rs~? CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES _S_ A Mer?er of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) ? 39th YEAR, NO. 3 EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1950 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRID A Y? Facts Point to 1950 Carteret County Building Boom Government Orders 1,230 Homes at Base JCs to Present Award Next Week Outstanding Young Man Oi Morehead City Will Re ceive Gold Key In line with similar presenta tions to be made by Junior Cham bers of Commerce throughout the nation, the Morehead City Junior Chamber of Commerce will pre sent a Distinguished Service A ward key to Morehead City's out standing young man during "Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. Week," Jan. 14-21. James R. Sanders, president of the Jaycees, announced today that the selection of the recipient is being made by a committee of lead ing citizens and the award will be presented after approval of the committee's nominee by the Unit ed States Junior Chamber of Com merce. This award is made annually to the young man the judges believe has contributed most to the wel fare and advancement of his com munity in the past twelve months. The winner need not be a member of the Junior Chamber of Com merce, Sanders emphasized. The selection in Morehead City is by vote of the town's eight civic organizations. Each of these groups submit' their nominations on the forms which have been provided them by the judges' committee. These groups then list the name of their choice, with the accomp lishments, of the young man be tween 21 and 36 whom they se lect. This has been forwarded to the judges' committee and the fi nal selection will be the majority vote of the civic groups as judged by the selection committee. At the same time that Morehead City's outstanding young man of the year is being honored by the Jaycees, 1,800 other young men will be similarly recognized by Junior Chambers all over Amer ica. President Clifford D. Cooper, of the United States Junior Chamber clearly defines the purpose of the Junior Chamber of Commerce movement by stating that "As a national organization we stimulate young manhood to a keen aware ness of its individual and collec tive obligation. Our fundamental objectives are three: to develop in young men the qualities of per sonal leadership; to offer young men an instrument with which to improve their communities; and to afford young men the only med ium available (or the vigorous ex pression of opinion." Farm Agents to Meet There will be a quarterly meet ing of the eastern district farm agents Friday at 10 a. m. in the American legion hut one-quarter mile north of Washington on high way 17, county agent R. M. Wil liams announced today. Agents from 16 eastern North Carolina counties will attend the meeting. Applications to construct and ; manage 11230 dwelling unit* at Cherry Point Marine air base have been called for by Capt. W. T. Eckberg, USN( district public works officer of the sixth Naval district. Contractors' qualifications and detailed information required by the government must be submitted by interested parties to Captain Eckberg by Friday, Jan. 20, 1950. Four hundred fifteen of the pro posed dwelling units will be con structed on the air station and 815 off station on private property. Construction of these units in cludes all required utilities, streets, walks, services and site improve ments already at the base. Application Forms Forms for supplying the neces sary information to the govern ment will be furnished upon re quest from the District Public Works Officer, Sixth Naval Dis trict, P.O. Box 365, Naval Base, S. C. According to Captain Eckberg, "... the information and data submitted will be the basis for de termining quafified builder-oper ators to construct, maintain and operate the project under consid eration. The exact size, location, and construction of the project will be subject to final approval for certification by the Secretary of the Navy." Information Confidential I There will be no public opening ! of the applications. All informa | tion will be treated as confiden I tial, the district public works of I ficer stated. I Applicants considered qualified | to handle the project will be re, | quested at a later date to submit j specific proposals "as a basis for | further evaluation and selection of the successful applicant builder operator," Captain Eckberg con cluded. The information, to be submit ted by the 20th, of this montfi mus-t be sealed and marked, "Qualifica tions for Construction and Main tenance of Title VIII Housing Pro ject at Cherry Point, North Caro j lina." Four Face Series Of Charges Today I Four colored persons