Services We Render Gutter & Down Spool Cut And Installed Central Heating And Installation "Hoekwool" Insolation "Pyroiax ; Gas Home Appliaicts ran. tubs NIK TO obder Clyde Jm Bas to., lie. Pktat I4MI SMUiwMlll 9tMMttr.EC. Post Office Department issues New Money Order Patrons of more t Hail 42,000 post offices found the new and more convenient money order available Monday morning, July 2, 1931. Post master Genera) Jeste M. Donald son announced. Principal chang es in the new money order sys tem make It pos sible to have a money order cash ed at any of the nation's post of fices or it may be collected through any bank in the same manner ?? the depositing or1 cashing of a / , United States Pastil Hooey Order _ 1-98,765, [MAY M 9 &OU.CCTU I MAY MC CASHED AT ANY POST OFFICCt fti.* TMQUOH AMY rCOCMAi. ftCtCMVK ?AMI# Krt UMIT 4MMMT CMfCMP I1HC3SSE? n 1:91,785,432 United Stttei^r Pojtil Money Or7 ? ?tNT* ( PUR0HAS3|ft'S^RECElP_l i ? J ? k: cLL NOT Wt>7 STAM , SPINDLE 0? MUTILATlf -WA&H t ' -ft A check. The new money order appears in the form of a punched card in stead of the customary paper slip and purchasers will fill out the same form and pay the same fees as has been required in the the past. The regulation that money or ders must be cashed at specific post offices has been eliminated. Under the old system, it will be recalled, a money order had to be cashed in the office to which it was issued. If it were cashed at a post office in another city an ad ditional fee" was charged. Uses New Machines The new system (makes avail able to the post office department the most advanced electronic bus iness machines. One machine has been especially developed for the new money order purposes and it combines all the advantages of the modern proof machine in wide spread use by banks and large de partment stores throughout the country. Another of the principal machines to be used with the new system is the electronic statistical machine, workhorse of the 1950 census tabulation. The postmaster general describ ed the inauguration of the new money order system as the larg est single accounting change ever made in postal history and said, that the development comes after exhaustive study by the post of ft?' 'lepartment, the general accounting office, the treasury department and the federal reserve board. Don't Fold The department urges users to remember that the new money orders must not be folded, stapled, spindled or mutilated in any way ''nee they are to be issued on punch cards and processed by ma chinery. Last year more than 300,000,000 money orders, totaling upward to five billion dollars were issued and paid by the post office department. The new money order system will be under the management and supervision of Assistant Postmas ter General Osborne A. Pearson, who directs the department's bur eau of finance. All new money orders will clear federal reserve banks in the same manner as treasury checks or other cash items. The federal re serve banks will then turn over the paid money orders to the prop er regional post offices. The new money order system is in keeping with the program to modernize and improve the op eration of the postal service, as well as to effect economy and the better to serve the general pub lic, declared Postmaster General Donaldson. Band H GARAGE GEORGE BRIDGERS and JAMIE HARRIS, M jr.. COMPLETE AUTO REPAIHS Phone 6-4500 1302 ARENDELL ST. MOREHEAD CITY ^ , T !? ? State Raises $1,125,000 In 1951 March of Dimes Chapel Hill ? North Carolina raised $1,125,000 in the 1951 March of Dimes drive, $125,000 more than its goal, Mrs. Phillips Russell, state campaign director, announced here today. The final reports are not in yet, she said, and she expects that the complete figure will be substantial ly more than $1,125,000. Mrs. Russell also announced that the March of Dimes for the nation this year yielded $33,263,000, ac cording to figures just received from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in New York. This is an all-time record in con tributions to fight polio, Basil O' Connor, president of the National Foundation, said. The 1051 re sults topped 1950 by eight per cent, he said. He explained that $5,000,000 of the amount raised was owed for patient care given ip 1950 for which National Foundation funds were insufficient. 