ARTISTS THROUGH THE AGES TELL CHRISTMAS STORY ? Mm ? ? ? - THE NATIVITY: Van Dyke (1599-1641) "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn." THREE WISE MEN: Stoddard (1861-1940) "Behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Say ing, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? (or we have seen his star . . . and are come to worship him." < a ,'Vi ratfMKa ADORATION OF MAGI: Laib (15th Century) "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and . . . they presented unto him gifts." ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS: Garofalo (16th Century) "And it camc to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds . . . came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger." The Messianic Hope Fulfilled (CHRISTMAS LESSON) STUDY FOR DEC. 2i, 1M9 By Wm. Southern, Jr. All Hebrews believed that there v(ould be a Measiah. T^ey believed that the ftfesaiah when He came and made all things right would come for the Hebrews only, but when the Measiah did come He came tor all the world, for all peo ples everywhere Isaiah wrote his prophesy of the coming Messiah when the great As syrian host was threatening on the horizon. Jeremiah a hundred years later wrote in much the saitie tone when the nation waa dying and Nebuchadnezzar was about to 1 make the Hebrewi a nation of c*p tive slaves. They each expressed the long held belief of their people that a Messiah would appear and with Him would come a reign of Peace, all their enemies crushed ang their Prince of Peace should rule. Six hundred years later Dr. Luke recorded the birth of Christ, the woiid is simply the Qreek for Mes siah. There were no war* then, the Romans were the rulers of the civ ilized world and there uras peace. Isaiah and Jeremiah nid that the Messiah would come, that ia true, but theirs was net a prophesy foretelling the birth of Jesus Christ. It was sifpply the expres sion of their belief in the upivcrs ally held certainty of Hebretv tlteught. J i ' Christmas day, "the anniversary of the Birth, ia everywhere cele brated as the anniversary of the birth of the Messiah. But for Christ arid* Christianity there would be no Christmas. On that day we Chris tians renew our faith, again pro claim to the wqrld that we are Christians. If Christ had not lived there would have been no Christ mas. ' When Jesus was born the shep I herds came and looked at the little babe and, I think brought gifts. There is a legend that a little boy with the shepherds wept because ke had no gift for the new born babe, and that his teara aa they fell were changed to pearla making the most beautiful gift of all. Boark Bradford in his Christmas story of tbe.firat "Sandy Clawa" had him bring a aingle red apple aa a gift. It is toM in the gospels that later rich Wise Men came bringing gifts of great value and significance. Since that time we bring gifts tg the newly born babea of our love and since that time we Bake Christmas day, the anniver aary of the birth of the Measiah, a day of gift* and joy and feast The song of the heave na when Jesus waa born was; ? ' Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace among men i In whom he ia well pleaaed. We have told the beautiful story is the two thouaand year* which have pasaed since that wonderful night and we have sung "Pthce on Sarth, Good Will to Men," never adding "In Whom He Ia Well | to 31 F< May every ham let ?nd every home be filled with cheer mil the ye?r. CHARLIE'S PLACE tuner St BKAU if. C Pleased." We have thought peace on earth is promised, and will be given to us without effort on our part. That has been our mistake and that -is why we "sit in dark ness, in the shadow of death" to day. ' Jesus said "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," and we said, "How can we do that?* Surely He did not mean all the world. Surely He did not mean 'every creature'." Jesus never said a word he did not mean. He meuit all the world. He meant ?very creature. Until we take Him it His word, we will not have peace on efcrth. When the time was right, came airplanes. When the time was right, came radio. What is it given to us for? Why, to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Christmas in America is a happy time, a time of open hearts and open purses. There arc two girls I know who have just the happiest time at Christmas. They are hap pier than anybody else. These two go about with shining faces, they spend >11 the money they can get, and put in weeks of time getting ready for Christmas. Their list includes mostly