.^Horsljeah drtg facial tfra. Fifit fltritir Edit* Wkmm MM Mrs. Walter Chambers of Mar ion and Uri Zeno Martin of Ra leifh, viaitad Mr. and Mra. Marion Mills Wadnaaday and Thuraday. Jeasi* McWilliams of Norfolk. Va., arrived Saturday to risk the Ahwh Ham 11 tons Hubert Fulcher, Vernoii Guthrie and Wade Bell attended the East Carolina Firemen's association meeting in Edanton Tuesday night Mrs. W. P. Freeman took her daughter, Mrs. William Berwick to New Bern Friday, following her viatt here laat week. GUARANTEED ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Every repair job we handle ? we guaran tee! Depend on us for the best electrical repair work in town . . . expertly done by our licensed elec tricians. We alto have second hand and rebuilt elec tric appliances far sale at the lowest possible prices. REPAIR . . . rOB LONGER WEAR UNIVERSAL BLANCHARD'S ELECTRIC SERVICE Arendell St. M-7571 MOREHEAD CITY Mr. mud Mrs. C. N. Stroud visi ted in Oxlord, Sunday. Jack Farmer, a student at Chap el Hill, spent the weekend in town. Mrs. Fred W. Plttmaa utd child ren, Charles Raymond and Fred die, spent Thursday In Swansboro. Mrs. J. C. Taylor, who had apent several days with her daughter and family. Dr. and Mrs ty A Van Nortwiok, in Jacksonville, Fla., returned home Saturday. She was accompanied by her grandson, Billy, who will spend some time here. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Webb and Corinne, spent Sunday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Dowdy apent Friday Hi Durham. Mrs. John H. Bunn visited her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fajkner, and Mrs. Bunn's mother, Mrs. George Finch, in Ox ford, Sunday. Mrs. T. C. GilHkin who has spent several days visiting in Wll liston, returned to Morehead City Sunday. Mrs. John Phillips, Jr., and Mrs. Clyde Helms spent Saturday in New Bern. George Ball is confined to his home on Sbackleford avenue be cause of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Canfield motored to Raleigh Sunday to meet Mrs. Richard Guthrie of Mad ison, N. J., who came to visit her mother, Mrs. G. D. Canfield. YtHi 4nL jy MO OECAL Transfer Letters and Numbers iot oooK WMKMs mcKS de ?will STICK M AWTIHM ?UST A UFITIMt ?USIIY *mi(t ?MM M ? UUt HIM tf 10 SV HERALD PUXTHC 00. M M74 15QS BRIDGES ST. MOKE HEAD CITY W im Patrick and H f. Und gay were VBOM * fraup of mi who to* Saturday Ui a -tan-da] ?iflaion to California Mr. and Mm.' 0 t. Sandaram and Faya, apent Sunday is Golds bora. Mr. and lira. J. E. Maaon anc daughter, Frances, apent Satorda) in Haw Ban. . Little Barbara Ann Brorfka, lire (raAar at Mare head City school la recovering from a broken leg luitalned laat weak while playing i. B M?cy. -Jr., apant laat weel in South Carolina oo business. Mrs John J. Jarvia, of St. Louii Mo . la apending the month of Jan itary with bar aon and family Captain and Ura. John J. Jarvii on Sunaat Shores. Mias Corinnp Ball left tor Golds boro Sunday, to be joined then by Mias Peart Creech. They wit continue ta New York for a tw< weeks stay. Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Jorgenser and Mrs. Margaret Atz apent Sat urday in New Bern. Mrs. Cecil Nelson and sons David and Cecil, spant Sunday ir Raleigh. Mr. and Mra. W W. Blalock 01 Marion, N. C., arrived Thursday tt visit Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pittman Mr. and Mra. L. D. Dill spem the weekend in Raleigh and Chap el Mil. Mr. and Mrs Oeorge McNeil and son, Robert, apent Sunday ir Wilmington with Dr. and Mrs Frank Hall. M. U. Collins spent Monday anc Tueaday in Rocky Mount on busi neas. Miss Ruth Peeling will present a book review at the Literary anc Art Department club meeting a1 ? o'clock tonight in the Civic Cen ter. Mrs. John Nelaon recently spen a weekend in Washington witl her lister, Mrs. Jesse Godley. Calvin