'Thus," he pointed out. "the National Foundation started 1951 with less money for its services than the successful re sults would indicate." This year, before the advent of the traditional polio season. O' Connor disclosed that the National Foundation already has extended $2,494,073 to 326 chapters, reflect ing the continuing need left by the epidemic of 1950 and those of the two preceding years. Half of this amount? $1,244,257 was required during the month of May. The $30,783,000 contributed dur ing the 1950 March of Dime* a year ago was quickly exhausted by the belated epidemic of 1950, the second worse in history, he ex plained. During the past three years, he added, the nation has suffered its three worst polio out breaks which struck more than 103,000 children and adults, of whom four out of five needed and received help from their National Foundation chapters. Half of all funds raised in the March of Dimes. are retained by the Chapter? for local patient-care or in emergencies to supplement national epidemic aid. The re mainder is used by the national headquarters for emergency help to chapters that have exhausted their funds, for direct epidemic aid to affected areas, for the train ing of professional personnel and for the financing of a nationwide scientific research program. Becrnii, Radio Traiaiag ' Feahvad in USNB Platoon The program of the United States Naval Reserve Volunteer Electron ic platoon was outlined at last Monday night's meeting at the Na val Reserve Electronic station, Camp Glenn. Recruit training and radio train ing are the major phases of the schedule and the two will run con currently. This will enable a man joining the unit to have com pleted basic radio training simul taneously with completion of re cruit training. Drills will be held each Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the electronic sta tion. The next drill will take place Monday night. Retirement points are earned by recruits and men are also entitled to active duty cruises with pay. A recruiting officer will attend Mon day night's meeting. Ant Syrup Yummy Arcadia, Calif. ? (AP) ? "Yum, Yum," said little Carmen, age four. But her mother, Mrs. Anna A. Ayala, suspected something was wrong. Carmen had made a fuss the last time she had to take cough syrup. She took another look at the bottle. It was ant syrup. At the emergency hospital they said Carmen would suffer no 111 effects. POWHID rot THI iO* VALVI-IN-NEAD DESIGN BLUE- FLAM I COMMJSTION ? POWCI-JET CARftURETOI L ONO LASTI NO MAKES BONDED MAKI UNINOS ?AM i^l- I Uok of Him? ?vigmNrM-tn ?conomy fMh;r?i volv?-ln-h?ad ?itgfit? design, Blw?-F1am? com Dutnon, rowtr-jtr carounror ana lonj-rainng bMk?f. Engin*?, dtatti?, cofaf and bodi** m ?> 4* ?|m||Ajl Aa MA aA||AU ||*A Wpiiwli IV VIVnS ?W* iVVIIVf IWfln wWW? Tak? ? Hp fr?m hwck-wiM bwy*rt and ft W|Imiw< l> mnwm. Sm in toon I CHEVROLET AOVANCI ? DISION TRUCKS SOUND CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC Phaw MITI East?* Cinliiu Lumber tefli Below Ceiling Price R4?lfh ? Eutcrn Carol In* lum ber price? are from *9 to ^5 per 1.000 leet below ceiling, the Ral eigh OPS hai announced. A survey of 35 representative firm* ihowed a high rate of com pliance with the record-keeping requirement? of the Genera) Cell ing Price Regulation. There were a few firms whose records were not complete, but sn effort had been made to have the proper In formation available. The survey also revealed an over all surplus of lumber. The only scarcities noted were of certain grades only, and these were eon fined to small local areas. The below - ceiling prices were attribu ted to the slackening of private building. It was the concensus of the interviewed builders that unless an extensive government building program is inaugurated suffic ient scarcities will not develop to channel lumber into black market operations or ceiling price viola tions. ATHlfm FOOT CMRM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONi HOUR. ? AMD, ?Oc tut I nc?ntuat Ion ?41 NOW at Morahead Cltjr Drag sure; Bell'? Draga !? Bcaafort WfflTEWAY HAS "HD-WAY" - ? - ? ! e^I^hSmbS ? MOKEPOKTABILITYlPEKlHOKSeFOWEK iclMOiT_HOK$E?OWERHOUKSjOF.'SERVICE' 4-Cyde Single Cylinder, 2 -Cylinder and V-type 4-Cyl. Barbour's Marine Supply Co. Phone 2-3311 ^ FRONT ST. BEAUFORT, N. C. pfatj 5? IS MOW, 759b OAR DEITUL SHUTS. IK 1 WILKIN FAMILY Ct, JMIUCEtUt. IM. 19 5 1 TAXES MAY BE PAD NOV AT DISCOUNT ' % )r 0 E. O. Moore briar*! Couiy Tax Callaclor