FOR SALE McKASKEY ACCOUNT FILE, size 120 count, good condition. Priced reasonable. Apply D. G. Lewis store, 208 North 11th st, Morebead City. ralfi ATTENTION GARAGE AND SER vice stations. Mermont mufflers and tail pipe for all make cars. Auto Supply Co., 18th and Arendell St., M-3211, Mcrehead City ml6 PONY WITH WESTERN SADDLE and bridle. Will ride, drive, work. Martin Willis Phone B5498. ltp BABY BUGGY. $20 00. APPLY T C. Lamb. 1539 Ann St., Beaufqrt. IIP ?IVE RESTAURANT BOOTHS; two three gallon coffee urns; one three section GE coffee urn; one double waffle machine; one double sink, one double bed complete; one three burner oil stove, counter style See Andrew Davis. Broadway Cafe, Morehead City. Phone M4411 in 16 NORGE OILltUKNER Willi COP per tubing and tank; also Magic Chef gas range, also gas heater. H15 Broad St., Beaufort. Phone B47O0 ltp PAUL'S dependable USED CARS WiUi a Written Guarantee Sold CARS 1934 FORD Coupe $171) 00 194 1 STUDEBAKElt Sedan $150.00 1938 KOltD Sedan $150.00 1935 CHEVROLET Sedan $ 95.00 TRUCKS 1947 DODGE 1/2 Ion $795 00 1940 International 8/4 ton $77b. 00 1941! CHEVROLET 2 toil $37i>.00 PAUL MOTOR CO. l'hone B-4281 322 Front.St. BEAUFORT THREE BUILDING LOTS, Ml X 100 ft. Onr 19 ft. bout, 22 1/2 H.l*. liquid roolod motor. Can bo .seen at 305 S. 16th St . Morehead City or call Bryant Guthrie, M 393-7. t . m30p ."KELVINATOR" REFRIGERATORS HOME FREEZERS HANGES and WATER HEATERS AT Jenkins Furniture Co.. cor. 12th and Evans St. MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. ATTENTION GARAGE AND SER vice stations. Dayton air hose, fan belts, floor mats, radiator hose Auto Supply Co., 1 ?th and Aren dell St., M321 I. Morehead City.ml6 * ---- ? = ? ROSE MOTOR BARGAINS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL '46 H"DSON 2- Door Sedan $595 NEW CARS AN DETRUCKS '50 FORD "8" pickup truck 50 FORD Station Wagon New Fold:, in Stock For Immediate Delivery. Why Not Selcct You lb Today? USED CARS 47 MERCURY Coupe. Fully Equipped. 39 PONTIAC '.'. Door '42 PONTIAC 4 Door 40 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door '46 FORD Tudor '47 CHEVROLET 4 Door WEEKEND BARGAINS '46 HUDSON 4-Dr. Sedan $695.00 ?41 INTERNATIONAL 1/2 Ton Truck '47 FORD 1/2 Ton Stake Body ?39 PLYMOUTH 1/2 Ton Stake Body ANY STYLE NEW FORI) TRUCK ROBERT L. ROSE MOTOR COMPANY USED CAR LOT ' 802 Arendell St Phoot 4648 MOREHEAD CITY ATTENTION GARAGE AND SER Tke stations. Our stock is complete on generators .starters, carburetors' fbd fuel pumps. Auto Supply Co., 1Mb and Aresdell St, M-3211. ?? Classified Ads -- Beaufort 1M Cnvco St B 44S-1 Morehead City 504 AreaiMl St M Mi l I FOR 8 ALE ONE THIRTY-TWO FOOT BOAT, practically new. Theodore Jones, Newport, Route 2. ml2p 12 FOOT FACTORY BUILT BOAT, 12 hp Elto outboard motor, factory built trailer. All like new. Apply Auto Supply Co., 18th and Aren dell St.. Morehead City m!2p FOR SALE ONE SIX-ROOM HOUSE ONE TWO-ROOM HOUSE Both on one lot with adjoining lot. For sale in one package. $4800 Five-Room r^touse ?ith Bath and Lot 107 No. 23rd Street, Morehead City. ? FOR QUICK SALE $4200 C. H. FREEMAN & SON Phone M-536-1 800 Bridget St. SELECTED KNOTTY WESTERN P(#derosa pine paneling, six inch to twelve inch widths, six teen foot lengths. For prices write or phone Vern W. Toler, Wilm ington. N, C. ml9 M FOOT BY M4 FT. BEAM HVN about. See at Rose Bros. Boat Yard, Marker's Island. m23 USED COOK STOVES Wood Oil Gas ? Electric ALL STYLES SELLING CHEAP CITY APPLIANCE & FURNITURE CO. Front St. Beaulort If 1947 HOUSE TRAILER, SLEEPS four. Bottled (!?>. Excellent con dition. Ideal, cheap home. Must sacrifice $975. Cost $2,000 new. Call Sgt. Bussey, Cherry Point 2108 BUMWEBS SERVICES REFRIGERATION REPAIRS both domestic and commercial. We are Montgomery Ward autho rized service dealers. Re-condi tioned refrigerators for sale. Gates Refrigeration Service. Phone M 551-6 or sec Larry Gates at 513 Arendell St., Morehead City. OIL BURNERS CLEANED, Re paired and stored. Guaranteed ser vice. Herbert Lewis, Beaufort. Phone B 412-5 m!2p STORE YOUR FURS . . ill Kastern Carolina's Only CERTIFIED COLD STORAGE. Cleaning, glaiing, repairing, rc- 1 modeling. Bonded. 