?? Classified Ads - Beaufort 120 Craven St B 448-1 1 Mare head City 504 Arendell St M MM I FOR SALE ,24<Fr SAILBOAT iully equipped. In first-elass condition. Contaet pnnie Guthrie, Harkers Island. j^27-P GOOD USED CARS see Roy Dlis at Highland Park Beaufort, oss from public school at Wil ? Grocery. j 20 75x165 FT. located on In 151 Island facing Port Terminal, 'this V.F.W. property must be sold. Contact Roy Eubanks, Beau fprt. j-27 OAS SPACE HEATER with cop per tubing $50. Guthrie Jones Drug Co.. Beaufort. j-27 INEXPENSIVE HOME. Live aboard a 32-foot auxiliary ketch, rjgxnplete with sink, stove, refrig apftor, toilet, nursery. Perfect oofhfort for couple with baby. Robert V. Crowell, Box 388. I^rehead City. J24p PAUL'S BARGAINS IN USED CARS and TRUCKS CARS 1035 CHEV sedan $ 95.00 j 1035 DODGE sedan 150 00 ; 1937 CHEV. coach 175.00 j 1937 PLYMOUTH sedan 175.00 j 1934 FORD coupe 185.00 j 1941 STUDE. sedan 185.00 j 1939 CHEV. coach 275.00 1941 PLYMOUTH sedan .... 350.00 1940 BUICK sedan 585.00 ' 1941 CHEV. sedan 595.00 1942 CHEV. coach 650.00 1946 FORD sedan 975.00 ! 1946 HUDSON sedan 1025.00 TRUCKS 1939 CHEV. >?> ton 100.00 i (less engine) 1936 DODGE ton 125.00 19^7 DODGE 1 ton 200.00 1M1 CHEV. % *0.1 450.00 j 1947 DOD^E 'i ton 850.00 j PAUL MOTOR CO. Phone B-4261 322 Front St. BEAUFORT GRAFTED STUART PECAN trees. Only 25 left. 3 to 4 feet. $2.00 eaeh. Camellias and azal eas. Camellias now blooming. Copeland's Nursery, Beaufort. Phone B-4145. ^ J17 GE DIESEL six cylinder, two cycle Patwer unit almost new; 1-H Farm all! Tractor with good tires and a new motor. For $1,050. 1-DC Case Tractor in excellent condition. Swicegood Farm Machinery Co., PHone 4783, Wilson, N. C. J20 ?" CIRCLE- SAW; 4" Jointer; 24" jig saw; 36" wood turning lathe; 3""belt sander (portable); one electric motor 1 HP; one electric motor one-quarter HP; Roy Bar , bour, 202 Gordon St., Beaufort. J20p . CARTERET REALTY COMPANY 710 Arendell St. PHONE Dty >.34-1 Night 425-6 . MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. USED CARS! PARKER~M0T0RS 504 Arendell St. .. Mcrehead Cily FOR SALE J BOAT. 38 feet 4 inches long, ten 1 feet, ten inches wide, Chrysler ma- 1 rine engine 115 HP with two to < one reduction, deadrise bow and ? round stern. Two years old. Reg istered at Newport News, Va. eight tons gross, five tons net. Phone Mrs. Mary Jenkins Wil liams, Severn Postoffice. Tele- 1 phone 2396. Hayes Stone, Va. J17p \ FOR SALE ONE six room house ONE two room house Both on one lot with adjoining lot. For sal' one package 405 an3 407 Fisher Street 2 lets ? each $450 1 lot $550 Newly completed Frame House at 2805 ArendcM St., Morehead City. Six rooms downstairs and also upstairs space. Frame House in 1300 Block 1 of Shackleford St., Morehead City, opposite Guthrie's Net Works. $4,000. C. H. FREEMAN & '80ft ?'hone M 536-1 809 Bridges St. I ONE DOUBLE DALLAS HUT, 16 by 32. See Elva Lewis, 208 N. 11th St., Morehead City. J17p JERSEY COW and calf. Cow now fresh. Sec H. T. Carroway, Beau fort, RFD. J17 CABBAGE PLANTS. R. E. H. Chaplain, County jail, Beau fort. J20 DOWNY- FLAKE doughnut ma chine. Makes 40 dozen an hour. Reasonable price. Phone M 9736 or M 5666. J23 CABBAGE PLANTS Sec H. T. Carraway, Beaufort RFD. J2o| NEW SIX ROOM HOUSE with ev ery convenience a^d city water. Lot 100 by 120. Highland Park. Price $6,500. Phone J. Raymond Ransom, Beaufort 4148. tf CHEVROLET TRUCK, 1947 ton and a half. First class condition. Also 16MM movie projector. Bel haven Fish and Oyster Co., More head City, tf TABLE "Jeft.68 llOT WATER heater, S6U.OO; also a few pieces of furniture. See Emily Lewis at Duchess Beauty Shop. Phone B-5116 or B-3901. tf BEAUTIFUL walerview building sites. Residential. Priced to sell. Contact G. M. Paul, Sunshine Courts, Beaufort. Phone B-8307. J31 22 FT. CABIN BOAT, 100 HP en gine. Two years old. See at T. D. Lewis Machine Shop, Shepard St., Morehead City. Phone M-3631 or M-3422. J31p WAKUS TRAILBLAZER tires. Size 800 x 16, $11.08, tax in cluded and installed. 