3KT CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES . ?> _ A Mercer of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (EsUblUhed IMS) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (EtUblUhed 1936) 39th YEAR, NO.. 4 THREE SECTIONS? EIGHTEEN PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROUNA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1950 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Coroner's Jury Renders Decision on Bell Death JCs Hear Report On Park tighb Group Drawi Up New Set Of Membership Rules Al Monday Meeting Several plans have been made for erecting lights at the Beaufort ballpark, but as yet no estimates have' been obtained, Wiley Taylor Jr., reported to Jaycees at their meeting Monday night at the Inlet inn. The group drew up rules on membership and payment of dues. A Jaycee missing four consecutive meetings or becoming delinquent In payment of dues for one quart er will be dropped from the organ ization. He can then be re-istated only after formal application for mem bership and vote of approval by the club. The treasurer was authorized to pay Odell Merrill, president, $5 in payment of postal cards purchased in connection with the Operation Economy program. Leslie Davis, Jr., won the kitty of $10.60. His name had been called two times previously but each time he was ineligible to re ceive the money. His name was drawn by Gene Smith. The business meeting followed a steak dinner. The next meeting will be held Monday night, Jan. 23 at the Inlet inn and steak will again be served. Each meeting will be a dinner meeting since the bow ling tournament has ended. "Death due to unknown reasons" was the verdict ren dered by the coroner's jury at an inquest on the death of James Bell, Morehead City Negro, who died the night of Dec. 9. Bell's charred body wag found at about 9 p. m. in his trailer-home which was destroyed by fire. The inquest was conducted by Coroner Pritchard Lewis in the auditorium of the munici pal building, Morehead City, Mon day night Six Testify Six witnesses, all colored, pre sented testimony. The six men who served on the coroner's jury, all residents of Morehead City, were Dan Wade, D. J. Hall, James Lawrence, Earl Willis, David 'T Willis, and Warren Beck. The jury was sworn to duty Dec. 9 at the scene of the fire. ?? Pete Davis, the first witness, re lated that the victim of the fire asked him to carry him home that night. Davis said he first took Bell to his mother's home and then to his home in the trailer at 5:45 p. m. He told the jury that Bell was not drinking but that he had some liquor with him. The next witness, Ralph Collins, testified that while talking to a friend at about 9 o'clock Friday night, Dec. 9, he noticed a great deal of smoke in the air, and ap proaching the trailer in which Bell lived noticed a blase behind the crack in the door. Collins Hears Groaning He opened the door, he report ed, found the whole inside of the place ablaze, and heard groaning. He shouted to his friend, James Willoughby, who ran and got an axe and chopped a hole ' in the trailer. Collins said he saw a boot by the door, and thinking it was the foot of the person who was groan See BELL DEATH, Page 3 Guy Watson, New Bern , Dies Of Injuries Received in Crash Guy Watson, 49, New Bern, died at- 8:20 Tuesday night in Morehead City hospital from injuries re ceived at 12:40 Tuesday morn ing in a collision just west of Morehead City. Arrangements for the funeral are incomplete. Watson, an employee of the Blue Anchor cafe, located on high way 70 west of New Bern, is re ported by the Carteret county state highway patrol to have been traveling west on highway 70 out of Morehead City when his car and another, driven by Elvin Henry, 28, Negro, crashed head on. Henry was injured and taken to the Morehead City hospital where he is reported to be improving. He received slight concussions and Watson a severe brain concussion. Cpl. W. S. Clagen, head of the state highway patrol, said Henry was traveling east on 70, just rounding the curve near the Curve inn, when Watson crossed in front of him. The front of the car driv en by the colored man struck the rear of Wiilsou's car. Watson was driving a '47 Ply mouth and Henry a '35 Chevrolet. The Plymouth smashed into a tree and was demolished. The Chevro let too, is beyond repair, Corporal Clagen 'said. First 1IM PatUity Investigating the tragedy, in ad dition to the corporal, were Pa trolmen J. W. Sykes, and W. J. Smith. Watson's death is the first county highway fatality this year. He is survived by three broth ers, Leo, of Norfolk, Walter of New Bern, and Bill, of Morehead City; and a sister, Mrs. Kelly Wil lis of Wendell. Symphony Fund Requires $300 Mrs. Bayard Taylor, chairman of the North Carolina Little Sympho ny membership drive, announced today that $300 more is needed to reach the $750 goal for the county. The drive ends Sunday. Mrs. Taylor said tickets can be obtained by contacting her, B -434-1, Mrs. B. F. Royal, More head ?ity, or Mrs. Robert Lowe, Morehead City. The