100''. injur ed against all risks. ,<11 work guaranteed to your satisfaction. PARSONS APPAREL New Bern* N. C. FOR SKILLED WATCH AND clock repairs consult Jim Mussel white at Weldon's Jewelers, neai door to City Theatre, Morehead City. Antiapr and*chime clocks a speciality. Dial M 981-6. FOR QORRECT TIME: M-8006. For correct jewelry, satisfactory watch repair, Early Jewelers, 812 Arendell St., Morehead City. MADE TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Sash - Cabinets - Doors - Millwork Douglass Firwood Doors Screen Doors - Lawn Furniture Hardware - Building Supplies LOCKHART'S CARPENTER SHOP Business Phone M 8094 Home Phone M-8090 2 miles west of Morehead City on Highway 70 Fri. tf RECAP OR IF YOU WISH A full threadwhich is just like a new tire. NewSCoodyear tires in stock. Tire Service Co.. 13th and Arendell ?t., phone M '549-1, Morehead City. ^SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE MeCaU Patterns Dress Materials THE SPINNING WHEEL 825V, Arendell St. Dial M-3M1 WE BUY SCRAP METAL. ALL kinds in any shape. Also batteries tad radiator*. We sell used auto parts Gray's Junk Yard on High way 70, across from Blue Ribbon Club. Phone M-80?-7 PLUMBING, CONTRACTING. RE. pair work a specialty. S. A. Hort en. Phone M-M9-1 or U-430-X. , ' I BUSINESS SERVICES FRIGIDAIRE DEALER KRIGIDA1RE O Refrigerators Ranges , Water Heaters Automatic Washers Home Freezers Sinks & Cabinets Trade in your old with the dealer that gives the most for the old. USED APPLIANCES CASH OR TBHMS &UND APPLIANCE CO. Morehead City, N. C. DUPLICATE KEYS MADE TOJ order. Wr have the blanks? and the machine. Protect younltlf by having an extra set of keys made to p?t in a safe place. Western Auto Associate Store. Beaufort. CALL BLANCHARD'S ELECTRIC SERVICE Arendell St. Morehead City Pfione M-757-1 For ELECTRICAL WIRING AND REPAIRING State License No. 8 PICK UP AND DELIVERY Exclusive dealer ^UNIVERSAL APPLIANCES FOR RENT HOUSE KOK KENT 1M> TURNER St., Beaufort. Can occupy around the 1st of June. B. H. Noc, 60,. XV Mam.or telephone 119.1. Washing ton, N. < mlC TWO MODERN BEDROOMS with bath and shower and nice parking space for ears. 110b Sliep ard St., Morehead City. Phone M4521 tf MAKE OLD FLOORS LOOK LIKE new. Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and Edger ' Low rates. Western Auto Store, Beaufort. Phone B 365-1. * WANT TO BUY WANTED ? Used Cars, 46 Models Or Over. Must Be Clean and In Good Condition or They Will Not Be Considered. WE PAY TOP PRICES PARKER MOTORS Your CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH Dealer M-9396 Arendell St. Moreheed City WANT TO BUY ON FOOT, heavy hens, also fryers 3 to 3 4 pounds. Top market prices as quoted on day of delivery to Smiths' Poultry *ad Rabbit Farm, West Beaufort Road, Beaufort, Hione B-516-8. WE BUY SCRAP IRON, STEEL, tin, auto radiators, bodies, fend ers, batteries. Get our prices first. Saulter's Iron & Metal Co., on Morehead City Highway. Phone New Bern 3910 or write P. O. Bo$ 736, New Bern. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD BUSINE? OPPORTUNITY in Beaufort for owner-operator of a "Launderette," This franchise, granted by the people who created this business, includes counsel on store location, store plans, school ing in correct laundering, and plant maintenance. New commercial type Bendix washers, matched drying equipment and copper cod water heaters, all engineered into a smooth operating, economical unit ?assures owner carefree store of ready public acceptance. Sufficient surrounding population promises good gross Little as $5000 with some small financing will set up. Wtite or call, for store locations and full details, if you are finan cially responsible, to Follette, Box 2412. Raleigh. N. C.. or Telecoin, 12 East 44 St., New York 17. m23p HELP WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TAKE over route of established Watkins customers in the towns of Beau fort and Morehead City. Full time Income averages $*!