Bell of Cortez, Fla., ii here visiting his grandmother Mrs. N. P. Bell, and aunts, Mrs John Nelson and Mrs. Charlit Powers Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lewi: and Cuff Willis spent last week end hi Elkin -with P. A. Green wosa. They also visited the Blui Ridge mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Goodwli Spent Thursday and Friday ii Greensboro Ehrin Hancock o Beaufort, returned with them Sal urday. Mrs. C. J. Wolfe, Jacksonville Fla., Is visiting her sister. Mn George Stovall, who recently re turned from the hospital. JANUARY SPECIALS at EASTMAN'S ? Btaoiort - Morohoad Stores 7T x M" 56% WmI frppanll llukats. I* $115 {ill Mattress Cow* ? fup-ra-Mulia. Btf. $5.00 $3.75 Qoiltad Inter lai Ml U, Ail HIS IlillhlH M. H M J1JI EASTMAN F01MTQBE COMPANY BEMFWT MHEHEAI CRT ARE PEOPLE SMART? LISTEN TO "PEOPLE ABE SMABT" HIS AFTERMOOH - MONDAY THRU IATODAY with % IAT CVHNIIS - Tw - ?' WMBL ctZow ; Heme Department Hears - Address on Legal Rights Claud* Wheatly, Jr., of Beaufort i (poke on the topic, "Woman's . Legal Right" before the American Rome department of the Woman's club Wednesday at 3:30 in the 1 Civic Center. r Mrs. 0. H. Johnson introduced Mr. Wheatly who gave a ihort history of the beginnings of wom t an's interest in legal ? rights, fol , lowed by a discussion of dower's , right, estate by the entirety, hus . band's right of courtesy, and righta of inheritance. [ He pointed out that unless oth erwise provided, a wife is enti tled to only one third of her hus i band's property at his death. He . explained that under the rights of , inheritance either partner may I qualify as administrator at the death of the other one, provided It is so stated in a will, and thus - save 20 per cent of the property. ! He suggested that the best so I lution is for each of the pair to i make a will, stating who is to be the administrator, distribution of the property, and whether the ad i ministrator is to serve with or - without bond. Following an open discussion. Mrs. D. G. Bell, Woman's club , president, made several announce i ments, including progress on the odd stamp collection for the veter an's hospital. [ The meeting was called to order i by chairman, Mrs. H. M. Eure, who . welcomed Mrs. Charles Edwards. a visitor. Mrs. L. A. Wemple, of 1 New York received note stationery - as a door prize. The Vfesdames O. H. Johnson, Earl Norwood and S. C. Holloway. 1 hostesses, served glazed ginger i bread, nuts, candies, and coffee. Miss Helen Martin Hostess) 1 To Bridge Club Thursday Miss Helen Martin entertained . her bridge club Thursday night ' with these guests, aside from club ' ! members, Mrs Joseph Hall. Mrs. ' Margaret At*, Mrs. John PhiHips and Mrs. Jack Tate. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mar- 1 garet Atz, high guest score, Mrs. Dan Swindell, for high club score. Mrs. Wade Bell had second high | and Mrs. Edgar Bell, low score. The hostess served chocolate pie and coffee before play, and cokes and candy during progres sions. Two Hostesses Entertain Bridge Club Friday Night Mrs. D. J. Eure and Mrs. W. L. Derrickson entertained members qf their bridge club Friday night TO tfc* latter's home. They served * buffet supper from a table dec orated in the Valentine colors of red and white. Red gladioli and tulips, with white cyclamen and red tapers in silver holders were used. Guests aside from club mem- 1 bers, were Mr. and Mrs. R. G. | Lowe, Dr. and Mrs. Ben F. Royal, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Matthews. Three Special Guesis Attend Bridge Party Guests, aside from club mem bers, when Mrs. Robert E. Laugh ton entertained her bridge club Tuesday night, were Mrs. G. E. Sanderson, Mrs. Frank Moran and Mrs. D. H. McRackan. Mrs. McRac kan won high guest score, Mrs. S. J. Rabon, club high, and Mrs. Wal ter Davis, Jr., second high. The hostess served jello with whipped cream, cookies and col fee. Mrs. Virginia Purifoy Wins High Score Thursday Mrs. Virginia Purifoy won high ?core and Miss Irene Spence sec ond high when Miss Dorothy Har rell entertained her bridge club in the civic center Thursday night. Mrs. Ben Wade was a guest. The hostess served cokes, cook ies, nut* and candies. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Joslyn spent the week-end in Raleigh. I Miss Anne Rivers of Newport spent the week-end with Miss Ann Garner. Miss Edith Broadway has re turned from a trip to Danville, Va? Greensboro, Siler City and Spring Lake, N. C. While in Greensboro she was the guest 'of the Rev. and Mrs. R. Cole Lee, former pastor of the First Bap tist church here. The Lees send tbeir greetings to friends here. SCHENLEY reserve' _ Tlx tfnifM wtfekta h tNj product art I ynn or mon (M. 35* S Klin *11 10* llrillM wkisky ? mt ?M. 15* KiaiiM George McNeill to Deliver Garden, Civics Club Talk Tbe Garden and Civic* club will meet at 3 o'clock tomorrow in tbe Civic Center. George H. McNeill, attorney will ipeak on The Value Of Making A Will. Memberi are reminded to bring plant! for ex change. Hostesses win be Mrs. Sam Ad ler, Mrs. Luther Ptaar and Mn. Duffy Wade. Mrs. Paul Webb Wins High Score at Bridge Parly Mrs. Paul Webb won high score and Mrs. 0. H. Johnson low, when Mrs. G. Henry Jackson entertained the Fortnightly bridge club Fri day afternoon. After two progressions the hos tess served fruit salad, cheese sticks, nuts, macaroons and coffee. All of the club members were present. Birthday Celebrated Miss Ann Garner entertained about twenty friends Saturday night on the occasion of her four teenth birthday. Mrs. Alvin Gar ner, assisted by Mrs. A. H. Mc Donald, served block cake and lime ice, following which the young people went to the Teen Age club for a social evening. Mrs. Nelson Wins Mrs. Julius Nelson won high score when Mis. George Wester lind entertained her two table bridge club Wednesday evening. The hostess served pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee. Stork News BORN TO Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Young, Jr., of Morehead City, a son, Micha?l Andres, Friday, Jan. 13. - Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts Sanders. Morehead City, a son, James Roberts, Jr., Wednesday, Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Springs o{ Morehead City, a son, James Wil liam, Wednesday, Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fluhart, Har kers Island, a son, John Gregory, Sunday, Jan. 8. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lee of Pel letier, a son, Edward Thompson, Thursday, Jan. 12. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Melvin, Jr., of this city, a son, Larry Kenneth, Monday, Jan. 16. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. VanNortwick of Jacksonville, Fla? announce the birth Thursday, Jan. 12, of a son, Wallace Taylor. Mrs. VanNort wick is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor of Morehead City. The "BBC" in radio means the British Broadcasting Co. ?!? - uuiuariw WILL hook WILLIS Fuaeral service* (or Will Moore Willis, <0, who dltd at bis home at 1705 Bridles St., Morehead CSty, Thursday afternoon, w?re held from -the home at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. Burial vits in Bay View cemetery. The Rev. Lester A. Tilley conducted the services. Mr Willis was the son of the late Joseph Lane and Ida M. Wil lis. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mollie Becton Willia, a daughter, Mrs. James F. O'Conner, two sons, Alton C. Willis, all of Morehead CKy, and Martin L. Wil lis of Beaufort, 10 grandchildren Nrwtfrm WIUJSTOI ? 