THE CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES CHURCH PAGE , ? ? ? ? THE WORlO 5 MOST WIDELY USED DEVOTIONAL CUIDE Christ's Victory over Death FRIDAY. APRIL 14 "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." (I Corin thians 15:26.) Read 1 Corinthi ans 15.1B-2ti. The nations wallow in despair and lie limp in the bonds of fat alism The message for them is not just .?n urging to be better and to try harder. This is precisely what they cannot do We have heard it said that just the art of beinp kind is all the sad world needs Hut this is just the art we ean.not learn. This is our fail ure There must be given in all earnestness a message of the re demption r.{ life by One who can brim: us into the light of eternity. J We want to come home a^aiii alter the long v ;ms of wandering in the wasteland of humanism. We want God. No argument will avail in this1 present hour and words hardly succeed in cleansing of fear the people's of the world. Men must see the eternal light breaking through into their darkness. That means that it must come out of the lives and actions of Christ like men. Christ has the victory over death. God now expects us to let the light of our risen Lord shine through us so that they who walk in darkness may see the light. I'KAYEK Our Father, we praise Thee for Thy power over death. We thank Thee for permitting us to share through faith in Christ's victory over Heath. Help us, O ( >od, to live as eternal creatures. In the Master's name. Amen. thought for THE DAY Through faith in Christ 1 can have life eternal. (?r raid Kennedy (Oregon) SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON The Prophet Arnos Discredited j STI DV I OK APRIL Hi, 1950 H> W 1 1 1 1 h in Southern, jr. One of tin; earliest, if not the earlie . of tiie recorded Old Testament prophetic utterances, is entitled "Amos" The prophet met the late ot those who predict calamity, was discredited by both religious and political authorities and told to go home and prophesy to his own people Mr carried his own credentials and solemnly av erred that the Lord had told him what to say and where to say it Hi. favorite introduction was, "Amos. \Vh.i? Seest Thou?" Then he ti>Id ot In- talks with God. re peated what, Jehovah had told him to say His tune was from 76 'o to 750, B. C. M tin time there were two Jewish . Kingdoms. Israel, the Northern Kingdom, much the strongest organized at the death of King Solomon, and taking ten of the twelve tribes, .tciobomi II. was King of the Northern King dom and Uzziah of the Judah Kingdom. It was piobably the most prob perou tune in the history of the two Kingdoms. Uzziah, according to the records, was a most unusual and strong administrator. Jero boam II had taken over and ex tended the limits of the Hebrew holdings as far as Damascus bring ing the territory of the He brews, in area, to pretty nearly the boundaries, and prosperity of the time of David. Religion in Israel was also propcrous, the synagogues well attended and the ritual never excelled. The High Priests were the favorites of the rulers arxl Amaziali held that posi tion in Israel. Bethel was the seat of government in Israel and in Judah. God lived in Jerusalem. The church contributions had never before been so libetal nor the Priests more powerful Rit ualism in religion was carried out with great pomp and ceremony and all the Jewish las? days, holi days and memorial days were par aded. The poor were very poor and the rich, very rich. Amos charged that real religion had broken down, that God cared nothing for parades and ceremon ies and sacrifices. Luxury and vice were rampant. The rich lived in houses of marble and cut stone and got drunk every day, even drinking out of great bowls of i wine instead 'of small glasses and even getting drunk before noon. He also charged that justice had broken down, a verdict could be brought