> weekly No imestment necessary. We will help you get started. Write J. R. Wat ki&ai Co., Dept. '*? 3, Richmond, Va. ?Up Utter to Uu Editor (Continued from pa*e two) ers and some right sizeable prop erty owners. This is a very worth while project and oue we citizens should think considerable about. In my estimation there is no way for an individual to set quite as clpsc to another as through hours of recreation. I prize very much the happy days I have spent out in the open with some mighty good men, with men from several walks of life and it is so interesting to note the like ness in men 1 have spent days with professional men, with edu cated men, in fact, educators, then with those less fortunate who for one reason or another never ac quired much education. I am more convinced as 1 grow older that all men are born equal and the more times I can spend with my good friends when we are not driving for money as we nee cssarily must in our business or professions, the more I love {feat companion. I am quite sure that 1 have never spent a day in the woods or fields or on a stream or at a camp when 1 did not sec some good tijjftfs in my companion* which I ranged to have. If all people are born equal and their likenesses so parallel, would it not be true that recreation in some form would be good for their relationship, their health ami their soul? Most of us believe in and love our churches and schools, but we know that the programs in both are so filled that there is no time for recreation. How else will it be provided? None other than by us, the peo ple of this town and by our paying the same few cents a year in taxes that we are now paying. If we do not pay this tithe, few of us will know the difference in our bank account. I sincerely believe we have the light kind of recreation program here and I would not suggest any kind except under the direction of a trained supervisor. We will tee! a different relationship with our fclloWmen. I have figures to show that some 40 thousand teen agcrs enjoyed fun and play in our recreational route l fur the last two years, chap eroned by the good women of this town A IK total, around 1WUKH) peo pie visited the building. I have no record of any person leaving the building any worse by having at | tended I' our thousand dollars is the amount involved in this rtler cnduiu. I am told that, the biggest sirgle item ?f cost to our government to day is that ot handling crime 1 am also toll1 that a true sportsman never commits a major crime friends, think about this and vote according to your convictions. \X. < . Matthews Reds Order Chinese Movie Stars to Cat Oat Glamour HONG KyNt; -(AD Most ol China's movie stars have agreed to cut out the glamor. Eighty-two leading Chinese actors and actress es arc reported by the leftist news paper Ta Kung I'ab to have ex pressed will m ?no(tt to adhere to a "laboring life paw AH 82 have taken refuge in Hong Kong which today is China's Hoi lywood. Before the Communists overran the mainland, Shanghai was the film capital of China. Since the Red occupation of the city, however, the distinction h&s conic to this Brtfish crown colony. Hong Kong s ntni industry is not subject to Red laws but has found it necessary to fall into line with the Communists. Red China is the principal market. All films must pass Red censors. Negro News CHIBCH NOTICES ST H UE'S BAPTIST CHtBCH 13th and Fisher Si., Morehfid City W. G. Hall, Pastor Sunday, May 14 8 00 a.m. - Sunday School 11 00 a.m. - Mornlne Service 6 00 p.m. - B. T. u Monday, May 15 7:30 p.m. - Junior choir rehearsal 8.30 p.m - Gospel choir rehear ial n?dnt?d?j, May 17 7:30 p.m. . Prayer meeting - Friday, May 19 J 7:30 p.m. - Senior choir rehtarsal