Little Symphony will pre sent two concerts In Beaufort, Tuesday, -Feb. 14. The afternoon concert will bo given, free of charge, to school children from the 4th to 8th grades. The evening concert will be at tended by adults and high acbool students. Special artist appearing with the symphony this year' will be Bobby Morris, outstanding pia nist. Ha Is tb? son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Morris, Atlantic. The Little Symphony presented its concert last year in Morehead City school auditorium. ? x Fishermen to Meet With Scientists Commepciil fishermen of the North Carolina coast will meet at 9:30 Monday morning at the Insti tute of Fisheries Research, More head City, to offer their advice and assistance in plotting cruises of the Albatross. The Albatross, fisherlei re search vessel, is due in Morchead City this morning, a day ahead of schedule. She will go on her first cruise from this port at noon Monday. This cruise has already been planned: Commercial fisher men's advice will be of advantage is subsequent trips, it was pointed ?ut. John Wagner and Carter Broad, members of the Institute staff, will be aboard the Albatross when it leaves Monday. The boat will work between Cape Lookout and Cape Hatteras in water from 2S to 80 fathoms. Fishermen invited to Monday's meeting are the following: Sam McCotter, R. J. Hudson, Earl Hol den, all of Vandemere; Elmer Wil lis Williston; Roland Styron and Garland Fulcher. Oriental; Rich ard Burnett, Wilmington; Ottis Purifoy and Clyde Potter, Belhav en; William Wells and Lois Har dee, Southport, and Gehrmann Holland, Beaufort. Mr. Wells, Mr. Hardee, Mr. Ful cher, Mr. Holland, and Mr. Bur nett are members of the shrimp commission. Mayor Dill bars Pablic Draak Cases Monday Leonard Lupton was fined $10 and costi for public drunkenness in Monday's session of Morahead City mayor's court. The bong of William Guthrie, charged with the same offense, was forfeited when he failed to appear in court. lite charge of disturbing the peace againat Delsey Hester and Beatrice Marbley was dismissed by Mayor George W. Dill, Jr. In dis missing the case the mayor warned the defendants " to clean your house" before the town had to do it for them. iwlw Caarl Becaipts Bria? County $2,093.95 Through court channels the county received $2,093.95 during the month of December, according to i report to the county commis sioners made this week by A. H. James, clerk of superior _ court. Recorder's court 'revenue amounted to $1,932 73. superior court, $36.70, probate and clerk's fees were $13450 The total amount received at the clerk's of fice was $4,383.16. ? . Marine Faces Car Theft Charge In Superior Court 41 Cases Tried Tuesday, 20 Continued; Motor Law Violated John R. Watson, Marine being held under suspicion of auto lar ceny, was found guilty of drunken driving in recorder's court Tues day. Probable cause was found on the auto larceny charge and his case has been bound over to su perior court. Watson gave notice of appeal on the drunken driving verdict and his total bond for appearance in the next term of superior court is $700. Judge Lambert K. Mor ris levied a $100 fine and costs on the defendant after finding him guilty of drunken driving. Two of the four colored persons arrested in a raid Sunday night dn the Chicken Shack, Crab Point, were found guilty on various charges. Claudia May was order ed to pay costs and $25 for aiding and abetting in the sale of beer illegally, assisting in operating a place as a public nusiance, and aiding ana aDCiting in umawtul possession of tax-paid liquor. Lou is Rice, Jr., faced similir charges but was found not guilty. Tifton Rice was given a six months' sentence suspended on payment of costs and $50. He was charged with sale of beer without a state or county license and' unlawful possession of tax paid liquor. Bernice Newton, charged with the same rioUtions, was not found guilty. Charges of cohabiting against Louis Rice and Claudia May were dismissed, and the state chosc not to prosecute the same . chargc against the other couple. Sentence Suspended William "Foot" Fitch, charged with assault with a deadly weapon and assault on a female, was found guilty and was given a six-monhs' suspended sentence, providing he remain on good behavior two years and pay the costs. Lloyd Filligame also received a six-months' suspended sentence after he pleaded guilty to destroy ing personal property, being drunk and disorderly, using loud and pro fane language, breaking the peace, and making threats against the plaintiff. Judge Morris told him that un less he remained on good behavior for two years, paid the prosecut ing witness $10 and also court See MARINE, Page 3 Jaycees to Award Gold Key Jan. 23 Morehead City's "Man-oHhc Ycar" will be acclaimed at a ban quet Monday, Jan. 23. Recipient of the award each year is chosen by vote o( eight civic groups in Morehead City. Jaycees, donors of the award, do not vote. The young nun chosen must be between the ages of 21 to 36 and be considered to have done the most outstanding