from corrupt judges for the price of a pair of shoes, false weights and measures were com mon and Amos said to Israel: "Prepare to meet your God, O Israel. Let Justice roll down like water, and righteousness like a perennial stream. Thu training and experiences of Amc:> remind one of the training and e-xptriences of David. Both were shepherds and both had a rough lif* defending their charges God appeared to these tyo men as they lay out on the hill sides at night and looked into the heavens and wondered what the galaxy of stars and planets really meant. Amos lived in the. rough country about Tekoi, 1- miles _outh of Jerusalem and about twenty miles across the border from Bethel, the capital of Israel, the sheep in charge of Amoo were a runty breed whi|ji bore an especiilly fme fleece, much m demand by the processors of woolen goods. Amos augmented his %come by practicing horticulture and atttnd ingfo the fig bearing fruits of the fycamoqi tree. It was not any kin ttHniun t i ~ j~. ** . jl . ? to the tree we tall the sycamore in this country, ghostly white tree, with spreading limbs and root, found in Missouri along the river bottoms. To find a market for his wool, -Amos sold his product at the rich and wicked city of Bethel and it was here that he prophesied de struction for Israel, as a kingdom, and that the King would be killed in battel. I. can vision Amos as a soap box orator, gathering to gether a crowd mostly of the poor, and prophesying destruction be cause the Kingdom had made a mess of the religion of the He brews and telling them that Jet hovah despised such religion and denounced the methods of the courts, the oppression of the poor. The High Priest Amaziah railed Amos on the carpet and told him to go hack to Jerusalem and proph esy to his home town and let theiii alone. They probably rode him out of town on a rail and perhaps tarred and feathered him. In less than thirty years Jeroboam was killed and the Kingdom of Israel was overrun and the people scat tered over the then known world. Amos denounced the luxury and vice as a product of synthetic ST. EGBERT'S CATHOLIC CHCRCH l?th lad Eraai St.. Morehrad City Father Elner J. Laudirr, T. O. B . Pastor Father K>> mund J. Kfll>, T. ?). B., Anlitut Pulur Sundn> , April II 8:45 a. in - Confession , 9:00 a.m. - Holy Mass. sermon 10:45 a. in. - Confessions 11:00 a.m. - Holv Mass. sormon. bene diction of the Blessed Sacrament 12 30 p. m - Radio program. WMBL Monday. April 17 7:45 a.m. Holy Mass 4 00 -Children's Instruction. first Communion Insti uctlons 7 30 it. m Miraculous Medal N oven a Havelock Community chapel Tu? hda> . April IN 7:45 a.m. - Holv Mass 4:00 pin. Children's Instructions advanced grades 7 45 p.m. - Miraculous Medal No\ena Wfdnndiv, April 1?? 7:45 a.m. - Holy Ma?s 8 00 p.m Meetings of the various socletels Thursday. April t% 7:45 a.m. - Holy Mass 4 00 pm Chiidien'r> Instructions Harkers Island 7 30 p. in - Catholic Information claos for non- Cat holies Friday. April 21 7 45 a.m. - Holy Maes Saturday. April 22 7 45 a ill - Holv Mas> 7 to 8 p.m. - Confessions I'NITEO METHODIST ( HI Bi H Ocraeoke .. . . W. V. Stewart. Paator Sunday, April id 10.00 a.m. - Sunday School 11.00 a.m. - Morning Worship 7.00 p.m. - livening Worship EIBST CHRISTIAN CHI R< II Morelirad City Cecil F Outlaw, Minister Sundm. April 1 ?? 10 <V> a m. - Sunday School t l oo a m Communion Monday, April 17 7 30 p m. - Revival begins with Evan-: delist Charlie Rlggs of La Grange presiding w SI. PAl'L'S EPISCOPAL CltllCH Beaufort W. L. Martin, Sector Sunda>, April 16 8 00 a.m. - Holy Communion 9:30 a.m. - Sunday S?*hool 11 00 a.m. - Morning Prayer, Litany. and sermon 7,00 p.m. - YPSL. parish house tRi;i; tiRACR < III R< H rill. KIM HOLINKSS, BARKERS ? ISLAND tieorge Hurrin. I'aator Saturday, April 15 7.00 p.m. - Bible Study Sunda*. April Itt 8:00 a.m. - Radio program. WMBL 10.00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship 2:30 p ni - Prayer meeting 7 00 p. in Kv angel Istlc service Monday, April 17 7 .00 p ni I?adies Aid Society Tueaday, April 18 7:00 p.m.