TINE* GBOVK AM"rf HON North Harlow e Svndi), May II 8:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Morning Service _ 7:00 p.m Literary program By the United clubs Tuesday, May IK 7:00 o.m. - Class meeting Thursday, May 19 7:00 p.m. ? Senior choir rehearsal Friday. May 19 7 00 p.m. - Junior Leadership Train ing Service ? CHRISTIAN CHtBCH N 11th St., Morehead City C. C. Simmons, Paator Monday, May II 711 00 a m - Morning scnlct t^ermon by the Rev. A. M Jones Q 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship Wedncaday, May 17 7 30 p.m. - Ftayer meeting ? ST. STEPHENS AME 2ION CHtBCH Morehead City erve meab for 3 teachers Modern eon \eniences, good salary, small town with telephone and delivery serv ices. Apply R. L. Pruit, principal Newport School. mlB CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my apprecia tion for the many kindnesses dur ing ay recent i!lr.e?. Mrs. Minnie L. WUlu a In The Good Old Days THIRTY-THREE YEARS AGO The steel drawbridge on the Norfolk Southern railroad trestle was completed. Mrs. K. ltobcson. Mrs. Hal Pot tor and Mrs. C. H. Busliall were or ganizing a Red Cross chapter ill Beaufort. County commissioners were go i& to be asked to build a lyghwav brum the eastern part of the conn beginning at Atlantic, to the western part, and to connect it with the state highway at the Craven county line. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO As a result of the elections, T. M Thomas was mayor, W. R. Long est. chief of police, I,. J. Noe, H. M. Parkin, W. P. Smith, C. H. Wheailv anil David Whilehuist, town commissioners. The State Highway commission definitely decidcd to build a bridge between Beaufort and Murchcad City. The Carteret Lumber co. sold iU sawmill equipment to the Major Loomis co. of Hertford. TEN YEARS AGO Four murals by Simka Simko vitcli, depicting the life and his tory of Carteret county, were plat ed in the Beaufort post office building. Forty-eight students were grad uating from BetRifort high school. Mi's. H. E. Windley was holding Open House in her new tea room on Craven st. FIVE YEARS AGO Kat proofing operations were be gun in Beaufort *ilh the first work being done at the court house and tlic court house annex. A clothing drive was underway for the relief of war stricken peo ple in Europe Fire destroyed IC W. Wright's potatu storage house on the New Bern load. N**wj fro it r/\ \ CEDAR ISLAND L_ ? riM . May JO ? Mr. and Mrs Walter | Goodwin returned home Wedne* day from Portsmouth, Va., and | Coiujock, N. ('..'where they had | l*%n wsiting their soi\ ami daugh ter, Walter J. Goodwin and Mrs. Bruce Barco. Mrs. Madura Day returned home Saturday from New Bern and j South Creek where she had been visiting her daughter. Mrs Luther | 1, upton and son. Charles Day. F'fe Warrtn c. Day. USA, eame home Saturday from Fort Bragg where he is im maneuvers from Fort Benning, Ga.. returning to Fort Bragg Sunday, and was to | leave for Foil Hcnuiug Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Daniels and daughters drove Mrs. Elmo I Taylor to Wilmington Saturday to | meet her husband who was return ing home from Florida where he J is shrimping. Roland l.upton left Friday lo| spent the weekend in Norton, Va.. with friends. . Mr. and Mrs. uaston Smith of i Atlantic visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl | C. Day Sunday afternoon. Clarence Salter and Willie Wil lis of .Sea Level were visitors here | Sunday. Ma> 1 Chief and Mrs. Walter | Goodwin and sou, Jamie, re turned to Portsmouth, Va , Tues day. where Chief Goodwin is sta tioned in thg Coaat Guard. His par jents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Good win. went home with them to spend | | a while. Earl Styron, USCG. Bogue Inlet. | visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John StynJV Thursday. Mrs Olivia Day left Sunday | morning for Washington, D C. to spend a while with her son and I family. Virgil II. Day. He drove | down Saturday for her. Those who attended the Free Will Baptist union at Sound View church Saturday from here were Mr. and Mrs. Earl C.'Djy and son. Norman. Mrs. Gladys Lupton and Mrs. Pauline Bow en. Earnest Salter of Atlantic was a business visitor here for a while Sunday ?morning. Earl C. Day attended the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the REA in Moreheid City Thursday night. Bob Lupton left Thursday to rer I turn to Key West, Fla., where he | lis shrimping. Eldon and Milton Smith were in {Beaufort and Morehead City for a while Saturday. Milton went to consult a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Lupton spent the weekend here visiting his mother. Mrs. Gladys Lupton. Rev. J. R. Forrest of New Bern I held services here in the Free Will | Baptist church Sunday night. Mrs. William Bfnnett and child ren of Arapahoe spent the week- 1 end here with relatives. E. G. Daniels was a business! wsitor in New Bern Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowen spent most of last week in Beaufort hav ing been called thereby the death EVERYTHING IN GLASS ? MIRRORS PLATE GLASS TABLE TOPS AUTOMOBILE GLASS STEEL SASH Whatever the seed in Glass We Can Supply It CALL US NOBEKEAD QTV GLASS SHOP MS 8 he parti street Dial M-354-1 .a. of M?* i >ov en's mother last Tues day night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn ot Morehcjid City spent the weekend here visiting her mother, Mrs. Dora Day. April Ho Mrs. Martee Lupton and son. Mrs fclino Taylor and son, and Mi Koland Lupton were visi tors in New Bern Saturday. They were accompanied back home by Mr. Martee Lupton who works in New Hern He .pent the weekend with his family here. C/MM Walter .lames lioodwin, l.'SC Daniels. Mrs Dora Day and Mr Floyd Daniels all attended the funeral of Mr. Wallace Styron at Sea Level Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Woodrow Daniels took her sou. Jack, back to Dr. Salter Thurs day. He had the misfortune of getting lus kner cut Monday after noon which required three stitch es. V. Daniels and Earl C. Day were business visitors in Beaufort Tuesday morning Mr. and Mis. Harry Willis of Lennoxville visited relatives here Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Flovd Goodwin and children. Vernon and Sara, of Moreliead City, spent Sunday here visiting his narents. Several of the bo>s from here attended the ball game in Beau fort SUntfay afternoon.^ . The road men sure arc making good progress on paving the road here. Sure hope the weather slays favorable until they finish. Mrs. F.lmo Lupton and Mr. Ro land Lupton were in New Bern Thursday to the Lupton Gilgo Ved ding. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Day and son visited in the home of Mr Webster Stacy Sunday afternoon. Woodrow Daniels and son and Mr. K. C Day were in Beaufort and Morehead City Monday morn ing. * Floyd and Leo Daniels were business \isHors in Beaufort Tues- 1 day morning. Many Cities Find Need For Mayor's Assistant CHICAGO ? (AP) ? Cities don t have "veeps," but a growing num ber of mayors have assistants who give them a helping hand. The American Municipal asso ciation says N^w York has a dep | utv mayor, San Francisco a chief administrative officer, Louisville a city consultant. Milwaukee an ex ecutive secretary and Cleveland and New Orleans have executive assistants to. their mayors. Seattle voters recently approved a charter change that created the post of ad ministrative assistant to the may or. ?EgjjQHI Penn Blended Whiskey Retail Price 51.95 1*3.15 B Fifths May 8 ? Pfc. Warren C. Day, wlio is stationed at Kort Bragg on ma neuvers. spent the weekend here at his home. Mrs. Olivia l)ay is visiting her son, Virgil, and family in Wash ington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goodwin and children of Morehead Citf* spent Sunday here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodwin. Mrs. Gladys Lupton spent the weekend to