8th St. Service Station, 8th and Evans Sts.. Morehead City. Phone M 3681. tf WARD'S WINTER-KING stand ard batteries. 24 Months guaran tee. Only $11.95 exchange in stalled. 8th Street Service Sta tion. 8th and Arendell Sta., More head City. Phone M 368-1. tf RECAPS for sale. All sizes. Gua anteed to last as long as new tirea jr money refunded. Tire Service Co., 1300 Arendell St., Morehead '*tv. tf WARD'S Commander Batteries, 12 months guarantee, $7.95 exchange installed. 8th Street Service Sta tion, 8th and Evans Sts., Morehead City, phone M 3881. tf BUSINESS SERVICES INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX re turns carefully prepared. Over 30 years experience handling individ ual. proprietorships, partnerships and corporation tax matters. Rea sonable fee. Clyde E .Mason, next door to 800 Bridges St., Morehead City. J20p OUTBOARD REPAIR service. We repair all makes of outboards and aircooled motors. Parts in itock for Mercury Wizard, Sea King, See Bee, Atlas and many others. Beau fort Hardware Co., Front St., Beau 'MT tf J, IO"ii? ??m BF IM twn> ?) NEW BEHN COCA-COLA BOTTLING WORKS, be. f BUSINESS SERVt(?fS ELECTRIC MOTOR repair scrvlcc. Wishing machines. Armature*, Battery chargers. Electric welding, Motors rewound and lepalied New md rncd motor* bought and said. Household Appliances. Located on West He. d'ort Road near Hant ley's. William E. Crank. tf TOR rONTINUOUS Uw enforce nent Vote for Chapel Nclaon for Sheriff of Carteret County. tf DUPLICATE liys made to order. We have the blanks ? and the ma chine Protect yourself by having in utra set of keys made to put :n a s;fe- place. Western Aiiln As ?wiate Store. Beaofort V C. tf ALL APPLIANCES repaired We pick up your lamp, iron or other items, repair and then return them. Phone Sound Appliance Co., M 3011. Your Frigidaire products aealer _ tl FOR CORRECT TIME: M 800?. For correct jewelry, satisfactory ?vatch repair, Early Jewelers. 812 trendell St.. Morehead City. tl rHE BELTONE HEARING AID consultant lives in Morehead City. Lloyd ^"-'.win, 2715 Homes Drive. Phone '.?66. Service for all mskes 31 hearing aids. Also batteries, tf kEFRIGERATION REPAIRS both lomcstic and commercial. We are Montgomery Ward authorized ser vice dealers. Re-conditioned refri gerators for sale. Cates Refrigera tion Scrvice. Phone M 5514 or ?ee Larry Gates at 513 Arendell St.. Morehead City tf HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN, from age 21 up to sell broad coverage hospital plan. Quality leads and appoint ments furnished. (Not just names ind addresses.) Experience help ful but not required. "Our men iverage high weekly income. See Mr. W. J. Harris, 3 p. m to 4 p. m? at Unemployment Building, corner 7th and Evans Sts , Morehead City, Jan. 16-17 and 18. J17 FOR RENT ROOM for gentleman. Private tile bath, hot water, telephone. Phone M-8801. tf MAKE OLD FLOORS look like new. Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and Edger. Low rates. Western Auto Store, Beaufort. Phone 3651. tf 2 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Sitnshine Court, Front St., Ext., Beaufort. Phone B-8307. tf WANT TO BUY USED CASH REGISTER, any age, Dr make as long as in good condi tion. Phone Newport ibl or con tact at Garner's Garage. New port. j-20-p HEAVY HENS on foot. Top mar ket prices. Deliver to Smith's Poultry Farm, West Beaufort Road. Phone B-5168. J31 ! WE BUY .crap iron, steel, tin, au to radiators, bodies, fenders, bat teries. Get our prices first. Sautt er's I rot. & Metal Co., on More oead City Highway. Phone New Bern 3t>10, or write P 0. Box 736, New Born tf Legal Notices NOTICE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of Trust executed by Robert G. Bell and wife Alice Jones Bell, dated the 1st day of November, 1947, and recorded in Book lit, page 52, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Carteret County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by terns thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door in Beaufgrt, Carteret County, North Carolina at noon / 1 1 on tbo 21st day ol January, 1B50. the property conveyed in Mid died of treat. the seme Jyi?g Mid being in the County of Carteret and State of* North Carolina, in Morehead Township and mora par ticularly described as toUowt: Being Lot No. 1. at ahown by that map of subdivision of the W. L. Arthur Farm, tame being re corded in Map Book 1, page 308, to which record reference is made hereby for the full aid complete description, location and boundar ies of said tract. Thit 21st day of December, 1949 C. R. Wheatlr, Jr. 4t D27 J3-10-1? Truatee NOTICE OF DlgSOtUTlON Notice is hereby fiven of the dissolution of the partnership of M. T. Mills, M. T. Mill., Jr., J. Warren Beck, and A. M. Beck, Jr., and that the sale of all of said partnership assets to the Sound Appliance Co., Inc., of Morehead City. N. C., has been recorded and probated in the Carteret County Court House. Signed: M. T. Mills, M. T. Mills, Jr., J. Warren Beck, A. M. Beck, Jr. 4t D27 J3-10-17 NOTICE North Carolina, Carteret County. The undersigned, having quali fied as executor of the estate of ; Luther Salter, deceased, late of i Carteret County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the : undersigned at Beaufort, RFD, ; North Carolina on er before the 10th day of January, 1951, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersign ed. This 5th day of January, 1S50. Joe L. Salter, Executor C. R. Wheatly, Jr., Attorney. 6t J10-17-24-31 F7-14 SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Carteret County. George Parson. Jr., Plaintiff J vs. Elizabeth McBride Parson, Defendant. The defendant. Elizabeth Mc Bride Parspn. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior ( Court of Carteret County, North Carolina, to obtain a divorce ab- 1 solute on grounds of two-year sep- , aration, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office j of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County, in the court house in Beaufort. North Caro lina, within twenty (20) days after the completion of this service by publication and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or .the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This, the 5th day of January, 1950. A. H. James, Clerk Superior Court, Carteret County. Hamilton & McNeill, Attorneys. 4t JHM7-24-31 NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSON AL PROPERTY? CABIN CRUISER NORTH CAROLINA, CARTERET COUNTY. Under the virtue of authority contained in a alias tax warrant issued on October 22, 1949, by the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of North Carolina under au thority of Section 913 of the Rev enue Act (Section 106-242 of the General Statutes) the undersigned Sheriff of Carteret County wilt ex pose for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash at 12 U. o'clock on the 20th day of Janu ary 1990, at" Morehead City Yacht Basin, Inc., Morehead City, N. C? the following described personal property: One stock-built Elco 39-foot cab in cruiser, No. 14VM6, named CHICKS PUIXORUM PASSED Hatchet off Every Tuesday Straight Run, Pullet* and Cockerel* Mail Order* Filled * ESHELMAN RED ROSE FEEDS New Bern Hatchery Hilton Hudnell, Owner 128 Middle St. NEW BERN Dial 4165 l.MM Roam to B* MH Ob Property al FL Bragg A tlO.OOOjOOO contract to pro vide 1.000 housing units at Fort j Bragg was signed at Greensboro recently by Army authorities and ' officials of the W. tt. Weaver Con struction company and the T. A. Loving company of Goldsboro. who *ere awarded the contract jointly. Col. Richard C. Mallonee, dep uty commander of Fort Bragg, termed the agreement as "the largest housing contract ever ' awarded in the State." Construction on the project is slated to get under way Feb. 1. and the entire project completed within a year, he said. The con tract provides that the builders construct 200 units the ffrst 120 days, and 100 units per month, threafter. The project will be located on "Airline 11." Said cabin cruiser being the property of one Frank S. Davis against whom said alias tax war rant is directed. This the 5th day of January. 1950. This the 5th day of January, C. G HOLLAND, Sheriff of Carteret County. By T. M. Thomas, D. S. J13-17 vnTKT al' morn ACIIDr SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to power and author! ty contained ii that ccrtain Mort gage Deed executed by David Wi ley Riggs and wife, Sidney Eliza beth Foy Riggs. on September 25, 1947, to the undersigned Mort gagee, said mortgage deed being recorded in Book 117 at page 29, of the Register of Deeds Office for Carteret County, and there having been default in the pay ment of the indebtedness which said mortgage deed was executed to secure, the undersigned will on the 13th day of February 1950, (Monday) at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Carteret County, in the Town of JJeaufort, N. C., offer tyr sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described land: At West Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina: Begin ning at a point on the North side of the West Beaufort State High way, 235.5 feet westwardly from i the southwest corner of the White f Land, thence running along the ' liorth side of said highway west- ! wardly 100 feet, thence north wardly 200 feet; thence eastwardly 100 feet; thence southwardly 200 feet to the point of beginning and being Lots Nos. 22 and 23 in the Davis Park Division, as will ap pear on MAP prepared by Philip K. Ball, in September 1946, and being the same land purchased this day from Delton Davis and this mortgage and notes being ex ecuted to pay part of the purchase pric* for said land. This the 13th day of January, 1950. M. Leslie Davis, Attorney. Delton Davis, Mortgagee. Date of Sale: Monday February 13th, 1950. Place of Sale: Courthouse Door,' Beaufort, N. C. Terms: CASH. 4t. j-17-24-31. f-7.| G & W William Penn aig) Blended Whiskey .. S; J MQIM A*t 4 TIAtS OC MOM (HO. !?% fTt AMMV ?WOT, Mf| NMTVAL 1 EARLY NOBMIXfi LBTERDK AT ITS BEST "THE BHEAKFAST CLUB" 7:15 MOHMDKS - MONDAY THB0 SATVSBAY * ' ' WITH EJLIL LEWIS Mask ? Raws ? Sports ? WmUmt iTu WMBL Ob Yaw DU1 a 252-acre UKt of land inside the military reservation and near the weft side of Highway 87, and will be open to both military and civ ilian p?rionnel. the Army officer said. -BIGGS ' For keeping your shoes in j good condition we carry a full stock of quality polish es and laces, including long basket-ball laces. BNfiS SHOE SHOP FItONT ST. BEAUFORT G*W SEVEN STAR ?t?n<a< wKMtaf. "Tt? Hralght whlritlai art 4 yMtt u ntfi old. *7)4% straight wMlkay. t?H% naatral iflrltt dlttiltod from grain IJHitraight whlikay 4 yaart aid. 11% straight whitkay 5 yaart aM. 7VMfc straight whitkay t yawl aW." Tru 90 PROOF OOODIRHAM ft WOITI tIMITID, MO?l?. HUMPH iVOR YHtKI YEARS PAST# ? ? Static;. FIRST station wagons with all-steel body and top? safer, longer lasting, easier to maintain. FIRST passenger-and-utllity vehicle ever offered with choice of the conventional 2-wtwl-drtre model or the new 4-Whacl Drlve Willy* 5 ration Wagoal FIRST atilky car planned in every detail a* a dual-purpose vehicle? seats removable to provide up to 1 20 cu. ft. of load space . . . seats aad iotetior washable . . . wide, strong tailgate. FIRST mdoo wagon of nek low weight . , . with overdrive at no extra cost on 2-whnel-drire models. ROW-] Mf AT WIUYS 1TATIO* WAGONS ? 1-WkMl-Oitw wt* Ca?iM* ? <*> t- CjWk hfln>* ? 4-WtiMt-OeW* ?Mi 4-C,iii<?r bqlfM L *Ovar4Hva lixh>d?d at iw MM MM? V?!P; WILLYS gtotion Waqon ? Iwaht by aw* pMfl* M| Hm pad thra* yn Hm wmy dW a4?l LEE MOTQS.SALES, Inc. 1406 Brides Si. MOlIflW) OIT " Fkau N44K NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS 1 PER CERT INTEREST WILL BE ADDED TO 1949 TAXES FEBRUARY 1 PAT DURING THIS NORTH TO AVOID ? THE INTEREST CHARGE E. 0. N00RE CARTERET COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR

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