/Horeheab CHrtg Social Nefos Mr*. Engenc Boelafi. Soclctv Editor Plume M-M5-7 Mrs. Earle Mobley of 2907 Aren dell St., is ill it the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C- L. Car row, Kinston. McDaniol Lewis of Greensboro will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs Arnold Borden of Morehcad City Friday and Saturday. Mr. Borden is the local representative of McDaniel Lewis and Company, in vestment bankers q(. Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Woodland spent Monday in Wilmington. Mrs. Thomas Oglesby and child ren, Donald and Patty, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith were called to Savannah, Ga., Tuesday because , of the serious illness or Mrs. j Oglesby anil Mrs. Smith's mother Mrs. Fred Sanders. E. C. Willis, Sr., is recovering from injuries received Tuesday at work. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Murray over the weekend were Mrs. E. H. Wilson, from Detroit, Mich., Mrs. William Norman Holt, and Mrs. Edward Cunning ham of Smithfield, N. C. The Literary and Art depart ment of the Woman's club will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the civic center. Guests at Mrs. Ben F. Royal's bridge club Wednesday afternoon were, Mrs. J. W. Jackson, Mrs. Robert I.jughton/and Mrs. Rom Woods, aside from club members. Mrs. R. W. Taylor received high score, Mrs. Herbert Thornton, sec ond high, and Mrs. Harvey Hamil ton had low score. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gibbs spent some time in Raleigh this week. Mrs. Lena Jarvis is recovering from the flu. INVITATION TO BEAUTY DESIGNED for you alone . . . A hair-do that effortlessly changes from A.M. to P.M., with a flick of a brush. Sim ple, yet not severe. IN THE NEW MERRILL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING A COMPLETE NEW SHOP IN A NEW LOCATION DUCHESS BEAUTY SHOP Front St. Phone B-511-6 Beaufprt "THE BRIDGE TOl R.YIMEVT Will Be Held Weekly At THE HOTEL JEFFERSON RESTAURANT s EVERY MONDAY AT 8:15 P. M. INSTRUCTION AND PLAY LIST YOUR TAXES > Tax listing began Monday, January 2nd, 1950, and Will continue to January 31st. All men subject to Poll Taxes and all property owners, real or personal, must list to avoid penalties which will positively be charged for failure to list. See the List-Takers in your Township today ! DO NOT DELAY! Lisl-Takan ? Carter*! Cmty BEAUFOBT TWP. Fred B. Seeley John B. Brooks MEBBIMOI TWP. Piter Carraway STBAITS TWP. Gerald W. Wkiiebursl NABSHALLBEBG TWP Junes P. Davis ATLANTIC & SCALEYEL Waller Snulh BUH iM-a? Mrs. Dora Day MOHEHEAD TWP. Cbu. f. Wtbb i WHITE OAK TWP. Saw Hudowi HABLOWE TWP. J. Baymond Ball HABKEBS ISLAND Charlw W. Hinock DAVIS aal STACY BaalbDrti Warren Beck and ton, Warren, Jr., went to Troy Tuesday. Mri Claude Howell returned with tlpm Wednesday to apend some time with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrt. Warren Beck. Mr. and Mrs. William Cherry re turned Tuesday night (rom a Flor ida trip. Mrs. George Stoyall who under ' went 'an operation in the local hospital last week, is improving niccly and cxpects Co go home the last of the week. Mrs. Julian Willis, Mrs. J. Dew ey Willis and Mrs. Iva Parneli spent Tuesday in New Bern. The Medames Frank Moran Robert Scamon, Clyde Jones, A. H. McDonald and J. G. Bennett spent Tuesday in New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Freeman and their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morgan and children. Jackie and David, re turned Sunday from a three weeks visit in California. They , spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Freeman in San Francisco, and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Morgan and family in San Diego. Mrs. J. F. Giddens who has been receiving treatment in the local hospital for the past two weeks, was taken to the home of her daughter. Mrs. John Lashley, Mon I day where she continues to im j prove. W. L. Derrickson and M. T. Mills spent Monday in Richmond, Va., on business. Mrs. A. H. McDonald, Mrs. Rob ert Wallace and Mrs. J. G. Bennett were guests Wednesday afternoon I of Mrs. Adam Mayer on Bogue Sound road. Mrs. Molly Willis of Sea Level who has been visiting her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew English, left Thursday to visit relatives on Harkers Island. j Mrs. Ben F. Royal was hostess to the Carteret County Medical Auxiliary Monday night when they met for a covered dish supper. Following the supper they played bridge. Registered Nurses' Club Meets at Inlet Inn The Carteret County Registered Nurses' club met Wednesday at 7 o'clock in the Inlet inn, Beau fort, with nineteen members pres ent. Mrs. F. W. Heslep. pres ident, conducted the meeting. The club voted to contribute five dollars each month to MncV" cs for needy children in Gamp Glenn school. This is in addi tion to equal contributions to Morehead City and Beaufort schools. Mrs. Marvin North Willis, pro gram chairman, introduced Thom as C. McGinnia, superintendent of public welfare of Carteret coun ty, who gave an informative ac count of the program outlined for 1990. Mrs. 0. T. Willis Hostess To Book and Bridge Club I The Book and b.'idge club met I Tuesday night with Mrs. D. T. Willis. She wis assisted by Mrs. Fred S. Willis. All the members of the two-table club attended. The high score went to Mrs. John D. Willis, who received a potted plant. Mrs. George Nelson receiv ed a painted ash tray for second high score, and Mrs. Ed Fau cette was consoled with a clothes brush. The hostesses served chicken salad, saltincr., toll house cookies, and coffee. Mrs. Robert Harrell Gives Program on Tennyson Mrs. Robert Harrell presented a program on Alfred Tennyson at the Tuesday night meeting of the Lanier Book club, attended by fourteen. Mrs. Harrell gave a beautiful description of Tenny son's life and read many of his lovely poems. Mrs. L. J. Norris, hostess, served ice creair\ ca'tc r?Ui nuts and cof fee. Baily-Jones Mr. and Mrs. Waldron Baily, Jr., announce the engagement of their daughter, Lois Ann, to John R. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Jones, Swansboro. The date of the wedding will be announced liter. H. S. Gibbs, Jr., Presents PTA With Hoover Commission Report H. S. Gibbi, Jr., presented facts cf the Hoover commission's find ings on government speeding, with emphasis on the enormous ln cease in the past five years over the spending of the 1M years pre vious, when he addressed the Morehead City Parent Teacher association at its January meeting Monday night in the school audi torium. One of the most startling sta tistics was that the national debt now averages fIJ.OOO tot; every family in the United States. Mr. Gibbs urged everyone present to write their -congressman, Graham A. Barden, asking him to support the recommendations of the Hoov er commission for reorganization of the federal government. Principal G. T. Windell announ ced that ground was broken Mon day for the construction of the new annex to the school, which will have four classrooms on the second flour, with two classrooms I and a new lunch room on the ground floor. The contractors es timate it will take three months to complete the building. Serving of lunches at the school, discontinued while the Harry North building was being moved will be resumed Monday. Mr. Windell introduced Mrs. Joseph Hall, teacher, who will re place Mrs. Gilbert McKinley in special work In the primary grades, and Mr?. Bob William* to replace Miss Anne May Gibbs in the third grade. Mrs. McKinley and Miss Gibbs resigned. Mrs. Hall has her bachelor of arts degree Mm East Texas State Teacher's college snd has had e leven years of teaching experi ence in Texas and California. Mrs. Williams received her bachelor of arts degree from East Carolina Teacher's college and has had five years teaching experience in North Carolina. Banners for highest percentage parent attendance went to Mrs. James I. Mason, primary, Mrs. C. B. Wade, grammar and Mrs. Wald ron Bailey, high school. Mrs. E than Davis reported 417 members in the PTA. The treasurer's re port showed a balance of $495.94, with work still to be done on proj ects begun in the fall. A stylp revue was given by 27 of Mrs. Delfido Cordova's second and third year home economic girls.. Winners were Barbara L. Willis, Ida Broadhurst and Betsy Wade in the third year, and Addie Willis, Jean Morton and Loretta Cowart in the second year. Henry Scott announced a skit "The Late Mr. Scarface" present