7JX V Jan. 9? We are having some nice weather only the wind blows so hard the fishermen cannot fish. Mrs. Elvin Piner brought her little girl home last week from Dr. Sidbury's hospital. She still has to be kept quiet. We all wish her to get well so she can go back to school. Mrs. Letha Sabiston is still on the sick list but improving slow ly. Sure hope she can soon be able to go back to her work at House's Drug store in Beaufort. # Mrs. James Wade visited her sis ter, Mrs. Ruby Piner, one day last week in Beaufort. She has been sick quite a long time. We would all be glad to see her get well again. Thomas Wade and wife. Patsy,, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Wade. Mrs. Bertha Piner and Mrs. Maggie Piner made a business trip to New Bern one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wade and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Iredell Willis visited Mr. Iredell's daughter, Mrs. Charles Piner, one night last week. Euclid Wade was married at the parsonage at Atlantic Satur day night. He married Janice Earl Willis of Smyrna. We all wish them a happy life together. Business is picking up around here. Lots of clams to open is surely a big help for all concerned. Wish there was work everyday opening. Mrs. James Davis and children of Beaufort visited Mrs. Pauline Wade one day last week. Paris Press Bows to Provinces PARIS ? (AP) ? French provin cial newspapers are stealing away the circulation of the big Paris dailies, according to figures com piled by the French Press"Federa tion. Latest estimates show the provincial press has about 7,000, 000 readers, while the Paris press has only 3,800,000 readers. Before the war Paris newspapers sold a bout the same number of copies as those of the provinces combin ed. Mid one great grandchild. Pall bearers were Headen Finer, Fred Royal, C. N, Hobbs, Marvin Hughes. Johnny Eaton and Abbott Morris. MRS. KHTTTE BIGGS Funeral services will be held this afterroon at her home in Eliz abethtown. N. C? for Mrs. Mittie Biggs who died Saturday at the home ol her daughter, Mrs. Don Mulpass. in Philadelphia, Pa. Surviving are three brothars, Carl Whitehead of Crab Point, Dr. A. P. Whitehead of Rocky Mount. Dr. J. W. Whitehead of Smithfield and three slaters, Mrs. C. p. Smith " of Bachelor, Mrs. Emily Becton of Wake Forest, and Mrs. H. O. Thomas of Wilmington. Her husband, the Rev. W. O. Biggs, a Baptist minister, died some years ago. at the Smart Shop's JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Entire Slock of Winter Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Blouses SEDUCED 50% ! ! Robes and Raincoats COT 25%!! Entire Slock oi Hals Values to $22.98 Only $2.00 and $3.0,0 Our Buyers, Miss Mary Deppe and Mrs. Lina Landreth Are Now In New York Buying Spring Merchandise To Gladden The Coming Spring Season For You New Arrivals Daily Make The Smart Shop Your Headquarters When Shopping in New Bern The Smart Shop 228 Middle St. New Bern Dollar for Dollar you can't beat a -pmrjtef The Least f?? earn pag-for the Be?tl Let's start with the idea that you want to drive the very best ear your mooey will buy. Who doesn't? You want to be Ken in a big. beauti ful outstanding automobile. You want to en joy the thrill ol silken tmootfa performance You want to know for lure that the car you're driving will give miles aad miles and miles of carefree service. What you want is ? Poaciac! Piuvt it fee romseM tome in and well show you that dollar for dollar you can't bant ? Pootiac. Bumper in bum par, inside aad out, oat thing is apparent? an tm ?fm ym asn /? r j war isnsj than a aew Pontiac! Come la soon) ??*#?-#**?. Pries tmkjttf to change uitkoni notice. Prices mmy mmy tm surrounding communities due to transportation differentials. SOUND CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC. II 582-1 Norekaad City, R. C.

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