job of the year towards betterment of his com munity. Jaycees held a considerable dis cussion at tbcir metting Monday on plans for the banquet. For mer members of the club will be invited, former recipients of the Distinguished Service Award will be invited, and the meals will be served on a Dutch supper basis. Bud Dixon was placed in charge of arrangements for the banquet which will be held in the Fort Macon hotel dining room Bill Chalk asked all Jaycees to loo^ for prospective members of the club and to be certain to in vite tfeem to attend club meetings. Treiturer Charles Willis announc ed that bills for 1930 dues bad been sent out and urged all mem bers to make prompt payment A letter was read announcing the candidacy of Ruth Hamrick. Shelby, (or tfce presidency af North Carolina Jaycees. James Mur doch's name was drawn to receive the attendance prize but he was not pretest. ;; State Highway Crews to Work In Beaufort Mayor Announces Plans For Street Improvements At Meeting Tuesday Mayor Lawrence Hassell, Beau fort, announced this week that state highway crew& will begin work in Beaufort this month on improving Fulford street from Ann to Front and Broad street from Turner west to the town lim its. This announcement followed a meeting Tuesday afternoon in the town hall vhen Commissioners G. W. Duncan, Jr., D. F. Merrill, C. T. Lewis, and the mayor met with Guy Hargett, second division highway commissioner, H. Mark ham, highway engineer, and Ralph Pollock, highway job esti mator. $9,600 Accumulates Mayor Hassell stated that $9,600 has accumulated in the State high way fund, earmarked for. improve ment of the highway, which in town follows Ann st. and Live Oak. The mayor told the state high way officials that highway traffic frequently uses the portion of Fulford and Broad streets men tioned above, and they agreed that the funds could lie used to put those into better condition. Survey Soon Mr. Hassell said he believes a survey will be made of those streets within the next 10 days. The highway officials also agreed that a larger drain should be placed in the 700 block of Ann street to carry away the large amount of water that collects there during heavy rains. County to Receive ffl as Share Of Forest Receipts Carteret county will receive $928.80 as its (hare of receipts from Croatan National forest, part of which lies within the county's boundaries. Congressional acts providing for the return of the funds to the counties state that the money shall be used for public roads and schools within the counties where the forests are located. Twenty-five counties will share in $85,498.47 being distributed by the U. S. Forest Service in lieu of taxes on national forests located within North Carolina. The Governor's office said he had been informed by Lyle F. Watts, chief of forest service for the U. S. Department of Agricul ture, that this is the sum being returned to North Carolina from national forest receipts during the f rscal year which ended last J une 30. Counties in which the forests lie receive 25 per cent of the for ests' receipts, with the share for each county being determined by the percentage of the national for est acreage within that county. State Treasurer Brandon Hodg es' office said that as soon as the check is received from the Forest Service, the funds will be for warded to the counties. | National forests in this State ! are Cherokee, Croatan, Nantahala, I Pisgah and Uharie. Craven county's share amounts to $98? 47. Watts also informed Governor Scott that the Forest Service has $34,199.39 to spend on the develop meit and maintenance of roads and trails within the national for ests in North Cjrolina. i 4-H Members to Attoad Tractor School at Raleigh A tractor irfsintenance school at ' North Carolina State college, Ral I cigh, for 4-H club members and leaders will be held February 13, 14 and IS, county agent R. M. Wil liams announced today. This school is designed especial ly for those members who are in terested In promoting home tractor maintenance . in the county, Mr. Williams said. . All expenses for the three-dty school are paid so attendance will not pl%-e any mem ber under a financial strain, he continued. > Persona interested in attending should contact Mr. Williams wlth j in the next few days. The county igent must submit a list of poten tial condidates to the college by Jan. IS in order that arrangements can be made at the school. / Fisheries Scientists Release Drift Bottles in Coastal Waters Beaufort JCs to Honor Kan-oMho-Yoar' Jan. 21 The Beaufort Jaycee man-of theyear award will be presented at a banquet Saturday night, Jan. 21, at the Blue Ribbon club. This award, a gold key for dis tinguished and outstanding ser vice to the community, is pre sented to a man between the age of 21 and 36. He is chosen by a secret committee and his name will not be revealed until the night of the presentation. Beaufort Jaycees did not make an award last year. The year previolus it was won by John Butler, who was then pres ident of the Jaycees. In 1947 the honor