ed by Bernice Willis, Peggy Rind flish and Alice Miller of Kirby Watson's ninth grade. W. B. Chalk Speaks At Woman's Club Meeting William B. Chalk addressed the Junior Woman's club at its Jan uary meeting Wednesday night, on the findings of the Hoover com mission. His speech on "Oper ation Economy" concerned the federal government's spending, and brought to light little known facts contained in the Hoover re port. He asked that the members use their influence to see that letters were written to the Senators or Congressman of this state, urg ing them to support the changes asked for by the commission. Mrs. Bernard Leary, vice-presi dent in the absence of Mrs. J. R. Sanders, presided. The group vot ed to^ contribute to the European Children's relief. Five new members joined the club. They are Mrs. W. S. Clagen, Mrs. Jack Tate, Miss Helen Mar tin, Miss Hilma Chadwick and Miss Viola Styron. The centerpiece on the table was a Urge crystal bubble bowl with an arrangement of ' spring flowers. It was later.to be taken Mrs. I. R. 8anilen tn -tfce -hos pital. The hostesses were Mrs. Vir ginia Purifoy, Miss Sara Boyd, Mrs. Warren Patrick and Mrs. Jimmy Dye. Mrs. Virginia Purifoy Wins High Bridge Score Mrs. Virginia Purifoy received high score and Miss Dorothy Har rell second high when Mrs. J. B. Macy, Jr., entertained her bridge club last Thursday night in her home on Arendell street. Mrs. Ro ma Styron was a guest. The hostess served cokes, nuts and cookies, i Obituaries GUY C. CHADWICK Funeral services for Gux C Chadwick. 75, who died at hit home at Straits Monday afternoor were held from the Straits Meth odist church Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. Interment wai in the church cemetery. The Rev Harretl conducted the service*. Mr. Chadwick is survived by hii wife, Mrs. Myrtle Chadwick. foui sons, Leon and Guy, Jr., both ol Straits, Donald of Neboe, N. C. and Norman of Wilmington, N. C. one daughter, Mrs. Clara Bailey o! Palmetto, Fla., and five grand children. SAMMY W. HARRIS Funeral services for Sammy W Harris, 56, of Marshallberg,, whe died in a Richmond hospital Tues day afternoon were held from th< Marshallberg Methodist churct Tuesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock with the Rev. R. N. Fitts officiat ing. Burial was in Victoria ceme tery. Mr. Harris was the son of th< late James W. and Sally Harris He Is survived by his wife, Mrs Viola Doxsee Harris, a son, My ron G., a brother, Charles H. three sisters, Mrs. Mary Finer Mrs. Elva Willis, all of Marshall berg, Mrs. Kelly Fulcher of Nor folk iand two grandchildren. *3?.r *2%. 90 PROOF IL ?OODIKHAM 4 WORTS UMITtD, MOIIA, 11 UN Oft* | " ? Hon from Jan. 11? Rev. Hoffman will fill his regular appointmment at Live Oak Grove church Sunday morn ing Jan. 15, at 11 o'clock. Every one is invited to attend. A. M. Hardy of Oriental spent j the weekend with his daughter, | Mrs. C. S. Rogers. We are all glad that L. D. j Springle, Jr., is able to go back to j school. We all hope he will soon | be well. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Everett and children moved to Pamlico last week. We 111 wish for them much happiness and success. Mrs. Violet Whitley, son Ralph of Newport and Mr. and Mrs. Grayden Moore of Marshallberg visited relatives here Thursday night. ' Mrs. Curtis Pake and little daughter spent Wednesday after noon with Mrs. L. D. Springle. Friends and relatives mourn the passing of Mrs. Harold RolHson, 29, the daughter of Mr., and Mrs. John Avery, whose funeral was held last Wednesday afternoon at the Free Will Baptist church in Beaufort. Burial was in Ocean View cemetary. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Fodrie and family visited relatives in Morehead City Sunday afternoon. Mrs. L. L. Springle visited Mri. C. S. Rogers Sunday afternoon. A "dead spot" is an area in which reception of a radio signal is extremely poor or absent. I | Beauforteens | I; Vara Lm Loftla Our tint club night of 1960 with Mrs. W. L. Woodard as the mother of the month and Jan Davla aa Teen-Age chairman, entered with a bang. Boys and girla from oth er communities visited the club and we are always glad to have tbem. Since this is the beginning of 1990 it may be a wise thing to publish the rules and regulations of the club. There is generally an age and geographical limit on membership and a good behavior qualification. 