will be ! tried in recorder's court this morn i ing on charges of selling beer 1 without a license, possession of tax-paid liquor illegally, and co | habitation. Sheriff Gehrmann Holland re ported that the four, Tipton Rice, Claudia Newton, Louis Rice, jr., and Annie May, were arrested at 11 o'clock Sunday night at the Chicken Shack, Crab Point. He said also that the beer dis tributor who sold them the bever age is expected to be apprehended on a charge of selling to a place not properly licensed. Making the arrest, in addition to the sheriff, were Marshall Ays cue, ABC officer, Murray Thomas, deputy sheriff, and Charlie Krouse, constable. One Day's Work Transforms Pelletier Community Building A day's work by almost one hun dred persons Saturday has trans formed the Community building at Pefletier. Now it glistens with a new coat of white paint on the outside, fresh paint on the inside, newly-stained benches, cleared grounds and before long, grass will be springing up from a newly sown lawn. The people of Pelletier and Stella were called upon by lead ers in the western part of the county several weeks ago to rally on Jan. 7, if the weather was fa vorable, to put their community building in better shape. Day Dawns Grey Although Saturday dawned grey with foreboding of rain, the day turned out to be perfect for out door work. Four men. Allen Vin son, Emeat Waters. William Fi ner. and Paul Jones, showed up with tractors knd hauled away cut bruah and undergrowth. Tom Vis ion. "Old Reliable," barbecued two pigs in a pit just to the rear of the community building and the succulent chunks of pork disap peared at lunchtime with the same Qiethodical efficiency the men dis glayed in wielding paintbrush and axe. ' The womenfolk provided the ?law, beet*, cornbread aatf caifee ? and took their turns too, at the bench-painting job. ' One hundred twenty-five dollars Cash Contributed in cash had been contributed to repair the building. The roof had recently been painted and accord ing to D. W. Truckner, foreman of Saturday's job. a new porch and atepa will be built within the next several weeks. Among the families who turned out were the Vinsons. Watsons, Jones. Rhucs. Edwards. Truckners, Taylors, Browns, Wests, Carters, Morse's and Weeks. Pitching in too were the offi cials of two of the county's farm offices, R. M. Williams, county agent. A1 Stinson, assistant coun ty agent, and B. J. May, PMA ad ministrator. , The community building, for merly known as tip Unitarian church, is used for farm meetings, church meetings, home demonstra tion club meetings, and as a gath ering place for almost any organ ization in Stella. Pelletier, and the surrounding area. Lice Mr Revoked The driver's license of Harold L. Bm, Morehead City, was re voked recently, according to a re port from the North Carolina Highway Safety division. Firemen Approve Mayor Appointee Officers Who Resigned At Town Board Meeting Are Re-instated A unanimous vote of approval for Walter (Boo) .Moore as Beau fort fire department engineer was given at the fire department meet ing Friday night. The department also accepted the resignation of Roma Willis as assistant chief. Firemen held a considerable discussion over Mayor Lawrence Hassell's recent appointment of Moore as fire truck driver follow ing certain freeommendations of ! Willis for the job. Chief Charles Harrell, Fire Com missioner Julius Duncan and Sec retary Raymon Paul reconsidered I their previous resignations from the department and were reinstat ed to their former offices. William , Longest was elected assistant j chief to succeed Willis. ' A vote of thanks was also ex mo id Rhue for the excellent job I he did of decorating the fire de partment's tree on the court hojise i lawn. Board Deals With Road, Tax Issues For the most part it was the same old story in county commis sioners' meeting yesterday morn ing: roads and taxes. The board made four roads a : part of the county highway sys | tem and requested the state high way commission to proceed with improvements on them. | One is at Smyrna and leads from i the postoffice to the creek, a dis I tanc*? of one-quarter mile, ; wtiltti foui* families liv?. Another is the road from high way 70 at the P&M garage, which i connects highway 70 with Aren dell street, Morehead City, the 1 third is the road at Otway which goes by the Primitive Baptist church and school house, a dis tance of 850 yards, and the fourth is the road at the Beaufort-More head City airport which is a con tinuation of Turner street, lead ing to the airport's administration buildings. Another road, known as "Tay lor's Notion," in White Oak towns ship, is already on the county sys tem but the board requested that it be repaired. The road is a mile and a quarter long and connects Bogue and Stella. Seven families live on .it. Dr. K. P. B. Bonner, chairman of the board, commended J. L.