little folks and then their family and friends. Neither of them ever has a thought of self. Their minds do not take into consideration what othtrs may give them. Their hap piness is in spending themselves to mafce others happy and their own- Christmas things they think of not it all. Another source of their happiness is their capacity to just love everything they get whether it is a Christmas card or a grand piano. To me, Christmas is just a pre view of the time when the gospel is preached to all the world and its joy fills the hearts of every creature. Then, when the merry bells rini out, there will be "Glory to Cod in the Highest, and on earth peace among men, in whom He is well pleased." "Based on copyrighted outlines produced by The International Council of Religious Education and used by permission." 1ESSON TEXT? Isa. 9:2-7; 11: 1-6. (2) The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them bath the light shinad. (3) Thou hast (continued on page three) GOQD NEWS It was with anxious eyes that the ancients watched the heav ens for the coming of the Messiah trom on high with succor for those in need The sun. moon, and stars rolled along while kings and empires crumbled into dust. The race of humans stumbled, filled with greed, hate, and lust. The anxious eyes were rewarded as the angel of the Lord spoke to the shepherds on the Judean hills, "I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." The race of humans is still the victim of greed, hate, and lust. We could easily join in the refrain: "For hate is strong, srtld mocks the song, Of peace on earth, good will to men." The mood of many is that of the pessimist. This is a lost cause. There is not anything that can be done. We arc helpless. This could have been the mood of Charles Dickens as he wrote of Scrooge. In his "Christmas Carol" we firid Scrooge pictured as a whining, sniveling, squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, inhospitable, covetous old sinner, hard as flint. When we first meet Scrooge, we wonder if he can be redeemed. Is his shell too hard and tight to be penetrated by the Spirit of Christ mas? We listen to Marlcy's ghost and hear Scrooge try to placate him by saying, "Marley, you were always a good business man." The ghost of Marley resounds, "Business, mankind was my busi ness; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business; the dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business." We look at Scroogc and hope against hope that he may be changed. We want better things of human beings than Scrooge has offered us. We want to sec his heart softened and made over. At last we find that the Spirjt of Christmas has penetrated to the soul of the old miser, bringing power to redeem his past, save his pres ent, and direct his future. Yes, Scrooge was made over by the Spirit of Christmas. But he is only a creature of literature born of the imagination of Char les Dickens. Did ever a man picture a character that so vividly mirrors the human race of today? Surely the most objectionable adjectives applied to Scrooge could be properly applied to a large part of the human race today. Is there no hope? Yes, hope abounds. The Spirit of Christ mas still hovers about us. i Our task today is clearly marked. We do not have to watch the heavens with anxious eyes for the coming of the Christ u the ancients did, for He is with us. We need only to make sure that we keep Christ in Christmas. This means that we must help the Soirit of Christmas break through the armor of greed, hate, and lust that "... mocks the song, Of peace on earth, good will to men." We are robbed of the spirit of Christmas today by placing the emphasis on the material and the secular. Christmas has been . (Continued on page three) erry (jhnstmas Since we cannot shake each one of you by the hand to give you our good wishes personally ? we want to take this opportunity to expreaa our hopes that this Christmas and the coming New Year be one of joy and goodness for each and every one of you? our friends and patrons. LOFTIN MOTOR CO. Your Friendly Ford Dealer BEAUFORT, N. C. * CHURCH SERVICES (Aoaouae?n?t* af Sunday and weekday church aenrieea mu?t be In THE NEWS-TIMES office, either in Beaufort or Morehead City, by NOON WEDNESDAY? The Editor) FIRST MKTHOniMT CHURCH Morehead City L. A. Tilley, MlnUter Saadi) , Dec. 25 8:30 a.m. - Church School 11:00 a.m. - Worship. Sermon by the minister 6:30 pm . Methodist Youth Fellow ship No Evening Service Wedne?day, Dec. 28 7:30 p.m. - Young People s choir re hearsal