was bestowed upon | John Haynes. March of Dimes Begins Monday A. H. James Heads Drive in County; Goal for 1950 is $7,200. The 1950 March of Dimes gets underway in Carteret county and throughout the nation, Monday, .and will continue until the end of the month. The county's goal is $7,200. Terming the 1950 March of Dimes the most critical in the history of the National Founda tion for Infantile Paralysis, A. H. James, Morehead City, county campaign director, sai(f that the fund raising machinery is all set to launch the greatest March of Dimes ever undertaken. "It is imperative," Mr. James said, "that all know the serious ness of today's polio situation. More than 40.000 cases were re >orU'U duiing 1MB. the worst polio onslaught in tlje history of the dis ease in this eouotiy. Aid Imperative "Thanks to public support of previous annual appeals of the Na tional Foundation, prompt and ef fective aid was rendered the strick en. But as case after case de veloped, chapter after chapter of the National Foundation found it self without funds. Financial aid was rushed to them from the or ganization's epidemic reserve fund. So great was the drain that mil lions of dollars earmarked for em ergency assistance dwindled to the vanishing point." Consequently, Mr. James point ed out, if the Carteret county chapter is to continue providing services to polio patients in this I and other communities, everyone must "hit the line hard" during .the campaign Jan. 16-31. Polio Costs Money Citing the high cost of polio, he disclosed that during the height of the recent epidemic season the National Foundation was spending March of Dimes funds at the rate of 1100,000 per day to pay patient bills alone! He said that it is es timated 17,000 of those stricken in 1949 will require continued aid in 19S0. in addition to victims from prior years who also 'still need help. "Obviously," Mr. James said, "there's a tremendous job of work ahead of us. I am confident, though, that all the people in Car teret county will do their utmost to meet the challenge during the coming March of Dimes." Patrol Accepts Jack 0. Arthur Jack O. Arthur of Beaufort, route 1, has been accepted for as signment to the i Late highway patrol training school, according to in announcement this week from Highway Patrol Commander C. R. Tolar. The school will be held at Chap el Hill, startiii,; Jan. 16, and will run for six weeks. Hundreds of North Carolina men applied for the course. The applicants event ually were narrowed to a field of 200, and the final 60 were select ed on the basis of physical and mental examinations conducted last week. The school is a project of the Institute of Government and is di rected by the institute director. Dr. Albert Coats*, with Clifford Pace as assistant. The 60 candidates have beei or dered to report by 9 p. a. on Jan. 19. They will be quartered at the Patrol barrack* on the Uni sersity of North Carolina campus and will b? supplied meal*. Two methods are being employed to determine drift, bottles, pic tured above, and cards, pictured below. Here are the bottles, one with a drag and one without. The drag is designed to prevent wind from affecting movement of the bottle. Printed instructions for return of information inside the bottle are pictured at top right. An experiment Is being conducted with drift cards. Sealed In a plastic envelope, these cards are thrown overboard. This method is less expensive than using bottles and If found successful, the bottle idea will be discarded. For each card returned to the Woods Hole Oceanographlc Institute, SO cents will be paid the sender. Annual Report Shows Increase In Public Health Achievements _ _ _ . Work of the Carteret county health department has shown ex pansion at several points, Dr. N. Thomas Ennett, health officer, re ported to county commissioners Monday morning. During 1949 there was an increased number of immunizations, examinations of school children, more extensive work in tuberculosis control, ven ereal disease control, and sanita tion. Dr. Ennett said there is a great need far an assistant to the sani tarian and also for another nurse in the health department, but that he felt confident additional person nel would be added as founty fi nances permit. Clinics Successful The health officer was especi ally pleased with the eye and ton sil clinics conducted for children. He reported that more progress had been made in Carteret county ] in tonsil clinic work than in many < other counties in the state. Fourteen children underwent tonsillectomies during 1949 and 29 were treated at eye clinics held in cooperation with the State Blind commission, the welfare de partment and the Morehead City Lions club. Immunizations for diphtheria, whooping cough, typhoid fever, and similar diseases increased 69 per cent in 1948. The number of innoculationa during 1948 waa 5,736. in 1949. 