- - Cottage prayer meeting Wrdtlr?da>. April 19 7:00 p. m - Mid-week prayer meeting ANN STREET METHODIST CHl'RC'H Beaufort T. H tli-nkiiis, Paator Sunday, 4pril 16 ?MS a m - Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship. Seimon hv tin minister and special mu sic b\ tlu* senior choh .ill D m Youth Fellowship 7 .fw> p. in Evening worship, sermon hv the ministci Music by the junior and* Sunshine choirs WfilmndHV, April 1?? 7:30 p. m Mhl week service FIRST BAPTIST < lll'R* II Beaufort Winfrey Davia, I'aator Sunday, April 1? 9.45 a m . Sunday School H 01) a.m. - Morning Worship n ."H) p.m. Baptist Training Union 7 :30 p. in Worship Wednraday. \pril !!? 7:.'t0 p.m. Mhl week Service 8 15 p.m. Choir rehearsal Thursday, April 20 7:00 p m Meeting of Young Peoples Auxiliaries prosperity. Ho was not popular j of course. At this time the two Kingdoms were at the height of prosperity, everybody had Jobs, the synagogues were never so pips porous. The technical forms of ; religion wore never so welLob-l served. It was not populai then and it is not popular now to do- 1 noil nee Santa C'laus. Amos begged the ruins to hold J to the laws of (?od and to main- 1 lain righteousness and to cease op pression of the people. It was a (iliac* when the people did not seem j to realize the difference between j right an?l wrong. They sought j amusements and pleasure and drunkenness instead of righteous ness and religion and opportunity, j This old time prophet told of the inevitable results and Ins prophe sies came true. "Based on copvi iglib-d outline;, by the International Council ?>l 1 Religious Education and used j by permission " LESSON TEXT. Amos 7:7-15; 8: 1 3. (7) Thus he shewed me: and be hold. the Lord vstood upon a wall [ made by a plumbline. with a plumbline in his hand. <8) And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what | seest thou? And I said, A plumb- 1 line. Then said the Lord, Behold j I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: 1 will not again pass by them any more: (9) And the high places of Isaac shall be desolate, and the sanc tuaries of Israel shall be laid waste; and I will rise against the house of .Jeroboam vvitli the sword ; <10) Then Atnaziah the priest of j Bethel sent t ?> Jeroboam king of j Israel, saying. Amos hath con ; spired against thee in the midst i of the house -of Israel: the land is not :?hle to bear all his words, ill) For thus Amos saith. Jero boam shall die by the sword, and j Israel shall surely be led away | ?captive out of their own land. (12) j Also Ama/iah .said unto Amos, O thou seer, go flee thee away into I the land oi Judah, and there eat i bread, ami prophesy there: (l.'l) But prophesy not again any more at | Bethel: lor it is the king's chapel, and II is the king's court. (14) [ Then answered Amos, and said to Ainaziah. I was no prophet, neith er was I a prophet's son: but \ wa>s an herdman, and a gatherer of sycamore fruit (15) And the I, ord took me as I followed the llock. and the Lord said unto me, j Go, prophesy unto my people Israel ( I ) 'flm.> hath the Lord shewed un to me: and behold a basket of summer fruit <2) And he said. Amos, what seest thou? And I said A basket of summer fluit Then said the Lord unto me. The end js come upon my people of Israel. I will not again pass by them any' more. (.'I) And the songs of the temple shall be bowlings iu that day. saith the Lord God; there shall be howluigs in that day, saith the Lord God. there shall be many dead bodies in every place: they shall cast them forth with silence. Thick growths of water chest nut can impede navigation in streams. ENOUGHOF THESE iMSTOCMC Summer Living Outdoors Becomes More Pleasant With Furniture Like This Comfort-Bound Easy to Roll CHAISE $19.95 up Six-Piece Umbrella TABLE and CHAIR SET $39.95 Wrought Iron 5-Piece DINETTE $79.95 Sturdy Metal CHAIR $5.95 (Others from $3.95) SHOP AT HEILIG-LEVINE AND SAVE EASY TERMS WE DELIVER WITHIN A RADIUS OF 100 Church Services (AnnouncemrnH of Sunday and weekday churrh services must be In THE NEWS-TIMES office, either in Beaufort or Morehead City, by NOON TUESDAY? The Editor). FRLK WILL BAPTIST ( III R< II Davis J H lUtldiun, I'aalor Sunday, April IN 10 00 a m . Sunday School 6 00 p.m. - Free Will Uapfisl league 7 00 ii in - Missionary Society THiii-mIn}. Apiil -0 7 15 p.m. - Prayer meeting ? 8.UII p.m. . Oholr rehearsal CORK ( KM h MKTHOIIIST i HI HI H I ouie Lew In, 1'aitor Sunday, April Id 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School TI'TTLk/S f.ROVh MLTHOIIIHT ( III Hi ll Louie Ifwlii, I'aator Sunda>. April IK 10 00 a.m. - Sunday School SAL I KK PATH MfcTHODlST I'HI'RCH I "ill# Lrwii, P?lur Sunda>. April lit Hi cm j m - Sunday Sch<*ol 7 :00 pin. Worship Service HHllAII < HI I h MI IHOUIST ( I^ Ki H I ouir Acting Milliliter Suuday, April Hi 10:00 a in Sund.iv Seh'?ol ? 1 1 mi a m. - Morning Serylee ATLANTIC HAI'TIST ( III Ki ll L. < (handler, Minister Sunday. April IK HI mi ,i in Sundav School t" p in Haptlst Tiainint; Union ...To n to I v ? n In;; service I linrnlax . April "III 7.00p.m - Piaytr meeting HA\ is HAl'l 1ST * III K? II I . < (handler. >ltni?ti r Sunday, April lii JO. On a in Sunday School II mi a.m.' Mot nliij* Sorvie* (> 30 P in Haptlst 'I i alnlng Union W eduoda\ . April It* 7 00 p in. Piayci meeting SM \ II N A HAI'TIST < II I H4 II I,. C. (handler, Mlnidrr sunila>, April !?? 10 00 a m Sunday School Tne*da>. \pnl IH 7:30 p.m.; - Pi.ivr meeting TRKI, Will HAI'TIST ( III III II Beaufort M I' Anderson, I'aator Sunda.v. April Hi 'I ir? a m. . SiohI i v K?*hool 11 On a m - Morning Wuithiii 6 30pm - N 'Mint; People's League Wrdnctdm, April I'l 7 . '10 p.m. Mid-week piayei service < AMI* H IT N \ MLTIIOIIIST ( III |{< II "W II Ca\ Ineaa, Minirli r Sunday. April Hi K nn a til. Snndav School 10. on ,em M'linlm: Service <HondM>, April 1/ * .in p in Mvr UednrMlm. April I'l 7:00 p m. - W SCS kkm; mill baptist t iii i? ii I Stuy J. K UavMiun, Pastor Sunday, April Iti 10 no a m - 'Sunday School Hnlnndiv. April l!l 7.00 Prayer meeting I riday. April '21 7.00 p.m. ? Woman'* Auxiliary FBfcK WILL BAPTIST <111 H< II Beltle J. R lln\ id?<in, 1'nNtor Sunday, April 16 10 00 h in Sunda\ 6 00 p in - Free u ill Baptist league ! Tuesday, April IH 7 > p.m. - Player meeting IIAHI OWh M I I IIOIH s | ( III lit II J. !\l .lollHi. 1'imtor 1000 a. hi - I'rcrtt long I I .mi a.m. - Sunday SctnMil . ? ? ^ OAK GBtlVF Ml IIKIIUM till lit II .1 M Jollllf. I'aMor sundH>. April !i jo mi ,i in. - Sunday School 11 On a ni - Morning Sei \ 1 MWI'IIKT Ml IIKIIIIM till lit II .1 M ?lollili, I'mitor Sunda>, April IK 10 HO a iii Sunda\ S? liool 7 .#) p.m. - Kwnlng wrvlee BIYFBMALF MKTIIfllllST t III Kt II ?I M .lollili. 1'itNtiir Sundnj, April IK 10 00 a.m. - Suiiday School Wlllll Ml MOI.I \l I'RRSIIl I I IHAN l ilt UK II More head l ily Pri>atley t unyero, Faiitor Sunday, April IK 'J 45 a iii Sunday S?*hn.?l 11 00 a m. - Morning VV'oi .hip . 1*1 p in Youth 1 'rllovv -,lil i> Ui'dnrtdai, *nril l!i 7 30 p.m. t'lioli Unheal sal \\ IMIWOOP I HfsHV | ? it | A N ( III Kt II I'lleatley CoDjrr*, Paatur Sunday, April IH a m Morning WoiMilp 11 CM? a. in - Sun-l ?\ ScIr??i W edneada* , April IH 7 00 p iii ? Youth Fellowship PENTECOHTAI. HOLINESS t ill Kt II !\f or rlirtid t'lty K. I I Hwri-iirr, 1'itstor Sunda>. April IK ?? l.r? a iii Sunday School II no a in. I'M aching .to pin. I 'VP:; I huiMlH* . April "II 7 1)0 p ill. - Prayn mooting FIRST BAPTIST < III HI II Morvhi ad t I# \ ?lohn It. Itunu, Miiiietrr Smidrt>, April IK 9 30 a iii Sunday S? ?i<>.:' II 00 a.m. Morning U'm^hlp b .Mi p.m. - Training Union 7.30 p m. Fvenlng Worfehip |Vrdnr?day, Anril l<? 