1. Members shall at all times Vera Ldu conduct them wives as Ladies and gentlemen. 2. There shall be no drinking of I alcoholic bever erages at the club and no member shall be admitted to the club who has been drinking elsewhere*. 3. There shall be no gambling oi , any description. 4. There shall be no loitering on the outside or near the club room. 5. Club members who destroy, break, or mutilate any furniture or equipment shall immediately replace same or pay for it. 6. Each member is responsible for keeping any part of the club er equipment he uses, clean. 7. There shall be no profanity or vulgar language. 8. There shall be no disorder ly conduct. 9. Each club member shall im mediately and without protest re spect the wishes and instructions of the adult person or member officer in charge of the club. 10. If any facilities of the club shonld be limited, members shall take turns in the use of the same. 11. The violation of any rule shall be punishable by the for feiture of rights of membership in the club. With such self-imposed respon sibilities and rules it is small won der that almost without excep tion the adults who have acted as sponsors and chaperones for af fairs at the club have comment ed that they have no problems with discipline. I am just thinking out loud ? does someone have a coat rack or coat racks, maybe up in the attic or out in the garage? not be ing used? We need several. Our coats broke down the card table and ended up on the floor last Saturday 'night ? Just call 572-6 and let me know, I will be glad to pick it up. Taylors Win Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Taylor won the bridge tournament Satur day night at the Jefferson rest aurant Second place winners were Dr. K. P. B. Bonner and Dorcey Martin. The night of the tournament has been changed from Saturday to Monday at 8: 15 p.m.. The next one will be Mon day night. Nrmfrm L jti. Jm. 11? llr. and Mrs Raymond Health visited hit parent*, Mr. and Mn. Walter Heath, Sunday. They returned to Norfolk, Va., early Monday. Lin wood Garner of Cove City visited relatives here last Wednes day and Thursday! Mrs. Wayne Heath of Cove City returned home last Friday after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Cora McCain. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heath vis ited his mother, Mrs. Duffy Heath in Cove City last Wednesday and Thursday. P. A. Herrington of Rocky j Mount arrived Monday. He and Mrs. Herrington, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Cora Mc Cain returned home Tuesday. The Mary C. Mills Circle of the Woman's Division of Christian Service held 1U regular monthly meeting last Wednesday night at the home of -Mrs. George Morris. Mrs. Gherman Garner was in' charge of the devotional. Mrs. Madeline Rivers also took part. Mis. Zeb Mauney, chairman, pre sided over the business session. A barbecue supper was discusaed but no definite plans were made. "Pollyannas" were exchanged. Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Gerald Mer rill, co-hostess served refresh ments of iced drinks, crackers , spread with cheese, nuts and can dy. The Gertie Howard Circle of the Woman's Division of Christian Service held its January meeting Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Garner. Mrs. Jack Howard led the devotional. Ways of mak ing money were discussed in the business session. Mrs. Garner serv ed delicious refreshments of block t ice cream, ice-box fruit cake and salted nuts. The February meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Moses Howard. HARDWARE And Building Supplies Corp. We Carry Full Lines ol PAINTS TOOLS SHIPS CHANDLERY KITCHEN TOOLS SPOBTHIG GOODS BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ? Hardware & Building Supplies Corp. 727 ARENDELL ST. M-3721 , COME EARLY FOR BETTER CHOICE . ~~ 7~' YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY A HIGH PRICED PAIR OF SHOES TO GET YOUR CHOICE OF ANY OTHER PAIR OF SHOES WHICH WE ARE OFFERING FOR A NICKEL. YOU BUY A PAIR OF SHOES AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND