Kmfrm BLOt] CUTER * ^ V Jan. 11 ? Mrs. Etta Pigott is ?pending, several weeks in Beau fort with her sister, Mrs. Carl Gaskill, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chadwick are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Roberts at Oriental. Kenneth Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mears and sons, Elbert and James, attended the church wed ding of Miss Wilma Bates and Mr. Leonard Evans, at North Charles ton, S. C. Mr. Aubrey Bates of Charles ton, S. C., and Kansas* City, Mo., returned home with his brother Kenneth to spend several days visiting relatives. Mrs. Bill Pigott gave her hus band a birthday dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Willis, Mrs. Lillian Pigott and Miss Maggie Pigott were guests. Miss Hilma Chadwick who is employed at Morehead City, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chadwick. Mrs. Ada Whitehurst of Grand River, Ohio left Saturday for Lake | land, FU., where she will spend i the winter. Fate Chadwick returned to Pen sacola, Fla., Saturday after spend ing two weeks with his mother, Mrs. Alice Chadwick, and other relatives. Mrs. Kenneth Bates and son, Rodney, spent the weekend with Mrs. Christine Styron and family at Morehead City. Friends wish to express their deepest sympathy to the family of Mr. Guy Chadwick. Mr. Chadwick died, Jan. 9. He rafn a grocery store at Straits for over forty years. His sons will continue his business. The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service met at the home of Mrs. Julian Dennis at Straits Fri day night, Jan. 6, with eleven members present. After the busi ness meeting the hostess served cake and cold drinks. Prayer meetings are held every Wednesday night at 7 o'clock at the Straits-Gloucester Methodist church. Come out and enjoy the good fellowship there. Mr. Leila Chadwick and daugh ter, Mrs. Pauline Bell, and sons of Morehead City, were visiting in our community Tuesday morning. The first window that could be moved up or down was invented in Holland in the 17th century. /V //Mrtttaz Information accumulated by 71 years of hard work, CJ refill study and practical experience is oncc more coming to Southern homes. The profit and pleasure brought to farmers and gardeners since 1879 is YOURS by writing today for WOOD'S 1950 SEED CATALOG. It's FREE! ADDRISS: DIP T N T.W.WOOD & SONS .? ti ? I P, M M O I KrirfcT -JUJ lSU. v l ? c I M I a A CHICKING ACCOUNT Sale Deposit Boxes ior Bent GET THE HABIT Use the DRIVE-IN DEPOSITORY SERVICE "BANK FROM YOUR CAR" FOB YOUB PBOTECTION Rent Lock Bag and Key FOR MIGHT DEPOSITOBY $12.00 Per Year First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. S23 Arendell St ( Morebead City, N. C. Phone 4371 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT - INSURANCE CORP. We St<4. ; R * \ B ^ C"<C >RS We wish you could inspect the thousands of parts, MCtnotki, piecn of equip* ?eat, tools and supplies we regularly stock just to make sura your dealer or garag* c"? e* pertly tad quickly make repairs wben they art Deeded for your car. truck or tractor. We are proud of the service we give and of the nationally famous brands of automotive products we sell. Here are^uat a law raw wadad and used by your favorite service shop. MrQuay N orris Parta, Champion Sparh Plugs, McCord Gaskets. Hasting. Rings. Herbrand Tools, Fram Oil Fil ters, Dayton Fan Belts. Generators, Starters, Armatures mCAWi WILL C~\: \ rOI/t CAW' r ar C?ro?a ft dea ler ar aerate today for DVOT J lan?n r a-id supplies far four car. We take ilaaamni ,om i AUTO SUPPLY CO. M-3211 ' Cor. 18th and Arendell St. MORE HEAD CITY Nrw? from MRLOWE -rJJ V Jan. 9. ? Mrs. Carl H. Morton was in Beaufort Tuesday evening to see Mrs. William Noe. Mr. and Mrs. Burrus and fam ily are living in Ivey Taylor's small hpuse. Mrs. Ashby B. Morton was in Beaufort Tuesday morning to see Dr. Moore. Mrs. George W. Ball and Mrs. Charlie Bell were in Morehead City Friday morning. Philip Taylor was in New Bern Tuesday morning on business. Sgt. and Mrs. C. M. Harris and daughters. Susie and Linda, re turned Friday from a three weeks' trip to Alabama and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner and Mrs. Vincent Becton were in Beau fort Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. Everette Tay lor and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams attended a show at Beaufort Fri day evening. Mrs. Emma Oglesby was in Beau fort Friday morning on business. Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. Gordon Becton and daughter, Ann, were in Morehead City Wednesday to see Mrs. D. G. Bell. Sgt. C. M. Harris and Johnnie Olund were at Core Creek Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kuch Williams and son, Gary, were in Beaufort Friday morning for Mr. Williams to see Dr. Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Futrell and children have returned from visit ing relatives at Barbersville, Ky. Mrs. Ashby B. Morton was in ueauiori Jsaiuraay aiiernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ashby B. Morton left Sunday morning to visit their daughter, Mrs. Ray Green and Mr. Green in Tallahassee, Fla Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sadler Morton visited Mrs. Morton's parents near Washington during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Burney L. Wither ington and sons, Phil and Terry, of Vanceboro were here Sunday aft ernoon to see Mrs. W. C. Wil liams. Mrs. Carl H. Morton and Miss Patricia Morton were in Beaufort Saturday. Miss Diana Owens, Miss Mer thene Dozier, Kelzie Fodrie of Norfolk, Va., and Sgt. Benjamin Hardesty of the U. S. Air Force were here recently visiting Mrs. Winnie Johnson, aunt of Mr. Fod rie and Sgt. Hardesty. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones of Cherry Point spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Creech. Rev. J. M. Jolliff of Newport will hold 10 o'clock services Sun day at the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Lee T. Castelow and little daughter, Gale, of Nor folk, Va., Mrs. Elsie Chadwick and daughter, Romana, of Morehead City spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Winnie Johnson. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service will meet Thursday evening, January 12, with Mrs. Clyde Taylor and Miss Eleanor Taylor. Mrs. M. C. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams attended mass at Cherry Point Sunday morning. They also visited Mr. Tom Gooding at Cherry Point. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hardesty and Norwood Hardesty attended a show in Be^ifort Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hardison and daughter, Cherry Dawn, of near New Bern were here for the weekend. Wonfrom \ SMYRNA Jan. 10? Mrs. Carroll Willis and son. Anthony and Eddie, and Mrs. Prudie Willis of Atlantic spent a few hours Tuesday night with Mrs. Herbert Hancock and family. Mr. and Mrs. Algie Bell and children of Charleston, S. C., after spending Christmas and the holi days in Boston with Mrs. Bell's parents, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Willis two days last week. Roland Davis, L. F. Taylor and Earle Davis returned home Thurs day from a few days hunting trip down east. The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service met at the Methodist church 'Thursday night of last week. Mrs. Clifton Yeomans and Mr. THurman Davis took their son and daughter to Dr. Sidbury'i hospital to be checked over by the doctor as neither of one of the children seemed very well. Mrs. Davis and daughter returned home Thursday and Mrs. Yeomans and son will spend a few days at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Brady Wade and little son of WilUston visited rel atives here a short time Saturday afternoon. Mrs Leon Lewis who has been spending some time here with her mother, Mrs. Hilda Gillikin, re turned to her hom? in Norfolk, Va., Thursady, Jan. S. Harry Lane waa taken to the Morehead City hospital Saturday with pneumonia. At this time he is reported to be some better. Hit many friends wiih him a speedy ? r?covery. # GROWTH OF POLIO CARE TEAM r ? I p>TO?rat> occutahonaT u,otA!0?i - WWUliKWOAK ' 1938 1949 Medical care for polio patients I* totting the National Found. \ tion for Infantile Paralysis more money than ever befor* becanae better treatment Is available today than formerly, as accompanying chart reveala. Until 193$ wnen the National Fo accompanying cnan rcvesu. whw ??? 