Thursday. Dec. 29 7:30 p.m. - Senior choir rehearsal FRKK WILL BAPTIST CHURCH Norahfad City J. Albert Harrta, Paator Friday, lire. 13 . Sunday School Christmas party nt church Saturday, Ore. 24 7:30 p.m. - Choirs meet to go Christ mas caroling and deliver fruit bas kets to shut-Ins Sunday, Dw. 25 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship. Choirs will present the Christmas can. tata with other choral work and solos FIRST BAPTIST CHI'RCH Beaufort W. W. Davis, Pastor Sunday, Dec. 25 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship. Sermon, "A | Christian Christmas" 6:30 p.m. . Baptist Training Union 7:30 p.m. - Worship. Sermon. "learn ing About Cod at Christmas ' Wedneaday, Dec. 2* 7:30 p.m. - Mid-week service 8:15 n.m. - Choir rehearsal Thursday. Dec. 29 7:00 p.m. - Meeting o t the Youn^; Tea- 1 ANN NTRKKT MKTHODIST CHI'RCH | Beaafort T. K. Jenkins, Minister Sanday, Dee. 15 10:00 a.m. - Christmas service. Special music will be presented by tbe senior choir. James Wheat Icy will read "The IJttlcat Angel." You are cordially Invited. FRANKLIN MEMORIAL MKTHODIST % CHURCH Morshead City W. I). Cavineas, Minister Sanday, Dee. 25 9:30 a m - Sunday School 11:00 am. - Sermon. "The Need for Christmas" by the minister No Evening Service Monday, Dee. M 6:00 p.m. - Intermediate MYF 7 30 p.m. - Senior MCF and WSCS . Tuesday, Dee. 27 7:30 p.m. - Young Adults meet Wednesday, Dee. 2* 7:00 p.m. - Choir practice Thursday, Dee. 29 7:30 p.m. - Sub-dlstrlct MYF meeting at Newport Methodist church CAMP GLKNN MKTHODIST CHI'RCH W. D. Caviness, Minister Sanday, Dee. 25 9:00 a.m. - Sunday School 10.00 a.m. - Worship. Sermon by the pastor 6:00 p.m. - MYF ? Wednesday. Dee. 28 7:00 p.m. - WSCS BROAD CRKKK METHODIST CHI'RCH Loaie Lewis, Acting Minister Sanday, Dee. 25 10:00 a.m. _ Sunday School 11:00 am. - Sermon by Mr. Lewis (No ? Ucc U?c change from the night service) Pageant at Camp Glenn A Christmas Pageant of the Na tivity scene and a candlelight serv ice will be held at the Camp Glenn Methodist church Saturday niglit, Dec. 24 at 7 p. m. Many of the children of the Sunday School will be in this pageant and all mem bers of the Sunday School arc es pecially invited to attend. The di rectors are Mrs. Henry Nichols, Mrs. Jesse Lockhart and Mrs. El mon Oglesby. MYF to Meet Thursday The Sub-District MYF will meet ?t the Newport Methodist church Thursday night, Dec. 29 at 7:30 p. m. The time was changed from Dec. 26 to Dec. 29 and everyone is asked to note this change. All Methodist young people of the county are invited. Fellowship to Give Play The Young Adult Fellowship of Franklin Memorial Methodist church will produce a Christmas drama entitled "The Other Shep herd" Christmas Eve at 7:30 p. m. The directors are Mrs. Gerald Da vis and Mrs. Ulrich Mizelle. Those taking active parts are Lenster Lewis, Gerald Davis, Ulrich Mi zelle, D. B. Willis, Mrs. Erlene Pavone, Mrs. Catherine Styron, Mrs. Nettie Mizelle, Mrs. Tollie Lee Lewis. Billie Fulcher, and Mrs. Kitty Willis. This is a beau tiful drama. The public ii invited. MERRY CHRISTMAS WALTER S. MORRIS . . . Jeweler . . . M-M7-1 808 Arendell St.? Morehead City Broadcast Begins Sunday Franklin Memorial will begin its month of radio broadcasting with the worship service on Sunday morning, Dec. 25. Every member of the church should be present for each of these broadcasts. The larger the congregation, the better the service, and the better the service the greater the number we can influence over the air, said W. D. Caviness, pastor. ^ Dear Friends, An easy chair, a good pipe and a checry fire, all do their part in giving you that feeling of contentment that comes with Christmas. A year's work well done ? a Job ac complished through your own efforts in helping others ? enables you to look for ward with satisfaction to a new year. The staunch, steadfast faith that you have placed in us in the past; the spirit of friendliness that binds us together; makes us grateful, and we hope we have played our part in helping you en joy to the full all the good things that have come your way. Thankful for the Goodwill of Oui Friends. We Wish You a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR C. H. FREEMAN & SON Morehead City LET US REJOICE . . . at the manifold gifts the Lord has showered upon us. Let us go to His House this Christmas Day and offer our deepest thanks. at the manifold gifts the Lord has showered upon us. Let us go to His House this Christmas Day and offer our deepest thanks. DICK PARKER MOTOR CO. Arendell Si. Morehead City