.m. ? Munloal program, hluh school auditorium R 00 p.m. - ChrlAtmai parly for all Monday Dec It ctrclca of the WSCS at the civic center Wodn today, Dee. 11 7:30 p.m. - Mid-week prayer service and young people s choir rehear TktnSr, Dee. 15 7:30 p.m. - Senior choir rehearsal Friday, Dee. I? _ 7:30 p.m. - MYF Christmas party FEKK WILL R4PTI8T CHI'RCH Stacy J. R. Davidson, Pastor Saaday, Dee. tl 10:00 a.m. ? Sunday School 7:00 p.m. - Free Will Baptist league Wadaeaday. Dec 14 7:00 p.m. - Prayer meeting FEKK WILL BAPTIST CHI'RCH ! Sea Level J. I. Davidson. Paator Manday, Dec. *L 2:00 pm. - Sunday School 3:00 p.m. - Preaching --NKWPORT CHI'RCH OF ( II BINT cc. 17 7:30 a.m. - C-onfeshlons 7:45 a.m. - Holy Mass 7:00 p.m. - Confessions St. Mary's Chapter Meet# With Mrs. N. W. Taylor St. Mary's Chapter of the Worn an's Auxiliary of St. Paul's churcfe held its regular meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. N. W. Taylor. Twelve members were present. Mrs. T. T. Potter, presi dent, railed the meeting to order and read the devotionals. New officers for the year 1050 * werf elected as follows: Mrs. G. A. Fast man, president; Mrs. E. . J. Davis, vice-president;' Mrs W. I,. Martin, secretary; and Mrs. O. | H Johnson, treasurer. Other items of business dis cussed were the sending of boxes | fo clothing to an Episcopal Mis- - sion at Standardsvillc. Va , to Gal* 1 lilcc Mission in Fast Carolina, and to the Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte. Boxes will be sent within the week. The giving of memorial lights in the church building were discussed, and it was deeided to use this as a pro* ject of the Auxiliary later on. The meeting was closed with prayer. A social hour followed during which the hostess served coconut j! cake, fruit punch and salted nuts. UNCLE JED SAYS . . . You know. Folks. I just enjoy reading, and I like to share the good things 1 read with you. I just read something that sort of has a sting in it. Some writer said that "all the* dog in us will come out when we have nothing /j but bones to scrap over." It sure is strange how people f scrap over the little things in life and leave the big ones alone. Most of the time these little things are foolish. Usually it's the little bones ^ in family life that cause the big* j gest scraps. Those scraps just show .< up how much dog there is in us. Sounds bad to talk this way, but ^ we're telling the truth. Let's let the dogs have the bones, Folks, and let's let them do all the j scrapping, too. Yours, Jed 1 During J 94 9 pre/erred iff truck users over t/ie next two ma Ares combined CHEVROLET/, ADVANCE -DESIGN TRUCKS This overwhelming preference stems from just one fact: Chevrolet trucks give ' more Jbr the money/ t 1 If# rutin based on incomplete but conclusive nationwide registration figures. Sound Chevrolet Company, Inc. PhtMH-5C2-I 13M AimUI Stml tbnhssd City. R. C.