Atlantic with relatives. Roland Lupton left Friday for New Bern to visit his brottfer. from there they will go to Norton, Va., for a few days Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Goodwin of Atlantic were visitors here Friday afternoon. Mr. arid Mrs. Walter Goodwin returned home Wednesday from Portsmouth. Va.. and Coin jock, N. C.. where they visited their son and daughter who live there. Wilbert Lewis, Clarence Lewis and Calvin were visitors here Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Lupton of New Bern were visitors here Sat urday morning. ? Karl Daniels of Cherry Point spent the weekend here with his family. Mrs. Madora Day returned home Saturday from New Bern where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Lu ther Lupton, for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Daniels and two children and Mrs. Elmo Lupton and son went to Wilming TVfwj from v LENMOXvIlLE , May 8 Mrs, Julia Fake. who sprut sometime with her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. (it's Me dcn at Jersey City. N. J., and Mr. aitil Mrs. Richard Garvin and fam ily at Kenton, O.. returned home la^t Monday accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. Richard Garvin and two sons, Jimmy anil Hieliard Wes ]rr. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Guthrie oi Morehead City visited Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Willis Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodwin and daughter of Atlantic visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Gla l>s Lupton of Lola .pent Saturday night with her sif ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Daniels. Tomni} Simpson and brother. I awreiice, and William Oglesby of Washington, D. C., visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Wa:s#D of Portland. Maine, who visited her sister and tlfciilv at Jersey City, N. J . and Mi's. Wasson's parents in Indiana, and also spent a week with her sister and family, the Garvins, at KentOn. Ohio, ai rived here last Monday to spend :? month with her mother, Mrs. Julia Pake. ROYAL THEATRE . SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE BRODR1CK CRAWFORD B ADMEN OF TOMBSTONE" GLORIA JEAN ROBERT FORD ill * MANHATTAN ANGEL SUNDAY & MONDAY BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO in IN THE NAVY" OCEAN PARK DRIVE-IN THEATRE Two Milet West of Morehetd City On Route 7? TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY TONIGHT JEANETTE MacDONALB in THE SUN COMES UP" In Technicolor SATURDAY # DOROTHY LAMOUR ? ROBERT MONTGOMERY "TIE" OIL ' FBOff MAUHATTAN" 1-fJNDAY h MONDAY FRANK SINATRA ESTHER WILLIAMS 'TAKE ME OUT TO TIE BALL CANT' - ' ?>'. 1 - 1 ? ton Saturday afternoon to meet Elmo Lupton. who has been work ing at Key West, Kla. He ii home (or two weeks. CITY THEATRE SATURDAY INWBLK FEATURE JOHNNY Mac BROWN ill "SHERIF OF MEDICINE BOW WARHEN IJOt'GLAS in "POST OFFICE INVESTIGATION" SUNDAY & MONDAY JEANNE CRAIN CLIKTON WEBB * 111 "CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN dim sao~ DRIVE-IN THEATRE Highway 70 at Godwin's Restaurant HAVELOCK ? TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY TONIGHT GLENN KOKIi TERRY AIOORE "RETURN OF OCTOBER" Plus Two V'.irtoons SATURDAY INfiRFD KKRtfJrfAN CHARLKS BtiYKR "ARCH OF TRIUMPH" glNDM \ ESTHER Will l A MS PETER 1 AW FORI) * in "ON AN ISLAND WITH YOU" Plus Color Cartoon EAST DRIVE-IN THEATRE One-Half Mile East of Beaufort on Highway- 70 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY ! Also Selected Short Subjects Children Under 12 Admitted Free TONIGHT HUMPHREY BOG ART in ! KNOCK ON ANY DOOR ' SATI BPAV DICK POWEU, JANK GREfcR in "STATION WEST" * ? ?St'M>,\V & MONDAY f. B. DeMILLtS "THE KING Or KINCS* with eighteen itaib BEAUFORT THEATRE THAN EVER! SATURDAY DOUBLE FtATURE CHARLES STARRETT in LARAMIE GLENN LANGAN in ' 'THEASUHE 01' M9RTE CRISTO" i SUNDAY & MONDAY BETTY GRABLE VICTOR MATURE in "WABASH AVENUE"