\Hum frhrey, county highway engineer for the good work done on the loop road at Broad creek. II. W. MacBride, Morehead City, requested a reduction in the val uation of his home located on the northwest corner of 16th and Shackleford streets. The commis sioners told him that the matter would be investigated. Forty dollars was accepted in settlement of back taxes for the years 1039 1936 from Roland Wil lis, Harkers Island.* One hundred twenty-five dollars for 1949 taxes and prior was ac cepted from Noe N. Smith for 40 acres of property in Newport township which was owned by the county through foreclosure. A check for $250 in payment of 1948 taxes against Atlantic Beach, inc., was presented by Alvah Ham ilton, attorney for A. B. Cooper. The t>oard requested Mr. Hamilton to return the check to Mr. Cooper pending determination of the full amount of taxes owed. It was esti mated at December's meeting that $330 was due. The board authorized sqlc of property at Cape Lookout, R. E. Whitehurst. New Bern, trustee. James D. Potter, auditor, reported that $1,693 in taxes are due against iL Tide Table HIGH LOW Tuesday, Jan. IS 12:15 a.m. 6:?4 a.m. 12:37 p.m. 6:55 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11 1:1? a.m. 7:39 a.m. 1:36 p.m. 7:51 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12 2:1ft a.m. 8:49 a.m. 2:39 p.m. 8:53 p.m. Friday, Jan. 13 ? 3:24 a.m. 10:00 ?.m. 3:44 p.m . . 9:98 pan. t Bambi Davis Likes New Home Rambi eats at the table with young master By Ed Olson AP Nrwsfoatures RENO. Nevada Bambi eats at the table, just like the rest of the Chester Davis family. They found her last summer, a tiny fawn, par alyzed on the highway where a car had hit her Mose Howard at Newport has fawns too. but they have yet to join the Howard family at the ta; ble or daintily wear napkins. With considerable doctoring, Bambi has recovered and now is like any growing youngster al ways hungry. Although she puts her front hooves daintily on the table, she is so anxious to get at her favorite food home canned pears that she slurps now and then. So they tie a napkin around her neck. If meals are late, Bambi raids the refrigerator, looking for pears. Unless the door is tightly closed, her sharp nose can get it open and her forequarters disappear in the box as she hunts her favorite fruit. Davis says he plans to turn Bam bi loose in the forest pretty soon. She's getting to be a big girl now, and is well. Besides, the Davises are about out of canned pears. Bambi looks for pears Marine Suspected Of Auto Larceny John R. Walson, Stationed At Cherry Point, Held Under $500 Bond John R. Watson. 21, a Marine stationed at Cherry Point, is being held under $500 bond on suspic ion of auto larceYiy. Watson was arrested at 12:05 a.m. Friday by Cpl. W. S. Clagen of the Carteret county state highway patrol. An automobile, a '48 Chevrolet, was taken from the home of its owner, George L. Westerling, ap proximately three miles west of Morehead City on highway 70 Thursday night. Heard Noises The Westerlings told Corporal Clagen that they and their friends inside the house heard someone tampering with the car. When they went outdoors the car was being driven away and chase was given. The Chevrolet went about 600 yards and then turned over, the driver jumping from it and run ning. the highway patrolman re lated. Suspect Thumbs Ride He was then notified, and upon a tip that a young man was seen running up the road, drove along the highway. The man now being held under suspicion of auto theft thumbed a ride and the patrolman picked him up and placed him un der arrest. Approximately $150 damage was caused to the Chevrolet when it overturned. Officer Makes Report Dr. N. Thomas Ennett, county health officer, m:?de his annual report on activities of the health department during 1949. to cou ity commissioners at their meeting yesterday in the court house. County Farm Agent Pleads For Cooperation on Census \ Rotariaos Hear About Accounting In line with the Morehead City Rotary policy of having members tell of their business, Rotarian Harold Sampson described the "Mail - Me - Monday" bookkeeping service at the Thursday night Ro tary meeting in the Carteret Rec reational center. Sampson said that during the war a former certified public ac countant made a study of business statistics. The CPA found out that one of three new retail busi nesses started collapsed within a year and in three years two-thirds of those begun had folded. In wholesale businesses the record was one in five the first year and