1 1 1 'y. dation waa formed, a physician and a nurse usually comprised the best available care. Today, modern poiio trestm^t may include XJ .petiaitaed aonrieei, Provided by an enUre TB/Ufal nrofcAsioaal workers. This expanded care has cost National inundation Chapters millions ^March of Dimes funds. More money Is needed Immediately to continue these services. Support 5T&UO EPIDEMIC EMERGENCY DRIVE to hoi. ejre J.r today's polio patients. Send your contribution now to POLIO, care of your local Foot Office. Nrwt from | BAY VIEW L-? .riA Jan. 11? The death angel vis ited our community and took from our midst Mr. Charlie Graham Thursday afternoon. Mr. Graham had been sick for several months He was 78 years of age. Funeral services were held at the Bay View Baptist church Friday af ternoon by Miss Pearl Bordeaux of New Bern. Interment was in the Bay View cemetery. He is sur vived by his wife and the follow ing children: Mrs.# Edward Chad wick of Harlowe, Mrs. Carlyle Oglesby, Jessie Grah:m, and Leon Graham of Ocean City, N. J., and Mrs. Mattie Sawyer of Virginia. Our deepest sympathy goes to the bereaved farftily. We all hope that Mr. Bennie Oglesby who is a patient at More head City hospital will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hardesty of Oyster Creek spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Hardesty. Mrs. Elman Winberry, Mrs. J. C. Skinner, Mrs. Preston Graham and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Graham spent a while Thursday at Orien tal. We all hope that Miss Francis Whaley who is on the sick list will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Cannon and son, James, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Smith of Maysville. mr. ana Mrs. i^ewis uranam ana Mr. and Mrs. Earl Graham re turned to their home at Ocean City Monday. Wesley Lewis, Marvin Guthrie, Charles Guthrie and mother of Harkers Island spent Sunday in the community. Mr. and Mrs. John Chaplain spent a while Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Graham. Mrs. Nannie Small spent a while Sunday with Mrs. Pearl Bell of Harlowe. Mrs. Sinia Carravan of New Bern spent Sunday in the commu nity. Mrs. Kilby Haskett and Mrs. Jes sie Small spent a while Monday in Newport. Mr. and Mrs. L,. E. Haskett and daughter, Brenda Joyce of Have lock spent a while Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Lewis and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small. Several attended semces at the^ Prison Camp Sunday afternoon. Miss Pearl Bordeaux held ser vices at Graham's Chapel Sunday. Kenneth Skinner of Cherry Point spent a while Monday in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham. Mrs. Bennie Copeland, Mrs. Beckley Piner, Mrs. Earl Taylor and Mrs. John Chaplain of Beaufort R F D attended funeral services for Mr. C. W. Graham Friday. Little Terisa Dawn Small was carricd to Dr. Salter Friday' for treatment. Elijah Graham,, Miss Annie Mae j Lewis, Miss Kathleen Lewis and Mrs. B. G. Lewis of Morehead City attended funeral services for Mr. C. W. Graham Friday. Several from the commmunity attended funeral services for Mrs. Hal Rollison at Beaufort last week. Mrs. C. W. Graham is spending a few days at New Bern with Miss Pearl Bordeaux. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peterson of Cherry Point spent a while Satur day in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Gilford Cannon and son James, spent Sunday night at Vanceboro. Mrs. Sam Johnson and grand daughter of Harlowe spent a while Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Small. Man With Doable Parking Meter Loses Onl in Capital WASHINGTON? (AP)? It soon became apparent why the low bid der on a parking meter contract was the low bidder. He proposed to install "twin" meters controll ing parking in two spaces. The District of Columbia Com missioners didn't like the idea. Confusing to the public, they said, and if one broke the District would lose double revenue. The District Contract Board ruled, however, that the manufac turer had met the specifications and it would be illegal to award the contract to the next lowest bidder. The 'commissioners fixed that. They rewrote the specifications. For Service \ LOFTIN MOTOR CO. Tow Local Ford Dealer For 25 Years Beanlori, N. C. THIS WHISKEY IS 40 MONTHS OLD r Century Club Club STRAIGHT BOURBON wwsm $940 SO10 J?/J /___ M proof ?? ^MHT NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP., NEW YORK, 01 Y. Urntnm \ IAHDB BURO Jan. 10? A miscellaneous shower was given Thursday night by Mrs. George Rose at her home in honor of Mrs. Arvin Lewis who has re cently moved into her new home about midway the island. Friends presented her with many gifts for her new home. Mrs. Rose, assisted by Mrs. Tommy Lewis, served fruit jello with block cake. The PTA held their regular monthly meeting at eight o'clock Monday night in the school audi torium. After the business a pro gram was presented by the 2nd and 4th grades. The January meeting of the Re lief Society of the Mormon church was in the form of a pot-luck sup per at the home of Mrs. Arvin Lewis Tuesday night. Approxi mately twenty-eight members at tended. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Salter and children and Albert Carlton, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Lewis for the past week, have returned to their home in Wildwood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gaskill were recent shoppers in New Bern. John Thompson and his uncle, Mr. Horne, of Mt. Olive, spent the week-end at Thompson's cottage. Ben Baxter and Lee Parsons of New Bern were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. J. B. Harker. Mrs. Pearl Whitley who has been ill at her home is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willis and son, Miles, have returned home from a weeks vacation trip to Flor ida. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lewis wel comed a son, Carl Michael, born Friday, January 6 at Morehead City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Fluehart also welcomed a new son, bom Jan. 8. The strawberry vine is a mem ber of the rose family. Beware Coughs From Common Colds . That HANS ON -Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble* to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and neal raw* tender, inflated bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist ? to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion' with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money bade. CREOMULSION for Coughs, ClMitColdi, Bronchitis Classified Ads - Bring Results ^feNOrexpet&fve HeiUg Levine' Your Chance to Save ! . . . Visit Heilig-Levine During the January Clearance Sale and Look at Our Amazing Bargains. Shop at Heilig-Levine and Save EASY TERMS EILIG-l_?VinC So. Front St., New Bern, N. C., Dial 4063 We Deliver Within a Radiu? of 100 Miles. EVEN QUAIL ADMIT... it helps setters keep fit I M for Muntina Dogs YOUR STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN C. G. GASKILL BEAUFORT J. C. WHITTY & CO. Craven It So. Front Streets ? \ New Bern TOWN of NEWPORT . NewPort, H. c. * FINANCIAL STATEMENT, JUNE 30, 1949 I Cash Receipts Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1949 f RECEIPTS: Taxes (property and poll) Privilege and Auto License Profit from A. B.C. Store Intangible Property Taxes Beer and Wine Taxes Sale of Dog Tags Fire Truck, out-of-town calls, etc. Total Receipts Cash Balance July 1, 194? 881.74 531.50 6,255.21 20.63 422.58 48.00 40.70 I .$ 8,200.36 . 3,092.39 Total Receipts and Balance $11,292.75 DISBURSEMENTS: Administrative Salaries $ 720.07 Police Salary and Street Work 1,800.00 Cash Balance July 1, 1949 $ 6,783.10 U. S. Savings Bonds, Maturity Value .' 2,500.00 * I do hereby certify that the ibove statement presents the financial position of the Town of Newport, according to the records, ending June 30, 1949. EDITH LOCKEY, Clerk. Tide Water Power Co. 216.51 Street and all other Miscellaneous Expenses 1,773.07 I i I Total Disbursement $ 4,509.65 >0

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