9,723. Two thousand four hundred nine examinations of school child ren were made last year aa corn fared with 994 in the year prior, ' an increase of 230 per cent More X-Rays Percentage increase in the num- i ber of X-rays waa 1300. Thia waa < due to the mass X-ray program < \ last spring. Seven thousand eight j lundred twelve X-rays were made is compared with 60 in 1048. Treated {or venereal disease \ ast year were 181, in 1048 there ' #ere 46 cases treated. Nine hun dred sixty-four blood tests far j syphilis were made last year as :omparcd with 852 in 1048. The number of cafes, meat mar kets, dairies and hotels inspected | sy the sanitarian increased 53 per j :ent, from 580 in 1048 to 004 in 1040. On the health department staff In addition to Dr. Ennctt arc Mrs. Lcota Hammer, Mrs. Leonard Lew- 1 s, nurses, A. L>. Fulford, sanitari- j in, and Mrs. Nolan McCabc, clerk. Bishop to Speak Jan. 18 To SL Paul's Men's Club The Right Reverend T. H. Wright, D. D., Bishop of East Carolina, will be guest speaker at he supper meeting of the Men's :iub of St. Paul's Episcopal :hurch, Jan. 18 at 6:30 at the Par sh House in' Beaufort, according .0 president C. R. Davant. Secretary Erfiest Davis has nailed return - pott cards which ihould be signed and returned at uice so plans may be complete [oi^ the supper. Other officers for the club are Lawrence llassell, rice-president, and Claud* Whcat ly, Jr., treasurer. rrae Bill Found The Craven county grand jury -eturned a true bill Tuesday, charging Leslie Feagle, Morehead "ity, with robbery. By Dr. Eugene W. Roelofs University of North Carolina Institute of Fisheries Research Inhabitants of coastal counties of North Carolina may shortly find along the beaches glass bottles : washing up on the shore which | contain a post card addressed to the Woods Hole Oceanographic institution, at Woods Hole, Mass. Fishermen may find them snared i i their nets. These are not bot tles thrown overboard by ocean going vessels as a part of the deb- ? ris but are known as "drift bot tles" and have been released by the Fish and Wildlife Service ves sel Albatross III as she travel**! from Woods Hole, Mass., to a point off the South Carolina coast in her second cruise in North Carolina waters. The Albatross operated here for one month last spring. Because of the information developed at that time, she is on a second and longer cruise. Trawling Problem | The present cruise, which be gan Jan. 4, is an outgrowth of the I earlier survey. While off the North Carolina coast from Jan. 10 to the last of February, most of I the time will be spent brawling in areas now relatively unknown to our trawling fleet. Areas between the 50 and 150-fathom lines will be studied for trawlability and presence of marketable quantities of fish. A conference with a num ber of trawler owners and cap tains, to be held Monday morn ing, will determine those areas Sec SCIENTISTS, Page 3 Robert G. Lowe Reports on Miami Trade Center' Robert G. Lowe, manager of the Morehead City chamber of com merce, yesterday commented fav orably on the suggestion that a permanent "trade center" be es tablished in Miami, Fla. This "trade center" would show incoming businessmen from Cen tral and South America the ad vantages to be gained by doing business with states represented there. Meeting at Rulelgh Mr. Lowe attended a meeting at Raleigh Tuesday where the plan was discussed with state ports of ficials, Dr. W. H. Walker, presi dent of the Miami ch-jmbcr of commerce, and Governor Scott. Mr. Lowe stated that Dr. Walker pointed out the importance Miami is assuming as an international air termini and suggested that North Carolina place an exhibit at the proposed "trade center" or "ex position" to show its industrial wares. Committee Proposed Governor Scott h;.s requested George Ross, head of the board of conservation and development, and Col. George W. Gillette, State ports director, to set up a five man committee to work with the Miami exposition authorities and determine to what extent North Carolina should participate, even tually,. Scott said, North Carolina might assign a ma i to remain with the State's exhibit at the proposed center. Dr. Walker said he wai| in North Carolina to discuss general plans iot the exposition, which is ex pected to open in 1052. He said the purpose of the center is to "es tablish confidence between the United States and South America as a basis for trade." ? Attending the conference in ad dition to Mr. Lowe. Governor Scott, Mr. Koss, and Colonel Gil lette were: W. G. Broadfoot, chair-' man of the Wilmington Ports com mission: J. K. liters, director of the Wilmington Ports commission; R M. Williams, member of the Wilmington Ports commission and J. C. Grey, traffic director for the < State Ports Authority. Tide Table Tides at Beaufort Bar HIGH LOW Friday. Jam. 13 3:24 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 3:44 p.m. 9:56 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14 4:31 a.m. ' 11:07 a.m. 4:49 p.m. 10:M p.m. Sunday, Jan. 1ft 5:34 a.m. Noon 5:52 p.m. 12 Midnight Monday, Jan. It 0:32 a.m. 12:07 a.m. 6:49 p.m. 1:03 p.m. TMrtay. Jan. 11 7:25 a.m. 12:56 a.m. 7:43 pjn. 1:53 pjB.

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