two-thirds in five years, he ex plained. Records Found Necessary Statistics disclosed that the cause of these failures was that 29 per cent of these new business es had no business records and 35 per cent h?d records of only a sketchy nature, Sampson said. Most concerns in this group did not even know whether they were making raoney or not, he empha sized. After making his study of these statistics, the CPA decided to start a business of his own, one that would do bookkeeping for small businesses for * set fee and re lieve the businessman of the bur den of having to keep his own. Accordingly, Sampson explain ed, the "Mail-Mo-Monday" book keeping service was established in San Diego shortly after the war. Within 90 days it was flooded with clients with business growing all the time. Originally, it was plan ned for the CPA to personally di rect the development of addition al services all over the country. ? Plan Patented Instead he wai forced to fran chise hit plan and patent the name he had given to it. He then set about selling these franchises in different areaa of the nation. Sampson said he wis one of the firat to purehaae a franchise and he now operates the franchiae for North Carolina with offices in sev eral of the state's cities, in addi Ion to the Morehead City office. R. M. Williams, county farm agent, today made a plea to far , mcrs to give detailed information | about their farms when listing taxes this month. Despite the fact this this infor mation is not used in any way in I levying taxes, Mr. Williams re marked that many farmers fail to I comply with the request. His statement, in full, appears below : "The question often arises what is the value of the Farm Census Survey. While it is true that few i of us have learned to appreciate [-the full significance and value of -a lot of figures; nevertheless, this type of information has in the past, and in all probability will in the future, play an important part in the economic life of our rural ; farm population. Service Rendered ' "Frank Parker in Raleigh who has charge of this program is na tionally known for the splendid job which he has accomplished | and the invaluable service that he has rendered agriculture of our state. We know from past experience that some listers as well as indi vidual farmers in all counties of the state, have shown some indif ference or have not been quite as opreful as they might have been in giving information as complete as they could have. The Farm Census reports are so ! extensive in scope that the aver- j ages give quite dependable re- i suits. Use Widespread No other agcncies collect such record*; however, this informa tion has such widespread use by all agencies and individuals as well : ss state and national organiza : tions. This informatipn is regard ed as essential in planning agri culture programs affecting the best interest of the farmer. Those who use Farm Census data are as follows: farmers and farm leaders, farm agents and ag ricultural teachers, crop control authorities. Soil Conservation serv ice, Agricultural Extension terv i ice. Agricultural Experiment ?ta | tions. State and federal foresters, chambers of commerce, manufac turers and merchants, banks and other credit agencies, farm supply I dealers, writers and publlahers. The above mentioned agencies I and organizations use this infor i mation for the following purpos es: planning agricultunl programs, planning individual farm opera I tions, educational material for teachers. Presbyterian Men Form New Group For (he first time in its 20-year history, Webb Memorial Presby terian chureh, Morehead City, has organized a men's religious group. The first meeting of the new group. Men of the Church, was held Nov. 29. 1949. At that time it was decided to hold anotlfer meeting a week later to elect of ficers. Officers are Carl Nelson, presi dent. Bob Howard, vice-president, A. F. Chestnut, secretary, and Del- 1 fido Cordova, treasurer. These of ficers met later with the pastor, the Rev. W. Priestley Conyers, and appointed the following chairmen : of committees: Bob Howard, pro-' jects, Tom McGinnis, program. H. L. Joslyn, meals. J. W. Kellogg, fellowship, and Delfido Cordova, finance. "On Jan. 3 the first formal meet ing of the group was held with Dr. W. C. Mebane, prominent Wil- j mington surgeon and moderator j of the Wilmington Presbytery, as speaker. Following the main speech, com- j mittee chairmen spoke briefly on i functions of their committees. i 42-Apartment Building Will Be Built at Beach Sheriff Holland Sells Interest in Fish Company Sheriff C. G. Holland an nounced today that he has sold all of his interest in the Carteret Fish company to his former partner, C.