7.30 pm. Mld-wcek Player Service1 < hi r< ii of (ion 13th and Evans, Mor? hmd t it y E. Allred. Pastor Friday, April 14 7 300 p.m. - Young People's prayer band Sunday. .April IK ! 10 on a hi. - Sunday :Vh?*d Ii nu ,i hi. - Mornlru: Srnlce <> .'*? p m. - ? "hlldu n - i htn ?h I v .10 pill - K\ intrll.l |c M'l'Vltr I Munda>. April I? 7 MO P.nt - l/ullr., Willi n; WiMkoiy hand \* ?-diK'tidMV. April I!) 7 .'Mi p.m. - Prayer meeting I Kl I Wil l. HAI IIST < III IM II More head City J. AllM-rt llarri*. 1'nntor sunduy, April !?? v> '.10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 1*) a.m. - Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. - Free Will Baptist league j 8:oo p.m. - Evening Worship - - I PKLLETIKK C OMMI NITY CHI Kt II J K. Wclili, Factor Sunday. April I *? 10:i)f) a.m. - Sunday School 1 1 HO a rn. - Pleaching 7.:?) p.m. - Preaching ' FIRST METHODIST CHUBCM Morehead City I A. Tflley, Mister Sunday. April 16 '? *> d m. - Sunday School ? 11 00 a m Worship Sermon by tht minister 7 m p. mi W'oi ship. Sermon by the minister Monday, April 17 ; ?> P in. MYF April I# 7 .?> p in Midweek prayer service and > ? tunc people's choir rehearsal I 'l<iir*d?> . April 2* 7 .u> p m. - Senior choir rehearsal MAKMIAIXHKRU METHODIST CHUBCH K N. Fitto. Fas tor Sunday, April l?i 10. (?? a m. - Church School 11 :00 a.m. . Preaching 7 (*) p.m. . Preaching \\ rdncMluy , April ID 7:15 p.m. - Prayer Meeting NEWPORT CHI B( II OF CHBIST ( I .orated Five Miles on Mn?-MUe Roadl Sunday, April l*i 10 on a m. ? Service 7 30 p.m. - Service ^'HiaiKrouMJiK a*r Bote! P?p?l It of highott purity ?*i giv?? morm quick food onoryy ounco for ounco I C?rtlft?d by U. S. fMlini C?.. Inc. IN nt USSCS r?Sf 6 BIG ""iBOTTLisi Only 25C I'KI'SI < nl \ 11(111 1 IN<; CO. (,r <.ir<>n?Ulp, N. C. ? n<t? i Hppuifitinrat from IVpM4 ola ? ??.. New York In '* ??iintt'i . spy,* 'I iii'Hflu y and Thuradty rvcnlnga, your ABC station R\P your fist against I licse stout bars? feel the gauge of the bumper stoek they're made of? and you know you've got stout protection here. But then figure: Here are nine bumper guards (not counting the two hold the parking lights) so that's one extra item you needn't buy. And each is individually replace able?if damage should occur you have only a simple part or two to replace, instead of a complete, cast-metal grille. Thus this stunning new design ? freshest front-end style note on the highways? protects your pocket book as well as your *ar. Avoids costly repair bills as it avoids "locking horns" with the cur ahead. (Juts upkeep as it cuts inches from the etir's total length, thus making parking and garaging easier. v. - nturr i m no*. ABC Network, *<?*?/ Mcday ?v?n>n?. w hut you really have litre is a four-way forefront. A design that sets tin1 coming 'tyle note -avoids ?nanv a tangle with the car rfhead ? makes handling easier? and', costs less to repair. And note that parking-light lenses, made of plastic aod set deep in re cessed sockets, are well out of harm's way? even when pushing u stalled ear. Yiu II find this hold front end only on Buick ? as you'll find f'irehall power, Dynaflow Drive,' Buiek's w ondi rful ride, and many another headline value only on these beauties. W hy not see your dealer now for the whole story? including the happy storv on prices to fit practi cally any budget? INVITATION - AND A CHALLENGE M You never can tell till you try''? so we want you to try the 1950 Buick. And especially want you to compart it with others. Drive any other car ? then tfri\c Buick and ?ee what your money should huy in ride, worn, handling end power. _____ Only Buick hm? mnd with it go**.' HIGWR-IOMPMHI ON '.r.bofl ?o'v? in head powtr in three engines. (New F-263 tng inom SUflR models I ? 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